DavidGerard | FSF can't tell if it's free or not, it's so convoluted | May 10 00:00 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: guide to using Windows Meh CD in Ubuntu: http://helpforlinux.blogspot.com/2009/05/erase-cd-rwdvd-rw-in-ubuntu.html | May 10 00:00 |
ha ha | May 10 00:00 | |
DavidGerard | the patent provsions are *ludicrous* | May 10 00:00 |
DavidGerard | yeah | May 10 00:00 |
DavidGerard | wine was interested because there's a pile of 16-bit conformance tests that gcc chokes on | May 10 00:01 |
DavidGerard | openwatcom would be good | May 10 00:01 |
DavidGerard | but wine won't use it unless it's free software | May 10 00:01 |
DavidGerard | and that license is RIDICULOUS | May 10 00:01 |
DavidGerard | read it | May 10 00:01 |
schestowitz | Ubuntu 9.10 soon available for download (as alpha): http://www.linuxcompatible.org/Ubuntu_9.10_Alpha_1_freeze_ahead_s129055.html | May 10 00:01 |
no thank, I'll stick with kate and kdebg | May 10 00:01 | |
kdbg | May 10 00:01 | |
*schestowitz reads lic | May 10 00:02 | |
DavidGerard | yaaaaaay! i was quite impressed with 9.04 - they managed to not only break wifi (as usual) but actually broke wired networking as well | May 10 00:02 |
will roy laugh or cry | May 10 00:02 | |
schestowitz | "1.8 "Personal Use" means use of Covered Code by an individual solely for his or her personal, private and non-commercial purposes. An individual's use of Covered Code in his or her capacity as an officer, employee, member, independent contractor or agent of a corporation, business or organization (commercial or non-commercial) does not qualify as Personal Use. " | May 10 00:02 |
schestowitz | Et tu, ESR? | May 10 00:03 |
DavidGerard | the patent provisions are the good bit | May 10 00:03 |
DavidGerard | that's what made debian go WHAT HAHAHAHA NO FUCK OFF | May 10 00:03 |
schestowitz | "2. Permitted Uses; Conditions & Restrictions.Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, Sybase hereby grants You, effective on the date You accept this License and download the Original Code, a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license, to the extent of Sybase's Applicable Patent Rights and copyrights covering the Original Code, to do the following: " | May 10 00:03 |
you may use this software in your closet. you may not use it in a closet at work, only in your house. | May 10 00:03 | |
schestowitz | "2.3 You expressly acknowledge and agree that although Sybase and each Contributor grants the licenses to their respective portions of the Covered Code set forth herein, no assurances are provided by Sybase or any Contributor that the Covered Code does not infringe the patent or other intellectual property rights of any other entity. " | May 10 00:04 |
DavidGerard | i mean, if you had a license that said "you may freely study use modify and redistribute if you attach a 100kg gold bar to every copy" that would technically be a free software licence | May 10 00:04 |
any good stuff about "no reverse engineering"? | May 10 00:04 | |
schestowitz | "You hereby grant to Sybase and all third parties a non-exclusive, royalty-free license, under Your Applicable Patent Rights and other intellectual property rights (other than patent) owned or controlled by You, to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, distribute and Deploy Your Modifications of the same scope and extent as Sybase's licenses under Sections 2.1 and 2.2. " | May 10 00:04 |
MinceR | "non-commercial" means it doesn't fit the OSD | May 10 00:04 |
DavidGerard | MinceR: OSI approved it! | May 10 00:04 |
MinceR | well, they're stupid then | May 10 00:04 |
DavidGerard | (me: o_0 ) | May 10 00:04 |
schestowitz | "5. Limitations on Patent License. Except as expressly stated in Section 2, no other patent rights, express or implied, are granted by Sybase herein. Modifications and/or Larger Works may require additional patent licenses from Sybase which Sybase may grant in its sole discretion. " | May 10 00:05 |
schestowitz | Wow. This is creepy | May 10 00:05 |
schestowitz | OSI approved? | May 10 00:05 |
DavidGerard | fsf were interested in debian's reasoning | May 10 00:05 |
DavidGerard | i forwarded the list discussion, but it was basically picking out the stupidest bits and everyone on the list going "HAHAHA" | May 10 00:05 |
schestowitz | DavidGerard: did anyone complain? | May 10 00:05 |
DavidGerard | such a pity, openwatcom would be a great compiler to have in the free world | May 10 00:06 |
DavidGerard | anyone from who? | May 10 00:06 |
DavidGerard | sybase? openwatcom? | May 10 00:06 |
DavidGerard | no | May 10 00:06 |
DavidGerard | that i saw anyway | May 10 00:06 |
schestowitz | Toasting the birthday of the integrated circuit < http://news.cnet.com/8301-11386_3-10237155-76.html >. Just toast the circuit.. install Vista | May 10 00:06 |
MinceR | oh, they do seem to allow commercial use, just differently | May 10 00:07 |
If Vista actually destroyed hardware, you could say it had a purpose. | May 10 00:07 | |
temporarily reducing your computer to a large resistor is not really a use | May 10 00:07 | |
DavidGerard | your computer is just not MANLY enough | May 10 00:08 |
MinceR | it's the Radiator program. | May 10 00:08 |
DavidGerard | twitter: you could further all your aims in the computing world by joining the SAVE VISTA! campaign | May 10 00:08 |
MinceR | it makes your computer convert electricity into heat. | May 10 00:08 |
DavidGerard | really. the more vista, the better for the whole computing world. | May 10 00:08 |
DavidGerard | ( * except microsoft) | May 10 00:08 |
radiators http://www.archive.org/details/Radiators | May 10 00:09 | |
schestowitz | twitter: it almost broke one man's shredder | May 10 00:09 |
I saw the shredder video. | May 10 00:09 | |
schestowitz | the fiend | May 10 00:09 |
"It was install Vista in 2 minutes." | May 10 00:09 | |
schestowitz | could be faster | May 10 00:10 |
schestowitz | no talk | May 10 00:10 |
the guy was really angry and the shredder did stumble | May 10 00:10 | |
schestowitz | sledgehammer.inf for driver | May 10 00:10 |
MinceR | gn | May 10 00:10 |
the rant was better than watching the shiny disk vanish | May 10 00:10 | |
let me see if I can find it. | May 10 00:11 | |
schestowitz | the cd? | May 10 00:11 |
schestowitz | :-)( | May 10 00:11 |
Yes, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVbf9tOGwno | May 10 00:11 | |
schestowitz | did he retuern it to the shop? | May 10 00:12 |
I don't think so. | May 10 00:12 | |
schestowitz | plastic bag with crystals of vista? | May 10 00:12 |
schestowitz | "i comes in 7000 editions | May 10 00:12 |
schestowitz | together they almost make a functional os | May 10 00:13 |
DavidGerard | that video is a thing of beauty | May 10 00:15 |
DavidGerard | i'm posting it to the group | May 10 00:15 |
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-113-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 00:15 | |
3.5 million views already. | May 10 00:15 | |
DavidGerard | http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=83481756967 - just posted it there | May 10 00:15 |
"See, it's not even loading well into this machine" | May 10 00:16 | |
"there we go, it's loaded." | May 10 00:16 | |
"all ready to use. Wonderful" | May 10 00:16 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/4908/86634371.png | May 10 00:17 |
DaemonFC | Virtual Windows 3.11 Mode | May 10 00:17 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 00:17 |
dosbox does that too. | May 10 00:18 | |
run it and you realize the fate of all Windoze software. | May 10 00:18 | |
DaemonFC | to be cloned and run in an emulator 20 years from now? | May 10 00:19 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 00:19 |
DavidGerard | hee | May 10 00:19 |
to be considered worthless | May 10 00:19 | |
DaemonFC | DOS isn't worthless | May 10 00:19 |
Win3.1 is | May 10 00:20 | |
DaemonFC | it's still used for some things | May 10 00:20 |
DaemonFC | if you use Linux, you have to make a DOS boot CD to flash your BIOS | May 10 00:20 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 00:20 |
some people still consider leaches good medicine | May 10 00:20 | |
DavidGerard | "Microsoft does not have Apple’s audience of sophisticated consumers, and it’s ridiculous that the company keeps trying to pretend that it does. Microsoft serves an installed base of cheapskates through a blackmailed array of PC hardware companies who are forbidden from selling alternative software by exclusive licensing contracts. It also services, at very high cost to companies, a large number of corporate cube-holders who have no | May 10 00:20 |
DavidGerard | voice in the technology decisions forced upon them by corporate IT drones." | May 10 00:20 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: what for? | May 10 00:20 |
DavidGerard | hey! | May 10 00:20 |
DavidGerard | windows 3.1 is an ECMA standard! | May 10 00:20 |
DaemonFC | cause BIOS vendors only make Windows flash tools but usually throw in a DOS utility that can do it too | May 10 00:21 |
silentivm | DaemonFC, there are some BIOSes which can be flashed from within Linux | May 10 00:21 |
schestowitz | Huh? | May 10 00:21 |
schestowitz | ECMAsoft? | May 10 00:21 |
silentivm | e.g. on Dell laptops | May 10 00:21 |
DaemonFC | yeah, but I wouldn't buy from Dell | May 10 00:21 |
I wonder if that elevates Win3.1 or demotes OOXML or just put them both on the same level. | May 10 00:21 | |
DaemonFC | since buying an Ubuntu box from Dell funds the MPEGLA cartel | May 10 00:21 |
DaemonFC | and the DVD Forum | May 10 00:21 |
DavidGerard | yeah, win16 is actually standardised | May 10 00:21 |
silentivm | also this: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS4893960926.html?kc=rss | May 10 00:22 |
DavidGerard | ECMA-234 | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | ECMA is no standard | May 10 00:22 |
silentivm | "Flashrom enables BIOS flashing via Linux" | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | It's low standard | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | Like standrad bribery | May 10 00:22 |
DavidGerard | http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-234.htm | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | It's by industry for industry | May 10 00:22 |
DavidGerard | they weren't always as bad as they were with OOXML | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | And fiilled with MS cronies | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | So it's just a marketing stamp | May 10 00:22 |
DaemonFC | You notice how a lot of Microsoft extensions usually come about because there's no standard way of doing something | May 10 00:22 |
DavidGerard | they did a good job on 5-1/4" disk standards | May 10 00:22 |
DaemonFC | enter JSCRIPT | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | That ISO was reduced to the same level is a shame | May 10 00:22 |
schestowitz | [and MS' fault] | May 10 00:22 |
DavidGerard | note the date: dec 1995 | May 10 00:23 |
like M$ Java, FC? | May 10 00:23 | |
DavidGerard | win95 was already out | May 10 00:23 |
DaemonFC | meh, MS JAVA was actually a very good Windows program :) | May 10 00:23 |
DavidGerard | that's why microsoft went "haha, standardise 3.1 if you like" | May 10 00:23 |
DaemonFC | but no, it was not cross platform | May 10 00:23 |
DaemonFC | if you look, they did things like Windows Foundation Classes which sped things up when you went to load interface widgets | May 10 00:24 |
I wonder why 3.1 did not work with DRDOS, if it was all standardized and stuff.... | May 10 00:24 | |
_Hicham_ | MS Java took advantage of some undocumented Windows API | May 10 00:24 |
DaemonFC | JAVA is dog slow | May 10 00:24 |
_Hicham_ | that is why it was performing better | May 10 00:24 |
Vista is too, but I saw your screen shot. | May 10 00:24 | |
DaemonFC | heh | May 10 00:24 |
DaemonFC | Java isn't really important | May 10 00:25 |
_Hicham_ | standardized in MS mean bastardized | May 10 00:25 |
_Hicham_ | Java is very important | May 10 00:25 |
and marketed | May 10 00:25 | |
DavidGerard | DaemonFC: in what context? | May 10 00:25 |
DaemonFC | nothing uses JAVA | May 10 00:25 |
DavidGerard | what?! | May 10 00:26 |
_Hicham_ | it is one of the key elements | May 10 00:26 |
woops | May 10 00:26 | |
_Hicham_ | haha | May 10 00:26 |
DaemonFC | you can go without it and not even miss out on anything | May 10 00:26 |
DavidGerard | in the commercial world, java is THE platform | May 10 00:26 |
_Hicham_ | nice one frome DaemonFC | May 10 00:26 |
shame | May 10 00:26 | |
_Hicham_ | go without Java? | May 10 00:26 |
_Hicham_ | haha | May 10 00:26 |
even twitter knows better | May 10 00:26 | |
_Hicham_ | really great | May 10 00:26 |
DaemonFC | but if you install JAVA, suddenly it wants like several hundred megs of disk space | May 10 00:26 |
DaemonFC | and it installs new system services without asking | May 10 00:26 |
DavidGerard | the reason it's used in the commercial world is that it's ridiculously easy to program in/for | May 10 00:27 |
DaemonFC | and opens you up to hundreds of security problems | May 10 00:27 |
MinceR | i'd call apple drones many things, but "sophisticated consumer" isn't one of them. | May 10 00:27 |
DavidGerard | and then you throw hardware at it | May 10 00:27 |
people who use Windows should be used to all of that | May 10 00:27 | |
DavidGerard | this is how it actually works | May 10 00:27 |
huggs | May 10 00:27 | |
DavidGerard | usually on linux, the sun hardware is not cost effective | May 10 00:27 |
oh? | May 10 00:27 | |
DaemonFC | yeah, SPARC and IA-64 are on borrowed time | May 10 00:27 |
pitty why are they expensive? | May 10 00:28 | |
_Hicham_ | Python is underestimated in Enterprise World | May 10 00:28 |
sparc, not IA64 | May 10 00:28 | |
DaemonFC | well, the whole idea about having customized hardware like Sun does is so you can sell people on super neat software to go with it | May 10 00:28 |
_Hicham_ | I don't see why people favor Java | May 10 00:28 |
sun used to be computationally efficient | May 10 00:28 | |
DaemonFC | but X86-64 and Linux do the same things much cheaper | May 10 00:29 |
_Hicham_ | Java is lots of headaches comparted to Python | May 10 00:29 |
DaemonFC | or at least well enough to not be able to jsutify expensive Sun boxes and Solaris | May 10 00:29 |
ARM, AMD and PowerPC are all more energy efficient than Intel. | May 10 00:29 | |
I thought sparc was too. | May 10 00:30 | |
DaemonFC | by refusing to open source Solaris much sooner, Sun effectively said they were going to try to be a small development firm in a big world | May 10 00:30 |
at that rate, it's just a matter of selling the hardware cheap enough | May 10 00:30 | |
_Hicham_ | ARM is Intel's killer | May 10 00:30 |
It bugged me to see Apple move from PowerPC. | May 10 00:30 | |
DavidGerard | sun sells cost-effectvie x86 hardware now | May 10 00:30 |
DaemonFC | IA-64 is in the wrong ballpark | May 10 00:31 |
DavidGerard | it's very nice actually | May 10 00:31 |
DaemonFC | the whole point is that the hardware is an after thought | May 10 00:31 |
DaemonFC | you basically give that away | May 10 00:31 |
DavidGerard | the x4600 is a goddamn beast machine | May 10 00:31 |
DaemonFC | in an effort to sell expensive support contracts for the software | May 10 00:31 |
DavidGerard | in fact we have suns running linux and dells running solaris ;-) | May 10 00:31 |
DavidGerard | sun's support is pretty good too | May 10 00:31 |
DaemonFC | and that line of thinking doesn't work as well as it used to | May 10 00:31 |
DavidGerard | dell's server support is damn fine, their boxes are not as good as i'd like though | May 10 00:31 |
There are a couple of boxes like that where I work. X86 with OpenSolaris. It's nice to see all the GNU tools there. | May 10 00:31 | |
DavidGerard | this is straight closed solaris 10 | May 10 00:32 |
DaemonFC | Dell Support for consumers is all farmed out to the third world | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | but dell is a supported platform | May 10 00:32 |
DaemonFC | and they won't even support Ubuntu | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | bugger consumers. we pay for proper support and get it. | May 10 00:32 |
DaemonFC | they make you buy separate support | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | server support is like a different company. | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | their consumer kit is candy floss. | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | my last work dell laptop was a latitude d610 | May 10 00:32 |
DavidGerard | literally every part of it was replaced except the memory and the lcd | May 10 00:33 |
DavidGerard | literally. | May 10 00:33 |
ouch | May 10 00:33 | |
