IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 5th, 2009

Chips_B_MalroyHello everyone.  It seems that Net Apps did globulize it browser data, unlike what I said in a comment on this site.  My Bad, sorry.Aug 05 00:00
schestowitzHey, malroyAug 05 00:00
Chips_B_MalroyHi RoyAug 05 00:00
schestowitzThey globalise in th wrong directionAug 05 00:00
schestowitzChina does not adopt much LinuxAug 05 00:01
schestowitzWhat's next? UK data?Aug 05 00:01
Chips_B_MalroyYes, Firefox for some reason hardly moved in the new dataAug 05 00:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Watch on Microsoft vs Google and Microsoft vs Sub-notebooks 05 00:01
schestowitzThey should move on to Africa, continental Europe, South America, Russia...Aug 05 00:01
schestowitzThat's where it's atAug 05 00:01
schestowitzThat's where there's about 10 times the density of Linux usage (compared to US)Aug 05 00:02
Chips_B_Malroyyou might find this Link interesting, it seems Clem is more on the side of mono than against it: 05 00:02
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: Firefox hardly exists in CHinaAug 05 00:02
schestowitzIt's a well known factAug 05 00:02
schestowitzMozilla does not know how to address itAug 05 00:02
schestowitzIn China, it's IE and MaxthonAug 05 00:02
schestowitzAnd Baidu is bigger there than GoogleAug 05 00:02
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: I know about ClemAug 05 00:03
Chips_B_Malroymost likely because of localization of languages and piratcyAug 05 00:03
Chips_B_Malroygoing add Mint to my list of going to the bottom of distro's to install for newbiesAug 05 00:03
Chips_B_Malroyalthough its good for a Gnome buntu basedAug 05 00:04
schestowitzHmmm...Aug 05 00:06
schestowitz"As for using things later, that’s a little coincidental as you are kindly contributing to some points I am making in a very detailed report to the FTC."Aug 05 00:06
schestowitzFrom 05 00:06
Chips_B_MalroyFor me (personal use) I stay with those distro's that are not poluted by the VoleAug 05 00:07
Chips_B_MalroyIf you need me to stop, just say the wordAug 05 00:07
schestowitzStop what?Aug 05 00:08
Chips_B_MalroycommentingAug 05 00:08
Chips_B_MalroyAndre and I have been verbally sparring for while at MS WatchAug 05 00:09
Chips_B_Malroyin the pastAug 05 00:09
Chips_B_MalroyAndre still comments at MS Watch, BTWAug 05 00:11
schestowitzAhh..Aug 05 00:15
schestowitzI saw the comments in CNETAug 05 00:15
schestowitzConfrontationalAug 05 00:15
schestowitzNervousness maybeAug 05 00:15
schestowitz_goblin: ya there...?Aug 05 00:15
schestowitz "cavang@schestowitz Oh that Mr Dee. And I thought he was retarded"Aug 05 00:15
schestowitz To think I thought Dee was just a jerk RT @schestowitz CNET commentator "Mr. Dee" turns out to be Microsoft-compensated 05 00:15
cubezzzdoes China use Linux much or it is mostly windows?Aug 05 00:15
schestowitzMostly counterfeited WindowsAug 05 00:16
schestowitzOnly fools in there would pay for itAug 05 00:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Video Demo of the New KDE 4.3 05 00:16
schestowitzNot even businesses pay for it, but Microsoft struck a $1.3 bn (IIRC) contract with LenovoAug 05 00:16
schestowitzLenovo is in bed with Microsoft for all sots of reasonsAug 05 00:16
Chips_B_MalroyMS must have total control over the OEM's to maintain its windows monopolyAug 05 00:18
cubezzzyeah, it seems they have a death grip on them :-/Aug 05 00:18
cubezzzanything that comes along to compete against Windows (like BeOS) is crushedAug 05 00:19
_goblinschestowitz: Sorry Roy, just finishing of pt3 of a post.Aug 05 00:20
Chips_B_MalroyGood Job Goblin, again!Aug 05 00:20 pt2 yet?Aug 05 00:20
Chips_B_Malroymost of it, a neowin shill for MS?Aug 05 00:21
Chips_B_MalroyBeen a long time since I have been to Neowin, if its the site I am thinking, they used to have a lot about slip streaming service packs in Windows, how to do it, etcAug 05 00:23
_goblinlol...not was a reporter of neowin who was challenged by me and then next thing I know his girlfriend shows up on my blog with "alot of attitude and not much argument"Aug 05 00:23
Chips_B_Malroyor maybe that was another siteAug 05 00:23
_goblinit was a tragically funny piece of live journalism....Aug 05 00:23
_goblinand was like an episode of a teen drama being played out on Openbytes.Aug 05 00:24
schestowitzBe carefulAug 05 00:24
schestowitzIf someone there commits suicide, you will be liableAug 05 00:24
schestowitz /sarcasm/Aug 05 00:24
_goblinlolAug 05 00:24
schestowitzDrew story...Aug 05 00:24
_goblinFunny thing was, I hardly got a chance to say anything...Aug 05 00:24
_goblinshe was a little insulting to say the least....Aug 05 00:25
_goblinit would probably be easier for me to list the words she didn't call me.Aug 05 00:25
Chips_B_Malroyyour fame has spread b4 u Goblin.Aug 05 00:25
_goblinI don't know about her, but after being subjected to pages of her rants, I felt like ending it.Aug 05 00:26
_goblinby strangling myself with my own mouse wire.Aug 05 00:26
_goblinpt3 is almost ready....Aug 05 00:27
Chips_B_MalroyNotice that all comments at MS Watch are now held for review.  This must be a way to get rid of the spam and flith, from the shillbomblers when Joe was there.Aug 05 00:27
_goblinRoy, this guy Im publishing really has it in for you!Aug 05 00:27
Chips_B_MalroyThe cost of telling the trueAug 05 00:27
_goblinwhen asked to justify to comments about me, he seems fixated with you....Aug 05 00:27
schestowitzTell him I'm straightAug 05 00:29
Chips_B_MalroyMS, its shills, some of its fanboi's, and the deranged, would like nothing better than this site to stopAug 05 00:29
Chips_B_MalroyBelieve it or not, I always wanted MS to improve its product Windows.  To make it more secure for the internet and useful.  As I know that many will keep using it for a number of years.   Not everyone will change.Aug 05 00:31
Chips_B_MalroyOnly way to do get them to change, it to comment on a site that watches MSAug 05 00:32
cubezzzI just can't accept Microsoft at all, not for my own personal useAug 05 00:32
Chips_B_MalroyCubezzz, used it forever, by moved on like you nowAug 05 00:33
Chips_B_Malroy*butAug 05 00:33
cubezzzhere is the one thing that you don't have with closed source: You don't really know what it's doingAug 05 00:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Does the Open Invention Network (OIN) Become a Patent Harvester? 05 00:34
Chips_B_Malroythats what I wonder too about the driver that ms donated, what it will do.  Hopefully the kernel maintainers will knowAug 05 00:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Third of Europeans have never been online < > Interesting claim, assuming it's a censusAug 05 00:35
schestowitzWHich ones?Aug 05 00:35
schestowitzNovell?Aug 05 00:35
cubezzzwell, if they can see the source, all should be well (I hope)Aug 05 00:35
schestowitzRemember who brought this patches... RegovellAug 05 00:35
schestowitzcubezzz: they know what it does, it's just that they can't reject itAug 05 00:36
schestowitzMicrosoft is like the Nomad who brings a dead skunk to a barbecue partyAug 05 00:36
schestowitzYou'd rather have the burgers reallyAug 05 00:37
cubezzzI was close to switching to BeOS at one point, but Linux is much more activeAug 05 00:37
cubezzzand BeOS wasn't really FOSS I don't thinkAug 05 00:37
schestowitzFraud groups ding Bing for illicit pharmacy promos 05 00:38
schestowitzI'm not going to attract attention to Bong anymore, but this shows how many barriers they have leftAug 05 00:38
Chips_B_MalroyThom Howdera (OSNews) is on the Haika IRC sometimesAug 05 00:38
schestowitzBong is losing Microsoft a fortune. Probably hundreds of millions per qtrAug 05 00:38
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: I don't trust ThomAug 05 00:39
schestowitzHe's marketing Windows too much for many people who left his site for the same reason.Aug 05 00:39
Chips_B_MalroyI did until he joined with the the L guy in attacking RMS for virtually nothingAug 05 00:39
Chips_B_Malroythen I seen you were right there as wellAug 05 00:40
schestowitzWHat does that have to do with it?Aug 05 00:40
schestowitzThe L guy by the way is a marketing person, not a technical person. His highest qualification is an undergrad degree in drama.Aug 05 00:41
Chips_B_MalroyMaybe nothing, but loyalities do mean something to meAug 05 00:41
schestowitzOops. I meant theatre.Aug 05 00:41
schestowitzThom is not loyalAug 05 00:41
schestowitzThen there's that gal what's her name..?Aug 05 00:42
schestowitzEugena/EuginaAug 05 00:42
schestowitzShe also turned hostile t/w Linux and OggAug 05 00:42
schestowitzOther people say the same thing... via E-mailAug 05 00:42
ThistleWebfor some reason I keep thinking Jo Sheilds is femaleAug 05 00:42
ThistleWebmaybe it's the spelling of JoAug 05 00:42
schestowitzThistleWeb: in the UK it would seem soAug 05 00:42
Chips_B_Malroycould beAug 05 00:43
schestowitzBut he's from the UKAug 05 00:43
schestowitzMost Josephs make it "Joe"Aug 05 00:43
ThistleWebit keeps catching me out when he's refered to as "he"Aug 05 00:43
ThistleWebno matter how many time, it keeps catching me outAug 05 00:43
Chips_B_MalroyOver here Jo is the female spelling of JoeAug 05 00:44
Chips_B_Malroybut maybe not all countriesAug 05 00:44
ThistleWebmaybe Jo is trying to come outAug 05 00:44
ThistleWebor get used to a new identityAug 05 00:45
schestowitz 05 00:45
ThistleWeblolAug 05 00:45
schestowitzNot that it mattersAug 05 00:45
schestowitzLet's not talk about peopleAug 05 00:45
ThistleWebindeedAug 05 00:45
schestowitzI did all my posts for todayAug 05 00:46
schestowitzNot feeling tired yet, dunno why...Aug 05 00:46
schestowitzIt was all just public stuff anyway, not an intrusion... he's support staff 05 00:47
schestowitzPeople are free to find my profiles too, but it's besides the pointAug 05 00:47
schestowitzWHat's concerning is that some people outside Novell would drink Miguel's Kool Aid and share the wellAug 05 00:48
schestowitzSeagate closing Singapore plant: Aug 05 00:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] "You know you have made it when………pt3" final part? #microsoft #linux #windows #vista #xp #7Aug 05 00:49
schestowitzI have two Seagate drives. They gave me some problems with the older kernels, but they work fantastically now that I wiped the Windows patent drek off themAug 05 00:49
schestowitzSeagate and many others put patent traps (NTFS) on their hardware. Why even format them?Aug 05 00:49
schestowitzIt's as though they preinstall Windows on commodity h/wAug 05 00:50
schestowitzAnd basically this leads many Linux users to needing modules that read Microsoft FSs (which means patent traps)Aug 05 00:50
schestowitzNo storage device should use VFAT anymore, eitherAug 05 00:50
schestowitzUSB drive:Aug 05 00:50
schestowitzRequirement; Microsoft license for FAT-reading softwareAug 05 00:51
schestowitzRidiculous!Aug 05 00:51
*MinceR has quit ( 05 00:53
*Balrog has quit ( 05 00:53
schestowitz Cisco's site uses Linux/ApacheAug 05 00:53
Chips_B_Malroy.Roy I have a seagate 1.5gb drive, came ntfs, I formatted it fat32, worse problems now,  when I can get the data off, will make it ext3Aug 05 00:54
schestowitzgb?Aug 05 00:54
Chips_B_Malroyusb of courseAug 05 00:54
Chips_B_Malroy1.5TB, sorry typoAug 05 00:54
schestowitzYes, I needed to transition through another driveAug 05 00:54
schestowitzThe darn thing won't warn you at first that it's infected with WIndows s/wAug 05 00:54
schestowitzSo you toss your files there 'till you realise the FS is "utter cr*p" as Linus put itAug 05 00:55
schestowitzIt can't do long paths, no special symbols, no large filesAug 05 00:55
schestowitzMy two external HDDs are ext3 nowAug 05 00:55
Chips_B_Malroylot of people I think are having problems with those drives.  If it gets too bad, I going break open the usb case and install just the bare drive in the desktopAug 05 00:56
schestowitz 05 00:56
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: no, portability is a virtue. You can carry dataAug 05 00:57
Chips_B_MalroyI got it cheap at FrysAug 05 00:57
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 00:57
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Chips_B_Malroyanymore, a usb drive better come with esata or I will not buy itAug 05 00:57
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 00:57
schestowitz 05 00:58
*iKonaK (n=iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 01:00
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_goblinbizzare....just got the latest build of chromium and theres a guys face in place of the close window icon....Aug 05 01:02
_goblinmaybe its a joke I'm not getting.Aug 05 01:02
Chips_B_MalroyWhat I notice in all this MS Hater discussion from Linus is this, it all goes back to the fight with GPL3.  Linus also says things he regrets later, as we all do.  I am not putting him down, he is a great man.  But it does point up that GNU/Linux is different than Embedded or Applicance Linux (Limo).  And the Kernel team gets most of its money from that end of things.  Which is why GPL3 and Tivoization was fought bAug 05 01:03
Chips_B_MalroyThe freedoms of GNU that distro user have for their home operating system, is not what some of the applicance linux people are all about (cellphone and toaster people).  Without mentioning any names here.   This is the Dark Side of Linux, they (some of them) care less about the freedom of GNU/Linux, only about the money that can be made from it.  While we need the folks from the embeded side, as they contribute monAug 05 01:04
