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IRC: #boycottnovell @ Techrights IRC Network: Sunday, February 06, 2022

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schestowitz-TR1. seems the reason the capsule was not updating was a lockfile being stuck thereFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRI removed it and now it seems to be going OKFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TR2. for the first time in a while I checked the sizes of wordpress dumps, gz'edFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRin the past week sometimes the file grew bigger, sometimes smaller, stillFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRaround 1.4gbFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRthis is not the behavious I am accustomed toFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRunless wordpress does very heavy internal caching, so it made me wonderFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRif the apache hangups COULD be related to thisFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRI have no reason to believe data was lost, I saw no issue at the user end of Feb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRadmin sideFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRbut I wonder why the size changesFeb 06 00:36
schestowitz-TRit varies as much as 200MB compressed between nightsFeb 06 00:36
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 00:39
*psydroid4 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 00:40
schestowitz-TRDid I miss sometghing in the ytalksm  session?Feb 06 01:09
Techrights-secNothing new.  Feb 06 01:09
schestowitz-TRDid I miss sometghing in the ytalksm  session?Feb 06 01:10
schestowitz-TRhanding over tyo colleague at work atm, will be free in a momentFeb 06 01:10
schestowitz-TRI have some notes on what to test next and I want to finish cleaning RSS before 2Feb 06 01:10
schestowitz-TR:40am cutoff (bulletin)Feb 06 01:10
Techrights-sec  ##########Feb 06 01:10
Techrights-secackFeb 06 01:10
schestowitz-TRthe rogi file is in root and isn't too prettyFeb 06 01:11
schestowitz-TRorig.Feb 06 01:11
schestowitz-TRhandover sent (work)Feb 06 01:31
schestowitz-TRregarding wordpresss, one theory is that internal WP cashe gets flushed, thenn reFeb 06 01:31
schestowitz-TRbuiltFeb 06 01:31
schestowitz-TRthen flushed againFeb 06 01:31
schestowitz-TRperfectly possibleFeb 06 01:31
schestowitz-TRbut rareFeb 06 01:31
Techrights-secNot familiar with inner workings of WP. Feb 06 01:32
*psydroid4 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 01:43
schestowitz-TRyay! gemini refresh was successful, took almost half an hour to catch upFeb 06 01:43
schestowitz-TRsorry, multitasking too much atmFeb 06 01:43
Techrights-secWP seems overly complicated.   Feb 06 01:44
Techrights-secExcellent.  It normally takes 7 - 9 minutes.  If there were any articles missingFeb 06 01:44
Techrights-secthey can still be fetched, if they are in RSS, by adjusting the relative date.Feb 06 01:44
Techrights-secOlder articles are more work to fetch.Feb 06 01:44
schestowitz-TRlet me paste somr todo notesFeb 06 01:45
schestowitzDONE finish proxy, firewall, files etc.Feb 06 01:46
schestowitzdebug errors nginx (some unix warnings), double slashes/traversal deeper (not urgent), Feb 06 01:46
schestowitzcss and technical proxy enhancements, push to gitFeb 06 01:46
schestowitzSOLVED        tr-gemini does not refresshFeb 06 01:46
schestowitzDONE search and replace proxies in site, weed out third party onesFeb 06 01:46
schestowitzDONE change vulpesFeb 06 01:46
schestowitzproxy: add ssl at end?Feb 06 01:46
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 01:46
Techrights-secok.  Can you show an example ofthe double slashes?  I have one mitigation inFeb 06 01:52
Techrights-secplace but need to know if it should be moved to elsewhere in the program.Feb 06 01:52
Techrights-secSSL can be added as per normal for Ngninx.  Feb 06 01:52
Techrights-sec 06 01:52
-TechrightsBN/ | How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Nginx in Ubuntu 20.04 | DigitalOceanFeb 06 01:52
schestowitz-TRon the page, any page, navigate to git, then browse the repository. you will see...Feb 06 01:53
schestowitz-TRre double slashes, it's often adding an additional one, need to find steps to reproduce stillFeb 06 01:53
Techrights-secackFeb 06 01:55
Techrights-secok fixed   Feb 06 01:55
Techrights-secsee ~gemini/bin/gemini-proxy.plFeb 06 01:59
Techrights-secgemini:// is missing.  Looking.Feb 06 01:59
schestowitz-TRit leaves out the base dirFeb 06 01:59
Techrights-secfixedFeb 06 02:12
Techrights-secwhat is an example of the "traversal deeper" item?Feb 06 02:12
