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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Tuesday, October 08, 2019

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schestowitz>> 25,903 articles/blog posts now in Techrights. We'll reach 26k beforeOct 08 00:36
schestowitz>> turning 13 next month.Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz>>Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz>> Do you want to finalise that links template we worked on, with LFOct 08 00:36
schestowitz>> reclassified, SUSE added etc.? I can't even remember what file we putOct 08 00:36
schestowitz>> our lists in...Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz>>Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz> Sure.  I can update it in time for Wednesday's set of links.Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz> Oct 08 00:36
schestowitz> The changes being considered are on TR in categories-2019-09.txtOct 08 00:36
schestowitzI have not thought of further changes since then. SUSE is one that we really need (I put these under Server or Distros at present).Oct 08 00:36
schestowitzthe scriptOct 08 00:44
schestowitzone day we'll have these things in a repo :-)Oct 08 00:44
schestowitzAnd yes, I know it's not at all elegant and I could use pipes etc.Oct 08 00:44
schestowitzBut at least it gets the work done...Oct 08 00:44
schestowitzSent a message from the wrong  account, which I didn't even know was properly configured for sending mail. Maybe one day I'll decide to work part time on something fitness related while doing the site, hence scifitness exists still.Oct 08 00:48
schestowitzOur sites keep growing, but they are not businesses and will never be. Anyway, scifitness message was from me...Oct 08 00:48
schestowitz 08 00:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@rdwrt: @YannickMakoup @rkt231 Tell that to the ones who started the class-action lawsuit! šŸ˜€ 08 00:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Comes vs. Microsoft | TechrightsOct 08 00:50
schestowitz 08 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz Actually we have no idea why. That's a political statement presented as a factOct 08 01:17
schestowitz 08 01:17
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz @wikileaks It's RealpolitikOct 08 01:17
schestowitz 08 02:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrownBagPantry: @schestowitz Unless you're getting paid, I suggest U find another online hobby. Homeopathy is legal medical treatmeā€¦ 08 02:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrownBagPantry: @schestowitz Unless you're getting paid, I suggest U find another online hobby. Homeopathy is legal medical treatmeā€¦ 08 02:27
schestowitz"Unless you're getting paid, I suggest U find another online hobby. Homeopathy is legal medical treatment in 80 Countries for humans, plants, zoo & domestic animals, birds of prey, reptiles, dairy cattle & agriculture. Dentists & arborists also use #homeopathic meds #homeopathy"Oct 08 02:27
schestowitzYou must be a satirical accountOct 08 02:27
<--pedro4 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 08 02:34
-->pedro4 (~pedro4@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 02:43
<--Condor has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 08 04:12
-->Condor (~freenode@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 04:15
schestowitz>> Funny story.Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> So I was running the script earlierOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> Only to realise it was your version of it, not the one I did and sentOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> you over mailOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> So I assume we both had an editor at the same time (open) and youOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> overwrote my changes.Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> Thankfully, I was able to use my mail to you to get my stuff back in placeOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> Good news: the DB dump grows steadily, maybe the cache was the reasonOct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> for size decreases. I'll keep a close eye on this over the coming days...Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>> GNU action has resume BTW ("open letters")...Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>>Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz> It looks like a bug in vi: If one is not /in/ the same working directoryOct 08 05:07
schestowitz> as the file being edited, then vi ignores the lockfile produced by nano.Oct 08 05:07
schestowitz>  If it is in the same working directory then it recognizes the lockfileOct 08 05:07
schestowitz> and complains.  I'm not sure how to go about reporting it.  The problemOct 08 05:07
schestowitz> is present in other distros as well as CentOS 7.Oct 08 05:07
schestowitzCould be a lot worse if it wasn't just a backup script and if I did lots of work without keeping a backup in email form :-)Oct 08 05:07
schestowitzI will NOT mention this in Techrights (common sense), but I think it merits special attention and a mental noteOct 08 05:09
schestowitz 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/ Be careful of people who tell you #torvalds is "sexist" without ever citing any proof (he's in a household of 3 women and 1 men; no evidence of sexism online or offline)Oct 08 05:09
schestowitz 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/ One year since #torvalds was forced into a "break". It's like he aged 10 years in one year. See and 08 05:09
schestowitz 08 05:09
schestowitz 08 05:09