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Just got the latest build of #Chromium and theres a guys face in place of the close window icon..maybe its a joke I'm not getting. #linuxAug 05 01:04
Chips_B_Malroywhich is all I going say on thisAug 05 01:04
Balrog_goblin: how does that thing work?Aug 05 01:05
Balrogthat I see your comments from somewhere?Aug 05 01:05
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: your message got chopped: "Tivoization was fought b"Aug 05 01:07
Chips_B_Malroytill some of them have completely different thinking about GNU/Linux, to them Linux is what they pay for, and the GNU part, is what they want to exploit.  And then there is Google, which you can smell the fear in the Limo camp now, as Android and Chrome take over cellphones and Netbooks.Aug 05 01:07
Chips_B_Malroyyes, here is the rest of itAug 05 01:07
schestowitzLinus tried to discredit what's not good for him personallyAug 05 01:07
schestowitzThat's OKAug 05 01:07
schestowitzThere's also an attempt to 'punish' people who associated themselves with folks like RMS or sites like BNAug 05 01:08
schestowitzIt's part of the censorship attemptsAug 05 01:08
Chips_B_Malroyits what the L guy was about, freedom is only a word to be used by some of these folksAug 05 01:08
Chips_B_MalroyyesAug 05 01:08
schestowitzBalrog: his twits get echoed hereAug 05 01:09
schestowitzIf you have identica/twitter, we'll add itAug 05 01:09
schestowitzLiMo is in bad stateAug 05 01:09
Chips_B_Malroybut it was the thinking that I could not understand, and now I think I am closer to understanding their thinking.  I do not approve, just understandAug 05 01:09
schestowitzDefections to AndroidAug 05 01:09
schestowitzSo all they can do is spread Android FUDAug 05 01:10
schestowitzSee their presentations and allAug 05 01:10
schestowitzExplicit utter Android FUDAug 05 01:10
schestowitzI saw it in LiMo presentations slidesAug 05 01:10
schestowitzI also see LiMo people doing this in forumsAug 05 01:10
schestowitzLike AstroTurf IMHOAug 05 01:10
Chips_B_MalroyI believe Google maybe a member of Limo, but still develops their own Linux and software separate from LimoAug 05 01:11
schestowitzRemember Lips?Aug 05 01:11
schestowitzFrom Weinberg?Aug 05 01:11
schestowitzIt was killedAug 05 01:11
schestowitzSupposedly 'merged'Aug 05 01:11
Chips_B_Malroyyes, Google is feared by Limo, rightly soAug 05 01:11
schestowitzBut basiclally just something in the history of LinuxAug 05 01:11
schestowitzLike United LinuxAug 05 01:11
schestowitzLiMo predates AndroidAug 05 01:12
schestowitzAnnouncement-wiseAug 05 01:12
_goblinbalrog: Sorry I was afk....Aug 05 01:12
schestowitzThere were mass defections at one stage, but both still have many members they fight overAug 05 01:12
_goblinbalrog: What Chromium?Aug 05 01:12
Chips_B_MalroyMy point is, its why some, now all, on the Limo side, might have opinions that are closer to MS, than to the FSFAug 05 01:13
schestowitzRegulating Chemical Plant Security < >Aug 05 01:13
Chips_B_Malroy*not allAug 05 01:13
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: Android/Google is the sameAug 05 01:13
schestowitzBoth are DRM- and patents-encumberedAug 05 01:13
schestowitzI listened to a 1-hour audiocast with openmono this eveningAug 05 01:14
schestowitzThe guys who run it sound unprofessional TBHAug 05 01:14
schestowitzIt was a mighty effort that produces free (libre) hardware pretty muchAug 05 01:14
Chips_B_MalroyGNU is about freedom, freedome to do things, and in many ways, free as well in cost, can be.  But Mono is about a tie in to a company that is mostly about Money, MS.  As such, should it be surprising, that some in Limo like Mono, as they may see an opportunity to somehow make money off it in the future?Aug 05 01:17
Chips_B_MalroyOr a way to weaken the GNU, which software they would like to use as GPL2Aug 05 01:18
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 01:18
Chips_B_Malroyanyway, that was the last of me trying to understand some of these folksAug 05 01:18
schestowitzDoes Reding know much about technology at all? 05 01:21
schestowitzI don't think LiMo likes MonoAug 05 01:21
schestowitzSOme Canadian Windows ISV tried to shove Mono into LiMoAug 05 01:21
schestowitzGoogle SoC funds some MonoAug 05 01:21
schestowitzGoldman Sachs CEO Tells Bonus Boobs to Hide the Cash < >Aug 05 01:23
Chips_B_MalroyI seen a couple of real interesting comments on the minims blogAug 05 01:24
schestowitz"Italians grumble that Goldman Sachs runs their country, much as the Jesuits ran countries during the Counter-Reformation." < >Aug 05 01:24
schestowitzChips_B_Malroy: seems like mini-ms has more comments with info than postsAug 05 01:24
Chips_B_Malroyone was about how MS figures the bonuses for the top execs, like BallmerAug 05 01:25
Chips_B_Malroyyes,Aug 05 01:25
Chips_B_MalroyI will try to get that comment for youAug 05 01:25
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Right, I think I'm almost done for the night. I won't look at COLA tonight or I'll never go to bed...Its been a long day at work...Aug 05 01:26
Chips_B_MalroyI think the bonuses at the top only went down like 9% based on the amount, not of profits, but on working fundsAug 05 01:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and remember all....."Do unto others as they do unto Gnu" #linux #windows #microsoft #vista #xpAug 05 01:27
Chips_B_MalroyAnother comment claimed that MS stopped buying back its stock, even though the price tanked.  As to keep the working funds up.Aug 05 01:28
Chips_B_Malroybut bought while the stock price was higher while B G dumpedAug 05 01:28
Chips_B_Malroythe comments would not be enough, unless there was a way to verifyAug 05 01:29
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 01:30
Chips_B_MalroyProfits go way down at MS and the worker bees get axed, but Sweaty B finds a way  to keep most of his bonusesAug 05 01:30
*tacone has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 01:32
*Chips_B_Malroy has quit ("Page closed")Aug 05 01:35
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 01:40
schestowitz 05 01:40
twitterCarla wrote an article about $140 EEE PC 701.  Where was that?Aug 05 01:47
*Balrog_ has quit ()Aug 05 01:50
schestowitzDidn't see it, sorryAug 05 01:54
schestowitz2am here. Back later..Aug 05 01:54
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twitterlaterAug 05 02:03
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*shreddar gonna watch tvAug 05 04:43
shreddarbyeAug 05 04:43
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twitterfun cam 05 05:27
twitterwowsers, 05 05:34
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Yet another review of Mark Helprin's uninformed screed See @lessig 's 05 06:45
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 06:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] RT @schestowitz EC internet minister: internet activities must involve monetary consumption, because only consumption is taxableAug 05 07:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] RT @schestowitz EC IT minister: internet activities must involve consumption, as only consumption is taxable 05 07:02
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-BNc/#boycottnovell-[omar_s_hafez] Looking at: "OzOS" ( 05 07:27
schestowitzHehe. Casta gets obsessedAug 05 07:36
schestowitzJust ping me at twitter like 10 timesAug 05 07:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin: check out who's obsessed. 05 07:37
schestowitzBlizzard To Korean Video Game Sports Assocation: How Dare You Promote StarCraft Without Paying Us! 05 07:50
*proteus ( has left #boycottnovell ("Konversation terminated!")Aug 05 07:53
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04Aug 05 08:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Prominent Washington lobbying firm sends forged NAACP letters to congressmen. Will they be prosecuted? 05 08:04
*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 08:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz You are depending on hearsay? It was him who confessed on his own Twitter account!Aug 05 08:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Did you ever see his Window 7 and Michael Jackson comment? It was a classic!Aug 05 08:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] How to know you're unwanted (PIC): 05 08:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin yes, he's miserable(ly trying to clean up)Aug 05 08:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Funny though, until his little "confession" recently Andre has never been mentioned...he was never that important...Aug 05 08:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_Goblin I think I heard about the MJ remark, but I can't recall itAug 05 08:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Roy, Im pleased he's posted that as I have included all the Andre evidence in one report. For ease of reading....Aug 05 08:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz it will be published all at once so people can make up their own minds......I wonder if he will make a Mr Dee twitter account?Aug 05 08:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin such a report would be handyAug 05 08:31
schestowitzPayPal suffers from e-commerce outage 05 08:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Shocking news: "Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party" < >Aug 05 08:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another reason to dump ebook DRM: "Michigan student and California engineer sue Amazon...'"'Nineteen_Eighty-Four'Aug 05 08:34
schestowitzIt's wrong to believe that nature is always best 05 08:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "The communications industry has condemned government plans to force them to monitor your calls, emails..." 05 08:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Putting the Gates arrest in context: 05 08:52
schestowitz "That said, some people seem to think that I like KDE 4.3 so much that I've given up on KDE 3.x. Ah, actually no, I haven't. Actually, I still like KDE 3.x and I'd still like to see development on it continue. So, yes, while I like KDE 4.3, I'd be happy to see KDE 3.x live on as a fork. "Aug 05 08:52
schestowitz"While KDE 4.3 is quite good, and I understand that work is already moving along with KDE 4.4, I'd like to see some more programming time put in on some of the older KDE applications. I'd also like to see the code cleaned up. KDE 4.x is the only major Linux desktop that I'm not happy running on PCs with 512MBs of RAM. ."Aug 05 08:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] ROTFLMAO: This is the primary feature of Vista 7? That it can run XP? Someone, please say what Vista 7 actually /of ...Aug 05 09:02
schestowitz"I have changed my domain name from to Later, I will write new articles for Ubuntu newbies, including news, apps, games, howtos, tips, and so on." I wonder if Michael has something to do with it." 05 09:03
*scientes__ ( has left #boycottnovellAug 05 09:03
*fewa ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 09:03
schestowitzWTF? 'based on the Novell "Transylvanien Der Dorn der Liebe" ' 05 09:04
schestowitzYikes. 05 09:06
schestowitzIntel confirms data corruption bug in new SSDs, halts shipments 05 09:07
Diablo-D3lolniceAug 05 09:07
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 09:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz Asked it many times and even had Microsoft employee's visit my blog...still waiting for an answer.Aug 05 09:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz My question was "What does 7 offer that can't be achieved either natively or via 3rd party software on XP?" #microsoft #windowsAug 05 09:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Going to be another late finish at work.... :( bring on the weekend......8th August is the 1st birthday of Openbytes!Aug 05 09:21
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "Fake Grassroots Letters Oppose Climate Bill" At least we now know where the opposition comes fromAug 05 09:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_Goblin it goes like this. Person: "why buy Vista 7?" Microsoft marketer: "cause it got good reviews [which we paid for]"Aug 05 09:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Honduras disarray spurs lobbying < > The best solution is probably to monitor, ban, and fine/imprison lobbyistsAug 05 09:26
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] @schestowitz and don't forget Roy...Its always better "next time" Looking at the tech forums of many sites, I believe MS is in for a shock.Aug 05 09:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] The funniest thing I've read today "If Microsoft hatred is a disease and then Windows 7 is the cure." - One guess who said it. #microsoftAug 05 09:35
Diablo-D3hey schestowitzAug 05 09:37
Diablo-D3eric schmidt resigned from apple's boardAug 05 09:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] I was not aware of #Microsoft hatred. I assumed people used the packages best for them (I do) Maybe he means #Windows hatred?... #Vista ???Aug 05 09:37
Diablo-D3when did this happen?Aug 05 09:37
Diablo-D3this is like, epic newsAug 05 09:37
Diablo-D3google is about to anal rape appleAug 05 09:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Nearly as good as the same person saying it was a shame Michael Jackson didn't live to see Windows 7... this posters got it bad....Aug 05 09:38