schestowitz-TRI think it's that thing you've just tackled, let me see if nginx still have stuff in error log fileFeb 06 02:12
schestowitz-TRthat issue seems limited to requests for ~chat Feb 06 02:15
schestowitz-TROK, that seems to alwo correleta with double slahesFeb 06 02:15
Techrights-secgemini-proxy.service has to be restarted each time the script is updatedFeb 06 02:15
Techrights-secok checkingFeb 06 02:15
schestowitz-TRcuriously, techrights is nnow 4 servers, or 2+2Feb 06 02:18
schestowitz-TRDB container, httpd container, gemnini back end, and nginx front endFeb 06 02:18
schestowitz-TRfor any given articleFeb 06 02:18
schestowitz-TRupdatedFeb 06 02:38
schestowitz-TRrefreshed Feb 06 02:38
schestowitz-TRrestartedFeb 06 02:38
schestowitz"Summary of changes" under 06 02:41
Techrights-secackFeb 06 02:41
Techrights-sec~/bin/Gemini-Proxy/gemini-proxy.plFeb 06 02:41
-TechrightsBN/ | Gemini Proxy for TechrightsFeb 06 02:41
Techrights-secackFeb 06 02:43
Techrights-sechmm.  which script was that made from?Feb 06 02:43
Techrights-sec...Feb 06 02:43
schestowitz-TRside point: only the wiki and blog sections ought to link to "original" , ad theFeb 06 02:44
schestowitz-TRrest have other url topology ad would lead to 404s on apacheFeb 06 02:44
Techrights-secok, the others can be removed.  Feb 06 02:48
Techrights-secI've fixe it for the wiki but what is a sample URL for the blog section?Feb 06 03:00
Techrights-sec~/bin/Gemini-Proxy/gemini-proxy.plFeb 06 03:00
schestowitz-TRadding ssl atm, takes minutes to generate entropyFeb 06 03:00
schestowitz-TRI've just paused it to update perl and restartFeb 06 03:01
Techrights-secackFeb 06 03:21
Techrights-secok the 'changes' link should work againFeb 06 03:21
schestowitz-TRupdatedFeb 06 03:22
schestowitz-TRfor perlFeb 06 03:22
schestowitz-TRtrying to sort out ssl, it complains about the cert's form atmFeb 06 03:22
schestowitz-TRok, fixedFeb 06 03:25
schestowitz-TRhttps should work nowFeb 06 03:25
schestowitz-TRi will push to git the nginx ocongig lateFeb 06 03:25
schestowitz-TRbut I think I used a cipher so strong that falkon, not the firefox things,Feb 06 03:26
schestowitz-TRmoans about itFeb 06 03:26
Techrights-secackFeb 06 03:26
Techrights-seccheckingFeb 06 03:26
Techrights-secackFeb 06 03:26
Techrights-seccheckingFeb 06 03:26
Techrights-secchromium probably complains worseFeb 06 03:27
schestowitz-TRi do not have it installedFeb 06 03:27
schestowitz-TRan old chrome on another machine warns but let's me in if I insistFeb 06 03:30
schestowitz-TRbut like the official site, I will keep it without ssl BY DEFAULTFeb 06 03:30
schestowitz-TRto avoid some of this scaremongeringFeb 06 03:30
schestowitz-TRif the browser insists on https it'll be thereFeb 06 03:30
schestowitz-TRself-signedFeb 06 03:30
Techrights-secchromium probably complains worseFeb 06 03:30
Techrights-secatm me neitherFeb 06 03:30
schestowitz-TRpushed to git moments agoFeb 06 03:37
schestowitz-TRdo you think it is worthwhile changing to add the gateway url toFeb 06 03:37
schestowitz-TRsocial control media? when new articles get posted in TechrightsFeb 06 03:37
Techrights-secThe Gemini proxy?  It's ideally a temporary service, so it should not beFeb 06 03:38
Techrights-secpushed too much where it will get archived a lot.  Maybe the word temporaryFeb 06 03:38
Techrights-secought to appear in the service's content and in the title?Feb 06 03:38
schestowitz-TRthe word temporary would not best edescribe what it isFeb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRi am thiunking...Feb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRat least it does link to originalsFeb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRso spinders will trest it accordinglyFeb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRif they work properly, which you don't know...Feb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRMaybe rework "See aleo:Feb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRto say, this a Geminino gateway for x and we suggest using proper, standaloneFeb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TR[link to gemini software]Feb 06 03:41
schestowitz-TRsite backup taken just nowFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRcompressingFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRtotal wordpress db size 7.6 gbFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRlet's see what that compressed to tonightFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TR400mb and going... (gz)Feb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRi now see baidu in the gateway's logsFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRwell, at least we know it links to the originalk http/htmlFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRmight need to reword preamble a littleFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRthat could even add images (added to the page for presentation  near topFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRI can enahance it a bit later if we agree on some changesFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz-TRoh, compressed dump complete,  I think this might boil down to caching in WPFeb 06 03:49