schestowitz 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/ Swapnil also misuses #linux dot com for #openwashing of #facebook (clue: data is not code) see the modus operandi: 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Facebook open-sources data set for code search AI benchmark - Linux.comOct 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Openwashing of VMware, Sponsored by the Linux Foundation (in Turn Sponsored by VMware) | TechrightsOct 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/ This is Torvalds. In his forties. Not only me thinking he ages fast. See photos here: 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LF Kool-Aid is Unhealthy to Linux | TechrightsOct 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/ Swapnil has just propped up the #microsoft #zdnet #propaganda of his "mentor" see 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linus Torvalds isn't worried about Microsoft taking over Linux - Linux.comOct 08 05:09
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The Slow Death of Technical Media | TechrightsOct 08 05:09
schestowitz> I've added it here based on TR's CentOS 7.6:Oct 08 05:23
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:23
schestowitz> 08 05:23
-TechrightsBN/ | 0016555: vim does not find nano's lockfile - CentOS Bug TrackerOct 08 05:23
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:23
schestowitz> Feel free to add a comment based on TM's CentOS 6.8 or, better, if youOct 08 05:23
schestowitz> have it somewhere, CentOS 8.  CentOS 8 will get it more attention.  ButOct 08 05:23
schestowitz> the problem is almost certainly upstream and might be with nano and notOct 08 05:23
schestowitz> vim.Oct 08 05:23
schestowitzSide story: hours ago at work I accessed Windows Server. You cannot even have multiple users connected to it remotely -- something GNU/Linux was enabling for how long now? 2 decades? 3?Oct 08 05:23
schestowitz> Hi Tux Machines team,Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> It's Adrian from, just following up on my previousOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> email about a link that used to exist on one of your pages but is noOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> longer there.Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> The page I'm referring to isOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> and the link wasOct 08 05:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Journal | Tux MachinesOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> 08 05:28
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:28
-TechrightsBN/ | Integrate your Kubernetes application with Instaclustr Managed Platform using the new Instaclustr Service Broker - InstaclustrOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> If you could share with me the reasons behind this removal and let meOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> know if there is anything I can do to get it reinstated that would beOct 08 05:28
schestowitz> great.Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> Thanks,Oct 08 05:28
schestowitzHi, the aggregators in the site are based on RSS feeds. So when the items age they vanish. Oct 08 05:28
schestowitz> Hi there,Oct 08 05:31
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:31
schestowitz> 1. Your public key is on HTTP site which is insecure. Better move it to https.Oct 08 05:32
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:32
schestowitz> 2. Your URL might be included to FYI Your URL is _already_ included in 08 05:32
schestowitz> Oct 08 05:32
schestowitz> 08 05:32
-TechrightsBN/ | #3 - SUGGESTION: Cloudflare alternatives and readable README - cloudflare-tor - Codeberg.orgOct 08 05:32
schestowitzHi,Oct 08 05:32
schestowitzYou are right and there are purely technical reasons why we had, for many years, held off the move. It's to do with CentOS and EPEL. We'll need to wait for the system upgrade.Oct 08 05:32
schestowitz-rw-rw-r--.  1 boycottn boycottn          0 Aug 18 17:40 repair_dbs.shOct 08 05:41
schestowitzdrwx------.  2 boycottn boycottn       4096 Jun 22 09:47 .sshOct 08 05:41
schestowitz-rw-r--r--.  1 root     root     1227505864 Oct  8 04:39 tmdatabase-2019-10-08.dumpOct 08 05:41
schestowitz-rw-r--r--.  1 boycottn boycottn      11441 Mar 17  2019 tr-panel.tar.gzOct 08 05:41
schestowitz-rw-------.  1 boycottn boycottn       5515 Oct  7 08:17 .viminfoOct 08 05:41
schestowitz-rw-rw-r--.  1 boycottn boycottn         74 Jun 19 05:01 .vimrcOct 08 05:41
schestowitz[root@tuxmachines boycottn]# cat Oct 08 05:42
schestowitz[root@tuxmachines boycottn]# pwdOct 08 05:42
schestowitz/home/boycottnOct 08 05:42
schestowitzq: what is/was 08 05:42
schestowitzAll settledOct 08 05:49
schestowitzDB growing back:Oct 08 05:49
schestowitzNow 310mb  :-)Oct 08 05:49
schestowitzdrwx------.  2 boycottn boycottn      4096 Jun 22 09:47 .sshOct 08 05:49
schestowitz-rw-r--r--.  1 root     root     310785635 Oct  8 04:39 tmdatabase-2019-10-08.dump.gzOct 08 05:50
schestowitz-rw-r--r--.  1 boycottn boycottn     11441 Mar 17  2019 tr-panel.tar.gzOct 08 05:50
schestowitz-rw-------.  1 boycottn boycottn      5515 Oct  7 08:17 .viminfoOct 08 05:50
schestowitz-rw-rw-r--.  1 boycottn boycottn        74 Jun 19 05:01 .vimrcOct 08 05:50
schestowitzI moved cron jab back one hour for testingOct 08 05:50
schestowitzI also found 4 errors in the script (wrong or incontinent data formats):Oct 08 05:50
schestowitz  GNU nano 2.0.9                            File: /home/boycottn/                                                                Oct 08 05:50
schestowitzd=$(date +"%F")Oct 08 05:50
schestowitzrm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 2 day ago"  +"%F").dumpOct 08 05:50
schestowitzrm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 3 day ago"  +"%F").dumpOct 08 05:50
schestowitzrm -f /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d "$d 4 day ago"  +"%F").dumpOct 08 05:50
schestowitznice mysqldump --user=root --password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx drupal > /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d $d +"%F").dumpOct 08 05:50
schestowitznice gzip  /home/boycottn/tmdatabase-$(date -d $d  +"%F").dumpOct 08 05:50
schestowitzexit 0Oct 08 05:50
schestowitzI will need to check tomorrow or the day after that old DB deletion happens or risk running out of disk space in /homeOct 08 05:50
schestowitz>> [root@tuxmachines boycottn]# pwdOct 08 06:52
