schestowitz | Sun wants to capture youngsters for Slowaris.,1093329.shtml | Dec 17 00:00 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Pearson and Sun Microsystems Offer College Students Technology Training, Gateway to Professional Certification .::. Size~: 57.68 KB | Dec 17 00:00 |
oiaohm | As a Linux user I cannot insult Solaris yet. Few more BKL's need to disappear. | Dec 17 00:04 |
schestowitz | MinceR popularised Sun hostility | Dec 17 00:04 |
oiaohm | Solaris and Linux people in the same room can get bad fast. | Dec 17 00:06 |
oiaohm | Both have a bad habit of insulting each other. | Dec 17 00:06 |
oiaohm | I work on techincal merit. One of the annoying ones recently in wine was a serial using program work would with a usb serial port but would not work with the one on motherboard due to a BKL issue stuffing up transfer | Dec 17 00:07 |
oiaohm | Solaris does not have that issue. | Dec 17 00:08 |
oiaohm | Its the good old don't throw rocks when standing in a glass house. | Dec 17 00:08 |
oiaohm | Mind you windows users would be good to take that on board. | Dec 17 00:08 |
sebsebseb | | Dec 17 00:11 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Snow Leopard security - The good, the bad and the missing • The Register .::. Size~: 34.6 KB | Dec 17 00:11 |
oiaohm | Something interesting from the rapstrap expermenters for raprep to see how far they can simplerfy the device | Dec 17 00:12 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Bodge It Quick Rep Strap Bertha Project: My uninerversal vitamin The Nylon Corner Block .::. Size~: 93.24 KB | Dec 17 00:12 |
*Guest58511 is now known as Balrog | Dec 17 00:24 | |
*pentarex ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 00:34 | |
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 00:35 | |
pentarex | good evening/ morning :) | Dec 17 00:41 |
*trmanco_ (n=trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 00:45 | |
oiaohm | Hello Usa patent system might have hit wall. | Dec 17 00:45 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Recession's latest victim: U.S. innovation - Dec. 11, 2009 .::. Size~: 72.77 KB | Dec 17 00:45 |
*trmanco has quit (Nick collision from services.) | Dec 17 00:50 | |
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*trmanco (n=trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 00:54 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 00:54 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] The COLA Wintrolls seem to be dwindling in number. Xmas break? #cola #troll #windows #vista #microsoft #xp #fail | Dec 17 01:03 | |
*pentarex has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 01:11 | |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:15 | |
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Dec 17 01:30 | |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Dec 17 01:41 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:42 | |
*ikonia_ (n=mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:45 | |
DaemonFC | | Dec 17 01:46 |
phIRCe-local | Title: South Park Studios UK and Ireland - .::. Size~: 18.92 KB | Dec 17 01:46 |
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:46 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @techdirt: How Monsanto Used Gene Patents To Corner The Market In Seeds | Dec 17 01:48 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: How Monsanto Used Gene Patents To Corner The Market In Seeds | Techdirt .::. Size~: 38.6 KB | Dec 17 01:48 |
*benJIman_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Dec 17 01:49 | |
*Omar87 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Dec 17 01:49 | |
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sebsebseb | schestowitz: still about? | Dec 17 01:51 |
*Balrog_ has quit () | Dec 17 01:53 | |
_goblin | my name is Doctor Hildagarth Lambstrong and I am quite, quite mad. | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | doh. | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | sorry.... | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | wrong channel | Dec 17 01:54 |
DaemonFC | aaahhhh | Dec 17 01:54 |
DaemonFC | Rimmer and the holovirus | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | lol | Dec 17 01:54 |
DaemonFC | and the checkered dress | Dec 17 01:54 |
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:54 | |
DaemonFC | and Mister Flibble | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | I am just chatting about favorite Scifi sayings in other server | Dec 17 01:54 |
_goblin | DaemonFC: U from UK? | Dec 17 01:55 |
DaemonFC | Mister Flibble says "Time to die boys!!!" | Dec 17 01:55 |
*Balrog_ has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 17 01:55 | |
_goblin | Or "Twinkle, twinkle little eye, now its time for you to die" | Dec 17 01:55 |
DaemonFC | What does Uncle Arnie do? "Uncle Arnie fries them with his hex vision!" | Dec 17 01:55 |
_goblin | lol | Dec 17 01:55 |
_goblin | you've gone up in my estimation | Dec 17 01:55 |
_goblin | a Dwarfer | Dec 17 01:55 |
*Balrog_ ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:55 | |
_goblin | * its fries them alive though | Dec 17 01:56 |
*Balrog_ has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 17 01:56 | |
DaemonFC | it's been years since I've seen it | Dec 17 01:56 |
_goblin | DaemonFC: How do you know about a UK sciCom? | Dec 17 01:56 |
_goblin | u from UK? | Dec 17 01:56 |
DaemonFC | no | Dec 17 01:56 |
_goblin | US? | Dec 17 01:56 |
DaemonFC | they aired it here on PBS and I got the entire series on VHS :P | Dec 17 01:57 |
_goblin | didn't know the UK show was popular over there... | Dec 17 01:57 |
_goblin | you seen the latest one? | Dec 17 01:57 |
DaemonFC | well, I think it left off with the new Red Dwarf corroding | Dec 17 01:57 |
_goblin | ah..... | Dec 17 01:58 |
DaemonFC | and Rimmer was the last one left which made him the captain | Dec 17 01:58 |
_goblin | did Rimmer kick "Death" in the nuts? | Dec 17 01:58 |
DaemonFC | hmmmm.... | Dec 17 01:58 |
DaemonFC | something like that | Dec 17 01:58 |
_goblin | yeah theres a 2 part special after that..... | Dec 17 01:59 |
_goblin | they get back to the year 2009 | Dec 17 01:59 |
DaemonFC | after a curry? | Dec 17 01:59 |
_goblin | sort of. | Dec 17 01:59 |
*willimm (i=639987f3@gateway/web/freenode/x-jhasrmhxcexydokv) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 01:59 | |
willimm | Glitch with my client... ooh. | Dec 17 01:59 |
DaemonFC | was it just made or something? | Dec 17 02:00 |
willimm | oiaohm: How are you? | Dec 17 02:00 |
_goblin | sort of.....they realize they are part of a tv show and with a device enter our "real" world....sort of gets a little complex. | Dec 17 02:00 |
oiaohm | Find willimm | Dec 17 02:00 |
oiaohm | Find/fine | Dec 17 02:00 |
DaemonFC | I'll torrent it | Dec 17 02:00 |
willimm | God, oiaohm, is anything bothing you about Novell/Micro$oft now? | Dec 17 02:01 |
willimm | God/Good | Dec 17 02:01 |
willimm | Other than the stuff we arleady know... | Dec 17 02:01 |
oiaohm | Have not been on MS today to develop hate willimm | Dec 17 02:02 |
willimm | I mean, is there anymore news about MS/Novell that's not old news? | Dec 17 02:02 |
willimm | Oiaohm? | Dec 17 02:02 |
willimm | In case you diddn't hear me, Oiaohm, s there any more news about MS/Novell that's not old news? | Dec 17 02:04 |
DaemonFC | Holly is out of commission because Lister left the bathtub running for 9 years? | Dec 17 02:04 |
oiaohm | Have not really been looking for new news today. | Dec 17 02:04 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 17 02:04 |
DaemonFC | _goblin: PBS used to air Red Dwarf at 10:30 PM on Fridays followed by Red Green | Dec 17 02:05 |
DaemonFC | _goblin: PBS has gone downhill ever since the Bush Administration and the Republicans in Congress cut their funding | Dec 17 02:07 |
DaemonFC | to keep operating, they started taking money from drug companies and Walmart | Dec 17 02:07 |
DaemonFC | you won't see that information on Wikipedia or anything, but the rest of their funding became largely conditional to them playing ball with the far right and airing propaganda | Dec 17 02:09 |
DaemonFC | Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura is on at 10 on truTV | Dec 17 02:15 |
DaemonFC | "Is Global Warming a Myth?" | Dec 17 02:15 |
DaemonFC | "Jesse Ventura challenges the altruistic motives of global warming activists, suggesting the movement's goal is to make money and launch a controlling world government. (Documentary)." | Dec 17 02:16 |
ender2070 | a lot of people think that | Dec 17 02:17 |
_goblin | I think climate change is natural however its accellerated by humans, having said that I don't think theres a thing we can do about it. | Dec 17 02:18 |
DaemonFC | not really sure how much of a problem it is | Dec 17 02:19 |
DaemonFC | we're either fucked or there's no problem at all depending on who you listen to | Dec 17 02:19 |
DaemonFC | it's probably a problem but not as serious as some would make you think | Dec 17 02:20 |
_goblin | and even if it was, until certain countries "tow the line" anything we do will be irrelevant IMO. | Dec 17 02:22 |
DaemonFC | whatever happens, the worst of it is a long time after I die of old age | Dec 17 02:22 |
DaemonFC | your kids and grandkids are fucked, not me | Dec 17 02:23 |
DaemonFC | _goblin: As long as implementing global warming measures would destroy our economy and prop up everyone elses (Who would gladly make up for our emissions anyway), it makes no sense to commit ourseves to anything | Dec 17 02:24 |
DaemonFC | politically, practically, or otherwise | Dec 17 02:24 |
schestowitz | sebsebseb: yes | Dec 17 02:25 |
DaemonFC | we'd need an international treaty with enforcement mechanisms which would be ratified by pretty much every country who competes with us | Dec 17 02:25 |
DaemonFC | before we would ever do anything substantial and disruptive | Dec 17 02:25 |
DaemonFC | that means China and Mexico included, which hasn't happened yet | Dec 17 02:26 |
DaemonFC | they'll gladly sign onto a treaty which doesn't expect anything out of them and takes it out of our ass (Kyoto), doesn't mean we should | Dec 17 02:26 |
*BNi () has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 02:29 | |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RD: @trmanco: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." --Winston Churchill #quote | Dec 17 02:29 | |
sebsebseb | schestowitz: Good article, Mandriva isnt mentioned and his OpenSuse fan boyness comes out again, but yeah good article. I enjoyed reading the comments and it was it fun to thumbs up or thumbs down the comments | Dec 17 02:32 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Review: 3 top Linux distros go for different users .::. Size~: 146.37 KB | Dec 17 02:32 |
DaemonFC | _goblin: The download finished, watching it now :) | Dec 17 02:32 |
DaemonFC | I love cable | Dec 17 02:32 |
_goblin | cool.... | Dec 17 02:32 |
_goblin | right Im off for the night! | Dec 17 02:33 |
_goblin | enjoy... | Dec 17 02:33 |
sebsebseb | Seems quite a lot of people think OpenSuse has the best KDE 4 | Dec 17 02:33 |
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat") | Dec 17 02:33 | |
sebsebseb | | Dec 17 02:33 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Get the best KDE Linux distro | TuxRadar Linux .::. Size~: 86.16 KB | Dec 17 02:33 |
DaemonFC | OpenSuse doesn't really suffer in direct proportion to Novell's problems | Dec 17 02:33 |
DaemonFC | in fact I dare say Novell's financial problems haven't hurt OpenSuse quality control at all | Dec 17 02:34 |
sebsebseb | it's from a community, but it still helps Novell | Dec 17 02:34 |
DaemonFC | so.... If Red Dwarf was distinguishing last we saw it, how did they solve that problem? hmmm | Dec 17 02:35 |
willimm | This might be irony, but the only thing that M$ makes that is not crap is their keyboards and mice, as they are the only products that work under linux, and it's easy to type on it. | Dec 17 02:36 |
DaemonFC | disintegrating | Dec 17 02:36 |
DaemonFC | uggh, damned spell check | Dec 17 02:36 |
DaemonFC | willimm: Logitech makes them, puts the Microsoft logo on them | Dec 17 02:37 |
trmanco | are you sure it's logitech? | Dec 17 02:37 |
DaemonFC | positive | Dec 17 02:37 |
trmanco | that's why they work so great :| | Dec 17 02:38 |
trmanco | and feel good | Dec 17 02:38 |
willimm | DaemonFC: How did you know that they are rebranded Logitec products?!?!?! For some reason, I think there is a M$-branded Trackman somewhere... | Dec 17 02:38 |
oiaohm | All bar a few trackballs and other devives out a normal persons price range out of MS mice and keyboard are logitech. | Dec 17 02:38 |
willimm | Next time, I'm buying Logitec... | Dec 17 02:39 |
willimm | Logitech. | Dec 17 02:39 |
DaemonFC | willimm: Someone at Logitech told me once | Dec 17 02:39 |
willimm | That's why they are the only non-crap from M$. | Dec 17 02:40 |
oiaohm | Some of the MS branded stuff you turn upside down read brand and there is Logitech just printed on there willimm | Dec 17 02:40 |
oiaohm | Others its on the circuit board inside. | Dec 17 02:40 |
willimm | And I love Trackman mice, my father has one. | Dec 17 02:40 |
willimm | I just am curious if these products are serecitly Logitec: | Dec 17 02:42 |
