Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 28/2/2011: LiMo 4 Arriving, 4 HTC Devices Will Get Gingerbread

GNOME bluefish



  • Five ideas for escaping the Blu-Ray blues
    Some of us want to be able to release high-definition video (possibly even 3D) without evil copy protection schemes. I’ve been avoiding Blu-Ray as a consumer since it came out, mostly because Richard Stallman said it has an evil and oppressive DRM scheme. After my first serious investigation, I can confirm his opinion, and frankly, it’s a pretty bleak situation. What can we do about it? Here’s five ideas for how we might release high definition video.

  • Desktop

    • reason i love my wife
      Then one day. Danny (my wife) says to me.

      "Ahh I hate windows. I have to do too much crap just to do something. Install ubuntu."


      And now that ubuntu is up and running. My wife feels at home. And it is running way better then our last computer. I am in heaven ^_^

  • Server

    • Who Owns Your Datacenter?

      It is surprising how fast some proprietary software vendors can turn hostile towards their customers. Anyone who's been in the IT field for the past decade or so should be familiar with the term "licensing audit", and how it runs shivers up and down the spine of the entire organization. Those vendors can perform the audit on your company because they own your datacenter, and they know it. They can come in anytime they want and, probably, demand more money for the continued use of their product.

    • London Stock Exchange in crisis meeting with market data vendors

  • Google

    • Google’s CR-48: An adventure in brickdom
      Scanning for something easier, I located this little guide. Easy way to install Ubuntu? Sold.

      The instructions are ridiculously easy to follow and straightforward. Bear in mind it's a rather large download (52 100MB files), so give it some time, especially if you're rocking a slow connection. I did test to see if the script will pick up where it left off by battery pulling the unit mid-download and it absolutely does, so don't worry about it being flakey in that regard.

  • Ballnux

    • Why all Symbian developers should become Bada Developers
      You might be aware about the news that Nokia will no longer using Symbian as their smartphone OS. They are going to use Windows Mobile and Meego. All the loyal Symbian Developers are now under the pressure to choose another platform. Few days ago, I asked prominent voices in Bada universe why these developers should choose bada as their next developing platform.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

  • Distributions

    • Upstream projects vs. Distributions
      You can globally split open source projects into two broad categories. Upstream projects develop and publish source code for various applications and features. Downstream projects are consumers of this source code. The most common type of downstream projects are distributions, which release ready-to-use binary packages of these upstream applications, make sure they integrate well with the rest of the system, and release security and bugfix updates according to their maintenance policies.

    • Have You Ever Wondered How Your Operating System Got Its Name?
      Have you ever wondered what “XP” stands for or where “Ubuntu” comes from? Some operating systems get their names from obvious places, but others need some explaining. Read on to find out where your favorite OS got its name.

    • Reviews

      • A look at Wolfer Linux 2
        If you have already settled into the Linux scene and have gained some comfort with the operating system, Wolfer probably won't give you anything new. But if you're standing outside the Linux community and considering which distro to try, Wolfer is one option that will make the transition easier.

    • New Releases

    • Red Hat Family

      • Fedora

        • Making the most of the planet.
          With a title like that, I could go two ways with this blog post, right? One way would be to encourage people to do stuff that’s good for the Earth, like recycling and so forth. There are probably lots of people who could do that better than me. Instead, this post is going to be about making the most of the Fedora Planet, which carries information about contributors and their work to each other and to audiences outside the Fedora Project.

    • Debian Family

      • Canonical/Ubuntu

        • Ubuntu 11.04 Unity keyboard shortcuts have a distinct Windows 7 flavor

        • Legally open, socially closed
          Much has been said lately about the revenue sharing decision made by Canonical in regards to the Banshee music store sales, starting with the announcement on Jono Bacon’s blog. This was soon followed by posts questioning how the decision and announcements were handled. Sense Hofstede followed up with an excellent post discussing the value of Ubuntu as a distribution channel complimenting the value of Banshee as a product.

          What I haven’t seen discussed, and what I would like to bring up, is this often cited but never quite defined notion of the moral or ethical restrictions on the use of FLOSS.

