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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: February 5th, 2011

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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 02:56
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 05 04:32
*scientes (8ca008b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 07:04
scienteshow do push to move in with a girl earlyFeb 05 07:04
scientesi need alot of psycological helpFeb 05 07:04
scientesand stabilityFeb 05 07:04
schestowitzdepends on the girlFeb 05 07:12
scientesany girls in your life?Feb 05 07:23
qu1j0t3schestowitz: good answerFeb 05 07:33
*qu1j0t3 has quit (Quit: nite, bedtime)Feb 05 07:37
schestowitzscientes: not at the momentFeb 05 07:43
scientesso where to move to?Feb 05 07:57
schestowitzDid you start a course?Feb 05 07:58
schestowitzI think you looked at the possibility the last time we spokjeFeb 05 07:58
schestowitzBut hey, the WashPo and other corporate press would say the "recession is over" (citing faked employment figures that rely on distorted definitions) :-)Feb 05 07:58
*scientes has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Feb 05 08:01
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Feb 05 08:15
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 08:16
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Feb 05 12:08
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 12:10
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 05 12:53
schestowitz[14:00] <ThistleWeb> schestowitz: you around?Feb 05 14:15
schestowitz[14:14] <schestowitz> hey :-)Feb 05 14:16
schestowitz[14:15] <schestowitz> I forgot I had this channelFeb 05 14:16
schestowitz[14:15] * schestowitz scrollsFeb 05 14:16
schestowitztechbytes will soon have a new siteFeb 05 14:16
schestowitzand channelFeb 05 14:16
schestowitzFeb 05 14:21
schestowitz[14:18] <ThistleWeb> heyFeb 05 14:21
schestowitz[14:18] <ThistleWeb> do you have last nights convo with me and tim in the scroll back?Feb 05 14:21
schestowitz[14:21] <schestowitz> yes, reading...Feb 05 14:21
schestowitz[14:22] <schestowitz> [01:14] <_Goblin> I really will fit the stereotype....beard, basement, linuxFeb 05 14:22
schestowitz[14:22] <schestowitz> :-)Feb 05 14:22
*qu1j0t3 (~qu1j0t3@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 15:29
schestowitzthe audiocast thing has been an interesting experimentFeb 05 15:39
schestowitzLots of info added in short periods of time.Feb 05 15:39
schestowitzI started activism in my own blog, then lots of USENET, Digg+clones, then Techrights, now it seems like identica+twitter and audio are useful means of commsFeb 05 15:39
MinceR 05 15:55
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Dell sent me six replacements for my defective monitor and then a notebook. : .::. Size~: 459.79 KBFeb 05 15:55
qu1j0t3:|Feb 05 16:29
schestowitzHell ComputersFeb 05 17:40
schestowitzqu1j0t3: the Canadians also have Hell... for UBBFeb 05 17:41
schestowitzISP service from Hell (Bell)Feb 05 17:41
schestowitzWe've had problems with IRC nuisance like DaemonTroll...Feb 05 18:20
schestowitzMaybe identica will be a way around it.......Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz> I started writing a reply to you yesterday morning, mostly about theFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> email problem you described.Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz> It's still unfinished, so I finally decided to cover that subject in itsFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> own email and focus this message on some of the other subjects youFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> mentioned.Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz> *IRC and*Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz> I didn't leave BN IRC because of the Linsux or mono trolls. Anyone whoFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> knows me will tell you, whether it's in meatspace or online, I don'tFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> back down from bullies. They are all just cowards at heart anyway.Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:20
schestowitz> It was actually several of the regulars that I got deeply tired of. AtFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> one point I came very, VERY close to starting my own little flame warFeb 05 18:20
