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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: May 13th, 2012

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qu1j0t3 schestowitzMay 13 00:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: Living Behind the Gates .::. Size~: 394.11 KBMay 13 00:03
qu1j0t3 13 00:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: Answer Comments - Quora .::. Size~: 23.74 KBMay 13 00:08
schestowitzqu1j0t3: i've just sub'd to that blogMay 13 01:24
schestowitzbut not had much time to follow gates as of lateMay 13 01:25
qu1j0t3schestowitz: XFaCE 13 02:22
TechrightsSocialTitle: How to Spot a Communist       - YouTube .::. Size~: 139.4 KBMay 13 02:22
qu1j0t3schestowitz:!/WalterGa/status/201479957258575872May 13 02:32
TechrightsSocial@WalterGa: The obesity epidemic like global warming is a made up crisis used by liberals to justify taking more & more control of our lives #tcotMay 13 02:32
XFaCEqu1j0t3: hehMay 13 02:52
XFaCEqu1j0t3: so what do you think of the war artist's intentions?May 13 02:52
XFaCEqu1j0t3: May 13 02:53
XFaCEToday, it would be how to spot an environmentalist (in Harper's world"May 13 02:53
qu1j0t3i understand him completelyMay 13 03:37
qu1j0t3right. in all eras it is 'how to spot somebody who might oppose our agenda'May 13 03:39
qu1j0t3that;s why he uses the majority to quietly, pre-emptively shut them downMay 13 03:40
qu1j0t3the watchdogsMay 13 03:41
qu1j0t3even teh censusMay 13 03:41
qu1j0t3same way the EPA, FDA were gutted and corrupted in the USAMay 13 03:41
qu1j0t3XFaCE: do you know the story of aspartame?May 13 03:42
XFaCEqu1j0t3: that it has been studied a billion times and there is no conclusion?May 13 03:43
qu1j0t3not exactly.May 13 03:43
qu1j0t3do you know how it got to the market in the first place?May 13 03:44
qu1j0t3btw, there's a lot of money that wants you to think there's no conclusion :)May 13 03:44
XFaCEthe chemical industryMay 13 03:46
qu1j0t3did you know Donald Rumsfeld had the starring role? :)May 13 03:46
XFaCEnopeMay 13 03:47
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 13 03:57
qu1j0t3 13 05:13
TechrightsSocialTitle: 506th prime - Wolfram|Alpha .::. Size~: 68.88 KBMay 13 05:14
schestowitz> Hi Roy,May 13 06:48
schestowitz> May 13 06:48
schestowitz> I am curious if you are the person responsible for adding content to theMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> following page: 13 06:48
schestowitzYes. May 13 06:48
schestowitz> If not, feel free to forward me on to the correct person! I came acrossMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> your page during my research for a project aimed at providing an honestMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> and critical look at graduate school avenues and programs. The recentlyMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> completed resource is helpful to students, policymakers, and anyoneMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> interested in the higher education landscape today.May 13 06:48
schestowitz> May 13 06:48
schestowitz> I would love to send over more details about this project and partnerMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> with you, let me know!May 13 06:48
schestowitz> May 13 06:48
schestowitz> Thanks for your time. I look forward to working with you!May 13 06:48
schestowitz> BrookeMay 13 06:48
schestowitz> May 13 06:48
schestowitz> Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit, and you reap a character;May 13 06:48
schestowitz> sow a character, and you reap a destiny. -George Dana BoardmanMay 13 06:48
schestowitzSure, tell me more.May 13 06:48
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 13 08:59:33 2012
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialMay 13 08:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellMay 13 08:59
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010May 13 08:59
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 13 08:59
MinceRno, there's a lot of money that wants you to think it's safeMay 13 09:11
MinceRre aspartameMay 13 09:12
*oiaohm has quit (Quit: by all)May 13 11:57
XFaCEqu1j0t3: 13 15:11
TechrightsSocialTitle: What Filesharing Studies Really Say – Part 12 - Media Industry Must Adapt .::. Size~: 50.72 KBMay 13 15:11
XFaCEWhic of course, we already knewMay 13 15:11
XFaCEqu1j0t3: cute fact, did you know the songwriters association in Canada actually wants to legalize and monetize file sharingMay 13 15:12
XFaCE?May 13 15:12
XFaCEObviously, the monetize part has significant problems in implementation, but it shows the disconnect between the media copy industry and the actual artistsMay 13 15:13
qu1j0t3MinceR: that's what I was getting at.May 13 16:35
XFaCEMinceR: Is it safe?May 13 17:15
schestowitz"I don't get why it's called "Vista" 8. It hasn't been Vista since before Windows 7." 13 17:36