        • Best Ubuntu 10.10 Feature
          Doing an install of Natty alpha in VirtualBox, I remembered what I love most about 10.10: The installation. Whoever decided to add the Download updates checkbox, brilliant.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Datalight Releases First Full-featured File System for Embedded Linux
      Datalight announced today that it has released Reliance Nitro 2.0, the first full-featured file system for embedded Linux. The new file system combines strong read and write performance with fast and consistent mount time, rock-solid reliability, a comprehensive tool set, and support by a dedicated team of in-house engineers.

    • Phones

      • LiMo hits version 4, reminds us why consumers don't care
        Once considered a possible Android competitor, the LiMo Foundation has since dug in its heels as a carrier- and manufacturer-facing group rather than a consumer-facing one. To put that in more direct, un-politically correct terms: if you're an end user, you probably don't care that LiMo version 4 was just announced (though it's possible that your carrier might). In fact, the announcement actually happened a few days back during MWC in Barcelona, but it was a quiet affair -- the Foundation has yet to finalize device specs, the code won't be available to the public until July, and commercial hardware isn't expected until the second half.

      • Android

        • 4 HTC Devices to Get Gingerbread in Q2
          Good ol' HTC has confirmed that the Desire Z, Desire HD, Desire, and the newly announced Incredible S will all be getting some Gingerbread love soon enough. While they didn't give an exact date, they're promising a Q2 release. This is one reason I always buy HTC: they're reliable. They don't promise an update and then delay or cancel it 2 months after the deadline. Of course, we can't really say that until after Q2. But when it's all said and done, I have no doubt that the 4 devices mentioned above will have some 2.3 goodness.

        • 40 best free Android apps

        • HTC tips Android global roaming phone
          HTC announced it will launch an Android-based "world phone," including both CDMA and GSM. Due this spring, the HTC Merge features Android 2.2, a 3.8-inch display, a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, and a five-megapixel camera, and appears likely to be heading for Verizon Wireless.

    • Sub-notebooks

      • Ubuntu gives new, speedier life to Netbooks
        For one, opening, closing and arranging windows and folders will throw off new users at first because they can’t be moved with total freedom. For example, the Ubuntu 10.10 operating system won’t let you drag and drop files on the desktop — you have to put them in a folder titled desktop. Another thing that sets Ubuntu apart from Windows and Mac is that the program and folder list is docked on the left side of the screen. But these are minor and inconsequential differences.

        Ubuntu boasts plenty of perks, mainly its software center that instantly connects you to thousands of free applications, including art and photo editing programs, word processors, games, video players and more. It’s like the app marketplace on most smartphones. And, like Ubuntu itself, it’s pretty much all free.

    • Tablets

      • Emergence of the Tablets
        Android phones are everywhere. Even on prepaid packages. Everyone can have them. This is where the open OS shines.

      • Odd One Out: My 5 Minutes With the Motorola Xoom
        Concluding, I didn't hate the Xoom. Motorola did a great job (for the most part) of making a killer device to compete with the iPad. Google made a pretty awesome version of Android to run on said device. While both have their faults, they go well together. Does this mean I would buy a Xoom if I had the money? No, it doesn't. Does that mean it's a terrible device? No, it doesn't. The Xoom just felt like it was released before it was finished. Whether this is Google's fault, or Moto's fault is irrelevant. The Xoom just isn't ready for primetime yet. So, with all of this being said, bring on the agreeing or disagreeing (more likely the latter of the two) comments!

      • Freescale spins Cortex-A8 SoCs, tablet design, and $149 dev board
        Freescale Semiconductor announced two new members of its i.MX53 family of Cortex-A8 system-on-chips: an industrial-focused, 800MHz i.MX37 and the consumer-oriented, 1GHz i.MX538. Also unveiled were a $149 "Quick Start" development board for the original i.MX535 SoC, as well as a 10.1-inch, $1,499 "SABRE" tablet reference design, both compatible with Android, Linux, and Windows Embedded Compact 7.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Ning Galaxy deployment management system open sourced
    Ning, provider of the social web site platform of the same name, has released its internal deployment management system, Galaxy, as open source. For the past four years Ning has used Galaxy to manage the various services its engineering produces.