Techrights-secackFeb 06 03:49
Techrights-secI've added an advisory to the link.Feb 06 03:49
Techrights-secokFeb 06 03:49
schestowitz"Feb 06 03:51
schestowitz 06 03:51
schestowitzand: This is only a proxy HTTP-Gemini gateway. We highly recommend using a proper Gemini Client Software instead.Feb 06 03:51
-TechrightsBN/ | Links 6/2/2022: NuTyX 22.02.4, GIMP Taught in Libraries | TechrightsFeb 06 03:51
schestowitz"Feb 06 03:51
schestowitzmaybe missing words before URLFeb 06 03:51
schestowitz"and: This"Feb 06 03:51
schestowitzin "a Gemini" - > "Gemini" (grammar)?Feb 06 03:52
schestowitz-TRrestarted perl unitFeb 06 03:52
Techrights-secackFeb 06 03:56
Techrights-secok try the new fileFeb 06 03:56
schestowitz-TRok, one minuteFeb 06 03:56
schestowitz-TRthis pi has turned into somewhat of a powerhouseFeb 06 03:56
schestowitz-TRmany gemini and http/s requests per dayFeb 06 03:56
schestowitz-TRdone, updatedFeb 06 03:57
Techrights-secthanksFeb 06 04:00
Techrights-sec:( and then link an ifram from the original to the proxy :/Feb 06 04:00
schestowitz-TRmaybe the url at the top can become <a href="$theurl>the original article completFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRe with pictures, video etc.......</a>Feb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRlolFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRcome to think of itFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRyou could iframe the orignal inside this gemproxyFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRlolFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRlike a twio way mirrorFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRiframe src="...">Feb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRlol because yes, it would loook chaotic and in fact recrusive afaikFeb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRgeeks' head explodes!!!Feb 06 04:01
schestowitz-TRpushed minor fix to gitFeb 06 04:10
schestowitz-TRmake sure to pull asapFeb 06 04:10
schestowitz-TRok text updateFeb 06 04:11
schestowitz-TRdFeb 06 04:11
Techrights-secok text updateFeb 06 04:11
Techrights-secdFeb 06 04:11
schestowitz-TRpushed minor fix to gitFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRmake sure to pull asapFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRworking to fix an issue where http (not https) urls try to use the gatewayFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRinstead of going to original URLs (http)Feb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRjust looked, cannot find that bbit eaile, will post  rss links stuff insteadFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRI think you can catch this fasterFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRbasically the gateway trtied to find every http) prt 80) in the gatewayFeb 06 04:23
schestowitz-TRthis impacts Daily Links and can lead to many 404s on the gateawayFeb 06 04:23
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Feb 06 06:19
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 06:48
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 06:48
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:09
*psydroid4 (~psydroid@cqggrmwgu7gji.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:10
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 07:27
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 07:27
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:28
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:28
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:35
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 07:35
Techrights-secok chekcingFeb 06 08:09
Techrights-secI see it.  It may have to be fixed upstream in the other gemini script.Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-seccan you try with the version in ~gemini/bin/Gemini-Proxy/ ?Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-secI cannot duplicate the problem here so it may be the script there is an older Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-secone.  (I can see the problem there howevr)Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-secWait. Those are identical, it is already uptodate.  Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-secStrangeFeb 06 08:09
