= GD Star Rating = == Change Log == === Version: 1.1.7 / march 10 2009 === * new: more multi set related custom functions * new: default templates inserted into database * edit: saving review editor results * edit: updated and cleaned up database installation * edit: few changes to t2 system * edit: updated missing translation strings * fix: custom review editor function * fix: templates t2 system bugs === Version: 1.1.6 / march 2 2009 === * new: database table for templates * new: aggregated comments for post * new: templates t2 system alpha version * new: tool for editing rating.css file * new: aggregated comments rating settings * new: alternative method for rendering static stars * new: plain stars set * new: cache auto cleanup implemented * edit: reorganized folders and files (again) * edit: setup panel redesigned * edit: expanded gfx generating handler * edit: listed requirements in readme file * edit: improved tinymce plugin dialog * fix: mysql4 varchar limits converted to text columns * fix: saving new multi set and review setting * fix: display rating data with element that has no title * fix: invalid css for comment review stars * fix: edit post multi review bug in ie7 browser === Version: 1.1.5 / february 22 2009 === * new: multi ratings review * new: multi ratings review box on edit page * new: shortcode for multi review * edit: default rating.css file updated * edit: various small improvements * fix: processing new multi set * fix: generating styles for multi sets * fix: editing multi sets * fix: upgrade of multi ratings database table === Version: 1.1.4 / february 16 2009 === * new: star rating default set * new: polish translation * new: linking javascript rating code instead of embeding it * new: multi rating parameter read_only * new: loading of extra css file * new: multi rating vote without button * new: custom multi submit button text * new: additional features settings tab * edit: more changes to plugin front page * edit: updated heading for all admin pages * edit: tinymce plugin improvements * edit: updated icons used in admin panels * edit: updatad powered by button * edit: better stars sets optmization * fix: insert new record into multi_data table * fix: w3c validation problem with javascript * fix: singular/plural votes returned by ajax vote call === Version: 1.1.3 / february 11 2009 === * edit: updated plugin front page * edit: cache notice moved inside the cache tab * edit: more strict important css styles * edit: multi set name and description limited in length * fix: multi rating block rendering when multi rating is disabled * fix: check if wp-content is writable * fix: settings page problem with multi ratings disabled * fix: loader preview backgorund color * fix: deleting multi set after adding new one === Version: 1.1.2 / february 9 2009 === * new: encoding for character set * new: multi sets statistics page per post view * new: multi set support for custom encoding * edit: php multi ratings function expanded with post_id * edit: normalized multi ratings calculations * edit: multi rating will not render for feeds * edit: small changes to plugin admin front page * fix: mkdir warning problem with wp-content not writable * fix: error with including iepngfix * fix: error with saving new multi set === Version: 1.1.1 / february 6 2009 === * new: check safe mode before checking cache folders * edit: database alter added for multi ratings data table * edit: default feed replaced with new feedburner feed * fix: create new record in the database for multi ratings * fix: saving multi rating text template * fix: cache mkdir warning * fix: votes count returend after voting === Version: 1.1.0 / february 5 2009 === * new: post and page multi rating * new: function for manula insertion of multi rating code * new: integrate post rating into rss feed posts * new: cache support and cache cleanup tool * new: auto creating of extra folders * new: rss integration settings * new: rss post rendering template * new: generate rating images * new: gfx get type methods * new: powered by button * new: ajax url now made using siteurl option * new: integrate powered by button in rss feed posts * new: gfx set get path method * new: multi ratings table layout * edit: improved db install procedure * edit: more optimizations to loading of javascript and css rating code * edit: ajax vote now returns value always even for duplicate votes * edit: improved saving vote functions * edit: reorganized templates panel * edit: main class optimizations * edit: skip rendering loaders if voting is not allowed * edit: renaming outside access files * edit: renaming some of the css classes * edit: small improvements to rating block rendering * edit: wp 2.7 plugin menu icon * edit: tinymce plugin icon * edit: various small improvements * fix: stars missing for pages comments rating * fix: rendering of loaders for post and comment rating blocks * fix: small problem with backgound property of rating stars * fix: few more missing translation strings * fix: some settings not saving properly * fix: generating rating images * fix: generating ajax reponse rating for comments * fix: small and rare css bug === Version: 1.0.9 / january 13 2009 === * new: expanded post edit widget * new: multi ratings settings tab * new: multi ratings database tables * new: multi sets weight property for each element * new: latest jquery ui * new: italian datepicker translation * new: generate full rating image methods * new: supports both upper and lower case shortcodes * new: shortcodes expansion added to tinymce plugin * edit: added new official website url * edit: updated inline debug rendering * edit: rewriten main css file (again) produce 20%-30% smaller file * edit: jquery theme for tabs and datepicker * edit: small changes to settings tabs * edit: removed some obsolete functions * edit: few more small changes * edit: updated gdragon lib classes * edit: reorganized css files * edit: some more code cleanup * edit: improved tinymce plugin * edit: improved translation strings * fix: rating loader position * fix: admin settings page problem with IE * fix: moderation check for saving votes * fix: small incompatibility with wordpress 