=== Sociable Zyblog Edition === Contributors: TimZ Tags: sociable, social, bookmark, bookmarks, bookmarking, social bookmarking, social bookmarks, posts Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.7 stable tag: 2.0.12 Automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites. == Description == This plugin automatically add links on your posts to popular social bookmarking sites. It is an enhanced version of Peter Harkins Sociable plugin. Aside from small changes to the code I added many new bookmarking services. = Supported Bookmarking Services = Now __*133 social bookmarking services*__ are included! Supported services are: Alltagz, Ask, BarraPunto, blinkbits, BlinkList, Bloglines, blogmarks, BlogMemes, BlogMemes Cn, BlogMemes Fr, BlogMemes Jp, BlogMemes Sp, Blogosphere News, Blogsvine, blogtercimlap, Book.mark.hu, Bumpzee, co.mments, Colivia, connotea, De.lirio.us, del.icio.us, Design Float, Digg, DotNetKicks, DZone, eKudos, email, Facebook, Fark, Faves, feedmelinks, Fleck, Folkd, Furl, Gamebuzz, Global Grind, Google Bookmarks, Gwar, Haohao, HealthRanker, Hemidemi, Hype, IndiaGram, IndianPad, Infopirat, Internetmedia, kick.ie, Kirtsy, Klickts, Laaik.it, Leonaut, Lieblnk, LinkaGoGo, Linkarchiv, Linkarena, LinkedIn, Linkter, Live-MSN, Lufee, Ma.gnolia, Maodi, Meneame, MisterWong, Mixx, muti, MyShare, Myspace, MyTagz, N4G, Netscape, Netselector, Netvouz, newskick, Newsrider, Newstube, NewsVine, NuJIJ, OKnotizie, Oneview, PlugIM, Pownce, ppnow, Print, Propeller, Ratimarks, Readster, Rec6, Reddit, Rojo, SalesMarks, Scoopeo, scuttle, seekXL, Segnalo, SEOigg, Shadows, Simpy, Slashdot, Smarking, Social-Bookmarking.dk, Socialdust, Socializer, Socialogs, SphereIt, Sphinn, Spurl, Squidoo, StumbleUpon, Taggly, TailRank, Tausendreporter, Technorati, ThisNext, TwitThis, Upnews, VoteForIt, Webbrille, Weblinkr, Webnews, Webride, Wikio, Wikio DE, Wikio ES, Wikio FR, Wikio IT, Wikio UK, Wists, Wykop, Xerpi, Yahoo Buzz, YahooMyWeb, YiGG, = Updated Icons = I reviewed most of the original service icons. Now all icons have the same size of 16x16 pixel and are smaller than 1 kb. Every combination of services will now show up as a clean line of icons and will load faster. = Note = It was not my intention to create a fork of the plugin code, but I tried to contact Peter Harkins several times and did not get any reaction from him. == Installation == Install * Unzip the sociable-zyblog-edition.zip file. * Upload the the sociable-zyblog-edition folder (not just the files in it!) in your wp-contents/plugins folder. If you're using FTP, use 'binary' mode. Activate * In your WordPress administration, go to the Plugins page * Activate the Sociable plugin and a subpage for Sociable will appear in your Options menu. Upgrade * First deactivate Sociable * Remove the sociable-zyblog-edition directory * Install and activate the plugin Advanced Users: Sociable hooks `the_content()` and `the_excerpt()` to display without requiring theme editing. To heavily customize the display, use the admin panel to turn off the display on all pages, then add calls to your theme files: `// This is optional extra customization for advanced users // all active sites // only these sites if they are active` == Changelog == Base version was 2.0.2 of Peter Harkins Sociable plugin. Here are my changes: **Added much more services** **Reviewed the images** I added the images for the services above and added the filenames to the required files section in the sociable source code. And I resized some of the old images to be 16x16 pixel. Now every combination of services will show up as a clean line of icons. I did some compression on the larger images to reduce the filesize. Now all images are below 1 kb. **Added new keywords to the service descriptions** `RAW_TITLE` and `RAW_PERMALINK` can be used now for services which require these strings not to be encoded. For example Bloglines, Folkd and MSN-Live. **Edited the german language file** Fixed a typo inside, changed some phrases which were a little bit 'bumpy' in translation and completed the translation. **Changed files** `i18n/sociable-de_DE.mo i18n/sociable-de_DE.po images/* (a lot of files) sociable-zyblog-edition.php` **Changes** * 24.07.07 V2.0.3 new service: SeekXL * 22.08.07 V2.0.4 new service: VoteForIt and rel="nofollow" set for all generated links * 25.09.07 V2.0.5 new service lufee.de, removed update function, bugfix in sociable.css * 29.12.07 V2.0.6 twenty new services * 09.02.08 V2.0.7 some icons caused a validation error * 18.05.08 V2.0.8 initial release on the wordpress plugin directory; renamed the plugin to sociable-zyblog-edition * 16.08.08 V2.0.9 31 new services; a little code cleanup * 14.10.08 V2.0.10 Bugfix; StumbleUpon button is working again * 11.11.08 V2.0.11 Fixes and Updates; 3 new services, now 132 services * 11.01.09 V2.0.12 Added MyTagz and small fix for Scuttle