  • Events

    • SCALE 9x: Day 2
      We’ve had a pretty successful day at SCALE. We’re all out of LiveDVDs. The fifty-disc spindle was gone by the end of the day, as was nearly half of the 100-disc spindle of minimal LiveCDs.

    • Day one at SCALE9x
      As I mentioned in my previous post, I am at the Southern California Linux Expo in Los Angeles this weekend. What I failed to mention in my previous post was massive showing from the openSUSE community at the exposition.

    • SCALE 9x lifts off on Saturday; Leigh Honeywell kicks off Day 2 as attendance numbers rise
      The 9th annual Southern California Linux Expo started its second day on Saturday with a keynote by Leigh Honeywell as the attendance numbers showed a significant increase over last year. Honeywell, who spoke on the topic “Hackerspaces and Free Software,” headlined a wide variety of sessions that included a standing-room only crowd for Owen De Long’s “IPv6 Basics for Linux Adminstrators” and various education-related talks in the Open Source Software in Education (OSSIE) track.

    • FOSDEM: Icing the robot
      Anybody who looks at an Android system knows that, while Android is certainly based on the Linux kernel, it is not a traditional Linux system by any stretch. But Android is free software; might it be possible to create a more "normal" Android while preserving the aspects that make Android interesting? Developers Mario Torre and David Fu think so; they also plan to soon have the code to back it up. Their well-attended FOSDEM talk covered why they would want to do such a thing and how they plan to get there.

  • SaaS

    • The Man Behind Swiss Federal Mapping Discusses What's in His Cloud Stack
      Recently, we at OStatic launched our "What's in Your Cloud Stack?" series, where we discuss components and processes that power some of the most sophisticated cloud computing deployments with people who know a whole lot about the cloud. The series began with our conversation with PHP Fog founder Lucas Carlson, where he provided many insights into a smart cloud stack.

  • Databases

    • PostgreSQL, OpenSSL, and the GPL
      The OpenSSL license, which is BSD-style with an advertising clause, has been a source of problems in the past because it is rather unclear whether projects using it can also include GPL-licensed code. Most distributions seem to be comfortable that OpenSSL can be considered a "system library", so that linking to it does not require OpenSSL to have a GPL-compatible license, but the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and, unsurprisingly, Debian are not on board with that interpretation. This licensing issue recently reared its head again in a thread on the pgsql-hackers (PostgreSQL development) mailing list.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • LibreOffice software is here to stay
      If there was any doubt as to long-term ability of LibreOffice to sprint ahead of Oracle-backed, those concerns pretty much just flew out the window. In a wildly successful fundraising effort, the Document Foundation has succeeded in collecting $68,800 (50,000 euros) in just eight days, effectively ensuring a future for the open-source productivity software suite.

      Some 2000 donors from all over the world contributed the funds, which will serve as the capital stock necessary to set up the Document Foundation as a legal entity in Germany.

    • Made by the people, for the people
      Perhaps even more incredibly, we were not just busy at raising funds all this time. Not only did we release LibreOffice 3.3.1 and its brand new icons, we are also busy deploying our community processes. For instance we are almost done completing our trademark policy as well as offering a general, third party purpose logo with practical guidelines. We are also in the process of deploying a full set of automated testing tools for our QA teams, as to make it possible to everyone to help improve the quality of our software. Yes, you read well, everyone. Because LibreOffice is a software that is made by the people, for the people, an old principle that is coming back in force quickly these days and a principle the Document Foundation has been based on from day one.

    • LibreOffice gives OpenOffice a run for its Money
      OpenOffice and its curiously similarly named counterpart LibreOffice are officially neck-in-neck. Despite Oracle’s backing of OpenOffice, LibreOffice is still kicking, and recently received over $68,000 in funding — in just eight days.

      The fundraising effort from LibreOffice maker Ubuntu was short, sweet, and everything they need for now. Their over 2,000 donors raised enough money to serve as capitol for setting up the Document Foundation, a goal to become a legal entity in Germany.