DavidGerard | that said, i still want an inspiron mini 9 | May 10 00:33 |
DavidGerard | i'm a sucker for gadgets | May 10 00:33 |
why not get an iphone? ha ha | May 10 00:33 | |
DavidGerard | tell you what, if an ipod touch cost half what it does i'd have one | May 10 00:34 |
DavidGerard | it's actually usable as a casual browser | May 10 00:34 |
yes, it is. | May 10 00:34 | |
DavidGerard | its raison d'etre is (1) casual web browsing (2) music | May 10 00:34 |
DavidGerard | i have a phone for phone calls | May 10 00:34 |
DavidGerard | that said | May 10 00:34 |
the crime is how long it took for someone to sell one in the US and how limited the competition is still. | May 10 00:34 | |
DaemonFC | Microsoft thinks they're going to bput Windows 7 Starter on netboox | May 10 00:34 |
DaemonFC | *netbooks | May 10 00:34 |
DavidGerard | i'm stealing my wife's nokia 5800 to use it as an mp3 player | May 10 00:34 |
DaemonFC | and people will throw down XP for that | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | windows 7 is really not all that bad | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | it benchmarks as slow as vista | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | but the interface is much more responsive | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | and a bit more consistent in design | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | the trouble is | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | there's no reason for people to want it. | May 10 00:35 |
DaemonFC | you can improve on Vista with vLite | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | yeah | May 10 00:35 |
DavidGerard | win7 is ehh okay | May 10 00:35 |
you can improve a sharp stick in the eye by pulling it out. | May 10 00:36 | |
DavidGerard | but it's unfortunate that basically, there's no reason for anyone to want this thing. | May 10 00:36 |
DavidGerard | it's really quite usable in my experience | May 10 00:36 |
DavidGerard | (a vm where i gave it 512MB) | May 10 00:36 |
DaemonFC | http://www.vlite.net/img/shots/ss4.png | May 10 00:36 |
DavidGerard | but very fat and slow and thirsty | May 10 00:36 |
DaemonFC | B-) | May 10 00:36 |
DavidGerard | DaemonFC: referrer error | May 10 00:37 |
DaemonFC | http://www.vlite.net/about.html | May 10 00:37 |
DaemonFC | 4th image down | May 10 00:37 |
DavidGerard | ok that works :-) | May 10 00:37 |
DavidGerard | ahhahahaa | May 10 00:37 |
DaemonFC | if you take out Application Experience, a lot of XP-era software will start fucking up | May 10 00:38 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 00:38 |
you people are sick | May 10 00:39 | |
DavidGerard | brb | May 10 00:39 |
DaemonFC | it's basically a set of compatibility shims that make Vista behave more like XP would | May 10 00:39 |
DaemonFC | on programs that are known to break on Vista | May 10 00:39 |
why do you know these things? | May 10 00:39 | |
DaemonFC | hehe | May 10 00:40 |
DaemonFC | there's a lot of fluff you can safely remove from XP or Vista | May 10 00:42 |
DaemonFC | it's possible to get an XP ISO to 250 megs without removing anything real important | May 10 00:42 |
*mib_32636w (i=c92b97fc@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-85cbd23b050bc9dd) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 00:43 | |
*mib_32636w is now known as seller_liar | May 10 00:43 | |
DavidGerard | i think it's useful to know what windows 7 is actually like when criticising it | May 10 00:45 |
DavidGerard | now if only we could get the windows shills to download ubuntu and try it | May 10 00:45 |
DaemonFC | meh, more incompatible software | May 10 00:45 |
DavidGerard | there's a slashdot troll who keeps saying that | May 10 00:45 |
DaemonFC | more incompatible hardware | May 10 00:45 |
DavidGerard | i wonder if he's a double troll | May 10 00:45 |
DaemonFC | each release of Windows basically provides hardware makers an excuse to let all their old drivers break | May 10 00:45 |
DaemonFC | so they can refuse to make new versions and sell you more hardware | May 10 00:46 |
You can criticize Windows 7 based on it's licensing and the performance issues other people report. | May 10 00:47 | |
DaemonFC | so you have to figure in not only the Windows license cost | May 10 00:47 |
DaemonFC | but all the hardware you have to throw away | May 10 00:47 |
*seller_liar has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 00:47 | |
*mib_aagqan (i=c92b97fc@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-f0855eece6f3ed8f) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 00:47 | |
DavidGerard | twitter: actually using it is something that is not a replaceable experience | May 10 00:47 |
DavidGerard | like criticising apple kit based on the feature list and bill of materials | May 10 00:48 |
DavidGerard | that's not what they're selling | May 10 00:48 |
yes, you never get the time back :) | May 10 00:48 | |
DavidGerard | heh | May 10 00:48 |
*kentma (n=user@ellandroad.demon.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 00:48 | |
DavidGerard | i'll happily acknowledge win7's strengths | May 10 00:48 |
DavidGerard | but that just makes its failure even tastier | May 10 00:48 |
I don't need to use Windows 7 to know that it's basically like any other versions of Windows with more restrictions crammed on. | May 10 00:48 | |
DavidGerard | there is that ;-) | May 10 00:49 |
DavidGerard | i don't even begrudge it being a fat bastard for the shiny interface | May 10 00:49 |
DavidGerard | kde and gnome are goddamn fat as well for the same reason | May 10 00:49 |
DavidGerard | the issue is of course that with those you have a choice | May 10 00:49 |
choice and performance | May 10 00:49 | |
DavidGerard | masses of cpu and memory on a shiny interface are in fact the most appropriate possible use for the byproducts of moore's law | May 10 00:49 |
DavidGerard | kde4 is fat and slow, but i'm not voluntarily going back to kde3 | May 10 00:50 |
DavidGerard | cos kde4 is loooovely | May 10 00:50 |
you can run compiz fusion on hardware that XP has trouble on. | May 10 00:50 | |
E17 is lovely | May 10 00:50 | |
DavidGerard | i'm blaming the intel 965 driver on this laptop | May 10 00:50 |
DavidGerard | whiz bang 3d interfaces are actually a good and important idea | May 10 00:50 |
DavidGerard | apple was right. gnome was right. kde was right. | May 10 00:51 |
why not spend your time learning, loving and fixing E17 instead of suffering with Vista 7? | May 10 00:51 | |
DavidGerard | but being pretty (at last! imagine, a microsoft os that's actually pretty!) is not going to save win7. | May 10 00:51 |
DavidGerard | i was actually trying to compile wine on it. | May 10 00:51 |
DavidGerard | that was my reason for trying it. | May 10 00:51 |
Vista is butt ugly. | May 10 00:51 | |
DavidGerard | nah, vista is pretty until you try using it | May 10 00:51 |
the buttons are hideous | May 10 00:52 | |
that stands out right away. | May 10 00:52 | |
DavidGerard | when i had to install a camera driver cd on a friend's vista laptop from the command line because the explorer window REFUSED to acknowledge the software folder existed ... | May 10 00:52 |
DavidGerard | that was special | May 10 00:52 |
why did they cut the buttons in half? It's not like they had a screen space issue. | May 10 00:52 | |
*mib_1l0owm (i=c352a48c@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-69ed8647a3da5e33) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 00:53 | |
I have to use Office 2007 from time to time. It is also butt ugly. | May 10 00:53 | |
I hate that stupid button in the corner and how it glowers red and gold at you. | May 10 00:53 | |
It's like a red hot poker in your face. | May 10 00:53 | |
I'll take KDE 3.5 over that mess. | May 10 00:54 | |
DavidGerard | you poor soul | May 10 00:54 |
No, the usability issues are in the details. | May 10 00:55 | |
KDE rocks for that. | May 10 00:55 | |
DavidGerard | yes, yes it does | May 10 00:55 |
DavidGerard | pity no-one's particularly interested in maintaining 3.5 | May 10 00:55 |
file dialogs that make sense and have a good memory stands out. | May 10 00:55 | |
DavidGerard | (i mean, anyone who's actually prepared to do the hard labour, not just complain) | May 10 00:55 |
DavidGerard | when moving people off windows xp, kde 3.5 is just the thing for them | May 10 00:56 |
I'd rather put my time into KDE 4. | May 10 00:56 | |
DavidGerard | it's like xp but it works and makes sense | May 10 00:56 |
DavidGerard | precisely | May 10 00:56 |
DavidGerard | IME kde4 just confuses them | May 10 00:56 |
DavidGerard | 4.2 isn't quite windows-refugee-ready yet | May 10 00:56 |
4 will have the same usability in the end | May 10 00:56 | |
DavidGerard | for sure | May 10 00:56 |
DavidGerard | heh | May 10 00:56 |
so it's better to help it out. 3.5 works fine. | May 10 00:56 | |
DavidGerard | i used to get confused between my kde 3.5 laptop and my win2k work desktop | May 10 00:57 |
how? | May 10 00:57 | |
DavidGerard | i'd wonder why something wasn't on one which actually belonged to the other | May 10 00:57 |
DavidGerard | because the interfaces are very similar, and in both i basically spent my time in firefox and vlc | May 10 00:57 |
DavidGerard | at that level the os is a minor detail | May 10 00:57 |
Every day I miss Konqueror. | May 10 00:57 | |
DavidGerard | operating systems are basically uninteresting and *should* be basically uninteresting | May 10 00:58 |
DavidGerard | no-one runs an os. they run apps. | May 10 00:58 |
C: | May 10 00:58 | |
DavidGerard | konq is my very favourite file browser ever. | May 10 00:58 |
that's all I have to say about that. | May 10 00:58 | |
DavidGerard | kde4 konq is still not up to kde3 konq | May 10 00:58 |
You can't make that kind of thing easy to use. It's a mess and will always be insane. | May 10 00:58 | |
DavidGerard | as a file browser | May 10 00:58 |
DavidGerard | no indeed | May 10 00:59 |
DavidGerard | explorer is horrible because it exposes a horrible system | May 10 00:59 |
DavidGerard | (as well as being horrible anyway) | May 10 00:59 |
the OS makes a difference because it is poorly organized and insane. | May 10 00:59 | |
DavidGerard | yes, it makes a difference | May 10 00:59 |
DavidGerard | but it's not the point of the exercise | May 10 00:59 |
*liberfiasco is now known as libervisco | May 10 00:59 | |
When you have real work to do in different places on a network, getting to them is really the point. | May 10 00:59 | |
DavidGerard | most of the time i just care that i'm on a unix. | May 10 01:00 |
Konq does that fantastically. | May 10 01:00 | |
DavidGerard | whether it's ubuntu or red hat or centos or mac os x or freebsd makes very little difference | May 10 01:00 |
Windows is insane and periodically forgets everything. | May 10 01:00 | |
DavidGerard | or even cygwin come to that | May 10 01:00 |
DavidGerard | at work we are cursed with some windows servers | May 10 01:00 |
DavidGerard | for proprietary software we can't get away from | May 10 01:00 |
*mib_aagqan has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 01:00 | |
put a dunce cap on it and stick it in the corner. | May 10 01:01 | |
DavidGerard | we have increased their sanity level considerably by installing cygwin on all of them and starting sshd | May 10 01:01 |
oh, don't go there. | May 10 01:01 | |
DavidGerard | this means we can do things like run bash scripts as nagios plugins for monitoring | May 10 01:01 |
DavidGerard | we can't get rid of the damn things, this makes things so much less worse | May 10 01:01 |
I hope you have a special password for all the Windows boxes. | May 10 01:01 | |
DavidGerard | yeah, 'password123' | May 10 01:01 |
DavidGerard | cough | May 10 01:01 |
that is more secure than using a real one. | May 10 01:02 | |
DavidGerard | this is on a severely isolated intranet | May 10 01:02 |
good | May 10 01:02 | |
Roy's hospital stories make me cringe. | May 10 01:02 | |
DavidGerard | cygwin on all winders boxes and sshd enabled makes windows barely tolerable in a real working environment | May 10 01:02 |
DavidGerard | we use linux and solaris for the real work | May 10 01:03 |
DavidGerard | some old sol9/sparc and fedora core 3 | May 10 01:03 |
DaemonFC | password123 | May 10 01:03 |
DaemonFC | Windows: You need to capitalize at least one letter | May 10 01:03 |
DavidGerard | but the new stuff is all rhel4/centos4 and sol10 on x86-64 | May 10 01:03 |
DaemonFC | User: Password123 | May 10 01:03 |
*kentma1 has quit (Connection timed out) | May 10 01:03 | |
pASSword123 | May 10 01:04 | |
DavidGerard | windows password rules are such a ridiculous nuisance for so little effect | May 10 01:04 |
DavidGerard | so - if you're stuck with windows, quit and become a bum. if you can't do that, install cygwin on them all. | May 10 01:04 |
it's a show, not a feature | May 10 01:05 | |
DavidGerard | and enable sshd. | May 10 01:05 |
DaemonFC | http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10236815-93.html | May 10 01:05 |
DaemonFC | Google Chrome ads coming to TV | May 10 01:05 |
DavidGerard | http://notnews.today.com/2009/05/07/debian-forks-glibc-over-drepper/computer-bum/ | May 10 01:05 |
DavidGerard | yeah | May 10 01:06 |
DavidGerard | they're desperate to get uptake on that thing | May 10 01:06 |
DavidGerard | it's a really nice browser actually. i really wish the linux version worked properly. i'd use it by preference. lack of adblock and all. | May 10 01:06 |
DavidGerard | it really is wicked fast | May 10 01:06 |
DavidGerard | i'm surprised it's got no mindshare | May 10 01:07 |
DavidGerard | i guess the magic 'g' brandname isn't all that instant success | May 10 01:07 |
another non free browser, who cares? | May 10 01:07 | |
DavidGerard | chromium, the unbranded version, is free | May 10 01:07 |
we will see if it succeeds when they push out Android. | May 10 01:07 | |
DavidGerard | chrome is chromium with branding | May 10 01:07 |
I see. Interesting. | May 10 01:08 | |
Most people don't care, so they will just use chrome on Android. | May 10 01:09 | |
They might try it on Windows. Anything is better than IE. | May 10 01:09 | |
DavidGerard | "We are so, so happy with Google Chrome. That most of our income is from Google has no bearing on me making this statement." - John Lilly, Mozilla (through gritted teeth). | May 10 01:10 |
DavidGerard | "Browsers don't need to be integrated with online apps. Certainly not like the operating system ... I'll just get back to you." - Ian Moulster, Microsoft IE Team. | May 10 01:10 |
DavidGerard | "We're Google. We know where you live. In a completely not evil way. Sponsored link: Get Chrome Browsers on google.com. Or we'll make you use Windows Live." - Larry Page. | May 10 01:10 |
ha ha | May 10 01:10 | |
Your twisted sense of humor comes from running twisted software. | May 10 01:11 | |
DavidGerard | hah! | May 10 01:12 |
DavidGerard | windows live search is being largely replaced with lucene! | May 10 01:12 |
DavidGerard | http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-10235400-16.html | May 10 01:12 |
DavidGerard | they're kicking out the present team for powerset | May 10 01:12 |
DavidGerard | who are doing the kumo project | May 10 01:12 |
DavidGerard | largely rebranding lucene | May 10 01:12 |
*DavidGerard finds this deeply hilarious on many levels | May 10 01:12 | |
DavidGerard | lucene is written in java. hosted by apache foundation. | May 10 01:13 |
DavidGerard | there's a c# version but it runs at half the speed. | May 10 01:13 |
*mib_wxv5lr (i=4424112a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ad1ea64803a4d56c) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 01:13 | |
DavidGerard | oh that's just precious. | May 10 01:13 |
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | May 10 01:14 | |
*mib_wxv5lr has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 01:14 | |
it is amazing | May 10 01:14 | |
DavidGerard | twitter: you should go back and read john lilly's blog post aroudn the time of chrome. that's more or less what he said. man, if someone ever wrote a blog post with his testicles in a vice. | May 10 01:15 |
DavidGerard | and the "Browsers don't need to be integrated with online apps" is a word for word quote from moulster. | May 10 01:15 |
I'll believe they are using and making free software, not "open source", when I see it. | May 10 01:15 | |
DavidGerard | microsoft distributes gpl software | May 10 01:15 |
DavidGerard | large chunks of interix | May 10 01:15 |
DavidGerard | they obey the licence and all | May 10 01:15 |
DavidGerard | they just don't ever, EVER talk about it | May 10 01:16 |
and coat it with poison, I'm sure. | May 10 01:16 | |
DavidGerard | well, it's crappy to use | May 10 01:16 |
when M$ is serious about free software, Windows will be GPL'd | May 10 01:16 | |
