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Links 23/06/2022: EasyOS Improves Update Process

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux LinksLinux Around The World: USA - Kentucky - LinuxLinks

      Kentucky is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States and one of the states of the Upper South, bordered by Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio to the north. It borders West Virginia and Virginia to the east, Tennessee to the south, and Missouri to the west.

    • LiliputingLilbits: Linux on iPhones and iPads, Brave Search emerges from beta, and a DIY retro audio player made with modern tech

      The developers who disclosed a new way to boot Linux on jailbroken Apple devices this month initially explained that their method worked on devices with Apple A7, A8, and A8X chips. But they later added support for A9 and A10 series chips… and now you can boot Linux on an iPhone or iPad with an Apple A11 chip as well.

      But there’s a difference between booting and operating system and having everything run smoothly. Case in point: so far it looks like the touchscreen isn’t functional on Apple devices running Linux. Neither are cameras, speakers, or a bunch of other things. But that could change over time. And if you’re curious to know what hardware is working on devices with specific chips, now there’s a resource that will let you know.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • ID RootHow To Install Apache CouchDB on Debian 11 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Apache CouchDB on Debian 11. For those of you who didn’t know, Apache CouchDB is an open-source NoSQL database developed by the Apache Software Foundation. CouchDB uses multiple formats and protocols to store, transfer and process data. CouchDB uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language, and HTTP as an API.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the Apache CouchDB NoSQL database server on a Debian 11 (Bullseye).

      • Ubuntu HandbookHow to Move Clock to the Left or Right Corner in Ubuntu 22.04 | UbuntuHandbook

        For those don’t like to have the ‘date and time’ menu in the center of top panel, here’s how to move it to either left or right in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

        Ubuntu, definitely the GNOME desktop, does not have option to configure the clock menu position. But, there are a few extensions can do the job. And, here I’m going to show you how to install and use them.

      • Linux Made SimpleHow to install the PokeMMO on a Chromebook

        Today we are looking at how to install the PokeMMO on a Chromebook. Please follow the video/audio guide as a tutorial where we explain the process step by step and use the commands below.

      • PurismHow to Enable Hot Spot and Tethering in PureOS on Your Librem 5
      • Make Use OfHow to Install and Play Rocket League on Linux

        Learn how to install and run Rocket League on Linux to enjoy the unmatched vehicular soccer experience on your desktop.

        Linux is making great strides when it comes to desktop gaming. The ongoing development of software like Wine, Proton, and Lutris makes it evident that gamers have now started considering Linux distros for their gaming needs. Valve is also at the forefront of developing gaming-related software and hardware compatible with Linux.

        Thanks to the rapid advancements made in the Linux gaming industry, you can now enjoy Rocket League on your Linux desktop, with minimum hassles out of the box. Here's how to install Rocket League and "kick-start" your soccer journey on Linux.

      • LinuxOpSysLinux Package Manager - What it is used for

        There are numerous Linux flavors are available to use. Each distribution uses different tools and utilities to handle software installation, upgrade, and removal. Different Linux operating systems use different software package archives in remote repositories. Linux package managers act as the middle man who fetches these software packages from repositories and manipulates them on behalf of the end-users.

      • OSTechNixLimit The Number Of SSH Logins Per User, Group, System - OSTechNix

        As you probably know, we can SSH into a remote Linux system by the same user multiple times. There is no limit! You could simply open multiple Terminal windows (or multiple tabs in the Terminal) and initiate multiple SSH sessions from each tab by the same user account. What if you want to change this behavior? For example, you might want to allow only one active SSH session for an user. That's what we are going to see now. This brief tutorial explains how to limit the number of SSH logins per user or group or system on Linux.

      • Make Use OfHow to View Hidden Files and Folders on Linux

        The concept of hidden files is simple yet very important in Linux. They are mainly used for storing configuration files or user settings. Usually, these files are used by your system services, scripts, or other programs. For example, the .bash_logout script is executed whenever you log out of your Bash sessions. Another great example is the .gitignore file used by Git to exclude certain files from being pushed to your remote repository.

        Sometimes the concept of hidden files can be used to hide certain files from the prying eyes of mostly non-advanced users.

    • Games

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • OMG UbuntuChertan is a Cool Circular Conky Theme for Linux Desktops - OMG! Ubuntu!

        Conky is a great way to personalise your Linux desktop regardless of which distro or DE you’re using.

