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IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: May 22nd, 2013

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schestowitz 22 00:19
TechrightsSocial@amidgley: Microsoft; Portugal asserts bribery of public officials, Court bounces it back.  #SameOldMSMay 22 00:19
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Microsoft Corruption (Illegal Tenders) Stopped by European Court | Techrights .::. Size~: 96.67 KBMay 22 00:19
schestowitz 22 00:21 Does Bill Gates Try to Flush GNU/Linux Down the Toilet in Kerala? 22 00:21
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Does Bill Gates Try to Flush GNU/Linux Down the Toilet in Kerala? | Techrights .::. Size~: 100.91 KBMay 22 00:21
schestowitz"Has he ever tried to do anything else, anywhere else?""May 22 00:21
schestowitzHe not only tried, he succeededMay 22 00:21
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 01:40
*trmanco has quit (Changing host)May 22 01:40
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 01:40
qu1j0t3  "on broad issues, Harper has been willing to demonstrate a surprising streak of flexibility. At the beginning of this slump he deliberately pushed up the federal deficit in order to get the economy moving.May 22 01:49
qu1j0t3On the seminal question of medicare, he moved away from a stance of outright opposition to Canada’s favourite social program and instead adopted a craftier position of benign neglect.May 22 01:49
eikonoswhaa?May 22 01:53
qu1j0t3the rest of the column is on the duffy theme, check my link.May 22 01:53
qu1j0t3it's a lot stronger than coyne's :)May 22 01:53
eikonosOnce upon a time, there was a conservative government that reduced deficits, and everybody lived happily ever after. #PoliticalFairyTalesMay 22 01:54
qu1j0t3lurlMay 22 01:54
eikonosalso, everyone got a ponyMay 22 01:54
qu1j0t3but no healthcareMay 22 01:54
eikonoslolMay 22 01:54
eikonoshow exactly is "benign neglect" crafty?May 22 01:55
eikonosis that like a benign tumour?May 22 01:55
eikonosand is the suggestion that deficit spending is necessary to get the economy moving an admission that the free market isn't working?May 22 01:56
eikonosbasically, a lot of wtfs packed into three sentencesMay 22 01:57
eikonosi need a job like chris selley where i deconstruct this shitMay 22 01:58
eikonosbut with some added cynical humour (whether it's actually funny to other people is up for debate)May 22 01:58
qu1j0t3Walkom is not that bad, don't overreact :)May 22 01:59
eikonosi'm just telling you what i readMay 22 01:59
qu1j0t3noMay 22 01:59
qu1j0t3you're taking it out of context.May 22 01:59
eikonosyeah… because you pasted it out of context :PMay 22 01:59
qu1j0t3Walkom had already said Harper was a free market Thatcherite.May 22 02:00
eikonosi … what?May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3which is why the deficit thing was worth pointing out.May 22 02:00
eikonoswtf is a free market thatcherite?May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3read the whole column.May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3a right wingerMay 22 02:00
qu1j0t3like ThatcherMay 22 02:00
eikonosi admit, i didn't real all of the lord of the rings.. where was that creature mentioned?May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3free market ideologyMay 22 02:00
qu1j0t3read the whole column.May 22 02:00
eikonosi heard about the orcs and trolls and stuffMay 22 02:00
qu1j0t3it's about DuffyMay 22 02:00
eikonosMike Puffy?May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3it's a stronger column than Coyne's.May 22 02:00
qu1j0t3but that's because it's from the Socialist Star and not from the NaPo :)May 22 02:01
eikonosseriously though, has there ever, in the entire history of the world been a right-wing government that reduced the deficit -- without great influxes of cash from a natural resource gold rush like north sea oil, albertan oil, etc?May 22 02:04
qu1j0t3and even thenMay 22 02:04
qu1j0t3they usually manage to balloon itMay 22 02:04
eikonosrightMay 22 02:04