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Well thats me done until this evening....Wonder what cracking little comments he will come out with next..... #microsoft #wincowsAug 05 09:39
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] oops a type #wincows instead of #windows....actually I like it.....#wincows maybe that can be a new term.Aug 05 09:39
trmanco 05 09:42
trmancochromium failAug 05 09:42
Diablo-D3wtf?Aug 05 09:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] and welcome to my new follower: my opinion that must be the busiest department in Redmond! ;)Aug 05 09:42
trmancothat the new close buttonAug 05 09:42
Diablo-D3who the fuck is thatAug 05 09:42
trmancois*Aug 05 09:42
trmancoI have no ideaAug 05 09:42
schestowitzEaster egg/?Aug 05 09:43
trmancodunnoAug 05 09:43
trmancobut the close button actually worksAug 05 09:43
trmancoclick in his face and chromium closesAug 05 09:44
trmanco:-)Aug 05 09:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Chromium dev build close button #fail -> 05 09:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @_goblin: as in "holy (win)cow, it's Vista!" ;-)Aug 05 09:44
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @trmanco Chromium dev build close button #fail -> 05 09:46
schestowitz" To generate (pseudo) random numbers, Linux (for example) requires the maximum possible number of external events, such as mouse movements, keyboard events and hard drive head movements. " 05 09:54
schestowitzWHy not take system time in milisec?Aug 05 09:54
schestowitzDefeatism: "Stop trying to convert by speaking of stability, freedom, price and versatility. Keep it to yourself. No one wants to hear it. " 05 10:03
schestowitzWhy does everyone quote the corruptible Gartner even on FOSS? They hate FOSS. 05 10:11
fewaschestowitz, agreedAug 05 10:14
schestowitzAnother FOSS-hostile company that the press quotes re FOSS: 05 10:15
schestowitzAnother press release that only belittles FOSS (weird angle): 05 10:20
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 10:24
schestowitzECT still negative on the issues it supposedly covers in "Linux" 'Insider' 05 10:45
schestowitzDoes Windows have a notion similar to runlevels? Linux RunLevels Aug 05 11:09
schestowitzSpeeding up file deletion in KDE4 < >Aug 05 11:09
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Aug 05 11:10
Ngschestowitz: how is the system time in milliseconds a random number? it's utterly utterly predictableAug 05 11:13
Ngthings like mouse/keyboard/diskhead movements are way less deterministicAug 05 11:13
Ng(If I know you generated a key for something sometime between 00:00:01 and 00:01:01 I only have to make 60000 keys with the appropriate millisecond input and I'm pretty much guaranteed to have your key in there somewhere. If I know the same thing and your entropy came from your mouse I have no way of reproducing it)Aug 05 11:17
Ng(this is why the debian crypto bug was so bad, it meant that you could only generate a few thousand different SSH/SSL keys)Aug 05 11:18
fewaNg, debian bug had nothing to do with time entropyAug 05 11:18
schestowitzNg: system time can't be predictd muchAug 05 11:18
fewathe only entropy was the process idAug 05 11:18
Ngfewa: I didn't say it did, I was making the point that it was a massively constrained entropyAug 05 11:19
schestowitzUnless the cracker tries to make predictions based on current timeAug 05 11:19
schestowitzLike using Free software to predict time of random generationAug 05 11:19
Ngschestowitz: it's very predictableAug 05 11:19
schestowitzMice don't move muchAug 05 11:19
fewaNg, it provides a small amount of completely non-predictable entropyAug 05 11:19
Ngschestowitz: you're very likely to be running an ntpd on a linux machine, so it's very likely that you're accurate to within a fraction of a secondAug 05 11:19
fewaas long as the timer is sufficiently finly tunedAug 05 11:20
schestowitzIt does microseconds, no?Aug 05 11:20
fewa*high-granularityAug 05 11:20
schestowitzWith many processes running you can't estimate when your randomiser will be dispatchedAug 05 11:20
*schestowitz listens to 05 11:20
fewaa very small amount, not worth muchAug 05 11:20
schestowitzI've always randomed from system() timeAug 05 11:21
fewaand as jitter decreases on the internet it will only become lessAug 05 11:21
schestowitzSince high schoolAug 05 11:21
Ngschestowitz: I don't need to predict whether you chose 00:00:01.0001 or 00:00:01.0002 as your entropy, I can just generate a key for bothAug 05 11:21
fewaNg, thats still 1 bit of entropyAug 05 11:21
fewaNg, your creating a straw man, sure i can calculate every sha1 sum and generate a collision....Aug 05 11:22
fewano big dealAug 05 11:22
Ngfewa: it's not a strawman, schestowitz suggested linux should use millisecond system time as entropy and I'm trying to explain why that's a bad idea when there are sources of data that are less deterministicAug 05 11:22
fewawel ok, thats trueAug 05 11:22
fewatime is not a suficient source of entropyAug 05 11:23
Ng:)Aug 05 11:23
fewabut it does provide a very small amountAug 05 11:23
oiaohmDepends on kernel realtime kernels do get into less than microseconds  schestowitzAug 05 11:23
fewaSSL gateways use entropt generating devices, right?Aug 05 11:23
Ngfewa: quite often, yeahAug 05 11:24
NgSGI ran an amusingly cool entropy generator for a while, it was a webcam pointing at a rack of lava lamps :)Aug 05 11:24
schestowitzServers have no mouse inputAug 05 11:24
fewalawlAug 05 11:24
schestowitzAnd idle time for mice is great, so you need to log mouse movementAug 05 11:24
schestowitzCPU wastedAug 05 11:24
fewaschestowitz, not log, just store entropyAug 05 11:25
Ngthe combination of the highly chaotic lava and the noise on the CCD made for a pretty excellently random source of data, but a rack of lavalamps isn't very practical/safe for most datacentres ;)Aug 05 11:25
oiaohmHighly sentivie mice are a great source.Aug 05 11:25
oiaohmSpreed over a building.Aug 05 11:25
oiaohmYes computer mouse in a closed box.Aug 05 11:25
fewaoiaohm, sharing entropy is riskyAug 05 11:25
schestowitzMaybe they can put lava lamp in each computer ;-) /sarcasmAug 05 11:26
fewaLike how people imagine a gazillion elves or somethingAug 05 11:27
schestowitzMotherboard fried by lavaAug 05 11:27
NgI suspect that a webcam with the lens covered would be an interesting source on its ownAug 05 11:27
Ngthe CCDs are so bad that they're still pretty noisyAug 05 11:27
oiaohmNot that much NgAug 05 11:27
oiaohmLot of CCD have a fairly dependanble pattern when in darkness.Aug 05 11:28
fewapredictable noise probablyAug 05 11:28
schestowitzIf you want high entropy, then put a sensor on Britney's mind...Aug 05 11:28
schestowitzVery shaky and unstableAug 05 11:28
fewabut therea rea alot of sourcesAug 05 11:28
fewajust read the binay of imagesAug 05 11:28
fewadepends what you are looking forAug 05 11:28
fewa1. even distrobutionAug 05 11:28
fewaor 2.not predictableAug 05 11:29
Ng heheAug 05 11:29
oiaohmHarddrive sensors are funny they pick up all kinds of virbrations.Aug 05 11:29
oiaohmSometimes even shouting.Aug 05 11:29
NgyeahAug 05 11:30
schestowitzThat's why people shout at their computers !!Aug 05 11:30
schestowitz"Work, damn it!"Aug 05 11:30
oiaohmShouting at your computer can slow down the harddrive read.Aug 05 11:30
oiaohmSo making it respond even worse.Aug 05 11:31
schestowitzShouting helps emotionally though, based on recent researchAug 05 11:31
oiaohmHelps emotionallyAug 05 11:31
oiaohmBut not the hardware.Aug 05 11:31
schestowitzHurt yourself? Try f**king swearing < >Aug 05 11:31
schestowitzoiaohm: jitters can helpAug 05 11:31
oiaohmNot with harddrives.Aug 05 11:31
schestowitzLike hitting my CRTs when they go wonky (bad tubes)Aug 05 11:32
oiaohmOutside virbrations slow harddrive read speed.Aug 05 11:32
schestowitzDegaussing tooAug 05 11:32
fewaThe Tubes!Aug 05 11:32
fewaSeries of Tubes!Aug 05 11:32
schestowitzI actually use one CRT and one LCD ATMAug 05 11:32
oiaohmCRT different matter.Aug 05 11:32
oiaohmI have not had a CRT for 3 years.Aug 05 11:32
schestowitzfewa: the monitor is a series of tubes... we need to tax themAug 05 11:32
fewaNot a big truckAug 05 11:33
schestowitzCRTs are good for sparesAug 05 11:33
oiaohmI have spare LCD's.Aug 05 11:34
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Victorian Department of Transport Adopts GNU/Linux 05 11:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Yellow Dog Still Targets PlayStation for GNU/Linux Installations 05 11:41
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 11:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/Linux Magazine Enters the Mainstream Press 05 11:42
*desu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 11:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] GNU/Linux Desktops on More Apple Hardware 05 11:46
*desu has quit (Connection reset by peer)Aug 05 11:46
*desu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 11:51
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 11:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Geolocation May Come to Desktop GNU/Linux 05 11:55
oiaohmGnome is now going after web intergration.Aug 05 11:56
schestowitzyes, I saw a blog post about itAug 05 11:57
schestowitzRosa or somehting..Aug 05 11:57
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Reasons for MSPs to Look into Virtualised GNU/Linux Desktops 05 11:57
schestowitzCosta..? Can't recall..Aug 05 11:57
oiaohmBasically kde catch up.Aug 05 12:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The Linux Foundation Grows Bigger with New Member 05 12:00
oiaohmOpen source without gnome drive kde and kde drive gnome the desktop would be going no where.Aug 05 12:00
schestowitzMaybe. They have other pressuresAug 05 12:01
Diablo-D3you mean gnome without cloning windows ;)\Aug 05 12:02
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] And another Linux conference: 05 12:02
oiaohmWindows mostly cherry picks out of apple and open source Diablo-D3Aug 05 12:02
schestowitzYeahAug 05 12:02
schestowitzSince Day 1Aug 05 12:02
Diablo-D3* cherry picks out of *Aug 05 12:02
schestowitzInpirationsAug 05 12:02
schestowitzRibbons came from WordPerfectAug 05 12:03
oiaohmRibbon also comes from KDE tools tabed toolbars.Aug 05 12:03
Diablo-D3the trash can came from an ancient human burial ritualAug 05 12:03
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Top Ten Enhancements for (Like Firefox) , FreeBSD Runs Office 2007 05 12:03
schestowitzMicrosoft is able to make noise about "innovation" for stuff it 'stole'Aug 05 12:03
schestowitzIt dazzles the massesAug 05 12:03
oiaohmMS calls there trash can the recycle bin.Aug 05 12:03
oiaohmall other platforms call it trash.Aug 05 12:03
schestowitzThey think MS invented the browser, the word processor, spreadsheet, window interfaces....Aug 05 12:04
Diablo-D3I used to rename mine trash canAug 05 12:04
schestowitzI can't recall what I called itAug 05 12:05
schestowitz"Bin" I thinkAug 05 12:05
schestowitzIn win98Aug 05 12:05
oiaohmMS has not invented that much.Aug 05 12:05
oiaohmRecycle bin entered in win95Aug 05 12:05
oiaohmas its name schestowitzAug 05 12:06
oiaohmBefore that MS did not have anything like it.Aug 05 12:06
schestowitzme on kde 3.1: 05 12:06
trmancothe guy on the image is glen murphyAug 05 12:06
trmancothe chrome designerAug 05 12:06
schestowitzMy last days with a windows partition: 05 12:06
schestowitzHere's me deleting the last Windows partition I ever had: 05 12:07
trmancoit was a jokeAug 05 12:07
trmanco:-)Aug 05 12:07
trmancoA funny one btwAug 05 12:07
oiaohmubuntu is going into like the ads game with there decated landscape servers.Aug 05 12:08
oiaohmThe battle between windows and Linux's is going to keep on slowly heating up.Aug 05 12:09
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] K Desktop Environment Review, Tips, and New Sub-notebooks Tweaks 05 12:09
schestowitztrmanco: weird humourAug 05 12:09
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at Debian Squeeze 05 12:11
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 12:11
*tacone (n=rooms@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 12:12
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Aug 05 12:12
*tacone has quit (Client Quit)Aug 05 12:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Red Hat's GNU/Linux Growth Starts to Worry Much Bigger Companies 05 12:15
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Canonical Embraces Private #FogComputing to Add Value to Ubuntu 05 12:18
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Next Ubuntu GNU/Linux Called "Perhaps the Most Important Release" 05 12:20
trmanco 05 12:20
*amarsh04__ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 12:21
*amarsh04__ is now known as amarsh04Aug 05 12:21
schestowitztrmanco: It's a feature, not a bugAug 05 12:23
trmancoyeah, sure it isAug 05 12:23
schestowitztrmanco: 05 12:23
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Kindle Good Linux Device, Bad, Bad DRM 05 12:25
trmancowhy didn'y it get dugg?Aug 05 12:27
trmancodigg didn't exist in 2007?Aug 05 12:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review of Linux Mint 7 KDE Edition, Which Looks Stunning 05 12:28
Diablo-D3digg existed in 2004 ;)Aug 05 12:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Mobile Linux Challenges Blackberry 05 12:29
oiaohmLandscape from Ubuntu is kinda over grown ADS server.Aug 05 12:31
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] FreePBX Working Out Well Thanks to Free Software Telephony 05 12:31