        There are hundreds if not thousands of Conky themes available, ranging from simple stat tables to Lua-laden masterpieces. I recently came across a new Conky config I like. It shows the date, current weather conditions, an average CPU and RAM load, and the currently playing song in MPD.

        I figured I’d share the theme on here and add a bit info on how to customise this Conky to work with your location and any MPRIS-compatible music player, rather than MPD. It requires a fair bit of directory swapping and file editing, but the end result is a setup that’s mostly usable.

        Note: this is not an article on why you should or shouldn’t use Conky versus anything else. Some people don’t see the point of conky (it’s on the desktop, which is mostly hidden) whilst others, myself included, don’t mind a bit of eye-candy for eye-candy’s sake.

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Barry KaulerEasyOS Update delta files for smaller downloads

      When you click the "update" icon on the desktop, Easy looks online to see if there is a later version. If so, it downloads it. Say that you are running 4.0 and the new version is 'easy-4.1-amd64.img'; the update script will download this to /mnt/wkg/easy-4.1-amd64.img (or, if you want the full path; /mnt/${WKG_DEV}/${WKG_DIR}easy-4.1-amd64.img).

      In earlier versions of Easy, prior to 4.1, the update script used to use 'rsync'. If you had, say /mnt/wkg/easy-4.0-amd64.img' from the previous update, the 'rsync' utility is able to compare that with the online 'easy-4.1-amd64.img' and only download differences, then construct the full 'easy-4.1-amd64.img'.

      The download size saving is enormous; unfortunately, the rsync server at has been unreliable, disconnecting seemingly randomly, causing download failure.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • Business TodayEXCLUSIVE: Edge computing can provide enterprises better control over sensitive data, says Red Hat's Ben Panic - BusinessToday

        Ben Panic, Vice President and Head Of Telco, Media & Entertainment - APAC in an exclusive conversation with Business Today talks about how enterprises can benefit from edge computing and the associated costs.

      • Navigating global supply chain disruption – ERP Today

        Open source is crucial for common, industry-wide standards that enable companies to future-proof solutions – Ishu Verma / Red Hat

      • SDx CentralIBM, Red Hat Expand Telefónica’s Cloud Push

        Telefónica Tech signed a deal with IBM and Red Hat to integrate Red Hat’s OpenShift platform into a new cloud service marketed at enterprises across Telefónica’s footprint in Europe and Latin America.

        The integration will be marketed as the Telefónica Red Hat OpenShift Service (TROS), which will tap into the use of containers to help organizations modernize their cloud applications and drive their digital transformation. It will allow those organizations to migrate applications to hybrid cloud or multi-cloud environments using either private or public clouds from hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

        “It is going to be the way forward and what many customers who want to evolve their business models,” explained Santiago Madruga, VP for ecosystem success in EMEA at Red Hat, in an interview with SDxCentral. “When going digital, it’s not just putting workloads on the cloud but really transforming businesses.”

      • Adam Young: Intro to libvirt based virtualization on Linux

        The processes of development, installation, testing, and debugging of software all benefit from the use of a virtual machines. If you are working in a Linux based infrastructure, you have access to the virtual machine management on your system. There are a handful of related technologies that all work together to help you get your work done.

      • Fedora ProjectFedora Community Blog: Fedora Job Opening: Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC)

        It is bittersweet to announce that I have decided to move on from my role as the Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator (FCAIC). For me, this role has been full of growth, unexpected challenges, and so much joy. It has been a privilege to help guide our wonderful community through challenges of the last three years. I’m excited to see what the next FCAIC can do for Fedora. If you’re interested in applying, see the FCAIC job posting on Red Hat Jobs and read more about the role below.

      • Fedora ProjectChanges/fno-omit-frame-pointer
      • F37 proposal: Add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to default compilation flags (System-Wide Change proposal)

        Fedora will add -fno-omit-frame-pointer to the default C/C++ compilation flags, which will improve the effectiveness of profiling and debugging tools.

      • VideoEuroLinux 9.0 overview | ENTERPRISE LINUX DISTRIBUTION - Invidious

        In this video, I am going to show an overview of EuroLinux 9.0 and some of the applications pre-installed.

      • Red Hat OfficialIntroducing Red Hat Insights integration with Splunk

        Businesses want to make data driven decisions using data platforms and artificial intelligence (AI) to extract valuable knowledge to apply to the products and services they use and offer. Most of them rely on specialized data platforms to ingest and analyze all business sources of data in a continuous fashion.