willimm | M$ Wireless Comfort Keyboard 1.0a, and | Dec 17 02:42 |
oiaohm | That interesting. | Dec 17 02:42 |
willimm | M$ Wireless Optical Mouse 2.0 | Dec 17 02:43 |
oiaohm | Ms has stoped makign the one Mouse I knew they made. | Dec 17 02:43 |
oiaohm | I can understand last year wanting 400 USA for a 3 button trackball mouse was kinda asking too much. | Dec 17 02:43 |
willimm | Well, it's your standard 2 button and wheel mouse, but it's egrounomic. | Dec 17 02:43 |
willimm | egrounomic/egronomic | Dec 17 02:43 |
willimm | I guess that's why M$ mice and keyboards are so good, they are made by Logitech... | Dec 17 02:44 |
oiaohm | Most people don't notice the twins either. | Dec 17 02:44 |
willimm | And when that is your main competor in that field, that's a sign that you are loosing pretty bad. | Dec 17 02:45 |
oiaohm | Ie logitech keyboard sitting next to a MS one and basically 100 percent the same other than brand and color. | Dec 17 02:45 |
willimm | Hey roy, do you mind if we make a BoycottNovell article about this? | Dec 17 02:45 |
oiaohm | Its not logitech coping it that logitech is the factory. | Dec 17 02:45 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] why do video players on linux not recognise .ogv as "video" by default? | Dec 17 02:47 | |
willimm | That's a sure sign Microsoft is loosing in the keyboard/mice market. | Dec 17 02:47 |
willimm | Mythbusters on. Bye for now!!! | Dec 17 02:47 |
oiaohm | You know when something is MS designed not logictech. | Dec 17 02:50 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 .::. Size~: 45.18 KB | Dec 17 02:50 |
oiaohm | Number 1 it expensive. | Dec 17 02:50 |
oiaohm | Number 2 its a nasty layout. | Dec 17 02:50 |
oiaohm | Basically only a MS design would be insane enough to put the power on off button just under the center of the space bar. | Dec 17 02:51 |
*jono has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Dec 17 02:56 | |
*ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 02:57 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #LinuxCon 2010 is Approaching | Dec 17 03:07 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Google #Chrome Almost Final for #GNU #Linux | Dec 17 03:07 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Announcing LinuxCon 2010 | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 38.37 KB | Dec 17 03:07 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Linux News: Applications: Chrome for Linux: Good Browsers Come to Those Who Wait .::. Size~: 62.51 KB | Dec 17 03:07 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux #Kernel Space #Benchmarks Made More Automated | Dec 17 03:08 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: [Phoronix] Phoromatic Tracker Launches To Monitor Linux Performance .::. Size~: 21.12 KB | Dec 17 03:08 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Desktop #GNU #Linux More Powerful Than #Windows in Technical Terms | Dec 17 03:10 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: How is it doing that? | The Linux Experiment .::. Size~: 55.17 KB | Dec 17 03:10 |
notzed | not surprisingly the site runs on iis 6 - this may cost lives one day | Dec 17 03:12 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Bushfire emergency website 'useless' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) .::. Size~: 28.36 KB | Dec 17 03:12 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Irukandji (Game) Comes to #GNU #Linux | Dec 17 03:13 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE 's #KOffice Explains the Future | Dec 17 03:19 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Go For It!: KOffice - We Have a Plan .::. Size~: 21.17 KB | Dec 17 03:19 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Review of #VLOS ( #GNU / #Linux ) | Dec 17 03:20 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Taking a Look at VLOS .::. Size~: 47.49 KB | Dec 17 03:20 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Mandriva #XFCE 2010 is Released | Dec 17 03:21 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: One XFCE 2010 Live edition is out - Molecular Modeling & GNU/Linux .::. Size~: 17.26 KB | Dec 17 03:21 |
willimm | oiaohm: So the M$ keyboards/mice that are horribly messed up are M$ designed, and the ones that have decent deign and function properly are Logitech clones... Hmm, intresting. | Dec 17 03:22 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Moves Forward Very Rapidly, 10.04 Out in 4 Months | Dec 17 03:23 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Untitled Document .::. Size~: 28.92 KB | Dec 17 03:23 |
phIRCe-local | Title: What’s New In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Alpha 1? .::. Size~: 55.07 KB | Dec 17 03:23 |
willimm | My next purchase will most defently be a Logitech. | Dec 17 03:23 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Another #EReader Runs #Linux | Dec 17 03:25 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Europes txtr Ready to Fight Amazon’s Kindle GigaOM .::. Size~: 63.66 KB | Dec 17 03:25 |
willimm | Imagine what happens when you try to type with an M$ design keyboard: | Dec 17 03:27 |
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 03:27 | |
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 03:29 | |
willimm | I'll be like: "Well, I'll just finish this ODF file... (hits the power button below the spacebar) HTT, OH DANG (or something more explective), I LOST MY ODF FILE BECAUSE OF M$ TERRIBLE DESIGN LAYOUT!!!!!! WHAT A WAY TO WASTE $300 ON A KEYBOARD." | Dec 17 03:29 |
sebsebseb | Great read | Dec 17 03:50 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Distributions: No winter break in Linux land - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 39.51 KB | Dec 17 03:50 |
*neighborlee (n=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 03:55 | |
notzed | wow that keyboard is fugly too, not just disfunctional. whats with the giant tongue sticking out the back | Dec 17 03:57 |
DaemonFC | that was clever | Dec 17 03:59 |
DaemonFC | our universe was crated by a shared hallucination brought on by the hallucinogenic ink of the female version of the despair squid | Dec 17 03:59 |
DaemonFC | didn't see that ending coming | Dec 17 03:59 |
*trmanco has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 04:04 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal") | Dec 17 04:09 | |
notzed | although they weren't terribly happy for the opposite of despair | Dec 17 04:37 |
notzed | the acting was very wooden/crap in that series | Dec 17 04:37 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | Dec 17 04:44 | |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Remember, December 16th is almost over, be sure to donate to Rand Paul's campaign to become a Kentucky Senator #politics | Dec 17 04:49 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Rand Paul 2010 | U.S. Senate .::. Size~: 39.07 KB | Dec 17 04:49 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @sankarshan: I highly recommended this blog post from @poelcat : #fedora #productivity | Dec 17 04:52 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Hosting Good Meetings « John Poelstra .::. Size~: 21.56 KB | Dec 17 04:52 |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Rand Paul has received almost a quarter of a million in donations for his campaign today alone, out of $1.6 million total #politics | Dec 17 05:04 | |
*Sagaci ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 06:26 | |
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*pupusera142f5 (n=pupusera@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 07:03 | |
*neighborlee has quit ("When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny") | Dec 17 07:04 | |
*sebsebseb has quit (Connection timed out) | Dec 17 07:08 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Three MPs challenging expenses repayment call - Remember these cretins on election day. | Dec 17 07:09 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: BBC News - Three MPs challenging expenses repayment call .::. Size~: 63.97 KB | Dec 17 07:09 |
*pupusera142f5 (n=pupusera@ has left #boycottnovell | Dec 17 07:48 | |
*Omar87_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Dec 17 08:03 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] 'Unlocked' #Nook Has Many Nice Features | Dec 17 09:15 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Nook hiding MMS and speech recognition smarts | Electricpig .::. Size~: 51.68 KB | Dec 17 09:15 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Pandora #Linux -based #Console Now Boxed [News] Pandora Linux-based Console Now Boxed | Dec 17 09:17 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Homebrew pocket console Pandora's box is now open | Pandora news | Pocket Gamer .::. Size~: 71.78 KB | Dec 17 09:17 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Android / #Linux Sales Proceed as Hoped, Conference Comes to London | Dec 17 09:21 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Happenings: droidcon London 2009 - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 41.3 KB | Dec 17 09:21 |
*jono has quit ( | Dec 17 09:21 | |
*BNi has quit ( | Dec 17 09:21 | |
*Aondo has quit ( | Dec 17 09:21 | |
*Diablo-D3 has quit ( | Dec 17 09:21 | |
*BNi () has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 09:23 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #China to Promote #FreeSoftware Development | Dec 17 09:27 | |
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 09:38 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #MySQL Carries on With New Releases | Dec 17 09:38 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: MySQL 5.5 Milestone 2 improves replication and stored procedures - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.41 KB | Dec 17 09:38 |
phIRCe-local | Title: The case in favor of the open source enterprise database | IT Systems News - Betanews .::. Size~: 27.06 KB | Dec 17 09:38 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Reviews of BSDs | Dec 17 09:39 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Raiden's Realm: My experience with FreeBsd 8 (comes free with rants and review) .::. Size~: 33.68 KB | Dec 17 09:39 |
*Aondo (i=stian@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 09:42 | |
*magentar ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 09:54 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Review of Top #GNU #Linux Distributions | Dec 17 10:04 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Review: 3 top Linux distros go for different users .::. Size~: 147.75 KB | Dec 17 10:04 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apple Mistreats People Using Secret Police | Dec 17 10:05 | |
*Omar87_ (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 10:12 | |
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 10:18 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @uupc We're preparing for the last podcast this year. Have any thoughts about this season? Things we can do better/differently next year? | Dec 17 10:40 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FSFE Highlights Brad Smith’s Attack on #Freesoftware , #Microsoft Blogs Present Smith’s Spin | Dec 17 10:52 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: FSFE Highlights Brad Smiths Attack on Free Software, Microsoft Blogs Present Smiths Spin | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 106.06 KB | Dec 17 10:52 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft Smears — Not Embraces — #Free3Software Projects | Dec 17 11:14 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Microsoft Smears Not Embraces Free Software Projects | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 101.87 KB | Dec 17 11:14 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] Going to @the_hindu office, anna salai to meet @ganant | Dec 17 11:23 | |
*magentar has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | Dec 17 11:24 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Apple Behaves Like Rogue Nation, Poor #Intel Under Attack by ”Anti-American“ #FTC | Dec 17 11:42 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Apple Behaves Like Rogue Nation, Poor Intel Under Attack by ”Anti-American“ FTC | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 104.83 KB | Dec 17 11:42 |
*Diablo-D3 has quit ("do coders dream of sheep()?") | Dec 17 11:43 | |
*ThistleWeb (n=gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 12:12 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 12:16 |
oiaohm | Novell deal issues was also party behind appache version 2.0 licence as well. | Dec 17 12:20 |
schestowitz | "A producer from Uruguay who uploaded a short film to YouTube in November 2009 has been offered a $30m (£18.6m) contract to make a Hollywood film." | Dec 17 12:22 |
phIRCe-local | Title: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 87.25 KB | Dec 17 12:22 |
schestowitz | oiaohm: I didn't know that | Dec 17 12:23 |
schestowitz | For compatibility? | Dec 17 12:23 |
schestowitz | The EU netsplit issue seems to have been resolved. Freenode staff said nothing about it | Dec 17 12:26 |
willimm | schestowitz: I wansn't on this chanel for a while. What is a netspilt? | Dec 17 12:29 |
schestowitz | channel split in two, people-wise | Dec 17 12:30 |
