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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 29th, 2010

schestowitzScary stuff: 29 00:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Fight the Irish Blasphemy Law .::. Size~: 76.32 KBMar 29 00:09
*Tallken has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Mar 29 00:10
schestowitzIf you believe your peanut butter made man and someone ridicules it, then you can sue for 25000 eurosMar 29 00:10
cubezzz???Mar 29 00:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @sil Labour cares. About record companies. Not you. 29 00:18
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  .::. Size~: 8.21 KBMar 29 00:18
*jweyrich ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 00:19
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 00:41
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Links 28/3/2010: Sabayon 5.2 and GIMP Fun 29 00:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Links 28/3/2010: Sabayon 5.2 and GIMP Fun | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 168.39 KBMar 29 00:43
schestowitz"> Aha, good. Just wanted to make sure, because that documentary is too good to miss. I should probably go now to watch what I can of her other work like "Torture Made in Amerika" (sic) >By the way, I experimented with Konq as my main browser for 3 days. The only trouble I've had recently is that some sites like Facebook give me the mobile device interface. To get around that problem on Facebook, I use a user-agent string of Opera. I Mar 29 00:49
schestowitzguess it's the downside of running a good, but relatively rarely used desktop browser which is more commonly used by mobile device makers. Despite this little trouble, I feel like it compares very well with other browsers."Mar 29 00:49
ender2070I have my konq identify as chromeMar 29 00:50
MinceRgnMar 29 00:50
schestowitzOdd humour. 29 00:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.1 KBMar 29 00:51
schestowitzgn here tooMar 29 00:51
schestowitz 29 00:54
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: ☞ Monkey Business « Wild Webmink .::. Size~: 40.4 KBMar 29 00:54
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @peterdaou Fatty,refined #food may cause cocaine/heroin-like compulsion 2 overeat /good read! #obesity #diet #healthMar 29 01:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Fatty foods may cause cocaine-like addiction - .::. Size~: 54.53 KBMar 29 01:11
ender2070sugar causes the same thingMar 29 01:14
*bruce89 (~bruce89@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 01:21
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Just added tarfile Python snippets from Tim, and kicked off os module snippets. :-)Mar 29 02:54
*tessier has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 02:56
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Mar 29 02:58
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Mar 29 03:00
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 03:02
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 03:13
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 29 03:17
*DaemonFC ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 03:22
*bruce89 has quit (Quit: What's this button do?)Mar 29 03:23
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: brb)Mar 29 03:24
DaemonFC 29 03:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Source says Christian militia targeted in Midwest raids  - .::. Size~: 47.75 KBMar 29 03:25
*ianto has quit (Quit: Y mae dafad ddu ym mhob praidd - Every flock has its black sheep)Mar 29 03:28
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 29 04:12
DaemonFCschestowitz: I found a car I thinkMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCmy cousin is selling me hersMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCgot a deal on it cause it needs some workMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCbrakes and a new windshieldMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCnothing major I guessMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCI can do the brake pads and rotors myselfMar 29 04:21
DaemonFCI will have to get someone else to do the windshieldMar 29 04:21
*WireWulfz is now known as WireWulfMar 29 04:22
*WireWulf has quit (Changing host)Mar 29 04:22
*WireWulf (smokybear@unaffiliated/wirewulf) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 04:22
DaemonFCI don't really know that it even needs rotors but I assume soMar 29 04:22
DaemonFCseems everyone other than me just murders their brakes and rides them out as they're squealing until the rotors can't be savedMar 29 04:23
*jweyrich has quit (Quit: eof.)Mar 29 04:32
*enthymeme ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 04:43
DaemonFCJesus loves me, he loves me a bunch, cause he always puts Skippy in my lunchMar 29 04:56
DaemonFClalalaMar 29 04:56
*DaemonFC boredMar 29 04:56
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 04:56
*DaemonFC ragesMar 29 04:57
*DaemonFC smash jonoMar 29 04:57
jonohey DaemonFCMar 29 04:57
DaemonFCmorningMar 29 04:57
jonoDaemonFC, what's up, honeybunny?Mar 29 04:57
DaemonFCuhhhmMar 29 04:57
DaemonFCI didn't know you caredMar 29 04:57
DaemonFC:DMar 29 04:57
jono:)Mar 29 04:57
jonoI always careMar 29 04:57
jono:)Mar 29 04:58
DaemonFCI think I scored a new-ish car at a price that makes it a winMar 29 04:58
jonosweetMar 29 04:58
jonowhat kind of car?Mar 29 04:58
DaemonFC2001 Pontiac SunfireMar 29 04:58
jonoawesomeMar 29 04:58
DaemonFCneeds brakes and a windshield, no big dealMar 29 04:58
DaemonFCpriced out the windshield at $243Mar 29 04:58
DaemonFCit happened to be my favorite colorMar 29 04:59
DaemonFCthat's a bonusMar 29 04:59
DaemonFCand it has a CD player too!Mar 29 04:59
DaemonFCno more conversion kitMar 29 05:00
DaemonFChard to find CD to 8-track conversion kits ;)Mar 29 05:01
DaemonFCthank goodness ebay has everythingMar 29 05:01
DaemonFCI really hate this Ford TaurusMar 29 05:01
DaemonFCI've decided to sell it for scrap metalMar 29 05:02
DaemonFCit's too evil to continue limping onMar 29 05:02
DaemonFCnow they can melt it down and 1,000 new cars will be made with the metal recoveredMar 29 05:03
DaemonFCthen all their owners will be cursedMar 29 05:03
DaemonFCbut only 1/1,000th as cursed as meMar 29 05:03
DaemonFCjono: FORD backwars is DROF :)Mar 29 05:08
DaemonFCDriver Returns On FootMar 29 05:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@kirillcool Let's do what Hollywood does to settle debate bw dynamic & static languages-dance-off! //nah, hollywood LOVES false dichotomiesMar 29 05:10
DaemonFCI may have to clean the fuel injectorsMar 29 05:12
DaemonFCmy cousin said it idles a bit rough sometimesMar 29 05:12
DaemonFCof course it could be a dirty air filterMar 29 05:12
DaemonFCpeople ignore thoseMar 29 05:12
jonoyeahMar 29 05:13
jonocool man :)Mar 29 05:13
DaemonFCjono: I'm trying to prioritize repairs as I have money for themMar 29 05:15
DaemonFCbrakes are obviously firstMar 29 05:15
DaemonFCwindshield can wait a few months, but I want that done before winterMar 29 05:16
jonomakes senseMar 29 05:16
jonookMar 29 05:16
jonobiabMar 29 05:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] why pro-war powers & criminal corporations want to destroy @wikileaks (Salon) #cia #usa #war #afghanistan #aclu #foiaMar 29 05:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - Glenn Greenwald - .::. Size~: 76.41 KBMar 29 05:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Andy just contributed a particularly cool Python snippet for showing how to create a webkit based UI button #pythonMar 29 05:43
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  The Acire Snippets Project .::. Size~: 12.72 KBMar 29 05:43
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@saraheartsyou Murders are not fun. But make for good #news //hear Murdoch cackle "My #evil work here is done" #tabloidism #fear #paranoiaMar 29 06:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @Tosfm @troothinfo Canada won't take Chinese Muslims from #Guantanamo // #Harper leads #Canada further into uncivilised watersMar 29 06:23
DaemonFCthis all assumes that they're not just attention whoringMar 29 06:24
DaemonFCI've never seen anything terribly interesting on WikileaksMar 29 06:24
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #Harper the turd being transparently dishonest as usual RT @Lahey13 #Canada forbids reporting of #war casualties #cdnpoliMar 29 06:28
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: .::. Size~: 4.12 KBMar 29 06:28
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMar 29 06:34
*sebsebseb has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Mar 29 06:36
*Omar87 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 07:09
*aropupu__ has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
*MinceR has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
*xfcu has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
*Aondo has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
*thenixedreport has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
*phIRCe-BNcom has quit (*.net *.split)Mar 29 07:22
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Writing an article for Linux Journal. :-)Mar 29 07:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] ...and listening to Bad Obsession by Guns n' Roses :-)Mar 29 07:37
*Aondo (stian@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*aropupu__ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*MinceR (~mincer@unaffiliated/mincer) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*thenixedreport (~thenixedr@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*phIRCe-BNcom (~b0t@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*xfcu ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 07:40
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMar 29 07:44
schestowitzjono: Linux Journal still alive? :-)Mar 29 08:08
jonoschestowitz it is indeed :)Mar 29 08:08
schestowitzTheir site has decided to grind to a haltMar 29 08:08
schestowitzI reckon they have enough for the monthly release, but it's just not how it used to be on the siteMar 29 08:09
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Weekly Videocast Topics Suggestion Page - add your topics that you want covering! #ubuntuMar 29 08:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:                   Weekly Videocast Topics Suggestion Page | jonobacon@home                     .::. Size~: 25.58 KBMar 29 08:09
jonorightMar 29 08:11
schestowitzI had a chat with a friend yesterday because he's in journalism over here and he still refuses to accept that paper publications have their days numberedMar 29 08:14
schestowitzYouTube seems to have explored another model, making hardware to access content (Intel/Sony/Google)Mar 29 08:15
schestowitzjono: you stopped posting for ZDNet temporarily/due to laziness?Mar 29 08:23