DavidGerard | they make gnu software feel like unix from the 1990s | May 10 01:16 |
DaemonFC | Chrome and IE 8 do both beat Firefox on one thing | May 10 01:16 |
DavidGerard | painful and command line and crappy | May 10 01:16 |
DaemonFC | Firefox is still a single-process single-threaded application | May 10 01:17 |
DavidGerard | but interix could pass open group certification pretty easily if microsoft had a business reason to get windows declared unix | May 10 01:17 |
DavidGerard | imo | May 10 01:17 |
DaemonFC | IE 8 and Chrome can resurrect a tab that crashes | May 10 01:17 |
DaemonFC | in Firefox, this takes out the whole browser | May 10 01:17 |
DavidGerard | yeah. i've wished for that for firefox since about 1.5. | May 10 01:17 |
As M$'s revenues tank, they will have plenty of business reasons to rethink their business. | May 10 01:18 | |
bbl, it's dinner time. | May 10 01:18 | |
DavidGerard | they dont' have a replacement for ballmer. | May 10 01:18 |
DavidGerard | just imagine: every possible replacement is *worse*. | May 10 01:18 |
DaemonFC | meh, most of the damage to Microsoft's stock could no thave been avoided with the stock market working the way it does | May 10 01:18 |
*dodont (i=4424112a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-884ef527d3e35a4d) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 01:18 | |
DaemonFC | speculative pricing is what's killing their stock, not assets or net worth | May 10 01:19 |
DavidGerard | every exec with talent is getting the fuck out | May 10 01:19 |
DavidGerard | (as well as ones without talent. leaving ms is not a sign of talent.) | May 10 01:19 |
*DavidGerard is off to bed now | May 10 01:19 | |
DavidGerard | night all | May 10 01:19 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft knows what they're doing | May 10 01:19 |
DaemonFC | whether that's a good thing for everyone else is not related to that | May 10 01:20 |
DavidGerard | DaemonFC: they think they do. evidence: vista. zune. | May 10 01:20 |
*DavidGerard has quit ("Leaving") | May 10 01:20 | |
DaemonFC | meh, XP didn't have strong numbers for a while and everyone was staying with 98 because the transition was painful | May 10 01:20 |
DaemonFC | but after enough people go to the next version and Microsoft stops making any updates for the one you're on | May 10 01:21 |
DaemonFC | they pick you up and the rest of the stragglers | May 10 01:21 |
DaemonFC | if you want to see an OS that's painful to do anything with, look at NT 4 | May 10 01:22 |
DaemonFC | but you still see some businesses that use it | May 10 01:22 |
DaemonFC | businesses inherently want to put something in place and forget about it | May 10 01:22 |
DaemonFC | because they're talking thousands of licenses, thousands of machines to maintain, etc. | May 10 01:23 |
*mib_1l0owm has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 01:24 | |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: NT 4 SP6 is only 40 megs | May 10 01:25 |
DaemonFC | and was cumulative | May 10 01:25 |
DaemonFC | that kind of made me laugh | May 10 01:25 |
DaemonFC | Vista SP2 is over 750 megs | May 10 01:26 |
DaemonFC | and requires SP1 | May 10 01:26 |
DaemonFC | the development method behind Chrome is kind of impressive | May 10 01:29 |
DaemonFC | really I see Webkit taking over the world | May 10 01:32 |
DaemonFC | it's more efficient and the source is cleaner and easier to understand than Mozilla Gecko | May 10 01:32 |
*dodont has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 01:37 | |
Balrog | DaemonFC: doesn't Webkit have more exploitable bugs? | May 10 01:48 |
Balrog | (or that's what I hear) | May 10 01:48 |
DaemonFC | no | May 10 01:48 |
DaemonFC | if anything, the design of Gecko more closely resembles that of Internet Explorer's Trident | May 10 01:49 |
DaemonFC | than any other engine out there | May 10 01:49 |
DaemonFC | it doesn't actually replicate every bad design decision of MSIE | May 10 01:49 |
DaemonFC | but it's too close for comfort | May 10 01:50 |
DaemonFC | and even Microsoft has been moving away from some of the bad things they used to do that Firefox still does | May 10 01:50 |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 01:53 | |
oiaohm | http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/should-software-developers-be-liable-their-code This is interesting. | May 10 01:55 |
*libervisco has quit ("Leaving") | May 10 02:02 | |
*libervisco (n=libervis@93-141-116-186.adsl.net.t-com.hr) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 02:06 | |
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*mib_ncccpf has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 02:08 | |
Yeah FC, M$FT might not be trading at less than half their Y2K value today if they had a product people liked. | May 10 02:08 | |
XP bombed then Vista bombed even worse. | May 10 02:08 | |
oiaohm | XP really did not bomb. | May 10 02:09 |
oiaohm | Its still sold well. | May 10 02:09 |
no? It took about 3 years for it to reach 50% of their users. | May 10 02:09 | |
People hated it but bought it because they thought they had no choice. It only looks good next to Vista. | May 10 02:10 | |
oiaohm | It takes on adverage 3 years for most comonallly used applications to move. | May 10 02:11 |
High sales for Apple and good GNU/Linux use are the result of it all. People are concluding, after eight years, that M$ is not going to make a better version of Windows. | May 10 02:11 | |
the trend of increasing resistance for M$ is undeniable, ohm. | May 10 02:12 | |
another sign of their problems is their stagnant and now declining revenue. | May 10 02:12 | |
oiaohm | XP pro had downgrade rights. | May 10 02:13 |
XP enjoyed some of it's sales from actual computer use growth. | May 10 02:13 | |
oiaohm | Those downgrade rights have been rarely used. | May 10 02:13 |
oiaohm | Vista downgrade rights are getting used like its going out of fassion. | May 10 02:14 |
there's not much of that left and M$ growth has lagged PC market growth. | May 10 02:14 | |
oiaohm | When people are resorting to using downgrade rights you have bombed. | May 10 02:14 |
oiaohm | Like windows Me another bomb. | May 10 02:14 |
oiaohm | Users with using downgrade rights to windows 98 se. | May 10 02:14 |
No, ME bombed because people had "standardized on 98" | May 10 02:15 | |
oiaohm | Did you ever use ME. | May 10 02:15 |
My mom used ME for five years. It was shit but no more than any other version of Winblows. | May 10 02:15 | |
oiaohm | All bar a rare combination it would crash without notice remove applications you installed. | May 10 02:15 |
I never saw that, but I can believe it. My mom's computer came from Dell and she used it like it came. | May 10 02:16 | |
oiaohm | Basically not usable. You might have been on the the lucky ones on the rare combination of hardware that it did. | May 10 02:16 |
As painful as that was, it was nothing special in the world of Windows. | May 10 02:16 | |
oiaohm | It was the only OS where MS has been force by consumer support to send windows 98 se disk with key for nothing to effected users. | May 10 02:17 |
XP crashes on me daily. My favorite error message is when it kills Explorer. | May 10 02:17 | |
oiaohm | Dell machines most of them the right combination of hardware to run ME. | May 10 02:17 |
oiaohm | If you hardware combination was minorally out ME was dead man walking. | May 10 02:17 |
An operating system should not require hardware voodoo like that, especially when you are M$ monopoly and everyone writes stuff for you anyway. | May 10 02:18 | |
My overall conclusion is that ME simply failed to gain "critical mass" | May 10 02:18 | |
XP came close to that itself | May 10 02:19 | |
Vista has set new definitions of bomb | May 10 02:19 | |
oiaohm | How are you going to get critical mass when 85 percent of all x86 hardware out there would not run it correctly. | May 10 02:19 |
oiaohm | ME getting critical mass was impossiable. | May 10 02:19 |
critical mass is when everyone else makes sure it works. | May 10 02:19 | |
oiaohm | ME crash handling made it worse. | May 10 02:20 |
that's the secret of the M$ monopoly. it only works because everyone thinks it does and contributes. | May 10 02:20 | |
oiaohm | The back ported roll back system from 2000 was highly likely to roll everything back. | May 10 02:20 |
when they don't, you get shit like Vista | May 10 02:20 | |
oiaohm | It also does not help that ME was developed in 6 months. | May 10 02:20 |
oiaohm | Games would not work on windows 2000 so MS did a rushed back port of features to windows 98 and called it ME. | May 10 02:21 |
M$ relies on the community just as much as any other distribution. | May 10 02:21 | |
oiaohm | Its scarry how closed Vista got to being as bad as ME. | May 10 02:21 |
Sure, M$ can screw things up a little more. Dumping XP's driver model is a good example of how M$ can sabotage itself. DRM is another. | May 10 02:22 | |
oiaohm | Vista was planed for years. | May 10 02:22 |
oiaohm | ME being a rush job stuff you can justify. | May 10 02:23 |
Windows code is just recycled crap they've always had. None of it is ever a rewrite and none of it is ever much better than the last version. It's all the same. | May 10 02:23 | |
This is why exploits always work back several generations, XP, 98, 95, as far back as anyone cares to look. | May 10 02:23 | |
oiaohm | 95 windows 3.11 there is a break. | May 10 02:24 |
I'm not sure of that even. | May 10 02:24 | |
they carried a lot of DOS into 95 | May 10 02:24 | |
*Balrog has quit () | May 10 02:24 | |
oiaohm | win32s did not contain any OS secuirty in windows 3.11 | May 10 02:24 |
there is no Windows security | May 10 02:25 | |
oiaohm | There is a little. | May 10 02:25 |
oiaohm | NT design does contain well designed secuirty. | May 10 02:25 |
oiaohm | But windows installs don't use it. | May 10 02:25 |
they've claimed "protection" against viruses, data loss and other nasties all the way back to DOS days but never delivered | May 10 02:25 | |
NT is a VMS rip off. I'm sure VMS was more reasonable and better designed. | May 10 02:26 | |
oiaohm | NT design could be configured like a Unix services could be run as the own users and so on. | May 10 02:26 |
anything would be better | May 10 02:26 | |
oiaohm | MS chooses not to. | May 10 02:26 |
oiaohm | So servers run as | May 10 02:26 |
oiaohm | System that is basically root user on NT. | May 10 02:27 |
oh well | May 10 02:27 | |
oiaohm | NT secuirty case is not that the design is flawed. It is implementation. | May 10 02:27 |
oiaohm | You can have the best OS secuirty design in the world if you stuff its implementation up its useless. | May 10 02:28 |
they chose the way they did things | May 10 02:28 | |
a plan of implementation is also known as a design | May 10 02:29 | |
oiaohm | XP went a step deeper into hell. | May 10 02:29 |
Windows is defective by design. | May 10 02:29 | |
oiaohm | XP removed data protection into direct X drivers for speed so adding quite a few secuirty holes. That alteration does go against NT base design. | May 10 02:30 |
oiaohm | twitter from a secuirty point of view implementation and design are two different things. | May 10 02:31 |
not when the implementer is also the designer | May 10 02:31 | |
oiaohm | selinux maybe be well designed but if I apply allow all rules disabling it I have made a implementation flaw. | May 10 02:31 |
especially when only M$ is able to make the choices | May 10 02:31 | |
oiaohm | This case inside windows the designer and implementer are different people. | May 10 02:32 |
that's not implementation anymore, it's design. | May 10 02:32 | |
DaemonFC | I like how they threw in so many unprofessional things into XP Professional | May 10 02:33 |
users care precious little about what the designers wrote on a chalk board if none of it shows up in what they have on their desk. | May 10 02:33 | |
DaemonFC | and scattered them out into 100 settings the user has to fish around for | May 10 02:33 |
oiaohm | Catch is I apply different implementation to windows machines I operate. | May 10 02:34 |
oiaohm | I cannot fix OS design flaws. | May 10 02:34 |
oiaohm | MS implementation flaws third parties can choose to change. | May 10 02:34 |
oiaohm | That is the key difference twitter. | May 10 02:35 |
I'm sure all your machines are save and sercure. | May 10 02:36 | |
oiaohm | I am not sure of that. | May 10 02:37 |
oiaohm | They are as safe as they can be made. | May 10 02:37 |
no they are not. no one but M$ can fix and compile it. | May 10 02:37 | |
oiaohm | By a thrid party | May 10 02:37 |
hmph. stuff that would be fixed right away in the free software world goes broken in the M$ world. | May 10 02:38 | |
you know what the problems are but you can't really fix them. | May 10 02:38 | |
even if you could, you would be left with a fork no one else could use. | May 10 02:39 | |
oiaohm | Direct X is fixable. but you depend on closed source opengl drivers. | May 10 02:39 |
oiaohm | What are not exactly secure either. | May 10 02:39 |
oiaohm | Open source OS's have lot of the same issues as windows twitter. | May 10 02:40 |
ha ha | May 10 02:40 | |
oiaohm | As soon as you start using closed source parts problems can start appearing. | May 10 02:40 |
oiaohm | Defects have been in glibc for 8 years that do lead to flaws. | May 10 02:41 |
oiaohm | Lot of the lower level of Opensource has been bit rotting and causing trouble. | May 10 02:41 |
the day Steve Ballmer is my boss, I'll know free software has some of the same problems non free does. | May 10 02:41 | |
oiaohm | Because everyone is focused on the upper sides getting stuff to work for end users. | May 10 02:42 |
low level bit rot. I'm sure that's just killing Google. LOL. | May 10 02:42 | |
oiaohm | Google use there own stack. | May 10 02:42 |
oiaohm | They don't trust glibc for very good reasons. | May 10 02:42 |
what you are telling me is a variation on an old theme, ohm. "Free software will never be able to do X" | May 10 02:43 | |
oiaohm | I am not. | May 10 02:43 |
where X is a working kernel, documentation, GUI, etc | May 10 02:43 | |
oiaohm | There is no point putting head in sand. | May 10 02:43 |
oiaohm | If you are truthful about the problems you can change focus and fix them. | May 10 02:44 |
You are making up problems. | May 10 02:44 | |
oiaohm | Its like X11 everyone kept on building toolkits on top. | May 10 02:44 |
xorg is excellent | May 10 02:44 | |
my kernel is excellent | May 10 02:45 | |
oiaohm | Only recently in the last 4 years someone went in to fix up the low level problems. | May 10 02:45 |
oiaohm | Like multithread not working. | May 10 02:45 |
oiaohm | Even that X11 design said it should. | May 10 02:45 |
oiaohm | Code that had been sitting in X11 for 20+ years. | May 10 02:45 |
oiaohm | was the problem. | May 10 02:45 |
oiaohm | When machines did not have multithreading support so it was doing software emuleation of it. | May 10 02:46 |
oiaohm | glibc and gcc both have core areas that have been neglected. | May 10 02:47 |
oiaohm | Not even the Linux kernel is perfect. | May 10 02:48 |
perfect is your word, excellent is mine. | May 10 02:53 | |
gnu tools are excellent | May 10 02:53 | |
that is, they are better than most. | May 10 02:53 | |
M$ tools are almost always worst of class in both quality and features. | May 10 02:54 | |
there's really no point in comparing the two | May 10 02:55 | |
oiaohm | There is no point negelecting the flaws here. | May 10 03:05 |
oiaohm | either. | May 10 03:06 |
oiaohm | Sorry to say in quality of code production MSVC beats Gcc twitter | May 10 03:08 |
oiaohm | gnu tools are not perfect. That Linux can out run Windows under particular work loads are signs of defects in Windows design not its complier twitter | May 10 03:09 |
oiaohm | There is still a long way to go before Open Source world can sit back and be happy twitter | May 10 03:10 |
*neonfloss (n=neon@rdsl-0393.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 03:15 | |
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | May 10 03:35 | |
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving") | May 10 03:37 | |
I'll bet you are sorry to say things like that. Please keep VS to yourself and wash your mouth out with soap before you kiss your mom. | May 10 03:51 | |
oiaohm | Note MSVC is not MSVS | May 10 03:54 |
oiaohm | Its part of the MS platform development kit that can be used without MSVS twitter | May 10 03:55 |
oh yeah, command line dos. I suppose you could get bash to help out, but I'd rather have a root canal than work with windoze paths. | May 10 03:56 | |
why don't you just get the nice OpenWatcom compiler instead? | May 10 03:57 | |
as I recall, it's output was always better than M$'s. | May 10 03:57 | |
Watcom also had a nice IDE, so you can avoid VS. | May 10 03:58 | |