schestowitz>> /home/boycottnOct 08 06:52
schestowitz>>Oct 08 06:52
schestowitz> I'm not sure how that got zeroed out, but it has been inOct 08 06:52
schestowitz> ~/bin/ for a while now.  It rebuilds the databases.Oct 08 06:52
schestowitzIn the correct path it's non-empty (I checked contents)Oct 08 06:52
schestowitz[root@tuxmachines boycottn]# ls -la  /home/boycottn/bin/repair_tm_dbs.shOct 08 06:52
schestowitz-rwx------. 1 boycottn boycottn 949 Aug 16 08:47 /home/boycottn/bin/repair_tm_dbs.shOct 08 06:52
schestowitzSo I guess some mistaken command made an empty 'replica' at ~Oct 08 06:52
<--rianne__ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Oct 08 07:19
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 07:21
schestowitz 08 07:39
-TechrightsBN/ RMS did not sexually abuse anyone, so what does that have to do with #metoo ??Oct 08 07:39
schestowitz"heh"Oct 08 07:39
schestowitzIt's almost as if only perverts care about freedom ;)) or only freedom fighters get painted as perverts :-)Oct 08 07:40
schestowitz 08 07:40
-TechrightsBN/ RMS keeps telling me to still support the FSF, but after statements like these I find that difficult 08 07:40
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | FSF and GNU | Tux MachinesOct 08 07:40
schestowitz 08 07:40
-TechrightsBN/ | GNU-FSF relationshipOct 08 07:40
schestowitzlinked from 08 07:40
-TechrightsBN/ | FSF and GNU ā€” Free Software Foundation ā€” working together for free softwareOct 08 07:40
schestowitz'Oct 08 07:40
schestowitzCRITICAL message!Oct 08 07:41
schestowitz 08 07:41
-TechrightsBN/ ā— NEWS ā— #gnu #bash #freesw ā˜ž How Bash completion works Oct 08 07:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | How Bash completion works - tuzz.techOct 08 07:41
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:41
schestowitzOct 08 07:42
schestowitzI'll read it later. I hope to find something about why sometimes completion fails.Oct 08 07:42
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:42
schestowitz 08 07:42
-TechrightsBN/ This is Torvalds. In his forties. Not only me thinking he ages fast. See photos here: 08 07:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 08 07:42
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:43
schestowitzi know people his age who could pass for 10-15 years younger.Oct 08 07:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LF Kool-Aid is Unhealthy to Linux | TechrightsOct 08 07:43
schestowitzim less than 10 years younger and i could pass for his son.Oct 08 07:43
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:43
schestowitz 08 07:44
-TechrightsBN/ Be careful of people who tell you #torvalds is "sexist" without ever citing any proof (he's in a household of 3 women and 1 men; no evidence of sexism online or offline)Oct 08 07:44
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:44
schestowitzi really, really, really do not like torvalds.Oct 08 07:44
schestowitzbut ā€œsexistā€ is something im very sceptical of. i dont think even the worst people need to be taken down for things they never did. call me a purist, without principles you no longer have justice. you make more and more compromises until one day you wake up in a world where everything is bullshit. we dont want that, our lives are a little too dangerously close to that already.Oct 08 07:44
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:44 - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:44
schestowitztheres far more evidence that people are conflating ā€œrudenessā€ with sexism. thats kind of funny, when you consider that for all the time weve known him, weve known him primarily for being rude to other menā€“Oct 08 07:44
schestowitzkay sievers, despite having the name ā€œkay,ā€ is not only male, hes certainly masculine enough that i wouldnt want to piss him off in a bar.Oct 08 07:44
schestowitzso you have a guy well known for being rude to men. is he worse to women than men in any way at all? its not his tone or attitude that bothers me. its his dishonesty.Oct 08 07:44
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:44
schestowitzYes, I agreeOct 08 07:44
schestowitz 08 07:45
-TechrightsBN/ Article from last year (Torvalds a little younger) 08 07:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Linux's Creator Is Sorry. But Will He Change? | WIREDOct 08 07:45
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:45
schestowitzā€œhow to understand peopleā€™s emotions and respond appropriately.ā€Oct 08 07:45
schestowitzlike something you would write on a fucking report card.Oct 08 07:45
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:45
schestowitz 08 07:46
-TechrightsBN/ "As head of the GNU Project, I will be working with the FSF on how to structure the GNU Project's relationship with the FSF in the future." -Stallman CRITICAL message! 08 07:46
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | GNU-FSF relationshipOct 08 07:46
schestowitzOct 08 07:46
schestowitzwell to me it reads just like the "confession" torvalds signed.Oct 08 07:46
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:46
schestowitz 08 07:47
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:47
-TechrightsBN/ #gnu #gcc #compiler #freesw #geeksOct 08 07:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 08 07:47
schestowitz:) Actually, havenā€™t compiled much lately. Using interpreted languages.Oct 08 07:47
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:47
schestowitztomgrz - about 13 hours ago Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzI much prefer the high-level languages, because Iā€™m a high-level thinker. ;-)Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzBut a couple of weeks ago I tried building/compiling a version of FireFox. Complete disasterā€¦Oct 08 07:47