    • Sudbury
      However the result of studies made was to migrate everyone to Office 2007 and “lowering costs”. It turns out that did work reasonably well that folks were using it instead of Office to do their document conversions… However, to get stuff/information in and out of the ERP system, Office was chosen as it was well integrated.

  • Healthcare

    • VA, DOD will decide on common EHR method in March
      At the same time, VA must proceed in revamping its VistA system. To that end, VA has been considering open source software with a request for information to gauge industry approaches.

      “No matter what happens in the joint session with the DOD, we have to increase the pace of modernizing VistA,” he said. “That’s why we’re exploring the open source avenue.”

      DOD has also been considering industry ideas for modernizing its AHLTA electronic health record with a Web-based system.

      As it examines the open source model, VA will be influenced by both the work it’s doing with the DOD for a joint electronic health record and also by substantial industry input in order to most easily integrate private sector technologies into the next version of VistA. Even in its updated form, VistA will still rely on its aging MUMPS code.

    • VA plans for an open source VistA

  • Business

    • Openbravo Emphasizes Modularity In New Release Of Open-Source ERP Suite
      Open-source ERP application vendor Openbravo unveiled a new release of its flagship software this week, offering a more modular system the company said is easier to implement than traditional ERP systems and is more adaptable to changing business conditions.

    • More than half of businesses have adopted 'some' open source

    • 3 Reasons Why Open Source Brings Better ROI for Businesses
      Quite often businesses view alternatives if products or services offer better Return on Investment. Open Source is one such option that is often debated in terms of better returns, lower operational costs and of course minimum breakeven time depending on the size of your organization etc. However, delving a little deeper into open source capabilities reveals great returns far beyond the initial investment in terms of time, investments etc and migrating to greener Open Source makes great practical sense. Some of these returns are subtle, some paradigm shifts from propriety sources but all effective and productive to every business. Here is a look at some of the top returns.

  • BSD

    • The Coding Studio OS Screenshots: PCBSD 8.2 Screenshots
      "PC-BSD has as its goals to be an easy-to-install-and-use desktop operating system, based on FreeBSD. To accomplish this, it currently has a graphical installation, which will enable even UNIX novices to easily install and get it running. It will also come with KDE pre-built, so that the desktop can be used immediately. Currently in development is a graphical software installation program, which will make installing pre-built software as easy as other popular operating systems." - read more at Distrowatch

    • PC-BSD 9-current

    • FreeBSD 8.2 Expands ZFS Support -- Without Oracle
      When one door closes, sometimes another one opens.

      The open source FreeBSD operating systems is out this week with a new release expanding support for the ZFS filesystem and improving disk encryption performance.

      The FreeBSD 8.2 release is the first FreeBSD release in 2011 and follows the 8.1 release, which debuted in July of 2010. Alongside the 8.2 release, FreeBSD 7.4 is also being released, marking the final release in the FreeBSD 7.x branch.


    • When You Are Born To Be Great!
      By now, you may wonder, what makes me talk about this book and the hero, in a blog post, which is supposed to be dedicated for free and open source movement! Well, I don't know why but I think, (Boray Qaplan) and Richard Stallman are so much alike.

  • Government

    • Satish Babu to head ICFOSS
      Trivandrum, Kerala, India, February 28, 2011 - The President of InApp, Mr. Satish Babu, has been appointed as the Director of the International Centre for Free and Open Source software (ICFOSS) by the Government of Kerala.

    • Procurement environment 'discourages open source technology'
      According to Computer Weekly, chief engineer at Atos Origin UK Darren Austin said standard government contracts and enterprise software licences have proved a barrier to the desire for greater use of open source in the public sector.

    • RO: 'Romanian government not against, nor in favour of open source'
      The government of Romania is not opposed to but also not in favour of using open source software in public administration IT systems, ICT minister, Valerian Vreme, recently remarked in public. However, advocates of free and open source software in the country fear this means the public administration will continue to rely on the usual proprietary IT vendors.

    • Cabinet Office pushes suppliers on open source
      The government's deputy chief information officer has told suppliers that it wants to open source technology to feature in its ICT strategy.