qu1j0t3the idea is to stuff you and yourbuddies' pockets with gold as fast as you can, so when the scandals catch up, everybody does wellMay 22 02:07
eikonosindeedMay 22 02:09
eikonosso BC managed to elect an actual climate scientist to local govtMay 22 02:24
eikonosand this is what we getMay 22 02:24
eikonos 22 02:24
TechrightsSocial@AJWVictoriaBC: The Canadian War on Science: A long, unexaggerated, devastating chronological indictment 22 02:24
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Page not found – Confessions of a Science Librarian .::. Size~: 48.41 KBMay 22 02:24
qu1j0t3eikonos: May 22 03:11
TechrightsSocial@SusanDelacourt: Apparently, Rob Ford and the Prime Minister have engaged the communications help of Not Talking Strategy Inc. Good luck with that. #cdnpoliMay 22 03:11
qu1j0t3 May 22 03:13
TechrightsSocial@thinkprogress: In Colorado, Blacks make up 4% of the population and 100% of death row #icymiMay 22 03:13
TechrightsSocial-> Title: In Colorado, Blacks Make Up 4 Percent Of The Population And 100 Percent Of Death Row | ThinkProgress .::. Size~: 44.4 KBMay 22 03:13
eikonosqu1j0t3: huh.. susan delacourt got sucked into a discussion with a guy i used to talk toMay 22 03:33
eikonosi forget, but i either blocked him or just started ignoring himMay 22 03:34
eikonoshe's a total Negative Feedback LoopMay 22 03:34
eikonosno point even talking to himMay 22 03:34
eikonosbit like bailing out the front of the canoe into the back of the canoeMay 22 03:35
qu1j0t3who is susan delacourtMay 22 03:35
eikonos 22 03:35
TechrightsSocial@SusanDelacourt: Apparently, Rob Ford and the Prime Minister have engaged the communications help of Not Talking Strategy Inc. Good luck with that. #cdnpoliMay 22 03:35
qu1j0t3ohMay 22 03:35
qu1j0t3oopsMay 22 03:35
qu1j0t3i didn't noticeMay 22 03:35
eikonoshehe ;)May 22 03:35
qu1j0t3probably you unfollowed himMay 22 03:36
eikonosthat's for sureMay 22 03:36
eikonosi am curious what "the other side" thinks, but i'd like some intellectual rigour, not just idiocyMay 22 03:37
qu1j0t3i'd be happy to ask them what they think when they stop fucking everything up.May 22 03:37
qu1j0t3till then nah sorry fuck offMay 22 03:37
eikonosi'm not saying their PoV is valid, just that i'm curious what the best excuses are ;)May 22 03:38
qu1j0t3right, but is there time to chatMay 22 03:38
qu1j0t3at this moment, the harper majority still controls canadaMay 22 03:38
qu1j0t3the opinions of the poeple who elected that, could not be less relevant right now :)May 22 03:39
qu1j0t3but i get your pointMay 22 03:40
qu1j0t3from an anthropological point of viewMay 22 03:40
eikonosyeahMay 22 03:42
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 22 03:58
qu1j0t3ughMay 22 04:01
qu1j0t3the ALSA sound on my linux box has disappeared again.May 22 04:01
qu1j0t3though it might be because i deactivated flash and somehow it's not working thru html5May 22 04:01
eikonosLinux: It Almost Works!May 22 04:02
qu1j0t3hm, okayMay 22 04:02
qu1j0t3it's fine in vlcMay 22 04:02
qu1j0t3just html5 video in firefoxMay 22 04:02
eikonosvlc is a beastMay 22 04:02
eikonosa beast in that it's toughMay 22 04:02
qu1j0t3yesMay 22 04:02
qu1j0t3it's definitely a swiss army knifMay 22 04:03
qu1j0t3eMay 22 04:03
qu1j0t3it's actually become my playlist program of last resortMay 22 04:03
qu1j0t3none of the others i tried really workedMay 22 04:03
qu1j0t3playlist/streamMay 22 04:03
qu1j0t3hm okay Minitube might helpMay 22 04:05
qu1j0t3oh crud.May 22 04:06
qu1j0t3it loads the vidyo, but no soundMay 22 04:06
trmancovlc plays anythingMay 22 04:20
*trmanco has quit (Quit: This is a Quit Message.... BLAHHHH)May 22 07:04
schestowitz> How did the meeting with the UEFI people go?  What was their point inMay 22 08:03
schestowitz> meeting?May 22 08:03
schestowitzIt's supposed to happen later this week.May 22 08:03
schestowitz 22 10:28 Google's chat client drops Jabber compatibility #googfail #jabberMay 22 10:28
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Google's chat client drops Jabber compatibility - The H Open: News and Features .::. Size~: 53.68 KBMay 22 10:28
schestowitz"talk about assholes"May 22 10:28