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:47 - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzfirefox is really awful to compile. it would be really nice if it wasnt such a bloated piece of crap, if we had a nice lightweight browser that we could customise with python instead, like paranoia browser. thats what i think we need in the long run.Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzthe days of trusting mozilla are over. the days of letting them continue to abuse our trust are here. i long for the days where we use something else instead, and put this crapware behind us.Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzobviously, i dont consider chrome a solution. chrome is not a web browser, chrome is malware.Oct 08 07:47
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:47
schestowitztomgrz - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzThis bears repeating: The Chromium Browser is MalwareOct 08 07:47
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:47 - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:47
schestowitzchromium seems to be something that downloads non-free stuff in updates, it clearly cant be trusted.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzbut why were you saying its malware? i was talking about chrome. (im simply asking because im curious.)Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:48
schestowitztomgrz - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzIā€™ve read that the Chromium Browser communicates telemetry information (god knows what) back to Google. There is no way to disable it.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:48 - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzso does mozilla.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzi think either is treachery.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:48
schestowitztomgrz - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzYou can disable the telemetry in FireFox, I believe.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:48 - about 4 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzthey claim to care about privacy, they take a digital fingerprint.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzits a rat, with less pointy teeth, but still a rat.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:48
schestowitztomgrz - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzHere is some more information. I cannot vouch for it though.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz 08 07:48
-TechrightsBN/ | [Tip] Disable Telemetry and Data Collection in Mozilla Firefox Web Browser - AskVGOct 08 07:48
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:48 - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzi cant really convey how i feel about this without a ridiculous metaphor.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzsuppose i carry some metal implements in one hand, and a clipboard with a pen and a form in the other.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzevery day, i come to your door and i start poking at your locks. when you ask me what the hell im doing, i say ā€œits cool, look at this form!ā€Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzand you look and it says ā€œdo you want me to stop poking at your locks when youre not at home? [ ] yes [ ] noā€ and you pick up a pen and check no. i tip my hat and walk away. so its cool now, right? i mean youre not at all bothered by whatever the heck i was doing, you feel ok with everything after that.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzat any rate, this is how i feel about mozilla in general these days. its a lot different than how i used to feel about them. just to be clear: yes, chromium is even worse. like significantly worse. the metaphor with chromium is similar: same clipboard, same form, except someone is already in the house. just check ā€œnoā€ and he will get out of your way. he wont ever say what he was doing, but at least he left.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz tomgrzOct 08 07:48
schestowitztomgrz - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzIā€™m not really OK with FireFox, but it is a marginally better choice than the Chromium Browser. I myself use IceCat and the Tor browsers, as well as FireFox. I like to mix it up. (donā€™t ask). ;-)Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:48 - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzI like to mix it up. (donā€™t ask).Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzmakes plenty of sense to me.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 07:48 - about 3 hours ago Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzi want a SINGLE ā€œdont ever talk to mozilla under any circumstances whatsoeverā€ setting in about:config.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzimo it should be set to 1 (dont ever) by default. but i know mozilla. it will be called something tedious, non-obvious and hard to find.Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzit wont be 0/1 or true/false, it will be 0 1 and 2 andOct 08 07:48
schestowitz2 is ā€œneverā€Oct 08 07:48
schestowitzand 0 is ā€œsometimes but lessā€Oct 08 07:49
schestowitz1 is ā€œwhenever we want.ā€ except its not one setting, its 15 and they keep adding more, theyre no better than facebook with this.Oct 08 07:49
schestowitzmozilla are fucking assholes. and alex limi is the biggest asshole (hes gone now) they ever had.Oct 08 07:49
schestowitz"Oct 08 07:49
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 08 08:26
schestowitz 08 08:28
-TechrightsBN/ | DE, UK, EPO: A Few Thoughts on Constitutional Matters - Kluwer Patent BlogOct 08 08:28
