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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: January 12th, 2012

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*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 12 04:59
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 12 05:13
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 12 05:14
*abeNd-org has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 12 05:18
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 12 05:18
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 12 05:27
schestowitzAllwinner A10: A GPL-compliant computer for $15 #linux #devicehere Jan 12 09:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: Allwinner A10: A GPL-compliant computer for $15 .::. Size~: 50.16 KBJan 12 09:31
schestowitzHere you have a new example of someone trolling me, calling me a "liar"Jan 12 09:31
schestowitzWhy? Because I said the truthJan 12 09:31
schestowitzAnd the troll does nothing to refute what I wrote, however he does promote by spreading what I wrote. They're not so sharp, those trolls, are they?Jan 12 09:31
schestowitz> * "Bill Gates’ dad helps his son quite a lot behind the scenes. It’sJan 12 09:31
schestowitz> malevolent."Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> * "Gates family members pretend to give away their wealth and employ PRJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> people to spread this false perception."Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> * "The Gates Foundation is just another family business (self-namedJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> foundation) that pays no tax and hides some of its lobbying activitiesJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> behind front groups (like TFA) which it is funding."Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bill Gates and His Father Are Looting the American Public | Techrights .::. Size~: 87.76 KBJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Just to be clear: you're a piece of shit, Roy Schestowitz.Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> Jan 12 09:32
schestowitz> I hope Linux Format magazine finds out what kind of idiot they promotedJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> last year.  Hopefully they'll denounce you as the do-nothing moron andJan 12 09:32
schestowitz> liar you are.Jan 12 09:32
schestowitzNotice they do nothing to refute my correct statements\Jan 12 09:32
MinceR 12 10:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: The Perry Bible Fellowship .::. Size~: 18.34 KBJan 12 10:25
schestowitzhehJan 12 10:47
schestowitzhe won't win among the republican nominatesJan 12 10:48
schestowitzNot likely based on early public debates, the same goes for Ron PaulJan 12 10:48
schestowitzit would be interesting if Paul has won and ran against ObamaJan 12 10:48
schestowitzNot sure if he has a chance, but with him running for GOP I might not mind rooting for the "not Obama"Jan 12 10:48
schestowitzObama seems more like a Republican than Paul to meJan 12 10:48
schestowitz> Hi, Roy,Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> The article is posted by an MS shill who seems to get preferentialJan 12 11:10
schestowitz> treatment by /. these days:Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> 12 11:10
TechrightsSocialTitle: Bing Search Overtakes Yahoo - Slashdot .::. Size~: 69.76 KBJan 12 11:10
schestowitz> Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> Also the first half dozen or so posts seem to be from known MS shills,Jan 12 11:10
schestowitz> too.  Personally, I 'd like to see /. go a full week without a singleJan 12 11:10
schestowitz> article boosting MS and its products.Jan 12 11:10
schestowitzI stopped reading Slashdot in 2008 when I realised that the site just upset me rather than provide news. I don't think it's news for geeks anymore, it's not even news. MinceR calls it Noise for Geeks.Jan 12 11:10
MinceR:>Jan 12 11:29
MinceRi don't think that PBF has anything to do with that PerryJan 12 11:29
schestowitzHeh, Well, that would be fitting for him tooJan 12 12:03
qu1j0t3schestowitz: the 'not obama'? you're falling victim to the scam.Jan 12 12:33
qu1j0t3schestowitz: it's all just drama signifying nothingJan 12 12:33
qu1j0t3schestowitz: there's always an X and a not-XJan 12 12:34
*abeNd-org (~KKlenke@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 12 13:21
XFaCEx-saslJan 12 13:25
XFaCEoopsJan 12 13:25
qu1j0t3schestowitz:!/EdLawCenter/status/157275037873864705Jan 12 13:26
TechrightsSocial@EdLawCenter: Christie refuses to fix urban schools, but will sign bill tomorrow giving public ed funds to private companies 12 13:26
TechrightsSocial@: Jan 12 13:26
