=== GD Star Rating === Contributors: gdragon Donate link: http://www.gdstarrating.com/donate/ Version: 1.5.4 Tags: vote, ratings, integration, post, page, widget, rating, star, gdragon, ajax, templates, trends, comments, review, multi Requires at least: 2.5 Tested up to: 2.8.1 Stable tag: trunk GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up advanced rating and review system for posts, pages and comments in your blog using single and multi ratings. == Description == GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating and review system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and also add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin. Plugin includes advanced settings panels that will allow you to control many aspects of rating. Plugin also supports multi ratings. = Basic Information = [Features](http://info.dev4press.com/gd-star-rating/features.html) | [Changelog](http://info.dev4press.com/gd-star-rating/changelog.html) | [Translations](http://info.dev4press.com/gd-star-rating/languages.html) = Using the Plugin = [Tutorials](http://www.gdstarrating.com/category/tutorials/) | [Integration Functions](http://info.dev4press.com/gd-star-rating/functions.html) = Planned Features = * Support for custom modules * Expanding export features * More charts and chart caching * WP Super Cache support * Full WordPress MU support == Configuration == Plugin administration consist of 14 main panels: * Front Page: General info about the plugin and links * Builder: Building shortcodes and integration functions * Articles: Votes and ratings for each post and page * Categories: Category based voting rules * Users: Votes organized on user base with IP lookup for each vote * Mulit Sets: Main panel for multiple ratings feature * Settings: All options for this plugin are here * Graphics: Options for setting and preview images for stars, thumbs and trends * Tools: Various tools for cleanup and global updates * IP: Banning IP addresses * T2 Templates: Advananced templates system * Import: Import voting data from other rating plugins * Export: Export rating data and templates to CSV format * Setup: Upgrade and setup options == Installation == = Minimal Requirements = * PHP: 4.4.x or 5.x.x * mySQL: 4.0, 4.1 or 5.x * WordPress: 2.5 or newer = Reccomended Requirements = * PHP: 5.2.x or newer * mySQL: 5.x * WordPress: 2.7 or newer = Browser Notice = * Multi review feature on administration Post Edit page will not work properly with IE6 browsers. = Basic Installation = * Plugin folder in the WordPress plugins folder must be `gd-star-rating`. * Upload `gd-star-rating` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory * Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress * Check all the plugin and plugin widgets settings before using the plugin. = WordPress 2.5.x = * plugin doesn't require any more changes. = WordPress 2.6.x and newer = * if you don't change location of `wp-content` folder, then you don't need to make any more changes. * if your `wp-content` folder is moved out of WordPress web location, then you must edit `config.php` file and set value with exact location of `wp-content` file for `STARRATING_WPCONFIG` in line 3. Without this some plugin feature will not work. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Plugin is not showing rating stars or rating widgets after update? = Check all plugin and plugins widgets settings after update and save them. = Where can I see an example of the plugin? = My Wordpress blog has this plugin installed, so you can see it in action there. = Is there a user guide for this plugin? = Yes, there is a PDF file with detailed explanations on over 30 pages. You can download it from official plugin blog. = I have encountered a potential bug? = Plugin has debug into log file feature built in. Information on activating this can be found in user guide. == Screenshots == 1. Plugin settings General tab 2. Post And Pages Voting And Rating statistics 3. Templates T2 Editor 4. Shortcode/Functions builder 5. Post that uses shortcode with rating stars 6. Example rating stars 7. Example multi rating block == Changelog == = 1.5.4 = * Dashboard widget with latest votes * Improvements to thumbs up/down ratings * Fixed several thumbs up/down related bugs * Fixed few more reported bugs and php notices = 1.5.3 = * First version of thumbs up/down ratings * Added German translation * Fixed few multi rating init problems = 1.5.2 = * Fixed importing data from other rating plugins * Fixed some minor cache and prefetch problems = 1.5.1 = * Cachind and prefetch of data to reduce number of sql queries * Caching of templates to reduce number of sql queries * Number of SQL queries reduced by more than 65% * Few bugs causing additional unneeded SQL queries == Source SVN == * svn checkout http://gd-star-rating.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ gd-star-rating-read-only == Website == * Plugin Home: http://www.gdstarrating.com/ * Feedburner: http://feeds2.feedburner.com/GdStarRating * GDragoN Home: http://www.gdragon.info/ * Dev4Press: http://www.dev4press.com/ == Support == * Twitter: http://twitter.com/gdstarrating * Forum: http://forum.gdragon.info/viewforum.php?f=9 * PDF User Guide: http://www.gdstarrating.com/downloads/user-guide/ * Database Layout: http://code.google.com/p/gd-star-rating/wiki/DatabaseTablesFormat == Communities == * Google Code: http://code.google.com/p/gd-star-rating/ * Ohloh: https://www.ohloh.net/p/gd-star-rating/ * WordPress Extend: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gd-star-rating/ == Thanx To == * Jean-Damien Pogolotti (http://pchart.sourceforge.net/) for pChart