schestowitz"ę””ļæ½ę•­ē‘®ę½©ā®ę™Æē ę•Øę¤ ę®ę‘©ę¹„ā“ę”·ę©āØꕬā¤ę½“åˆ ć„ ā¼¹ćˆ±ę¤ ļæ½ę½®ā“ꕶē„²ę  ę±„꙰걵ꤠā®ę”“ļæ½ē‰°ē„ę¹„ā“ę„£ę²ęµµē‘³ę¹”ę•£ļæ½åˆ ć„ ā¼¹ćˆ±ēŒ ę½Øę•·ā¤ę•®ę•¶ē‘²ę•Øꕬē³ē ę…Øā“ꔓē‰„ļæ½ę…·ļæ½ā”ē‰°ę‰Æꕬā­ę„·ę”“ē ę•Øꤠꑮē„ę¹„ę•¤ę®ļæ½ę™Æē ę•Ø䈠ę…Æę‘²ļæ½ąØŠę””ē©ē€ ę½²ę±¢ęµ„ę  ē”ęø ē‘Æęˆ ę•„ā®ę•²ę½³ē™¬ę‘„ēœ ē‘©āØꔓļæ½ę¹©ē‘³ę±”ꅬꄓę¹Æę¼ ā¦ę”“ļæ½ę½‚ē‰”ā¤ę™Æ䄠ē°ę…„ā¬ę½ƒęµ­ē‘©ę•“ļæ½ę¹”ā¤ę”“ļæ½ę½®ę„­ę…®Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzę„“ę¹Æę¼ ā¦ę”“ļæ½ē‰ē„ę‘©ę¹„ā“ę™Æē ę•Ø䈠ę…Æę‘²ļæ½ę™Æ䄠ē°ę…„ā±¬ę„ ę‘®ęŒ ē‰„ę…“ę¹©ē„¬ęø ē‘Æēœ ē‘©āØꔓꄄļæ½ē”„걩ļæ½ę½“ä  ę…”ļæ½ä„ ļæ½ę½¬ę®ę„ ļæ½ę”“ļæ½ę½‚ē‰”ē¤ēœ ę±©ā¬ę½®ā“ę…Øę•¶ę„ ęˆ ę‘µę•§ā“ę”·ę©āØē©ēŒ ē„ē‰”ē‘”ļæ½ē‰¦ęµÆē ę•Øęœ ę¹„ē‰„ę±”ęˆ ę‘µę•§ā“ę™Æē ę•Ø䔠佐ā€¬ę”“ē„„ēœ ę±©ā¬ę¹Æē„¬ęˆ ļæ½ę¹©ę•¤ę•°ę‘®ę¹„ā“ę¹Æē ę•Øē€ ē”ē‰„꘠ē‰Æē ę„Øļæ½ę•²ē”ę¹Æę„ ę½¬ę•®ąØ®ä„Šļæ½ē•³ę”£ē ę•Øä” ä½ę¤ ļæ½ęµ©ē•­ę•®ę¤ ā®ę„Øļæ½ę”ę„“Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzę¹Æļæ½ę¹”ā¤ę…£ę¹®ē‘Æꈠļæ½ę„£ę•“ā¤ę•¢ę½¦ę•²ę„ ęø ē‘”ę½©ę…®ā¬ę½£ē‰µļæ½ä¤ ā“ē©ę„ ē ē‘Æę±”ē„¬ę ę™©ę•¦ę•²ē‘®ę“ ē‘”ę•“ļæ½ę½“ę ę„ę‘©ļæ½ę”·ē‘„ę•Øļæ½ē‰Æęø ē‘Æē ę•Ø䈠ę…Æę‘²ļæ½ę™Æ䄠ē°ę…„ā¬ē‰”ļæ½ē‰“ę±µā¹ę¹©ę•¤ę•°ę‘®ę¹„ā“ē‰Æęø ē‘ÆąØ®åŠę…Øā“ē©ēœ ę…Øā“ę…Øļæ½ę½“ꈠļæ½ę•¤ę„£ę•¤ā¤ē„¢ē ę•Øä˜ ę‘„ē‰„ę±”äŒ ę¹Æē‘³ē‘©ē‘µę½©ę…®ā¬ę½ƒē‰µā±“ęø ē‘Æēœ ę•Øꔓē‰„ē ę•Øę“ ęµ„ę•¢ē²ę¼ ā¦ę¹”ę¼ ē°ēÆē‘©ę½©ā®ę„¤ę„¶ę„³ę¹Æēœ ē‰„ļæ½ę½­ę•²ę¤ ē‘®ē‰„ē„Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzę•“ā¤ę¹©ę„ ę˜ ę½Æꉓ걔ā¬ę…­ę“āØē‰Æꤠā®ę½¤ę¹©ā§ę”“ę„„ļæ½ę½Ŗļæ½ąØŠę¹‰ę¤ ē“ę ę„ē©ę½©ā®ā”ć€²ćœ¹ļæ½ā°°ē ę•Ø䈠ę…Æę‘²ęø ē‘Æę‘„ē ę…Øą©“čƒ¢ą¦“ꔓļæ½ę½£ę‘®ęµā“ę™Æē ę•Øę¼ ę…²ā¬ē‰°ęÆę•„ę„¤ę®ļæ½ę…£ę¹®ē‘Æꈠļæ½ę•¤ę³ę„²ę•¢ā¤ē”ē” ē‰®ē„ē‰„ꕶ걤ā¹ę…³ę„“ę™³ę”ę½“ē„²ąØ¬čƒ¢ą¦“ꔓļæ½ę•²ē”ę¹Æļæ½ę½¦ļæ½ę”“ļæ½ę•¤ę„£ę„³ę¹Æē āÆꑔꄭā“慄ā€øę¹”ā¤ć…„ā€¹Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzę½£ę±µā¤ę…Øę•¶ęˆ ę•„ā®ę½­ę•²ę ē‘„ꄔꕬļæ½čƒ¢ą¦“ę„³ę®ļæ½ę”“ļæ½ę¹©ę•¶ē‘®ē™©ļæ½ē‘³ē„ēœ ē”ꄠē¬āÆē•±ē„ę„“ę¹Æę‘„ę¼ ā®ę”“ļæ½ę…¢ę„³ļæ½ę™Æꄠęø ē„ę° ę¹©ļæ½ę™Æꄠē‘“ę”ā«ęˆØē”ę‘„ę¼ ā®ć„ā°©ę¤ ā“ę½·ę±µā¤ę…Øę•¶ęˆ ę•„ā®ę•²ē”ę¹Æę‰”ę•¬ę˜ ē‰Æē ę•Øä¼ ē°ēÆē‘©ę½©ā®ę„„ę„¶ę„³ę¹Æē āÆē”ā«ę”“ļæ½ę…°ę•“ē‘®ę•„ēœ ę•Øꔓē‰„ā€¬ę¹©ē ę„Øļæ½ę•®ā·ę„³ē•“ē‘”ę½©ā±®ę¤ ā“ę„·ę”³ę‘„ē āÆē•³ęµ¢ē‘©ē ę•Øꄠē‰¬ę…„ē„¤ę„ ę¹®ē•Æę®ę‘„ę„ ę•­ę‘®ę•­ē‘®ļæ½Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzę½“ē ę•Øē€ ē‘”ę¹„ā“ē‰°ę½©ļæ½ę½“ē ę•Øꔠę…øꄭꅮꄓę¹Æę¼ ā¦ę”“ļæ½ę¹©ę•¶ē‘®ē™©ļæ½ē‘³ē„ā€®ę””ļæ½ę…¦ē‘£ē ę…Øā“ꔓē©ę ę‘©ęø ē‘Æę  ē”ꕰā®ē©ēˆ ę„ę•²ē‘“ꉔꕬā€¬ē•¢ā“ę½®ā“ē•¦ę‘®ęµ”ę¹„ę…“ę±¬ā¹ę±¦ē”ę‘„ąØ®åŠę…Øā“ꔓļæ½ę•¢ę…Øꄶē•Æļæ½ę™Æē ę•Øę¼ ē°ēÆē‘©ę½©ā®ę½£ę±µā¤ę…Øę•¶ęˆ ę•„ā®ę•¢ē‘“ē‰„ā€¬ē©ę¼ ę•®ē ę„Øę®ā€¬ę”“ļæ½ę½‚ē‰”ā¤ę•¤ę„£ę•¤ā¤ę•®ę•¶ē‘²ę•Øꕬē³ē ę…Øā“ꔓļæ½ēÆę½°ę„³ę„“ę¹Æꐠē™©ē©ę½©ā®ę…Øā¤ę½®ā“ę½£ęµ­ē‘©ę•“Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzā¤ā”ē•³ē¢ę…“ē‘®ę…©ā¬ē‰°ęÆę‘„ē‰µę±”ē˜ ę½©ę…¬ę„“ę¹Æā€®ē•‚ā“ē”ēŒ ę„”ā±¤ē ę„Øļæ½ē©ęø ē‘Æēœ ę…Øā“ę…Øļæ½ę½“ꈠļæ½ę•¤ę„£ę•¤ā¤ē„¢ē ę•Øä˜ ę‘„ē‰„ę±”äŒ ę¹Æē‘³ē‘©ē‘µę½©ę…®ā¬ę½ƒē‰µļæ½"Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzmehOct 08 08:28
schestowitz"Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzThe mention of the incident which led to R 19/12 is not very helpful in the present circumstances. R 19/12 showed nevertheless that there was a problem with the independence of the Boards.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzThis problem has not been resolved with the installation of the Board of Appeal Committee and the nomination of the President of the Boards of Appeal, and certainly not with their exile to Haar. As long as the Boards will not have a budget which is separate from the general budget of the EPO, they will only be independent on the paper for this reason alone.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzAs such the EPO is immune in his actions and cannot be cited before a national court. It is a totally different matter to decide whether or not the Boards of Appeal are truly independent or not.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzThat is what has to be decided by the Federal Constitutional Court, not whether the members of an opposition division were more interested in a football match or in doing their job.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzIn its decision T 2097/10, the Board noted thatOct 08 08:28
schestowitzā€“the conduct of the oral proceedings cannot be described as unreservedly satisfactory,Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzā€“the reasons for the decision to admit D18 and D19 could have been more detailedOct 08 08:28
schestowitzā€“since the inventive step was also questioned on the basis of a new line of attack (based on D7), it would have been reasonable for the Opposition Division to ask the patentee whether, in this new situation, it wished to submit the already announced amendments to the patent prior to the examination of the inventive step. The fact that this did not happen is regrettable, but not fundamentally flawed.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzThat the behaviour of the opposition could have been better, is one thing, the Board decided nevertheless that the opposition division had not committed a substantial procedural violation. But as said, this is not what has to be decided by the Federal Constitutional Court.Oct 08 08:28
schestowitz"Oct 08 08:28
schestowitzxOct 08 08:31
schestowitz 08 08:31
-TechrightsBN/ | YES Bank seeks police probe over fake news; woos Microsoft for investment - IBTimes IndiaOct 08 08:31
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 08 10:11
schestowitzsiever 08 12:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz Ifonly you could overcome your personal animosity for Trump, you'd see that Microsoft is applying theā€¦ 08 12:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz Ifonly you could overcome your personal animosity for Trump, you'd see that Microsoft is applying theā€¦ 08 12:28
schestowitz"Ifonly you could overcome your personal animosity for Trump, you'd see that Microsoft is applying the tactic and tools which leftists have sharpened on the global political scene, to subjugate Linux and open source."Oct 08 12:28
schestowitz 08 12:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@crossedroo: @schestowitz I guess that would require a frame of mind shift to a conservative, which is unlikely to happen šŸ˜ŽOct 08 12:28
schestowitz 08 12:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jamesabernard: @schestowitz In the olden days the King/Queen would have had his head removed, looks as though we haven't really moved on...Oct 08 12:28
schestowitz 08 12:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarchyArchie: @schestowitz @EFF šŸ–•šŸ¤“ šŸ’»šŸ˜ŽOct 08 12:29
schestowitz 08 12:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@7DivineLove7: @schestowitz @RedOwlDr This is horrific. EMF exposure is cumulative. I feel sorry for children growing up in theseā€¦ 08 12:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@7DivineLove7: @schestowitz @RedOwlDr This is horrific. EMF exposure is cumulative. I feel sorry for children growing up in theseā€¦ 08 12:29