willimm | OK. | Dec 17 12:32 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] :P nothing like a fried egg roll | Dec 17 12:33 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] well, apart from another fried egg roll | Dec 17 12:33 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] UK #IntellectualMonopoly Office (UK-IPO) May be Breaking the #Law | Dec 17 12:33 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: UK Intellectual Monopoly Office (UK-IPO) May be Breaking the Law | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 111.1 KB | Dec 17 12:33 |
schestowitz | Oh, I forgot to say that the 'anti-ageing' (wrinkle) creams merit a discussion about big pharmas going for it cause that's where the big money is, not saving the lives of poor people | Dec 17 12:33 |
schestowitz | Never mind.. | Dec 17 12:33 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 12:34 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Uni warns patients after doctor gets phished • The Register .::. Size~: 26.64 KB | Dec 17 12:34 |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] RD: @sankarshan - a must read about conversation hackers (or, trolls) with a hat tip to an anonymous link locator. #troll | Dec 17 12:34 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: .::. Size~: 4.43 KB | Dec 17 12:34 |
schestowitz | Hehe: | Dec 17 12:34 |
phIRCe-local | Title: TJX hacker mulls Asperger's defense • The Register .::. Size~: 28.48 KB | Dec 17 12:34 |
*Omar87__ (n=quassel@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 12:36 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 12:38 |
phIRCe-local | Title: RIP, Roy E Disney Boing Boing .::. Size~: 39.37 KB | Dec 17 12:38 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 12:46 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Pablo Rauzy (p4bl0) 's status on Wednesday, 16-Dec-09 22:19:20 UTC - .::. Size~: 8.16 KB | Dec 17 12:46 |
*Omar87_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Dec 17 12:53 | |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Really some one nuke #BSNL ; Morons keep changing their crappy broadband webportal time to time. Datafox isn't working; | Dec 17 12:54 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 12:55 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Im sorry but we blew up your laptop (welcome to Israel) « Lilysussmans Blog .::. Size~: 993.43 KB | Dec 17 12:55 |
oiaohm | schestowitz: apache licence 2.0 added a clear section about patents schestowitz | Dec 17 12:56 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] for those who don't know, the MSI "X" models are Linux ones, Suse Linux, but Windows tax out of the box :-/ if you can find them | Dec 17 12:57 | |
*zer0c00l (n=user@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 13:00 | |
willimm | I love Gigabyte motherboards (because they are very relibale, and last a long time, thanks to the fact that they are Ultra Durable) | Dec 17 13:09 |
willimm | but the said mobos have some features that don't work under Linux, like the energy saver, the Easytune software (You can tinker in the BIOS if you want to overclock your machine), the @BIOS (but you can use QBIOS, just rember that it reqires a floppy with the BIOS on it [Not sure about if it can use a CDRom]) | Dec 17 13:11 |
willimm | I wish that you can flash the Gigabyte mobos from Linux. | Dec 17 13:14 |
oiaohm | tyan are stronger but they are also more expenive then Gigabyte | Dec 17 13:16 |
cubezzz | I like Tyan also | Dec 17 13:17 |
cubezzz | I think they even sell some mb's with linux bios | Dec 17 13:17 |
cubezzz | this computer I'm using now is an 11-year old Tyan board | Dec 17 13:17 |
*ikonia_ is now known as ikonia | Dec 17 13:20 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] How can you do "Killing In The Name of" without swearing? It's not the words, it's the power of them. | Dec 17 13:23 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: BBC News - Rage Against The Machine swear on 5 live .::. Size~: 50.06 KB | Dec 17 13:23 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] It's a damn funky choon to growl on the guitar too :D | Dec 17 13:25 | |
oiaohm | Not all gigabyte boards and systems are windows only bios flashing. | Dec 17 13:28 |
phIRCe-local | Title: GIGABYTE - Support&Download - Notebook / Netbook - BIOS - U60 .::. Size~: 44.53 KB | Dec 17 13:28 |
schestowitz | Attempt to describe GPL as "anti-business"? | Dec 17 13:31 |
phIRCe-local | Title: 451 CAOS Theory » New GPL suits and an open source imbalance .::. Size~: 48.9 KB | Dec 17 13:31 |
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 13:32 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] Unusual to see the Paedophile Protectionist Party take the moral high ground eh? "Disrespectful" indeed. | Dec 17 13:40 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: BBC News - Unholy row over New Zealand Mary and Joseph billboard .::. Size~: 63.75 KB | Dec 17 13:40 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 13:55 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Schneier on Security: Facial Recognition Door Lock .::. Size~: 28.7 KB | Dec 17 13:55 |
schestowitz | bbl | Dec 17 14:02 |
cubezzz | "point 4: Microsoft regulars attempts to force updates on its users, bu removing support for older versions of windows and Office, and by inflating hardware requirements" | Dec 17 14:13 |
cubezzz | that's so true | Dec 17 14:14 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] a quick back and forth with MSI, they're proving to be very Linux friendly so far | Dec 17 14:14 | |
cubezzz | it's true of Linux distros as well, to a lesser degree | Dec 17 14:15 |
cubezzz | which is why I don't blindly upgrade everything | Dec 17 14:15 |
cubezzz | one thing FSF doesn't seem to talk about is legacy device drivers | Dec 17 14:16 |
cubezzz | doesn't mention them specifically | Dec 17 14:17 |
cubezzz | I'd say that the nature of FOSS itself mostly deals with this problem | Dec 17 14:19 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] FUCK ME! Stick your head in email for 10 mins; look up to find it's snow'd, stopped and laid. Like time moved a little without me =-O | Dec 17 14:22 | |
Omar87__ | Hi everyone. | Dec 17 14:25 |
*jono (n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 14:39 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] rt @winterweaver: How fanboys see operating systems :) | Dec 17 14:49 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Not a web page! Aborting image/jpeg type .::. Size~: 0 KB | Dec 17 14:49 |
*trmanco (n=trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 14:53 | |
*ThistleWeb has quit ("Lost terminal") | Dec 17 15:07 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] It's amazing what being emerged in Discworld does to your outlook on the world, and your sarcasm | Dec 17 15:19 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Discworld - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .::. Size~: 142.49 KB | Dec 17 15:19 |
*zer0c00l is now known as zer0c00l|away | Dec 17 15:19 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] The Pratchett Quote File - For those who have not yet discovered the wonders of Discworld | Dec 17 15:26 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: The Pratchett Quote File v6.0 - Index .::. Size~: 6.58 KB | Dec 17 15:26 |
*gargoyle-grin (n=randerso@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 15:38 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[anivar] RT @rajeeshknambiar: understanding the ELF format : | Dec 17 15:43 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Understanding ELF using readelf and objdump Linux article .::. Size~: 71.28 KB | Dec 17 15:43 |
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 16:09 | |
*satipera (i=4e91a8fb@gateway/web/freenode/x-uqcnaxcavsietqty) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 17:01 | |
*zer0c00l|away is now known as zer0c00l | Dec 17 17:02 | |
satipera | Predator drones use some proprietary communications technology and this has meant that widely used encryption schemes cannot be easily added to the drones | Dec 17 17:02 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Report: US drone video intercepted by insurgents - The H Security: News and Features .::. Size~: 34.74 KB | Dec 17 17:02 |
*satipera has quit (Client Quit) | Dec 17 17:02 | |
schestowitz | What does "insurgent" *really* mean? | Dec 17 17:05 |
schestowitz | It's like saying "terrorism" | Dec 17 17:05 |
schestowitz | There can be a whole seminar just to properly define though things after common use led them to the point of not being contained in the definition | Dec 17 17:06 |
Ender2070 | Karma bites | Dec 17 17:09 |
Ender2070 | lol | Dec 17 17:09 |
Ender2070 | Look at OSNews, apologized for reporting on stuff that didn't happen exactly as it occured | Dec 17 17:10 |
Ender2070 | My submission to them stuck with the facts obtained from only the mailing list | Dec 17 17:11 |
MinceR | how can stuff not happen exactly as it occurs? :> | Dec 17 17:11 |
Ender2070 | they took one full of "broken telephone" errors | Dec 17 17:11 |
Ender2070 | they credited the issue as starting with Miguel, when it did not | Dec 17 17:12 |
Ender2070 | making it look like another anti-mono attack | Dec 17 17:12 |
Ender2070 | from RMS | Dec 17 17:12 |
Ender2070 | but it was due to numerous complaints, a lot of sites said it was because of his silverlight blog posts | Dec 17 17:13 |
Ender2070 | the gnome/gnu issue | Dec 17 17:13 |
schestowitz | Bugger 111!!! I've just spent HOURS cleaning up a wiki after Chinese spammers. Arghhhhhhhhh | Dec 17 17:13 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: well, it ended luckily AFAIK | Dec 17 17:14 |
schestowitz | And they move on | Dec 17 17:14 |
Ender2070 | it did end | Dec 17 17:14 |
schestowitz | With the same toxic waste in GNOME board, so i can happen again | Dec 17 17:14 |
Ender2070 | lol | Dec 17 17:14 |
Ender2070 | some idiot keeps going around saying FSF accepts corporate funding as well | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | QUOTE>> | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | Upton Sinclair. He said 'Its hard get a man to understand something, | Dec 17 17:15 |
Ender2070 | however | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | when he's being paid not to understand it'. | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | perfectly nails all these corporate swine trying to defame RMS and | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | ruin Free Software... | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | <<QUOTE | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | Sent widely AFAIK | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | Sometimes people are paid to believe BS | Dec 17 17:15 |
schestowitz | Inc. Microsoft employees | Dec 17 17:15 |
Ender2070 | gnome is setup in a way where if you fund them via businesses, you get onto the "advisory board" which makes suggestions to the executives. this is exactly like the congress - lobbying connection | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | They are taught to think of their propaganda | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | Pharma workers think they save lives | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | People's national feeling abide by state | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | Funny how "right" and "Wrong" are define by geography | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | People don't think | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | They go with money or "faith" | Dec 17 17:16 |
Ender2070 | whereas, in other projects such as Apache, they will take your funding but won't let you dictate shit | Dec 17 17:16 |
schestowitz | The cliqueish nature of brain, I guess... | Dec 17 17:17 |
Ender2070 | Apache has funding from MSFT, but they've publicly said that doesnt mean crap because they still make all the decisions | Dec 17 17:17 |
Ender2070 | Gnome on the other hand, with the advisory board at least has to listen to these suggestions. They don't have to act upon them, but they gotta listen still. | Dec 17 17:18 |
MinceR | it's probably better to keep funding and decision-making separate | Dec 17 17:19 |
Ender2070 | IIRC, I can't find an equivalent in FSF for a corporately paid subsection which gets to tell board members suggestions based on them paying tens of thousands of dollars | Dec 17 17:19 |
MinceR | decide who gets to make decisions based on merit, not money | Dec 17 17:19 |
Ender2070 | i dont mind if an organization takes funding | Dec 17 17:19 |
Ender2070 | but funding/decisions should be seperate | Dec 17 17:19 |
schestowitz |  | Dec 17 17:20 |
schestowitz | [17:17] <Ender2070> Apache has funding from MSFT, but they've publicly said that doesnt mean crap because they still make all the decisions | Dec 17 17:20 |
MinceR | we're saying the same thing :) | Dec 17 17:20 |
schestowitz | "say" | Dec 17 17:20 |
Ender2070 | the "advisory board" is just a euphemism for "lobbying board" | Dec 17 17:20 |
schestowitz | I like the analogy w/ lobbyists | Dec 17 17:20 |
Ender2070 | i can't see how its different | Dec 17 17:20 |