without having to work painfully. | May 10 03:58 | |
oiaohm | OpenWatcom beats gcc as well. Just cannot build Linux binaries well yet. | May 10 03:59 |
oiaohm | llvm some of those developers are looking at porting the Linux kernel to llvm to get away from gcc issues. | May 10 04:01 |
oiaohm | Basically in time Linux low level will get sorted out. Most people will be supprised by how much performance is being lost in the problems. | May 10 04:01 |
NYT guy cries over "US Press suicide watch" http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/10/opinion/10rich.html?ref=opinion | May 10 04:15 | |
he better get his imagination going if he wants to keep earning money. | May 10 04:16 | |
" someone — and certainly not the government, with all its conflicted interests — must pay for this content and make every effort to police its fairness and accuracy." LOL. Someone has got to support me in the manner to which I've become accustom. | May 10 04:17 | |
*mib_b6h17i (i=4424112a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-773653293fbcdaac) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 04:17 | |
"Just because information wants to be free on the Internet doesn’t mean it can always be free. Web advertising will never be profitable enough to support ambitious news gathering." Still does not get it, does he? | May 10 04:19 | |
*mib_b6h17i has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 04:19 | |
*neonfloss (n=neon@rdsl-0393.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 04:20 | |
oiaohm | We are going threw change of times. | May 10 04:20 |
" Not long ago, we laughed at the idea of pay TV." I'm still laughing. | May 10 04:20 | |
oiaohm | Media is still trying to catch up. | May 10 04:20 |
No, the NYT is still trying to live in the past. | May 10 04:21 | |
oiaohm | Almost every people with a cammra phone is starting to turn into a possiable rooming reporter. | May 10 04:21 |
you bet | May 10 04:21 | |
oiaohm | Problem is sorting out the good from the bad. | May 10 04:21 |
What's really funny is how he starts off his opinion with the story of how he and his peers were so easily manipulated by the Bush people. | May 10 04:22 | |
oiaohm | The role of future media companies needs to be auditors. | May 10 04:22 |
oiaohm | People will pay for confirmantion if information is true or not. | May 10 04:23 |
they have already failed that role and need to get out of the way. | May 10 04:23 | |
confirmation is not something you can buy | May 10 04:23 | |
those who sell it will sell you out too. | May 10 04:23 | |
oiaohm | Riddlies Believe it or Not is kinda an old example of the path I am talking about. | May 10 04:24 |
oiaohm | They really did not have reporters as such but researchers to track down if something was true or not. | May 10 04:25 |
oiaohm | Probem is its a completely different operation. | May 10 04:25 |
oiaohm | Its a operation where spin undermines it. | May 10 04:26 |
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | May 10 04:57 | |
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 05:02 | |
*neonfloor (n=neon@rdsl-0393.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 05:04 | |
*neonfloss has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | May 10 05:06 | |
One of my least favorite publishers is caught printing fake journals for a drug company. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/may/09/bad-science-medical-journals-companies | May 10 05:11 | |
Trolled by Elsevier | May 10 05:12 | |
Christ, they are like gangsters. | May 10 05:13 | |
" The first fun thing to emerge in the Australian case is email documentation showing staff at Merck made a "hit list" of doctors who were critical of the company, or of the drug. This list contained words such as "neutralise", "neutralised" and "discredit" next to the names of various doctors."We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," said one email, from a Merck employee. Staff are also alleged to have used o | May 10 05:14 | |
disgusting. | May 10 05:14 | |
I'm waiting to see stuff like this come out of M$. | May 10 05:14 | |
We know they do the fake research and relentlessly smear critics but I have yet to see the specific internal communications on this level. | May 10 05:15 | |
Journals need to be liberated from these dishonest parasites. The knowledge is restricted for control of people not quality. | May 10 05:17 | |
Ick, you can get the Matrix funeral http://www.popsci.com/category/tags/alkaline-hydrolysis | May 10 05:23 | |
http://chemistry.about.com/b/2008/05/10/alkaline-hydrolysis-dissolving-bodies-with-lye.htm | May 10 05:24 | |
smells like urine, flush twice. | May 10 05:24 | |
*mib_0rann4 (i=62cf62c5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-42b84ba0ebdd8b8c) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 05:35 | |
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*yuhong (n=chatzill@pool-96-253-143-103.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 05:50 | |
yuhong | BTW, what do you think of my recent comments? | May 10 05:50 |
you have no recent comments | May 10 05:52 | |
yuhong | Not true. | May 10 06:01 |
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.10/2009042316]") | May 10 06:01 | |
neonfloor | lol\ | May 10 06:01 |
DaemonFC | I'm repacking an XP CD with all the fluff cut out, all the updates, and drivers for pretty much everything | May 10 06:11 |
*tacone (n=tacone@93-32-186-60.ip34.fastwebnet.it) has left #boycottnovell ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting.") | May 10 06:14 | |
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.") | May 10 06:15 | |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 06:25 | |
bgrt4 | DaemonFC does it accept updates after that? | May 10 06:28 |
DaemonFC | yeah | May 10 06:28 |
DaemonFC | not service packs though | May 10 06:28 |
DaemonFC | but SP3 was the last service pack | May 10 06:28 |
DaemonFC | so that's not a problem | May 10 06:28 |
bgrt4 | may be after series of failures of vista x | May 10 06:30 |
bgrt4 | there will be dx15 and sp6 for xp | May 10 06:30 |
oiaohm | bgrt4: XP is not without it flaws. | May 10 06:34 |
oiaohm | Problem MS has is that XP will be showing it age more and more. | May 10 06:37 |
DaemonFC | XP X64 was released in 2005 | May 10 07:23 |
DaemonFC | it's quite a bit newer than XP | May 10 07:23 |
oiaohm | Also driver incompadible. | May 10 07:24 |
DaemonFC | nope | May 10 07:24 |
DaemonFC | it can use Vista drivers in a pinch | May 10 07:24 |
oiaohm | I was meaning with XP. | May 10 07:24 |
DaemonFC | no, it's compatible with pretty much anything that runs on XP | May 10 07:25 |
oiaohm | Tell that to my sound card. | May 10 07:25 |
oiaohm | It works with XP and windows 2000 hates XP-64 Vista and 2003 server | May 10 07:26 |
DaemonFC | use a Vista sound card | May 10 07:26 |
DaemonFC | *driver | May 10 07:26 |
oiaohm | Yet works with 2008 server. | May 10 07:26 |
oiaohm | Reallly don't know why. | May 10 07:26 |
DaemonFC | 2008 server is Vista | May 10 07:26 |
oiaohm | That is why I really don't know why. | May 10 07:27 |
oiaohm | There is something minorally different. | May 10 07:27 |
*gnutz (n=chatzill@c-75-71-58-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 07:35 | |
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | May 10 07:47 | |
*kentma (n=user@host81-157-149-238.range81-157.btcentralplus.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 07:49 | |
*gnutz (n=chatzill@c-75-71-58-7.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has left #boycottnovell | May 10 08:01 | |
DaemonFC | oiaohm: What should really make people wonder is why EVERY "Game for Windows" wants double the RAM if you're on Vista | May 10 08:17 |
DaemonFC | you notice that? | May 10 08:17 |
DaemonFC | like "XP 1 gig, Vista: 2 gigs" | May 10 08:17 |
DaemonFC | so far I think I've seen one game that actually required Vista, and it was Halo 2 | May 10 08:18 |
DaemonFC | and it didn't really require it, it jsut did some checks to make sure it was running on Vista | May 10 08:19 |
DaemonFC | there was a crack to make it work on XP within the first week | May 10 08:19 |
DaemonFC | most game companies either won't use DirectX 10.x because most people still have XP | May 10 08:20 |
DaemonFC | or because they tried and it made their game too slow or unstable | May 10 08:20 |
schestowitz | dx10:nobody talks about it anymore | May 10 08:22 |
schestowitz | Few people use Vista after years out there | May 10 08:22 |
schestowitz | and developers may therefore not target it, either | May 10 08:22 |
DaemonFC | http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/2664/winme.jpg | May 10 08:40 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: I wonder if Windows Me can do Seamless Mode | May 10 08:45 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 08:45 |
DaemonFC | http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/3108/winme2.jpg | May 10 08:46 |
schestowitz | eeew | May 10 08:53 |
DaemonFC | 1534 out of 9045 requests have been blocked, which equals a block rate of 16.96%. | May 10 08:54 |
DaemonFC | heh | May 10 08:54 |
DaemonFC | what Privoxy reports | May 10 08:54 |
DaemonFC | that must have been 1,534 ads since I installed it two days ago | May 10 08:54 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Privoxy even bags the ads in Windows Live Messenger | May 10 08:56 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 08:56 |
*mikey (i=5765b030@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ab1d508af2606c3f) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 09:09 | |
*mikey has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 09:10 | |
*mib_ixeplo (i=5765b030@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-27d3960fa1c3b165) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 09:10 | |
*mib_ixeplo has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 09:12 | |
schestowitz | ODF Alliance to Denounce Microsoft This Week? http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/odf-alliance-vs-ms-abuse/ | May 10 09:18 |
DaemonFC | nah | May 10 09:28 |
DaemonFC | they'd never bite the hand that feeds them | May 10 09:28 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 09:28 |
schestowitz | http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/microsoft-straw-man-vs-google/ Microsoft Uses Straw Man to Defend Its Attack on Browser Competition | May 10 09:47 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: feeds them? | May 10 09:48 |
schestowitz | How so? | May 10 09:48 |
DaemonFC | you ever notice that Microsoft usually only has one serious competitor in ever category? | May 10 09:50 |
DaemonFC | I kind of wonder if they don't fund some of that behind the scenes to point to when the governments come to bitch | May 10 09:51 |
DaemonFC | I mean you saw them jump to save Apple when Apple's incompetence nearly bankrupted them back in 1997 | May 10 09:52 |
DaemonFC | any normal business would be thrilled to see their only competition folding up | May 10 09:52 |
oiaohm | MS did at one point own 20 percent of apple. | May 10 09:52 |
oiaohm | Wonder if they still do | May 10 09:53 |
DaemonFC | now they're pumping money into Novell | May 10 09:53 |
DaemonFC | I kind of have to wonder if both of those moves were to make it look like they had some credible competition | May 10 09:53 |
DaemonFC | they sold most of their Apple stock off | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | and it was all non-voting stock | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | basically it was a loan | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | the stock was collateral | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | and the interest was bundling MSIE on every Mac | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | in place of Netscape | May 10 09:54 |
oiaohm | Its like the Linux world. Any cat without good competition basically bit rots. | May 10 09:54 |
DaemonFC | well, I'm sure OS X is doing the same kind of "content protection" Vista is | May 10 09:55 |
DaemonFC | or else a Mac couldn't play high definition discs | May 10 09:55 |
DaemonFC | it's not like Microsoft put it into Vista for no reason | May 10 09:55 |
DaemonFC | nobody talks about DRM on a Mac even though there's plenty of it | May 10 09:56 |
DaemonFC | about the only DRM that a Mac doesn't have is Product Activation, and it really has that too | May 10 09:57 |
DaemonFC | their product activation is more like SLP on Windows | May 10 09:57 |
DaemonFC | without the code embedded into a Mac's startup firmware, OS X can't boot | May 10 09:57 |
DaemonFC | otherwise there's nothing different about a Mac and any PC | May 10 09:58 |
DaemonFC | I put together a Hackintosh just cause I was bored | May 10 09:58 |
DaemonFC | I was really totally not thrilled | May 10 09:59 |
oiaohm | If apple died that would leave MS head to head with Linux. | May 10 09:59 |
DaemonFC | well, Apple is more evil than Microsoft | May 10 09:59 |
oiaohm | Not exactly a location MS wanted. | May 10 09:59 |
DaemonFC | like take upgrades for example | May 10 09:59 |
oiaohm | If you have not worked out fake creates the 2 horse race. | May 10 10:00 |
DaemonFC | if I'm on Windows, I could conceivably not upgrade for 6-8 years and even then most software would still work for a couple years even if MS dodn't support it | May 10 10:00 |
DaemonFC | but on a Mac, if you don't upgrade for $129 every year | May 10 10:00 |
oiaohm | Being careful only to talk about 1 competitor in most markets and disreguarding the rest. | May 10 10:00 |
DaemonFC | then you're fucked | May 10 10:00 |
DaemonFC | so lets say I bought a full retail copy of XP Pro for $199 in 2001 | May 10 10:01 |
DaemonFC | conceivably I could still be using that comfortably for 10 years | May 10 10:02 |
DaemonFC | so Windows cost me about $20 a year | May 10 10:02 |
DaemonFC | but if I bought a Mac in 2001 and wanted to keep it for 10 years and needed to stay compatible, then the 9 $129 upgrades would cost me $1161 | May 10 10:03 |
DaemonFC | not even counting the portion of the price of the computer was for the copy of OS X that came with it | May 10 10:03 |
DaemonFC | so upgrades alone you're talking about Mac OS X being over 5 times the price to maintain | May 10 10:04 |
DaemonFC | and that's not even saying whether you still need to run Windows software somehow | May 10 10:04 |
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-113-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 10:05 | |
_Hicham_ | Hi oiaohm | May 10 10:05 |
oiaohm | Hi _Hicham_ timing everying just going to clean up kitchen. | May 10 10:05 |
DaemonFC | there was an article that I was reading a while back where some guy said "I must be the only Mac user that's always booted into XP | May 10 10:05 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 10:06 |
_Hicham_ | oiaohm : backup the dishes before beginning the cleaning process :-D | May 10 10:06 |
DaemonFC | I think Windows survives mainly because it does it's job well enough and they don't hit you up for money constantly | May 10 10:08 |
DaemonFC | I think a youtube video making fun of MS said it best | May 10 10:08 |
DaemonFC | Welcome to the So-So | May 10 10:08 |
bgrt4 | wtf | May 10 10:10 |
schestowitz | Microsoft Uses Lobbyists to Attack Holland’s Migration to Free Software http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/lobbyists-bribes-vs-free-sw/ | May 10 10:11 |
bgrt4 | DaemonFC, windows survives for quite different reasons | May 10 10:11 |
DaemonFC | this is ridiculous | May 10 10:15 |
DaemonFC | I have to get a 1.3 GB download | May 10 10:15 |
DaemonFC | cause I need a 35k driver | May 10 10:16 |
DaemonFC | that Microsoft won't let anyone redistribute | May 10 10:16 |
bgrt4 | windows survives mostly due to it's enforced and unlawful (from m$ side) spreading, then goes people's passiveness in everything m$ does to them, then people's fear of anything where they have choice, then ... | May 10 10:18 |
bgrt4 | you can only damnate peoples' natural stupidity | May 10 10:20 |
bgrt4 | so you can either somehow make people clever enough or fight with demon like m$ or both, the latter is executed with boycottnovell as well as some others :) | May 10 10:28 |
*mib_v0q2aj (i=3b5cc8e4@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-21a3b94faeedba8f) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 10:29 | |
schestowitz | ISP Under Unfortunate ‘DDOS Attack’ by Microsoft Corporation; Liability of Software Debated in Europe http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/microsoft-corporation-ddos/ | May 10 10:40 |
bgrt4 | legal ddos XD | May 10 10:44 |
*mib_cw4brv (i=5622d3b5@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c991f0c1706be16d) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 10:45 | |
