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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: November 8th, 2010

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*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: Quadrescence)Nov 07 23:55
schestowitz*LOL* trolls make stuff up already... all libel. 08 00:21
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Spermowitz Still Milking The System. - Windows 7 Help .::. Size~: 51.69 KBNov 08 00:21
*Ender2070 (~ender2070@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 03:25
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 08 03:32
*Ender2070 (~ender2070@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 03:34
schestowitzJust got a really nice message:Nov 08 06:23
schestowitz"Nov 08 06:23
schestowitzDr. Roy,Nov 08 06:23
schestowitzHappy 4th birthday! it's amazing how fast time has ellapsed. I enjoyed so much Techbytes # 2, even my 3 year old twin enjoyed the introduction music. He didn't leave my side while listening. Cool!  I'm making him an FLOSS boy I'd given his second name Boris Eben, like Professor Eben. Him && his three sisters are growing with Linux.Nov 08 06:23
schestowitzPlease do you have the transcripts of the techbytes episodes as text? If so can you email them to me as text so I can translate them to Spanish. Once translate them I'll send them back to you. Maybe someone else can place the spanish text as the dialogs continues, kind of the old day movies. I would really appreciatte it.Nov 08 06:23
schestowitzIf I have another boy (somehow) I'll name him Roy. Don't tell Shane about this, 'cause I'm doom to work for the rest of my days.Nov 08 06:23
schestowitz"Nov 08 06:23
schestowitzI said: "Nov 08 06:26
schestowitzHow about we publish longer show notes in English and in Spanish too? We can also do a translation of parts of the show, perhaps?Nov 08 06:26
schestowitzI am extremely grateful for your translation work, which brings us new Spanish-speaking subscribers.Nov 08 06:26
schestowitz"Nov 08 06:26
MinceR 08 06:33
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Not a web page! Aborting image/png type .::. Size~: 0 KBNov 08 06:33
*Ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 08 07:01
schestowitzI keep hearing about famous last wordsNov 08 08:07
schestowitzWho is Last Words? Never seen him...Nov 08 08:07
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 11:31
schestowitz#Apple ☛ EULA is Not Compatible With the !GNU ☛ !GPL ☛ 08 12:08
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Apple EULA is Still Not Compatible With the GNU GPL | Techrights .::. Size~: 81.13 KBNov 08 12:08
schestowitzConfusions... 08 12:21
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Twitter / Andrius Bentkus: @schestowitz ... .::. Size~: 13.18 KBNov 08 12:21
schestowitz"dunno but kinect kinda seems alive to me."Nov 08 12:21
schestowitzbut not MiloNov 08 12:22
oiaohm   Nvidia has refused to support every attempt Linux has made to leave X11Nov 08 12:51
TechrightsBot-scTitle: NVIDIA have no plans to support Wayland .::. Size~: 92.2 KBNov 08 12:51
oiaohmSo why is anyone shocked.Nov 08 12:51
schestowitzI'm not shockedNov 08 13:49
schestowitzblobvidia...Nov 08 13:49
oiaohmIts going to be a kicking and screaming battle with nvidia.Nov 08 13:56
oiaohmMost likely cluster builders pulling nvidia in.Nov 08 13:57
schestowitzclusters don't use waylandNov 08 14:32
schestowitzanyway, that's what nvidia makes drivers for, I always thoughtNov 08 14:32
schestowitzLike some govt. clusters that use gpus for phypsicsNov 08 14:33
oiaohmProblem is lot of clusters out there don't have X86 processors any more.Nov 08 14:34
oiaohmAnd nvidia drivers are only for x86.Nov 08 14:34
oiaohmYes one of the biggest cluster complier developers is currently working on the open source nvidia driver project.Nov 08 14:36
oiaohmAs there early results are impressive 2d performance 2 twice as fast as Nvidias own binary blob.Nov 08 14:36
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Nov 08 14:42
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 15:08
*abeNd-org1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 15:13
