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Links 14/5/2012: Linux Kernel 3.3.5, Wine 1.5.4

GNOME bluefish



Free Software/Open Source

  • AT4AM will become open source
    Some of my colleagues were keen on broader access to AT4AM, the amendment template software of the European Parliament. It is used by Members of the European parliament to draft amendments to legal text.

  • the age of pragmatists
    In the process of achieving world domination, the philosophizing was largely factored out of the community. I mentioned a few individuals in the "founding philosophers" entry, and I think it is interesting to examine what happened with them.

  • Free and Open-Source Software bring an Open-Community
    It’s often associated that open-source is referred to Linux and FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software). But as equally as important is the community. And what I want to touch base on is not only the open-source community, but how “open” the development community is as opposed to the development community of Microsoft Windows. And particularly at a corporate and managerial level.

  • Nepal and the impact of open source
    Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world with many gender, educational, and digital divides. Yet it is gradually being transformed by open source and digital technology. There's little question that as Nepal seeks to help its citizens become a part of the global digital economy, it faces a series of challenges: political instability, remote physical access, poor infrastructure, and rural poverty. In April 2012, the World Economic Forum released a report that identified Nepal as one of the least networked countries in the world, at the bottom of world rankings.

  • Open source makes you bolder
    I put on my open source hat and asked myself these question:

    1. Do I have the skills and know how to put on a good explanatory talk about Twitter? 2. Do I know how to record such a talk to video? 3. Do I know how to edit that video and upload it to the web?

  • Events

  • Web Browsers

    • Chrome

      • Is Google Burying Firefox With User Agent Strings?
        I’ve been using Google Chrome for Linux since it was first made available. I use Gmail, Google Docs (now Drive), Google Plus, Google Adsense, Google Analytics, Google Music, and many more. I am the original owner of an original CR-48 Chromebook, having received mine way back in Dec. 2010. I promote Google services at work and have worked hard to point my business’ compass towards their entire suite of offerings. I use a Samsung Nexus S with an official build of Android 4.04 and I’m only interested in official devices moving forward.

    • Mozilla

      • Getting snappy – performance optimizations in Firefox 13
        Back in the fall of 2011, we took a targeted look at Firefox responsiveness issues. We identified a number of short term projects that together could achieve significant responsiveness improvements in day-to-day Firefox usage. Project Snappy kicked off at the end of the year with the goal of improving Firefox responsiveness.

  • Databases

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

    • Busy weekend with Mageia, LibreOffice, and Liberté
      After an intense week, I decided to forget about work this weekend and have some time for my hobby, software testing. So, I downloaded Mageia 2 RC, LibreOffice 3.4.5, and a Linux distro that I had never heard of: Liberté 2012.1.

  • CMS

  • BSD

    • FreeBSD Achieved A Lot In Q1'2012
      For the first three months of the 2012 calendar year, the FreeBSD project achieved a lot when it came to advancing their open operating system. Here's some of the interesting highlights from their quarterly status report.

      The FreeBSD Q1'2012 quarterly status report can be read in full here, while below are some of the most interesting tid-bits.


    • Picture-editing made easy
      Gimpshop is based on Gimp, but looks like Photoshop, and those who are used to working in Photoshop can use Gimpshop.

      I knew that though Gimp and Gimpshop were excellent free programs, there were some features he offered his customers that were not available in Gimpshop. He said he would change normal pictures to sepia or black and white or add vintage effects.

    • Richard M. Stallman, free software leader falls ill at conference

  • Project Releases

  • Public Services/Government

    • History of open source in government
      It is difficult to imagine the Federal government moving in one well-coordinated direction on any matter, and so it has been with the adoption of open source software. Some agencies were early adopters, especially the academic and research communities. As it did in universities, open source adoption in the US government originated in research settings, where sharing and collaboration were already part of the culture of pedagogy. In this way, the government had been using and creating open source software even before it was called "open source." Other agencies and departments have been more conservative, for a variety of reasons, and are only just now bringing open source software into their operations. With this in mind, the history of open source in the US government is best understood as a series of individual stories that have collectively led to the pervasive adoption of open source we see today.