schestowitz"I'm afraid that removing jabber removes the hope of a widely supported and used video chat service that's easy to use with free software. The other services, Skype, etc, are obviously hopeless and no one should want their conversations on the owner's servers."May 22 10:29
schestowitz"If "smart" phones were free software, I'd own one and be using Pidgin. Hangouts has always been non free software, so I'm not interested in them."May 22 10:29
schestowitz"sigh I've loved Jitsi for ages, but the real problem has always been that there was no XMPP based android video client without going through Big Brother's servers. Jitsi has been talking about an Android client for years. I wish they'd get their act together."May 22 10:29
schestowitz"Right now Replicant, Firefox OS and Vivaldi seem our best bets, which isn't saying much. :-|"May 22 10:30
schestowitz 22 10:30 New Stallman essay: Is It Ever a Good Thing to Use a Nonfree Program? !fsfMay 22 10:30
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Is It Ever a Good Thing to Use a Nonfree Program?  - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation .::. Size~: 11.69 KBMay 22 10:30
schestowitz"Without having read it yet, I'm pretty sure I can write the entire essay in the following tWithout having read it yet, I'm pretty sure I can write the entire essay in the following two characters:"wo characters:May 22 10:31
schestowitz"No"May 22 10:31
schestowitz 22 10:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: Printable Food To End Hunger? No. | Uncrunched .::. Size~: 45.13 KBMay 22 10:35
*schestowitz has quit (Quit: Konversation term)May 22 11:04
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 11:05
schestowitz 22 12:08 Free press should not be *entitled* to a business model. It's one of those branches (fourth pillars) that's worth taxpayers' funds.May 22 12:08
schestowitzWe can and should have a taxpayer funded press by building out the internet. That's as much a subsidy as it would have been to have bought paper for printed publications. Saying that we can't have publicly funded networks is about as silly as saying that lawmakers will tell people where to go on publicly funded roads.May 22 12:08
schestowitzWhat needs to end is the massive government subsidies given to broadcast. There is no technical reason for spectrum allocation and spectrum ownership is one of the most significant impediments to democracy today. Please see,May 22 12:08
schestowitz 22 12:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: OpenSpectrum .::. Size~: 17.84 KBMay 22 12:08
schestowitz"May 22 12:08
schestowitz 22 12:09 reshared: ... and then Saint IGNUcius said:<br><br>**tumblr_mjowywqfJi1s41an5o1_1280.png (1280×1286)** • <br> [ ![Image]( ]( <br>#RMS #FSF #GNU #GPL #FOSS #FLOSS #SL #StIGNUcius #softwarelibre #freesoftware #freeculture #gnulinux <br><sub> -May 22 12:09
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeMay 22 12:09
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting application/xml typeMay 22 12:09
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeMay 22 12:09
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Chrome Web Store - Diaspora* Publisher .::. Size~: 20.92 KBMay 22 12:09
schestowitz"Beautiful image."May 22 12:09
MinceRwhy not free it instead? :>May 22 12:12
schestowitzfree means "cheap" in the USMay 22 12:16
schestowitzthe statues of liberty is beter namedMay 22 12:16
schestowitznot 'free press'May 22 12:16
schestowitzas in, press you don'\t pay forMay 22 12:16
schestowitzor spreading freedom, meaning bombingMay 22 12:17
schestowitzthe poorMay 22 12:17
MinceRthen liberate it :>May 22 12:19
schestowitzerror. no manual entry found for "liberate"May 22 12:53
schestowitzuname -aMay 22 12:53
schestowitzUS.AMay 22 12:53
schestowitzsudo !!May 22 12:53
schestowitzps aux | grep freeMay 22 12:54
schestowitzkillall -9 freeMay 22 12:54
schestowitzcd / && chown -r * onepercMay 22 12:55
schestowitzcd / && chmod -r * 644May 22 12:55
schestowitzI got the order of the args wrong, I thinkMay 22 12:56
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 22 13:08