schestowitz"This is horrific. EMF exposure is cumulative. I feel sorry for children growing up in these homes while theyā€™re still developing. Their skulls are so much thinner than an adults. I hate to imagine the health of these people in 5-10 years. God help us all."Oct 08 12:29
schestowitz 08 12:30
schestowitz 08 12:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@daaitoulaam: @schestowitz EGCS.Oct 08 12:30
schestowitz 08 12:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FixIt_EU: @schestowitz well, if you think of upload filters in Article 17, basically that is pushing for an algorithm to do wā€¦ 08 12:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FixIt_EU: @schestowitz well, if you think of upload filters in Article 17, basically that is pushing for an algorithm to do wā€¦ 08 12:31
schestowitz"well, if you think of upload filters in Article 17, basically that is pushing for an algorithm to do what should be a judge's job, namely weigh the validity o f a copyright claim against other fundamental rights at stake #justsaying #doesntmakeitright"Oct 08 12:31
schestowitz 08 12:31
schestowitz"Question is, "Did the young chap, JA, sour the root of the flag, or just the root of corruption and hypocrisy, in anti-hush of a local political crime?"."Oct 08 12:31
schestowitz 08 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PrivilegedCheck: @Schestowitz Good day yourself.Oct 08 12:45
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r_schestowitz 08 17:36
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:36
r_schestowitz"Well yeah, but you'd be surprised how many Anarchists on reddit seemed oblivious to the fact."Oct 08 17:36
r_schestowitz 08 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz"Marketing is very "edgy", using terms in loose ways. Still, the strategy seems to work."Oct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz 08 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz"Heā€™s replied to me maybe once."Oct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz 08 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz"Seen this shite?"Oct 08 17:37
-TechrightsBN/ | Joint statement on the GNU Project ā€” 2019 ā€” Blog ā€” GNUĀ GuixOct 08 17:37
r_schestowitzYes, some of the usual people, few among many gnu devsOct 08 17:37
r_schestowitz 08 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:38
r_schestowitzThat conference is a dumpster fireOct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz #allthingsopen #fewthingsopen #somethingsopen #openwashing #proprietarysoftwareOct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz 08 17:38
r_schestowitz"that analogy on wrong on so many levels"Oct 08 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz 08 17:38
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz" I mean I am on the side of Linux but Windows is better than Linux in many situations, sure those situations are artificially created and not about the inherent value of the OS but still that's the reality."Oct 08 17:38
r_schestowitzI didn't say the analogy was my best one :)Oct 08 17:38
r_schestowitz 08 17:39
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:39
r_schestowitz"You have hopes? From far out, it looks, sounds and walks like a permanent shunting."Oct 08 17:39
r_schestowitzThere are 'clans'Oct 08 17:39
r_schestowitz 08 17:40
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzI propose this point of view about Microsoft and Linux :Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz"More than 50% of Microsoft Azure workloads are now running Linux, which is huge.Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzMicrosoft now has a Linux distribution, just like Amazon with AWS, which is a Linux distribution, or Oracle.Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzNone of these Linux leaders, or anyone I talked to at the Linux Plumbers conference, worried about MicrosoftOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitztaking control of Linux.Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzIt's the opposite. Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzLinux is now the engine of almost every technology company, including Microsoft."Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz 08 17:40
r_schestowitz"In fact, Richard Stalman did a fantastic job: the GPL V2 license protects Linux from any attempt to take control of it by a company!"Oct 08 17:40
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz 08 17:40
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz""Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzwhy are they still trying on this thingOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzits basically just another atari flashback except not made by atgamesOct 08 17:40
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:40
r_schestowitzIt's a loaded question as critics do not claim Microsoft takes over the projectOct 08 17:41
r_schestowitz 08 17:41
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:41
r_schestowitz"what"Oct 08 17:41
r_schestowitz 08 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:42
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:42
r_schestowitzreminds me of my cat i had when i was littleOct 08 17:42
r_schestowitz<3Oct 08 17:42
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:42
r_schestowitz 08 17:42
r_schestowitz"what do you have to say over this?"Oct 08 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaOct 08 17:42
r_schestowitznot much, just that...Oct 08 17:42
r_schestowitz 08 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | Calls for Trump-Supporting Billionaire Schwarzman to Apologize forOct 08 17:44
r_schestowitz"Yeah, apologize because you don't know the future!"Oct 08 17:44
r_schestowitz 08 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | Nobody Had To Die: A Jury Finally Decided It Was Unreasonable For AOct 08 17:44