*amarsh04_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 12:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Synchronisation Comes to Chrome Browser 05 12:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Openness Spreads to More Areas - Access, Datasets, Hardware 05 12:37
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Intellectual Monopolies Fight Dissent Using "Adolf Eichmann" Comparisons 05 12:39
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Month of August is Month to Embargo All Output from the MPAA/RIAA 05 12:43
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Mermaid Left Alone by Intellectual Monopolist (and Other Intellectual Insanities) http://ping ...Aug 05 12:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] The Pharmaceutical Cartel Does Not Get Enough from Patents, Buys More Intellectual Monopolies 05 12:49
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another FTC Complaint About Microsoft AstroTurfing is Coming Up 05 12:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More So-called "Reporters" Turn Out to be Corporate Shills 05 12:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microsoft Tells Investors It is Afraid of GNU/Linux on the Desktop 05 12:58
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Vista 7 a Ripoff in the UK , Microsoft Tries to Tax GNU/Linux 05 13:02
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 13:06
schestowitzVM companies love using big words like "consolidation" and some stupid excuses for why VMs offer a big advantageAug 05 13:10
schestowitzFLOSS Weekly 67: Xe < >Aug 05 13:10
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 13:12
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Happy! Boxee playing HD content on my Revo running Ubuntu, using a PS3 bluetooth remote! This will make wifey happy. iPlayer in bed. :)Aug 05 13:13
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Suggestions for a nice meal to cook for wifey for our 9th wedding anniversary welcome!Aug 05 13:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] freda just seen dentist, will have teeth filled and pulled in 2-3 months *and exhale*Aug 05 13:24
schestowitzF# turns out to be ripoff of ocamlAug 05 13:27
*satipera (i=5c1ca7e9@gateway/web/freenode/x-hmvazzrbzzugyile) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 13:30
satiperaM$ are off message in their annual SEC 10K filing, they are not calling netbooks smartbooks.Aug 05 13:33
MinceRthey don't dare talk about smartbooks yetAug 05 13:34
satiperaNot until they have something that will run on themAug 05 13:34
oiaohmsmartbooks are not MS titleAug 05 13:35
satiperadecentlyAug 05 13:35
oiaohmsmartbooks are a arm title.Aug 05 13:35
satiperamy mistake what are M$ calling themAug 05 13:35
MinceRi'd expect them to call them smartbooksAug 05 13:36
oiaohmsub notebooksAug 05 13:36
MinceRbut m$ is probably afraid of ARMAug 05 13:36
MinceR"netbooks" are subnotebooks tooAug 05 13:36
MinceRand so are expensive subnotebooksAug 05 13:36
oiaohmsmartbooks are not exactly a netbook.Aug 05 13:36
satiperaI saw an article about them trying to get people to call them smartbooksAug 05 13:36
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 13:36
oiaohmA smartbook is a phone grown up to laptop size kinda.Aug 05 13:37
oiaohmKey requirement to be a smartbook is a embeded mobile phone.Aug 05 13:37
satiperaPerhaps they refer to netbooks that way as a term of contemptAug 05 13:37
satiperaI think Microsoft jack has called them that as wellAug 05 13:37
MinceRyou mean physically embedding an actual mobile phone in a way that you can remove the mobile phone and use it separately?Aug 05 13:38
schestowitzsatipera: correctAug 05 13:38
schestowitzMicrosoft tries to reclassify threatAug 05 13:38
oiaohmNot removeable MinceRAug 05 13:38
schestowitzAnd then assigns FUD to themAug 05 13:38
schestowitzAs in:Aug 05 13:38
schestowitzAtom=netbooksAug 05 13:38
schestowitzNetbooks=goodAug 05 13:38
schestowitzARM=Linux-only=smartbooksAug 05 13:39
schestowitzSmartbooks=badAug 05 13:39
oiaohmThinking you could use a blue tooth head set off a smartbooks.Aug 05 13:39
schestowitzI saw two articles with Microsoft staff giving this impressionAug 05 13:39
oiaohmbasicallly cutting out one thing you have to carry MinceRAug 05 13:39
schestowitzoiaohm: not true, it's not a phoneAug 05 13:39
schestowitzJust because the h/w may have ARM9 means nothingAug 05 13:39
twitteryes, and M$ are idiotsAug 05 13:39
schestowitzIt's the software that matterAug 05 13:39
twitterrightAug 05 13:40
schestowitzUbuntu doesn't run on smatrphonesAug 05 13:40
schestowitzThat would be AndroidAug 05 13:40
oiaohmRequirement for smartbook title is a phone part schestowitz.Aug 05 13:40
schestowitzAnd Android scales up to sub-notebooksAug 05 13:40
twitterDebian runs on everything.Aug 05 13:40
oiaohmBecause arm idea is that phone contract could be bundled with smartbooks.Aug 05 13:40
schestowitzoiaohm: who decided?Aug 05 13:41
twitterI'm not sure about Ubuntu.  Non free junk like Flash has problems on other platforms.Aug 05 13:41
schestowitzI can make up terminologyAug 05 13:41
schestowitzFartbook is a machine that 'runs' Vista and hardly respondsAug 05 13:41
schestowitzThere.Aug 05 13:41
schestowitzI defined a new form factorAug 05 13:41
oiaohmArm who coined the smartbook name schestowitzAug 05 13:41
schestowitzFor Microsoft it's easy to make up nameAug 05 13:41
schestowitzWho controls "netbook" now?Aug 05 13:41
twitterM$ terminology masks the richness and flexibility of free software.Aug 05 13:41
schestowitzAfter Psion I got the impression the Microsoft Axis (Dell, Intel, etc.) maintained some control and policing over the use of the TMAug 05 13:42
oiaohmThere are a few mips designs that may also be able to use the smartbook title.Aug 05 13:42
twitterit also masks the flexibility of computing in generalAug 05 13:42
*satipera has quit ("Page closed")Aug 05 13:43
twitterthe terms "server" and "client" are good examplesof how wacky and stupid M$ terminology is.Aug 05 13:43
twitterThey create divisions that need not exist.Aug 05 13:43
oiaohmX11 has those wacked up badly twitterAug 05 13:43
schestowitzThere are othersAug 05 13:43
schestowitzCustomer vs ConsumerAug 05 13:43
schestowitzOr Thin Client versus Fat ClientAug 05 13:44
schestowitz"Vista Capable"Aug 05 13:44
schestowitz"Ultimate Edition"Aug 05 13:44
twitterThe divisions are designed to smear and limit.Aug 05 13:44
oiaohmIssue is where does DRBL fit.Aug 05 13:44
schestowitz"Reduced [x] mode"Aug 05 13:44
twitterThose are good examples.Aug 05 13:44
twitter"Home" and "Professional"Aug 05 13:44
schestowitzHehe.Aug 05 13:44
schestowitzHow about "Non-professional"Aug 05 13:45
schestowitzInsult your customerAug 05 13:45
schestowitzHe's just a "Starter"Aug 05 13:45
schestowitzaka "n0b"Aug 05 13:45
twittercrippledAug 05 13:45
oiaohmMS has been creating fake divides.Aug 05 13:45
twitterlamerAug 05 13:45
schestowitzAnd Johnny here is an Ultimate man... cause he paid Microsoft a lotAug 05 13:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz even good journalists are hideously insecure at media outlets. PR pays twice as much too.Aug 05 13:45
twitterall of this propaganda is designed to overcome the obvious failures of non free softwareAug 05 13:46
oiaohmBoth have failed.Aug 05 13:46
twitterand windows in particularAug 05 13:46
schestowitzRMS and the infinite bread...Aug 05 13:47
oiaohmFree software has not had interests in particular markets either.Aug 05 13:47
schestowitzWhen things can be duplicated, why divide by class?Aug 05 13:47
oiaohmSo MS got to exist without good competition.Aug 05 13:47
twitterto make customers helplessAug 05 13:47
schestowitzShould we also lock the public libabraries so that the books won't be read by poor people?Aug 05 13:47
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard sure, so spread the awareness of this. I'm sick of self-appointed 'experts' like Microsoft Jack TBH...Aug 05 13:47
twitterwhat public libraries?Aug 05 13:47
schestowitzANy.Aug 05 13:47
schestowitzWhere there's no limitation in terms of abundanceAug 05 13:48
oiaohmThink back before public libraries existed on large scale.Aug 05 13:48
twitterI know of only one officially recognized electronic library, archive.orgAug 05 13:48
oiaohmWe have lived threw a IT darkage.Aug 05 13:48
twitterpublishers do not want libraries in the futureAug 05 13:48
twitterPeople want public libraries, but are being convinced that sharing is wrong.Aug 05 13:49
oiaohmOf course they want a return to the darkage when books were insanly expensive.Aug 05 13:49
twitterYou can't have a public library if you think sharing is wrong.Aug 05 13:50
oiaohmIncorrect.Aug 05 13:50
oiaohmRemember the old chain public libraries.Aug 05 13:50
oiaohmWere the books were quite littierally chained to the shelves.Aug 05 13:51
twitterMost people have not seen this contradiction yet because publishers have confined their argument to popular music.Aug 05 13:51
oiaohmAnd taking notes in some sections was even forbin.Aug 05 13:51
oiaohmIt was still a public library but suxed majorally.Aug 05 13:51
twitterRich people who donate piles of money to buy a building and fill it with books for the public are considered good.Aug 05 13:52
oiaohmHistory goes threw loops twitter.Aug 05 13:52
schestowitztwitter: too late for reversal of this in textAug 05 13:52
schestowitzAlso, in music and video they are losing the chaseAug 05 13:52
twitterNormal people who buy piles of CDs and put them online are considered bad.Aug 05 13:52
twitterIt is never too late for people to see reason.Aug 05 13:53
oiaohmThere is a difference.Aug 05 13:53
twitterThe contradiction is obvious when stated plainly.Aug 05 13:53
twitterSharing is good.Aug 05 13:53
oiaohmFilling a library with books does not expand the numbers of books in existance.Aug 05 13:53
oiaohmSo does not interfer with supply and demard.Aug 05 13:54
twitterAttempts to eradicate sharing are evil.Aug 05 13:54
oiaohmSharing can be harmful in a envorment that is not ready for it.Aug 05 13:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] This review made me want to read the book: at least sounds more interestingly frothing than Andrew KeenAug 05 13:55
oiaohmPeople who want sharing are not answering the question how to we migrate from the current system to a sharing system without major harm twitter.Aug 05 13:56
oiaohmSo far no one has designed a good answer to that.  There have been a lot of half assed answers.  Like lets reduce copyright to 5 years and basically put Open source at a disadvantage to closed soruce.Aug 05 13:57
oiaohmResistance to sharing is because people see there lively hoods on the line twitter.Aug 05 13:57
oiaohmDo you have any clean ideas to deal with the issue twitterAug 05 13:58
twitterfrom today's news picks, " The more software that we see becoming available for Linux, the more credibility Linux will have among the skeptical."Aug 05 13:59
twitterWhere does this skepticism come from?Aug 05 13:59
twitterHow does the embrace of non free software change that?Aug 05 13:59
oiaohmPeople have large stacks of data built in particular programs.Aug 05 14:00
oiaohmSo if they don't have those applications they fear changing.Aug 05 14:00
twitterIs it not enough that all competent people already know and use free software?  IBM, Apple, Google and so on.Aug 05 14:00
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 14:00
oiaohmThis is the cause of the skeptical problem.Aug 05 14:01
oiaohmBiggest called for program in the list is Photoshop.Aug 05 14:01
schestowitzoiaohm: TechDirt offers real solutions to the sharing 'problem'Aug 05 14:01
schestowitzIt's not true that there are no answers.Aug 05 14:01
schestowitzAdditionally, go to YouTube and search for his talks on copyrights. He too proposes solutionsAug 05 14:02
oiaohmI have not see good answers I have not visited techdirtAug 05 14:02
schestowitzNot nice solutions to middlemen (moguels)Aug 05 14:02
schestowitz*mogulsAug 05 14:02
schestowitzoiaohm: give it a goAug 05 14:02
oiaohmMiddlemen have most of the money.Aug 05 14:03
oiaohmSo they will put up massive fight.Aug 05 14:03
oiaohm  << Hmm what is it with Oct and software releases.Aug 05 14:05
twitterI ran E16 on my netbook the other day.  Infinite desktop creation and the ability of programs to overlay panels goes a long way to overcoming even the smallest screen, 7" 800x640Aug 05 14:06
twitterwoops, 800x460Aug 05 14:06
twitteror is it 480?Aug 05 14:06
twitterit's tiny!Aug 05 14:06
twitterbut pagers and edge flipping save the day.Aug 05 14:07
desunot as tiny as a 1920x1080 at 15.6" :PAug 05 14:07
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Nice tool from mrben for 'fixing' the issue where panel icons move about in GNOME. 05 14:07
twitterfancy edge flipping is basically what iPhone deliversAug 05 14:07
twitterand people love itAug 05 14:08
*satipera (i=5c1ca7e9@gateway/web/freenode/x-flyhjisbsxlosxcc) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 14:09
oiaohmVirtual desktop and desktop not matched to screen res in X11 was always designed to assist on smaller screens.Aug 05 14:09
oiaohmWith other techs things will only get better.Aug 05 14:09
satiperaI thought this may be of interest from microsoft 10kAug 05 14:09
satiperaITEM 1A.    RISK FACTORS  Our operations and financial results are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including those described below, that could adversely affect our business, financial condition, results of operations, cash flows, and the trading price of our common stock.  Challenges to our business model may reduce our revenues and operating margins.    Our business model has been based upon customerAug 05 14:10