jonoschestowitz just got busy with other stuffMar 29 08:24
jonoI only have limited non-work time availableMar 29 08:24
schestowitz 29 08:30
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 29 08:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: ST-Ericsson uses Linux | - Suaju Lean Management .::. Size~: 13.72 KBMar 29 08:30
schestowitzWow. Lots of good news todayMar 29 08:30
schestowitz"The officially released version of the BPhone has the ARM Linux 2.6 as its operating system and on the inside; one would find a Marvell processor which runs at 624MHz." Mar 29 08:33
*enthymeme has quit (Quit: rcirc on GNU Emacs 23.1.1)Mar 29 08:33
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] "ARM Linux" is not a distro: 29 08:34
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BPhone Now Available for $570 | TopNews United States .::. Size~: 62.67 KBMar 29 08:34
schestowitz"Running “ARM Linux 2.6” on a Marvell PXA310 processor running at 624MHz, the tech specs show that it was actually launched in January 2010, but only seems to have caught the attention of the IT press now, nearly three months later."Mar 29 08:36
schestowitzOthers caught that too 29 08:37
schestowitz 29 08:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: - Story: Rumor: Sony Planning on Removing Linux from Fat PS3s to Combat Piracy .::. Size~: 29.52 KBMar 29 08:41
schestowitzJust rumourMar 29 08:41
schestowitzWTH? 29 08:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Firmware Update to Kill Linux - Playstation 3 News .::. Size~: 10.58 KBMar 29 08:42
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 08:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] LibDems: when your *actions* are jawdroppingly awful, answering "here's some more nice words" as if that's a refutation is dodging the pointMar 29 08:45
DaemonFCschestowitz: You don't really have a choice btwMar 29 08:52
DaemonFCthe firmware updates are shipped on the game discs as wellMar 29 08:52
schestowitzWhat about labs that use PS3?Mar 29 09:04
schestowitzThey don't gameMar 29 09:04
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 29 09:06
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[zoobab] Theora threatened by MPEGLA? Only a declaration of non-infringement by a court can clarify the situation: 29 09:34
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Theora More of a Patent Threat than H264? Wait, What? .::. Size~: 34.78 KBMar 29 09:34
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMar 29 09:39
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @glynmoody RT @jobsworth If the Digital Economy Bill goes through in its current shape we will see some *real* civil disobedienceMar 29 09:57
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[trmanco] Getting your facts straight is always important to you, but no... More for Aquarius 29 09:58
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL: HTTP/1.1 301 Temporary Redirect .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 09:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] hehehe - Ever Heard about "Divorce Cakes"? #funMar 29 10:16
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Just Like That: Ever Heard about "Divorce Cakes"? .::. Size~: 109.94 KBMar 29 10:16
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[thistleweb] | Operation "Bribe The Peasents" continuesMar 29 10:17
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC News - Conservatives to block National Insurance tax rise .::. Size~: 51.06 KBMar 29 10:17
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @uupc We interview Simon Phipps @webmink tonight.Let us know if there's any burning questions you have about Sun.OSI,or anything elseMar 29 10:23
DaemonFCBribe them with what?Mar 29 10:48
DaemonFCbeer, cigarettes, and pizza?Mar 29 10:49
DaemonFCschestowitz: Have you ever noticed that they can come out and get poor people to chant "No new taxes!!!" when the tax is only on people making more than $250,000 a year?Mar 29 10:50
DaemonFC90%+ of the population does not make that much per yearMar 29 10:51
DaemonFCyet they act like it's a tax on working families barely making ends meetMar 29 10:51
DaemonFCspeaks volumes about how stupid most people areMar 29 10:51
DaemonFCmost people just make me want to beat them over the head with a whiffle bat shouting "STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!"Mar 29 10:52
satiperaFC, those rich people need incentives to work, poor people need to be coercedMar 29 10:52
DaemonFCincentives?Mar 29 10:52
DaemonFC$250,000 a year is not an incentive?Mar 29 10:53
DaemonFCI can understand not wanting to work for $9 an hour when everything hurts and the workplace is unsafe and filthyMar 29 10:53
satiperawell the poor dears apparently get depressed if they have to pay the same proportion of tax as poor people and refuse to workMar 29 10:53
DaemonFC$250,000 a year is what pencil pushers in some cozy office job makeMar 29 10:54
DaemonFCwhy should they need any incentive?Mar 29 10:54
schestowitz 29 10:55
satiperaThat is the excuse put forward for their greedMar 29 10:55
DaemonFCthe more money a person has, the less likely they are to have earned itMar 29 10:55
DaemonFCit's a law :)Mar 29 10:55
satiperahere is another money and time the more you have the more you wasteMar 29 10:55
satiperaGovernments have a problem taxing high earners, poor people are sitting ducksMar 29 10:56
DaemonFCyeah, no lobbyists, no campaign contributionsMar 29 10:57
DaemonFCcan blame the other partyMar 29 10:57
satiperaHalf the bankers in the city are threatening to go abroad at the momentMar 29 10:57
DaemonFC:)Mar 29 10:57
DaemonFCso?Mar 29 10:58
DaemonFCthey still do business there, right?Mar 29 10:58
DaemonFCtax them on thatMar 29 10:58
satiperaAlthough it is mostly hot air it does underline the problem of fairly taxing these peopleMar 29 10:58
DaemonFCthey can hide it all in the cayman islandsMar 29 10:59
DaemonFC:)Mar 29 10:59
satiperaThat has been interesting, watching major regimes trying to clamp down on tax havensMar 29 11:00
DaemonFCyay, 75 on ThursdayMar 29 11:02
DaemonFCB-)Mar 29 11:02
DaemonFC 29 11:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Dailymotion - Evidence Fail - a Funny video .::. Size~: 56.21 KBMar 29 11:03
DaemonFC 29 11:14
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Mexican Police Chief DECAPITATED By Drug Cartel .::. Size~: 181.89 KBMar 29 11:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[satipera] MP's expenses report being delivered now, gist is some MP's have to stand a little further away from the trough.Mar 29 11:27
*Diablo-D3 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 11:31
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] RT @gilescoren Cheap arse eats out. /'nother smashingly hilarious #London restaurant takedown "Comfort: 10. Cooking: 3"Mar 29 11:39
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  Giles Coren reviews Apsleys - Times Online  .::. Size~: 105.19 KBMar 29 11:39
MinceRj0Mar 29 11:43
schestowitz*LOL* this is great: 29 11:44
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Symphony of Science - 'We Are All Connected' (ft. Sagan, Feynman, deGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye) .::. Size~: 144.95 KBMar 29 11:44
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] UK Government pushing for increasingly terrorist agenda 29 11:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: UK government wants to secretly read your postal mail - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 36.91 KBMar 29 11:57
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Why is the UNIX copyright case a jury trial? None of the juriors know Copyright law 29 12:02
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Hubble builds dark matter 3D map !scienceMar 29 12:02
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Jury deliberating UNIX ownership in ongoing SCO trial .::. Size~: 27.15 KBMar 29 12:02
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Hubble Builds 3D Dark Matter Map : Big Pic : Discovery News .::. Size~: 28.02 KBMar 29 12:03
*indark (~michael@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 12:03
*aropupu__ ( has left #boycottnovellMar 29 12:13
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] ok #Huawei, your silly usb 3G modem helper app takes 20% cpu, 70+MB resident memory, AND spams my logs. Thanks a bunch! #failMar 29 12:25
*indark has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 12:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Daily news gathered in 29 12:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Links 29/3/2010: More Tablets With GNU/Linux, IETF Codec | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 165.51 KBMar 29 12:53
cubezzzI'm still not sure about what the deal is with UnixMar 29 12:53
cubezzzif I wanted a modern Unix, where would I buy it from even?Mar 29 12:54
cubezzzis AIX still current?Mar 29 12:55
cubezzzlast update 2007Mar 29 12:56
MinceR 29 12:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 12:57
MinceRsony proves to its customers that it was a mistake to buy their productsMar 29 12:58
cubezzzsome of their DVD players had high failure partsMar 29 12:58
cubezzzI'd never buy a consoleMar 29 12:59
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Ok guys, How about FOSSDEVCONF ?? #foss (India Biggest ever Developer Oriented Conference)Mar 29 13:18
DaemonFC 29 13:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: FBI raids Christian militia group in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan | The Columbus Dispatch .::. Size~: 55.82 KBMar 29 13:23
DaemonFC"They said they were under attack by the ATF and wanted a place to hide," he said. "My team leader said, 'No thanks.'"Mar 29 13:23
DaemonFClolMar 29 13:23
DaemonFCwise decisionMar 29 13:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] Ok, You I will be able to ssh my car in future ;) #andriodMar 29 13:23
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:   Worlds First Android-Equipped Car Enters Production .::. Size~: 35.74 KBMar 29 13:23
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] My son is such a boy. So cute that he gets out his hobby horse. Then puts it on his shoulder and uses it like a rocket launcher.Mar 29 13:37
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] My account balance is low ;( any proxy method in mobile world ;)Mar 29 13:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] >@Symbolman @CRA1G If Palin were 80 lb heavier/15yrs older, with exactly same ideas, think she'd still be in the spotlight? //works 4 CheneyMar 29 13:42