Techrights-secsudo systemctl restart gemini-proxy.service ?Feb 06 08:09
Techrights-secok I am seeing some issue in dealing with quirks.  It kind of chokes whenFeb 06 08:10
Techrights-secfed http:/ instead of http:// though both are valid only the latter is common.Feb 06 08:10
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Could not resolve host: though; Unknown error ( status 0 @ http:// though )Feb 06 08:10
schestowitz-TRbackFeb 06 08:10
Techrights-secfound another bug related to that... Feb 06 08:21
Techrights-sectry ~/bin/Gemini-Proxy/gemini-proxy.plFeb 06 08:21
schestowitz-TRdoneFeb 06 08:23
Techrights-secthat fixes at least two problems though I can't duplicate the main problemFeb 06 08:23
Techrights-sechere.  Feb 06 08:23
Techrights-secThanks.  Checking.Feb 06 08:23
Techrights-secYes, that seems to have done it.  Feb 06 08:23
schestowitz-TRyesFeb 06 08:26
schestowitz-TRlatest videos links work nowFeb 06 08:26
schestowitz-TRthose were httpFeb 06 08:26
schestowitz-TRalso the http urls in daily linksFeb 06 08:26
Techrights-secIt was hard to track down due toFeb 06 08:26
Techrights-secsome associated rendering bugs in both Brave and Firefox.Feb 06 08:26
Techrights-secthose seem to work tooFeb 06 08:26
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 09:19
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 09:42
Techrights-secBrave does not provide a clean way to visit sites with self-signed certificates.Feb 06 09:47
Techrights-secIt issues warnings and has the protocol in red strikethrough letters.  If Feb 06 09:47
Techrights-secyou choose the warnng icon it states flat out, but wrongly, that the connectionFeb 06 09:47
Techrights-secis "not secure".  Feb 06 09:47
schestowitz-TRnothing "brace" about that. They push sacammy fakecoins/scamcoins, but won't trust sites which trust themsekves.Feb 06 09:47
schestowitz-TRnothing "brave" about that. They push sacammy fakecoins/scamcoins, but won't trust sites which trust themsekves.Feb 06 09:47
schestowitz-TRbtw, are other links on the wayFeb 06 09:48
schestowitz-TRI have just recorded two videosfor about an hourFeb 06 09:48
Techrights-secyes, on the way still.  Feb 06 09:48
Techrights-secyes, on the way still.  Try now.Feb 06 10:00
Techrights-secrouter maintenace eta 30 minFeb 06 10:00
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 10:23
schestowitz-TRtoday's daily links had breyer, which I guess is no accidentFeb 06 10:31
schestowitz-TRI've added a draft just now while video processes or progressesFeb 06 10:31
Techrights-secmaintenacneemnce completeFeb 06 10:32
Techrights-secbreyer is one of the only politicians addressing technology policiesFeb 06 10:32
Techrights-secreda was really good but has moved on and, most unfortunately, seems to be Feb 06 10:32
Techrights-secincreasingly disinformed/ misinformed via social control mediaFeb 06 10:32
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 10:32
Techrights-secShe was on top of things while in office though.Feb 06 10:33
Techrights-secI hope that breyer is able not only to stay in office a while longer but toFeb 06 10:33
Techrights-secbring other polticians willing to take on technology policy matters and not     Feb 06 10:33
Techrights-seclobbyist moneyFeb 06 10:33
schestowitz-TRat the  moment he is the oinly .de politician or MEP taking on the UPC head--onFeb 06 10:33
schestowitz-TRbut that might nchangeFeb 06 10:33
Techrights-secI hope it changes, the economy and human rights combine to need such a changeFeb 06 10:36
schestowitz-TRenergy prices highFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRfood alsoFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRsalaries the sameFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRjobs reducedFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRinflation soaring, so you cannot buy things other than food and energy eitherFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRjournalism stagnantFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRsee daily links I put thereFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRlotsm of paid-for SPAM disguised as journalismFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRIBM and tohersFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TR"ssponsored by [subject oif article]"Feb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TReven michael and fatima crossed to the other sideFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRBTW, re bryer, I was making sure this ws the only manually-curatedFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRiutem you hadFeb 06 10:39
schestowitz-TRas in the past it could be indicative of editing mistakerFeb 06 10:39