*libertyboxes (~liberty@ has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 13:09
schestowitz"The FART of Community" by Jono BaconMay 22 15:03
schestowitz:-)May 22 15:03
schestowitzJust came to me...May 22 15:03
schestowitz!google aRT of Community by Jono BaconMay 22 15:04
TechrightsSocial[1] - Art Of Community Online | The Book On Community Management ... | 22 15:04
TechrightsSocial[2] - The Art of Community: Building the New Age of ... - | 22 15:04
TechrightsSocial[3] - The Art of Community: Building the New Age of ... - | 22 15:04
TechrightsSocial[4] - The Art of Community Update | jonobacon@home | 22 15:04
MinceRThe Art of Ignoring a Community by Jono BaconMay 22 15:05
schestowitzThe Art of the Microsoft CommunityMay 22 15:05
schestowitzThe Art of Shareholders' CommunityMay 22 15:05
schestowitzThe Art of CommunismMay 22 15:05
schestowitzThe Art of Command and ConquerMay 22 15:05
schestowitzWhat a  stupid new post I just read: 22 15:07
TechrightsSocialTitle: The key to the success of Ubuntu .::. Size~: 11.62 KBMay 22 15:07
schestowitz"May 22 15:08
schestowitzThere is a lot of people who does not like the road Ubuntu decided to follow, but for me is actually the road that is leading it to the success where a lot of others failed.May 22 15:08
schestowitzWhen there is a visionary leader in front of a company or project, and there are resources to accomplish the vision, then this leader should become a benevolent dictator. There is no real need in following everyone’s opinion. Actually there is usually no need to even hear someone’s opinion. When everybody should be heard, and every opinion should be considered before making decisions, the time is wasted.May 22 15:08
schestowitzOf course I am not saying that this dictator, or dictators, should never listen, because in such a case they will just be losing important ideas. But some decisions should be taken quickly and in a dictatorial way.May 22 15:08
schestowitzSome people wants Ubuntu to follow what they consider is the real path to success, or in a selfish way, they just want Ubuntu to be what they need or like.May 22 15:08
schestowitz"May 22 15:08
*abeNd-org ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 15:13
qu1j0t3heheMay 22 15:22
qu1j0t3"If anyone has solved this problem, please put your hand up."May 22 15:22
qu1j0t3eikonos: sometimes i feel sorry for heather mallick, 22 15:42
TechrightsSocialTitle: Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has ruined the city’s reputation for good: Mallick | Toronto Star .::. Size~: 66.82 KBMay 22 15:42
qu1j0t3eikonos: there are some nice lines in here but sometimes she seems to phone it inMay 22 15:42
qu1j0t3schestowitz: 22 15:57
TechrightsSocialTitle: Aussie government tries to block two sites, takes down 1,200 | Ars Technica .::. Size~: 41.08 KBMay 22 15:57
*trmanco (~trmanco@unaffiliated/trmanco) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 16:56
eikonosqu1j0t3: 22 17:19
TechrightsSocialTitle: Captain’s request - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 77 KBMay 22 17:19
*qu1j0t3 looksMay 22 17:20
qu1j0t3eikonos: that's legit.thanksMay 22 17:22
*qu1j0t3 only checked the firstMay 22 17:22
eikonosthere's more?May 22 17:23
qu1j0t31 of 19, i thinkMay 22 17:23
eikonos5 was okayMay 22 17:26
qu1j0t3I preferred six. Then I was old enough to drink and chase womens.May 22 17:30
schestowitz> Hello Dr. Schestowitz,May 22 17:53
schestowitz> May 22 17:53
schestowitz> Would this Friday, May 24 at 5 p.m. GMT work for you for a phone conference? If so, we will send you dial-in information. Also, please feel free to send us any additional questions you have pertaining to UEFI, in the meantime. May 22 17:53
schestowitz> May 22 17:53
schestowitz> Thanks!May 22 17:53
schestowitz> Christine Antles for UEFI ForumMay 22 17:53
schestowitzThat time is good. I just wanted to ask, would if be OK if I recorded the conversation?May 22 17:53
trmanco 22 18:17
TechrightsSocialTitle: Canada losing ground in global science race: report - The Globe and Mail .::. Size~: 91.83 KBMay 22 18:17
qu1j0t3heheMay 22 18:22
qu1j0t3as expectedMay 22 18:22
qu1j0t3this is what happens when Neanderthals get electedMay 22 18:23