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Nov 08 15:16
*abeNd-org1 has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 08 15:22
schestowitzHmmm...Nov 08 16:02
schestowitzI think gmail is dropping mail...Nov 08 16:03
schestowitz"Nov 08 16:03
schestowitzHi Roy, you replied to one of my comments on Techrights that I should check my email.  Which I did.  But there was nothing new.Nov 08 16:03
schestowitzHowever, it's possible that you didn't get the reply I sent to your Sept 26th message?  (It's below)Nov 08 16:03
schestowitzI'm listening to episode 2 of the techbytes show right now.  It's getting better!  You and Goblin make a good team.Nov 08 16:03
schestowitz"Nov 08 16:03
schestowitzI've just resent my message. :-)Nov 08 16:04
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 16:21
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Nov 08 19:43
MinceR 08 20:45
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Schneier on Security: The End of In-Flight Wi-Fi? .::. Size~: 42.55 KBNov 08 20:45
*schestowitz denting itNov 08 20:54
schestowitz[20:32] <tessier> /root appears to be getting rather full. Normally nothing much writes in there. Are you saving stuff there?Nov 08 20:55
schestowitz[20:32] <schestowitz> yes, I'll empty thatNov 08 20:55
schestowitz[20:32] <schestowitz> the bot puts copies of the stuff it takes <title> fromNov 08 20:56
schestowitzNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:33] <tessier> The bot runs as root?Nov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:33] <schestowitz> the one that gets url titlesNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:33] <schestowitz> we're the only site using itNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:33] <schestowitz> so no exploitsNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:35] <schestowitz> [root@boycottnovell archive]# du -shNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:35] <schestowitz> 1.1G    .Nov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:35] <schestowitz> [root@boycottnovell archive]# pwdNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:35] <schestowitz> /root/phirce-techrights/archiveNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:44] <schestowitz> I'll check what other logs can be removedNov 08 20:56
schestowitz[20:52] <schestowitz> I've cleared 2.3 GB of spaceNov 08 20:56
*FurnaceBoy sighsNov 08 21:01
FurnaceBoyaonde esta trmancoNov 08 21:01
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 21:23
schestowitzFurnaceBoy: it's fineNov 08 21:44
schestowitzI just use this behaviour in case pages vanishNov 08 21:45
schestowitzLike pulledNov 08 21:45
schestowitzI have other scripts for doing the same on  the desktop, making copies of things I cite in case they go BAM!Nov 08 21:45
schestowitzgood newsNov 08 21:57
schestowitzwe'll have wallc on the show...Nov 08 21:57
schestowitz> What a fun idea!  :)Nov 08 21:58
schestowitz>Nov 08 21:58
schestowitz> I don't have a microphone though, and I don't use skype.  It will take aNov 08 21:58
schestowitz> bit of planning and learning on my part.  But maybe I could do it earlyNov 08 21:58
schestowitz> next year?Nov 08 21:58
schestowitzOh, of course! I'm delighted to hear you agree at all. :-)Nov 08 21:58
FurnaceBoyschestowitz: you could also bzip2 those fetches. they would compress very well.Nov 08 22:37
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialNov 08 23:22
schestowitzNaa, no needNov 08 23:30
schestowitzI expire themNov 08 23:30
schestowitzas in let them expireNov 08 23:30
schestowitzbut i do it manuallyNov 08 23:30
FurnaceBoyhmNov 08 23:34
FurnaceBoyone day though you'll hit one that you want and it's goneNov 08 23:34
schestowitznot within a windowNov 08 23:44
schestowitzBut anyway, saving whole history is costlyNov 08 23:44
schestowitzI tried it beforeNov 08 23:44
schestowitzMore nuisance than any benefits it offersNov 08 23:45
schestowitzLots of rouble and wasted space for a few times a year you need to pin something downNov 08 23:45
FurnaceBoyicNov 08 23:57
FurnaceBoymaybe you just needed better query tools :)Nov 08 23:57
FurnaceBoyjweyrich: boa noiteNov 08 23:58

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