TechrightsSocialNot a Diaspora post?May 13 17:36
XFaCEschestowitz: trollMay 13 17:38
XFaCEschestowitz: I make fun of the "vNext" nameMay 13 17:38
XFaCEschestowitz: "I'm not delusional, will acknowledge the facts, and will give credit where credit is due -- the kind words I have about Windows 8 is mostly the same I have about any other recent Windows release: it boots fast, generally leads on power efficiency, usually there's no hoops to jump through to get the OS installed, the graphics drivers tend to be a lot better, and it's usually at least a polished end-user experience."May 13 17:39
XFaCEreally?May 13 17:39
XFaCELeads on power efficiency?May 13 17:39
XFaCEnoob alertMay 13 17:40
XFaCEHe prolly sees Arch and poops his pantsMay 13 17:40
XFaCEschestowitz: 13 17:48
TechrightsSocialTitle: Canadian War Artist Destroys His Own Works to Protest the Conservative Party       - YouTube .::. Size~: 132.36 KBMay 13 17:48
qu1j0t3schestowitz: you don't have to scratch W7 much to see Win XP.May 13 18:24
schestowitzi saw it recentlyMay 13 18:34
schestowitzit was a nightmareMay 13 18:34
schestowitzIR crashesMay 13 18:34
schestowitzaplentyMay 13 18:34
schestowitzand lots of other issuesMay 13 18:34
schestowitzlike programs not openingMay 13 18:34
schestowitzit was CHAOSMay 13 18:34
schestowitzI didn't even imagine it would be THAT badMay 13 18:34
qu1j0t3rightMay 13 18:39
qu1j0t3it's a ghetto unto itselfMay 13 18:39
XFaCEschestowitz: Having to subject myself to it on a daily basis, I can confirm that it's crapMay 13 18:40
XFaCEIt's like trying to coax a fat, elderly horse to moveMay 13 18:40
qu1j0t3XFaCE: ouchMay 13 18:55
qu1j0t3XFaCE: yes, i find using it distinctly unpleasant. i had to do some porting to win64 of one of my GPL projects.May 13 18:56
qu1j0t3failed, unfortunately.May 13 18:56
XFaCEqu1j0t3: and it handles like a canal bargeMay 13 18:56
qu1j0t3XFaCE: yesMay 13 18:56
qu1j0t3XFaCE: hahaMay 13 18:56
XFaCEqu1j0t3: please respond to this with anythingMay 13 19:34
qu1j0t3XFaCE: hiMay 13 19:52
schestowitzFinally I manage to build and emulate Android applications in the Eclipse SDK, running OpenCV, which is a computer vision libraryMay 13 20:05
schestowitzIt's a new job I was on, I started a new Android project for itMay 13 20:05
schestowitzThen comes my full-time UK job - I look after 100+ servers, even these days... very easy job, pays wellMay 13 20:06
schestowitz #1 is Techrights -  I sacrificed many years to helping other people through activismMay 13 20:06
schestowitzTechrights plus peripheral sites like digg, twitter, diaspora...May 13 20:06
MinceRXFaCE: i don't know if it's safe or notMay 13 21:15
MinceRi trust sucrose more :>May 13 21:15
MinceR(and even HFCS)May 13 21:16
MinceRand yes, "8" is going to be totally new, just like NT 6.1 was totally new. :>May 13 21:16
MinceR184011 < XFaCE> He prolly sees Arch and poops his pantsMay 13 21:17
MinceRno, he'll cover his eyes and denyMay 13 21:17
XFaCEMinceR: Windows "vNext"May 13 21:18
MinceRthat tooMay 13 21:24
XFaCEVista?NextMay 13 21:24
MinceRthey could have named it Windows® vYetAnother™May 13 21:24
schestowitzIt's crapMay 13 21:36
schestowitzVista7 is horrible based on what I saw last weekMay 13 21:36
schestowitzIt's like a test build or somethingMay 13 21:36
schestowitzwhich in that case was also a detriment to sex life...May 13 21:37
schestowitzWhy are computers coming with this stuff preinstalled? This makes no senseMay 13 21:37
MinceRyou know very well why they do :>May 13 21:38
schestowitzyeah, but many people don't knowMay 13 21:38
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun May 13 21:49:12 2012
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialMay 13 21:49
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellMay 13 21:49
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010May 13 21:49
XFaCEschestowitz: rebooted the server?May 13 21:49
schestowitznoMay 13 22:02
schestowitzthe PSU is actually acting up todayMay 13 22:03
schestowitzComputer shutdown at 9am, now at 9pmMay 13 22:03
schestowitzNo major issue, no data lossMay 13 22:03
schestowitzit's a 4-year -old machineMay 13 22:03
qu1j0t3a youngster.May 13 22:14
schestowitzdual-coreMay 13 22:14
schestowitzthe good thing is, there were no such outages in my absenceMay 13 22:14
schestowitzit's not an ilo-enabled desktopMay 13 22:15
schestowitzand the machine needed to stay up to perform some functionsMay 13 22:15
XFaCEschestowitz: I've discovered that a plugin was to blame for the xchat crashes. I have excised the problemMay 13 23:28
schestowitzchoqok had similar problems following an upgrade t 0 or 1.1May 13 23:35
*schestowitz writes and hacks some android appsMay 13 23:40
qu1j0t3XFaCE: tried weechat?May 13 23:56
XFaCEnopeMay 13 23:56
qu1j0t3i never liked xchat, but i love weechat.May 13 23:59
MinceRtried irssi?May 13 23:59

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