Techrights-secFood is expected to become quite expensive all around.  Eventually, thoughFeb 06 10:40
Techrights-secthe price will shoot through the roof as the mass destruction of arable landFeb 06 10:40
Techrights-seccrosses a threshold.Feb 06 10:40
Techrights-secAh.  Thanks for checking.  But yes there were few items, in fact just the one.Feb 06 10:40
Techrights-secSlow news + other activities.Feb 06 10:40
schestowitz-TRACKFeb 06 10:40
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@bs7zfy7xzt3k4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:11
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:18
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:18
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:18
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:18
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:19
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:19
Techrights-secackFeb 06 11:21
Techrights-secackFeb 06 11:24
Techrights-secAlso as of 20 years ago, empathy had diminished massively compated to the early 1Feb 06 11:24
Techrights-sec990s.   I would posit that the general empath levels have diminished further.Feb 06 11:24
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 11:26
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 11:28
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 11:28
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 11:41
schestowitz-TRdraftFeb 06 11:48
Techrights-secs/quire/quite/Feb 06 11:48
schestowitz-TRit is hard not to notice itFeb 06 11:49
schestowitz-TRbut in the past year we published like several book vaolumes, of very highFeb 06 11:49
schestowitz-TRquality of research about EPO scandals Feb 06 11:49
schestowitz-TRI'm not saying we will ever try to "sell" thisFeb 06 11:50
schestowitz-TRbut... given the lack of "compettition" over such information onlineFeb 06 11:50
schestowitz-TRI think such information will be accssed a lot for a decade to comeFeb 06 11:50
schestowitz-TRI'm going to catch up with patent news in a momentFeb 06 11:50
schestowitz-TRgulagnoise is very very emotionally drainingFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRspam and self-promotionFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRbut... what else can be used? not much competitionFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TR9to5 linus was added to gulagnoiseFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRmarius was delighted and thank me a lotFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRlaw firms and their sites rarely have rss feedsFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRso you mmight say,Feb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRwhere to find patent newsFeb 06 11:54
schestowitz-TRmFeb 06 11:55
schestowitz-TRme: whaaaa?Feb 06 11:55
schestowitz-TRnews about patents?Feb 06 11:55
schestowitz-TRno much thing anymoreFeb 06 11:55
schestowitz-TRjust spam disguised as "news"Feb 06 11:55
schestowitz-TRfirm hires "partner" or associates" = "news"Feb 06 11:55
Techrights-secackFeb 06 11:58
Techrights-secackFeb 06 11:58
schestowitz-TRrianne checked pihut and pimoroniFeb 06 11:58
schestowitz-TRpi 400 not available in ukFeb 06 11:58
schestowitz-TRfrance and germany okFeb 06 11:59
schestowitz-TRshe left an email address in case some replinish t heir stocks hereFeb 06 11:59
schestowitz-TR2022: when you want to buy something and the shop says, "no, we can';t sell"Feb 06 11:59
schestowitz-TR"capitalism" at its finest... sweatshopsFeb 06 11:59
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@asrpphbur8fa4.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 12:03
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@joseon-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 12:03
Techrights-secsweatshops are just about everywhere these daysFeb 06 12:10
schestowitz-TRin the west it is referred to as modern-0age slavery, which they tell us isFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRjust a myth and imposed laboiur (to keep root above head) is just some Feb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TR"asian" issue; either way, various aspects of the system are failingFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRwhen old and frail people need to choose betwqeen eating and heating Feb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRall that technobaabble and bubble doesn';t mean jack to themFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRand their technofascistic "smart" phones did not enhance their livesFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRin any meaningful wayFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRnow at the shops they insist they need to learn to become cashiersFeb 06 12:12