    • Whitehall open source plan heralds a behaviour change for suppliers
      This time, says the Cabinet Office, it's going to be different. This time, open government means open standards and open source. But will it?

    • Interoperability And Open Standards Would Drive Government ICT Procurment - Deputy CIO Tells Suppliers
      The Government wants large IT suppliers to provide open source and inter operable standards, the Deputy Government CIO Bill McCluggage told assembled system operators in a meeting last week.

      While there has been similar announcements in the past, this time the push for open source is being driven from the very top - No. 10 and No. 11 Downing Street. The government has even appointed an open source team within the cabinet office led by a Director and has laid out a clear strategy to implement the vision.

    • New federal deputy CTO chosen
      Vein worked on San Francisco’s open source and government 2.0 initiatives.

    • Land Registry deploys open source data management
      The UK Land Registry, the government agency that maintains land property records, has recently deployed an open source data management from Talend to support its business intelligence.

    • SI: Slovenian public administrations moving to open source desktops
      Public administrations in Slovenia are to increase their use of free and open source software on their desktop computers. Around 2015, 80 percent of the government's offices should be using this type of desktop software, according to a plan published by the Ministry of Public Administration in January.

      The open source software stack to be implemented includes open source office suites, open source web browser and open source operating systems. The ministry is setting-up a task force for the migration project, including representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Open Hardware

      • DOTKLOK Is A Hackable, Open-Source, Arduino Clock. Also Neat Looking
        Sick of telling time the old way? Spice up your time-telling time with the open-source, hackable and Arduino-based DOTKLOK. Basically, you can get a bunch of different ways to tell time. Different customizable animations will make you proud to show off your hard work the next time someone asks for the time. Speaking of time, it passes in a unique way with numbers and abstract/geometric patterns. It also has classic video games like Pong, Tetris and Pacman, that pretty much makes it sweet in our book.

  • Programming

  • Standards/Consortia

    • Webstock: Facebook leads the way with HTML5
      Recordon was in New Zealand for the recent Webstock conference in Wellington, where he spoke about the use of HTML5 at Facebook and later spoke exclusively to Computerworld.

      Two video codecs, H.264 and WebM, have been advanced as candidates for inclusion in HTML5. Each has its pros and cons, says Recordon and the debate has become somewhat heated, “about freedom and what does freedom mean, in terms of can I implement it in open source and is it royalty free, or is it an industry standard and can we collaborate freely on developing it?”

    • China hopes to take lead in int'l hi-tech standards
      China has announced its ambition at the National Standardization Conference held on Feb.24 to take the lead in high-tech international standards. China's Standardization Administration (SAC) will launch the promotion and applications of some national technologies standards within key countries and regions.


  • Former president of MADD arrested on DUI charge
    A former president of the defunct local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving was arrested recently by the Gainesville Police Department on a DUI charge.

  • Consumers Buy Less Tech Stuff, Keep It Longer

  • How to: Uyghur Homestay in Xinjiang
    One of the most asked questions I receive from travelers who will be heading to Xinjiang this next travel season has to do with homestays. Is it possible to do a Uyghur homestay in Xinjiang?

    The answer, thankfully, is YES! There are many places where homestays are offered, including Tuyoq (near Turpan) as well as outside Kashgar. Don’t mistake this with an overnight stay at a Kyrgyz yurt, which is also an incredible experience but not quite the same.

  • Google whacks link farms
    Free whitepaper – The benefits of choosing a Hosted Security Solution

    Google has made a major change to its search algorithms in order to try to scrub more link farm results from appearing near the top of search results.

    The search and advertising giant tweaks results all the time, but said these changes would hit 11.8 per cent of results, and so it wanted people to know what is going on.

  • Dear US gov: Stay the hell out of Silicon Valley
    It will come as no surprise to the largely libertarian technology industry that big government has done little to advance the interests of Silicon Valley. But you might raise your eyebrows at the degree to which the US government is hurting the very people it tries to help.