Ender2070 | they pay tens of thousands of dollars, and get to make suggestions | Dec 17 17:20 |
Ender2070 | lobbyists pay congresspeople tens of thousands of dollars, and get to make suggestions | Dec 17 17:21 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 17:22 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Twitter Expands Into More Languages | WebProNews .::. Size~: 36.37 KB | Dec 17 17:22 |
schestowitz | "Even if you have "nothing to hide", you must not ignore threats of surveillance." --rms | Dec 17 17:24 |
Ender2070 | mr dildo salesman wrote the fsf-community team mailing list a letter attacking them and also suggesting not to let me become a member | Dec 17 17:25 |
Ender2070 | yum, he uses User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/ | Dec 17 17:26 |
Ender2070 | LOL | Dec 17 17:26 |
Ender2070 | | Dec 17 17:26 |
phIRCe-local | Title: [fsf-community-team] Correcting Some Misinformation... .::. Size~: 6.13 KB | Dec 17 17:26 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] So delighted to have switched to using mutt as my mail client for gmail. Happy happy. | Dec 17 17:28 | |
schestowitz | Upton Sinclair. He said 'Its hard get a man to understand something, | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | when he's being paid not to understand it'. | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | perfectly nails all these corporate swine trying to defame RMS and | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | ruin Free Software... | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | Darn | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | Wrong paste | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 17:28 |
schestowitz | Basically, we're well positioned for self destruction when there is no solidarity and money comes before it, endlessly, quarter to quarter | Dec 17 17:29 |
Ender2070 | thats a good quote | Dec 17 17:29 |
schestowitz | *LOL* | Dec 17 17:30 |
schestowitz | FSF mailing list, eh? | Dec 17 17:30 |
schestowitz | I should subscribe to microsoft-execs, then give them instructions | Dec 17 17:30 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] Mark Shuttleworth changing role at Canonical, focus on design, partnerships & customers. #fb | Dec 17 17:31 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » My new focus at Canonical .::. Size~: 20.13 KB | Dec 17 17:31 |
Ender2070 | yeah | Dec 17 17:33 |
Ender2070 | just pointing out GUADEC earns Gnome most of its money now | Dec 17 17:33 |
Ender2070 | over 50% | Dec 17 17:33 |
Ender2070 | though the chicken or egg issue might be brought up | Dec 17 17:34 |
schestowitz | GNOME is mostly decentralised though | Dec 17 17:34 |
schestowitz | The notion of funding is not so simple | Dec 17 17:34 |
schestowitz | Some receive wage (full time) | Dec 17 17:34 |
schestowitz | Intereting there about MarkS.. | Dec 17 17:35 |
schestowitz | Nice person, no evidence seen yet to suggest otherwise. | Dec 17 17:35 |
*wallc_ (i=44e6566b@gateway/web/freenode/x-ycdewuergxdwjwsg) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 17:35 | |
schestowitz | He even tried to appease critics with Gobuntu | Dec 17 17:35 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 17:36 |
phIRCe-local | Title: PressThink: He Said, She Said Journalism: Lame Formula in the Land of the Active User .::. Size~: 165.31 KB | Dec 17 17:36 |
Ender2070 | Marks a good guy | Dec 17 17:37 |
Ender2070 | good humor too | Dec 17 17:38 |
Ender2070 | | Dec 17 17:38 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Ubuntu to rewrite Linux kernel using Mono | TuxRadar Linux .::. Size~: 22.3 KB | Dec 17 17:38 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 17:43 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Releasing Moonlight 2, Roadmap to Moonlight 3 and 4 - Miguel de Icaza .::. Size~: 18.62 KB | Dec 17 17:43 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 17:47 |
schestowitz | I didn't know he started writing for linmag | Dec 17 17:47 |
*wallc_ has quit ("Page closed") | Dec 17 17:55 | |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 18:02 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Gates Keepers :: One in a billion takes action against the Gates Foundation in China .::. Size~: 17.41 KB | Dec 17 18:02 |
*shreddar (i=4c16e5e1@gateway/web/freenode/x-btqyqycsmblrweui) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 18:06 | |
Ender2070 | eeeek StormOS has been infected | Dec 17 18:08 |
Ender2070 | | Dec 17 18:08 |
phIRCe-local | Title: StormOS .::. Size~: 22.94 KB | Dec 17 18:08 |
schestowitz | The high levers in the background are putting on xmas lights. *lol* | Dec 17 18:08 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: getting Stromy there | Dec 17 18:08 |
schestowitz | It's snowing here again. Not that Canada lacks any of that.... | Dec 17 18:10 |
cubezzz | long term forecast: cold, cold, very cold, cold | Dec 17 18:12 |
Ender2070 | lol | Dec 17 18:13 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 18:14 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Clarifications: GNOME, GNU, Planet GNOME .::. Size~: 21.84 KB | Dec 17 18:14 |
schestowitz | I see this ow... | Dec 17 18:14 |
schestowitz | *now | Dec 17 18:14 |
cubezzz | is there anything like gnewsense but fedora based? | Dec 17 18:14 |
cubezzz | or is fedora totally FOSS out of the box so to speak? | Dec 17 18:14 |
Ender2070 | fedora is totally FOSS | Dec 17 18:16 |
shreddar | He thinks that Freedom Software is too extreme. | Dec 17 18:16 |
Ender2070 | except firmware for wireless cards | Dec 17 18:16 |
*pentarex ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 18:17 | |
Ender2070 | | Dec 17 18:17 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Forbidden items - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 33.26 KB | Dec 17 18:17 |
shreddar | and that the point of freedom software was to make popular Open Source. | Dec 17 18:17 |
shreddar | I believe that's a light form of unintentional revisionism. | Dec 17 18:18 |
cubezzz | ummm | Dec 17 18:18 |
schestowitz | "Update - When asked by The H about Perens comments, Aaron Williamson, SFLC Counsel, said "Bruce Perens is a very important figure in the free software community, but he is not our client. Many developers have contributed to the development of BusyBox and hold copyright in the program, including Bruce Perens. Whether, or to what extent, Mr. Perens holds copyright in any version of BusyBox is irrelevant to the lawsuits we have filed; a developer | Dec 17 18:18 |
schestowitz | need not hold a "majority interest" of copyright in a program in order to bring a claim for infringement against a third party."" | Dec 17 18:19 |
schestowitz | | Dec 17 18:19 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Creator of BusyBox critical of SFLC GPL litigation - Update - The H Open Source: News and Features .::. Size~: 33.86 KB | Dec 17 18:19 |
cubezzz | it seems we have a schism there :) | Dec 17 18:19 |
Ender2070 | ? | Dec 17 18:19 |
schestowitz | cubezzz: yes, BLAG | Dec 17 18:19 |
cubezzz | Free vs Open | Dec 17 18:19 |
schestowitz | A BLAG dev sometimes hangs around her | Dec 17 18:19 |
schestowitz | *here | Dec 17 18:19 |
Ender2070 | BLAG is based on an old version iirc | Dec 17 18:20 |
schestowitz | DOn't know, but likely.... | Dec 17 18:20 |
schestowitz | Now many releases | Dec 17 18:20 |
schestowitz | Maye next evrsion will be 40000000000 | Dec 17 18:20 |
schestowitz | They have funny release versions | Dec 17 18:20 |
schestowitz | Oliva et al | Dec 17 18:20 |
cubezzz | wikipedia says that Fedora doesn't include any software that breaks US laws | Dec 17 18:21 |
cubezzz | what would be an example of that? | Dec 17 18:21 |
Ender2070 | anything proprietary | Dec 17 18:21 |
shreddar | de-css | Dec 17 18:21 |
Ender2070 | theres a list of banned items | Dec 17 18:21 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Forbidden items - FedoraProject .::. Size~: 33.26 KB | Dec 17 18:22 |
cubezzz | ah right, I should look at that :) | Dec 17 18:22 |
Ender2070 | it lists all the reasons, some are patents, etc | Dec 17 18:22 |
cubezzz | I assume dedrm programs too | Dec 17 18:22 |
Omar87__ | Hi guys. | Dec 17 18:22 |
Ender2070 | if you wanted to be really hardcore you would use a linux-libre kernel distro, or use that kernel after installing | Dec 17 18:22 |
Omar87__ | Is there a way I clear a certain port? I was running a zope instance which I haven't terminated properly, so the port is still busy. How do I clear it? | Dec 17 18:24 |
Ender2070 | the only non-free thing in fedora i've noticed is that wireless firmwares are there | Dec 17 18:24 |
cubezzz | If I was _reall_ hard core I'd go Amish :) | Dec 17 18:24 |
cubezzz | really really hardcore | Dec 17 18:24 |
cubezzz | j/jk | Dec 17 18:24 |
cubezzz | I can't really say I'm uber hardcore | Dec 17 18:26 |
Ender2070 | heres the thing on wireless though | Dec 17 18:26 |
Ender2070 | if they get enough testing on them they can reverse engineer and make true drivers | Dec 17 18:26 |
Ender2070 | like nouveau | Dec 17 18:26 |
cubezzz | ok, I've always wondered is there any video card that has 100% open drivers? | Dec 17 18:27 |
cubezzz | and works good? :) | Dec 17 18:27 |
Ender2070 | nouveau has no 3d at the moment | Dec 17 18:27 |
Ender2070 | but it works | Dec 17 18:27 |
Ender2070 | this is for nvidia cards | Dec 17 18:28 |
cubezzz | yeah but wasn't there a card that did 3d that was open? | Dec 17 18:28 |
Ender2070 | Intel GFX | Dec 17 18:28 |
Ender2070 | there was that other card someone wanted to make | Dec 17 18:28 |
cubezzz | I remember that | Dec 17 18:29 |
Ender2070 | any gamer knew it wouldnt fly though against nvidia | Dec 17 18:29 |
Ender2070 | game performance reasons | Dec 17 18:29 |
cubezzz | | Dec 17 18:29 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Intel Linux Graphics .::. Size~: 6.65 KB | Dec 17 18:29 |
cubezzz | so was the Intel GFX really slow? | Dec 17 18:29 |
Ender2070 | but intel relases open source graphics drivers now so its all fine | Dec 17 18:29 |
Ender2070 | not with gallium3d | Dec 17 18:29 |
Ender2070 | way faster with gallium | Dec 17 18:30 |
*zer0c00l has quit ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)") | Dec 17 18:33 | |
cubezzz | ok, so which card would one get if one wanted to be able to use the Intel GFX driver? | Dec 17 18:34 |
cubezzz | the hardware matrix on the site seems to list all laptops | Dec 17 18:34 |
shreddar |,8599,1948381-2,00.html | Dec 17 18:37 |
phIRCe-local | Title: A Humbled Microsoft Opens Windows to Rivals - TIME .::. Size~: 52.11 KB | Dec 17 18:37 |
shreddar | Does anyone know if MS was ordered to make their browser interoperable? (ie. web standards compliant) | Dec 17 18:38 |
shreddar | I only heard about the browser ballot and that's it. | Dec 17 18:39 |
cubezzz | not sure about that | Dec 17 18:39 |
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | Dec 17 18:42 | |
*shreddar (i=4c16e5e1@gateway/web/freenode/x-zwtpsiqtblvkanco) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 18:43 | |
shreddar | I've noticed that ever since that last update of Chromium my browser has been crashing more often. | Dec 17 18:44 |
shreddar | It crashes for little things too. | Dec 17 18:44 |
shreddar | I don't know if it's the same deal with the official Chrome for Linux Beta since Sabayon isn't officially supported. | Dec 17 18:45 |
shreddar | I also don't know if the issue exists for chromium-bin (which is somehow compiled diffren't) | Dec 17 18:47 |
schestowitz | shreddar: it's a farce | Dec 17 19:00 |
schestowitz | They exclude FOSS | Dec 17 19:00 |
schestowitz | Just more of the "open" fluff | Dec 17 19:00 |
schestowitz | As for Web standards, they promore Silver and Moon Lie | Dec 17 19:00 |
shreddar | That seems like the case. But at least they have to pretend to go for interoperabiliy. | Dec 17 19:02 |
shreddar | Also, I bet as their browser becomes less popular they'll want website to still work on it. | Dec 17 19:03 |
shreddar | By that time I won't even care because web standards will have already won. | Dec 17 19:03 |
shreddar | | Dec 17 19:05 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Microsoft isn't losing its consumer edge, it was game over long ago | Betanews .::. Size~: 116.83 KB | Dec 17 19:05 |
shreddar | Just finished reading it. I think it is a pretty good assessment. | Dec 17 19:05 |
*sebsebseb (n=3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 19:08 | |
sebsebseb | hi | Dec 17 19:08 |
shreddar | hi | Dec 17 19:09 |
sebsebseb | shreddar: hi | Dec 17 19:09 |
shreddar | Anyway they seem to be loosing control of the platform and now they (like IBM before them) are having the keys to their platform stolen out from under them. | Dec 17 19:15 |
*wallc_ (i=44e6566b@gateway/web/freenode/x-xupfnmtfsskbpzkd) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 19:16 | |
shreddar | They do seem to want to retreat to their core business. (Which sounds a smart thing if you ask me) | Dec 17 19:16 |
shreddar | But they are soon to loose it to open standards. | Dec 17 19:17 |
schestowitz | Core business? | Dec 17 19:17 |
shreddar | Windows and Office. | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | As in Windows stranglehold with OEMs? | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | Office. Heh. | Dec 17 19:18 |