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Kansas City explores open government, civic life, and innovation
      The exploration of open government and civic participation in Kansas City has already begun. This weekend, a new chapter begins. A chapter that will include open source, open data, citizen engagement, a Bike Walk hackathon, and more. In fact, it might materialize into several chapters that could start with rapid-fire lighting talks and end with dueling mayors who are innovating beyond borders. And what would a CityCamp be without an unconference? That's a whole chapter by itself.

    • Sharing the open source journey with Kansas City

  • Standards/Consortia

    • HTML5 for Audio Applications
      Recently, "cloud"-based music services, from big names like Amazon, Google and Apple, have been getting attention in the press. These services allow you to store your music on a corporate server and access it through your own Internet-connected device anytime you like. It's easy to see the appeal of these services. This is the kind of thing the Internet is for, right?


  • Finance

    • How Wall Street Killed Financial Reform
      Two years ago, when he signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, President Barack Obama bragged that he'd dealt a crushing blow to the extravagant financial corruption that had caused the global economic crash in 2008. "These reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history," the president told an adoring crowd in downtown D.C. on July 21st, 2010. "In history."

    • Why Bank Equity Is Not Expensive
      Since the 2008 market crash, banking interests and economists have clashed over how much of their operations banks should fund with equity as opposed to debt. Bankers and others often say that, "equity is expensive." By contrast, a recent paper, coauthored by three faculty of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, argues that this conventional wisdom is incorrect, and that, "Quite simply, bank equity is not expensive from a social perspective, and high leverage is not required in order for banks to perform all their socially valuable functions."

  • Privacy

    • FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now
      CNET learns the FBI is quietly pushing its plan to force surveillance backdoors on social networks, VoIP, and Web e-mail providers, and that the bureau is asking Internet companies not to oppose a law making those backdoors mandatory.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • ACTA

        • Velasco: ACTA only for WTO members
          During the recent Civil Liberties Committee meeting (8 may) Pedro Velasco-Martins (Commission DG Trade) claimed that ACTA only targets WTO members as participating nations. I do not read that from the text of the agreement where it says prospecting nations. I do not see any provision which says that only WTO members are eligible to join.