schestowitz> with some of them.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> I chose not to do so (yes, occasionally, good sense can overcome myFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> stubbornness) for several reasons. First, it would have been a pointlessFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> effort, and would have just caused more unnecessary noise in the channel.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> It also seemed foolish to expect the atmosphere to change, or the otherFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> people to change their behavior, just for me.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> The truth is, to me, most IRC channels are equivalent to being in a bigFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> echoing room full of noisy strangers, all talking over each other atFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> once. Any important topics and conversations just get lost in the noise.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> In the end it didn't make sense to keep putting myself into such anFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> unfriendly environment, life's too short and my time needs to be spentFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> more productively.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> I do still (occasionally) join some IRC discussions, when I am invited,Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> but they are highly focused on a specific issue or project, and strictlyFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> moderated to keep things on topic.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>, on the other hand, does seem more interesting to me,Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> especially since I can choose the people I wish to follow.  However, IFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> still need to learn my way around.  I'd like to customize my home page,Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> but haven't figured out how yet. I'm assuming that sort of customizationFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> is part of the Premium package only. So I need to budget for that soon.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> Also, I hate it when I see an interesting comment, but can't find theFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> rest of the discussion to see the entire context and history. ThereFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> surely must be a way to do that, right?Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> For now Identica posts just seem like a flood of random, disorderly &Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> unrelated comments. It's fine, I suppose, for those who just want toFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> observe, but I would like to participate.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> I'm sure I will figure it out (eventually), but my spare time is farFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> more limited these days than in previous years. I have to prioritize theFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz> small amounts of time I can spend on such things.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz> So, if you have any tips or pointers to help speed up my learning aboutFeb 05 18:21
schestowitz>, it would be greatly appreciated.Feb 05 18:21
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:22
schestowitz> Ok, I'm going to send this now. It's barely after 8:am, but I've alreadyFeb 05 18:22
schestowitz> had several interruptions, so I need to get busy with work and phoneFeb 05 18:22
schestowitz> calls now.Feb 05 18:22
schestowitz>Feb 05 18:22
schestowitz> I'll address the Novell book project in the next email - which I'll tryFeb 05 18:22
schestowitz> to finish at lunchtime.Feb 05 18:22
qu1j0t3irc can be terrible.Feb 05 18:25
qu1j0t3i've mostly restricted my activity to this channel and one otherFeb 05 18:25
qu1j0t3DFC was a real problem in BNFeb 05 18:25
qu1j0t3(for me anyway)Feb 05 18:25
*qu1j0t3 bbs ... buy milkFeb 05 18:25
schestowitzYeah...Feb 05 18:28
schestowitzI mostly ignore himFeb 05 18:28
qu1j0t3he's back??Feb 05 18:28
qu1j0t3last i heard he ran awayFeb 05 18:28