2.5.x * fix: hiding comments options when comments rating is disabled === Version: 1.0.8 / december 29 2008 === * new: parameter minimum votes required for widget and shortcode * edit: improved readme file * edit: various small changes * edit: prepering widget data improved * edit: all custom functions now with phpdoc comments * fix: invalid initialization of settings after reset or remove settings * fix: template panel editing of time restrictions * fix: database install invalid folder name === Version: 1.0.7 / december 22 2008 === * new: rewritten database installation and upgrade * new: function for manual rendering of blog rating widget * new: database upgrade tool * edit: more database calls in debug file * edit: small change in rendering blog rating widget * edit: updated translation strings * edit: improved user votes log * edit: debug and install classes improvements * fix: problems caused by incorrect database upgrade * fix: invalid voting rules voting problem * fix: saving rules and rating from post edit page * fix: default debug file becauase of open_basedir restrictions * fix: tinymce invalid translation string rendering * fix: problem with changing timer and post rating values in post edit === Version: 1.0.6 / december 14 2008 === * new: christmas style stars * new: added italian translation * new: added dashboard widget * new: chart for dashboard with votes distribution * new: import from star rating for review plugin * new: plugin custom actions support * new: auto insert rating for comments for pages * new: option to disable newsfeed update on the front panel * new: functions for getting rating objects * new: included pchart class for charting support * new: wordpress 2.7 navigation icon * edit: post edit box wordpress 2.7 support * edit: improvements to tools panel * edit: debug check vote methods * edit: additional code comments * edit: small css changes for wordpress 2.7 * fix: small visual problems * fix: blog widget control problem * fix: editing comment review style loading === Version: 1.0.5 / december 7 2008 === * new: rating css files joined into one * new: ajax voting nonce security protection * new: please wait message customization with preview * new: various vote waiting animations * new: basic support for qtranslate * new: global debug into file support * new: filter post and comments voters log by vote value * new: filter user vote log by vote value * new: saving debug info for articles and comment votes * new: setup page confirmations * new: debug settings tab * new: percent value for blog rating wiget * edit: code cleanup of the helper classes * edit: updated readme text file * edit: added version to inline debug info * edit: removed obsolete preview code and settings * fix: bottom and hidden rating text layout * fix: default widget template and word vote/votes * fix: widget shortcode rendering with no valid results * fix: problem with anonymous comment authors * fix: blog rating widget no votes value * fix: rare saving comment vote bug * fix: moderation control panel * fix: scan dir for php4 not closing the directory resource === Version: 1.0.4 / november 28 2008 === * new: tools for database cleanup * new: debug info included with each rating block * new: categories panel new column to view category archive * new: articles panel new column to view post or page * new: articles panel shows invalid rated post and comments in yellow * new: sorting for voters log panel * new: masked ip filtering * new: range ip filtering * edit: rewriten and optimized save votes method * edit: improvements to articles and users panels * edit: cleanup tools expanded to include cleanup message * fix: rare saving votes bug * fix: another bug voting cookie check * fix: comments votes panel totals column * fix: deleting votes from voters log minor bug * fix: rating css files validity bug * fix: rendering invalid rating value === Version: 1.0.3 / november 23 2008 === * new: banned ip's db table * new: ip's managment panel * new: ip filtering settings * new: tool for global date based lock * new: tool for global rules change * new: wordpress 2.7 styles for front page * new: main plugin class documented with phpdoc * edit: improved speed and reduced mysql load * edit: changed bot detection * edit: all includes use full path * edit: user ip log panel * edit: users panel improvements * edit: small css changes * fix: saving comment review with empty value * fix: invalid unique ip count for users * fix: voting cookie check * fix: few invalid css classes * fix: various small bugs === Version: 1.0.2 / november 12 2008 === * new: comment review rating * new: edit comment review rating * new: managment for settings for categories * new: users and visitors based rating info * new: multi rating editor * new: more functions to use in the theme * edit: more changes to admin panels and settings * edit: improved saving and handling settings * edit: improved loading of css and js needed * edit: improvement of all standalone functions * fix: wordpress 2.7 improvements * fix: few more typo errors * fix: saving votes into log tables * fix: invalid vote rule check for comments === Version: 1.0.1 / november 5 2008 === * new: top ratings blog summary widget * new: tools panel * new: option to control saving user agent data * new: options to hide even more options on settings pages * edit: improved voting restrictions with ip and cookie * edit: all files encoding changed to utf8 * edit: all files changed to windows ending * fix: invalid default rating for new posts * fix: full deletion of votes * fix: auto insert comments rating * fix: various small bugs === Version: 1.0.0 / october 31 2008 === * new: pumpkin stars set * new: full plugin uninstall * new: rendering time testrictions * new: front page completed * new: voters log panel * edit: more code cleanup * edit: expanded rating text template * edit: translation files updated * fix: time restriction recalculations * fix: rendering rating header html * fix: default shortcode settings * fix: page loading renaming regressions * fix: few more typo errors * fix: default starrating template * fix: some small errors === Version: RC4 / october 28 2008 ===