shreddar | They are a platforms company. | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | Monoculture and proprietary data formats | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | ODF harms that too | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | shreddar: marketing and lawyers | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | Then some platforms | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | ANd racketeers | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | Remember how they bully OEMs | Dec 17 19:18 |
schestowitz | And take the 'disobedient' ones out of busienss | Dec 17 19:19 |
shreddar | Those are mearly the means of which they control the sell of their platforms. | Dec 17 19:20 |
shreddar | Their business is still platforms. | Dec 17 19:20 |
shreddar | But still they never had as much control as people gave them credit for. | Dec 17 19:21 |
shreddar | They couldn't control apple. | Dec 17 19:21 |
shreddar | They didn't control cell phone makers. | Dec 17 19:21 |
schestowitz | cell phone when? | Dec 17 19:22 |
schestowitz | Cell phones had smart OSes only after MS had peaked | Dec 17 19:22 |
shreddar | But symbian has been dominate on cell phones for a while now. | Dec 17 19:22 |
schestowitz | You realise Microsoft had debt, I suppose | Dec 17 19:22 |
schestowitz | shreddar: yes | Dec 17 19:23 |
schestowitz | Still about 60% | Dec 17 19:23 |
schestowitz | It's rather benign a domination | Dec 17 19:23 |
schestowitz | Used to be a consortium, now jus Nokia pretending it's independent | Dec 17 19:23 |
shreddar | They also failed to see the web coming. | Dec 17 19:23 |
shreddar | And that has cost them control of the next platform. | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | Nokia used the darn POS to push s/w patent into the UK | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | shreddar: innovator's dilemma | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | Microsoft could not afford to make the Web bigger | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | It made Web GUIs | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | They saw it in NS/Java days and wrote about it | Dec 17 19:24 |
schestowitz | It also enabled people to escape proprietary MS/MSO formats | Dec 17 19:25 |
shreddar | I guess it helped that we were still stuck on 56K connections. | Dec 17 19:28 |
shreddar | It's was hard to take the web seriously as a platform because of that. | Dec 17 19:32 |
cubezzz | ultimately Microsoft could not take over everything | Dec 17 19:33 |
shreddar | basically | Dec 17 19:33 |
schestowitz | Whoa. | Dec 17 19:37 |
schestowitz | Check out what happened there in the comments: | Dec 17 19:37 |
*Ender2070 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Dec 17 19:40 | |
*Ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 19:41 | |
cubezzz | I'm still not clear on the whole Intel GTX thing | Dec 17 19:42 |
cubezzz | guess I'll check intel's site | Dec 17 19:42 |
shreddar | "Boycott Boycott Novell". Wow, you're famous Roy! They even made a site lumping you together with the founder of the free software foundation. | Dec 17 19:45 |
schestowitz | Lumping him with us :-) | Dec 17 19:45 |
schestowitz | I prefer not to talk about these attack sites, but the funny thing is that they compare a site against a person to a site that protests against a 4,000-people company | Dec 17 19:46 |
cubezzz | ok, it seems my knowledge of pcs is out of date | Dec 17 19:50 |
cubezzz | it seems almost all motherboards have integrated video cards now | Dec 17 19:50 |
cubezzz | or rather integrated video chipsets | Dec 17 19:51 |
MinceR | so you won't start the site called Boycott Boycott Boycott Novell? :> | Dec 17 20:12 |
shreddar | That's a good idea. | Dec 17 20:12 |
shreddar | But I think they would just fire back with Boycott Boycott Boycott Boycott Infinity No Backsies Novell. | Dec 17 20:13 |
MinceR | it could even be generated dynamically | Dec 17 20:13 |
MinceR | randomsite/recursion/(boycott){3,}novell could generate a page with the appropriate title if the word "boycott" is present an odd number of times in the last part | Dec 17 20:14 |
MinceR | randomsite/recursion/<anything else> could just redirect to a default location | Dec 17 20:16 |
MinceR | or it could be done as subdomains, but that's probably more difficult to do | Dec 17 20:16 |
Ender2070 | | Dec 17 20:18 |
MinceR | still useless | Dec 17 20:20 |
shreddar | Wow! That generous of them. | Dec 17 20:20 |
Ender2070 | lol of course they allow it | Dec 17 20:21 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 17 20:21 |
Ender2070 | it helps further silverlight | Dec 17 20:21 |
shreddar | Now if only the Moonlight project wasn't alway behind Silverlight. | Dec 17 20:23 |
MinceR | and if only all the mono classes were included in the deal | Dec 17 20:24 |
MinceR | and if only it was a clear patent license instead of this shady deal. | Dec 17 20:24 |
MinceR | etc. | Dec 17 20:24 |
shreddar | Also, if they could make it more interoperable. | Dec 17 20:24 |
MinceR | also, if m$ wasn't in control of the platform | Dec 17 20:24 |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 20:24 | |
shreddar | Also, it wasn't just a ploy to get control over the internet. | Dec 17 20:25 |
MinceR | that too | Dec 17 20:26 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] just getting off train...finished work | Dec 17 20:27 | |
shreddar | I hope the next Acid test looks for support of the video element and canvas and other cool stuff. | Dec 17 20:28 |
trmanco | it's gonna me more svg oriented I think | Dec 17 20:28 |
trmanco | be* | Dec 17 20:34 |
shreddar | Is SVG tested now? | Dec 17 20:40 |
shreddar | I'd like Moonlight if it was under GPLv3. | Dec 17 20:45 |
trmanco | I read something about it somewhere | Dec 17 20:45 |
shreddar | Or at least more than I do now. | Dec 17 20:46 |
shreddar | I still would rather not have to use plug-ins expcept for ads. | Dec 17 20:47 |
shreddar | I wouldn't mind using plug-in in oder to view ads. | Dec 17 20:48 |
MinceR | i wouldn't mind using separate apps instead of plugins. | Dec 17 20:48 |
shreddar | That is to say I wouldn't mind not being able to see ads because of a missing plugin. | Dec 17 20:48 |
MinceR | and text-only ads with no animation. | Dec 17 20:48 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @alanbell !ubuntu uk christmas drinks sherry and mince pies in London! #fb See you there? :) | Dec 17 20:49 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Doodle: Ubuntu UK Sherry and Mince Pies Evening .::. Size~: 32.25 KB | Dec 17 20:49 |
*wallc_ has quit ("Page closed") | Dec 17 20:55 | |
trmanco | flash ads suck | Dec 17 20:56 |
trmanco | well, all ads suck | Dec 17 20:56 |
trmanco | I use ABP | Dec 17 20:56 |
MinceR | so do i | Dec 17 20:56 |
MinceR | and NoScript | Dec 17 20:56 |
DaemonFC | paying bills :P | Dec 17 20:59 |
Ender2070 | ads are evil | Dec 17 21:00 |
shreddar | I don't really mind ads as long as I can ignore them. | Dec 17 21:01 |
shreddar | For that reason I don't like Hulu ads. | Dec 17 21:01 |
DaemonFC | I just paid off this computer | Dec 17 21:01 |
DaemonFC | it'll probably explode now | Dec 17 21:01 |
DaemonFC | :) | Dec 17 21:01 |
shreddar | How much did it cost? | Dec 17 21:02 |
DaemonFC | $831.56 + $54.40 state tax + $12.20 shipping | Dec 17 21:02 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 17 21:02 |
DaemonFC | four payments of $207.89 | Dec 17 21:02 |
MinceR | i don't mind ads as long as they aren't too intrusive and don't waste too much of my resources. | Dec 17 21:03 |
DaemonFC | I've been painfully aware of each payment | Dec 17 21:03 |
DaemonFC | I will never finance anything this big again | Dec 17 21:03 |
DaemonFC | I'm going to installment payment plans anonymous | Dec 17 21:03 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 17 21:03 |
DaemonFC | oh well, I could have been stupid enough to go to Dell or HP or Apple or somewhere and get payment plans with interest | Dec 17 21:04 |
MinceR | doesn't sound like a lot for a computer to me | Dec 17 21:04 |
DaemonFC | though a lot of them defer the interest now and make it look like you only have to pay $29 a month | Dec 17 21:04 |
DaemonFC | which basically does nothing to the principal amount of a $1200 loan on an iMac | Dec 17 21:05 |
DaemonFC | then after the 12 months you also owe interest on everything you already paid during the 12 months of "same as cash" | Dec 17 21:05 |
DaemonFC | at 22% compounded :D | Dec 17 21:05 |
DaemonFC | a $1200 iMac will turn into about $10,000 if you make the minimum payments | Dec 17 21:06 |
DaemonFC | $1200 for the Mac, and $8800 in interest | Dec 17 21:06 |
DaemonFC | you could have had 8 Macs and some change for what one would cost to finance | Dec 17 21:07 |
DaemonFC | you could have had a decent car | Dec 17 21:08 |
DaemonFC | of course that's an extreme example but I'm sure lots of people are stupid enough to fall for it (or get most of the way there) | Dec 17 21:08 |
MinceR | or you could have bought a computer | Dec 17 21:08 |
shreddar | When did you buy it? | Dec 17 21:09 |
DaemonFC | shreddar: October | Dec 17 21:09 |
shreddar | How fast is it? | Dec 17 21:09 |
Ender2070 | I leased my dell xps m1330 | Dec 17 21:09 |
Ender2070 | costs $50 a month | Dec 17 21:09 |
shreddar | What does it have? | Dec 17 21:09 |
Ender2070 | for 3 years | Dec 17 21:09 |
DaemonFC | Phenom II X4 945 (3 Ghz), 8 gb DDR2 RAM, 1 TB hard drive, ATI RadeonHD 4670 1 GB GDDR3, Windows 7 Home Premium | Dec 17 21:10 |
Ender2070 | Intel Core 2 Duo T7500 2.2, 4GB ram, 320 GB SATA HDD, Intel Wireless, Nvidia 8400M | Dec 17 21:11 |
DaemonFC | the RAM is 1066 Mhz DDR2 | Dec 17 21:11 |
Ender2070 | Dell 8.04 LTS | Dec 17 21:11 |
Ender2070 | Ubuntu | Dec 17 21:11 |
Ender2070 | no windows tax | Dec 17 21:11 |
DaemonFC | meh, there's more of a dingy manufacturer tax when you go with Dell or HP | Dec 17 21:12 |
Ender2070 | i like dell al ot | Dec 17 21:12 |
DaemonFC | to the point that the Windows tax is miniscule | Dec 17 21:12 |
shreddar | I bet you can do some pretty cool things with blender on it. am I right? | Dec 17 21:12 |
MinceR | i hate dell a lot | Dec 17 21:12 |
Ender2070 | dell lets me pay over time, lol | Dec 17 21:12 |
DaemonFC | I have a ZT Affinity | Dec 17 21:12 |
MinceR | they build their stuff out of shit | Dec 17 21:12 |
Ender2070 | if I had to buy a laptop outright i'd get a netbook | Dec 17 21:12 |
DaemonFC | small OEM builder | Dec 17 21:12 |
Ender2070 | nah, XPS isnt shit | Dec 17 21:12 |
MinceR | and their warranty is worthless | Dec 17 21:12 |
MinceR | and their service is crap | Dec 17 21:12 |
DaemonFC | I don't like Dell at all | Dec 17 21:13 |
DaemonFC | lots of cut corners | Dec 17 21:13 |
DaemonFC | not expandability | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | ill agree on their low end | Dec 17 21:13 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @uupc We have the best listeners! Great bit of Ubuntu spotting in London here. Thanks Matt! | Dec 17 21:13 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Nothing found for 2009 12 09 S02e19-the-final-test Comment-page-1 #comment-814 .::. Size~: 10.23 KB | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | this xps I have is badass | Dec 17 21:13 |
MinceR | i doubt an Inspiron 9400 is "low end" | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | 13.3" screen | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | inspiron is low end | Dec 17 21:13 |
DaemonFC | Anything under $900 is Dell's low end | Dec 17 21:13 |
MinceR | it's like an XPS, except it isn't full of annoying leds | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | its the bottom tier | Dec 17 21:13 |
MinceR | um, it wasn't under $900 | Dec 17 21:13 |
Ender2070 | you go up to xps, and its made a of actual materials | Dec 17 21:14 |
DaemonFC | Under $900, just build it yourself or find a smaller OEM and you get a lot more computer than Dell will have | Dec 17 21:14 |
shreddar | DaemonFC what are you using it for? | Dec 17 21:14 |
Ender2070 | so? | Dec 17 21:14 |
MinceR | you go up to thinkpad and it's an actual computer | Dec 17 21:14 |
Ender2070 | i had a $1500 inspiron before and it was shitty | Dec 17 21:14 |
DaemonFC | shreddar: General purpose, some gaming | Dec 17 21:14 |
MinceR | i'm talking about laptops, actually :> | Dec 17 21:14 |
Ender2070 | inspiron is low end compared to what else they have | Dec 17 21:14 |
MinceR | i would only build desktops for myself now | Dec 17 21:14 |
DaemonFC | HP is the only OEM I warn people away from more fiercely than Dell | Dec 17 21:15 |
shreddar | What games do you play on it? | Dec 17 21:15 |
Ender2070 | Dell actually uses standard hardware now | Dec 17 21:15 |
MinceR | crApple is the only OEM i warn people from more fiercely than dell | Dec 17 21:15 |
Ender2070 | everything has linux drivers | Dec 17 21:15 |
Ender2070 | they even have | Dec 17 21:15 |
MinceR | some of the things have crap drivers though | Dec 17 21:15 |
DaemonFC | I've got Fallout 3, Oblivion, a bunch of Tom Clancy stuff, All the DOOM and Quake series | Dec 17 21:15 |
MinceR | like Intel GMA 500 | Dec 17 21:15 |
Ender2070 | Dell is very linux friendly | Dec 17 21:15 |