    • Debian Family

      • WineZGUI

        There is a new application available for Sparkers: WineZGUI

        WineZGUI (pronounced Wine-Zee-Goo-Eee) is a wine frontend for playing windows games with wine easily. It is a collection of Bash scripts for Wine Prefix Management and Linux Desktop Integration for easier wine gaming experience using Zenity. It allows quick launching of Direct play (not installed) EXE application or game from File Manager like Nautilus and allow creating separate wine prefix for each Windows’ EXE binary.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • The Register UKUBports OTA-23 is coming: Here's a list of models to test on ● The Register

        The UBPorts community is in the final stages of preparing its next release and it's calling for testers.

        OTA-23 is getting close – the project's Github kanban looks quite good to us – and if you're lucky enough to have one of the project's supported devices lying around, then you can help.

        Many of them are a few years old now, so there's a good chance that you've already replaced them and they sit unloved and neglected in a drawer. The starred entries in the list of devices are the best supported and should have no show-stopping problems. In order of seniority, that means: the LG-made Google Nexus 5 (2013); the original Oneplus One (2014); two models of Sony Xperia X, the F5121 and F5122 (2016); and Google's Pixel 3a and 3a XL (2019).

        (The Reg FOSS desk suspects that if you have one of those lying around somewhere and aren't tempted, you can probably sell it to some open-sourcy enthusiast who would love to give it a go.)

        Not starred but still high on the list are several devices which are listed as "functioning well." This means that they get green ticks across almost all of the feature-list apart from one or two items, such as lacking support for wireless external monitors. To us, this doesn't sound like a deal-breaker. These models include the Xiaomi Mi A2 (2018) and Poco X3 NFC (2020), and the Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1 (2018).

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • Linux GizmosCore-V development kit packs 32-bit RISC-V core

        This week, the non-profit global organization OpenHW presented a RISC-V based development board at Embedded World 2022. The Core-V MCU dev kit integrates a 32-bit CV32E40P open source RISC-V core and the ArticPro eFPGA from QuickLogic.

        OpenHW specified that the Core-V MCU features the CV32E40P processor (previously known as the RI5CY) which is a 32 RISC-V core with four-stage pipeline that implements the RV32IM[F]C RISC-V instruction extensions. To accelerate AI/ML applications, the Core-V also features the low-cost QuickLogic’s ArticPro eFPGA.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Events

      • The Freedom of Internet at OSCAL 2022

        How old is the Internet? Are we aware of the technologies that are behind this concept? What does it mean to be secure while accessing the Internet? How many antivirus programs have been developed to protect GNU/Linux systems? These were some of the questions I had in mind when I decided to attend OSCAL 2022. To my surprise, this event exceeded my expectations. I discovered really interesting topics and workshops, young tech developers, experienced speakers, hardworking organizers, and a very enthusiastic FLOSS community in Tirana, Albania.

    • Web Browsers

      • Chromium

        • GoogleChrome 104 Beta: New Media Query Syntax, Region Capture, and More

          Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. Learn more about the features listed here through the provided links or from the list on Chrome 104 is beta as of June 23, 2022. You can download the latest on for desktop or on Google Play Store on Android.

    • Programming/Development

      • Adam Young: copy in for-each loops in C++

        The bug was that the o.calculate_position(); call was supposed to update the internal state of the Orbitor structure, but was called on a copy of the instance in the original structure, and not on the original structure itself. Thus, when a later call tried to show the position, it was working with the version that had not updated the position first, and thus was showing the orbitors in the wrong position.

      • Conan-izing an OpenGL project.

        Now that I can build my app with Autotools, I want to make it work with conan. In my head, I have conan mapped to projects like cargo in rust and pip in Python. However, C++ has a far less homogenized toolchain, and I expect things are going to be more “how to make it work for you.” I started with Autotools to minimize that.

      • Perl / Raku

      • Rust

        • SlashdotLinus Torvalds Says Rust For The Kernel Could Possibly Be Merged For Linux 5.20 - Slashdot

          Speaking this week at the Linux Foundation's Open-Source Summit, Linus Torvalds talked up the possibilities of Rust within the Linux kernel and that it could be landing quite soon -- possibly even for the next kernel cycle

        • The New StackRust in the Linux Kernel by 2023, Linus Torvalds Predicts [Ed: "The Linux Foundation is a sponsor of The New Stack" so they get to tell the media what to say or 'report' for LF sponsors' agenda; Torvalds says he only worked on Git for 6 months. It took off because Linux used it and Linux was a high-profile project with strong reputation (before LF came, attacking it reputation for money... from Linux foes and GPL haters).]