twitterKindle is the public library big publishers would like to provide.  Total control, monitoring and pay per play.Aug 05 14:10
satiperaI can't post it allAug 05 14:10
oiaohmHmm what have MS staff been drinking.Aug 05 14:11
oiaohmMS Busines has been based on the exploit of there customers.Aug 05 14:11
oiaohmNot seeing to there customer needs.Aug 05 14:11
twitterquote the interesting parts, satiperaAug 05 14:11
oiaohmSo now its kicking back on them.Aug 05 14:11
twitteror just give us a linkAug 05 14:11
satiperaThe 10k makes very interesting reading thoughAug 05 14:12
satiperayes , I will hust a minuteAug 05 14:12
satiperajustAug 05 14:12
schestowitzsatipera: I'll use that quote, thanls.Aug 05 14:12
schestowitzsatipera: don't worry, I will post it shortlyAug 05 14:13
schestowitzPart of a longer new postAug 05 14:13
oiaohmtwitter really is not total control.    Big publishers want to control supply so they can maintain price.Aug 05 14:14
satiperatry this link 05 14:15
fewaartificial scarcityAug 05 14:15
oiaohmPeople who see books in public library still may buy there own copy or tell people about book who want to buy there own copy twitter.Aug 05 14:15
oiaohmExactly fewaAug 05 14:15
satiperaokAug 05 14:15
oiaohmIts unlikely big publishers will want to kill off public libraries.  its not good for business. twitter.Aug 05 14:16
schestowitzYuck. DOCXAug 05 14:16
*satipera has quit ("Page closed")Aug 05 14:16
schestowitzAnything other than MOOX?Aug 05 14:16
twitter  ->  Lessig called Helprin's writing "insanely sloppy" [5] and also criticized HarperCollins for publishing a book "riddled with the most basic errors of fact."Aug 05 14:17
oiaohmGets even more funny some authors of books don't exist as humans.   Just computer generated filler.Aug 05 14:18
twitter-> Helprin's writing has appeared in The New Yorker for two decades.Aug 05 14:20
twitterI'm with Tom Wolfe about The New Yorker.  Tiny Mummies!Aug 05 14:20
twitter 05 14:21
twitter 05 14:21
twitter 05 14:22
oiaohm  The fake windows patches are back for another round of victoms.Aug 05 14:32
twittertee hee, " Mr. Wolfe does not begin with the premise that the magazine had a heyday that it lost. He says it stunk to start with. Here's a bit of "Tiny Mummies!" taken from the photocopied scraps of the article that have been circulating in this office for years: " The New Yorker was never anything more than a rather slavish copy of Punch . Nevertheless, literati in America took to it like they were dying of thirst. The need was soAug 05 14:36
twitter 05 14:36
twitterThe internet has come to slake that thirst.Aug 05 14:36
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 14:46
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Apple outdoes itself, censors the *dictionary* 05 14:51
twittermore military censorship,0,3998956.storyAug 05 14:52
twittertoo much truth gets outAug 05 14:52
twitterNorth Dakota only has one post office? 05 14:53
twitterWife of suspected terrorist killed 05 14:54
twitternot as horrific and previous attacks on wedding partiesAug 05 14:55
twitterHappy Days are Here Again, 05 14:57
twitterlast month only 400,000 people go fired.Aug 05 14:57
twitterso much nicer than 500,000 people a month!Aug 05 14:57
twitterand down she goes, 05 14:59
schestowitztwitter: I think it was in range of 300k-400k in MarchAug 05 15:00
schestowitzThen it sank againAug 05 15:00
wallclimberUge! Alastair Otter's article: "Ubuntu's Karmic Koala: What to expect" is full of back-handed "compliments" and sly comparisons to Vista 7Aug 05 15:00
schestowitzThey try to characterise not-as-bad DECLINE as good newsAug 05 15:00
wallclimber 05 15:01
schestowitzThe matter of fact is that in healthy economies employment -- like population -- need go higher each monthAug 05 15:01
twitterlaw of diminishing marginal returns.  when you have nothing, you lose less.Aug 05 15:01
schestowitzwallclimber: yeah, I don't like that publication in generalAug 05 15:01
twittersounds like good news to meAug 05 15:01
schestowitzHe was writing at Tectonic before they closedAug 05 15:01
wallclimberIt's funny, as bad as the economy is, this has been the busiest year I've ever hadAug 05 15:01
schestowitzwallclimber: many people seek ponies and comesAug 05 15:02
twitterthose lucky enough to have work are squeezed very hardAug 05 15:02
wallclimberIt may not last, but so far the fall is sizing up to be very busy tooAug 05 15:02
schestowitzSeriously now, there are some sectors that benefitAug 05 15:02
twitterrights are trampledAug 05 15:02
schestowitzCriticism of corrupt establishment gains appeal when bad periods comeAug 05 15:02
wallclimberHey, I like ponies! (especially bar-b-qued!) :)Aug 05 15:02
schestowitzPeople are careless and complacent until their Pres. says they need to pay a $700bn bill for some bankstersAug 05 15:03
twitterhorse veal?Aug 05 15:03
wallclimberyumAug 05 15:03
wallclimberlolAug 05 15:03
schestowitzNever triedAug 05 15:03
twitterI need my $23 trillion bailout too.Aug 05 15:03
schestowitzIn some countries they probably eat themAug 05 15:03
wallclimberthe tails are good for smacking fliesAug 05 15:03
schestowitzLike veal or eggsAug 05 15:03
twitteranything tastes good when you are hungryAug 05 15:04
schestowitztwitter: apply at the office... right after the lady who wants a shot for her puppyAug 05 15:04
schestowitzThe world envies US healthcare: 05 15:05
twitterUS envies US healthcare.Aug 05 15:05
wallclimber(just to be safe, i should probably say that i've never bar-b-qued a pony in real life)Aug 05 15:05
twittersome have it, many do not.Aug 05 15:05
twitterthe disparity growsAug 05 15:06
schestowitzwallclimber: everyone here who reads BN also eats babies of course.Aug 05 15:06
twitterthat's what veal isAug 05 15:06
schestowitzThat'll give something for the hecklers to quote out of context ;-)Aug 05 15:06
wallclimberohhh, i forgot the babies!  yum!Aug 05 15:07
wallclimberbroiled is goodAug 05 15:07
schestowitz$> yum apache php5 babiesAug 05 15:07
wallclimber:)Aug 05 15:07
wallclimberdid you get my last email?Aug 05 15:08
schestowitzerror: no package "babeies" foundAug 05 15:08
schestowitzDarn!Aug 05 15:08
twitterpeople notice US is bankrupt 05 15:08
schestowitzwallclimber: not yetAug 05 15:08
schestowitztwitter: there's nothing that more borrowing won't fix ;-)Aug 05 15:08
schestowitzJust pass the burden to our grandkidsAug 05 15:09
wallclimberspeaking of work, i'd better get back to it.  nobody ever warned me what a time-sink IRC can be. :)Aug 05 15:09
twitter->  Thirty-year bond yields touched their highest levels in almost a week as the government indicated it’s considering introducing 30-year Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and ending 20-year TIPS as it finances unprecedented budget deficits.Aug 05 15:09
twitterwait for friday, when official job loss numbers are announcedAug 05 15:10
schestowitzwallclimber: thanks, I'll read the mail in a moAug 05 15:11
wallclimberit's funny, my grandkids keep asking me what it was like during the Great Depression.  I have to keep explaining that i wasn't, they think everyone over 30 is old old oldAug 05 15:11
schestowitzHeheAug 05 15:11
schestowitzMy grandpa was a kid back thenAug 05 15:12
wallclimberi figure they'll know more than they ever wanted about depressions by the time they are my ageAug 05 15:12
schestowitzBaby evenAug 05 15:12
schestowitzHis family lost everything, but it wasn't the exceptionAug 05 15:12
schestowitzIt's a reboot time for the economyAug 05 15:12
wallclimbermy parents were children of the Great Depression and the Dustbowl daysAug 05 15:12
wallclimberchallenging times, they wereAug 05 15:13
schestowitzEveryone's money gets flattened, except the Rothschilds and Rockefellers and allAug 05 15:13
twitterUgh, RMS points to nonsense and misdirection -> 05 15:13
schestowitzI saw thatAug 05 15:14
schestowitzHe points to one publication too much IMHOAug 05 15:14
schestowitzTory publicationAug 05 15:14
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 15:15
twitterpesticides are bad for you, OK?Aug 05 15:15
twitter"modern" agriculture is not sustainable.Aug 05 15:16
thenixedreportAgreed.Aug 05 15:16
*desu has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Aug 05 15:16
*wallclimber has quit ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 15:16
thenixedreportI believe I read that RMS wasn't opposed to genetic modification, but that more testing is needed to ensure safety.Aug 05 15:16
twitterit would be irrational to be opposed to something that's not tested, but it is less rational still to assume everything is fine and immoral use your neighbors as test subjects.Aug 05 15:18
twitterI'm not sure how pesticides are supposed to cut down on "fungal toxins"Aug 05 15:18
*Omar87 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 15:21
twitterOne thing is sure, organic food production is better for the land and provides much better taste.Aug 05 15:21
Omar87Hi guys.Aug 05 15:21
*desu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 15:23
Omar87Take a look at these two pieces. They give us an even clearer view about how much pain the iPhone is causing to Windows Mobile: 05 15:23
Omar87 05 15:23
twitterheh, ->  The systematic review correctly looked only at good-quality data published in peer-reviewed academic journals.Aug 05 15:23
twitter 05 15:24
twitterI'm starting to have less faith in journals because their publishers are more hostile than ever.Aug 05 15:24
twittermaking fake journals and working hand in hand for business interests rather than minding the knowledge storeAug 05 15:25
thenixedreportPrecisely.Aug 05 15:26
thenixedreportThat's what happens when people start going "backwards" in the eyes of others.Aug 05 15:27
thenixedreportSometimes it helps to repeat the phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"Aug 05 15:27
schestowitzOmar87: thanks for the linksAug 05 15:28
schestowitztwitter: yes, Elsevier got bustedAug 05 15:28
schestowitzAlso see: 05 15:28
Omar87schestowitz: Sure, anytime.Aug 05 15:29
thenixedreportIs anyone wondering yet why it is that the Gates Foundation hasn't been able to solve the AIDS problem?Aug 05 15:33
*Diablo-D3 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 05 15:34
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 15:46
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 15:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Fake Reporters, Microsoft, Apple, and the FTC 05 15:58
*twitter has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 15:59
*twitter ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 15:59
*_Hicham_ (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 16:08
_Hicham_hi schestowitzAug 05 16:08
schestowitzYoAug 05 16:08
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 16:09
_Hicham_wb senior taconeAug 05 16:09
taconeheyAug 05 16:10
*schestowitz listens to 05 16:10
thenixedreportSo what about TLLTSAug 05 16:10
thenixedreport?Aug 05 16:10
schestowitzIs it still running?Aug 05 16:12
schestowitzI don't see links anywhereAug 05 16:12
schestowitzHmmmmmm.. 05 16:13
schestowitz 05 16:13
schestowitzI'll listen to their latestAug 05 16:13
*Tallken has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 16:15
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 16:18
trmanco<!-- Menus -->Aug 05 16:43
trmanco      <include name="IDR_MENU_DROPARROW" file="menu_droparrow.png" type="BINDATA" />Aug 05 16:43
trmanco+Aug 05 16:43
trmanco+      <include name="IDR_GLEN" file="linux_close_glen.png" type="BINDATA" />Aug 05 16:43
schestowitzWeird HTMLAug 05 16:44
trmancoit's not really htmlAug 05 16:45
trmanco 05 16:45
trmancothat's the commit that put Glen's face on where the close button should beAug 05 16:46
trmanco 05 16:50
*Omar87 thanks Roy for the link.Aug 05 16:52
*Omar87 the link.Aug 05 16:53
*Omar87 meant Aug 05 16:54
schestowitz 05 16:57
schestowitz"A second area is looking at open source. There have certainly been perceptions within the enterprise that open source is a less expensive solution for desktop computing. Through our Get the Facts and other campaigns, we’re showing that that is largely not the case. And we’ve fitted emerging markets, the phenomenon of what we call 24-hour Linux, where a customer buys a Linux-based PC, a small business or a consumer, takes it hoAug 05 16:57
schestowitzme and then walks down the street and puts a pirated copy of Windows on that PC."Aug 05 16:57
schestowitzOmar87: it's my new favourtie showAug 05 16:57
EruaranThats such a load of sh** that it looks like it might have been written by Ballmer himself...Aug 05 16:58
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 17:00
Balrogschestowitz: google is buying On2 ... 05 17:03
Balrogwhat do you think?Aug 05 17:03
XarverinterestingAug 05 17:05
Balrogit's still not final thoughAug 05 17:06
Balrogbut likely will go throughAug 05 17:06
XarverStill, if it does happen, Google can become "the owner" of the WebAug 05 17:06
Xarverwhich I don't like at all, one mega company controlling standardsAug 05 17:06
Balrogtrue, but it's likely they'll just release the codecs with royalty-free licensingAug 05 17:07
Xarveror notAug 05 17:07
schestowitzWHy would they do that?Aug 05 17:08
schestowitzGoogle is not a charityAug 05 17:08
Eruaranits in their interestsAug 05 17:08
Xarverwow this channel is so interesting ^.^Aug 05 17:09
Eruarancant have key technologies whereby people can watch streaming video or whatever in the hands of proprietary corporations that are only going to frustrate further development of cool stuff that enables you to scoop up more advertising creamAug 05 17:10