MinceR | dell hides their linux stuff | Dec 17 21:15 |
Ender2070 | thats what counts | Dec 17 21:15 |
MinceR | no it isn't | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | HP isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | Lenovo isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | ask Roy about their patent deal with m$ | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | ASUS isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | ACER isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
*Diablo-D3 (n=diablo@ has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 21:16 | |
Ender2070 | MSI isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | crApple isn't | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | Emachines isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | dell isn't | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | Craple isnt | Dec 17 21:16 |
DaemonFC | Dell has like a max of 2-3 Linux systems at any given time, they're stuffed with bargain basement to lower middle range components | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | no laptop brands are linux-friendly | Dec 17 21:16 |
DaemonFC | and they cost the same as a Windows box | Dec 17 21:16 |
Ender2070 | Dell actually has linux laptops they can sell you | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | and they suck | Dec 17 21:16 |
DaemonFC | yeah, one model | Dec 17 21:16 |
MinceR | and what DaemonFC said | Dec 17 21:17 |
Ender2070 | at least they have them | Dec 17 21:17 |
DaemonFC | you can tinker with the components a little | Dec 17 21:17 |
Ender2070 | im not buying anything with windows tax | Dec 17 21:17 |
Ender2070 | even if i remove it | Dec 17 21:17 |
DaemonFC | smaller OEMs have better selection | Dec 17 21:17 |
MinceR | that's how i thought when i got my first laptop | Dec 17 21:17 |
DaemonFC | just buy one with no OS if you like | Dec 17 21:17 |
DaemonFC | it's not hard to install a Linux distribution later | Dec 17 21:17 |
MinceR | after 2 years, i have different priorities :> | Dec 17 21:17 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: not even that is always possible | Dec 17 21:18 |
MinceR | at least here in absurdistan | Dec 17 21:18 |
DaemonFC | Nobody can seem to agree on a Linux distribution, no OS is probably the safest way to go as a manufacturer | Dec 17 21:18 |
MinceR | at least if you insist on having warranty | Dec 17 21:18 |
DaemonFC | Linux distributions and pizza toppings | Dec 17 21:18 |
MinceR | (probably shipping from abroad can work but it's a lot of hassle, especially of something breaks) | Dec 17 21:18 |
Ender2070 | not many dont offer OS | Dec 17 21:18 |
MinceR | then again, there's no consumer protection here anyway | Dec 17 21:18 |
MinceR | so you're at the manufacturer's mercy no matter what | Dec 17 21:18 |
DaemonFC | SysteMax does, see a lot of those on Tiger Direct | Dec 17 21:18 |
Ender2070 | tiger direct, pfffft fuck them | Dec 17 21:19 |
Ender2070 | never | Dec 17 21:19 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: even then it's a good bet to offer one distro and then the user can replace it if needed | Dec 17 21:19 |
MinceR | they can still show that it has full driver support | Dec 17 21:19 |
MinceR | and that they won't cry foul if you use gnu/liunx on it | Dec 17 21:19 |
DaemonFC | SysteMax used to do a lot of late night infomercials with the high pressure salesman from the Magic Jack ads | Dec 17 21:19 |
DaemonFC | he was hyping Windows Me and a Celeron 800 | Dec 17 21:19 |
DaemonFC | :D | Dec 17 21:19 |
Ender2070 | yeah, SysteMax provides for shitty tiger direct and compusa | Dec 17 21:20 |
*pentarex has quit ("Leaving") | Dec 17 21:20 | |
shreddar | I bought all my PC's from Ebay. None of them cost me more than $300. | Dec 17 21:20 |
DaemonFC | I don't want any more Intel CPUs | Dec 17 21:20 |
DaemonFC | something bad always happens when I have an Intel motherboard/CPU | Dec 17 21:21 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - you're contributing to global warming then | Dec 17 21:21 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] i just got bash to do "malloc: unknown:0: assertion botched free: start and end chunk sizes differ Aborting..." o_0 | Dec 17 21:21 | |
DaemonFC | Ender2070: We all are | Dec 17 21:21 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - you're are specificly | Dec 17 21:21 |
DaemonFC | and global warming is made up anyway | Dec 17 21:21 |
MinceR | Ender2070: he believes there's no global warming | Dec 17 21:21 |
MinceR | see? | Dec 17 21:21 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - AMD Cpu's generate more heat, therefor = bad for the environment | Dec 17 21:21 |
DaemonFC | The UN made it up to scare people into approving a one world government | Dec 17 21:21 |
Ender2070 | :D | Dec 17 21:21 |
DaemonFC | starting with a World Conservation Bank | Dec 17 21:22 |
Ender2070 | did you actually read for once? | Dec 17 21:22 |
DaemonFC | and Carbon Credits which are basically pay the government for permission to pollute incessantly anyway | Dec 17 21:22 |
Ender2070 | im proud of you ^_^ | Dec 17 21:22 |
Ender2070 | im actually joking about global warming anyways | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | [20:18] <Ender2070> | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | Hahaha! | Dec 17 21:23 |
Ender2070 | i dont believe in it either | Dec 17 21:23 |
DaemonFC | Al Gore stands to make billions from his investments in the global warming industry | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | I saw it earlier | Dec 17 21:23 |
DaemonFC | The Hara Company | Dec 17 21:23 |
DaemonFC | the Microsoft of Global Warming Panic | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | Microsoft gave it blessings in 2007 | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | Nothing new here | Dec 17 21:23 |
schestowitz | Microsoft Moonlight (that's what they actually call it) is their little anti-HTML attack | Dec 17 21:23 |
Ender2070 | moonlight only helps ms anyways | Dec 17 21:23 |
DaemonFC | you should have seen the CEO of the Hara company getting twitchy on the Jesse Ventura interview | Dec 17 21:23 |
DaemonFC | denying Al Gore's investments (which are public record) | Dec 17 21:24 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - LOL | Dec 17 21:24 |
MinceR | for a moment i thought schestowitz was talking about global warming :) | Dec 17 21:24 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - now that its on TV, you believe me!?!?!? | Dec 17 21:24 |
schestowitz | [20:45] <shreddar> I'd like Moonlight if it was under GPLv3. | Dec 17 21:24 |
Ender2070 | ROFL | Dec 17 21:24 |
schestowitz | Still useless | Dec 17 21:24 |
schestowitz | Cause it's a Microsoft thing | Dec 17 21:24 |
DaemonFC | Ender2070: I like Jesse Ventura | Dec 17 21:24 |
schestowitz | It's for them to run the show | Dec 17 21:24 |
DaemonFC | I want him to be our president | Dec 17 21:24 |
DaemonFC | nuff said | Dec 17 21:24 |
schestowitz | "Move over Stallman... we have Ballmer to guise us now" | Dec 17 21:24 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - I was talking about that stuff for like 1-2 months now and you've been calling me crazy | Dec 17 21:24 |
DaemonFC | There's really nothing not to like about Ventura | Dec 17 21:25 |
schestowitz | [21:03] <MinceR> i don't mind ads as long as they aren't too intrusive and don't waste too much of my resources. | Dec 17 21:25 |
Ender2070 | did you know Alex Jones was giving them tips for that show? | Dec 17 21:25 |
schestowitz | Mental too? | Dec 17 21:25 |
schestowitz | And real estate? | Dec 17 21:25 |
MinceR | nope | Dec 17 21:25 |
MinceR | just CPU and RAM | Dec 17 21:25 |
MinceR | and network bandwidth | Dec 17 21:25 |
DaemonFC | Ender2070: Ventura says that global temps have been going down for 8 years but that data is being silences by the global warming mafia | Dec 17 21:25 |
DaemonFC | (my term not his) | Dec 17 21:25 |
shreddar | schestowitz that's true but I'd have far less against it. | Dec 17 21:25 |
DaemonFC | *silenced | Dec 17 21:26 |
schestowitz | [21:16] <MinceR> ask Roy about their patent deal with m$ | Dec 17 21:26 |
MinceR | the mental resources part is under "intrusive" :) | Dec 17 21:26 |
Ender2070 | DaemonFC - Climategate, proves this like weeks ago. The only thing is you can't legally use hacked e-mails as evidence so they are still pulling forward. | Dec 17 21:26 |
DaemonFC | the UN even censored and rewrote several reports on climate change that were not favorable to the global warming proponents | Dec 17 21:26 |
MinceR | schestowitz: referring to dell | Dec 17 21:26 |
schestowitz | Dell officially "joined" (their word) the Novell/Microsoft deal in May 2007, week/2 weeks before Ballmer started barking about ~230 patents | Dec 17 21:26 |
trmanco | ktorrent is acting pretty strange today | Dec 17 21:27 |
trmanco | :| | Dec 17 21:27 |
schestowitz | [21:21] <DaemonFC> and global warming is made up anyway | Dec 17 21:27 |
schestowitz | Gravity too | Dec 17 21:27 |
trmanco | it's leaking pretty badly | Dec 17 21:27 |
MinceR | yeah | Dec 17 21:27 |
MinceR | it's Intelligent Falling. | Dec 17 21:27 |
shreddar | If MS made put Windows under GPLv3 then I'd have no doubts about Mono. | Dec 17 21:27 |
DaemonFC | the global warming bullshit will probably continue as long as governments want to use it to tax people | Dec 17 21:27 |
Ender2070 | ill agree theres a bit but its nowhere near as exaggerated | Dec 17 21:27 |
shreddar | But I'd probably have doubts about GPLv3 | Dec 17 21:28 |
MinceR | DaemonFC: you can avoid this "tax" by not blowing so much crud into the environment | Dec 17 21:28 |
schestowitz | [21:24] <DaemonFC> Ender2070: I like Jesse Ventura | Dec 17 21:28 |
schestowitz | [21:24] <DaemonFC> I want him to be our president | Dec 17 21:28 |
DaemonFC | MinceR: Not really | Dec 17 21:28 |
schestowitz | [21:24] <DaemonFC> nuff said | Dec 17 21:28 |
schestowitz | nuff said indeed | Dec 17 21:28 |
Ender2070 | co2 is a small part of global warming, yet they want to use it to tax babies | Dec 17 21:28 |
DaemonFC | It'll raise gas prces, heating prices, cooling prices, food prices, transportation prices, even the price to buy clothes | Dec 17 21:28 |
schestowitz | You want some wresler to wrestle with Putin over nukes | Dec 17 21:28 |
MinceR | i'd tax babies too | Dec 17 21:28 |
MinceR | there are way too many of them already | Dec 17 21:28 |
Ender2070 | i would just stop giving baby bonuses | Dec 17 21:29 |
DaemonFC | pretty much everything you do will get too expensive to keep doing it | Dec 17 21:29 |
Ender2070 | no need to tax | Dec 17 21:29 |
Ender2070 | right now theres incentive to get kids | Dec 17 21:29 |
MinceR | but do they do it in the places where they're produced in the highest volume? | Dec 17 21:29 |
DaemonFC | it's a regressive tax that hits the poor the hardest | Dec 17 21:29 |
Ender2070 | it makes it so only rich people can have large familys | Dec 17 21:29 |
schestowitz | [21:28] <Ender2070> co2 is a small part of global warming, yet they want to use it to tax babies | Dec 17 21:30 |
schestowitz | We need less babies | Dec 17 21:30 |
DaemonFC | A tax on industry increases the price for everything, including food | Dec 17 21:30 |
schestowitz | But they don't need to use the env's pressure to justify it | Dec 17 21:30 |
DaemonFC | so carbon credits really lay the smack down on the poor | Dec 17 21:30 |
schestowitz | CHina doesn't use carbon quotients to control popu' size | Dec 17 21:30 |
Ender2070 | China uses facism to do it | Dec 17 21:30 |
DaemonFC | they call it a tax, schestowitz | Dec 17 21:30 |
Ender2070 | and yes it is a tax | Dec 17 21:30 |
DaemonFC | in this case it will be all governments doing it with the excuse of global warming | Dec 17 21:30 |
Ender2070 | you can buy your 2nd child | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | Excuses? | Dec 17 21:31 |
Ender2070 | by paying a large amount of money | Dec 17 21:31 |
Ender2070 | then you get the right to have another | Dec 17 21:31 |
Ender2070 | fuck that | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | You're being influenced by some bunch | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: seems fair | Dec 17 21:31 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: Nobody wantes to be taxed, but when you lie and tell them the polar bears are dying cause of ice melting.... | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | But it harms the poor | Dec 17 21:31 |
DaemonFC | well | Dec 17 21:31 |
Ender2070 | no it doesn't seem fair | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | Babies are the property of society | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | Not their parents | Dec 17 21:31 |
schestowitz | Common fallacy | Dec 17 21:31 |
Ender2070 | thats a idea thats a product of the system | Dec 17 21:32 |
DaemonFC | "Child Protective Services", ignores the kids that really are abused | Dec 17 21:32 |
schestowitz | 10-15 years ago nobody denied global warming | Dec 17 21:32 |
Ender2070 | children are not property of the state | Dec 17 21:32 |
DaemonFC | takes healthy kids that aren't being mistreated | Dec 17 21:32 |
DaemonFC | puts THEM in bad homes that are politically correct | Dec 17 21:32 |