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[sagarun/@sagarun] Career Advice – Don’t ever become a typist and struggle like me : #nice /via @rsukumarMar 29 13:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: SAST Wingees | Career Advice  Dont ever become a typist and struggle like me .::. Size~: 86.07 KBMar 29 13:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft ’s practices of #tax avoidance and ‘Internet tax’ continue to be defended by former #Microsoft managers 29 13:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Microsofts Mojave Experiment With Tax and Cronies | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 99.77 KBMar 29 13:53
DaemonFCuggghMar 29 13:57
DaemonFCfriend of mine is complaining about Walmart oil changesMar 29 13:57
DaemonFCI told him to just be glad it had oil in it when he leftMar 29 13:57
thenixedreportlolMar 29 13:57
DaemonFCno reason to pay them for the full service, your car leaves with a dirty air filter, bad wiper blades, and they don't top off the wiper fluid, the tires, or check the batteryMar 29 13:59
DaemonFCthenixedreport: I had them refuse to change my oil once cause the cord to unlatch the hood had come loose from the handleMar 29 13:59
DaemonFCso I connected them and was like "There, is that better?"Mar 29 13:59
DaemonFCthey told me that might cause my hood to fly open and make me crash....whatever *jerks his hand back and forth a few times*Mar 29 14:00
DaemonFCidiotsMar 29 14:00
DaemonFCso finally they had me sign a paper stating that I unlatched the hoodMar 29 14:01
DaemonFC:)Mar 29 14:01
DaemonFCI told them the people that get them sued is THEMMar 29 14:01
DaemonFCthe most horrific part about Walmart oil changes is that Walmart is "self-insured", so if they fuck up your car, you have to ask them to fix itMar 29 14:02
DaemonFCmeaning, sue themMar 29 14:02
DaemonFCWalmart TLE is like a back alley coat hanger abortionMar 29 14:03
Diablo-D3DaemonFC: wait wait waitMar 29 14:03
Diablo-D3rewind hereMar 29 14:03
DaemonFCyes?Mar 29 14:03
Diablo-D3<DaemonFC> I hate Walmart, Walmart sucksMar 29 14:03
DaemonFCI haven't let them do anything to my car in yearsMar 29 14:04
DaemonFCwhat scares me is so many people doMar 29 14:04
DaemonFCdid you know a car will make it about 2-3 miles without oil before the engine seizes up?Mar 29 14:05
DaemonFCHow do I know? The stores I worked at had to buy a few enginesMar 29 14:05
DaemonFCcause the guy in TLE didn't put the drain plug back on before putting the oil inMar 29 14:05
DaemonFCTLE has high turnover, they make about $8.50 an hour and work there just long enough to go get a job at a competitor making more like $10.50 an hourMar 29 14:07
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] fossdevconf 23-24 October 2010 at Pune Website will be updated soon ! #fossdevconfMar 29 14:07
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: FOSSDevConf on LinkedIn Events .::. Size~: 6.63 KBMar 29 14:07
thenixedreportBtw, somebody told me about how they were told by people at the local college not to put Wal-Mart on their resueMar 29 14:08
thenixedreport*resumeMar 29 14:08
thenixedreportOr use them as a reference.Mar 29 14:08
DaemonFCDiablo-D3: The last time I used them for anything was a new set of tires that the guy put the wrong sized weights inMar 29 14:08
DaemonFCgot up to about 50 mph and kachunk kachunk kachunk......Mar 29 14:09
DaemonFCso I drive back....pissed, and they told me I'd have to wait 3 hours before they fixed itMar 29 14:09
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 14:09
DaemonFCand so I called the district manager and chewed ass, they couldn't get my car in fast enoughMar 29 14:09
DaemonFC"Here, lets bleed 3 more hours out of your day fixing something WE fucked up"Mar 29 14:10
*MinceR wishes asus chose a wifi card for eee pc-s that can actually do something beyond listing the ESSIDsMar 29 14:11
DaemonFCso thanks to them, I didn't get underway that day until about 45 minutes late and had to haul ass to get where I was goingMar 29 14:11
DaemonFCmade it was about 5 minutes to spare before the entire group left without meMar 29 14:11
DaemonFC*withMar 29 14:12
DaemonFCdon't go to Walmart TLE when you need to be on time somewhere else that day or are not prepared to live with the fact that saving $50 may damned well cost you your lifeMar 29 14:12
DaemonFCthenixedreport: HR just gives whoever calls for the reference an 800 numberMar 29 14:13
DaemonFCand the person they talk to there can only tell them the date you started, the date you left, and how much you made when you were hired and when you leftMar 29 14:14
DaemonFCthey won't discuss why you left, even if you were firedMar 29 14:14
DaemonFCthenixedreport: another neat thing is that you can call any store on the planet by dialing 1-700-701-store numberMar 29 14:15
DaemonFC:)Mar 29 14:15
DaemonFCso like 1-700-701-2311 gets you Huntington, IndianaMar 29 14:16
DaemonFCso like 1-700-701-1665 would get you Muncie northMar 29 14:16
DaemonFCso like 1-700-701-1325 gets you Columbia CityMar 29 14:16
DaemonFC;)Mar 29 14:16
DaemonFCthenixedreport"And they changed the paging code from #96 to #961"Mar 29 14:17
DaemonFCso, wanna know something cool?Mar 29 14:17
thenixedreportGo for it.Mar 29 14:17
DaemonFCyou can probably call in and ask the person that answer to connect you to #961Mar 29 14:17
thenixedreportCripes!Mar 29 14:17
DaemonFCthen you can tell the customers what you think of Walmart until they can figure out how to cut you offMar 29 14:17
DaemonFCyou might have a whileMar 29 14:18
MinceR:DMar 29 14:18
thenixedreportIdk.Mar 29 14:18
thenixedreportThe phone operators during the day aren't that stupid.Mar 29 14:18
thenixedreportlolMar 29 14:18
DaemonFCthe people they hire in are stupid, they probably don't even know that's the intercomMar 29 14:18
DaemonFCthey just hit the page buttonMar 29 14:19
DaemonFCthenixedreport: They have an auto answering system at the store hereMar 29 14:20
DaemonFCyou can connect yourself to the intercomMar 29 14:20
DaemonFCthenixedreport: The interesting thing is that the self-checkouts use a scale, right?Mar 29 14:21
DaemonFCso you print out some sticky labels at home with the UPC for the generic store brand stuffMar 29 14:21
DaemonFCstick them on the brand name stuffMar 29 14:21
DaemonFCyou mess up their inventory system and get some cheap groceries too :PMar 29 14:21
DaemonFCthe generics and the name brands weigh the same, so it won't call the cashier overMar 29 14:22
DaemonFCI've caused them some major hell since I've leftMar 29 14:26
DaemonFCtrust meMar 29 14:26
DaemonFCnot like that, but I know their system :)Mar 29 14:27
DaemonFCthenixedreport: So what do you think of the far-right Christian Identity cult that was raided this morning? :)Mar 29 14:29
DaemonFCThey're not worried about health care, Jesus is coming back...apparentlyMar 29 14:29
DaemonFCit never fails that some random guy says "This is when Jesus is coming back", so they all sell their stuff and tie up loose ends and wait, and wait, and waitMar 29 14:30
DaemonFCand oh shit, he didn't come backMar 29 14:30
DaemonFCwould you look at that?Mar 29 14:30
MinceRapparently upgrading the driver to the backported version fixed wifi on my eee pcMar 29 14:35
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Anti-ACTA poster on 4chan - widening the anti-#ACTA front #4chanMar 29 15:04
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: p2pnet news  » Blog Archive   » Anti-ACTA poster on 4chan .::. Size~: 45.88 KBMar 29 15:04
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] Shell Oil Behind London Science Museum Decision to Take Anti-Science Stance on Global Warming? - rt @glynmoodyMar 29 15:06
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Leslie Berliant | Shell Oil Behind London Science Museum Decision to Take Anti-Science Stance on Global Warming?  .::. Size~: 38.46 KBMar 29 15:06
*ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 29 15:08
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_the_mad_hatter] RE: @paidContent Hum, another disaster in the making. Unless the Spectator can offer far better content than th… 29 15:14
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Spectators iPad Mag Will Have Monthly Pay Membrane| paidContent:UK .::. Size~: 30.22 KBMar 29 15:14
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Misleading PR Campaign From #Microsoft About “Open Source” #freesoftware #iso #novellMar 29 15:36
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Misleading PR Campaign From Microsoft About “Open Source” | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 112.54 KBMar 29 15:36
balrogschestowitz: heard about Sony dropping Linux/OtherOS support from the PS3?Mar 29 15:43
balrogI see a lawsuit comingMar 29 15:43
*gargoyle-grin ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 15:44
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Changing host)Mar 29 15:44
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 15:44
schestowitzbalrog: did people counterfeit with it?Mar 29 15:47
Diablo-D3balrog: a lawsuit? noMar 29 15:48
Diablo-D3the PS3 slims cant run linux because its missing stuff in the firmware for itMar 29 15:48
Diablo-D3its a hardware changeMar 29 15:48
Diablo-D3its also not advertised to run linux eitherMar 29 15:48
MinceRDiablo-D3: with the next patch non-slim PS3s cease to be able to do soMar 29 15:48
Diablo-D3MinceR: good.Mar 29 15:48
MinceR134613 < MinceR> 29 15:49
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3linux on PS3 doesnt work rightMar 29 15:49
balrogschestowitz: nope, at least not yetMar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3if you dont like it, buy a tiny atom box... it'll run linux faster.Mar 29 15:49
balrogDiablo-D3: NOMar 29 15:49
MinceRscrewing customers is "good" in your book?Mar 29 15:49
balrogthey're releasing a *software update* that removes OtherOS/Linux from OLD PS3'sMar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3MinceR: they bought a sony.Mar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3thats their problemMar 29 15:49
MinceRindeedMar 29 15:49
balrogso yes, a lawsuit is likelyMar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3if they want to run linux, they should buy a machine _JUST FOR IT_Mar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3balrog: unlikelyMar 29 15:49
balrogOtherOS was an advertised featureMar 29 15:49
Diablo-D3no one buys a PS3 for linuxMar 29 15:49
MinceRum, there was some add-on for the PS3 specifically for the running of linuxMar 29 15:50
balrogDiablo-D3: where can I get a Cell-based computer to develop on?Mar 29 15:50
Diablo-D3balrog: quite a few placesMar 29 15:50
Diablo-D3in fact, you can buy a machine that has _actual Cells_Mar 29 15:50
balrogCell workstations are WAY overpricedMar 29 15:50
Diablo-D3PS3 doesnt even use a CellMar 29 15:50
MinceRthat's newMar 29 15:50
balrogDiablo-D3: don't spread FUDMar 29 15:50
MinceRhave any more such "insights" to share with us?Mar 29 15:50
Diablo-D3its a cut down Cell that retains the 8 SPUs, but has a single PPC core that is extremely slowMar 29 15:50