schestowitzWe've just got another hosting offer...Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz18:19] <ThistleWeb> schestowitz: after reading last nights convo, the response is?Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:22] <schestowitz> [00:57] <ThistleWeb> would you want a proper domain for your blog, sit it on my hosting and have a regular wordpress install?Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:22] <schestowitz> This one?Feb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:22] <ThistleWeb> noFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:23] <ThistleWeb> the birchhosting sponsor / hostFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:23] <schestowitz> I read your blog post about itFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:24] <schestowitz> Migrating domainsFeb 05 18:30
schestowitzFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:25] <ThistleWeb> it's servers, but the point is that we may be able to get techbytes site and files hosted / bandwidth for free in exchange for a mention each ep and a sidebar bannerFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:26] <ThistleWeb> it gives it some protection at times when your site is under attackFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:27] <ThistleWeb> it also gives it a proper home, in case your host starts to decide that unlimited fair use is one thing, but you're going beyond thatFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:27] <ThistleWeb> it also gives you more capacity to host other vids etc about FOSS stuff knowing techbytes has a permenant homeFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:29] <schestowitz> The one we have now is freeFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:29] <schestowitz> And I know the adminFeb 05 18:30
schestowitz[18:29] <schestowitz> Dedicated server more or lessFeb 05 18:30
qu1j0t3:)Feb 05 18:32
schestowitzFeb 05 18:41
schestowitz[18:32] <ThistleWeb> does whoever is paying the bandwidth know it's a podcast running from it?Feb 05 18:41
schestowitz[18:36] <ThistleWeb> my concern is that if it grows to a point that makes it noticable to the billpayers, and they decide that it's taking the pissFeb 05 18:41
schestowitz[18:36] <ThistleWeb> or that it's spiking at times that it's affecting other usersFeb 05 18:41
schestowitz[18:37] <ThistleWeb> I'd rather have it officially sanctioned, rather than doing it while nobody knows or says anything in the hopes that it won't attract their attention, or that they will be fine when it doesFeb 05 18:41
schestowitz[18:41] <schestowitz> Tracy knows about the show, he's OK with itFeb 05 18:42
schestowitzFeb 05 18:42
schestowitz[18:41] <ThistleWeb> k, so I withdraw the suggestion of a host then?Feb 05 18:42
schestowitz[18:42] <schestowitz> Yes, for now :-)Feb 05 18:42
schestowitzFeb 05 18:57
schestowitz[18:51] <ThistleWeb> k, it's doneFeb 05 18:57
schestowitz[18:56] <ThistleWeb> when are we next recording btw?Feb 05 18:57
schestowitz[18:57] <schestowitz> TomorrowFeb 05 18:58
schestowitz[18:57] <schestowitz> I think..Feb 05 18:58
MinceR 05 18:58
TechrightsBot-scNot a web page! Aborting  typeFeb 05 18:58
qu1j0t3it's the aborting type! omgFeb 05 19:01
MinceR:)Feb 05 19:01
*gnufreex ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 19:15
gnufreexSGI puts Windows on Supercomputers. 05 19:16
TechrightsBot-scTitle: SGI plunks Windows on big Altix UV supers • The Register .::. Size~: 28.09 KBFeb 05 19:16
gnufreexThat broke their company 10 years agoFeb 05 19:16
gnufreexThey never learnFeb 05 19:16
qu1j0t3there's a guy in #classiccmp who scored a 512 cpu Itanium AltixFeb 05 19:18
qu1j0t3maybe it only had 128 cpus installed thoFeb 05 19:18
qu1j0t3not many people have the wiring for it hahaFeb 05 19:18
schestowitzgnufreex: old newsFeb 05 19:25
gnufreexYeah, I saw it other day, but thought you guys didn'tFeb 05 19:25
schestowitzSGI is like another major HPC company with a four letter name...Feb 05 19:27
gnufreexCray ?Feb 05 19:27
schestowitzyesFeb 05 19:28
schestowitz 05 19:28
TechrightsBot-scTitle: |    HPC .::. Size~: 90.52 KBFeb 05 19:28
schestowitz 05 20:55
TechrightsBot-scTitle:      YouTube         - WikiLeaks: Ron Paul Explains What Baghdad Embassy Cable Reveals    .::. Size~: 142.85 KBFeb 05 20:56
schestowitzDid you watch this?Feb 05 20:56
qu1j0t3noFeb 05 20:57
schestowitzI sent it to a mate of mine who served in KuwaitFeb 05 21:03
schestowitzi look forward to his replyFeb 05 21:03
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell-socialFeb 05 22:17
trmancohi schestowitzFeb 05 22:17
schestowitzHi!Feb 05 22:18
trmancohey qu1j0t3Feb 05 22:18
trmanco:)Feb 05 22:18
MinceRhayFeb 05 22:20