schestowitz-TRat age 80Feb 06 12:12
Techrights-secthat's happened here tooFeb 06 12:21
schestowitz-TRthe year is 2060Feb 06 12:22
schestowitz-TRyou want to eat?Feb 06 12:22
schestowitz-TRlearn how to grow the foodFeb 06 12:22
schestowitz-TRthen bring it to the "cashier"Feb 06 12:23
schestowitz-TRto process the cropsFeb 06 12:23
schestowitz-TRpay twice as much as 10 years earlierFeb 06 12:23
schestowitz-TRbe thankful you can eatFeb 06 12:23
schestowitz-TRafter all, covid-59 makes you thankful to just be aliveFeb 06 12:23
Techrights-secHarrison was an over optimist: Feb 06 12:27
Techrights-sec 06 12:27
Techrights-sec 06 12:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Make Room! Make Room! by Harry HarrisonFeb 06 12:27
-TechrightsBN/ | a lily pad is growing in a pond and it doubles in size every day. after 30 days it covers the entire pond. on what day does it cover half pond | Wyzant Ask An ExpertFeb 06 12:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 12:44
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 12:45
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 13:02
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 13:12
schestowitz-TRclose($log); looks so much betterFeb 06 13:30
schestowitz-TRI'll have a quick go at the fileFeb 06 13:30
schestowitz-TRheadsup to avoid m simultaneous editsFeb 06 13:30
schestowitz-TR(conmflicting ones)Feb 06 13:30
Techrights-secyes, it was some debugging material left over , I think I've tracked downFeb 06 13:30
Techrights-secand removed all artifacts of the testing phase.Feb 06 13:30
Techrights-secThat last only opened a file but did not put anything in it.     Feb 06 13:38
Techrights-secok checkingFeb 06 13:38
schestowitz-TRpushed to git, may do another push shortluFeb 06 13:38
Techrights-secthe error from 05:47 has probably been addressed.    Feb 06 13:41
Techrights-secmaintenacneeFeb 06 13:41
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 14:10
schestowitz-TRare you ok with the lkatest changes?Feb 06 14:18
schestowitz-TRis it ok to push to gitFeb 06 14:18
schestowitz-TR?Feb 06 14:18
schestowitz-TRi left in tact almost all that you didFeb 06 14:18
schestowitz-TRadded a little on top of itFeb 06 14:18
Techrights-secYes, though the one can be tweaked a little.  Just moment.  Ok pushed.Feb 06 14:21
Techrights-secI've commented out two unused modules but not removed the comments becauseFeb 06 14:21
Techrights-secthe one is useful in debugging (in the test environment) and the other mightFeb 06 14:21
Techrights-secbe needed eventually.  Feb 06 14:21
Techrights-secI'm not sure of the /right/ way to do FastCGI, but this way definitely hasFeb 06 14:21
Techrights-secfull privilege separation.  Feb 06 14:21
schestowitz-TRdid you make the change in git, locally, or the live server? I would need to mergFeb 06 14:22
schestowitz-TRe edits manuallyFeb 06 14:22
Techrights-secGitFeb 06 14:23
Techrights-secGit is designed for concurrent editing.Feb 06 14:23
schestowitz-TRyes, I know, but in the past it just panicked and did fast forwards ands thingsFeb 06 14:23
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 14:31
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 14:37
schestowitz-TRok, after a lot of struggleFeb 06 14:41
schestowitz-TRI think git stopped shouting at meFeb 06 14:41
schestowitz-TRI merged the conflicting edits Feb 06 14:41
schestowitz-TRok, nothing in error log since 6am today (GMT)Feb 06 14:45
schestowitz-TRthe access logs show over 3k requests since we started last nightFeb 06 14:45
schestowitz-TRit does work over https but promoting such URLs will allowFeb 06 14:45
schestowitz-TRbrowsers to shout at users, scaring them more than padlock BS Feb 06 14:45
Techrights-secexcellentFeb 06 14:45
Techrights-secI presume indexers?Feb 06 14:45
schestowitz-TRi ddi not look, but the error file not growing for  hours is good newsFeb 06 14:46
schestowitz-TR*for 8 hoursFeb 06 14:46
*Despatche (~desp@u3xy9z2ifjzci.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 14:48
Techrights-secI think all the corner cases are covered nowFeb 06 15:53
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 16:05
schestowitz-TRtop-level domain org now responds ok on 3 ports with /Feb 06 16:07
schestowitz-TRgemini, htttp, httpsFeb 06 16:07
schestowitz-TRadded redirectsFeb 06 16:07
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 16:10
schestowitz-TRafter tonight's shift I will be free till FridayFeb 06 16:35
schestowitz-TRI really like this proxy/gatewayFeb 06 16:35
schestowitz-TRit's also a contigency or GETAWAY in case of server downtimesFeb 06 16:35
Techrights-secGreat!Feb 06 16:35