schestowitz | Then the pseudo-f*s who are paid by pots of the oil giants spread lots of garbage | Dec 17 21:32 |
schestowitz | Why would you want to eas garbage? | Dec 17 21:33 |
schestowitz | *Wat | Dec 17 21:33 |
schestowitz | *>eat | Dec 17 21:33 |
DaemonFC | CPS is a fascist organization is there ever was one | Dec 17 21:33 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: they are | Dec 17 21:33 |
schestowitz | When they are born they become citizens of civilisation, not property of another human | Dec 17 21:33 |
Ender2070 | you support destroying the family model? | Dec 17 21:34 |
schestowitz | No. | Dec 17 21:34 |
DaemonFC | Ender2070: I do | Dec 17 21:34 |
schestowitz | No child abuse | Dec 17 21:34 |
DaemonFC | it's broken | Dec 17 21:34 |
Ender2070 | thats what you imply | Dec 17 21:34 |
schestowitz | Many patents tame their kids to be carrying lots of pseudo-info | Dec 17 21:34 |
schestowitz | ANd those who most harmful ideologies IMHO have a lot of kids | Dec 17 21:34 |
Ender2070 | goverments will tame kids with even MORE pseudo info | Dec 17 21:35 |
DaemonFC | Ender2070: You meant to say, it's broken. Should we demolish what's left and start over? | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | Which leads those who are IMHO more rational to reproduce less | Dec 17 21:35 |
DaemonFC | And I would reply "Hell yes!" | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: not govt. | Dec 17 21:35 |
DaemonFC | "Tale that bitch down to Chinatown!" | Dec 17 21:35 |
DaemonFC | :P | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | Govt=corps in the West | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | It's bad enough what they do in schools | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | Turning kids to corporation servants | Dec 17 21:35 |
schestowitz | Selective 'history'.. life 'skills' (how to process a task for a company of one nature), etc. | Dec 17 21:36 |
Ender2070 | intelligent people need to have more kids | Dec 17 21:36 |
schestowitz | No | Dec 17 21:36 |
schestowitz | I know professors who refuse to have any | Dec 17 21:36 |
Ender2070 | yes but they shouldnt | Dec 17 21:36 |
schestowitz | But it's not helping much | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | They just know the planet is very overpopulated | Dec 17 21:37 |
Ender2070 | they should reproduce and help | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | This afternoon I spoke to a guy in the gym who is even quite radical about it | Dec 17 21:37 |
Ender2070 | its overpopulated with idiots | Dec 17 21:37 |
Ender2070 | not the entire planet either | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | He'd actually say 99% or 99.9% reduction over time | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | Not that I agree | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | I argued over it | Dec 17 21:37 |
Ender2070 | Canada is underpopulated atm | Dec 17 21:37 |
schestowitz | Nope | Dec 17 21:38 |
schestowitz | Relative | Dec 17 21:38 |
Ender2070 | quite | Dec 17 21:38 |
schestowitz | Norway too | Dec 17 21:38 |
Ender2070 | land vs people ratio | Dec 17 21:38 |
schestowitz | COmpare to UK in mid-ages... | Dec 17 21:38 |
Ender2070 | not enough people here to expand | Dec 17 21:38 |
schestowitz | About 4-6 million IIRC | Dec 17 21:38 |
Ender2070 | we're immigrating like mad trying to get more people | Dec 17 21:38 |
schestowitz | Well, trmanco is coming over soon | Dec 17 21:39 |
trmanco | yeah, you find people speaking many languages there | Dec 17 21:39 |
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] I love how the #Linux #kernel has long standing bugs that can make people deaf !Linux !Debian !FreeSoftware !Gnu | Dec 17 21:39 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Bug 13923 – ice1724: sound does not work after resume from S3 .::. Size~: 21.77 KB | Dec 17 21:39 |
Ender2070 | Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world, land wise, but population wise its nowhere near the top | Dec 17 21:39 |
schestowitz | Well, the frozen countries | Dec 17 21:39 |
Ender2070 | New York and LA can probably outpop canada | Dec 17 21:39 |
schestowitz | You know why? | Dec 17 21:39 |
schestowitz | Cause the frozen land gets 'lumped in' | Dec 17 21:39 |
trmanco | lol | Dec 17 21:39 |
schestowitz | Like Greenland | Dec 17 21:39 |
schestowitz | Good luck making a nation with parliament way up north | Dec 17 21:40 |
trmanco | it's not all ice | Dec 17 21:40 |
schestowitz | In Siberia, welll... that's where prisoners go | Dec 17 21:40 |
Ender2070 | its only all ice if you go with stereotypes | Dec 17 21:40 |
trmanco | yes, so they can cool down, and refresh their minds | Dec 17 21:40 |
schestowitz | Palinstan is not so up north | Dec 17 21:40 |
DaemonFC | schestowitz: How much global warming did Rick Astley cause? | Dec 17 21:40 |
schestowitz | "You can see Russia from Alaska!" | Dec 17 21:40 |
Ender2070 | Alaska for example, is underpopulated, you can get free land there if you can build a house on top of it. | Dec 17 21:41 |
schestowitz | DaemonFC: very little | Dec 17 21:41 |
schestowitz | If you discount the Apple DRM the prick had to penetrate | Dec 17 21:41 |
Ender2070 | land to people, the world is not overpopulated | Dec 17 21:41 |
Ender2070 | its just that people tend to stay in large groups in single areas | Dec 17 21:41 |
Ender2070 | cities etc | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | We run out of food, Ender2070 | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | It's being factoritised | Dec 17 21:42 |
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | Dec 17 21:42 | |
Ender2070 | when you run out of food, the UN is going to forcibly take OUR extra food | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | Eventually, as a friend of mine says, there might be little but humans left | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | He goes to another extreme | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | He says 100 is enough (For specifies) | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | Which I disagree with | Dec 17 21:42 |
Diablo-D3 | Ender2070: "our" | Dec 17 21:42 |
Diablo-D3 | whos us | Dec 17 21:42 |
schestowitz | He's not in favour of pets, either | Dec 17 21:42 |
Ender2070 | Canadians | Dec 17 21:43 |
Diablo-D3 | oh | Dec 17 21:43 |
Diablo-D3 | the canadians have food? | Dec 17 21:43 |
schestowitz | RMS says the West should pay poor countries to reduce their births | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | yes | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | and lots of land to grow food with | Dec 17 21:43 |
Diablo-D3 | every single country buys from the US | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | undeveloped | Dec 17 21:43 |
Diablo-D3 | even the canadians. | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | nah | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | we buy a little now | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | Ontario provides a lot of farm goods | Dec 17 21:43 |
Ender2070 | cheaper and fresher | Dec 17 21:43 |
Diablo-D3 | and btw | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | [21:43] <Diablo-D3> every single country buys from the US | Dec 17 21:44 |
Ender2070 | why order out of state | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | Arms | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | and 'IP' | Dec 17 21:44 |
Diablo-D3 | "underdeveloped" is a bad way of describing it | Dec 17 21:44 |
Diablo-D3 | tearing down forests to grow food is dangerous and not recommended | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | yes, Cambodia learned this | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | And Asia at large | Dec 17 21:44 |
schestowitz | Terraforming for rice | Dec 17 21:44 |
Ender2070 | im just trying to point out theres no reason for Canada to follow along with any population control laws | Dec 17 21:44 |
Ender2070 | at this point in time | Dec 17 21:45 |
Diablo-D3 | I dont know why we're even dicking around with this shit anymore | Dec 17 21:45 |
Diablo-D3 | I blame congress | Dec 17 21:45 |
*_goblin ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 21:45 | |
Ender2070 | in my opinion, if we drop the baby bonus that will slow things down | Dec 17 21:45 |
schestowitz | Baby bonus? | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | Family support/welfare? | Dec 17 21:46 |
Diablo-D3 | Ender2070: we should be paying people worldwide _not_ to have children | Dec 17 21:46 |
Ender2070 | family support | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | The issue you have is this: | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | Many people rely on little things in life | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | Like food, water, sleep | Dec 17 21:46 |
Ender2070 | you can some money every month for having a child | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | Others want a family outside life of labour | Dec 17 21:46 |
schestowitz | Take that away from them -> revolt | Dec 17 21:47 |
schestowitz | But the China model is one the West wants to imitate | Dec 17 21:47 |
Diablo-D3 | schestowitz: jumping to conclusions much? | Dec 17 21:47 |
schestowitz | They are always so ahead /sarcasm | Dec 17 21:47 |
Diablo-D3 | and no | Dec 17 21:47 |
Diablo-D3 | no one _wants_ a family life | Dec 17 21:47 |
Ender2070 | I see population control as anti humane | Dec 17 21:47 |
Diablo-D3 | Ender2070: I see violations of my rights as a good way to get shot. | Dec 17 21:47 |
Diablo-D3 | if overpopulation happens in my neck of the woods, I will open fire. | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: better than massive atrocities | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | Preventive | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | Not tomorrow, better today | Dec 17 21:48 |
Ender2070 | sorry, im not going to participate pushing an agenda that helps put the rich above us on a higher level | Dec 17 21:48 |
Ender2070 | they want to outnumber us | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | *LOL* | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | Impossible by definition | Dec 17 21:48 |
schestowitz | Large population helps them | Dec 17 21:49 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Saw a Google Chrome poster on a billboard at Luton Airport parkway..... | Dec 17 21:49 | |
Ender2070 | large population of only rich familys helps them more | Dec 17 21:49 |
schestowitz | They have bigger 'hoards' (their terms) to control | Dec 17 21:49 |
MinceR | more rich people would be good, wouldn't it? :) | Dec 17 21:49 |
Ender2070 | since rich people will bypass the one child per family laws | Dec 17 21:49 |
schestowitz | "Rich" is not a DNA thing | Dec 17 21:49 |
schestowitz | It's a relative thing | Dec 17 21:49 |
schestowitz | Condition of society | Dec 17 21:49 |
MinceR | Ender2070: then they'll divide up their wealth among their children | Dec 17 21:49 |
schestowitz | You treat them like they have another type of blood or something | Dec 17 21:49 |
Ender2070 | MinceR - or they give it all to the best one | Dec 17 21:50 |
Diablo-D3 | yes, rich people should be forced to have more children | Dec 17 21:50 |
Ender2070 | no | Dec 17 21:50 |
schestowitz | Privilege and access to property can be redivided | Dec 17 21:50 |
Diablo-D3 | I say we start raping their wives and daughters | Dec 17 21:50 |
Ender2070 | rich people should be taxed more, seperately | Dec 17 21:50 |
MinceR | Diablo-D3: lol | Dec 17 21:50 |
schestowitz | Can't. | Dec 17 21:50 |
schestowitz | That would be 'bad blood;' | Dec 17 21:50 |
schestowitz | They'll get abortions | Dec 17 21:50 |
schestowitz | Like with chickens... | Dec 17 21:51 |
Diablo-D3 | then Ill just rape them harder. | Dec 17 21:51 |
MinceR | badBlood(); | Dec 17 21:51 |
schestowitz | What do we call an egg by human terms? Abortion. | Dec 17 21:51 |
MinceR | delicious abortion. | Dec 17 21:51 |
schestowitz | Omelette rather | Dec 17 21:51 |
Ender2070 | im not going to keep talking about this as its not going to ever get anywhere | Dec 17 21:51 |
Ender2070 | i believe im better than most of the idiots out there, and their lack of intelligence shouldn't restrict my reproduction | Dec 17 21:52 |
schestowitz | *LOL* | Dec 17 21:52 |
schestowitz | "..shouldn't restrict my reproduction" | Dec 17 21:52 |
schestowitz | What is this, Animal Farm? | Dec 17 21:52 |
Ender2070 | its sounding like it | Dec 17 21:53 |
schestowitz | "We need more hyena!!" "Hyena coming up in 3, 2... 1.." | Dec 17 21:53 |
MinceR | "I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another are | Dec 17 21:53 |
Ender2070 | when they decide who gets to have kids they will no doubt look at politicial affliliation and beliefs | Dec 17 21:54 |
schestowitz | Who's they? | Dec 17 21:54 |
Ender2070 | choosing people against the agenda will be "counter productive" to society, and wont be allowed children | Dec 17 21:55 |
schestowitz | [sarcasm] reptilian!!! | Dec 17 21:55 |
MinceR | it doesn't have to be decided centrally | Dec 17 21:55 |
Ender2070 | the UN | Dec 17 21:55 |
MinceR | disincentives can be provided | Dec 17 21:55 |