    As a general rule, Silicon Valley has been happiest when the bureaucrats in Washington, DC stay far away from tech and mostly uninvolved. Ever since the US Justice Department inserted itself into Microsoft's business practices, however, the tech world has been forced to invest in lobbying federal lawmakers. Just last year, Google increased such spending by 29 percent over 2009.

  • Craigslist A 'Cesspool Of Crime'? Or Are Bad Reporters A Cesspool Of Repeating Dubious Research?
    Slashdot points us to an article at the "International Business Times," that reports on a study from the AIM Group which claims that Craigslist is 'a cesspool of crime.' Interesting claim. What seems to be totally missing from the IBTimes report is the fact that AIM Group works for Craigslist competitors and, in this case, the "research" was funded by Craigslist wannabe-Oodle. That's not mentioned in the IBTimes report at all. In fact, the only mention of Oodle in the article is a quote by the CEO of Oodle mocking Craigslis and playing up Oodle... but never mentioning that he paid for the research in question.

  • Security

    • HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down
      Embattled CEO Aaron Barr says he is stepping down from his post at HBGary Federal to allow the company to move on after an embarassing data breach.

      The announcement comes three weeks after Barr became the target of a coordinated attack by members of the online mischief making group Anonymous, which hacked into HBGary Federal's computer network and published tens of thousands of company e-mail messages on the Internet. HBGary did not respond to telephone and e-mail requests for comments on Barr's resignation.

  • Defence/Police/Aggression

    • Sometimes The Twitter Stream Makes A Funny

    • Zimbabwe Prof Arrested, Tortured for Watching Viral Vids
      Munyaradzi Gwisai, a lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe’s law school, was showing internet videos about the tumult sweeping across North Africa to students and activists last Saturday, when state security agents burst into his office.

    • Castro Pot Bust Goes Awry and a Law Professor Threatens to Sue
      When narcotics officers appeared at a Castro home shortly after 7 a.m. on Jan. 11, they had permission from a judge to search for "proceeds" from an illegal marijuana grow.

    • Possible Actions in Libya
      Al Jazeera reports that “conservatives” in USA are recommending “military intervention”. The concern seems to be that this could be a repeat of Iraq.

      There are some similarities but also a lot of differences between Iraq and Libya. In Iraq popular uprisings were dealt harsh blows and were no threat to the Baathist regime. In Libya, opponents to Gaddafi have control of most of the country and are cooperating and it would not be necessary to occupy the country in order to bring down Gaddafi’s regime.

    • US neo-cons urge Libya intervention
      In a distinct echo of the tactics they pursued to encourage US intervention in the Balkans and Iraq, a familiar clutch of neo-conservatives appealed Friday for the United States and NATO to "immediately" prepare military action to help bring down the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and end the violence that is believed to have killed well over a thousand people in the past week.

    • The Coast Road Past Sirte in Libya
      A blogger reports that anti-Gaddafi forces in Benghazi are heading to Tripoli by avoiding the stronghold of Sirte which guards the coast road along the Mediterranean Sea by travelling hundreds of kilometres to the south. This might be the easiest strategy for forward observers or emergency relief supplies but for a lengthy campaign it would be much wiser to follow the coast road and detour around Sirte much closer to the town.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Data Diving and the Federal Reserve: The Politics of Food and Energy Inflation
      The Federal Reserve has come under strong attack recently for the outbreak in global food and energy price inflation. The ensuing discussion has drawn commentary from Paul Krugman, who favors climate-change and crop failure to explain recent food commodity prices, to various commentary such as today’s WSJ Op-Ed, The Federal Reserve Is Causing Turmoil Abroad. Krugman is a consistent defender of FED policy, and remains sanguine on inflation. The financial community more generally, despite its enthusiasm for the effects of reflationary policy on the stock market, suffers from normalcy bias with regard to commodity prices and is more persuaded by monetary policy’s role in prices.

    • What we need to do to stop the pointless waste of discarded fish
      Discards are disgusting. No-one with any sense can support the catching, killing, and throwing away of fish. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight – which Greenpeace has supported from the outset - has at long last made the waste of perfectly good fish a national outrage. It is a pointless waste of life, and potential resources. It’s abhorrent whether you eat fish or don’t.