MinceRso it's a cellMar 29 15:51
balrogbut it's still good for development for the Cell architectureMar 29 15:51
balrogdo you *need* full power if you're writing code? I think notMar 29 15:51
Diablo-D3it may be "3ghz", but they butchered the cache controller, removed Altivec, and its no longer out of order executionMar 29 15:51
Diablo-D3it has the speed of a 500mhz G3.Mar 29 15:51
Diablo-D3the dual threading feature is also designed wrongMar 29 15:51
balroganyway, the fact is that this was an advertised feature and now they're dropping itMar 29 15:51
balrogit still is an advertised feature: 29 15:52
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Open Platform for PLAYSTATION®3 .::. Size~: 5.01 KBMar 29 15:52
balrogdoesn't say anywhere they're removing it from the PS3 fat, on that pageMar 29 15:52
Diablo-D3the only way to get performance out of the PS3 on the PPC core is to use Sony's compiler, which cant compile Linux.Mar 29 15:52
MinceRhm, i think the add-on i thought i remembered was for the PS2, the PS3 supported linux out of the boxMar 29 15:52
balrogMinceR: yes, exactlyMar 29 15:52
MinceRbalrog: the post i linked does say they're removing it from "fat" PS3sMar 29 15:52
balrogfirmware 1.60 added Linux supportMar 29 15:52
balrogMinceR: yes, that was my pointMar 29 15:52
Diablo-D3A _real_ Cell has two actual real PPC 970FX cores.Mar 29 15:52
Diablo-D3so no, if you're doing Cell development on a PS3, you're not really doing Cell development at allMar 29 15:53
Diablo-D3you're wasting time and moneyMar 29 15:53
balrogbut they're still advertising it as having Linux support somewhere on their siteMar 29 15:53
balrogDiablo-D3: Cell architecture is Cell architectureMar 29 15:53
Diablo-D3balrog: yes, and the PS3 doesnt have itMar 29 15:53
balrogI don't need a quad-core CPU to write multithreaded apps for that architectureMar 29 15:53
Diablo-D3its like saying a 486 is a Core 2 because they're both x86.Mar 29 15:53
Diablo-D3balrog: wrong.Mar 29 15:53
MinceRwhat other PPCs beside Cells have SPUs?Mar 29 15:53
Diablo-D3the SPUs are just vector processorsMar 29 15:54
MinceRi thought they were what differentiated a Cell from a regular PPCMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3they cant run code on their ownMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3MinceR: noMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3they have POWERS with the SPUs now tooMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3er, POWERsMar 29 15:54
balrogstill, very expensiveMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3and you can also buy them with no PPC in the chip at allMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3stand alone SPUsMar 29 15:54
Diablo-D3balrog: ps3s arent cheapMar 29 15:55
balrogcheaper than standalone CellsMar 29 15:55
Diablo-D3not reallyMar 29 15:55
balrogand they also play gamesMar 29 15:55
MinceRespecially now that they do less for the same money :>Mar 29 15:55
Diablo-D3I get about four tines the total performance out of a single socket real Cell workstation, and they cost twice as muchMar 29 15:55
balrogMinceR: not just thatMar 29 15:55
Diablo-D3and Im not limited to single socket eitherMar 29 15:55
balrogthey're removing previously-advertised functionalityMar 29 15:55
Diablo-D3I can get 2U boxes that have four CellsMar 29 15:55
balrogDiablo-D3: that's all besides the pointMar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3thats 8 "G5" cores (970FX), with full functionalityMar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3and 32 SPU coresMar 29 15:56
balrogpoint is, Sony is removing an *advertised* featureMar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3and guess what? they're actually _enabled!_Mar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3the PS3 turnes off twoMar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3one for yield at the manufacturer, one is taken by the OS hypervisorMar 29 15:56
MinceRDiablo-D3: if someone bought a PS3 for that advertised feature they're removing now, will you give them such a box? or will sony do the same?Mar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3if you wanna bitch about advertising, why dont you bitch about Sony lying about the PS3Mar 29 15:56
Diablo-D3its not a fucking CellMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3and it never will beMar 29 15:57
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 15:57
MinceRthat's we're doing right nowMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3its hacked up technology based on the CellMar 29 15:57
balrogDiablo-D3: it may not fit your definition of "Cell"Mar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3where were you 5 years ago?Mar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3its a little late nowMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3so stfuMar 29 15:57
balrogDiablo-D3: you stfuMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3if you bought a PS3, sufferMar 29 15:57
MinceR5 years ago the PS3 could run gnu/linuxMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3next time buy from a company that has real Linux supportMar 29 15:57
balrogthe point is that they're removing advertised functinalityMar 29 15:57
MinceRi didn't buy any consolesMar 29 15:57
balrogfunctionality *Mar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3Vote with your dollars.Mar 29 15:57
balrogprobably because of geohot's hypervisor attackMar 29 15:57
Diablo-D3Dont like Sony? Dont do business with them.Mar 29 15:58
MinceRDiablo-D3: get a clue. the affected customers have done so _already_ and they don't have any time machines.Mar 29 15:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Good morning people of the Internet, how we doing today?Mar 29 15:58
Diablo-D3MinceR: then they've learned their lesson, havent they?Mar 29 15:58
MinceRmaybe they'll sue sony to make sony learn their lessonMar 29 15:58
Diablo-D3People need to learn Sony shovels shitMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3MinceR: psshMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3that wont make Sony learnMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3that'll just make the PS4 cost moreMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3and Sony will never ship another Linux product againMar 29 15:59
MinceRthe PS4 will then compete with other consoles at a higher priceMar 29 15:59
MinceRthat's still a loss to sonyMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3Want to hurt Sony now? Get rid of anything with the Sony name on it in your houseMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3sell it on ebay, throw it outMar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3And never buy from them againMar 29 15:59
MinceRhow is that going to hurt them?Mar 29 15:59
Diablo-D3every used PS3 sold on ebay is a lost sale.Mar 29 16:00
MinceRwill they be forced to give the money back or something?Mar 29 16:00
MinceRonly if someone else would buy from sonyMar 29 16:00
Diablo-D3People buy from Sony every dayMar 29 16:00
balrogMinceR: they give you the choice not to update, but then you lose Playstation Network accessMar 29 16:00
Diablo-D3people who dont care about "Linux"Mar 29 16:00
MinceRbalrog: i knowMar 29 16:00
balrogso either way, you lose functionalityMar 29 16:00
Diablo-D3Hate Sony? Damage their bottom line./Mar 29 16:00
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 29 16:00
Diablo-D3Suing doesnt do shitMar 29 16:00
Diablo-D3and you know itMar 29 16:01
balrogDiablo-D3: what do you think helped sell the PS3 when it was $599 ?Mar 29 16:01
Diablo-D3Quit wasting this channel's time with garbage.Mar 29 16:01
balrog(and all the other consoles were $250-$400)Mar 29 16:01
MinceRDiablo-D3: guess what winning a court case against them does to their bottom lineMar 29 16:01
Diablo-D3balrog: nothing. Everyone I know own Wiis or 360s.Mar 29 16:01
MinceRit isn't difficult to guessMar 29 16:01
MinceR165005 < Diablo-D3> Quit wasting this channel's time with garbage.Mar 29 16:01
MinceRtake your own advice.Mar 29 16:01
balrogDiablo-D3: everyone I know who owns 360s has had multiple RROD failures.Mar 29 16:01
Diablo-D3MinceR: Suing doesnt do shit if they settle out of court, and every PS3 owner gets a check for 50 cents in the mail.Mar 29 16:01
MinceRfunny, xboxes suck shit tooMar 29 16:01
Diablo-D3balrog: its also why I dont buy Microsoft.Mar 29 16:01
MinceR360 or notMar 29 16:02
Diablo-D3but thats a different issueMar 29 16:02
MinceRDiablo-D3: guess who will pay those 50 cents per PS3Mar 29 16:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] E-learning Modules Tutorials Guidelines - How and Why the e-learning Contents #elearning #education #ict 29 16:02
Diablo-D3MinceR: current PS3 ownersMar 29 16:02
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: E-learning Modules Tutorials Guidelines - How and Why the e-learning Contents #elearning #education #ict - Narendra Sisodiya's posterous .::. Size~: 28.22 KBMar 29 16:02
Diablo-D3Suing just harms consumers.Mar 29 16:02
MinceRyeah, i'm sure they'll agree to that settlementMar 29 16:02
Diablo-D3If you want to run a company out of business, dont buy from them.Mar 29 16:03
Diablo-D3Tell everyone you know not to buy from them.Mar 29 16:03
balrogbut people want gamesMar 29 16:03
Diablo-D3If you don't want to do that, fuck off.Mar 29 16:03
balrogexclusivesMar 29 16:03
Diablo-D3I've been trying to boycott Sony for eyarsMar 29 16:04
Diablo-D3its a little late for you fuckers to jump on the bandwaggon because your little shit OS got snubbedMar 29 16:04
MinceRtrying?Mar 29 16:04
MinceRyou can't even pull that off?Mar 29 16:04
Diablo-D3Yes, trying. Just because I dont buy from Sony doesnt mean no one else is either.Mar 29 16:04
Diablo-D3And guess what? I _have_ cost Sony money.Mar 29 16:04
MinceRcall the waaaahmbulance, not everyone does what you tell them toMar 29 16:04
Diablo-D3I've convinced people to buy products from other manufacturers.Mar 29 16:05
Diablo-D3Sony will fuck you on warranties, they will fuck you on price, you can get the same parts or even better parts in a different box from a different company.Mar 29 16:05
Diablo-D3"Oh look, a Sony TV!"Mar 29 16:05
Diablo-D3That Sony TV uses a Sharp or Samsung panel, the build quality of the TV is shit, and its more expensive than a comparable Sharp model (if its high end) or a Samsung model (if its low end)Mar 29 16:06
Diablo-D3That Sony DVD or Bluray player? Its shit compared to Oppo's shit.Mar 29 16:06
Diablo-D3That Sony e-reader? Go buy a fucking Kindle.Mar 29 16:07
Diablo-D3That Sony computer or laptop? It'll fall apart before an HP or Dell would, and it cost you more.Mar 29 16:07
MinceRlol swindleMar 29 16:07
Diablo-D3hey, Sony e-readers have DRM tooMar 29 16:07
Diablo-D3at least with Kindle you can actually buy shit for themMar 29 16:08
MinceRare hps as shitty as dells then?Mar 29 16:08
