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Re: debian/RH question

Fabien Ninoles <ninf01@ptah.GEL.USherb.CA> writes:

> I've never used myself dftp but really appreciate your
> demonstration. Do you think we can make a tk or ncurses interface
> with it ? I personnally like all the warnings and info but some
> users are really used to the "just say me what I already know" from
> Windows or other 'user friendly / power user unfriendly' system.

Well, it would certainly be possible, but I probably won't be the one
to do it anytime soon.  I know perl-tk, but I have too much else going
on right now, and little incentive to work on that since I'm perfectly
happy with the terminal interface.  I may eventually upgrade the
terminal interface to ncurses, but don't hold your breath :>

Dftp works pretty well as it is, and I'd rather spend the time adding
dependency sorting (potentially via pkg-order) and considering the
issues involved in making it easier to orchestrate mutiple-machine
upgrades from a single program.  I'm not talking about the
configuration database stuff (though that will help), but more about a
simple, multi-machine dftp.

The assumption would be that you'd have a number of packages that were
common to all the machines, and could be handled identically, and then
a much smaller list of packages that you had to deal with representing
each machine's special cases.  You'd go through the same steps as you
do now with dftp, but answer more questions (the machine specific
ones).  Then dftp would handle getting all the necessary packages to
each relevant machine (or where they could see them), and running all
the installs sequentially (or perhaps if you have X, in parallel
rxvt's).  You'd still have to be there to handle any installer
interaction on each machine, but it would be much faster than what we
have now.


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