r_schestowitz"Funny how the author makes a big deal out of this particular case, and then states the Central Park 5 were 'exonerated' which is ignoring a large amount of evidence to the contrary."Oct 08 17:44
r_schestowitz"Its also amazing how the left will flat out lie to cover up their hypocrisy or to stir up hatred of Trump."Oct 08 17:44
r_schestowitz 08 17:44
-TechrightsBN/ | How Dehumanizing Language Fuels Mass IncarcerationOct 08 17:45
r_schestowitz"Central Park Five have not been exonerated. Trump did not take out ads campaigning for them to receive the death penalty. It's amazing how the left will stop believing women as soon as race becomes a factor."Oct 08 17:45
r_schestowitz 08 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Meme: Lots of Articles About RMS (Richard Stallman)Oct 08 17:47
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:47
r_schestowitzJust a suggestion.... but could you please at least use SSL encryption on your site?Oct 08 17:47
r_schestowitz 08 17:47
-TechrightsBN/ | Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS CertificatesOct 08 17:47
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:47
r_schestowitzWe plan toOct 08 17:47
r_schestowitz 08 17:48
-TechrightsBN/ | >actual< #epstein associates like #billgates and #trump ... no consequences. Only #creativecommons Ito and #gnu Stallman. It's all about connections (immunity). / 08 17:48
r_schestowitz"We plan to"Oct 08 17:48
r_schestowitz"This is pure dumbness. How many hundreds or thousands of celebrities of all kinds have, at one time or another, been photographed with some bad person? Means diddly squat."Oct 08 17:48
r_schestowitz 08 17:49
-TechrightsBN/ | Demanding Transcript of Trump Call With Xi, Warren Slams PresidentOct 08 17:49
r_schestowitz"ē”…ę„ē‘µē™©ļæ½ē‰°ē™©ę±©ę„ā±„ꐠ굵ē„­"Oct 08 17:49
r_schestowitz"Executive privilege, dummy."Oct 08 17:49
r_schestowitzDifferent under impeachment inquiry, or else separation of powers won't functionOct 08 17:49
r_schestowitz 08 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ | Boris Johnson has one week to improve his Brexit plan or EU officials will refuse to even discuss it at a crunch summitOct 08 17:50
r_schestowitz"Simple! Leave! Pay nothing. Tell the EU to take a flying leap."Oct 08 17:50
r_schestowitzYou do know we depend on them for many things, right?Oct 08 17:50
r_schestowitz 08 17:54
-TechrightsBN/ | Workers Stuck 'Paying the Ultimate Price' as GE Freezes Pensions forOct 08 17:54
r_schestowitz"Twenty years ago, some of us saw the writing on the wall: you can't trust companies or government to pay you money later in life they said was "due" to you. My generation will be luck if social security is still even a "thing". I feel really sorry for all these workers. That majorly, majorly blows."Oct 08 17:54
r_schestowitzyes, it gets worse over time; they kick the can further and further down the road, gambling with theoretical "money"Oct 08 17:54
r_schestowitz 08 17:56
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft Embedded Inside Linux | Tux MachinesOct 08 17:56
r_schestowitz"Does this have anything to do with "Microsoft Embedded"?"Oct 08 17:56
r_schestowitz 08 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | The Latest on the Diplomatic War Against VenezuelaOct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz""Oct 08 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Interior Design in Delhi, commercial and residential interior design in Delhi.Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz 08 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Syadmins: Poor documentation is not a job insurance strategyOct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz"As a Technical Writer, I approve this message. šŸ‘ x šŸ’Æ!"Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz 08 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Meme: Lots of Articles About RMS (Richard Stallman)Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitzJust a suggestion.... but could you please at least use SSL encryption on your site?Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz 08 17:57
-TechrightsBN/ | Let's Encrypt - Free SSL/TLS CertificatesOct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 17:57
r_schestowitz> hes still doing it. still trolling. still making little digs here and there, designed to annoy and insult my intelligence.Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitz> Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitz> because i think its very important, im pulling all my punches. i think we need this guy. but im really starting to hate him. only a little. but the word "hate" is on the tip of my tongue. this didnt start recently. its becoming a pattern. im going to stop talking about it, but im no longer convinced a decent replacement exists.Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitz> Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitz> maybe these are darker times than they appear. thats no reason to give up, but its nothing to celebrate. the one person who might help save the kernel has nothing more useful to say about it than joke about which technical term is used, and how some people dont care about details? really... really? theyre dismantling gnu. theyre not preserving it, its no different than what poettering has spent years doing.Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitz> Oct 08 18:23
r_schestowitzYes, see what the findings were. Sent earlier because I don't start thunderbird much.Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzI didn't even know we had revisions (!!)Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitz 08 18:53