schestowitz 05 22:21
TechrightsBot-scTitle: UBB? Oh, it stands for Unbelievable Business Baloney - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 97.19 KBFeb 05 22:21
trmancohai MinceRFeb 05 22:21
schestowitzEnjoy youtube while it lastsFeb 05 22:21
trmancolooks like the consumers are winning againt that ubb bsFeb 05 22:21
trmancowe got the gov on our sideFeb 05 22:21
schestowitzconsumers.. consuming 1sFeb 05 22:22
*schestowitz opens mouth wide to consume electric cchargesFeb 05 22:22
schestowitztrmanco: many people did not pay attentionFeb 05 22:22
schestowitzLaurel didFeb 05 22:22
schestowitzAnd the telecoms move their moveFeb 05 22:22
schestowitzFound some corruptible 'poly tic[ians]"Feb 05 22:23
trmancothe crtc should be terminated, ends all issues, not just ubbFeb 05 22:24
schestowitzIt's a systemic problemFeb 05 22:26
schestowitzThen there's the g20 invetigationFeb 05 22:26
schestowitzI follow many Canadians in identi.caFeb 05 22:26
trmancotoronto looked like a third world city that day...Feb 05 22:27
schestowitzWere you there?Feb 05 22:29
trmancono, I was referring to the police cars that were on fire and all the vandalism that occurred aKa the people who were there to cause chaos, the real protesters were left out of the mediaFeb 05 22:33
schestowitzYes, typicalFeb 05 22:35
schestowitzEither police orFeb 05 22:35
schestowitzreal anarchistsFeb 05 22:35
schestowitzorFeb 05 22:35
schestowitzreal anarchists paid by police to steal the thunderFeb 05 22:35
schestowitzAnd portray the protests as enemy of the peopleFeb 05 22:36
trmancoterrorist :P:PFeb 05 22:36
schestowitzMubarak uses the latter tricks nowFeb 05 22:36
schestowitzHe hires thugs/goonsFeb 05 22:36
schestowitzThey scare peopleFeb 05 22:36
schestowitzAnd then they run to the govt. for 'protection'Feb 05 22:36
schestowitztrmanco: Toronto has many tourristsFeb 05 22:36
schestowitzEsp. ones with camerasFeb 05 22:37
MinceRwhat now, mubarak "supporters" are now anarchists? lol.Feb 05 22:39
schestowitzWatch out as they might be filiming to plan their suicide attackFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzBTWFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzSchneier says that no evidence is ever found that tourrrists film their target area before attacking itFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzJust a myth perhapsFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzThe new tale says if you put that on YouTube the tourrrists might use itFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzAnd sometimes they use Google Earth!!Feb 05 22:39
schestowitzRightttt...Feb 05 22:39
schestowitzLike they couldn't just buy a street map instead.Feb 05 22:39
schestowitzCops are generally very stupidFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzI heard this said by coprs themselvesFeb 05 22:39
MinceRafaik it's some sort of requirementFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzNot reallyFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzBut it's a rough jobFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzThe guy who worked at my gym joined the forceFeb 05 22:39
schestowitzDidn't like what he sawFeb 05 22:40
schestowitzAnd another told me about their very low IQFeb 05 22:40
schestowitzThere's this joke about student protest in LondonFeb 05 22:40
schestowitzThey want affordable education so that they don't end up having to... become coppersFeb 05 22:40
MinceR 05 22:40
TechrightsBot-scTitle:  Too SMART to be a cop? .::. Size~: 110.03 KBFeb 05 22:40
schestowitz 05 22:41
TechrightsBot-scTitle:      YouTube         - Police take advantage of a Drunk Girl    .::. Size~: 141.63 KBFeb 05 22:41
schestowitz 05 22:43
TechrightsBot-scTitle: GNOME3 Power Settings .::. Size~: 52.47 KBFeb 05 22:43
MinceR 05 22:43
TechrightsBot-scTitle: too smart to be a policeman at DuckDuckGo .::. Size~: 5.33 KBFeb 05 22:43
schestowitz 05 22:44
TechrightsBot-scTitle: A Week with Pinguy - The Slick Ubuntu Remix .::. Size~: 48.04 KBFeb 05 22:44
schestowitzPinguy sounds like a guy with a pin(us)Feb 05 22:44
schestowitzMicrosoft Gavin does damage control for SweatyB: 05 22:49
TechrightsBot-scTitle: Microsoft lands big handbag on Google's copy kisser • The Register .::. Size~: 22.31 KBFeb 05 22:49
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has left #boycottnovell-social ("Leaving")Feb 05 23:35
*gnufreex has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Feb 05 23:37

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