Ngschestowitz: because video on the web is stuck with flash until there's a universally supported standardAug 05 17:11
Ngit's in google's interest to have one good codec which everything supportsAug 05 17:12
XarverI hate flash. :(Aug 05 17:12
Ng$100m is a very cheap price for thatAug 05 17:12
Eruaranyes, Adobe sucksAug 05 17:12
XarverAnd Google could advertise the codec and make it universal, which is scary T_TAug 05 17:13
schestowitzNg: universal?Aug 05 17:13
schestowitzAs in, patents?Aug 05 17:13
schestowitzUniversal like Windows?Aug 05 17:13
schestowitzOr .doc?Aug 05 17:13
Ngschestowitz: as in deployed (and deployable) anywhereAug 05 17:13
schestowitzUniversal should mean no patents and some certiicationAug 05 17:13
Balrogschestowitz: Google is already committed to h.264, if you think that wayAug 05 17:13
schestowitzOn2 is none of thatAug 05 17:13
Ngschestowitz: yetAug 05 17:13
schestowitzHey, why have choice at all? bring back Stalin.Aug 05 17:13
schestowitzOh, I see...Aug 05 17:14
Ngschestowitz: people can have all the choice they want, but a universal common factor is kinda importantAug 05 17:14
Eruarannow that yahoo is microsofts latest sock puppet, they will push silverlie harderAug 05 17:14
schestowitzJumped the gun there with humoir :-pAug 05 17:14
Xarversilverlight disgusts meAug 05 17:14
schestowitzEruaran: Silver Lie is dead in the waterAug 05 17:14
schestowitzIt won't gain much any tme soonAug 05 17:14
schestowitzI have not seen a single article about it in WEEKSAug 05 17:15
XarverJust microjumble trying to replace flashAug 05 17:15
schestowitzMaybe I missed someAug 05 17:15
*Omar871 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 17:15
Xarverhello Omar87Aug 05 17:15
schestowitzSilver Lie is like the other Popfly, which relates to it. Microsoft canned popflyAug 05 17:15
trmancoWindows 7 Fail und Gratulation an KDE: 05 17:15
XarverI don't like KDE actually :PAug 05 17:15
Xarverand I don't know germanAug 05 17:16
XarverKDE reminds me of windowsAug 05 17:16
schestowitz 05 17:17
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A picture is worth a thousand words; 05 17:17
schestowitzJust been instantiatedAug 05 17:17
schestowitzXarver: Windows reminds me of KDEAug 05 17:18
XarverhehAug 05 17:18
ThistleWebspeaking of KDE, I'd not really seen much of KDE4 until the recent demo ogv schestowitz posted, wow, it made me realise FOSS will win, it's only a matter of whenAug 05 17:18
schestowitzVista 7 is still stealing from us *growl*Aug 05 17:18
XarverI dislike Qt :(Aug 05 17:18
schestowitzYou know what should happen next? KDE should sue Microsoft for stealing its IP from KDE4Aug 05 17:18
BalrogXarver: Qt is manageableAug 05 17:18
schestowitzIn VIsta 7Aug 05 17:18
Balroghave you ever coded in it?Aug 05 17:18
*tacone has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 17:19
ThistleWebif that's what FOSS can do, it's easily on par asthetically with even the golden child Apple, but hella more flexableAug 05 17:19
Omar871Xarver: Google Translate is a great tool. ;)Aug 05 17:19
ThistleWeband themableAug 05 17:19
Xarveryes, it's just it forces people to use opensource unless paid forAug 05 17:19
schestowitzQt is great. It looks good.Aug 05 17:19
Xarverwhich is ridiculousAug 05 17:19
BalrogXarver: no, Qt is LGPLAug 05 17:19
Balrogfrom 4.5 onAug 05 17:19
XarverNot pyqtAug 05 17:19
Balrogyou probably weren't watching the news ;)Aug 05 17:19
ThistleWebI went off kde 3 ages agoAug 05 17:19
ThistleWebbut kde 4 is REAL niceAug 05 17:19
BalrogI'm not talking about pyqtAug 05 17:19
Xarverpyqt is still GPL, sadlyAug 05 17:19
XarverYes but that's what I wanted to program inAug 05 17:20
ThistleWebspecially with compwizAug 05 17:20
trmancowhat is "IP"?Aug 05 17:20
Balrogwell PyQt isn't from Nokia/TrollTech ... so you can't complainAug 05 17:20
Xarverand tried, but the user base is small because of the licensingAug 05 17:20
Omar871trmanco: Intellectual PropertyAug 05 17:20
trmancoah, thanksAug 05 17:20
ThistleWebXarver: check this video >> 05 17:21
trmancomore clear nowAug 05 17:21
XarverKDE should sue Micro$shit :PAug 05 17:21
XarverThistleWeb, can't, I have a fedora 11 bug: 05 17:21
ThistleWebI played that fromt he position of not liking KDE, it blew me awayAug 05 17:21
ThistleWebwget itAug 05 17:21
Balrogbuh, buggy intel driversAug 05 17:22
BalrogI heard about that :(Aug 05 17:22
Xarver:|Aug 05 17:22
ThistleWebmy lil PCcan't take kde4, but when I eventually get my new one, I can see mint kde4.3 being my DE of choiceAug 05 17:22
ThistleWebspecially after seeing that videoAug 05 17:22
XarverMy laptop doesn't have the best RAM, only 718.6mbAug 05 17:23
*_Hicham_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 17:23
schestowitz"Open source means different things to different people. For some it means source-code access. For others it means giving up any intellectual property rights to code." 05 17:23
Xarverand not the best graphics cardAug 05 17:23
ThistleWebmine has 256Aug 05 17:23
Xarver:(Aug 05 17:23
ThistleWebI reckon your laptop should be fine with kde 4Aug 05 17:23
schestowitzkde 4.1 worked well for meAug 05 17:24
ThistleWebthe main reason mine cant is low ramAug 05 17:24
ThistleWeb512 will work fineAug 05 17:24
Xarverold article schestowitzAug 05 17:24
Xarver:PAug 05 17:24
ThistleWeb718 even betterAug 05 17:24
Balrogschestowitz: yes, old. But interesting anywayAug 05 17:24
Balrogadd it to the archiveAug 05 17:24
schestowitzXarver: I knowAug 05 17:25
schestowitzI'm looking at old stuffAug 05 17:25
XarverWell I don't think fedora is best with KDE anyway, and I kind of like gnome :)Aug 05 17:25
Xarverah okAug 05 17:25
schestowitzMicrosoft hasn't changed its tuneAug 05 17:25
ThistleWebfedore is a gnome distroAug 05 17:25
schestowitzVery interesting to see what they said a decade ago.Aug 05 17:25
thenixedreportHere is where I'm confused.Aug 05 17:25
thenixedreportMiguel de Icaza has done wonderful things in the past.Aug 05 17:25
thenixedreportLike starting gnome.Aug 05 17:26
BalrogThistleWeb: there's a KDE editionAug 05 17:26
thenixedreportAnd gnumeric.Aug 05 17:26
ThistleWebBalrog: true, but it's main DE is gnome, same as debian and ubuntuAug 05 17:26
thenixedreportWhy is he now doing something that truly is not productive?Aug 05 17:26
ThistleWebthe other DE's and WMs are always gonna get less attention with those distrosAug 05 17:26
ThistleWebI try to pick a distro where their main DE or WM is one I want to useAug 05 17:27
XarverKDE is the king for opensuse, gnome sucks on it.Aug 05 17:27
ThistleWebthat way it gets the best dev loveAug 05 17:27
XarverBut no one here would want to use opensuseAug 05 17:27
schestowitz"I find it hard to believe that some of the best computer scientists in the world will want to do their work for free." 05 17:27
XarverAnd I wouldn'tAug 05 17:27
ThistleWebfor kde maybe the best choices would be mandriva or pclinuxAug 05 17:28
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] RT @tweetmeme How to Debug PHP Using Firefox with FirePHP 05 17:28
schestowitzthenixedreport: I heard he has second thoughtsAug 05 17:29
schestowitzBut it's just something someone told me in commentsAug 05 17:29
schestowitzSo not a confirmed thing, just a rumourAug 05 17:29
XarverThistleWeb, mandriva looks interesting actually, what package manager does it use?Aug 05 17:29
ThistleWebschestowitz: is the Mandriva manAug 05 17:30
ThistleWebhe uses itAug 05 17:30
Balrogschestowitz:,4586,1014079,00.htmlAug 05 17:30
XarverBut I know of no one that uses itAug 05 17:30
ThistleWebit's been that long since I tried itAug 05 17:30
trmanco:OAug 05 17:30
trmanco 05 17:30
ThistleWebschestowitz uses itAug 05 17:30
XarverohAug 05 17:31
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 17:31
XarverWhat was that trmanco? :)Aug 05 17:31
trmancoemacs shirtAug 05 17:32
trmancoon a good looking femaleAug 05 17:32
*Xarver notices the lady >.>Aug 05 17:32
Xarver:PAug 05 17:32
trmanco:)Aug 05 17:33
Xarverschestowitz, is Mandriva any good?Aug 05 17:33
ThistleWebmandriva have a lot of Drak appsAug 05 17:33
ThistleWebfrom it's mandrake daysAug 05 17:33
ThistleWebI dunno if their package manager is a drak oneAug 05 17:33
ThistleWebsince it is the official bloodline of MandrakeAug 05 17:34
*_Hicham_ (n=chatzill@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 17:34
ThistleWebMandriva seemed to go downhill for a few releases but they're back on form againAug 05 17:34
ThistleWebjudging by reviews I've seenAug 05 17:34
ThistleWebit was apparently the first dirsto to have a decent KDE4Aug 05 17:35
Xarveris it good for deving? :PAug 05 17:36
ThistleWebdunno, I'd say yesAug 05 17:36
ThistleWebbetter yet, try itAug 05 17:36
ThistleWebsee for yourselfAug 05 17:36
ThistleWebI've grown out of kde3 and rpm, which is why I dont use itAug 05 17:37
ThistleWebthat kde4.3 video looks awesome thoughAug 05 17:37
fewaGoogle will not endlessly defend the web, they will endlessly defend their own interestsAug 05 17:37
fewaThese things are not the same, although currently there is overlapAug 05 17:38
Xarverbut what I think is kind of sad is that Qt is ugly on gnomeAug 05 17:38
ThistleWebthere's qt3configAug 05 17:40
ThistleWebit lets you put a kinda decent looking gnome(ish) look on your qt appsAug 05 17:40
ThistleWebit's not great, but it's much better looking than the defaultAug 05 17:40
XarverHey on the Qt LGPL license what's the difference over the commercial license? :PAug 05 17:41
ThistleWebif you use qt to make free software its freeAug 05 17:41
schestowitz Sys-Con Dumps Maureen O'Gara < >Aug 05 17:41
ThistleWebif you use it to make closed source, you need to payAug 05 17:41
schestowitzToo bad she came back, eh?Aug 05 17:41
XarverokAug 05 17:41
schestowitzXarver: Mandrive is excellentAug 05 17:41
ThistleWebthere;s more detail than that, but basicly that's itAug 05 17:41
Xarverschestowitz, good packages such as pygame? Updated often?Aug 05 17:42
schestowitzBalrog: thanks for the linklAug 05 17:43
schestowitzXarver: don't know about pygameAug 05 17:43
Xarvercheck please? :)Aug 05 17:44
ThistleWebI was gonna say you could add their ppa but that maybe a ubuntu / debian only thingAug 05 17:45
Xarverwow never knew mandriva had more packages then fedoraAug 05 17:46
ThistleWebmandriva is one of the linux grandeesAug 05 17:47
ThistleWebalong with debian, redhat and slackwareAug 05 17:49
ThistleWebbrbAug 05 17:50
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 17:50
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Lucros da Galp caem 53% no primeiro semestre: Vamos lá ver a os Srs.Galp param de praticar preços injustosAug 05 17:51
schestowitzXarver: sure, hold onAug 05 17:52
*desudesudesu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 17:53
schestowitzXarver: yes, it's here on 2008.1 repoAug 05 17:53
schestowitzpygame - Python module for interfacing with the SDL multimedia library​                                                                                                                         Aug 05 17:53
schestowitzpygame is a Python  wrapper  module  for  the  SDL  multimedia  library, written by Pete Shinners. It contains python functions and classes  that will allow you to use SDL's support for playing cdroms, audio and  video output, and keyboard, mouse and joystick  input.  pygame  also  includes support for the Numerical Python extension. pygame is the  successor  to the pySDL wrapper project, written by Mark Baker.Aug 05 17:53
schestowitzInstall pygame if you would like to write or play SDL games  written  in the python language.Aug 05 17:53
Xarverversion? :)Aug 05 17:53
*desu has quit (Nick collision from services.)Aug 05 17:53
*desudesudesu is now known as desuAug 05 17:53
schestowitz1.7.1Aug 05 17:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Os lucros ainda deviam era cair mais 45%Aug 05 17:53
Xarverah well it must be later for 2009.1Aug 05 17:53
schestowitzYeahAug 05 17:53
Xarverwhy not upgrade?Aug 05 17:53
schestowitzI get mostly security fixesAug 05 17:53
schestowitzIt's still in support (1.5 yrs iirc)Aug 05 17:54
schestowitzThen I'll make the move to kde4 permanentAug 05 17:54
Xarverbut why not upgrade? :PAug 05 17:54
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 17:55
schestowitzXarver: lazinessAug 05 17:55
Xarver:PAug 05 17:55
schestowitzKDE 4.3 is released 05 17:58
schestowitzLatvian botnet host canned  < >Aug 05 17:59
Xarverschestowitz, I'm switching to mandriva I think :PAug 05 17:59
Xarverdoes mandriva 2009.1 use kde4.3Aug 05 18:00
Xarverand the name mandrake sounds cooler :PAug 05 18:01
XarverburningAug 05 18:02
Xarvergot to back up my data and put on USB now :|Aug 05 18:03
schestowitzNoAug 05 18:03
schestowitzkde 4.2.2 iircAug 05 18:03
*fewa_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 18:03
schestowitzYou can also use Pardus or PCLinuxOSAug 05 18:03
schestowitzThey are based on Mandriva and have more stuffAug 05 18:03
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 18:07
trmancoschestowitz, 05 18:07
trmancoembed off needs limitsAug 05 18:07
trmancoogg*Aug 05 18:07
schestowitzMS; “Apple takes an integrated approach to the PC experience and has made inroads in share, particularly in the US and in the consumer segment."Aug 05 18:08
schestowitzEmphasis on "US"Aug 05 18:08
trmancoput in some width and height propertiesAug 05 18:08
schestowitzApple is small in othr countriesAug 05 18:08
schestowitztrmanco: ah, OKAug 05 18:08
schestowitztrmanco: try nowAug 05 18:09