*XFaCE is now playing: Genesis - Burning rope [...and then there were three... (CDSCD 4010)]Jan 12 13:41
XFaCEgoodJan 12 13:41
schestowitznight?Jan 12 13:42
XFaCEschestowitz: nah, just got the music title the way I want itJan 12 13:46
XFaCE:)Jan 12 13:46
XFaCEmore or lessJan 12 13:47
schestowitz 12 13:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: James Randi Speaks: Questioning the Bible       - YouTube .::. Size~: 118.36 KBJan 12 13:48
XFaCElol, thought that said James Bond for a second :PJan 12 13:49
MinceRJames Bond is an ornithologistJan 12 13:50
schestowitzWe need a rnadi memeJan 12 14:20
schestowitzlike chuck norris oneJan 12 14:20
MinceRyou mean the Vin Diesel one? :>Jan 12 14:20
schestowitzMaybe.. not familiar with thisJan 12 14:21
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 12 14:21
XFaCEschestowitz: We already made you a meme, what more do you want? :PJan 12 14:22
MinceR:>Jan 12 14:23
XFaCE,r:0,s:0&tx=62&ty=89Jan 12 14:24
TechrightsSocialTitle: Google Image Result for .::. Size~: 12.47 KBJan 12 14:24
XFaCE 12 14:26
TechrightsSocialTitle: Microsoft Looks to Communism for Answers | Techrights .::. Size~: 108.45 KBJan 12 14:26
XFaCEschestowitz: Why'd you make fun of Trudeau?Jan 12 14:26
XFaCE:(Jan 12 14:27
qu1j0t3Justin?Jan 12 14:29
XFaCEqu1j0t3: Pierre ElliotJan 12 14:29
qu1j0t3oJan 12 14:29
XFaCEqu1j0t3: Though Justin is awesome tooJan 12 14:30
qu1j0t3i hope soJan 12 14:30
qu1j0t3nobody else seems relevantJan 12 14:30
XFaCEqu1j0t3:  He said that that fail of an environment manager was a piece of shit/full of shit, so he's coolJan 12 14:30
XFaCE:)Jan 12 14:30
qu1j0t3XFaCE: it's a startJan 12 14:30
XFaCE*environment ministerJan 12 14:30
XFaCEschestowitz: Back to my original point thoJan 12 14:31
XFaCEBy all means, Pierre Elliot had faults for sureJan 12 14:31
qu1j0t3XFaCE: did you hear the latest Harper outrage? 12 14:31
TechrightsSocialTitle: Ottawa does about-face on same-sex marriage for non-Canadians - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 104.04 KBJan 12 14:31
XFaCEI just don't know why you would link him to a Microsoft thing :PJan 12 14:31
XFaCEFFSJan 12 14:31
XFaCESometimes you just want to beat Harper upJan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3oh, yeah.Jan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3it's just astonishing.Jan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3what a piece of shit.Jan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3what a worthless, useless person.Jan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3why is he in government?Jan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3this kind of person should be building roads, or maybe cleaning fishJan 12 14:32
qu1j0t3somewhere they can not cause harmJan 12 14:33
XFaCEqu1j0t3: Because people didn't vote, and those who did often voted stupidlyJan 12 14:33
qu1j0t3XFaCE: then the system's broken, but we knew that.Jan 12 14:33
qu1j0t3ditto Rob FordJan 12 14:33
XFaCEqu1j0t3: Because Belinda Stronick didn't win the nominationJan 12 14:33
qu1j0t3why elect liars and thieves?Jan 12 14:33
XFaCEBecause the Conservative Party and the Alliance mergedJan 12 14:33
XFaCEBecause Jean Charest left for quebecJan 12 14:34
XFaCEbecause the Reform became the AllianceJan 12 14:34
XFaCEBecause Brian Mulroney is a tool :)Jan 12 14:34
qu1j0t3!/DougSaunders/status/157446862176133121Jan 12 14:34
TechrightsSocial@DougSaunders: If there are countries that don't recognize marriages between differing skin colours or religions, does Canada also nullify those?Jan 12 14:34
XFaCEschestowitz: Trudeau dealing with Castro was quite possibly the best middle finger from Canada to the US in history. :)Jan 12 14:37
MinceRnot signing the WCT would have been a better middle finger. :>Jan 12 14:38
XFaCEMinceR: I don't think Trudeau was around by then :PJan 12 14:39
MinceRicJan 12 14:39
XFaCEat least not in powerJan 12 14:39
XFaCEwaitJan 12 14:39
XFaCEWCT, I thought you mean WTOJan 12 14:39
MinceRWIPO Copyright TreatyJan 12 14:40
MinceRaka DMCAJan 12 14:40
XFaCEoh yeah, that was after Trudeau for surJan 12 14:40
XFaCEMinceR: We still don't have a DMCA, yet :DJan 12 14:40
MinceRnot implemented yetJan 12 14:40
XFaCEMinceR: Yeah, I know the time is comingJan 12 14:44
XFaCEMinceR: Though Mike Geist notes that being WIPO compliant can still be quite flexibleJan 12 14:45
XFaCENot saying WIPO is a holy grail, but could be worseJan 12 14:45
XFaCETPPJan 12 14:45
XFaCEACTAJan 12 14:45
XFaCEWIPOv2Jan 12 14:45
MinceRthere's no good reason to sign any of those thoughJan 12 14:46
MinceRXFaCE: who's kari?Jan 12 14:56
XFaCEMinceR: I recall him being chanop b4Jan 12 14:56
MinceRicJan 12 14:56
XFaCEbut as my memory can sometimes get jumbled, I have taken you inferred advice and deoped him :PJan 12 14:57