  • Wisconsin and Finance

    • Wisconsin Protests, Friday, February 25, 2011

    • Cheeseheads Have Never Been So Chic
      In Washington D.C.: Protesters warn, "What's happening in Wisconsin will hurt us all."

    • "We Shall Not Be Moved"
      A large, multi-union coalition gathered near the "Fighting" Bob LaFollette bust on the first floor of the East Gallery in the Wisconsin State Capitol this afternoon. Wearing grey T-shirts with the words "Wisconsin United for Worker's Rights," printed in red across an outline of the state sat down and started to sing, "We shall not be moved," just after the official building shut-down at 4 p.m.

      "We know we have a right to peaceful protest," said Candice Owley, a Milwaukee nurse with the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals. "We don't believe they should be removing us from the State Capitol."

      Owley said those in her group planned to follow directions outlined by a grass-root group inside the capitol that this week has been preparing those for today. The goal: to keep the protest peaceful, and allow those who wish to continue to keep vigil in protest of Gov. Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill to remain in the building.

    • Wisconsin Protests, Saturday, February 26, 2011
      In addition to drumming and dancing, civil disobedience training continued Saturday night as people prepare to be asked to leave the building at 4:00 p.m. Sunday.

    • Prank Koch Call Prompts More Legal Questions
      The section of the tape that has come under the most scrutiny involved Walker's comments that he considered planting "troublemakers" into the crowd. People on the ground here in Madison were quite aware that the first five days of protests were packed with children. The Madison school district and many surrounding districts were closed. Thousands of elementary school children and their parents marched at the capitol in support of local teachers. On the first day and second days, thousands of high school students walked out on their classes and headed to the capitol. The atmosphere was festive and fun, popcorn stands on the corner and thousands of homemade signs.

      When fake Koch says "We'll back you any way we can. But what we were thinking about the crowd was, uh, was planting some troublemakers." Walker says: "We thought about that," but he rejected the idea in case it backfired, but not in the way one might think. He didn't want to create a ruckus that would "scare the public into thinking maybe the governor has to settle to avoid all these problems."

    • Boaters baffled by new federal rules, fee
      Many canoeists and kayakers are confused and worried about new federal regulations that re-classify their boats as commercial vessels.

      The Transport Canada regulations, brought in last fall, will require everyone from professional outfitters to people leading recreational boat trips to fill out five separate forms, measure their boat and pay a $50 fee.

      Federal Transport Minister Chuck Strahl's office told CBC News in an email that the department is reviewing the policy, and that "common sense would prevail." But boaters are still concerned it could affect their summer paddling plans.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • Today's News, Brought to You by Your Friends at the CIA
      Now that the revolution is over, Egypt's newly free press will make a fascinating read—if you happen to know Arabic. How the Libyan crisis plays in the newspapers of oil-rich Azerbaijan might be intriguing, too—if your Azeri is up to snuff.

      If it isn't—and if your Urdu is as rusty as your Mandarin—you might check out the biggest news service in the U.S. that almost nobody has ever heard of. It's called World News Connection.

  • Civil Rights

    • Inspiring manifesto from China's Jasmine revolution
      As Bruce Sterling notes, this manifesto of the Chinese Jasmine revolution (translated by Human Rights in China), "sounds almost identical to the gripes that the impoverished American populace might make to their own leaders. There's nothing specifically Chinese about these demands."

    • DOJ gets reporter's phone, credit card records in leak probe
      A court filing in the case of a former CIA officer accused of spilling secrets about Iran’s nuclear program provides new details about the extraordinary measures Justice Department prosecutors are using to identify government leakers.

      The former CIA officer, Jeffrey Sterling, was indicted in December on charges that he disclosed “national defense information” to New York Times reporter James Risen.

    • US citizen recalls 'humiliating' post-9/11 arrest
      Handcuffed and marched through Washington's Dulles International Airport in his Muslim clothing, the man with the long, dark beard could only imagine what people were thinking.