schestowitz 22 18:28
TechrightsSocialTitle: Murdered in 24 seconds: Mark Short assassination captured on CCTV - Manchester Evening News .::. Size~: 149.73 KBMay 22 18:28
schestowitzCCTV advocacyMay 22 18:29
qu1j0t3ughMay 22 18:33
qu1j0t3eikonos: this face just radiates "trust me" doesn't it. 22 18:36
TechrightsSocialNot a web page! Aborting image/jpeg typeMay 22 18:36
qu1j0t3 May 22 18:37
TechrightsSocial@stop1984: ‘UK deeply involved in CIA renditions’ via @sharethis Jack StrawMay 22 18:37
TechrightsSocial-> Title: PressTV - Deep British involvement in CIA secret detention operations revealed .::. Size~: 15.85 KBMay 22 18:37
qu1j0t3yay Florida (again) May 22 18:40
TechrightsSocial@KagroX: Student brings loaded gun to Colonial High School in Orlando 22 18:40
TechrightsSocial-> Title: Student brings loaded gun to Colonial High School in Orlando .::. Size~: 46.57 KBMay 22 18:40
qu1j0t3 May 22 18:42
TechrightsSocial@TheSunnyDhillon: "Rob is telling me these stories are untrue, that these accusations are ridiculous, and I believe him." - Doug Ford #topoliMay 22 18:42
qu1j0t3 May 22 18:46
TechrightsSocial@JohnLorinc: #topoli I think it's fair to say that DoFo's presser will do to this story what napalm will do to dry wheat.May 22 18:46
*Disconnected ().May 22 19:41
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed May 22 19:41:27 2013
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 22 19:43:18 2013
*Now talking on #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:43
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social is: | Channel #boycottnovell-social for | Communication about anything, including Microsoft, Novell, and Free software :: please also join channels #techrights and #boycottnovellMay 22 19:43
*Topic for #boycottnovell-social set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Fri May 7 00:20:14 2010May 22 19:43
*schestowitz_log has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)May 22 19:43
*pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:43
*schestowitz has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)May 22 19:43
*puppywatch has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)May 22 19:43
*libertyboxes has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)May 22 19:43
*roy_ ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:43
*roy_ has quit (Changing host)May 22 19:43
*roy_ (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:43
roy_any activity in IRC (This channel) while I rebooted my router?May 22 19:47
qu1j0t3no.May 22 19:47
roy_thanks :-)May 22 19:47
roy_reorganising my deskoMay 22 19:47
*libertyboxes ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:59
*puppywatch ( has joined #boycottnovell-socialMay 22 19:59
roy_ 22 21:13 #China Bans 7 Topics in #University Classrooms _"In an effort to curb Western influence, China's leaders have reportedly banned the #discussion of seven subjects in university classrooms, including #pressfreedom, universal values, and the historical mistakes of the #ChineseCommunistParty._ _#CMay 22 21:13
TechrightsSocial-> Title: China Bans 7 Topics in University Classrooms - Global - The Chronicle of Higher Education .::. Size~: 38.98 KBMay 22 21:13
roy_"Your thoughtts on media bias might very well be true. Its just that I havent come across outright ban on topics. Ateast in our university or schools generally. That doesnt meant there isnt huge amounts nonspoken rules that professors and others might be following. But still theres a big difference between governent forced censorship and cultural constructions."May 22 21:13
roy_ 22 21:14 Free press should not be *entitled* to a business model. It's one of those branches (fourth pillars) that's worth taxpayers' funds.May 22 21:14
roy_"Apparently you don't remember when the Federal government told states how fast they could allow people to go on the roads...unless they wanted funding withheld..."May 22 21:14
roy_ 22 21:14 5 Examples Of Presidents Who Have Made the Hard Choice Between Liberty and Security #financial security for the fewMay 22 21:14