Diablo-D3MinceR: depends which onesMar 29 16:08
Diablo-D3generally HP consumer anything is as bad as compaq, which they bought out.Mar 29 16:08
Diablo-D3HP enterprise stuff, ie, anything that rack mounts, is fine.Mar 29 16:08
MinceRhow bad was compaq?Mar 29 16:08
Diablo-D3compaq was horridMar 29 16:08
MinceRi haven't heard of many laptops that rack mount :>Mar 29 16:08
Diablo-D3MinceR: yupMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3I avoid HP like the plague, generallyMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3but anything, _anything_ Sony doesMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3someone else does better and cheaperMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3game consoles? All the good PS3 titles aren't exclusive Mar 29 16:09
MinceR 29 16:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3TVs? Sharp, SamsungMar 29 16:09
Diablo-D3anything home media outside of that? about a dozen companies can say they're betterMar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3computers? HP and Dell, and they're both shitMar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3_anything_Mar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3and someone else can come up and say they're doing it better and cheaperMar 29 16:10
MinceRheadphones?Mar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3sony headphones are _shit_Mar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3I put a $1000 DJ headset on my head one dayMar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3it was fucking _shit_Mar 29 16:10
Diablo-D3my $200 Sennheisers beat itMar 29 16:11
MinceRwell, i've used a sennheiser that was worse my sony :>Mar 29 16:11
*jono has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Mar 29 16:11
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[eduvid] To all hacker and developers "May God give you some more time, May GOD give give 4 hour in day and 20 hour in night" ;) #Geek #hacker #nurdMar 29 16:11
MinceRbut there's probably a great difference of price thereMar 29 16:11
Diablo-D3I have an HD280 ProMar 29 16:11
Diablo-D3best headphones Ive ever usedMar 29 16:12
Diablo-D3they have headphones more expensive than this model tooMar 29 16:12
MinceRi'm looking at AKG headphones now, but i think this one will hold for a whileMar 29 16:12
Diablo-D3MinceR: generally, almost all audiophiles will say Sony headphones are shit no matter how much they costMar 29 16:12
Diablo-D3its almost universalMar 29 16:12
Diablo-D3the only ones that dont are Sony fanboysMar 29 16:14
Diablo-D3and Im not sure how someone even becomes a Sony fanboyMar 29 16:14
Diablo-D3it must take years of self loathing and molestation by a Catholic priestMar 29 16:14
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 16:14
MinceRthe problem seems to be how much companies lie on their spec sheets :>Mar 29 16:15
Diablo-D3the real problem is spec sheets dont mean shitMar 29 16:16
Diablo-D3if a pair of headphones sound bad, they sound badMar 29 16:16
Diablo-D3there are no specs generally for that.Mar 29 16:16
MinceRbut they sound bad because of bad characteristics and things like thatMar 29 16:16
Diablo-D3like, Ive listen to two totally different headphonesMar 29 16:16
Diablo-D3both had generally the same specsMar 29 16:16
Diablo-D3both were closed, both were made of comparable materials, both had flat response across the boardMar 29 16:17
Diablo-D3both were in the same price rangeMar 29 16:17
Diablo-D3they both performed well, but they sounded different.Mar 29 16:17
Diablo-D3there are no numbers for the human factor.Mar 29 16:17
MinceRwhat of harmonic distortion?Mar 29 16:18
Diablo-D3extremely lowMar 29 16:18
MinceRalso, the human factor can make it subjectiveMar 29 16:18
Diablo-D3they were both very expensive, MinceR Mar 29 16:18
Diablo-D3and I would have been happy to have eitherMar 29 16:18
Diablo-D3MinceR: theres no line in a spec that states how in your face headphones soundMar 29 16:19
Diablo-D3or how big the apparent soundstage soundsMar 29 16:19
MinceRi don't even know what those things depend onMar 29 16:19
Diablo-D3neither do IMar 29 16:19
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 16:19
Diablo-D3but they're very realMar 29 16:19
MinceRand i'm not sure if i can even detect themMar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3but when almost every audiophile says "Sony sucks dick"Mar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3its probably trueMar 29 16:20
Omar87Hi all.Mar 29 16:20
MinceRor it could be a memeMar 29 16:20
MinceRhay Omar87 Mar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3MinceR: I dunno, I wasnt too impressed with their shitMar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3I mean likeMar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3I use a Canon DSLRMar 29 16:20
Diablo-D3but I dont go slander Nikon over itMar 29 16:21
Diablo-D3I could have a Thinkpad infront of me, but I dont go say Apple sucks over itMar 29 16:21
MinceRsome probably would do bothMar 29 16:21
MinceRhuman behavior is often irrational :>Mar 29 16:21
Diablo-D3I own a Canon pro printer, but I dont say Epson pro gear sucks dickMar 29 16:22
*gargoyle-grin (~randerson@gentoo/contributor/gargoyle-grin) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 16:22
schestowitzI have  a question.Mar 29 16:30
schestowitzRMS:Mar 29 16:30
schestowitz>     Apple's challenge to HTC would generalise to almost any otherMar 29 16:30
schestowitz>     distributor of Android.Mar 29 16:30
schestowitz> Mar 29 16:30
schestowitz> I expect that it would, but that's a different question.  My questionMar 29 16:30
schestowitz> is not about who the victims will be, it's about which software is atMar 29 16:30
schestowitz> issue.  Is the purported infringement done inside Linux?  In GNUMar 29 16:30
schestowitz> programs?  In Android?  Also, is it in free code or proprietary code?Mar 29 16:30
schestowitzThose who looked at the individual patents would know best (based on some assumptions because patents refer to ideas, not actual code)Mar 29 16:30
schestowitzHas anyone looked carefully?Mar 29 16:31
schestowitzAndroid is mostly Free software and multi-touch, for example, is a recently-added Linux feature (thus GPL). The patents sometimes address ways that these features are used. People whose analysis I read say that Chrome OS may be affected. It's a desktop operating system based on GNU and Linux.Mar 29 16:31
*Thrae has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Mar 29 16:34
*Thrae ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 16:39
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 29 16:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[popey] RT @dantheman Don't forget folks if you have ideas for talks, activites or parties at #oggcamp add them to the wiki - http://ideas.oggca ...Mar 29 16:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 16:57
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMar 29 16:58
schestowitzFormer Microsoft employees and Mono boosters lobby Mac Asay. They try to stir him up against meMar 29 17:00
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Twitter / C.J. Adams-Collier: @mjasay: ooh!  my money is ... .::. Size~: 7.37 KBMar 29 17:00
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] #Microsoft and Its Patent Trolls Remain #1 Threat to #FreeSoftware #swpat #appleMar 29 17:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Microsoft and Its Patent Trolls Remain #1 Threat to Free Software | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 110.51 KBMar 29 17:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] #OpenSSL is 1.0.0 today. Congratulations :)Mar 29 17:07
schestowitz 29 17:07
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: [Phoronix] Oracle's OpenSolaris 2010.03 Is M.I.A. .::. Size~: 16.24 KBMar 29 17:07
schestowitz 29 17:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:                     Youtube crashes - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 63.26 KBMar 29 17:42
schestowitz 29 17:44
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:                     Nvidia finally launches fermi based cards - The Inquirer          .::. Size~: 82.53 KBMar 29 17:44
schestowitzNice designMar 29 17:44
schestowitzSarko voodoo 29 17:46
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Leftists defeat Sarkozys conservatives |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 30.21 KBMar 29 17:46
schestowitz 29 17:46
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  Nato &lsquo;covered up&rsquo; botched night raid in Afghanistan that killed five - Times Online  .::. Size~: 109.42 KBMar 29 17:46
*ender2070 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 17:46
schestowitz 29 17:48
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: WikiLeaks to release video of civilians, journalists being murdered in airstrike |  Raw Story .::. Size~: 55.01 KBMar 29 17:48
schestowitzAnyone heard of ?Mar 29 17:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Gephi, graph exploration and manipulation software .::. Size~: 22.64 KBMar 29 17:51
schestowitzAnother reason why Digg is full of Apple boosters. 29 17:57
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Digg iPhone App Launched Along with iPad Contest | WebProNews .::. Size~: 34.73 KBMar 29 17:57
schestowitz 29 18:02
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:  Undergrads Flock to Computer Science Programs - - Business Technology Leadership .::. Size~: 97.13 KBMar 29 18:02
schestowitz 29 18:04
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:     Doomed to Obscurity   .::. Size~: 56.24 KBMar 29 18:04
schestowitzMac Asay: "Life would be so easy if it weren't for people." 29 18:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: AC/OS: The people problem .::. Size~: 60.64 KBMar 29 18:05
schestowitz"but most people are only jerks some of the time. I know I am. (And you know I am, too.)"Mar 29 18:06
schestowitzIOW, hypocriteMar 29 18:06
cubezzzProgrammer type, generally anti-socialMar 29 18:06
schestowitzMac is a lawyerMar 29 18:08
schestowitzI think of them as anti-social tooMar 29 18:08
schestowitzThose whom I've met anywayMar 29 18:08
cubezzzmaybe worse than programmerMar 29 18:08
schestowitzCheck out this tosh: 29 18:09
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 87.64 KBMar 29 18:09
cubezzzI can't believe that Unix trial is trial by juryMar 29 18:10
schestowitzMaybe NOVL will be sold before the trial is completeMar 29 18:10
cubezzznot sure what the deal with Unix is these daysMar 29 18:11
cubezzzfor example, if I wanted to buy a Unix license what would be current?Mar 29 18:11
schestowitzChinese web users boycott Google 29 18:11
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC NEWS | News Front Page .::. Size~: 87.63 KBMar 29 18:11
schestowitzBrainwashed vs Google by their govt.Mar 29 18:11
