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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: January 1st, 2012

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*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 02:01
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*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 07:21
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schestowitz 01 08:18
schestowitz"Telco and big publishing companies who have flocked to Android do not want their users to have software freedom and would not have accepted GPL'd software. Telco ignored Nokia's Maeno then Memo. Media companies will only provide binaries to Tivo like hardware. Google has made the best of the situation and provided free software that the community can use to liberate their devices. Had Google not done this, vendors would have Jan 01 08:18
TechrightsSocial@: Jan 01 08:18
schestowitzused Symbian or Zune to make devices that suck even harder.Jan 01 08:18
schestowitzWe must insist on the freedom Google gave us and the freedom of other companies to sell us free hardware without fear of patent lawsuits."Jan 01 08:18
oiaohmschestowitz: really google usage of android locking and messing with the access to the source brought meego decentant back to lifeJan 01 08:22
oiaohmGoogle had the right idea get them hooked in the idea of open sourceJan 01 08:22
oiaohmIn time you will be able to push it more.Jan 01 08:22
schestowitzapache ossJan 01 08:26
oiaohmschestowitz: really google had a win.  Ok not as much of a win.Jan 01 08:28
oiaohmThey managed to get the kernel as GPLv2Jan 01 08:29
oiaohmHardware makers and telcos were pushing for apache from kernel all the way up.Jan 01 08:29
schestowitzTomorrow will still be rainy, Monday seems quite suitable for sunny cycling day 01 08:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC Weather : Manchester .::. Size~: 112.41 KBJan 01 08:30
oiaohmMerging of the android and mainline kernel tree will give items like tizen more of a chance.Jan 01 08:30
schestowitzoiaohm: well, I am not against AndroidJan 01 08:30
schestowitzSome people insist that we must work hard on Tizen/MeegoJan 01 08:30
oiaohmI see android as first step.Jan 01 08:30
schestowitzBut if they cannot dominate like Android does, I guess that's okJan 01 08:30
oiaohmTizen and meego will come because of android.Jan 01 08:31
oiaohmIe google nasty management of android has made hardare companies look at them.Jan 01 08:31
oiaohmSo its all success in a very warped way.Jan 01 08:31
oiaohmCarrierIQ has been used to make it the hardware makers responsablity to provide way to unlocking devicesJan 01 08:32
oiaohmBecause carriers cannot be trusted.Jan 01 08:32
oiaohmIts all working.Jan 01 08:32
schestowitzyeah, exactlyJan 01 08:45
schestowitzHeh 01 10:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: Win Dinner with Richard Dawkins       - YouTube .::. Size~: 132.99 KBJan 01 10:13
schestowitz 01 10:30
TechrightsSocialTitle: Worst Fox News Anti-Atheist Spin of the Year?       - YouTube .::. Size~: 155.59 KBJan 01 10:30
schestowitzqu1j0t3: 01 10:47
TechrightsSocialTitle: War, and Rumours of War in 2012 at  Robert Pogson .::. Size~: 51.67 KBJan 01 10:47
schestowitz"There always seems to be war somewhere on the planet. A decade ago, the seeds of Afghanistan and Iraq were sprouting. Now it’s Syria and Iran. Some people need war to be relevant, the military-industrial complex and politicians."Jan 01 10:47
oiaohmschestowitz: if wars stopped weapon makers would be in trouble.Jan 01 11:46
oiaohmWeapons in large numbers are only destroyed in battle.Jan 01 11:46
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 01 13:38
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 1 13:38:58 2012
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jan 1 13:39:24 2012
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 13:39
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellJan 01 13:39
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010Jan 01 13:39
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)Jan 01 15:13
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 15:21
*roy_ is now known as schestowitzJan 01 16:19
*abeNd-org1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 16:50
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)Jan 01 16:51
schestowitz 7.0-magnitude earthquake hits Japan, no danger of tsunamiJan 01 18:50
TechrightsSocialError processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 403 ForbiddenJan 01 18:50
schestowitzdid you hear about it?Jan 01 18:50
schestowitz(18:47:41)     : Happy New Year again! and speak soon...Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:47:47) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: I guess you heard about JapanJan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:47:52) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Magnitude 7 Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:00)     : eh?Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:08)     : Oh shit - not *another* one?!Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:13) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: Just moments agoJan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:34)     : this is really bad....Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:46) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: and leak in reactorJan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:48:57)     : thanks for the update - I'll get the news on after finishing this plateJan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:49:14)     : as if they didn't have enough radioactivity problems *already*....Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:49:34)     : no worries...Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:49:50) Dr. Roy Schestowitz: :-)Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:49:59)     : speak soon...Jan 01 18:51