mib_cw4brv | hello all: just stopped by to tell a story happened few days ago: | May 10 10:46 |
mib_cw4brv | someone working on a word document with pictures, tables, etc. managed to get it frozen and file corrupted. | May 10 10:47 |
mib_cw4brv | I took the file, opened it in OpenOffice, saved it back as .doc and sent it back: worked like a charm | May 10 10:47 |
mib_cw4brv | looks like Office cannot be interoperable with itself :D (office2003 if you wonder) | May 10 10:48 |
oiaohm | I guess 2 different printers connected to office 2003 mib_cw4brv | May 10 10:54 |
*ushimitsudoki1 (n=ushimits@p5153-ipad09yosemiya.okinawa.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 10:54 | |
oiaohm | I have had office 2003 fail to open documents just because I changed the default printer. | May 10 10:55 |
_Hicham_ | haha, really nice one oiaohm | May 10 10:55 |
_Hicham_ | fucking office system | May 10 10:55 |
oiaohm | Last service pack that don't happen any more. | May 10 10:55 |
_Hicham_ | MS Office is a pain in the ass | May 10 10:56 |
_Hicham_ | always shivering | May 10 10:56 |
oiaohm | Remember I run networks. | May 10 10:56 |
oiaohm | So I changed the default printer on 20 machines at once. | May 10 10:57 |
oiaohm | People wonder why at times I hate MS products. | May 10 10:57 |
*ushimitsudoki has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | May 10 11:00 | |
_Hicham_ | why not migrate to Open Source solutions? | May 10 11:01 |
_Hicham_ | oiaohm : is ReiserFS superior to ext3? | May 10 11:07 |
oiaohm | ReiserFS is having driver issues. | May 10 11:17 |
_Hicham_ | which issues? | May 10 11:18 |
DaemonFC | killer issues | May 10 11:18 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 11:18 |
oiaohm | killer would be a nice data vaporising errors. | May 10 11:21 |
schestowitz | Vista 7 is Free (as in Free Tobacco) for One Year http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/gratis-vista-7-is-like-free-tobacco/ | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | no | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | only til March | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | then it starts shutting down every 2 hours | May 10 11:21 |
schestowitz | mib_cw4brv: yes, MS Office is incomptible with self | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | til June | May 10 11:21 |
DaemonFC | then it won't boot at all | May 10 11:22 |
schestowitz | Even the Mac version of MSO doesn't work with the same one on Windows. | May 10 11:22 |
mib_cw4brv | hehee | May 10 11:22 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: is this a correction posted widely? | May 10 11:22 |
DaemonFC | no | May 10 11:22 |
schestowitz | I thought it was 13 months | May 10 11:22 |
DaemonFC | but if you read the documentation it says that | May 10 11:22 |
DaemonFC | nope | May 10 11:22 |
schestowitz | OK | May 10 11:22 |
DaemonFC | March | May 10 11:22 |
DaemonFC | then it shuts down every two hours | May 10 11:23 |
oiaohm | There is a older format that .doc I know that manages to work better. Blenders .blend files. | May 10 11:23 |
schestowitz | Lots of sites say... | May 10 11:23 |
schestowitz | Oh. | May 10 11:23 |
schestowitz | March 2010? | May 10 11:23 |
DaemonFC | yes | May 10 11:23 |
schestowitz | OK | May 10 11:23 |
oiaohm | .blend files are made up of memory dumps from the application creating it. | May 10 11:23 |
schestowitz | So it's not far off | May 10 11:23 |
oiaohm | Loading application has to translate. | May 10 11:23 |
oiaohm | Yet it works. | May 10 11:24 |
oiaohm | Anyone able to think up a more evil format than .blend files that works. | May 10 11:26 |
*mib_cw4brv has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 11:33 | |
_Hicham_ | oiaohm : u didn't tell me about ReiserFS issues | May 10 11:41 |
oiaohm | ReiserFS is having issues due to Linux kernel locking being changed. | May 10 11:48 |
oiaohm | Yes I did _Hicham_ | May 10 11:48 |
_Hicham_ | u just said driver issues | May 10 11:49 |
*liberfiasco (n=libervis@93-138-121-239.adsl.net.t-com.hr) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 11:49 | |
oiaohm | ReiserFS driver in the Linux kernel. | May 10 11:49 |
oiaohm | Depended on particular locking features of the Linux kernel that are no longer there. | May 10 11:49 |
oiaohm | Yep break nasty. | May 10 11:49 |
schestowitz | Not everyone who bashes GNU/Linux (or promotes Mono) is necessarily a peer < http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/microsoft-mvp-hardcore-linux/ > | May 10 11:50 |
_Hicham_ | oiaohm : so the most stable fs on linux is still ext3? | May 10 11:57 |
MinceR | yes it is. | May 10 11:57 |
DaemonFC | Windows 7 final will make you fromat the disk anyway | May 10 11:59 |
DaemonFC | so you'll have a lot of backups to do | May 10 11:59 |
_Hicham_ | who is interested in Windows 7? | May 10 12:00 |
DaemonFC | what I'll think is funny is if it gets delayed | May 10 12:00 |
DaemonFC | and you have millions of people getting kicked off their PC every 2 hours | May 10 12:00 |
DaemonFC | though I'm sure MS could send a hotfix that stops it from doing that | May 10 12:02 |
*tacone (n=tacone@93-32-186-60.ip34.fastwebnet.it) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 12:03 | |
tacone | hackers themselves persecuted ? http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/gerv/archives/2009/05/thomson_reuters_subpoenas_zotero_hacker.html | May 10 12:03 |
DaemonFC | Win7 is as done as it's going to get | May 10 12:03 |
DaemonFC | the real reason for the RC is PR | May 10 12:04 |
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | May 10 12:05 | |
_Hicham_ | oiaohm : is ext4 in 2.6.30 usable? | May 10 12:09 |
schestowitz | A Lesson for Developers: Why Support GNU/Linux? http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/why-support-gnu-linux/ | May 10 12:12 |
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 12:21 | |
toros | hi | May 10 12:21 |
_Hicham_ | always windows software versions exceed linux downloads | May 10 12:27 |
_Hicham_ | this has to be changed | May 10 12:28 |
oiaohm | Its not released yet so far looking good _Hicham_ | May 10 12:28 |
_Hicham_ | i am talking in general | May 10 12:28 |
toros | Great title: http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/gratis-vista-7-is-like-free-tobacco/ :) | May 10 12:28 |
_Hicham_ | about cross-platform software | May 10 12:29 |
_Hicham_ | windows versions are downloaded the most | May 10 12:29 |
oiaohm | Its also harder to count Linux downloads. | May 10 12:30 |
oiaohm | Since items like firefox come out the distributions repo's. | May 10 12:30 |
toros | oiaohm: yepp. I use only official (and some PPA) repos, but I never download any software for Ubuntu | May 10 12:31 |
toros | I let the package manager download it :) | May 10 12:32 |
oiaohm | Linux distribution model makes it a lot harder to count. | May 10 12:33 |
_Hicham_ | upstream/downstream again | May 10 12:34 |
oiaohm | Particular people like me using ISP provided distribution repos. So to the distribution I download nothing. | May 10 12:34 |
_Hicham_ | upstream projects should set up their own repos | May 10 12:35 |
_Hicham_ | in collaboration with the distros | May 10 12:35 |
oiaohm | Really distros need to collaborate more. | May 10 12:37 |
oiaohm | And make project live simpler. | May 10 12:37 |
*mib_vqt94i (i=4424112a@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-af3847067d74fe7b) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 12:38 | |
oiaohm | http://durian.blender.org/ Bender moving onto next movie project. | May 10 12:38 |
*mib_vqt94i has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 12:38 | |
oiaohm | The next one has the restriction of all open source software as a goal. | May 10 12:42 |
schestowitz | EPO in State of Turmoil, Patents Kill < http://boycottnovell.com/2009/05/10/epo-in-state-of-turmoil/ > | May 10 12:46 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: Blender, not Bender | May 10 12:46 |
schestowitz | I thought Sugar (of OLPC fame) left | May 10 12:47 |
schestowitz | toros: thanks | May 10 12:48 |
schestowitz | bbl | May 10 12:49 |
_Hicham_ | there should be some unified package management aside each distro specific tools | May 10 13:01 |
_Hicham_ | so that users have the options to use upstream projects binaries | May 10 13:02 |
_Hicham_ | Firefox is a good example | May 10 13:02 |
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection) | May 10 13:07 | |
*tacone has quit ("Going. Much love.") | May 10 13:42 | |
DaemonFC | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_BMG_CD_copy_protection_scandal | May 10 13:56 |
*Balrog (n=Balrog@pool-71-255-107-197.phlapa.east.verizon.net) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 14:20 | |
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has left #boycottnovell | May 10 14:39 | |
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | May 10 14:42 | |
*neonfloor has quit (Remote closed the connection) | May 10 14:45 | |
DaemonFC | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYIfyDENTIY | May 10 15:10 |
DaemonFC | watch to the end | May 10 15:10 |
*schestowitz just finished watching Zeitgeist this morning. | May 10 15:24 | |
schestowitz | I know this video from Pirillo | May 10 15:26 |
*Eruaran (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 15:34 | |
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-113-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 15:54 | |
_Hicham_ | I just tested Fedora 11, and it is blazing fast | May 10 15:55 |
schestowitz | Boot speed should be great | May 10 16:04 |
*_Hicham_1 (n=liveuser@wana-113-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 16:06 | |
*silentivm (n=renan@ has joined #Boycottnovell | May 10 16:14 | |
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | May 10 16:25 | |
Eruaran | I might be tempted to try out Fedora 11 | May 10 16:30 |
_Hicham_1 | it is really great | May 10 16:32 |
_Hicham_1 | I am running the livecd from hard disk | May 10 16:32 |
_Hicham_1 | I copied the livecd to the root | May 10 16:32 |
_Hicham_1 | then created a grub entry | May 10 16:32 |
Eruaran | Ext4 ? | May 10 16:36 |
Eruaran | KDE 4.2.3 ? | May 10 16:37 |
Eruaran | KPackageKit ? | May 10 16:37 |
_Hicham_1 | I didn't use that | May 10 16:37 |
_Hicham_1 | I didn't install it | May 10 16:37 |
Eruaran | can I haz all of the above ? | May 10 16:37 |
_Hicham_1 | yes, u can have them all | May 10 16:38 |
Eruaran | sold | May 10 16:38 |
Eruaran | oh wait... | May 10 16:38 |
_Hicham_1 | nonetheless, u may pay attention to one thing | May 10 16:38 |
Eruaran | Plymouth still only runs on Intel doesn't it ? | May 10 16:38 |
_Hicham_1 | plymouth runs on every card since the beginning | May 10 16:39 |
_Hicham_1 | it is kms that is still restricted to radeon 300 series, and intel series | May 10 16:39 |
_Hicham_1 | it is intended to run on nvidia also with Nouveau driver | May 10 16:40 |
Eruaran | I couldn't get it to boot on an AMD/Nvidia system | May 10 16:40 |
_Hicham_1 | did u add to the kernel line : nomodeset vga=0x318? | May 10 16:40 |
Eruaran | no | May 10 16:40 |
_Hicham_1 | u must | May 10 16:40 |
_Hicham_1 | if ur video card doesn't support KMS | May 10 16:41 |
Eruaran | oh i c | May 10 16:41 |
Eruaran | It was a pretty crappy onboard chipset | May 10 16:41 |
_Hicham_1 | and it runs great | May 10 16:41 |
_Hicham_1 | what brand? | May 10 16:42 |
Eruaran | nvidia | May 10 16:42 |
Eruaran | 7025 | May 10 16:42 |
Eruaran | Asus use it on their cheap boards | May 10 16:42 |
DaemonFC | ugggh | May 10 16:43 |
DaemonFC | disk operations in Vista make me want to claw my eyes out | May 10 16:43 |
Eruaran | Vista makes technicians cry | May 10 16:43 |
Eruaran | I was working on a vista system one day | May 10 16:44 |
Eruaran | And my boss came and said | May 10 16:44 |
DaemonFC | I've been constructing a suped up XP X64 disc | May 10 16:44 |
DaemonFC | :P | May 10 16:44 |
Eruaran | "you look like Vista is making you want to kill yourself" | May 10 16:44 |
DaemonFC | yeah, someone asked me if you could use XP drivers on Vista | May 10 16:44 |
DaemonFC | I told him he'd be pushing his luck trying to get Vista drivers to work on Vista | May 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 16:45 |
Eruaran | haha | May 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | I gutted a copy of XP X64 with nlite and integrated all the service packs, hot fixes, and all my drivers | May 10 16:45 |
*_Hicham_1 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | May 10 16:45 | |
DaemonFC | even had room left over for all my usual goodies | May 10 16:45 |
DaemonFC | can anyone tell me what actually uses VB Scripting Engine besides viruses? | May 10 16:46 |
Eruaran | I installed the latest CCleaner on an XP system the other day | May 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | I always remove that and never have seen any downside | May 10 16:46 |
Eruaran | They've added System Restore to the tools now | May 10 16:46 |
DaemonFC | yeah, I removed Defrag and Disk Cleanup | May 10 16:47 |
Eruaran | And I couldn't help commenting to someone | May 10 16:47 |
DaemonFC | to put in JK Defrag and CCleaner | May 10 16:47 |
Eruaran | If Microsoft outsourced Windows development to Piriform (the folks who make CCleaner and Recuva), then Windows would probably be 100% better. | May 10 16:47 |
DaemonFC | Microsoft should go back to making Windows componentized by default | May 10 16:48 |
DaemonFC | remember when Windows 9x/NT actually used to ask if you wanted all the extra crap? | May 10 16:48 |
Eruaran | yes | May 10 16:48 |
Eruaran | And.. | May 10 16:49 |
Eruaran | Piriform would probably call it, "Extra Crap" | May 10 16:49 |
*benJIman has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | May 10 16:50 | |
DaemonFC | well it is crap | May 10 16:52 |
DaemonFC | up until XP, Outlook Express was even optional | May 10 16:52 |
DaemonFC | hmmm | May 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | XP was out when I was 17 | May 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | it will be supported til I'm 30 | May 10 16:57 |
DaemonFC | damn | May 10 16:57 |
Eruaran | haha | May 10 16:57 |
Eruaran | classic | May 10 16:58 |
*Eruaran uses Kubuntu | May 10 16:58 | |
DaemonFC | just bury me out back with the Search Dog | May 10 16:58 |
DaemonFC | :) | May 10 16:58 |
Eruaran | Thats something I cant understand | May 10 17:00 |
Eruaran | People using the same OS in 2009 they were using in 2001 | May 10 17:00 |
Eruaran | Its unheard of really | May 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | not really the same OS | May 10 17:00 |
Eruaran | Its still Windows XP | May 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | if you look at what SP1/2/3 added in detail | May 10 17:00 |
DaemonFC | no, it's had some major revisions | May 10 17:01 |
DaemonFC | probably because they never figured on it being around this long | May 10 17:01 |
Eruaran | It still has bugs that it had in 2003 | May 10 17:01 |
DaemonFC | they've fixed over 3,200 bugs | May 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | if you count everything that the service packs have plus the 100 or so hotfixes past the last one | May 10 17:02 |
Eruaran | In over 8 years... thats not many | May 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | but yeah, it still has some really bizarre behaviors | May 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | but nothing like XP RTM | May 10 17:02 |
DaemonFC | XP was released broken and fixed up | May 10 17:03 |
DaemonFC | Vista is just too messed up to even begin fixing | May 10 17:03 |
DaemonFC | I mean they've fixed some superficial things but no major problems have been addressed | May 10 17:03 |
Eruaran | cant | May 10 17:04 |
Eruaran | without basically starting from scratch | May 10 17:04 |
Eruaran | the problems are architectural | May 10 17:04 |
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@wana-113-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 17:04 | |
DaemonFC | if you go through the types of bugs that SP2 fixes, you'll find that most of them that are not security patches are trivial issues that only happen in some situations | May 10 17:04 |
Eruaran | wb _Hicham_1 | May 10 17:04 |
DaemonFC | the average user won't encounter more than a few of them | May 10 17:04 |
DaemonFC | even though tye fixed 1,000+ things | May 10 17:05 |
Eruaran | Like letting XP try to find drivers... | May 10 17:05 |
_Hicham_1 | Hi Eruaran! | May 10 17:05 |
DaemonFC | there's a fix for that oddly enough | May 10 17:05 |
DaemonFC | there's a guy that maintains "Driver Packs" | May 10 17:05 |
DaemonFC | if you install them all then there's not too many things that XP won't recognize | May 10 17:06 |