schestowitzcubezzz: would you not buy it with hardware?Mar 29 18:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] At the BBC, Net blamed for death. Like the British doctor who said Facebook is responsible for STDs.Mar 29 18:12
schestowitzLike AIX or HPUX (no more Sun)Mar 29 18:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: BBC News - Internet threatens rare species, conservationists warn .::. Size~: 48.7 KBMar 29 18:12
cubezzzwell actually no, say I just wanted a licenseMar 29 18:12
cubezzzLike Mark WIlliams Unix, that's an ancient exampleMar 29 18:13
cubezzzI suppose Unix is becoming extinctMar 29 18:14
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMar 29 18:17
*Omar87 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Mar 29 18:22
schestowitzJobs looks lame here: 29 18:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The Technology Chronicles  : Jobs, Schmidt sighting a detente -- or misdirection? .::. Size~: 54.91 KBMar 29 18:25
schestowitzcubezzz: /which/ UNIX?Mar 29 18:26
cubezzzany :)Mar 29 18:26
schestowitzThink of it as POSIXMar 29 18:26
schestowitzSame stds moves to other platformsMar 29 18:26
schestowitzOS X is a form of UNIXMar 29 18:27
schestowitzWith more blobs and junk on top of itMar 29 18:27
schestowitzLinux tooMar 29 18:27
schestowitzBut Linux comes with more GNU and good stuffMar 29 18:27
schestowitzThen there's VistaMar 29 18:27
schestowitzAnd the Vista7 thingMar 29 18:27
cubezzzLinux is the dominant 2nd gen UnixMar 29 18:27
schestowitzNT6.1Mar 29 18:27
cubezzzok, Vista 7 isn't Unix :)Mar 29 18:27
Diablo-D3linux is not unixMar 29 18:27
cubezzzno way is it UnixMar 29 18:27
MinceRit's unix, unless you believe The Open GroupMar 29 18:28
MinceRwho are mismanaging the unix trademarkMar 29 18:28
schestowitzDiablo-D3: it uses similar paradigmMar 29 18:28
cubezzzUnix was the main influenceMar 29 18:28
schestowitzWe know SCO owns UNIX ;-)Mar 29 18:28
schestowitzAnd therefore it has ownership of all the 'stolen' code in UbuntuMar 29 18:29
schestowitzWe can sacrifice Ubuntu to SCOMar 29 18:29
schestowitzAnd ask them to leave Mandriva alone :-)Mar 29 18:29
MinceRleave britney alone?Mar 29 18:29
schestowitzEw....Mar 29 18:29
*Diablo-D3 punches MinceR in the nutsMar 29 18:29
schestowitzEvokes image of that dudegalMar 29 18:29
*MinceR kicks Diablo-D3 in the nutsMar 29 18:30
schestowitzerror(no nuts found);Mar 29 18:30
cubezzzok, guys, a little maturity please :)Mar 29 18:30
schestowitzSend out the beavers to find some nutsMar 29 18:30
cubezzzI guess there's BSD for UnixMar 29 18:31
MinceRschestowitz: are you saying Diablo-D3 has no balls?Mar 29 18:31
cubezzzso commercial Unix is probably near deadMar 29 18:31
schestowitz 29 18:32
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Pirates of the Caribbean say 'narrr' to Bulgarian airbags • The Register .::. Size~: 31.26 KBMar 29 18:32
schestowitzMinceR: she hasn'tMar 29 18:32
schestowitz:-pMar 29 18:32
cubezzzand not many are even using BSDMar 29 18:33
Diablo-D3wtf?Mar 29 18:33
schestowitzYahoo doesMar 29 18:33
schestowitzMSFT SidekickMar 29 18:33
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 18:34
Omar87Hi all.Mar 29 18:35
schestowitzThis logo is so ugly. "Forget the Lisa Simpson BJ, this really sucks"Mar 29 18:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: SA news outlet deploys sh*t London Olympics logo • The Register .::. Size~: 31.61 KBMar 29 18:37
schestowitzzoobab: "While TurboHercules is asking the European regulators to compel IBM to sell its systems software to companies that want to run the emulator on x64 or Itanium iron instead of System z hardware from Big Blue, the odds that this will happen are very small. But not non-zero, and certainly worth a lot of money to TurboHercules if it prevails in court."Mar 29 18:46
schestowitz 29 18:46
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: IBM: Mainframe emulator part of a conspiracy • The Register .::. Size~: 35.55 KBMar 29 18:46
schestowitzNot software patentsMar 29 18:46
MinceRsounds a lot like the psystar case, doesn't it?Mar 29 18:50
balrogschestowitz: heard about the PS3 OtherOS thing? It's all over slashdot and the other sitesMar 29 18:50
balroglooks like bait-and-switch to meMar 29 18:50
balrog+ false advertisingMar 29 18:50
schestowitz 29 19:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Virtually addicted: Weaning Koreans off their wired world - .::. Size~: 53.49 KBMar 29 19:03
schestowitzMinceR: sortaMar 29 19:03
schestowitz 29 19:12
*ianto (~Chris@fsf/member/pdpc.student.ianto) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:12
schestowitzI guess it's how healthy can encourage genes that make mortality at birthMar 29 19:12
schestowitz*heathMar 29 19:12
schestowitz*healthMar 29 19:12
schestowitz 29 19:19
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Dr. Steve Brule: For your Meatpacking District! - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 37.32 KBMar 29 19:19
schestowitzThis is bizarre: 29 19:22
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Kayenta Bunker - .::. Size~: 41.8 KBMar 29 19:22
*Omar87 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 29 19:22
schestowitz 29 19:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Prego Baby Fail | Yahoo! Answer Fail .::. Size~: 49.4 KBMar 29 19:25
*iKonaK (~iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:25
schestowitz 29 19:27
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: George Bush Wipes His Hand on Bill Clinton - GOOD Blog - GOOD .::. Size~: 40.58 KBMar 29 19:27
schestowitzEwwww 29 19:30
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: How to Make a Big Batch of Kombucha .::. Size~: 269.89 KBMar 29 19:30
*ender2070 has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Mar 29 19:30
schestowitz"The dog chewed two tires and the entire front bumper off of the car." " 29 19:34
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Dog eats police car - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 218.17 KBMar 29 19:34
*iKonaK has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 19:37
*enthymeme (~kraken@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:41
schestowitz 29 19:41
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Hosted Drupal CMS planned for midyear - drupal - Techworld .::. Size~: 40.24 KBMar 29 19:41
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMar 29 19:43
*iKonaK (~iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:44
*iKonaK has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 19:49
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] Came home with the sun still up. Crikey! And with pissing rain and no umbrella, of course. Mmm, coffee.Mar 29 19:50
*iKonaK (~iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 19:52
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] I'm sure there must be some sort of business model where step 2 is "Violate privacy by blithering stupidity."Mar 29 19:56
*iKonaK has quit (Quit: Leaving)Mar 29 19:58
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Good to see some topics filling up on of things for me to discuss in my weekly community videocast :-) #ubuntuMar 29 19:59
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: AtHomeWithJonoBaconTopics - Ubuntu Wiki .::. Size~: 10.96 KBMar 29 19:59
schestowitz 29 20:00
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Ex-IBM exec heads to court in insider trading case - fraud, IBM, insider trading, legal - Techworld .::. Size~: 40.81 KBMar 29 20:00
schestowitzMinceR: have you contacted the Commission?Mar 29 20:04
MinceRnopeMar 29 20:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] ♺ @migueldeicaza: RT @m5h: Way to go Apple, ! :: this is absolutely fantastic, good for you Apple. Beck is a whackjob.Mar 29 20:05
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Apple boycotts Fox News because of Glenn Beck .::. Size~: 100.53 KBMar 29 20:05
schestowitzSo nobody can save Hungary from Hungry ZuckMar 29 20:07
*schestowitz agrees with a retweet of Microsoft Icaza *shudders*Mar 29 20:08
Diablo-D3waitMar 29 20:09
Diablo-D3whatMar 29 20:09
-BNi/#boycottnovell-[diablod3/@diablod3] Apple boycotts Fox News because of #GlennBeck 29 20:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Apple boycotts Fox News because of Glenn Beck .::. Size~: 100.51 KBMar 29 20:12
*Omar87 (~omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:17
schestowitz 29 20:18
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Red Hat soars with fat profits, design wins - News - Linux for Devices .::. Size~: 63.64 KBMar 29 20:18
*WireWulf is now known as WireWulf-awayMar 29 20:18
schestowitzOmar87: does Red Hat visit your country much?Mar 29 20:18
Omar87schestowitz, I dunno.Mar 29 20:18
*jono has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 29 20:23
schestowitz 29 20:31
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Is Open Source a democracy? | Linux Journal .::. Size~: 92.97 KBMar 29 20:31
schestowitz62% - noMar 29 20:32
*iKonaK (~iKonaK@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:35
schestowitz "@schestowitz if "the net" is to blame, surely is an accomplice. they drag traffic here!"Mar 29 20:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Conversation - .::. Size~: 9.08 KBMar 29 20:37
Diablo-D3hey dumbshitsMar 29 20:38
Diablo-D3 29 20:38
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: OtherOS will not be removed from phat PS3s | Hax Network .::. Size~: 25.78 KBMar 29 20:38
cubezzzI've gone off SonyMar 29 20:41
cubezzznot the best choiceMar 29 20:41
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:43
*sebsebseb (~3seb@unaffiliated/sebsebseb) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 20:44
sebsebsebHiMar 29 20:44
cubezzzPanasonic or Sharp is much betterMar 29 20:44
cubezzzand video game only stuff is just sillyMar 29 20:44
balrogDiablo-D3: that's an old reportMar 29 20:44
balroglook at the dataMar 29 20:44
cubezzza dev kit for Sega Genesis was 10 GrandMar 29 20:44
balrogdate *Mar 29 20:45
balrogwhy do you think people are mad? because sony flippedMar 29 20:45
balrogfirst they say they'll support it, then less than a month later, they flipMar 29 20:45
cubezzzSony used high failure parts in some of their DVD playersMar 29 20:46
balrogMS used higher failure parts in the xbox-360Mar 29 20:46
cubezzzexactly why I don't buy these "only do one thing" type of devicesMar 29 20:47
schestowitzWhat a wasteMar 29 20:48
cubezzzand buying an xbox is 100% not in the cards :)Mar 29 20:48
schestowitzYou can't buy xboxMar 29 20:48
schestowitzYou rent itMar 29 20:48
balrogwell, that is somewhat trueMar 29 20:48
balrogwith the whole banningMar 29 20:48
schestowitzYou can't even use your own peripherals in it and they suspend your machine remotelyMar 29 20:49
cubezzzI doubt you could make me hate xbox more than I already doMar 29 20:49