Recent Techrights' Posts

[Meme] Mentality of a Loser
"There is someone who created a project used by billions; I failed to create project used by billions, so I'll take down someone who did"
[Meme] Plundering the Commons
Free software is licensed to restrict privatisation and hoarding
[Meme] How 'Editorial Control' and/or 'Fact-Checking' Work in Social Control Media
"I saw a link with many 'likes' on it, so it must be accurate"
IBM: RMS Asked a Girl on a Date. We at IBM Are Bribing and Receiving Bribes. Cancel RMS.
The FSF is half female now
"The Definition of Insanity"
We've seen this and been through all this before
The 'New' Laptop as a Reminder of Why I Love GNU/Linux
days ago we acquired a 'new' (used) laptop
[Meme] The Way Things Used to Be...
UNIX is 55 already
Fun Weekend, But Very Slow News
we welcome topic suggestions/recommendations
2021 Deja Vu: The 'Counter-Petition' Defending Richard Stallman (RMS) Gets a Lot More Support Than the Hateful Screed
Don't listen to the RMS haters
x86 Drowning in Competition, Bug Doors, Complexity, and Bloat
Making defective chips for a number of decades was sheer Hubris; they just assumed people would continue buying Intel machines forever
Links 19/10/2024: Nokia Lays Off 2,000 Employees, IMF Loans, Lammy to China
Links for the day
Links 19/10/2024: OpenAI, Microsoft Going Deeper Into Debt; FTC Rules Make It Easier To Cancel Services
Links for the day
Gemini Links 19/10/2024: Against Books as Only Possible Legitimation, Megacorporate Copyright Pirates
Links for the day
Links 19/10/2024: European Perspective, Windows TCO, and Google Woes
Links for the day
[Meme] When Hatred (or Envy) Comes First
A lot of attacks on Torvalds and Stallman (Linux and GNU founders, respectively) fall under this category
What "Ethical Source" Looks Like in Practice
People ban people or deny them service (or prevent them running a program) for merely not agreeing with them
The State of GAFAM and the I's (IBM and Intel)
Technology and "tech giants" will continue to exist, but they won't be what they once were
The Drew DeVault Report: Taking Out His Frustration on Other People While Doing Drugs
Be more like Fabrice Bellard
Links 19/10/2024: Riot and Intel Layoffs, Attacks on Journalists
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, October 18, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, October 18, 2024
Gemini Links 19/10/2024: Defending RMS and why "ethical source" "is closed source with different labelling"; Elpher Queue/Pop Key-Bindings
Links for the day
Links 18/10/2024: TSMC Surges, Hamas Leader Killed
Links for the day
Gemini Links 18/10/2024: "In Support of Richard Stallman" and Adapting Ploum's sites to gwit
Links for the day
[Meme] Your Negative Energy Only Makes Him Stronger
Superman bulletproof meme
Half a Dozen More Public Talks by Dr. Richard M. Stallman (RMS) This Month
Even seven, based on his front page today
Links 18/10/2024: Russia Against 'Childfree Propaganda' and Germany’s Green Transition Is Faltering
Links for the day
"Free Software Is Under Attack! (Will You Help Defend It?)"
Rebuttals are appearing online, including analysis of the underlying methods and why they backfire on the perpetrators (as they did back in 2021)
Links 18/10/2024: Kangaroo Courts Spread to Lisbon, Riot Games Layoffs
Links for the day
"FASTCash" is Not a "Linux" Thing, It Was Merely Extended to Also Have a Variant for Already-Compromised Ubuntu 22.04
Is that the fault of Linux? No. But notice these daunting headlines.
Gemini Links 18/10/2024: Florida Water and Messaged Mediums
Links for the day
IRC Proceedings: Thursday, October 17, 2024
IRC logs for Thursday, October 17, 2024
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
Links 17/10/2024: BBC Cuts and Myanmar’s Internet Suppressed Further
Links for the day
Gemini Links 17/10/2024: Music Recommendations and Video Game for Casio PB-100
Links for the day
Science and Journalism Abandoned in Favour of Public Relations and Fantasy (or Buzzwords)
Inaccurate political surveys and AI [sic]
When GNU/Linux Reaches All-Time Highs So Will the Attacks on Its Leaders
Even the word "child" cannot be mentioned anymore
2024 General Assembly of the EPO's Local Staff Committee Munich, Haar and Brussels (LSCMN) Presents Damning Evidence of the EPO Granting Illegal Patents, Then Conflating This Illegality With "Quality" (Speed)
Report on the General Assembly of Wednesday 9 October
[Teaser] [Meme] Everything is Better in the Dictatorship
Says the dictator
Gemini Links 17/10/2024: LinkedIn Nonsense and RetroChallenge
Links for the day
Links 17/10/2024: Mass Layoffs Again at Facebook and Intel
Links for the day
[Meme] The EPO, Europe's Second-Largest Organisation and Also Sponsor of Belarus, on Its Love of the Union (Not the EPO's Union)
There is absolutely no accountability at the EPO
Staff Union of the EPO (SUEPO) Says Almost 40% of Staff in Rijswijk Has Membership and It Developed Close Relationship With the EPO Pensioners’ Association
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on Monday, 7 October 2024
EPO Focus Today
we're catching up with publishable material
"Microsoft is hiding losses -- again" (Azure Collapsing)
Microsoft is in serious trouble
[Meme] Buzzwords Are Free
"We should invest in improvement"
Rumour: Yet Another Big Round of Layoffs Coming to Microsoft's Azure
A comment was left there about 45 minutes ago
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, October 16, 2024
IRC logs for Wednesday, October 16, 2024