MinceR | or we could simply stop sponsoring reproduction like we do now | Dec 17 21:55 |
schestowitz | Ender2070: UN_what_? | Dec 17 21:55 |
Ender2070 | united nations | Dec 17 21:55 |
schestowitz | I seee.... Undeliver | Dec 17 21:55 |
schestowitz | It's all part of an eeeevil plot | Dec 17 21:55 |
MinceR | undeliver children? | Dec 17 21:55 |
schestowitz | UN was created to undeliver babies 60 years from conception | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | i'm not sure that would work :> | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | so do they stuff them back? | Dec 17 21:56 |
Ender2070 | undeliver? | Dec 17 21:56 |
schestowitz | Unliver? | Dec 17 21:56 |
schestowitz | For Mr. Jobs? | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | unver? | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | unr? | Dec 17 21:56 |
schestowitz | The Sainthood... | Dec 17 21:56 |
Ender2070 | no, the UN was created for other things | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | un? | Dec 17 21:56 |
Ender2070 | now its about controlling the world | Dec 17 21:56 |
MinceR | unlivering jobs? | Dec 17 21:57 |
schestowitz | UNabomber | Dec 17 21:57 |
MinceR | lol | Dec 17 21:57 |
schestowitz | brb food | Dec 17 21:57 |
MinceR | unabomber was a luddite. | Dec 17 21:57 |
Ender2070 | I hope you guys know im joking | Dec 17 21:59 |
Ender2070 | If I was serious I would've been linking stuff | Dec 17 22:00 |
*DaemonFC has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | Dec 17 22:03 | |
*PythonI320 has quit (Connection reset by peer) | Dec 17 22:08 | |
*Python1320 ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 22:08 | |
schestowitz | > My new V-series Panasonic plasma TV displays the GPL and the LGPL in | Dec 17 22:08 |
schestowitz | > the "About" menu. It's pretty sophisticated, with built-in Internet | Dec 17 22:08 |
schestowitz | > access, you-tube, video-on-demand, etc. Plus, it looks awesome! 8) | Dec 17 22:08 |
schestowitz | Cool!!!!! | Dec 17 22:08 |
trmanco | lol | Dec 17 22:11 |
MinceR | :) | Dec 17 22:13 |
Ender2070 | I think I just fed a troll a sandwich | Dec 17 22:14 |
Ender2070 | must stop | Dec 17 22:14 |
MinceR | feed it some fire and acid | Dec 17 22:15 |
Ender2070 | I wish | Dec 17 22:15 |
MinceR | both deal lethal damage to trolls | Dec 17 22:15 |
schestowitz | It doesn't digest well, MinceR | Dec 17 22:15 |
Ender2070 | the only thing I can feed it gives it fuel | Dec 17 22:15 |
Ender2070 | :( | Dec 17 22:15 |
MinceR | other things only deal nonlethal damage, which is regenerated | Dec 17 22:15 |
Ender2070 | lol | Dec 17 22:17 |
Ender2070 | "I don't _have_ a "pro-mono" side, I'm non-partisan. I'm on the "pro-actual-freedom-as-opposed-to-groupthink-as-you're-told" side." | Dec 17 22:17 |
Ender2070 | Dr Dildo is non-partisan, news to me..... | Dec 17 22:18 |
Ender2070 | i think its time for | Dec 17 22:31 |
MinceR | | Dec 17 22:32 |
phIRCe-local | Title: You may say Im a dreamer& | .::. Size~: 72.44 KB | Dec 17 22:32 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Review of Miniature #GNU #Linux Server ( #OpenBlock ) | Dec 17 22:36 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: [Review] OpenBlock S600, a powerful server in the palm of your hand : Akihabara News .com .::. Size~: 42.01 KB | Dec 17 22:36 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Lovely Stories of Migration to #GNU #Linux Desktops | Dec 17 22:38 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Shaakunthala's Portal: How I switched to Linux .::. Size~: 86.85 KB | Dec 17 22:38 |
phIRCe-local | Title: My job is to make you happy. About using Linux. UPDATED : Greg Laden's Blog .::. Size~: 131.42 KB | Dec 17 22:38 |
*shreddar (i=4c16e5e1@gateway/web/freenode/x-gtqgdgcljbkjeooe) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 22:45 | |
shreddar | It comes to me that in all the fuss over FSF, RMS and Freedom Software vs Proprietary talk today. There was a relevant battle at the turn of the millennium over file sharing. | Dec 17 22:53 |
shreddar | This battle got pretty ugly as it was RIAA against music customers. | Dec 17 22:54 |
MinceR | the battle over file sharing isn't over | Dec 17 22:54 |
MinceR | neither is the battle for the right to keep control over computers at the owner | Dec 17 22:54 |
shreddar | I remember G4's official position was that file sharing was wrong. | Dec 17 22:54 |
shreddar | Actually I think it was ZDTV | Dec 17 22:55 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #GNU #Linux #Games All-in-One, New Games Coming | Dec 17 22:55 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Linux Gaming News » Blog Archive » Irukandji Score Attack Shooter Released ! .::. Size~: 34.49 KB | Dec 17 22:55 |
MinceR | trying to decide whether filesharing is right or wrong is like trying to decide whether email is right or wrong | Dec 17 22:56 |
shreddar | It remember the people on The Screen Savers specifically demonizing file sharing. With the sentiment "[That's just not cool, man]" | Dec 17 22:56 |
MinceR | obviously the only "cool" thing is doing what the guys with the Big Money tell you to do | Dec 17 22:57 |
MinceR | like jobs and ballmer | Dec 17 22:57 |
shreddar | A | Dec 17 22:57 |
shreddar | Then you have the "Downloading movies is Stealing and Stealing is against the Law!" ads. | Dec 17 22:58 |
shreddar | Otherwise know as the You wouldn't steal a car ads" | Dec 17 22:59 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #KDE Announces New KDevelop4 Beta, Glimpse at Split-View Nautilus ( #GNOME ) | Dec 17 22:59 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Team Sets Seventh Beta of KDevelop4 Loose | .::. Size~: 20.52 KB | Dec 17 22:59 |
phIRCe-local | Title: OMG! UBUNTU!: Split-View Nautilus Coming To Gnome-Shell? .::. Size~: 86.77 KB | Dec 17 22:59 |
MinceR | yeah, because downloading movies erases the original copy :> | Dec 17 23:00 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A Look at Top #GNU #Linux Distribution with Great Impact | Dec 17 23:00 | |
MinceR | if thinking was "in" these clueless messages would be quickly forgotten | Dec 17 23:00 |
MinceR | s/" /", " | Dec 17 23:00 |
MinceR | argh | Dec 17 23:00 |
MinceR | s/" /", / | Dec 17 23:00 |
shreddar | Now so many people have the mindset that creators income is more valuable than customers freedom. | Dec 17 23:03 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Review of #Slackware 13.0 and Opinion on Difficulty | Dec 17 23:03 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Its A Binary World 2.0 » Review: Slackware 13.0 .::. Size~: 136.77 KB | Dec 17 23:03 |
phIRCe-local | Title: [conv] Why Slackers are labeled as geeks and ubuntuers as n00bs? « The Linux Space .::. Size~: 65.44 KB | Dec 17 23:03 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux Works More Closely with #Google | Dec 17 23:04 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Mark Shuttleworth » Blog Archive » My new focus at Canonical .::. Size~: 22.31 KB | Dec 17 23:04 |
*_goblin has quit ("Ex-Chat") | Dec 17 23:04 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Shuttleworth steps down as Ubuntu CEO - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 130.99 KB | Dec 17 23:04 |
*pentarex ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 23:04 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Ubuntu #GNU #Linux 10.04 in Review, New Fans | Dec 17 23:05 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Ubuntu 10.04 will bring panel overhaul, social network menu .::. Size~: 42.42 KB | Dec 17 23:05 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Linux Mint Gets Many Good Reviews | Dec 17 23:07 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Linux Mint 8 Installation Visual Walk Through VirtualBox | Ben Kevan's Blog .::. Size~: 59 KB | Dec 17 23:07 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Linux Mint 8 | Desktop Linux Reviews .::. Size~: 91.89 KB | Dec 17 23:07 |
shreddar | Now, there are so many people who download Copyrighted material and feel wrong or guilty because of all those campaigns saying that it's stealing and they're hurting the creators. | Dec 17 23:07 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Linux Mint Helena: Cest fantastique! | The Linux Experiment .::. Size~: 39.23 KB | Dec 17 23:07 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Two other great Linux distributions: MEPIS & Mint - Computerworld Blogs .::. Size~: 134.47 KB | Dec 17 23:07 |
shreddar | They still download but they feel guilty about it. | Dec 17 23:07 |
shreddar | Yes, they wouldn't steal a car but I don't think anyone minds stealing a change away from a company to sell them a non-scarce product. | Dec 17 23:09 |
shreddar | change = chance | Dec 17 23:09 |
shreddar | If someone wanted to sell me their legally protected monopoly of tap water I wouldn't feel guilty about passing them to get to my faucet. | Dec 17 23:11 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #OpenXchange Sees 80% Rise in Userbase | Dec 17 23:12 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: SaaS Partners Boost Open-Xchange | The VAR Guy .::. Size~: 48.56 KB | Dec 17 23:12 |
*shreddar has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) | Dec 17 23:14 | |
*shreddar (i=4c16e5e1@gateway/web/freenode/x-itzghoqrvtjakykc) has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 23:14 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #rPath Makes 2010 Predications, #Linux Made Huge Progress in 2009 | Dec 17 23:17 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Prism (from #Mozilla ) Has Good Place in #GNU/ #inux | Dec 17 23:19 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Pushing Prism on Ubuntu | WorksWithU .::. Size~: 45.13 KB | Dec 17 23:19 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Sun 's #Database Likely to Pass to #Oracle Shortly #mysql | Dec 17 23:20 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: EU Set to Approve Oracle-Sun Deal - .::. Size~: 147.15 KB | Dec 17 23:20 |
*shreddar has quit ("Page closed") | Dec 17 23:20 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] New Version of #Drupal (Linux Booster!) is Out, Microsoft Terrified | Dec 17 23:21 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Drupal 6.15 and 5.21 released | .::. Size~: 13.44 KB | Dec 17 23:21 |
phIRCe-local | Title: On Microsoft's anti-Drupal ad | Dries Buytaert .::. Size~: 21 KB | Dec 17 23:21 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #BSD Still Runs Well in #FreeNAS more BSD: | Dec 17 23:22 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: FreeNAS 0.7: powerful and not dead [] .::. Size~: 19.58 KB | Dec 17 23:22 |
phIRCe-local | Title: BSDTalk interview with Josh Paetzel (iXsystems) | FreeBSD - the unknown Giant .::. Size~: 36.69 KB | Dec 17 23:22 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #FSF Membership Gives New Operating System Free (Gratis) | Dec 17 23:23 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Join the Free Software Foundation, and get a Trisquel USB card! | Trisquel GNU/Linux .::. Size~: 11.23 KB | Dec 17 23:23 |
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote closed the connection) | Dec 17 23:28 | |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Abuse with #DRM Now Put in #Alliances | Dec 17 23:32 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: What is DRM doing in my garage? .::. Size~: 45.92 KB | Dec 17 23:32 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Leaf from #FreeSoftware : Free Standards for Colours | Dec 17 23:33 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Internet Evolution - Ginger Coons - Web Boosts the Cause of Free Color .::. Size~: 203.15 KB | Dec 17 23:33 |
trmanco | wow | Dec 17 23:34 |
trmanco | FF 3.6 b5 doesn't lag on scrolling | Dec 17 23:34 |
trmanco | :D | Dec 17 23:34 |
trmanco | they got it right this time | Dec 17 23:34 |
trmanco | maybe it's because of the asynchronous script loading thing :D | Dec 17 23:35 |
trmanco | :D:D | Dec 17 23:35 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Web #Censorship Spreads to Australia, Italy, US | Dec 17 23:35 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Filtering coming to Australia in 2010 | EFA .::. Size~: 39.41 KB | Dec 17 23:35 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Google accused of scrubbing bloody Berlusconi pics • The Register .::. Size~: 26.64 KB | Dec 17 23:35 |
trmanco | it's improving alright :D | Dec 17 23:35 |
phIRCe-local | Title: The New York Times > Log In .::. Size~: 9.8 KB | Dec 17 23:35 |
-BNc/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Sarkozy Breaks the Very Law It is Marketing for the #MAFIAA | Dec 17 23:38 | |
phIRCe-local | Title: Sarkozy's Party Found Violating Copyright Yet Again With Awful Lipdub | Techdirt .::. Size~: 41.13 KB | Dec 17 23:38 |
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | Dec 17 23:50 | |
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 23:51 | |
*|neighborlee| ( has joined #boycottnovell | Dec 17 23:56 | |
trmanco | haha | Dec 17 23:59 |
trmanco | look | Dec 17 23:59 |
trmanco | | Dec 17 23:59 |
phIRCe-local | Title: Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Release Schedule - KDE TechBase .::. Size~: 21.73 KB | Dec 17 23:59 |
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