ThistleWebapple target the wealthy who will pay for the brand, they have no chance in countries where it's peeps don't have a lot of money to throw aroundAug 05 18:10
trmancosomething is not rightAug 05 18:10
ThistleWebthey logo has, but on fakesAug 05 18:10
trmancoschestowitz, put it in the video tagAug 05 18:11
trmanconot in the <pAug 05 18:11
schestowitzYikes. 05 18:12
schestowitzOops.Aug 05 18:12
schestowitzHaha.Aug 05 18:13
schestowitzYes, in video. I wasn't paying attentionAug 05 18:13
trmancoschestowitz, good nowAug 05 18:13
trmanco:-)Aug 05 18:13
schestowitzI'll upgrade to 3.5 laterAug 05 18:14
trmancookAug 05 18:14
schestowitzImage spam: the threat returns 05 18:14
XarverOk guys, going to install Mandriva. (at least try it on the livecd)Aug 05 18:15
*Xarver has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 18:16
schestowitzNotel broken to bits and sold away 05 18:16
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Microhoo deal has a Google escape clause < > People tend to forget that Microsoft hired an AstroTurfing group calle ...Aug 05 18:19
schestowitzOn2 is final according to the MSBBC: 05 18:19
schestowitz*os2 acquisition by GoogleAug 05 18:20
schestowitz US struggling to find cyber-tsar < > Maybe nobody is able to deal with Windows botnets properly?Aug 05 18:21
*fewa has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 05 18:22
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 18:24
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 18:35
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Aug 05 18:36
schestowitzTwitter, WordPress, Ning & GoDaddy All Sued In Mistargeted Lawsuit Over Defamation < >Aug 05 18:36
schestowitzEwww........ "Perhaps. Ian alerted us to the fact that the Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) is looking to hire people on the PR side, and one of the things they're asking for (even before a resume) is a link to your Slashdot profile (or other similar "comment histories"). Who knew all those "first!" posts could be worth something...?"Aug 05 18:37
ThistleWebI wonder if the struggle to find a cyber-tzar is like looking for a new Captain of the Titanic, while the peeps who make the decisions are insisting that the Titanic is the best vessel for the job, ignoring the rapidly increasing water lineAug 05 18:38
ThistleWebthat the peeps who have been considered saw it for what it is, regardless of Microsoft's smooth wordsAug 05 18:38
schestowitz 05 18:38
schestowitzThistleWeb: DHS is already plagued by MicrosoftAug 05 18:39
ThistleWebI wonder if the peeps who would do the job refused because they'd be stuck with an imovable object known as MSAug 05 18:40
schestowitz 05 18:40
ThistleWebthat part of the equation was written in stoneAug 05 18:40
schestowitz 05 18:40
ThistleWebchange anything you want, but build it on windowsAug 05 18:40
schestowitzWIndows is the most secureAug 05 18:41
schestowitz--says MicrosoftAug 05 18:41
ThistleWebno point in trying to build a shield with a paper baseAug 05 18:41
ThistleWebschestowitz: did you see this article? >> 05 18:43
ThistleWebcomments are goodAug 05 18:43
schestowitzMicrosoft-Yahoo Deal Full Of Termination Clauses 05 18:49
schestowitzWhat happens if they terminate though?Aug 05 18:49
schestowitzIf Yahoo! buries its search engine anyway..Aug 05 18:49
trmanco 05 18:49
trmancohey lookAug 05 18:49
trmancobug free windows (!)Aug 05 18:49
schestowitzThistleWeb: I put a link to this earlier: 05 18:49
trmancochdisk eating more than 2 gb of ramAug 05 18:49
schestowitzHhee.Aug 05 18:49
schestowitzHahaAug 05 18:50
schestowitzI told you. Vista MEAug 05 18:50
trmancolooks like it's still in alpha stageAug 05 18:50
trmancobetter delay it to 2010Aug 05 18:51
ThistleWebkAug 05 18:51
schestowitzIf Vista 7 is delayed, then Ubuntu 9.10 will be delivered in peaceAug 05 18:51
schestowitztrmanco: 2010 was the plaAug 05 18:51
schestowitz*planAug 05 18:51
schestowitzBut their revenue is sinkingAug 05 18:52
schestowitzThey have VISTAAug 05 18:52
ThistleWebmaybe yahoo have their pirate-plan in operation, the assumption being that gold is buried, so the more they bury stuff, the more gold they'll findAug 05 18:52
schestowitzThistleWeb: "nice try with the trolling: 4/10, as I did have a few lulz"Aug 05 18:53
schestowitzHow old are Guardian readers, 14? ;-)Aug 05 18:53
ThistleWeblol, dunnoAug 05 18:53
ThistleWebI liked the 5 comment stuff on FACTAug 05 18:54
schestowitzThistleWeb: or maybe Baatzer just doesn'tm careAug 05 18:54
trmanco 05 18:54
schestowitzShe'll catch the next plane to Acapulco with Ballmer and McBrideAug 05 18:54
ThistleWebyahoo are dead and just dont know itAug 05 18:55
schestowitztrmanco: Vista 7 does not existAug 05 18:55
schestowitzIt's just something with preordersAug 05 18:55
ThistleWebmaybe she recognises that and is getting what she can for the yahoo shareolders from MSAug 05 18:55
ThistleWebget it while you canAug 05 18:55
schestowitzMicrosoft bullied Yahoo and put cronies in itAug 05 18:55
schestowitzMicrosoft should be taken down by the governmentAug 05 18:55
schestowitzTo destory companies is no useAug 05 18:56
schestowitzAnd I have a post coming on CAGWAug 05 18:56
fewa_the defective company taking down a perfectly legitimate businessAug 05 18:56
schestowitzThe Microsoft fronts are attacking GoogleAug 05 18:56
*fewa_ is now known as fewaAug 05 18:56
schestowitzThis time CAGW isn't writing letters on behalf of dead people thoughAug 05 18:56
ThistleWebthe MS takeover tactic does bear a remarkable similarity to how cancer cells grow and take over other healthy cellsAug 05 18:56
ThistleWebit's no wonder Ballmer thought of "cancer" as a business thingAug 05 18:56
fewaThistleWeb, melonomaAug 05 18:57
trmanco 05 18:58
schestowitz 05 18:58
schestowitz*LOL* Macasay writes about Net Apps garbage and ignores (conveniently) what they did to Mac OS: 05 19:02
schestowitzWhen will people just abolish data from liehouses?Aug 05 19:02
ThistleWebOMG I just found a funky backup command on penguinpetes blogAug 05 19:03
ThistleWebI always thought it should be possible to move the pointer with the keyboardAug 05 19:03
ThistleWebif you needed to, but never knew howAug 05 19:03
ThistleWebctrl+alt+numlockAug 05 19:04
ThistleWebthen the keypad arrows 2, 4, 6, 8 do itAug 05 19:04
ThistleWebfunky or what?Aug 05 19:04
ThistleWebthen ctrl+alt+numlock to return it back to it's job as a keypadAug 05 19:04
ThistleWebI could have used that on the odd occasion I'm fighting with an old broken mouse at someones house, and there's NOTHING elseAug 05 19:05
ThistleWebit'd be handier if it mapped to the arrow buttons, but it works, which is the important thingAug 05 19:06
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 19:20
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] RT @denny Irritated by the Daily Mail? @chris_coltrane has created @polljack to correct their polls. A glorious cause. Please retweet!Aug 05 19:30
MinceR 05 19:31
*Omar871 has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 05 19:32
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 19:35
Balrogschestowitz: why doesn't ever tweet anything?Aug 05 19:38
fewaMinceR, lawlAug 05 19:39
twitterI think I've got a triad.Aug 05 19:40
fewaive been impededAug 05 19:40
Balrog...?Aug 05 19:40
twitterThree things that need to be suspended for M$ to survive:Aug 05 19:40
twitterLaw, free market and disbeliefAug 05 19:40
twitterM$ basically violates all three on a regular basisAug 05 19:41
twitterJudge Jackson noticed the law thing.  There's plenty of court records about how they bully OEMs, vendors and service providers.  Finally, they have to lie constantly to keep you from noticing these activities and their software's obvious problems.Aug 05 19:43
*fewa is now known as fewa_Aug 05 19:43
*fewa_ is now known as fewa__Aug 05 19:43
*fewa__ is now known as fewaAug 05 19:44
twitter24 minute Vista.  The time it takes to wipe Windows with GNU/Linux.Aug 05 19:45
schestowitzBalrog: it's an aggregator of a friends list for twotfolk to useAug 05 19:45
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 19:47
schestowitzMicrosoft blames open source for revenue fall 05 19:47
schestowitzIs this another sys-con site? 05 19:54
schestowitz 05 19:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] My view on Linus Torvalds’ statement 05 19:59
schestowitz 05 20:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Solar Forest Keeps Cars Cool And Juiced It probably takes more energy to produce than those panels will ever produce.Aug 05 20:05
schestowitzMalware, oversharing lead Marines to ban social networks < >Aug 05 20:06
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 20:06
fewaschestowitz, thats a actually logical oneAug 05 20:06
fewaive seen "2 for $5, was 2.49"Aug 05 20:06
fewa*rational, not logicalAug 05 20:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "...Erik Prince, may have murdered or facilitated the murder of individuals [...]" 05 20:07
schestowitz"A Chinese teenager sent to an internet addiction rehabilitation camp has allegedly been beaten to death by its counsellors, according to reports." 05 20:08
ThistleWebI wonder if he was trying a bit to hard to publish a blog about abusive state run institutionsAug 05 20:10
schestowitzHere is FraudStreet's cash cow in daytime (not just at night when it's sleeping): 05 20:11
fewaschestowitz, there are better sources for that 05 20:11
*amd-linux (i=543939c7@gateway/web/freenode/x-kfehbrqqyrphnvgv) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 20:12
fewalawl 05 20:18
amd-linuxso not only the linux version affected but also the windows version? cool....Aug 05 20:22
fewano linux onlyAug 05 20:23
amd-linuxbut isnt chromium developed via launchpad?Aug 05 20:23
amd-linuxjust wondering why bugs are reported to google?Aug 05 20:23
amd-linuxbtw i am using exactly THIS version with the guys face of chromium as I write :-)Aug 05 20:24
fewareallyAug 05 20:24
fewai fallow daily builds and havnt seen itAug 05 20:24
amd-linuxI like it - not a bug, a unique featureAug 05 20:25
fewamaybe i wasn't paying attention :PAug 05 20:25
amd-linuxi have yesterdays buildAug 05 20:25
amd-linuxnot updated today yetAug 05 20:25
fewahmm guess im still running sundays or somethingsAug 05 20:25
amd-linuxbut chromium, BTW, looks extremely promisingAug 05 20:25
amd-linuxi think i will use it instead of FF as soon as flash plugin works without manual interactionAug 05 20:26
amd-linuxit is slim as FF was intended to beAug 05 20:26
fewaI wontAug 05 20:26
fewaIt doesn't give me control over my experienceAug 05 20:26
taconeuhm. BN is a corporate shill. source: someone :-) 05 20:26
schestowitzYes, Roy CorporationAug 05 20:27
fewathis is a corporate shill 05 20:27
taconeahahahaAug 05 20:27
schestowitz"Sounds to me like BN is the corporate shill in this scenario." C.J. Adams-Collier  (cj)Aug 05 20:27
taconelook the author of the commentAug 05 20:27
schestowitzOK, time to clean upAug 05 20:27
taconehe has some geniusAug 05 20:28
taconei have to admitAug 05 20:28
>ChanServ<op #boycottnovell schestowitzAug 05 20:28
-ChanServ-You are not authorized to perform this operation.Aug 05 20:28
*#boycottnovell :You need to be a channel operator to do thatAug 05 20:28
*#boycottnovell :You need to be a channel operator to do thatAug 05 20:28
schestowitzI'm not retracting this ban, eitherAug 05 20:28
schestowitzHe has done this systematically for over a year, even when Microsoft paid himAug 05 20:28
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzAug 05 20:29
*schestowitz sets ban on *!*@173-10-126-202-BusName-Washington.hfc.comcastbusiness.netAug 05 20:29
*schestowitz has kicked cj from #boycottnovell (schestowitz)Aug 05 20:29
taconeehehehAug 05 20:29
*_Hicham_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 20:29
*schestowitz removes channel operator status from schestowitzAug 05 20:31
schestowitzHow to Set Special Window Settings with KWin < >Aug 05 20:35
*Balrog_ has quit ()Aug 05 20:37
*thenixedreport has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 20:37
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 20:42
XarverHelloAug 05 20:43
Xarverschestowitz: I installed Mandriva. I love it!Aug 05 20:43
schestowitzCool!Aug 05 20:43
schestowitzMy brother has just done that tooAug 05 20:43
schestowitz 05 20:43
schestowitzYikesAug 05 20:44
XarverAnd 2010 is coming out in novemberAug 05 20:44
Xarverthat is yikes schestowitz :oAug 05 20:44
fewawoah 05 20:46
fewaahh geeze what a long urlAug 05 20:46
amd-linuxnice, but still to big for the crowded Tokyo tubeAug 05 20:47
XarverWow fewaAug 05 20:47
Xarverbtw try to use next timeAug 05 20:47
Xarveror something of the likeAug 05 20:47
schestowitzXarver: I thought OvtoberAug 05 20:47 creates bitrotAug 05 20:48
Xarverschestowitz: It said November when it took me to the newsAug 05 20:48
schestowitztinyurlAug 05 20:48
fewain reality the whole resource should come with the listingAug 05 20:48
Xarvertinyurl is not badAug 05 20:48
fewain a flexible tree formAug 05 20:48
schestowitzWell, it's long-standingAug 05 20:48
fewaso that one provider cannot collapse the contentAug 05 20:48
schestowitzI hate short URLsAug 05 20:48
schestowitzI stopped trying to convince people to keep bothAug 05 20:49
fewathen the site can go offlince, no url shortenerAug 05 20:49
amd-linuxshort urls are kind of dangerous.....Aug 05 20:49
schestowitzIf short url is use, accompany with full url for archive.orgAug 05 20:49
schestowitzArticle title might helpAug 05 20:49
schestowitzHelp to salvage tracesAug 05 20:49
fewaOne more reason why wave looked so awesomeAug 05 20:49