Eruaran | And of course, most of the time it can't... but if the user clicks 'back' or 'cancel' the user is still ignored until it has finished doing whatever it is doing... thats a bug, and it has never been fixed | May 10 17:06 |
Eruaran | sup _Hicham_1 | May 10 17:06 |
DaemonFC | yeah, if you don't have really old hardware or integrate driver packs | May 10 17:07 |
DaemonFC | then XP is a nightmare to set up | May 10 17:07 |
Eruaran | thats the point | May 10 17:07 |
Eruaran | for the end user | May 10 17:07 |
Eruaran | that 'feature' has always been broken | May 10 17:07 |
Eruaran | Your average FOSS project would call it broken, and fix it | May 10 17:08 |
*benJIman (i=bw@molotov.compsoc.warwick.ac.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 17:08 | |
DaemonFC | I guess I got sick of Vista precisely at the point where my laptop with 1 gig of RAM and a 1.8 Ghz Sempron was sancing circles around my Core 2 Duo desktop with 4 gigs RAM | May 10 17:09 |
DaemonFC | with XP, programs load instantly and menus snap open | May 10 17:09 |
DaemonFC | Vista just feels bloated and hungover | May 10 17:09 |
Eruaran | I quit Windows in 2005 | May 10 17:10 |
DaemonFC | I'm sure Vista is a breeze on a Core 2 Quad and 8 gigs of RAM or something | May 10 17:10 |
DaemonFC | but damn | May 10 17:10 |
Eruaran | I only use Windows at work | May 10 17:10 |
Eruaran | Where we still use Linux a lot | May 10 17:10 |
Eruaran | I had a system with 256mb of ram that was a slug with XP on it... everyone told me "you really need 512 for XP"... back then that sounded like a lot of memory just to run the desktop and do basic stuff | May 10 17:12 |
Eruaran | So I said get stuffed and installed a Linux distro | May 10 17:12 |
Eruaran | suddenly my slug of a PC wasn't a slug any more | May 10 17:12 |
Eruaran | So I stayed with only 256mb for ages just to prove a point | May 10 17:13 |
Eruaran | Whenever someone said I really need 512 I'd say, "you mean for Windows" | May 10 17:13 |
Eruaran | Plasma is currently using a little under 47mb of ram | May 10 17:17 |
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving") | May 10 17:18 | |
bgrt4 | 256mb is kinda enough for xp sp1 or may be 2 | May 10 17:35 |
bgrt4 | i used it at my job | May 10 17:36 |
schestowitz | My machine with KDE has 256MB | May 10 17:37 |
schestowitz | It's workable. | May 10 17:37 |
bgrt4 | nice | May 10 17:48 |
*mib_v0q2aj has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 18:04 | |
amarsh04 | I have 384 MiB RAM with KDE 3.5.10 | May 10 18:30 |
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | May 10 18:32 | |
schestowitz | OMG | May 10 18:48 |
schestowitz | Watch MS aleinating Vista. In a similar vein, methods that are used in an NRR objective function can improve a registration, but it must not be assumed that they are absolute measures of image similarity or indicative of registration quality. For example, mutual information-based NRR may lead to a good registration, but more evidence would be needed to show that mutual information can also be used to compare the quality of several | May 10 18:48 |
schestowitz | different registrations. The same | May 10 18:48 |
schestowitz | Oops. | May 10 18:48 |
schestowitz | Wrong paste | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | In a similar vein, methods that are used in an NRR objective function can improve a registration, but it must not be assumed that they are absolute measures of image similarity or indicative of registration quality. For example, mutual information-based NRR may lead to a good registration, but more evidence would be needed to show that mutual information can also be used to compare the quality of several different registrations. Th | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | e same | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | http://www.microsoft.com/indonesia/events/developerconference.aspx | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | Watch the logos | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | No Vista | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | Just "Windows 7" (vapourware) | May 10 18:49 |
schestowitz | Microsoft Developer Conference – featuring Steve Ballmer, CEO Microsoft http://dikdini.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/microsoft-developer-conference-featuring-steve-ballmer-ceo-microsoft/ | May 10 18:49 |
*_Hicham_1 is now known as _Hicham_ | May 10 18:51 | |
*lis` (n=lis@pub082136122175.dh-hfc.datazug.ch) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 18:51 | |
*mib_84dons (i=5acbfd6c@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-c54c6b98de240c09) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 19:05 | |
mib_84dons | Hey Roy, how ya doing? It's Mikey. | May 10 19:06 |
schestowitz | Hey | May 10 19:06 |
schestowitz | Steve just got back from the 20k | May 10 19:06 |
mib_84dons | I told you i'd be back | May 10 19:07 |
mib_84dons | What did he have to say? | May 10 19:07 |
schestowitz | You beat him at it | May 10 19:07 |
schestowitz | He's a chickenhawk | May 10 19:07 |
mib_84dons | He certainly is | May 10 19:07 |
mib_84dons | What's a chickenhawk | May 10 19:07 |
schestowitz | I wish I could find the video where picked it | May 10 19:08 |
schestowitz | It's when hawks (political) are themselves chickens | May 10 19:08 |
schestowitz | So in this case, he's a heroic runner but just not willing to have a real battle (competition) himself | May 10 19:09 |
mib_84dons | i just saw the meaning at Wikipedia, what does he mean i beat him at it? | May 10 19:09 |
schestowitz | Anyway, what do you think of the bailobama? | May 10 19:09 |
mib_84dons | Well well well, that is quite a timely question especially for me Mr Schestowitz | May 10 19:10 |
mib_84dons | I last week dipped my toes into share trading waters | May 10 19:10 |
mib_84dons | what does that tell you my friend? | May 10 19:10 |
schestowitz | Here's the professor I told you about BTW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWQ-1X44e7o&feature=PlayList&p=8A140F057F5C7762&index=22 | May 10 19:11 |
mib_84dons | you do the math | May 10 19:11 |
schestowitz | Trading? | May 10 19:11 |
mib_84dons | its playing now in the background | May 10 19:11 |
schestowitz | Agaiin? | May 10 19:11 |
_Hicham_ | schestowitz is a big mathematician | May 10 19:12 |
mib_84dons | i bought shares in six companies currently trading at 15p per share but with 500p two year highs, so far in profit, but always monitoring | May 10 19:12 |
schestowitz | Penny trading? | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | yep thats it | May 10 19:13 |
schestowitz | Why not something concrete? | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | except now there's lots of penny trades about | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | i am into banks too, they are less risky | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | but a few cheeky long shots thrown in | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | :) | May 10 19:13 |
mib_84dons | i only invest what i can afford to lose and do lots of research, i never play the lottery or bet on horses, thst IS throwing money away | May 10 19:14 |
mib_84dons | was Stevey HO chatting to you today? | May 10 19:15 |
schestowitz | Nope, not really. | May 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | He still wore that race tag | May 10 19:16 |
schestowitz | Just to show off to people | May 10 19:16 |
mib_84dons | He only seems to talk about running these days, and he does show off, think we are in the midst of another mini recovery, shares wise, but i doubt it will last | May 10 19:17 |
schestowitz | What is this recovery based on? Printing money? | May 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | I'd be surprised if there was no temporary recovery | May 10 19:18 |
mib_84dons | the after effects therein yes:) | May 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | In fact, layoffs were down in terms of pace for the first time in a long time | May 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | About 520,000 laid off in the US last month ('official' numbers). 'Only' half a million | May 10 19:18 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: how much do you know about 1929? | May 10 19:19 |
schestowitz | From what I've learned they made the exact same mistakes | May 10 19:19 |
schestowitz | Into the 30s too | May 10 19:19 |
mib_84dons | yes i heard but i think this is temporary respite, this bailout credit card is about to be maxed out soon i reckon | May 10 19:19 |
schestowitz | They made things even worse | May 10 19:19 |
mib_84dons | the combined wealth of the US/UK/EU has been plundered to some degree, i wonder if this is the calm before the storm required to give the rats time enough to desert the sinking ship and convert there plundered paper money into something more concrete as you say | May 10 19:20 |
schestowitz | I did some learning about debt in countries | May 10 19:21 |
schestowitz | The figures are not publicly available | May 10 19:21 |
schestowitz | Or at least not broadcast | May 10 19:21 |
mib_84dons | usury | May 10 19:21 |
schestowitz | But I found France, Canada, Germany, and Japan debt | May 10 19:21 |
schestowitz | Not as bad per capita as the US and UK | May 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | But still quite grim | May 10 19:22 |
mib_84dons | I suppose debt is a very sophisticated and abstract from of modern day slavery | May 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | Well, that's what economies are built on | May 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | For each dollar/piund you own you also have some interest which is debt | May 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | Or something along those lines | May 10 19:22 |
schestowitz | Because the treasury produces it by issuing debt | May 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | i.e. borrowing from China or not paying for imported mechandise yet | May 10 19:23 |
schestowitz | And the Federal Reserve is just as 'Fedral' as Fedral Express. | May 10 19:23 |
mib_84dons | Money its creation and distribution is fascinating | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | Turns out it was recreated after it had been sort of sidelined, despite opposition | May 10 19:24 |
mib_84dons | I heard all about the FED | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: well, it should also be made known to all | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | It's not somehting people should research for | May 10 19:24 |
mib_84dons | There's lots of negative stuff about it on the webn | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | Same with the pharma cartel | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | NAFTA.. | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | No coverage in the news about it | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | ACTA | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | I suppose you know nothing about ACTA | May 10 19:24 |
schestowitz | It leaked recently | May 10 19:25 |
mib_84dons | yes big pharma, Tamiflu etc, create the problem then market the solution | May 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | A bundle or new predatory laws that eliminate borders for censorship (copyrights) and arrests | May 10 19:25 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: sometimes religions can be used in the same way, e.g. Scientology | May 10 19:26 |
mib_84dons | Check this Royston....http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=10554 | May 10 19:26 |
mib_84dons | I think i might sell my shares tomorrow morning..... | May 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | I can't read all that | May 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | What will you trade it for? | May 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | Sheep? | May 10 19:28 |
schestowitz | Papers with queen renditions? | May 10 19:28 |
mib_84dons | lol, i will just get my cash back | May 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | Ah, OK | May 10 19:29 |
mib_84dons | we are not out of the woods yet Roy | May 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | You know, old dollars used to say it's redeemable as gold | May 10 19:29 |
mib_84dons | plenty more shoes to fall | May 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | Shoes? | May 10 19:29 |
mib_84dons | yes was it the gold standard | May 10 19:29 |
mib_84dons | the commercial property sector, think empty shopping malls | May 10 19:29 |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uIj0YvDBKE :-D | May 10 19:29 |
mib_84dons | think dawn of the dead:) | May 10 19:30 |
schestowitz | yawn of the dead | May 10 19:30 |
mib_84dons | http://www.surfingtheapocalypse.net/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=225554 | May 10 19:31 |
*amarsh04 (n=amarsh04@ppp121-45-190-140.lns11.adl2.internode.on.net) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 19:31 | |
schestowitz | Microsoft's CEO will try to buy a new colony tomorrow: http://dikdini.wordpress.com/2009/04/03/microsoft-developer-conference-featuring-steve-ballmer-ceo-microsoft/ | May 10 19:31 |
schestowitz | automobiles to filed ch11? | May 10 19:32 |
mib_84dons | Hey Roy, if i can get you a ticket for this Sundays BUPA great Manchester Run would you be interested, there are 35,000 people running, it would be free to you | May 10 19:32 |
schestowitz | Is this news? | May 10 19:32 |
schestowitz | or old vid? | May 10 19:32 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: thanks, but I'll pass | May 10 19:32 |
schestowitz | I'd have to train for it | May 10 19:33 |
schestowitz | Anyway, that last video was spot-on | May 10 19:34 |
schestowitz | The one I posted jokingly related to the "last shoe to fall" remark | May 10 19:35 |
schestowitz | It's just a video of Bush's visit to his latest colony | May 10 19:35 |
mib_84dons | I don't know Royston.....you were a very bright fast burning Mr Fitness fuse, think of yourself in ten years time | May 10 19:35 |
mib_84dons | you'll love this vid Roy...http://www.abcnews.go.com/print?id=7527708 | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: I'm not going downhill yet :-) | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | I'd love to do a marathon | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | But 10k would not be an achievement | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | BTW, no trophies this year | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | I tried not to nag them | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | Brought the subject up like 6 times | May 10 19:36 |
mib_84dons | yeah a marathon is a really big achievment first time round i think | May 10 19:36 |
amarsh04 | I used to do a 20km jog at night 2-3 times per week | May 10 19:36 |
schestowitz | The crunch takes the trophy :-D | May 10 19:37 |
mib_84dons | :) | May 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | amarsh04: that's amazing | May 10 19:37 |
mib_84dons | I admit that is a bit remiss of them, that would never have happened on my watch ROy:) | May 10 19:37 |
schestowitz | What would you have done? | May 10 19:38 |
mib_84dons | that's good going | May 10 19:38 |
amarsh04 | not very fast mind you, would take over 2 hours | May 10 19:38 |
mib_84dons | that's like a half marathon, still good at 2 hours three times a week, the trouble is it takes up so much time | May 10 19:39 |
mib_84dons | unlike this of course:) | May 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | Hehe. | May 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | Well.. give me another year | May 10 19:39 |
schestowitz | News is slowing down | May 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | I might take a break from all that | May 10 19:40 |
mib_84dons | a break from what sorry | May 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | as amarsh04 would know, Groklaw is alreasy partly 'out' | May 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | *Already | May 10 19:40 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: iNTERNET | May 10 19:40 |
mib_84dons | ok i understand | May 10 19:40 |
mib_84dons | it would be good to see you out and about more | May 10 19:41 |
*amarsh04 finally figured out creating 32-bit kernel and alsa-driver .deb's on 64-bit Debian | May 10 19:42 | |
amarsh04 | ...without a 32-bit chroot | May 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | mib_84dons: you mean where? | May 10 19:43 |
schestowitz | You should arrange a night out with Neil and others | May 10 19:43 |
mib_84dons | who is Neil | May 10 19:44 |
schestowitz | Baxter | May 10 19:45 |