          Rust, the fast-growing systems programming language, may be merged into the Linux kernel next year, or “maybe the next release,” according to Linux creator Linus Torvalds.

          The creator of Linux made the statement Tuesday during an on-stage interview at the Linux Foundation‘s Open Source Summit North America.

        • MozillaFuzzing rust-minidump for Embarrassment and Crashes - Part 2 - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

          This is part 2 of a series of articles on rust-minidump. For part 1, see here.

          So to recap, we rewrote breakpad’s minidump processor in Rust, wrote a ton of tests, and deployed to production without any issues. We killed it, perfect job.

          And we still got massively dunked on by the fuzzer. Just absolutely destroyed.

          I was starting to pivot off of rust-minidump work because I needed a bit of palette cleanser before tackling round 2 (handling native debuginfo, filling in features for other groups who were interested in rust-minidump, adding extra analyses that we’d always wanted but were too much work to do in Breakpad, etc etc etc).

          I was still getting some PRs from people filling in the corners they needed, but nothing that needed too much attention, and then @5225225 smashed through the windows and released a bunch of exploding fuzzy rabbits into my office.

  • Leftovers

    • Posthumous Remorse
    • The Community

      Have you ever wanted a perfect community? Well search no more, since it's here! Located in cities, The Community is always growing with new members! Every single day, millions are becoming like us!

    • Linux Foundation

      • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogSharing Health Data while Preserving Privacy: The Cardea Project [Ed: Linux Foundation again paints mass surveillance as "privacy"; there's no connection to Linux, it's a liability to the "Linux" brand]
      • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogEnsuring Patents Foster Innovation in Open Source [Ed: No, Linux Foundation. We need to abolish software patents, not "Ensur[e] Patents Foster Innovation in Open Source"; they literally repeat lies IBM told in Europe]

        So, I am old enough to remember when the U.S. Congress temporarily intervened in a patent dispute over the technology that powered BlackBerries. A U.S. Federal judge ordered the BlackBerry service to shutdown until the matter was resolved, and Congress determined that BlackBerry service was too integral to commerce to be allowed to be turned off. Eventually, RIM settled the patent dispute and the BlackBerry rode off into technology oblivion.

        I am not here to argue the merits of this nearly 20-year-old case (in fact, I coincidentally had friends on both legal teams), but it was when I was introduced to the idea of companies that purchase patents with the goal of using this purchased right to extract money from other companies.


        They added an Open Source Zone in 2019 with the help of the Linux Foundation, Open Invention Network, and Microsoft.

    • Security

      • GoogleThe curious tale of a fake

        Although this looks like the real My Vodafone carrier app available in the App Store, it didn't come from the App Store and is not the real application from Vodafone. TAG suspects that a target receives a link to this app in an SMS, after the attacker asks the carrier to disable the target's mobile data connection. The SMS claims that in order to restore mobile data connectivity, the target must install the carrier app and includes a link to download and install this fake app.

        This sideloading works because the app is signed with an enterprise certificate, which can be purchased for $299 via the Apple Enterprise developer program. This program allows an eligible enterprise to obtain an Apple-signed embedded.mobileprovision file with the ProvisionsAllDevices key set. An app signed with the developer certificate embedded within that mobileprovision file can be sideloaded on any iPhone, bypassing Apple's App Store review process. While we understand that the Enterprise developer program is designed for companies to push "trusted apps" to their staff's iOS devices, in this case, it appears that it was being used to sideload this fake carrier app.

      • USCERTMalicious Cyber Actors Continue to Exploit Log4Shell in VMware Horizon Systems [Ed: VMware is failing to patch its proprietary stuff that's violating the GPL]

        CISA and the United States Coast Guard Cyber Command (CGCYBER) have released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to warn network defenders that cyber threat actors, including state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) actors, have continued to exploit CVE-2021-44228 (Log4Shell) in VMware Horizon€® and Unified Access Gateway (UAG) servers to obtain initial access to organizations that did not apply available patches. The CSA provides information—including tactics, techniques, and procedures and indicators of compromise—derived from two related incident response engagements and malware analysis of samples discovered on the victims’ networks.

    • Monopolies

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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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