schestowitzHere's an idea: ;;-)Aug 05 20:50 for tinyurlAug 05 20:50
schestowitzGo an harvest those URLs in case the service collapses one day ;-)Aug 05 20:50
fewathat only works if you go to every oneAug 05 20:50
schestowitzfewa: yes, we got time :-)Aug 05 20:50
fewaand you have to know what keys exist to get their valuesAug 05 20:50
amd-linuxan example how risky a short url can be: 05 20:50
schestowitzSystematiclly.Aug 05 20:50
schestowitzStarting with 5 chars (old one)Aug 05 20:51
schestowitzaaaaaAug 05 20:51
amd-linuxlink is safe but dont klick on theAug 05 20:51
amd-linuxlink insideAug 05 20:51
schestowitzaaaaabAug 05 20:51
fewaon tinyurl this is systematic, but other providers do it randomlyAug 05 20:51
fewaor more randomlyAug 05 20:51
schestowitzLink harvstersAug 05 20:51
schestowitzHey, how about this..?Aug 05 20:51
schestowitzAs a business model they could do extortionAug 05 20:51
fewaweb is a poor API definerAug 05 20:51
schestowitzPay us $`1 per linkAug 05 20:51
fewaas the namespace is to deterministicAug 05 20:52
schestowitz5 years after they start requiring accessAug 05 20:52
fewathats why you should use a free serviceAug 05 20:52
fewaand in freedomAug 05 20:52
schestowitzAnd then people will get kicked in the arse for giving the company this mediation powerAug 05 20:52
fewaone that publisher its databaseAug 05 20:52
fewasuch as the ones on identi.caAug 05 20:52
fewabut in a more logical way, and rational, these links should be described in your own namespaceAug 05 20:53
schestowitzamd-linux: that's the other thingAug 05 20:53
fewanot someone elsesAug 05 20:53
schestowitzDepending on whose click I link on I dread clicking on those thingsAug 05 20:53
schestowitzWorse than clicking in some 4chan BSAug 05 20:53
fewaand is doubly horrible cause they use <meta>Aug 05 20:54
fewapretty soon they will use javascript and document.location.href=Aug 05 20:54
fewaand then they will obfusciate the javascriptAug 05 20:54
schestowitz << --- DON"T CLICK!!!!!!!1111Aug 05 20:54
balzac-_^Aug 05 20:55
*MinceR doesn't clickAug 05 20:55
fewa{, }Aug 05 20:56
fewawait its a hashAug 05 20:56
fewa{ }Aug 05 20:56
schestowitzInstall KDE 4.3 In Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 < >Aug 05 21:00
schestowitz "In the month of June we raised $1,530, for a total of $20,483 since January 1, 2009."Aug 05 21:01
*amd-linux has quit ("Page closed")Aug 05 21:03
schestowitzUsers are not the lusers you think they are.  < >Aug 05 21:04
schestowitzPHP 5.3 Not In Next Version Of Ubuntu < >Aug 05 21:08
schestowitzRantberger: 05 21:12
*amarsh04_ is now known as amarsh04Aug 05 21:15
*alex53 (n=alexnvg@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 21:21
*alex53 (n=alexnvg@ has left #boycottnovellAug 05 21:21
*tacone has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 05 21:21
schestowitz9 o'clock, time for the news...:-DAug 05 21:24
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 21:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Nice picture (article too): 05 21:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Why GNU/Linux GUIs Advanced Beyond Competition's 05 21:27
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review of Lesser-Known Education GNU/Linux Distribution 05 21:36
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Tiny Core Linux Version 2.2 is Released 05 21:38
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Red Hat Runs Development Initiatives, Awards, and Scholarships News/2462377/ ...Aug 05 21:40
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Review of SimplyMepis 8.0 05 21:41
*wallclimber ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 21:42
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 21:42
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux Mint 7 Reviewed and Mark Shuttleworth Speaks About Ubuntu Collaboration 05 21:45
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Linux Phones from Google Target the Enterprise Space 05 21:51
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] This Year's Software Freedom Day is Coming, SFLC Releases New Audiocast 05 21:54
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Testing, trmanco Tony Testing @trmancoAug 05 21:55
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[scientes] Apple morality police censors dictionary 05 21:56
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] testing again trmanco:Aug 05 21:58
wallclimberShuttleworth: "Here, we are talking about elevating that to something that the world has never seen in proprietary software (and never will) - an entire industry collaborating." (Sounds like a man with a vision...)Aug 05 22:00
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] E-Books under Fire for Misuse of Power Using DRM GPLv3-licensed Program to to the Rescue 05 22:00
wallclimberis that sort of collaboration really possible?Aug 05 22:01
schestowitzYes, why not?Aug 05 22:01
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] MAFIAA Tries to Tax Its Competition Out of Existence with Senate's Help 05 22:01
schestowitzSpace programs work like this in a wayAug 05 22:01
wallclimberit would certainly be nice if it worksAug 05 22:02
schestowitzBut sharing is probably poor with the Russian ('Soviets') and other 'Reds' like ChinaAug 05 22:02
schestowitzwallclimber: Ballmer's doctrine calls it communismAug 05 22:02
schestowitzSpace communism *lol*Aug 05 22:02
schestowitzNot colonialismAug 05 22:02
wallclimberballmer...yuckAug 05 22:02
wallclimbershuttleworth always seems so calm and logicalAug 05 22:03
wallclimberi sometimes wonder if he's really just a good actorAug 05 22:03
wallclimberi have mixed feelings about ubuntu, but i really think it's an amazing project tooAug 05 22:04
wallclimberanyway, just wanted to let you know i got the last exhibit you sent...will work on it tonightAug 05 22:06
schestowitzMark is niceAug 05 22:06
schestowitzwallclimber: thanksAug 05 22:06
wallclimberi'm glad to hear itAug 05 22:06
schestowitzThey profile journosAug 05 22:06
schestowitzWhat some people accused BN of doingAug 05 22:06
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] More Intellectual Monopolies Fail(R) 05 22:06
schestowitzMicrosoft doesn't just rely W-E for dossiersAug 05 22:06
schestowitzIt eavesdrops on journos and marks 'good' and 'bad'Aug 05 22:06
schestowitzBut W-E is in that discussion, so the sheet could be from W-EAug 05 22:07
wallclimberi hope the FTC really does investigate themAug 05 22:07
schestowitzThey sent me a leterAug 05 22:08
schestowitzI uploaded the letter PDFAug 05 22:08
schestowitzOther people will file more detailed complaints (I was too impatient for itAug 05 22:08
wallclimberwell you got their attention, so they'll notice when they get more has to start somewhereAug 05 22:09
wallclimberso, i wonder how many FTC people are ex-microsoft employeesAug 05 22:09
wallclimberj/kAug 05 22:09
wallclimberit just seems like softies have infiltrated the whole worldAug 05 22:10
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Cracks in Apple's Reputation 05 22:10
schestowitzYes, they track themAug 05 22:10
schestowitzAnd they don't respond unless there's a delugeAug 05 22:10
schestowitzDough nuts are easierAug 05 22:10
wallclimberlol...dough nuts?Aug 05 22:11
schestowitzI envision the FTC as some office in the 50th floor of some buiding with pieces of paper all over the floorAug 05 22:11
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple is Abusive, Palm Claims 05 22:11
schestowitzThe Linux Foundation is something similar, but in Portland the buildings are not so high, AFAIKAug 05 22:11
wallclimberheh, you just described my studioAug 05 22:12
schestowitzwallclimber:if the scandal was about a company raising the cost of dough nuts, the FTC guys would go Rambo on themAug 05 22:12
ThistleWebschestowitz: the cops would get there firstAug 05 22:12
ThistleWebcan't take away the cop-fuelAug 05 22:12
ThistleWebwithout paying the price of a nightstick love tap on the nogginAug 05 22:13
ThistleWebI sometimes reckon US cop cars should have lil spikes on the dashboard for them to stack their doughnuts, like a CD spindle when the action starts and they have to moveAug 05 22:14
schestowitzThat's why they put suspects at the back seatAug 05 22:14
ThistleWebcan't reach the dougnutsAug 05 22:14
schestowitzThe greasy bog 'o doughnuts is on the seat near the driverAug 05 22:14
schestowitz*bagAug 05 22:15
wallclimberyou guys are making me laughAug 05 22:15
schestowitzTasers are misused to drive away people who almost seat on the bagAug 05 22:15
*ThistleWeb whistlesAug 05 22:15
wallclimberlove the cd spindle for the dough nutsAug 05 22:15
schestowitzIt's a CD trayAug 05 22:15
schestowitzCup holderAug 05 22:15
ThistleWebthe CD tray is for the coffeeAug 05 22:15
schestowitzIt has an 'eject' buttonAug 05 22:16
schestowitzSome people really called support cause these cup holders didn't workAug 05 22:16
ThistleWebyeah lolAug 05 22:16
schestowitzProbably squashed the drink unexpectedly op rebootAug 05 22:16
ThistleWebI suppose a dashboard strapon would also have conveyed the same mental imageAug 05 22:17
ThistleWebI wonder if nightsticks were designed to be the exact diameter of the hole in a donutAug 05 22:18
ThistleWebgiven the strength of the cop-donut linkage you have to wonderAug 05 22:18
ThistleWebsorry, carry on with the pointAug 05 22:19
wallclimberthere was a point?Aug 05 22:19
wallclimberlolAug 05 22:19
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Massive Vista 7 Bug (RTM) Could Delay Production? 05 22:19
ThistleWebnot counting the end of the nightstickAug 05 22:19
ThistleWebthats a kinda rounded pointAug 05 22:19
wallclimberok, everybody is looking at me like i'm crazy...sitting here laughing at the computer screenAug 05 22:20
ThistleWebya know RTM keeps saying "return to manufacturer" to meAug 05 22:20
ThistleWebmaybe it's apt for WindowsAug 05 22:20
wallclimberi better get back to workAug 05 22:20
wallclimbertake care allAug 05 22:20
ThistleWeblol have fun wallclimberAug 05 22:20
wallclimber:)Aug 05 22:20
*wallclimber ( has left #boycottnovell ("Ex-Chat")Aug 05 22:21
schestowitzShe helps with Comes, ThistleWeb Aug 05 22:22
ThistleWebI knowAug 05 22:22
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] OpenDocument (ODF) Version 1.2 is Approved 05 22:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Serif PagePlus Adds ODF Support 05 22:26
*schestowitz listens to 05 22:27
*tacone (n=Adium@ has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 22:29
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] NotN: More women binge drinking real ale 05 22:35
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz won't delay win7 a second. they'll do an update later on. you watch.Aug 05 22:38
taconeSp1: that's 'cause our ecosysteeeemmAug 05 22:39
MinceR 05 22:40
MinceRi lol'dAug 05 22:40
ThistleWebthey'll want windows 7 everywhere in time for christmasAug 05 22:40
ThistleWebwhere all xp netbooks will be "out of stock" gathering dust in the stock roomAug 05 22:41
ThistleWebonly the more expensive windows 7 ones will be in stockAug 05 22:41
*conley1 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 22:43
*conley has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 22:43
*Lns has quit ("Φ")Aug 05 22:46
schestowitzLeo Laporte says yuck about Mono ... 05 22:53
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 22:53
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] @davidgerard so Vista 7 is just like Vista all over againAug 05 22:54
schestowitzMinceR: Duke Nukem Forever tooAug 05 22:54
MinceRDNF is more likelyAug 05 22:55
ThistleWebdid not finish?Aug 05 22:56
schestowitzDNF _for Linux_ is /equally_ likelyAug 05 22:56
schestowitzThistleWeb: yeah... or Duke Nukem ForeverAug 05 22:56
taconelolAug 05 22:56
schestowitzDuke Never FartsAug 05 22:56
MinceRnot sure about thatAug 05 22:57
MinceRdo the DNF developers have an xbox release? :>Aug 05 22:57
schestowitzThey're both friedAug 05 22:58
*Xarver has quit (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")Aug 05 22:58
*Xarver ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 22:58
schestowitzLet's see how many posts I can do before getting tired...Aug 05 23:01
ThistleWebDNFA = do not fall asleepAug 05 23:05
ThistleWebFreddie will get yaAug 05 23:05
*conley1 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 05 23:05
*conley ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 23:08
*desu has quit ("Leaving")Aug 05 23:11
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 23:23
schestowitzThistleWeb: ninjasAug 05 23:24
ThistleWeblolAug 05 23:24
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Apple Still Abuses Linux-based Phones, Formal Complaint Filed 05 23:30
_goblinah.....bonjour all....Aug 05 23:32
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] @schestowitz and every windows everAug 05 23:35
Diablo-D3 05 23:35
Diablo-D3 05 23:37
*tacone has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 05 23:39
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 23:43
*PetoKraus has quit ("Leaving")Aug 05 23:53
*desu (n=desu@unaffiliated/desu) has joined #boycottnovellAug 05 23:59
schestowitzDiablo-D3: no, Google innovated On2Aug 05 23:59
schestowitzThat's how GOogle 'innovates' most thingsAug 05 23:59
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] So I'm back from work...Comp.os.linux advocacy is probably the first stop...still haven't solved the mystery of "the face on Chromium"Aug 05 23:59

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