schestowitzreplace "bo" with x in xboxMar 29 20:49
schestowitzHardcoe POSMar 29 20:49
schestowitz*reMar 29 20:49
schestowitz54% failure rateMar 29 20:50
schestowitzdaemonfc had like 5 or 6Mar 29 20:50
schestowitzGave up and got a wiiMar 29 20:50
cubezzzI can't remember a Sega Genesis ever failingMar 29 20:50
cubezzzit was a tankMar 29 20:50
balrogthe Sega CD units failed a lot thoughMar 29 20:51
cubezzzyeah anything with mechanical parts will failMar 29 20:51
cubezzzI've got a wall of bad CDRoms hereMar 29 20:52
schestowitzTHis is embarrassing. 29 20:52
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Server-side CRM Integration for Exchange - no plug-ins required .::. Size~: 91.66 KBMar 29 20:52
schestowitzIt's like watching Ballmer selling win1.0Mar 29 20:53
schestowitzBut this one is newMar 29 20:53
cubezzzI can't recall any business using Windows 1.0Mar 29 20:53
schestowitzAnother new one tagged "Novell" 29 20:54
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- ON MY OWN - Novelle aquino .::. Size~: 87.15 KBMar 29 20:54
schestowitzNot to bad.Mar 29 20:54
schestowitz*tooMar 29 20:54
cubezzzthe thing is hardware eventually dies but the manufacturers don't really build repairable devicesMar 29 20:55
cubezzz"just buy a new one"Mar 29 20:55
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] OK, I'll probably resume posting news properly later this week. Been too busy recently...Mar 29 20:57
cubezzznow they go one step further, devices which are difficult to reprogramMar 29 20:58
cubezzzbic lighter designMar 29 20:58
*WireWulf-away is now known as WireWulfMar 29 21:01
schestowitz 29 21:03
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- Winston the Bulldog vs Patrol Car .::. Size~: 63.46 KBMar 29 21:03
schestowitzDo you know a good site for many oggs?Mar 29 21:08
schestowitzInteresting presentation here: 29 21:12
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- THE SECRET COVENANT 2010.... Must See! .::. Size~: 122.17 KBMar 29 21:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[davidgerard] anti-vaxxers really are dangerous fuckwits 29 21:12
schestowitzBass virtuoso 29 21:14
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: YouTube- 11 YEAR OLD MOHINI DEY ON BASS .::. Size~: 112.23 KBMar 29 21:14
schestowitz 29 21:17
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Browse Top Level > Moving Images .::. Size~: 32.13 KBMar 29 21:17
schestowitz 29 21:22
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 21:22
schestowitzFull movieMar 29 21:22
schestowitzOut of copyrights??Mar 29 21:22
*Ziomatrix ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:25
MinceR 29 21:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 21:25
ZiomatrixOk Mar 29 21:25
ZiomatrixSony has gone too far in its "fight against piracy" 29 21:25
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Error processing the URL:  .::. Size~: 0 KBMar 29 21:25
ZiomatrixRootkits and other passive additions are one thing but removing a feature that was central to a core userbase of PS3 owners for purchasing the console for the sake of boosting shares is outright defamitoryMar 29 21:27
ZiomatrixI think Sony is in line for a class action lawsuit across all nations that should hold citizen's rights pertaining to fair trade and customer protection dearMar 29 21:27
balrogZiomatrix: I don't get itMar 29 21:29
balrogpiracy is STILL nonexistentMar 29 21:29
Ziomatrixbalrog: well some say SCE got scared of developers starting to crack through the hypervisor and fully enabling the GPU on Other OS.Mar 29 21:30
balrogbut why?Mar 29 21:30
balrogwhat's wrong with GPU access?Mar 29 21:30
Ziomatrixbalrog: but I just consider is a way of saying they're "cracking down on piracy" to boost stock sharesMar 29 21:30
balroganyway I'm sure there will be a lawsuitMar 29 21:30
balrogfalse advertising + bait and switch, at the leastMar 29 21:31
Ziomatrixbalrog: They're afraid of developers then circumventing their licensing schemeMar 29 21:31
balrogfor GPU access?Mar 29 21:31
Ziomatrixbalrog: as someone else pointed out they already violated Australian fair trade practices: 29 21:31
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: ComLaw Acts - Attachment - Trade Practices Act 1975 .::. Size~: 1.39 KBMar 29 21:31
balrogyou mean developers that can't buy an expensive devkit and just want to write homebrew games?Mar 29 21:31
Ziomatrixbalrog: I'm sure there is something on the books in the US, UK and other European countries for thisMar 29 21:31
Ziomatrixbalrog: the marketing angle that Sony claims to tout for the PS3 is that they "lose money" on the hardware but recoup it with game and acsessory sales which feed their royaltiesMar 29 21:32
balrogZiomatrix: I'm quite sure about thatMar 29 21:33
balrogthey heavily advertised OtherOS supportMar 29 21:33
Ziomatrixbalrog: but the fact of the matter is anyone who has the least bit of commmon sense wouldn't buy that BS as if they actually lost money on the console shareholders and others wouldn't have it. What Sony just means is they don't make enough on the PS3 hardware itself to account for other expenses such as marketing and ect.Mar 29 21:34
Ziomatrixbalrog: some folks say because the patch is slated to be release April 1st, the removing Other OS support for all consoles is an April Fools jokeMar 29 21:34
balrogthat may be true, but sony is liable for misleading claimsMar 29 21:34
balrogZiomatrix: maybe it is a very well orchestrated testMar 29 21:34
balrogmaybe Sony wants to see what kind of reaction the threat of removing OtherOS will provokeMar 29 21:35
Ziomatrixbalrog: if it is then they should ought to be sued for duressMar 29 21:35
Ziomatrixbalrog: seriously I don't want this to set a precident for international corporations to violate subjects of nations who should be under soveriegn law to protect them from this BSMar 29 21:36
balrogyesMar 29 21:36
balrogalso it's very misleadingMar 29 21:36
balrogthey lied a month ago, when they said that OtherOS wasn't going awayMar 29 21:36
Ziomatrixbalrog: yep 29 21:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: OtherOS Will Not Be Removed From non-Slim PS3 Models | PS3 Hacks :: PS3 Homebrew :: PS3 Downloads .::. Size~: 71.71 KBMar 29 21:37
balrogyeaMar 29 21:37
Ziomatrixbalrog: hopefully, maybe hopefully it is just a misunderstanding between different parts of the company. Perhaps one side of the company got one message to remove the OS (which I hope is the marketting half and whoever manages PR), while the developers and other core parts responsible for making and distributing the patch didn't.Mar 29 21:38
Ziomatrixbalrog: but if that is the case it is still a major SNAFU for SonyMar 29 21:38
balrogpossibleMar 29 21:38
balrogthough idkMar 29 21:38
balrogby now someone should have stepped upMar 29 21:38
Ziomatrixbalrog: they got at least 2 more daysMar 29 21:39
balroghah, geohot may write a CFWMar 29 21:40
Ziomatrixbalrog: This is not a problem that is issolated to Sony either as Apple, Amazon and others have done the sameMar 29 21:40
balrog 29 21:40
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: On the PlayStation 3: Don't Update .::. Size~: 47.24 KBMar 29 21:40
balrogZiomatrix: Apple has NOT advertised a major feature and removed it laterMar 29 21:40
balrogblocking jailbreak isn't something that Apple advertisesMar 29 21:40
balrogwell, jailbreak isn't *Mar 29 21:40
Ziomatrixbalrog: good, because honestly I don't give a #^&* about the warranty anymoreMar 29 21:40
balrogblocking it doesn't matter, jailbreaking the iphone is already not approvedMar 29 21:41
balrogmeh, just restoreMar 29 21:41
balrogthey can't tell the differenceMar 29 21:41
Ziomatrixbalrog: trueMar 29 21:41
Ziomatrixbalrog: I just hate how Sony is developing on making the PS3 a capable gaming console and Blu-Ray player while removing the core of what makes it a good piece of hardware for everyone in the first place while being very shady about itMar 29 21:42
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[jonobacon] Comedy from Alan Bell - #comedygoldMar 29 21:42
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Apocalypse Ride: Flame-Throwing Wheelchair - Geekologie .::. Size~: 52.16 KBMar 29 21:42
balrogyesMar 29 21:43
Ziomatrixbalrog: they make great hardware, but they have screwed it over in order to protect their media. I honesty wish Sony never bought BMGMar 29 21:43
Ziomatrixor UniversalMar 29 21:43
balrogyeaMar 29 21:43
Ziomatrixbalrog: I do want to start a website with Paypal to raise funds for funding consumer protection lawsuits around the globe against them if this goes throughMar 29 21:44
balrogthat's up to you :)Mar 29 21:45
balrogI don't have a PS3, and I don't have much cash as it isMar 29 21:45
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:46
Ziomatrixbalrog: call or something and gather legal input for raising class action lawsuites against Sony everywhere the PS3 is sold and anything that descends from Common or Civil Law is practicedMar 29 21:46
Ziomatrixbalrog: good because I feel pretty rotten for owning one now, I was looking forward to using the Move to. But if it means compromising my rights as a customer then I can't go through with itMar 29 21:47
balrogMove to?Mar 29 21:48
balrogjust don't updateMar 29 21:48
balrogat least for nowMar 29 21:49
Ziomatrixbalrog: what I'm also wondering is if they're removing Other OS but keeping the Default Startup option needed to boot from the GameOS to Linux and backMar 29 21:49
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Mar 29 21:49
balrogwhat do you mean?Mar 29 21:49
balrogthey said they're wiping out Linux partitions so back them up before the updateMar 29 21:49
Ziomatrixbalrog: but as indicated by the intial March 1st post that seems unlikely. I mean that it removes the ability to install another OS, but for those that already have a partition it keeps the option open to boot to itMar 29 21:50
Ziomatrixbalrog: sadly, thats what I readMar 29 21:50
balrogthat's what the recent post saysMar 29 21:51
balrogso they're big liarsMar 29 21:51
Ziomatrixbalrog: however it states that they won't be able to "access the data" which is kind of contrived language that can indicate the partition could still be there but be inaccessable.Mar 29 21:51
*jono_ has quit (Client Quit)Mar 29 21:51
balrogperhapsMar 29 21:51
balrogidk what's up with thisMar 29 21:51
Ziomatrixbalrog: either way it means you won't be able to boot Linux again as it stands, unless I maybe use the Bootloader from an SD card or MemorystickMar 29 21:52
Ziomatrixbalrog: they may remove all code for booting and running the hypervisor in an "OtherOS" environment as well Mar 29 21:52
balrogpossiblyMar 29 21:52
balrogthough geohot may fix this upMar 29 21:53
balroghopefully they don't start banning consoles that use modified firmwareMar 29 21:53
Ziomatrixbalrog: I wouldn't be surprised if they do, Microsoft didMar 29 21:53