schestowitz | His older brother is getting married soon | May 10 19:45 |
schestowitz | I still speak to his dad sometimes. Actually, to everyone but the mother | May 10 19:46 |
mib_84dons | Is Neil the DAD or SOn | May 10 19:46 |
*neonfloss (n=neon@rdsl-0393.tor.pathcom.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 19:46 | |
schestowitz | There are two Davids, Louisa, Martin and Neil. The mom is Carole. | May 10 19:46 |
schestowitz | Their dad is a professor where I am, so.. | May 10 19:46 |
mib_84dons | Does DAve like to talk about the collapse | May 10 19:46 |
schestowitz | Hehe | May 10 19:46 |
schestowitz | No. | May 10 19:46 |
schestowitz | You should see the look on his face | May 10 19:46 |
mib_84dons | when | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | He's one of the escapists | May 10 19:47 |
mib_84dons | say? | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | Those who don't wanna know anything about it | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | Chris Brooks doesn't even want to hear about corruption | May 10 19:47 |
mib_84dons | ah yes, in denial | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | He's fed up with those Greecnpeace activists, too | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | It's really interesting | May 10 19:47 |
mib_84dons | Greek | May 10 19:47 |
schestowitz | There are the responsive type and denialists | May 10 19:48 |
schestowitz | Some people run away and some are appealed to it | May 10 19:48 |
mib_84dons | yeas they are in work too, everywhere in fact | May 10 19:48 |
schestowitz | Some people want answers, others want ill/delusions | May 10 19:48 |
schestowitz | The TV gives it to them :-D | May 10 19:48 |
schestowitz | Speeches about unity, hope and all that malarkey | May 10 19:48 |
mib_84dons | Emmerdale, COronation Stret | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | So they can pick and match | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | And they would say what Obama and Biden said the other day about this and dat | May 10 19:49 |
mib_84dons | and believe it too | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | Yes | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | It's the president | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | He tells truth | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | He swore to God | May 10 19:49 |
schestowitz | You should see the US response to people who opposed an oath on God's name | May 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | They wanted something more secular | May 10 19:50 |
schestowitz | *in | May 10 19:50 |
mib_84dons | rabble rousing | May 10 19:50 |
mib_84dons | religous fruitcakes | May 10 19:51 |
mib_84dons | i goota go Roy, see you soon | May 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | OK | May 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | You know who else says truth? | May 10 19:54 |
schestowitz | The Federal Commission | May 10 19:55 |
schestowitz | And Reserve | May 10 19:55 |
schestowitz | If Alan says it goes up (whatever it is), then borrow and buy | May 10 19:55 |
trmanco | http://blog.gitorious.org/2009/05/09/weve-made-a-few-changes/ | May 10 19:56 |
schestowitz | "Gitorious is, and will continue to be, 100% free software, licensed under the Affero GPL." | May 10 20:00 |
schestowitz | Novell will have ugly results later this month. Maybe it'll announce big layoffs at this stage. They were gonna do it in February, but apparently held off/backed down | May 10 20:04 |
Balrog | anothe AGPL app! | May 10 20:11 |
schestowitz | OK, this is kind of stupid: http://www.itwire.com/content/view/24929/1143/ (Happy mother's day, Linus Torvalds) | May 10 20:11 |
schestowitz | He makes Linus his mummy now? | May 10 20:11 |
trmanco | I have to check the differences between gpl and agpl | May 10 20:12 |
Balrog | trmanco: AGPL fixes part of the SaaS problem | May 10 20:13 |
schestowitz | zoobab01: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1396319 | May 10 20:14 |
trmanco | Balrog, hmm ok, you just saved me some time, but I will read the hole license just for curiosity | May 10 20:14 |
trmanco | thanks | May 10 20:14 |
schestowitz | trmanco: short story: (A) means you'll need to share changes to app on your server | May 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | Affero is the company's name | May 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | WordPress should be made AGPLv3 | May 10 20:15 |
Balrog | schestowitz: I'm not too sure about that... | May 10 20:15 |
Balrog | that /could/ lead to a fork :/ | May 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | About what? | May 10 20:15 |
schestowitz | Oh | May 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | The WP thing | May 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | Good luck to forkers :-) | May 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | Automattic has the momentum | May 10 20:16 |
Balrog | CiviCRM is already AGPL | May 10 20:16 |
Balrog | and many people use it | May 10 20:16 |
schestowitz | SugarCRM head just jumped ship | May 10 20:17 |
schestowitz | GPLv3 | May 10 20:17 |
Balrog | except that CiviCRM's stance is that AGPL only applies to that software and not the full Drupal install | May 10 20:17 |
schestowitz | But they mix it | May 10 20:17 |
schestowitz | Sun Open-Sources U.S. Antibribery Laws < http://digitaldaily.allthingsd.com/20090508/sun-open-sources-us-anti-bribery-laws/ > | May 10 20:19 |
schestowitz | Employment minister Tony McNulty may have 'obtained pecuniary advantage by deception' < http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/may/08/tony-mcnulty-mps-expenses > | May 10 20:23 |
schestowitz | Here's a good new Linux device which is based on ARM: http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS7369824937.html?kc=rss | May 10 20:24 |
schestowitz | Defunct papers: Reporter to NY Times Publisher: You Erased My Career < http://www.thomascrampton.com/newspapers/reporter-to-ny-times-publisher-you-erased-my-career/ > | May 10 20:25 |
schestowitz | For sunny place only: Geeks: A solar powered bench for all your battery and wifi needs http://thenextweb.com/2009/05/08/geeks-solar-powered-bench-battery-wifi/ | May 10 20:25 |
schestowitz | EU launches Eastern plan in Russia's backyard < http://www.euractiv.com/en/enlargement/eu-launches-eastern-plan-russia-backyard/article-182123?Ref=RSS > | May 10 20:32 |
schestowitz | User Survey 2009 < http://surveys.services.openoffice.org/surveys/index.php?sid=69531&lang=en > If only I used OOo | May 10 20:36 |
bgrt4 | wow, eu launches anything in russia | May 10 20:36 |
bgrt4 | lol, "mostly bordering russia" | May 10 20:36 |
bgrt4 | they all are | May 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | I guess Amazon won't acquire trmanco...... http://www.techflash.com/Amazon_creates_own_URL_shortener_44601202.html (Amazon creates its own URL shortener for products) | May 10 20:36 |
schestowitz | bgrt4: aye | May 10 20:37 |
bgrt4 | oh, so it's energy-wise plan | May 10 20:37 |
trmanco | hehe, that would be nice now wouldn't it? :-P | May 10 20:37 |
bgrt4 | lol | May 10 20:38 |
bgrt4 | that would be lol | May 10 20:38 |
bgrt4 | trmanco | May 10 20:38 |
bgrt4 | i don't even get why czech is mentioned there | May 10 20:38 |
bgrt4 | even though they speak almost russian | May 10 20:39 |
bgrt4 | lol, "They are our close eastern neighbours and we have a vital interest in their stability and prosperity." | May 10 20:39 |
bgrt4 | wtf | May 10 20:39 |
bgrt4 | i can explain why they need that lack of energetic problems | May 10 20:40 |
bgrt4 | but it surely doesn't help what they did | May 10 20:40 |
bgrt4 | unless they build yet another cable | May 10 20:40 |
bgrt4 | russian resources are kinda already cheap | May 10 20:41 |
bgrt4 | the only problem is that they come through ukraine | May 10 20:41 |
bgrt4 | that's not capable of keeping it's word | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | they steal them | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | resources | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | for which eu paid | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | so if eu is gonna buy out that stealing will | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | it's just wrong | May 10 20:42 |
bgrt4 | thieves don't sell their talent XD | May 10 20:43 |
bgrt4 | 'cause it's what they live with | May 10 20:43 |
bgrt4 | that article is a complete lol, i can't even imagine how i will not have to fall under the table laughing if i didn't do that on potions | May 10 20:45 |
bgrt4 | portions* | May 10 20:45 |
*mib_84dons has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | May 10 20:45 | |
bgrt4 | i always thought that ajax means "not having to refresh the whole page to update details" | May 10 20:48 |
bgrt4 | isn't there anything better mibbit could go with | May 10 20:48 |
schestowitz | who gets ubuntu.com e-mail addresses? | May 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | I confused that with canonical.com addresses | May 10 20:49 |
schestowitz | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2009-May/005713.html | May 10 20:50 |
schestowitz | bgrt4: yes, but they have some good articles | May 10 20:51 |
schestowitz | BN is bigger | May 10 20:51 |
schestowitz | They cover a lot of stuff about patents and l0bbyists | May 10 20:51 |
schestowitz | Today is Mother’s Day I hope you guys called called your mamma and made her happy. ;-) | May 10 20:53 |
schestowitz | trmanco: can you read this? http://meneame.net/story/net-applications-falseo-share-linux-para-favorecer-cliente | May 10 20:57 |
schestowitz | MinceR can read this (cites BN): http://mogorvamormota.hu/2009/05/10/gnote/ | May 10 20:57 |
schestowitz | BN at the Chinese Linux University: http://www.chineselinuxuniversity.net/news/54695.shtml | May 10 20:58 |
trmanco | schestowitz, don't know spanish | May 10 20:59 |
macabe | It alludes to Linux installed share FUD. | May 10 21:00 |
schestowitz | trmanco: thanks. | May 10 21:00 |
schestowitz | Googlebar has a nice button for translation | May 10 21:01 |
schestowitz | Google Toolbar sucks | May 10 21:01 |
schestowitz | So I can't quite get a quick translation | May 10 21:01 |
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | May 10 21:01 | |
schestowitz | I spent much time trying to mess about with settings, too. | May 10 21:01 |
schestowitz | Sites fail age verification check < http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/technology/8039580.stm > It only arouses kids' curiosity when they are denied. | May 10 21:02 |
trmanco | man how I love thunderbird | May 10 21:05 |
trmanco | very extensible | May 10 21:05 |
trmanco | but still lack a good usenet extension | May 10 21:05 |
trmanco | lacks* | May 10 21:05 |
macabe | A pesar de que los datos mostrados eran absurdos muchos medios de prensa como El Pais lo publicaron sin contrastar las fuentes.(Given that the shown data is absurd many in the media like EL PAIS published it nevertherless without question. | May 10 21:07 |
schestowitz | trmanco: knode | May 10 21:09 |
schestowitz | i use thunderbird more than ff | May 10 21:09 |
schestowitz | There has been FAR too little coverage of OpenOffice 3.1 release. http://www.bmighty.com/blog/main/archives/2009/05/openofficeorg_3_2.html | May 10 21:14 |
macabe | (El iPhone de Apple, otro de los clientes de Net Applications, contaba con más share que Symbian, a pesar de que se han vendido más de 1.000 tfnos con Symbian por cada iPhone fabricado).(Apple's iPhone another of .NET APPLICATIONS client counted on a higher share than Symbian, given that 1000+ phones with Symbian were sold for every 1 iPhone manufactered. | May 10 21:14 |
*benJIman_ (n=benji@benjiweber.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 21:16 | |
macabe | El Share de Linux real podría situarse entre el 4 y el 20% (y hasta un 50% en ámbitos universitarios) - Linux real share could be placed at 4 to 20% (even 50% in university environments). | May 10 21:17 |
*mib_z1xdr7 (i=43a7dcc8@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-4c736586bf5a0e61) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 21:18 | |
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schestowitz | Hmmmmm.. in Romanian.. http://razvansandu.zando.ro/2009/05/fisiere-opendocument-in-ms-office-2007.html | May 10 21:22 |
schestowitz | macabe: depends on the country | May 10 21:22 |
schestowitz | In Brazil it's quite high | May 10 21:22 |
schestowitz | In the US it's utterly low | May 10 21:23 |
macabe | That was what the author wrote butt the comments are along the same train of thought. ".NET APPLICATIONS skews data favorable to its client" | May 10 21:25 |
macabe | soryy about the double tt | May 10 21:26 |
schestowitz | RMS has thanked me for the post about "Free as in tobacco" | May 10 21:26 |
schestowitz | macabe: the question is, what is their business model? | May 10 21:26 |
schestowitz | Like Microsoft says | May 10 21:26 |
schestowitz | It's to sell out | May 10 21:26 |
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection) | May 10 21:26 | |
schestowitz | They sell consulting/servcies | May 10 21:26 |
schestowitz | I.e. they can offer bias/access in return for contracts | May 10 21:27 |
macabe | You can see that people no matter where are leary and suspicious of ANALysts and big media. | May 10 21:28 |
schestowitz | US interrogators may have killed dozens, human rights researcher and rights group say < http://rawstory.com/08/news/2009/05/06/us-interrogators-killed-dozens-human-rights-researcher-and-rights-group-say/ > | May 10 21:29 |
bgrt4 | wtf | May 10 21:29 |
bgrt4 | i just asked c++ channel about the oop problems | May 10 21:30 |
bgrt4 | and they banned me | May 10 21:30 |
bgrt4 | actually about oop problemset | May 10 21:30 |
bgrt4 | only one of them tried a bit to produce anything near to oop | May 10 21:30 |
schestowitz | War on dissent? What Is Muni’s Photography Policy?? < http://www.whatimseeing.com/2009/05/06/what-is-munis-photography-policy/ > | May 10 21:30 |
bgrt4 | but even he failed | May 10 21:30 |
bgrt4 | and i'm still banned from there XD | May 10 21:31 |
schestowitz | Maybe it's a flamewar | May 10 21:31 |
schestowitz | Linus would be banned too | May 10 21:31 |
bgrt4 | lol | May 10 21:31 |
bgrt4 | i know what's oop more than 75% of them | May 10 21:31 |
bgrt4 | even though i didn't use it for years | May 10 21:31 |
schestowitz | what's the chan's address? | May 10 21:31 |
schestowitz | cplusplus? | May 10 21:31 |
bgrt4 | #c++ | May 10 21:31 |
bgrt4 | ##c++ | May 10 21:32 |
schestowitz | Ah, it does symbols | May 10 21:32 |
schestowitz | Busy house | May 10 21:32 |
bgrt4 | in either case | May 10 21:32 |
bgrt4 | i was just asking them for oop problemset | May 10 21:32 |
bgrt4 | as a tutorial | May 10 21:32 |
schestowitz | Zogby Poll: Majority support legalization < http://www.dosenation.com/listing.php?smlid=6232 > | May 10 21:32 |
bgrt4 | like top level tutorial | May 10 21:32 |
schestowitz | Of course, it's not the majority that defined policy | May 10 21:33 |
schestowitz | It's elite opinion | May 10 21:33 |
bgrt4 | but they just produced stupidity and ban at last | May 10 21:33 |
schestowitz | Criminilization of everything to enable imprisonment and separation of lower classes | May 10 21:33 |
schestowitz | Let me try something | May 10 21:33 |
schestowitz | schestowitz> Hi | May 10 21:34 |
schestowitz | <schestowitz> Why was bgrt4 banned? | May 10 21:34 |
schestowitz | <bytbox> schestowitz: bye | May 10 21:34 |
schestowitz | I've just left it | May 10 21:35 |
bgrt4 | XD | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | Seems like they have some nutters there | May 10 21:35 |
bgrt4 | it's funny | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | I just say hi | May 10 21:35 |
bgrt4 | 'cause it's freenode | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | They say "bye" | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | Before I even said the second thing | May 10 21:35 |
bgrt4 | don't try to unban me | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | Simultaneous | May 10 21:35 |
schestowitz | "<schestowitz> Why was bgrt4 banned?" and "<bytbox> schestowitz: bye" just one second apart | May 10 21:36 |
bgrt4 | i'm far beyond helping | May 10 21:36 |
bgrt4 | and i know why i was banned | May 10 21:36 |
bgrt4 | 'cause people are just not capable of oop | May 10 21:36 |
bgrt4 | there are plenty of good tasks on oop | May 10 21:36 |
bgrt4 | even for experts | May 10 21:37 |
bgrt4 | and i asked for them | May 10 21:37 |
bgrt4 | considering they know anything | May 10 21:37 |
bgrt4 | but they didn't | May 10 21:37 |