schestowitzold alias, pointing to gemini as aaa record: http://home.techrights.orgFeb 06 16:36
-TechrightsBN/ | Gemini Proxy for TechrightsFeb 06 16:36
schestowitz 06 16:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Series trade marks are a bundle of separate trade marks, Court of Appeal declares in Fox's latest Glee challenge - The IPKatFeb 06 16:58
schestowitz"Feb 06 16:58
schestowitzAppeal withdrawn (settlement reached):Feb 06 16:58
schestowitz 06 16:58
-TechrightsBN/ | Appeal withdrawn: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation v Comic Enterprises Limited - The Supreme CourtFeb 06 16:58
schestowitz"Feb 06 16:58
schestowitz 06 16:59
-TechrightsBN/ | Neurim v. Mylan-- the Illiad was shorter - The IPKatFeb 06 16:59
schestowitz"Feb 06 16:59
schestowitzThe issue is that divisionals can be filed at any point a patent is pending at the EPO. The EPO did introduce changes to limit the filings of divisionals and this was a welcome improvment. But that was reversed due lobbying by the patent world whose fees are paid through the filing of very expensive divisionals. Let's pause here and recognise that this patent will expire in 2022! So the patentee can define their invention over 18 years in as Feb 06 16:59
schestowitzmany divisionals as they choose to file. If we accept the principle that some patents should be challenged because they are bad for society then to remove all incentives, which have to be commercial, makes little sense if you can keep coming back for more. Feb 06 16:59
schestowitzThe solution is 1. the EPO has to speed up 2. divisionals should be limited in time and/or double patenting has to be more rigorously applied. The best option for double patenting is for courts to flex a little more around the Arrow injuctions. Feb 06 16:59
schestowitzIn this case the Arrow injunction could not apply as they were found to infringe a valid patent! My limited understanding is that the expert for Mylan had a bad day and, therefore, they have to do it all over again. Feb 06 16:59
schestowitzI could be wrong but I think Mylan have not launched in the UK but Teva have. Teva were temporarily injuncted in Israel from launching this product due to a claim of an abuse of confidential information.,7340,L-3736281,00.html. I assume that has all now been concluded. Feb 06 17:00
schestowitz"Feb 06 17:00
-TechrightsBN/ | Teva Blocked From Launching Generic Version of Israeli Sleep Medicine Circadin - CTechFeb 06 17:00
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 17:06
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 17:13
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 17:26
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Feb 06 17:26
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@tnxugezmmi87e.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 19:11
*mrityunjai (~mrityunja@joseon-gvtpil.3m41.agt9.egs8p5.IP) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 19:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 19:31
*mrityunjai has quit (Quit: Leaving)Feb 06 19:39
*DaemonFC has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 19:49
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 20:09
Techrights-secackFeb 06 20:17
Techrights-secdo we need a bot filter for the HTTP-Gemini proxy?Feb 06 20:17
Techrights-secok      Feb 06 20:17
schestowitz-TRold alias, pointing to gemini as aaa record: http://home.techrights.orgFeb 06 20:18
schestowitz-TRno, not yetFeb 06 20:18
schestowitz-TRjust woke up btwFeb 06 20:18
Techrights-secok      Feb 06 20:18
Techrights-secsorry did not mean to make noiseFeb 06 20:18
Techrights-secsmall adjustment pushed to GitFeb 06 20:37
Techrights-secackFeb 06 20:38
schestowitzsudo  cp /home/gemini/bin/Gemini-Proxy/ /usr/local/bin/ && sudo systemctl restart  gemini-proxy.service Feb 06 20:42
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@jvt9tzvngy35u.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 21:02
activelow(more) => gemini:// 06 21:33
activelowSSL error 326Feb 06 21:33
activelowError: SSL errorFeb 06 21:33
activelow[request failed] at gemini:// 06 21:33
schestowitz-TRwhich client?Feb 06 21:34
schestowitz-TRand since when?Feb 06 21:34
activelowcgmnlm; with both torsocks and without. other gemini sites work, and techrights was ok some weeks ago too.Feb 06 21:38
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 21:38
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 21:38
schestowitz-TRmaybe the handshake protocol is too newFeb 06 21:39
schestowitz-TRwe upgraded to latest debianFeb 06 21:39
activelowcurrently, it is gemini:// affected only, with cgmnlm, other sites workFeb 06 21:39
schestowitz-TRtelescrope, kristall, amfora etc. all workFeb 06 21:42