MinceR 12 15:17
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/png typeJan 12 15:17
qu1j0t3schestowitz:,-4.463196&spn=2.141949,5.984802&sll=56.68952,-4.41573&sspn=2.142035,5.984802&geocode=FT2kWAMdiyXJ_yHURULiW_H8Jg;FVl2aQMdmrKs_ykPwLhiqJaOSDEWTVf874Hujw&vpsrc=0&dirflg=w&mra=ltm&t=m&z=9Jan 12 15:50
TechrightsSocialTitle: Rivendell to mordor - Google Maps .::. Size~: 240.87 KBJan 12 15:50
schestowitz> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> -------Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Now may I add a tidbit attributed to George Carlin...Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Here's all you have to know about men and women:Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Women are crazy; men are stupid.Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid.Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> --------Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> Jan 12 16:51
schestowitz> What does that mean? Who the hell knows.Jan 12 16:51
schestowitzI LOVE Carlin's skits. Find some on YouTube :-)Jan 12 16:51
MinceRlolJan 12 16:52
schestowitz 12 17:52
TechrightsSocial@blackanwhitedog: Eye alleges 2nd Vodafone #tax scheme - /via @schestowitz @glynmoody  Tax bilking is an industry in itself #failJan 12 17:52
TechrightsSocial@: Jan 12 17:52
schestowitzprobably meant hikingJan 12 17:52
schestowitzGoogle miscounts pages "150,000"Jan 12 18:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: - Google Search .::. Size~: 108.9 KBJan 12 18:05
schestowitz " 132,000"Jan 12 18:05
TechrightsSocialTitle: - Google Search .::. Size~: 109.39 KBJan 12 18:05
schestowitzI've just had a very long conversation with the only guy who ever beats me in few of the Mr. Fitness competition and he says he might not enter this year, which leaves me in a good position to win first place again. He's out of shape this year, so he's finding excuses to keep out.Jan 12 18:53
schestowitzt doesn't help him that he works from the office tooJan 12 18:59
schestowitzLike I did in the early contests. Since 2006 I've worked from homeJan 12 18:59
schestowitzaffects dietJan 12 18:59
qu1j0t3schestowitz: 12 19:56
TechrightsSocialTitle: Will Quora be joining the SOPA blackout on Jan. 18, 2012? - Quora .::. Size~: 119.16 KBJan 12 19:56
schestowitzah, that one..Jan 12 20:00
schestowitzIt's for US sitesJan 12 20:00
schestowitz 12 20:07
TechrightsSocial@CajunTechie: @zippy1981 @schestowitz Researchers at Bell Labs invented UNIX. I'm not sure who owns the patents now but I want to say Novell maybe.Jan 12 20:07
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovell-socialJan 12 20:34
sebsebsebhiJan 12 20:34
qu1j0t3hiJan 12 20:45
MinceR(flash) (video) (audio) 12 20:45
TechrightsSocialTitle: Religious People Are Nerds - CollegeHumor Video .::. Size~: 99.09 KBJan 12 20:45
schestowitz 12 21:11
TechrightsSocial@Jose R Rodriguez (metztli)'s status on Thursday, 12-Jan-12 20:55:59 UTC - Why The Movie Industry Can’t Innovate…the Result is #SOPA #MPAA lobbying/campaign contributions = legalized #corruptionJan 12 21:11
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Why The Movie Industry Can’t Innovate and the Result is SOPA « Steve Blank .::. Size~: 262.95 KBJan 12 21:11
TechrightsSocial@Jose R Rodriguez (metztli)'s status on Thursday, 12-Jan-12 21:01:14 UTC - #piracy is rampant in all forms of commerce… only the Movie Industry is willing to damage collateral innovative tech like #cloud & InternetJan 12 21:11
schestowitzMinceR: good videoJan 12 21:13
MinceRi've watched some videos you've linked recently, they were good :)Jan 12 21:14
schestowitzbut it's not new thoughJan 12 21:14
MinceRalso, (flash) (video) (audio) 12 21:14
TechrightsSocialTitle: Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions       - YouTube .::. Size~: 121.68 KBJan 12 21:14
schestowitzI'm sub'd to many atheist channelsJan 12 21:14
qu1j0t3.b 5Jan 12 21:15
schestowitz""a mincer is a man who likes nothing better than putting his feet up on a sunday afternoon while some bloke sits on his cock."" 12 21:15
TechrightsSocialTitle: Urban Dictionary: mincer .::. Size~: 28.79 KBJan 12 21:15
schestowitzqu1j0t3: 12 21:33
TechrightsSocialTitle: Xerox CEO's cure for US educational woes: 'Cool' and cash • The Register .::. Size~: 29.3 KBJan 12 21:33
schestowitzhe's richJan 12 21:33
schestowitzSo we should ask HIMJan 12 21:33
schestowitzhis kids probably go to private schoolJan 12 21:34
schestowitzwhich means he knows better than those other people, the verminJan 12 21:34
qu1j0t3...Jan 12 21:35
*schestowitz is now known as gaJan 12 21:52
*ga is now known as schestowitzJan 12 21:52

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