schestowitz | Yes, we do need government inspectors < http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/3/26/713328/-Yes,-we-do-need-government-inspectors > | May 10 21:37 |
schestowitz | The Bush forces get the job done: Government Could Destroy Records in Hundreds of Guantanamo Cases < http://www.propublica.org/article/government-could-destroy-records-in-hundreds-of-guantanamo-cases-507 > | May 10 21:38 |
schestowitz | Interesting. Mother's Day falls under many different days across the world: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_day | May 10 21:43 |
*mib_2vh9dh (i=47c449f6@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-bba02f5a9ae41234) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 21:48 | |
*mib_2vh9dh has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 21:49 | |
schestowitz | Fork of knife? http://blogs.the451group.com/opensource/2009/05/08/nagios-fork-commercial-growing-pains-commercial-interests/ ( Community and commercial interest drove Nagios fork) | May 10 21:56 |
schestowitz | Take control of your android/G1, put GNU on it.. http://androidsocialmedia.com/root-access/android-g1-root-access-why-how | May 10 21:58 |
schestowitz | High Quality #GIMP #Tutorials http://www.gimpplus.com/ | May 10 22:00 |
schestowitz | Some very weird site is shoving very old news into Google news.. "kernel v2.6.23, gcc v4.1.1, gblic v2.5, and Eclipse v3.2.2." http://www.pressreleasepoint.com/terra-soft-today-released-yellow-dog-linux-v60-sony-ps3-apple-g4g5-and-ibm-system-p-built-upon-cento | May 10 22:05 |
trmanco | |-|3y |00k, 7hund3r81rd (4n wr173 1n |337 | May 10 22:06 |
trmanco | haha | May 10 22:07 |
schestowitz | The Preston Gralla shill is attacking Linux again | May 10 22:08 |
schestowitz | He uses the Microsoft-sponosored numbers | May 10 22:08 |
schestowitz | And the shill references shill | May 10 22:08 |
schestowitz | Very familiar site | May 10 22:08 |
schestowitz | Microsoft seeds (sponsors lies), then its shills echoes it in the press, other shills cite it | May 10 22:09 |
schestowitz | Microsoft seeds (sponsors) lies like NPD, then its shill echoes it in the press, other shills cite it. Classic. | May 10 22:10 |
schestowitz | Now it's Net Applications | May 10 22:10 |
schestowitz | From the folks who brought you "Get the Facts" | May 10 22:10 |
schestowitz | Hooked! [on GNU/Linux] : http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/ew/2009/05/11/stories/2009051150010100.htm | May 10 22:12 |
MinceR | how are you gentlemen !! | May 10 22:12 |
schestowitz | Heh. :-| !! | May 10 22:12 |
MinceR | i like the mogorvamormota article you linked | May 10 22:14 |
schestowitz | Techradar most just reposts lots of Linux Format articles these days. It's a shame that they haven't published new and original articles recently. | May 10 22:15 |
schestowitz | What's the site of the egg tosser? | May 10 22:15 |
schestowitz | It would be funny if it was anchored repeatedly under the phrase "the Ballmer egg treatment". Ballmer travels to Asia for tomorrow... where he will probably do some 'smart' bribery. | May 10 22:17 |
MinceR | http://nagyorgy.uw.hu/ | May 10 22:17 |
*benJIman_ has quit ("leaving") | May 10 22:18 | |
*benJIman_ (n=benji@benjiweber.co.uk) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 22:18 | |
*benJIman has quit ("leaving") | May 10 22:18 | |
schestowitz | Today was a sad day. I found out my streaming mirror/microblog server had been cracked. They exploited webmin and set up shop. http://www.thelinuxlink.net/myblog/?p=197 | May 10 22:18 |
*schestowitz writes down address under template | May 10 22:19 | |
schestowitz | What is Tarka Magyar? | May 10 22:20 |
schestowitz | He's like the shoe thrower really (Bush). He did it for all of us. | May 10 22:20 |
*benJIman_ is now known as benJIman | May 10 22:20 | |
MinceR | some sort of political stuff, unrelated to the m$ issue | May 10 22:22 |
schestowitz | Wait, I Thought Command Lines Were More Evil Than Hitler? < http://penguinpetes.com/b2evo/index.php?title=wait_i_thought_command_lines_were_more_e&more=1&c=1&tb=1&pb=1 > | May 10 22:28 |
*silentivm has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | May 10 22:28 | |
schestowitz | MinceR: "m$" is political too. Very much so. | May 10 22:28 |
schestowitz | McBush wanted to make Ballmer his gun for the world's next superpower (China) | May 10 22:29 |
MinceR | that's why i said it's unrelated to that. | May 10 22:29 |
schestowitz | "I hope I won’t be out of line if I point out that abandoning X on one machine, eschewing both X and the framebuffer on another, and spending a lot of time compiling on the third … seems to have had a rather positive effect on my productivity." http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2009/05/10/do-more-with-less/ | May 10 22:30 |
schestowitz | Don't worry | May 10 22:31 |
schestowitz | China will treat us well | May 10 22:31 |
schestowitz | Their troops will pay a visit only when our cronies stop taking orders | May 10 22:31 |
schestowitz | And they will have 700 military bases in our countries | May 10 22:31 |
schestowitz | But we will love them regardless | May 10 22:31 |
schestowitz | Because they Self.PromoteDemocracy(-1); | May 10 22:32 |
schestowitz | If we act nicely, then they'll build shoe factories in our countries and send us some of their treasures by sea (garbage disposal) | May 10 22:33 |
schestowitz | They will say it's very precious and contain 1% of things like old cellphone (and cabbage) | May 10 22:33 |
schestowitz | They might set up the Shen Foundation to send us drugs to get addicted to (or to rest these drugs to see if it's safe) | May 10 22:34 |
*ushimitsudoki (n=ushimits@p5128-ipad12yosemiya.okinawa.ocn.ne.jp) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 22:35 | |
schestowitz | Check it out: The First Computer Mouse - Circa 1964 < http://linuxshellaccount.blogspot.com/2009/05/first-computer-mouse-circa-1964.html >. So wait, mice were not invaded by Apple and Microsoft? | May 10 22:36 |
schestowitz | A Look at Firefox Custom Builds < http://www.palluxo.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=211:a-look-at-firefox-custom-builds&catid=90:blogs&Itemid=284 > | May 10 22:37 |
schestowitz | "KDE not as pretty as Vista," some people say, but: http://www.killertechtips.com/2009/05/09/download-windows-7-transformation-pack-for-kde/ | May 10 22:39 |
schestowitz | Why Windows users should switch to Linux < http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/why-windows-users-should-switch-to-linux-596940?artc_pg=1 > | May 10 22:40 |
MinceR | invented, not invaded :> | May 10 22:41 |
schestowitz | Great rave about Mandriva and KDE 4.2.2 http://pclinuxos2007.blogspot.com/2009/05/mandriva-linux-20091-spring-steps-ahead.html | May 10 22:43 |
schestowitz | MinceR: they were not kept in the zoo | May 10 22:43 |
schestowitz | thief steve jobs? http://i79.photobucket.com/albums/j156/mballek/SteveJobs.jpg | May 10 22:44 |
schestowitz | Did Palm's UI imitate another? | May 10 22:44 |
schestowitz | The ipHone reminds me of the classic Palm OS menu | May 10 22:44 |
schestowitz | http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/gizmodo/2009/03/ballmer-eats-zune.jpg | May 10 22:45 |
schestowitz | http://blog.jjtcomputing.co.uk/2009/05/10/mandriva-20091/ "All in all, Mandriva is an excellent distribution" | May 10 22:47 |
schestowitz | Linux has LGA http://www.linuxgenuineadvantage.org/ | May 10 22:48 |
MinceR | :D | May 10 22:52 |
*ushimitsudoki1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | May 10 22:52 | |
schestowitz | ICEpdf PDF rendering engine now open source < http://www.h-online.com/open/ICEpdf-PDF-rendering-engine-now-open-source--/news/113241 > This would be handy. | May 10 22:53 |
*mib_fdfslf (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-2cf80d6ce96e0e64) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 22:58 | |
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3") | May 10 22:58 | |
*mib_fdfslf has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 22:58 | |
*neonfloss has quit ("Leaving") | May 10 23:32 | |
MinceR | corpocracy in france >> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/05/09/229217&from=rss | May 10 23:38 |
schestowitz | Old newss :-) | May 10 23:40 |
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@wana-82-245-12-196.wanamaroc.com) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 23:40 | |
schestowitz | wb, _Hicham_ | May 10 23:41 |
_Hicham_ | Hi schestowitz! | May 10 23:41 |
_Hicham_ | did u go to the gym today? | May 10 23:41 |
schestowitz | MinceR: there was a scarier thing there recently | May 10 23:41 |
schestowitz | I think it was a French nuclear energy company | May 10 23:41 |
*mib_o9od7f (i=5eb3da9b@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d43cee2eb0ddde4e) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 23:42 | |
_Hicham_ | what a shame! | May 10 23:42 |
schestowitz | They aliaised with the British police to attack Greenpeace protesters or something along the lines. So it was cross-border police state/corporocracy. | May 10 23:42 |
schestowitz | _Hicham_: I did, yes | May 10 23:42 |
_Hicham_ | why some countries are allowed to have nuclear energy while others don't? | May 10 23:42 |
schestowitz | Some girl that I like was there :-) | May 10 23:42 |
_Hicham_ | oooooooooooh, schestowitz' gf | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | _Hicham_: energy or weapons | May 10 23:43 |
_Hicham_ | both | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | Levels of enrichment vary | May 10 23:43 |
MinceR | _Hicham_: they want to hold on to the power | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | The US usually gets to decide to whom it's OK | May 10 23:43 |
_Hicham_ | Iran for example | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | OK=friends of the west | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | It's the dark/bright division | May 10 23:43 |
schestowitz | They must have a division into halves | May 10 23:43 |
MinceR | lackeys of the usa vs. terrorists | May 10 23:44 |
_Hicham_ | friends of the west = staying poor | May 10 23:44 |
mib_o9od7f | Some are not good enough to have the nuke | May 10 23:44 |
schestowitz | The Rockefellers say they want to get rid of Chavez next | May 10 23:44 |
schestowitz | Poor Chavez | May 10 23:44 |
MinceR | (except for the ones they can't intimidate, of course) | May 10 23:44 |
schestowitz | He is cursed | May 10 23:44 |
MinceR | (china, for example) | May 10 23:44 |
schestowitz | Born in a country with a sea of energy beneath of | May 10 23:44 |
schestowitz | *it | May 10 23:44 |
_Hicham_ | Chavez and Kaddafi | May 10 23:44 |
_Hicham_ | we have Kaddafi in the Arab World | May 10 23:45 |
_Hicham_ | Kaddafi is the craziest president on earth | May 10 23:45 |
MinceR | gn | May 10 23:45 |
*mib_o9od7f has quit (Client Quit) | May 10 23:45 | |
_Hicham_ | gn MinceR | May 10 23:45 |
schestowitz | _Hicham_: he looked into OLPC | May 10 23:45 |
_Hicham_ | who? | May 10 23:46 |
schestowitz | _Hicham_: we have Bush in the western world | May 10 23:46 |
schestowitz | Bush was the craziest president on earth | May 10 23:46 |
schestowitz | Schwarzenegger is the stupidest governor on earth | May 10 23:46 |
_Hicham_ | Schwarzenegger? | May 10 23:46 |
_Hicham_ | I like him | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Schwarzenegger is a fanb0i of Bush, granted | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | he is a good example | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | haha | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Ja ja... go to Iraw | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Get zem oil! | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Schnell | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | a strong governor | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | with big muscles | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Well | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | He's just a steroid guy | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | Hehe. More like big needles | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | he must have lost his balls | May 10 23:47 |
schestowitz | And a quad bypass | May 10 23:47 |
_Hicham_ | steroids kills spermatozoids | May 10 23:48 |
schestowitz | Does he have kids? | May 10 23:48 |
_Hicham_ | yes, he do | May 10 23:48 |
schestowitz | I think he was married to some anchor | May 10 23:48 |
_Hicham_ | he have had an accident with his son on a bike | May 10 23:48 |
_Hicham_ | he acts like he is in a movie | May 10 23:48 |
_Hicham_ | and think that politics are just like a movie | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | Yes | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | So do Californians | May 10 23:49 |
_Hicham_ | that is why californians like him | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | It's scary | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | Do you know what CA's debt is like? | May 10 23:49 |
_Hicham_ | no | May 10 23:49 |
_Hicham_ | how much? | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | It's very dangerous that they like him | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | He could be elected president | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | Had he been born not in Austria | May 10 23:49 |
schestowitz | Though they intend to modify the law IIRC | May 10 23:50 |
schestowitz | And Palin.. | May 10 23:50 |
schestowitz | Oh God! | May 10 23:50 |
trmanco | Arnold lost his artificial muscles | May 10 23:50 |
_Hicham_ | where was he born? | May 10 23:50 |
_Hicham_ | Palin is sexy | May 10 23:50 |
trmanco | he fast AFAIK | May 10 23:50 |
schestowitz | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anxkrm9uEJk | May 10 23:50 |
trmanco | fat* | May 10 23:50 |
_Hicham_ | all americans are looking for her pictures naked | May 10 23:50 |
trmanco | well, not fat, elastic... | May 10 23:50 |
schestowitz | _Hicham_: there are fake ones | May 10 23:51 |
_Hicham_ | I know | May 10 23:51 |
schestowitz | Some relatives from the US sent me mails, they thought it was funny | May 10 23:51 |
_Hicham_ | mails about what? | May 10 23:51 |
schestowitz | Elections there could be like a pageant | May 10 23:52 |
schestowitz | Where at the last round they check if there is an ounce of intelligence | May 10 23:52 |
schestowitz | By asking some superficial questions | May 10 23:52 |
schestowitz | It's insulting | May 10 23:52 |
schestowitz | It's like Woody the woodpecker. Knock nock? Brains therE? Hallllllo? | May 10 23:52 |
_Hicham_ | well, u know america | May 10 23:52 |
schestowitz | But they could elect them | May 10 23:53 |
schestowitz | See the video (YouTube) | May 10 23:53 |
_Hicham_ | by the way, MS have some strange questions to appliers | May 10 23:53 |
_Hicham_ | do u know the manhole question? | May 10 23:53 |
bgrt4 | macabe, don't you think that if you talk in english then much more people understand ya | May 10 23:53 |
_Hicham_ | it is very MS specific | May 10 23:53 |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | May 10 23:54 | |
bgrt4 | wtf is manhole question? | May 10 23:54 |
bgrt4 | manhole... | May 10 23:54 |
bgrt4 | very m$ specific... | May 10 23:55 |
_Hicham_ | wb oiaohm | May 10 23:55 |
bgrt4 | i'm about to be frightened to use m$ at all | May 10 23:55 |
schestowitz | Yeah, weird that | May 10 23:55 |
schestowitz | LOL | May 10 23:55 |
_Hicham_ | do u know it schestowitz? | May 10 23:55 |
schestowitz | Know what? | May 10 23:55 |
bgrt4 | come on _Hicham_ | May 10 23:55 |
bgrt4 | tell it already | May 10 23:56 |
_Hicham_ | MS manhole question | May 10 23:56 |
_Hicham_ | it is very known | May 10 23:56 |
_Hicham_ | i can't believe u don't know it | May 10 23:56 |
_Hicham_ | Miguel must have failed to answer it | May 10 23:56 |
schestowitz | http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=manhole+question&sourceid=navclient-ff&rlz=1B5GGGL_enGB315GB316&ie=UTF-8 | May 10 23:56 |
schestowitz | Doesn't seem to trigger anything obvious | May 10 23:57 |
_Hicham_ | well, the traditional MS question for new appliers is a follow : " why is a manhole round?" | May 10 23:57 |
_Hicham_ | can u answer that questioN | May 10 23:57 |
_Hicham_ | ? | May 10 23:57 |
bgrt4 | lol | May 10 23:58 |
oiaohm | And I normal answer not all manhole's are. | May 10 23:58 |
bgrt4 | CF | May 10 23:58 |
bgrt4 | XD | May 10 23:58 |
_Hicham_ | one good answer | May 10 23:58 |
oiaohm | Yes some are square. | May 10 23:58 |
bgrt4 | wtf | May 10 23:58 |
bgrt4 | why id msnhole round? | May 10 23:59 |
_Hicham_ | http://blogs.msdn.com/bgroth/archive/2004/09/27/235071.aspx | May 10 23:59 |
_Hicham_ | it is an old post | May 10 23:59 |
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