TechrightsSocial-> Title: 5 Examples Of Presidents Who Have Made the Hard Choice Between Liberty and Security .::. Size~: 70.79 KBMay 22 21:14
roy_"Five examples of fraud. Liberty is security."May 22 21:14
roy_ 22 21:16 Chinese press is "Communism propaganda"; RT, Pravda etc. is "Kremlin anti-West propaganda". Ours? It's news. Yes, funded by companies.May 22 21:16
roy_"I rather enjoy RT even if it is brought to you by the Kremlin they cover a bunch of stuff we never see from other media outlets."May 22 21:16
roy_ 22 22:03
TechrightsSocialTitle: Facts For Working People: The world is rich.  The problem is the rich control the world. .::. Size~: 128.02 KBMay 22 22:03
roy_ 22 22:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: PressTV - Second day of riots shakes Sweden .::. Size~: 15.61 KBMay 22 22:08
roy_ 22 22:10
TechrightsSocialTitle: Sweden's capital hit by worst riots in years | Reuters .::. Size~: 94.63 KBMay 22 22:10
roy_"After decades of practicing the "Swedish model" of generous welfare benefits, Sweden has been reducing the role of the state since the 1990s, spurring the fastest growth in inequality of any advanced OECD economy."May 22 22:10
roy_"An anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, has risen to third in polls ahead of a general election due next year, reflecting unease about immigrants among many voters."May 22 22:11
roy_"Some 15 percent of the population is foreign-born, the highest proportion in the Nordic region. Unemployment among those born outside Sweden stands at 16 percent, compared with 6 percent for native Swedes, according to OECD data."May 22 22:11
roy_No article names ethnicitiesMay 22 22:13
roy_ 22 22:14
TechrightsSocialTitle: Riots In Sweden Reflect Athens Flu .::. Size~: 33.34 KBMay 22 22:14
roy_"Police from Stockholm and other Swedish cities are being sent to Malmo to handle a growing tension in the southern city which has been wracked by riots over the past two days. After two nights of intensive rioting, police requested assistance in order to quell the disturbance. Emotions have been running high in Malmo’s immigrant district of Rosengard after police forcibly removed three squatters from the basement offices of an May 22 22:14
roy_Islamic culture center. The premises had been occupied since November 24th as part of a protest against the landlord’s decision not to renew the association’s lease for the space which it has occupied for fifteen years."May 22 22:14
XFaCEqu1j0t3: the Harper Gov't's scandal shields are holdingMay 22 22:15
XFaCEsighMay 22 22:15
roy_2008May 22 22:15
XFaCEroy_: what's your views on the swedish situation?May 22 22:17
roy_ 22 22:35
TechrightsSocialTitle: PressTV - Swedish premier calls for calm after violent riots .::. Size~: 15.49 KBMay 22 22:35
roy_"First of all I would like to tell you all that we, the Swedes, are not at all shocked. These things, and much worse, happens all the time, and we are kind of use to it by now. This is nothing compared to all the rapes and killings.Second I can tell you that the Swedes are again measured as the least racist people in the world. But we do have a huge problem with taking care of around 200 000 - 250 000 immigrants coming to Sweden May 22 22:35
roy_each year. We do the best we can, but our government have washed their hands and left all the problems to be handled by us."May 22 22:35
roy_XFaCE: see about ScndinaviaMay 22 22:54
TechrightsSocialTitle: The truth is incorrect - YouTube .::. Size~: 222.3 KBMay 22 22:54
roy_They refuse to "ethnically identify"May 22 22:54
roy_The Swedish journalism goes far to avoid itMay 22 22:54
roy_Right now the UK is talkig about a beheading in the southMay 22 22:56
trmanco 22 23:08
TechrightsSocialTitle: Avaaz - Obama -- Guantanamo ends now .::. Size~: 44.04 KBMay 22 23:08
MinceR"move to" or actually close?May 22 23:08
trmancohopefully closeMay 22 23:10
eikonos 22 23:12
TechrightsSocial@MarkDriver: Political progress is mostly about waiting for old people to die. #GreatestDegenerationMay 22 23:12
*abeNd-org has quit (Quit: Leaving.)May 22 23:26
roy_hehMay 22 23:35

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