*jono (~jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:53
balrogthat would generate even more bad PRMar 29 21:53
Ziomatrixbalrog: anyway I got to go for Passover now, it seems quite fitting that I'm attending an event that concerns a story about people escaping exploitationMar 29 21:55
balrogyea, later :)Mar 29 21:55
*Ziomatrix has quit ()Mar 29 21:55
*hexx (~63e10b55@gateway/web/freenode/x-ravrqojknkgadgrz) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:57
hexxheyMar 29 21:57
hexxhave your tried ubuntu netbook remix? it ships with tomboy and fspot and mono dependency by defaultMar 29 21:58
*accidentalbits ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 21:59
hexxnow, this is very far fetched, as there is no proof, but Im guessing there must have been some sort of deal between ms and dell and then dell and canonical... so canonical might have had a deal with ms with dell as a proxy. so officially they denounced novell while doing the same thing behind the scenes.Mar 29 21:59
MinceRmaybe they'll do the same deal openlyMar 29 22:01
hexxit's all speculation. but i dont see any reasonable explanation to their position towards mono... and how they are essensially bundling it.Mar 29 22:01
hexxbecause canonical wants to sign deal with netbook manufacturers. but since they have mono... there should be a deal similar to novell signed at some point between the final distributor and msMar 29 22:01
hexxno hardware distributor would be dumb enough to cross ms distributing their patented stuff knowingly.Mar 29 22:03
balroghexx: well if MS sues, there goes monoMar 29 22:03
balrogsince it's not entrenched deeply, it will be ripped outMar 29 22:03
hexxbut they dont have to sueMar 29 22:03
hexxno wendor wants to be first to be suedMar 29 22:04
hexxthey know they have to pay to use the technology, they have lawers and stuff...Mar 29 22:05
hexxso they are pushed to sign a deal with ms to distribute linux.Mar 29 22:05
hexxthis is essensially what inlcusion of mono does.Mar 29 22:05
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[ruiseabra] Yay, #fedora 12 used to suspend so well on this laptop, not any longer... which fscking updated borked it? :| Now it's panic everytime :|Mar 29 22:05
hexxanyway... just ranting.Mar 29 22:05
hexxcheck out the tomboy in ubuntu netbook remix. its among a very small selection of programs, and francly seems very strange, given its controversial statusMar 29 22:06
sebsebsebI just read about a death, wel one that will happen soon, so sad jono and everyone elseMar 29 22:07
sebsebsebDaemonFC and so onMar 29 22:07
MinceRhm?Mar 29 22:07
sebsebsebyeah RIP Ubuntu 8.10  the last turely great Ubuntu release, except for how,  the ethernet woudn't just work on the other computer,  worked fine in 8.04 and 9.04Mar 29 22:08
phIRCe-BNcomTitle:     Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Dies On April 30th. Long Live Lucid! - InternetNews:The Blog - Sean Michael Kerner .::. Size~: 103.37 KBMar 29 22:08
sebsebseband it works fine in 9.10Mar 29 22:08
MinceRoh.Mar 29 22:08
MinceRi never liked intrepidMar 29 22:08
*hexx has quit (Quit: Page closed)Mar 29 22:08
MinceRi've found intrepid and jaunty to be highly flaky, in part due to no kde3 and immature kde4Mar 29 22:08
sebsebsebMinceR: I thought it was one that  would be great for most computer users,  well untill I found out that the ethernet woudn't just work on other computerMar 29 22:08
sebsebsebethernet has to just workMar 29 22:09
sebsebsebif it doesn't that's a major issueMar 29 22:09
sebsebsebMinceR: I am doing Lucid Beta 1 in a vm againMar 29 22:10
sebsebsebmy other vm I had of Lucid messed up,  and I was going to download the Beta 1 ISO anyway and make a new oneMar 29 22:10
sebsebsebthen my computer went a bit hrm last night /  this morning.  and I end up turning it off on the button, when the vm is downloading updatesMar 29 22:11
sebsebsebwhich I thought would mess it up, if it was still doing it.  and so I turn the  computer back on and load up my vm. and yep plymouth errorMar 29 22:11
sebsebsebmy other vm of Lucid I meant, the one I was using before doing Beta 1 ISO,  I have done a few Lucid vm's alreadyMar 29 22:12
jonosebsebseb, a death?Mar 29 22:24
sebsebsebjono: yeah Ubuntu 8.10 see aboveMar 29 22:25
jonoahhh yesMar 29 22:25
sebsebsebjono: it's sad, I really liked that release, except for how ethernet woudn't just work on other computerMar 29 22:25
jono:)Mar 29 22:26
sebsebsebjono: and then of course I wanted Ext4 when Jaunty came out with it optionalley,  yes not perfectly stable, since the kernel or whatever, but it really did speed up boot up.  Oh and having text mode as well :)Mar 29 22:26
sebsebseband I tested Ext4 in development when Jaunty was.Mar 29 22:27
sebsebsebjono: oh yeah and 9.04 is the start of all those Canonical Gnome changes, which I still don't like that much over all.Mar 29 22:27
sebsebsebjono: Still got someone that I helped quite a lot on 8.10, who isn't that technical,  but I think she will like 10.04 quite a bit more,  since she likes Facebook and the colour purple.Mar 29 22:30
balrogI'm updating to 10.04 here due to bugs in Xorg in 9.10, among other thingsMar 29 22:31
sebsebsebbalrog: on Linux Today the article I gave a little while ago,  there was a commentMar 29 22:31
sebsebsebbalrog: one  of those wait  three months before it's stable commentsMar 29 22:32
sebsebsebI was like blah de blah when reading thatMar 29 22:32
balrogmehhMar 29 22:32
sebsebsebaltough a lot of people have this idea that the LTS's become even more stable as time goes by,  however as far as I know they only get security updates, just like the other releasesMar 29 22:32
balrogI use debian testing on my ARM boxMar 29 22:32
sebsebsebjono:  That's right isn't it LTS's only get security updates as well?  So this idea wait three months after the final with a LTS and things are more stable, is probably nonsense really?Mar 29 22:33
sebsebsebbalrog: I am glad I have been doing Ubuntu testing only in vm's this time roundMar 29 22:34
balrogI haven't had any issuesMar 29 22:35
sebsebsebbalrog: since  things have messed up on me already in vm's, and it didn't take muchMar 29 22:35
balrogthis computer has been running 9.10-poposed for a whileMar 29 22:35
balrogmost issues are with the nvidia driverMar 29 22:35
sebsebsebbalrog: or plymouth possibily, such as the issue I had last timeMar 29 22:36
sebsebsebI did a clean install of Beta 1 into vm last night or this morning,  uhmm I already mentioned this here a little while ago, oh well a repeate isn't a big deal.  some computer issues   so I turned the computer off on the button.  thought it was probably still installing updates into vm.  then I turn comput back on load up vm. and pymouth error.  so that was the end of that vmMar 29 22:37
balrogthat didn't give me any issues...Mar 29 22:37
sebsebsebbalrog: well I had stopped an updateMar 29 22:37
sebsebsebwhen it was getting updatesMar 29 22:38
balrogahhMar 29 22:38
sebsebsebuseually doing that is badMar 29 22:38
balrogdownloading or installing?Mar 29 22:38
sebsebsebinstallingMar 29 22:38
balrogI usually update through aptitudeMar 29 22:38
balrogand I've done thatMar 29 22:38
balrogplenty of times on my debian boMar 29 22:38
balrogbox *Mar 29 22:38
balrogthat thing is so solidMar 29 22:38
sebsebsebthen I got themes and suchMar 29 22:38
sebsebsebremoved  Canonical Gnome edits and what notMar 29 22:38
sebsebsebwith another vmMar 29 22:38
sebsebseband Gnome ended up going weird on me  in a new accountMar 29 22:38
sebsebseband then later also in the account with sudoMar 29 22:39
sebsebsebthemes yeah only from the repoMar 29 22:39
balrogyou're doing weird stuffMar 29 22:39
sebsebsebbalrog: no not at allMar 29 22:39
sebsebsebany programs I had installed into these vm's, were from the repoMar 29 22:39
sebsebsebbalrog:  and it's also not weird to remove things from the panel in GnomeMar 29 22:40
*gargoyle-grin has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Mar 29 22:48
*DaemonFC ( has left #boycottnovellMar 29 22:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] A look at some news about (in)security and how it relates to #Microsoft ’s role on the Web 29 22:53
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] Daily summary of GNU/Linux and FOSS news can be found at 29 22:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Microsoft Services Cyber Crime | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 118.02 KBMar 29 22:53
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: Links 29/3/2010: Sonys Bait and Switch | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 141.39 KBMar 29 22:53
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 23:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Finally got around to changing my provider. O2 has #failed for the last time.. article soon on the worst isp ive ever used.Mar 29 23:02
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[_goblin] Thankfully I'm still net present due to tmobile and my HTC...been busy today watching Wrestlemania, all 4 hours of it...great stuff!! #wweMar 29 23:09
*accidentalbits has quit (Quit: Lost terminal)Mar 29 23:12
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] RT @jdac the internet does give access to a big market, but failure to protect tuna, polar bears, coral is *real* news. #shameontheBBCMar 29 23:29
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[schestowitz] If You Distrust #Mono , Then You Are Called a “Microsoft Hater”, “Paranoid”, and “Conspiracy Theorist” 29 23:37
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: If You Distrust Mono, Then You Are Called a “Microsoft Hater”, “Paranoid”, and “Conspiracy Theorist” | Boycott Novell .::. Size~: 103.65 KBMar 29 23:37
oiaohm schestowitz seen the one about the other OS option being removed from PS3Mar 29 23:38
oiaohmThis should get interesting lot of the attackers are now looking to moving on to taking the firmware out directly.Mar 29 23:38
oiaohmInstead of working inside the firmware.Mar 29 23:38
*ThistleWind (~gordon@unaffiliated/thistleweb) has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 23:38
*jono_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 29 23:41
*jono has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)Mar 29 23:42
oiaohm  Hmm is orcale trying to kill solariasMar 29 23:48
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: The Blog of Ben Rockwood .::. Size~: 27.33 KBMar 29 23:48
-BNtwitter/#boycottnovell-[qu1j0t3] #UK slipping further down slope to #surveillance state: wants to read your mail without you present #stasi #nsaMar 29 23:51
phIRCe-BNcomTitle: UK government wants to secretly read your postal mail - Boing Boing .::. Size~: 56.49 KBMar 29 23:51
MinceRunderstandableMar 29 23:51
*jono_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Mar 29 23:52

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