schestowitz-TRlagrange alsoFeb 06 21:42
schestowitz-TRlet me check moonlanderFeb 06 21:42
schestowitz-TRI noticed one proxy host was failingFeb 06 21:43
schestowitz-TRI think incompatible new protocol or versionFeb 06 21:43
schestowitz-TRtry to updatre your client maybe?Feb 06 21:43
schestowitz-TRI take your report seriously and investigate nowFeb 06 21:43
schestowitz-TRmoonlander works OK alsoFeb 06 21:44
schestowitz-TRand most people access it OKFeb 06 21:44
schestowitz-TR20k requests since midnight todayFeb 06 21:44
schestowitz-TRok, so what I can suggest is, make sure you lose the latest version of your softwareFeb 06 21:45
schestowitz-TRseems like one of those cases where debian's new ciphers or version specs cause issuesFeb 06 21:45
schestowitz-TRtoday I added https to the proxyFeb 06 21:46
schestowitz-TRand falkon could not handle the algorithmFeb 06 21:46
schestowitz sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/dhparam.pem 4096Feb 06 21:46
schestowitzGenerating DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime, generator 2Feb 06 21:46
schestowitzThis is going to take a long timeFeb 06 21:46
schestowitztook almost 10 minutes!Feb 06 21:46
activelowonly surprised a protocol update could break my favorite gemini client; not high priority otherwiseFeb 06 22:04
activelowdidn't update libressl for a while too, although it would be the first incident to break SSL in any application with any serverFeb 06 22:05
schestowitzinteresting...Feb 06 22:17
schestowitzyes, older systems fail a lot with this cert millFeb 06 22:17
schestowitzsadlytFeb 06 22:17
activelowdon't think it's cert related, except if their internal structure changed, which i doubtFeb 06 22:21
activelowcurrently thinking about something else, which are GCC, tinycc, standards compliance, and vendor-locksFeb 06 22:22
activelowas if my mood hasn't been bad enough already, because those compilers were OK, too linux kernel was... up until some corrupt entities decided to "improve" upon thatFeb 06 22:23
activelowthe fun part of this is, since gcc-4.8 those responsible knee-jerked themselves, unpreceeded in the history in this projectFeb 06 22:24
activelowbecaues, tcc could cleanly bootstrap gcc, yet can't anymore since when some decisions were made by GNU/GCC or whoever it wasFeb 06 22:24
activelowsame with linux kernel, it could be compiled with tcc, up until recently situation escalated when linux kernel decided thisFeb 06 22:25
activelow#if gcc #elif clang #else #error #endif... now they say i would be "complaining" and should reimplement some clusterfuck of a decade of millions of man-hours of work to feed any sane compiler withFeb 06 22:26
activelowTHIS is what some "red hat" affiliates argued, and of cause i had no clue of what i was talking aboutFeb 06 22:27
activelowafter weeks of working and endless nightshifts, for exactly this amount of income: 0Feb 06 22:27
activelowit's remarkable, because GNU guix project was the last to seriously consider GCC bootstrapping, little later tinycc showcased a clean procedure, and nowadays anyone had to disassemble dozens of Megs of binary to review GCC bootstrapping aloneFeb 06 22:31
activelowof cause, this isn't a problem for them, since they conquered the Olymp of free software, where this is a non-issue for the higher intellect of theirs, which escapes mineFeb 06 22:32
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellFeb 06 23:01
*psydroid4 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 23:04
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Feb 06 23:17
*liberty_box (~liberty@suig26pxj59pi.irc) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 06 23:25
schestowitz-TRsudo  cp /home/gemini/bin/Gemini-Proxy/ /usr/local/bin/ && sudo syFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRstemctl restart  gemini-proxy.service Feb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRI pushed quite a few minor changes through gitFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRnginx served 5k pagesFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRI did not study the nature of these, it does not matter muchFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRhome.techrights.orgFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRyes, just a gateway, but also alternativeFeb 06 23:40
schestowitz-TRthough rss feeds are vastly betterFeb 06 23:40
schestowitzI've only just noticed that the links at bottom of go to the wrong pages, based on traversal/path interpretation issueFeb 06 23:45
-TechrightsBN/ | Gemini Proxy for TechrightsFeb 06 23:45
*Despatche has quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by deer)Feb 06 23:54

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