About Bryan Lunduke
Bryan Lunduke is freaking awesome, that’s who… he is.
Co-Host of audio and video shows at Jupiter Broadcasting, including: Linux Action Show, Beer is Tasty and CastaBlasta.
Creator, writer and freaking star of Mack Murphy, P.I.
Founder of Radical Breeze and developer of RadicalCodex.
I also like to express my opinions on Today in Retarded while simultaneously offending people with my blasphemous little comic.
Want to get ahold of me? bryan at lunduke dot com.
3 Responses to “About Bryan Lunduke”
Kris - April 30th, 2009
I just listened to your video on your post “Linux Sucks!”
and I have an idea for you to consider..
I think ubuntu has succeeded in gaining the main share of linux users by providing an easy, polished, powerful distribution with the latest technologies.
I think people want this.
Now, I was thinking, maybe linux should consider making an “App Store” similar to what you find on an iphone.
Developers or teams can then build applications either for free or for a fee. Have them open source, or, if it is a commercial company, closed.
Think of how this has sparked development for the iphone, and lets copy this working business / marketing model to help improve linux.
Doing this, people can get a standard operating system / distribution, download the free ones, and if they need something special, pay a small sum for it.
Apple’s model is to get 40% of the money from its app store sales, and 60% goes to the developer. I was thinking, for linux maybe 20% goes to general linux development, 10% to the distribution, and depending, 70% to either the developer or 70% to the project.
This way, we can keep our applications developing, and still keep them open source.
A joint effort between distributions would be required to maintain the app store, however it would fit in extremely well with current application packaging.
In general, capitalism succeeds where communism fails, in that it encourages growth.
I send this to you, as you probably have more of a voice than me in the open source world, but also to hear your opinion. Please at the very least send me an email to let me know you have read my comment.
David Nickel - April 30th, 2009
I agree with a lot of what you say you can’t fight what you say on all your points if you do your a freaking idiot.
We need a standard packages yes .
We need certain commercial apps yes.
How do we get Linux distro’s to make the move?
I run a tech/modding website i have to dual boot ,
i test hardware and software and review it,
I always ask if they support Linux.
How can I help in this area as a media person besides what I ,
do already in your view?
As far as distro’s go i love Ubuntu, but Mepis and right now Super Gamer are my distro’s of choice.
Super gamer is based on vector Linux now an he does stuff that just rocks his distro is the only one I know works on the 750a chipset and sata right now(the beta).
His distro is also the first to run all the demos and full games via live DVD with full 3d support for ati or nvidia.
via the open source drivers or the proprietary ones.
He used PCLinuxOS at first but uses Vector now.
He uses a ton of his own custom coding.
How do I get a Dev like him to switch to a standard package base?
How Do I get a distro to use a standard package base?
Also can you provide me with the full video for the event I’d love to watch it all the q&a after etc.
Also while I know dev’s need to eat one of the reasons,
most users of Linux use it is cause it is free.
It is the alternative to windows because of lack of bloat ware an no need to pay 300 or so bucks.
How do we support the dev’s and the end user’s in this model with out making the dev’s starve and the end users leave due to high cost?
I look forward to more talks with you maybe we could do a email based interview with you.
I thank you for your time.
James Edezhath - May 1st, 2009
I have been using linux for the past 4-5 years and I would really like to pay money for the great value that I obtain from Linux. When I started out, not knowing any better, I bought a paid subscription from Novell SuSE so that I can contribute to the effort in my small way. Without going into all the gory details, let’s just say I concluded that was not the best way to go about it and since then I am wary of contributing to individual projects.
What I would like see is a mechanism that that there is a clearing house like United Way (but without the bad things associated with it and organized in an open and volunteer based way) so that I can pay my dues and designate which project should receive money from me.
There was an effort to launch a credit card and raise money in the past. That was sort of a step in the good direction, but perhaps lacking in organizational set up that is required. Obviously organizational structure is required for collecting funds as well as ensuring the money is spent well.
The major benefit that I see come out of this is that in the long-term the FOSS code will expand, as against paying a commercial vendor where the code (and the knowledge) does not grow.
I am not a developer, but what I find there are no opportunities for someone like me to support FOSS. My sense is that there may be more people like me.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
Doug - May 5th, 2009
Your comment is awaiting moderation.Hey Bryan, the next time you have an issue with Open Office, have you considered contacting the support forum ?
“How many people amoung you have had an issue with Open Office and you fixed it. One ,two, that’s pretty good, ok so two out of how many people, odds are for the rest of us Linux and Open Office suck”
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