      That scene unfolded in March 2003, a year and a half after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. One of the four planes hijacked in 2001 took off from Dulles. "I could only assume that they thought I was a terrorist," Abdullah al-Kidd recalled in an interview with The Associated Press.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Trademarks

      • Julian Assange applies for a trademark on his own name
        WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has applied to the UK’s Intellectual Property Office for a trademark on his own name.

        The application, submitted by Assange’s London law firm two weeks ago, covers use of his name in the fields of “Public speaking services; news reporter services; journalism; publication of texts other than publicity texts; education services; entertainment services.”

        It’s not uncommon for those in the public eye to protect their image with such a trademark to help ensure their financial stake in any commercial use of their name or likeness. Given Assange’s high profile in recent months, both as the frontman for WikiLeaks and for the drama surrounding his personal life, this seems like a smart move.

      • Hulk Hogan Sues Car Dealership for Stealing His Catchphrases
        Hogan is suing Southland Imports and Suntrup Automotive Group over a commercial that warns unwary car buyers of getting "body slammed" over bad deals and that invites customers "tired of wrestling for a good deal." The lawsuit filed on Tuesday in Florida District Court alleges that the defendant violated Hogan's likeness and implied an endorsement by imitating his voice and using his catch phrases.

    • Copyrights

      • Three Pirate Rule
        There are only three exceptions to the Three Pirate Rule:

        1. Don't do anything illegal. 2. You can't allocate party funds (although you can ask for them). 3. You can't do anything in Northern Ireland, due to current law. If you're interested in doing stuff in Northern Ireland, please contact the NEC for more info.

        The NEC receives a lot of requests from members to grant some sort of Official Stamp of Officialness to various initiatives. Hopefully, adopting this rule will make it unnecessary for people to make this sort of request.

      • Court Drops FileSoup BitTorrent Case, Administrators Walk Free
        Two administrators of FileSoup – the longest standing BitTorrent community – had their case dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) today. The prosecution relied solely on one-sided evidence provided by the anti-piracy group FACT and was not able to build a case. Following the trial of OiNK BitTorrent tracker operator Alan Ellis, the FileSoup case marks the second where UK-based BitTorrent site operators have walked free.

      • 40,000 P2P lawsuits dismissed - bad week for copyright trolls

      • Hollywood Studios Kill 'Family-Friendly' DVD Service (Exclusive)
        A coalition of Hollywood studios has scored a victory against a company that has been marketing and distributing films stripped of objectionable content.

      • Roundup: Developments in Righthaven copyright suits
        Has Righthaven been so busy filing and settling lawsuits that it forgot to renew its state business license?

        Its status with the Nevada Secretary of State as of Monday was listed as "default" after the license expired Jan. 31. Net Sortie Systems LLC, Las Vegas attorney Steven Gibson's company that co-owns Righthaven, is also listed as in default.

      • Consumer group wants to tax Netflix to pay for rural broadband
        Mark Cooper, director of research for the Consumer Federation of America (CFA), says Netflix should have to pay into the Universal Service Fund.

        "The Internet is not an infant industry anymore. It can certainly bear the burden of making sure that wires and the communications mediums are there," Cooper said.

Clip of the Day

Electing a US President in Plain English

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Credit: TinyOgg

Recent Techrights' Posts

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In the past people said that the Web had both "good" and "bad" and that the good outweighed the bad
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perhaps time for an "I told you so post"
[Meme] A Computer With an Extra Key on the Keyboard Isn't Everyone's Priority
(so your telling me meme)
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Ideally, if our top goal is bigger than "get rid of Microsoft", we need to teach people to choose and use devices that obey them, not GAFAM
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What happened shortly before Independence Day wasn't the end of it, apparently
[Meme] Many Volunteers Now Realise the "Open" in "OpenSUSE" or "openSUSE" Was Labour-Mining
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GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, July 16, 2024
[Meme] Ein Factory
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[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
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Microsoft's ability to milk a relatively rich Europe is fast diminishing
How to Make Software Suck and Discriminate Against People at the Same Time
ageism glorified
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[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
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Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
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Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
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The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
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segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
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[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
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statCounter milestone?
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500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
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Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024