schestowitz(18:50:02)     : bye...Jan 01 18:51
qu1j0t3schestowitz: HNY.Jan 01 19:24
schestowitz!googfe HNYJan 01 19:25
schestowitz!google HNYJan 01 19:25
TechrightsSocial[1] - Hot Nude Yoga - Naked Gay Men Exploring Tantra Yoga in New ... | 01 19:25
TechrightsSocial[2] - HNY - What does HNY stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations by ... | 01 19:25
TechrightsSocial[3] - Urban Dictionary: hny | 01 19:25
TechrightsSocial[4] - What does HNY mean? - HNY Definition - Meaning of HNY ... | 01 19:25
schestowitzohJan 01 19:25
schestowitzCurrently, based on the official data, tomorrow 9-1 should be a good time for cycling outside. 01 19:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: BBC Weather : Manchester .::. Size~: 111.16 KBJan 01 19:31
schestowitzlast day offJan 01 19:31
schestowitzi have some links for you for very usefull on sale bike parts you could buyJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:06] <MrF> here is the first it is a satchel like mine that attaches to the rear of your saddle stem and also has a handy bike multi tool and puncture repar kit Jan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:06] <schestowitz> heyJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:06] <schestowitz> heyJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:07] * schestowitz looksJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:07] <MrF> and the second here is for a high pressure pump, these are normally £30 plus, this one is only £8 Jan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:07] <schestowitz> thanksJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:07] <schestowitz> hey, did you hear about Japan mate?Jan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:09] <MrF> 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:09] <MrF> 01 20:11
schestowitzJan 01 20:11
schestowitz[20:09] <MrF> whats happenedto Japan i aint heard a thing mateyJan 01 20:11
schestowitz!google japan earthquake magnitude 7Jan 01 20:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Dunlop Bike Saddle Bag and Tools - .::. Size~: 100.59 KBJan 01 20:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Muddyfox Alloy Floor Pump - .::. Size~: 99.85 KBJan 01 20:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Dunlop Puncture Repair Kit - .::. Size~: 99.17 KBJan 01 20:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: Universal Inner Tube  - .::. Size~: 99.02 KBJan 01 20:12
schestowitz!google japan earthquake magnitude 7Jan 01 20:12
TechrightsSocial[1] - Japan Earthquake: Magnitude 7.0 Temblor Hits Off Japan's Pacific ... | 01 20:12
TechrightsSocial[2] - Japan struck by magnitude 6.8 earthquake | World news | guardian ... | 01 20:12
TechrightsSocial[3] - Magnitude 7.0 quake hits Japan, no tsunami warning - Yahoo! | 01 20:12
TechrightsSocial[4] - Magnitude 7 earthquake hits Japan - RTÉ News | 01 20:12
schestowitz[20:13] <MrF> 7.0 aint that big in japanese terms, it'll be  aa walk in the park, i wouldnt worryJan 01 20:14
schestowitz[20:14] <MrF> you'll have to wait longer for your next disaster fixJan 01 20:14
schestowitz[20:15] <schestowitz> there was a rdaio programme this morning where they talked about "yobs" and riotersJan 01 20:18
schestowitz[20:15] <schestowitz> and how the young people get daemonisedJan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:15] <MrF> daemonised FC?Jan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:15] <schestowitz> I though they were also reinforcing this idea that we should all hate young pe... oh, I mean, looters and gangsJan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:15] <schestowitz> hehe. DaemonFCJan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:16] <schestowitz> Speak to him, see his viewsJan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:16] <schestowitz> Gun-slinging youtghJan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:16] <schestowitz> '*yuff'Jan 01 20:19
schestowitz[20:18] <schestowitz> See how I rile him up in #techrights channelJan 01 20:19
qu1j0t3oh, you still have the patience to talk to him?Jan 01 20:22
qu1j0t3talk about someone completely out of step with the real worldJan 01 20:22
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 20:27
*abeNd-org1 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)Jan 01 20:29
schestowitzyeahJan 01 20:38
schestowitzJan 01 20:38
schestowitz[20:19] <MrF> i was thinking, maybe if we could get permission of our girlfriends we could maybe go on holiday somewhere, either on bikes or on plane or whereverJan 01 20:38
schestowitz[20:20] <MrF> shall we rile daemon now in techrightsJan 01 20:38
schestowitz[20:20] <MrF> a joint assault:)Jan 01 20:38
schestowitzJust aggravating the trollJan 01 20:38
qu1j0t3ehJan 01 20:39
*abeNd-org1 ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 01 22:38
*abeNd-org has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jan 01 22:39

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