-TechrightsBN/ | Node revisions | Drupal.orgOct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzLet's see if your TM->TR backup job runs correctly tomorrow. I tried to run it manually but failed to even execute it right :-) :-)Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzSo I thought, never mind, just let runs its course... (cron job) Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzRianne and I noticed NO issues at all when working from the site's front end, so I think we're good. I also stress-tested it a bit and checked very old pages.Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzAfter 3 incidents today (two restarts and one connection issue at home/router) I'm relieved that nothing major 'blew up'... or I'd be restless. I work until 1am tonight and tomorrow again, then I'm off work.Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzTake my word or mark my word: Linux Today won't last much longer. LXer? We'll see. They're the only two comparative site and if they fall we'll become a bigger hub for news. 16 years next year**. We must >already< adapt topics-wise or become obsolete, hence it's good to discuss openwashing reports, template for TR topics etc.Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitzWhat size shirt are you? We want to send something perhaps...Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitz___Oct 08 18:53
r_schestowitz** TechDirt struggling after 2 decades, just like IP Watchdog (Watchtroll); it's a tough terrain.Oct 08 18:54
r_schestowitz 08 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ "DebianXFCE got banned, so there's no way I'll ever buy premium. The tone of this forum is shifting towards something I don't like at all." 08 19:26
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | A Last Call For Our Phoronix Premium 2019 Autumn Special - Phoronix ForumsOct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzWhat a load of sh_t. Iā€™m glad I never subjected myself to this Phoronix forum.Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzļæ¼Oct 08 19:26 - 11 days ago Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzthe forum is a mix of opinions, many of them i consider very reasonable (and as a mix would imply, many i dont at all.)Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzto be honest, i wouldnt consider phoronix if roy didnt stick up for it. but he does, and having considered it, im not ready to throw it out yet.Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzļæ¼Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitztomgrz - 11 days ago Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzI donā€™t have time for such a mixā€¦Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzļæ¼Oct 08 19:26 - 11 days ago Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzim sympathetic, but im having a difficult time getting everyone to agree with us on key issues.Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzactivism is a struggle, if we only occupy the places where its easy then we only get the low-hanging fruit. with that said, i dont want to spin my wheels any more than you do. if theres no traction at all, whats the point?Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzļæ¼Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitztomgrz - 11 days ago Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzYes, where is the sport in that? ;-)Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:26
r_schestowitzPhoronix used to be more active in IRCOct 08 19:26
r_schestowitz 08 19:28
-TechrightsBN/ "computer scientist Richard Stallman is asking if maybe Epsteinā€™s victims arenā€™t to blame for all this." 08 19:28
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | storybreak stars');background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:center}.above-headline-image .video-embed__caption,.above-headline-image figcaption,.editor .editor-inner .video-embed__caption,.editor .editor-inner figcaption,.featured-post__featured-media-caption .video-embed__caption,.featured-post__featured-media-caption figcaption,.post-content .video-embed__caption,.post-content figcaption{position:relative;font-familOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzWill the students be dropping their courses now that they know where the money came from?Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz TrocatintasOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzTrocatintas - 24 days ago Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzBut this isnā€™t really about the money. Itā€™s about destroying Stallman and the free software movement with him.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz TrocatintasOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzTrocatintas - 24 days ago Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzYou can see the deceiving twist they gave his words at the end of the whole hit-piece.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz TrocatintasOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzTrocatintas - 24 days ago Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzAnd they donā€™t produce the actual e-mail, they only link to another selected media hit-piece.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz TrocatintasOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzTrocatintas - 24 days ago Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzThis is what Vice presents on a tiny box, took the liberty of saving it to the wayback machine.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz Clarice Boomshakalaka BouvierOct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzClarice Boomshakalaka Bouvier - 24 days ago Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzgood you, @Trocatintas :)) And thankyou for posting the email conversation.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitziā€™m still amused that those partaking in the educational benefits of an institution they stridently oppose & distrust seem to have no intention of leaving it despite now having the same knowledge (perhaps more) as those they want banished. Iā€™m inclined to agree - it isnā€™t about the money.Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzVice is funded by Murdoch,a  close friend of Gates (maybe closer than Epstein :-))Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitzVice is funded by Murdoch, a close friend of Gates (maybe closer than Epstein :-))Oct 08 19:28
r_schestowitz 08 19:30
-TechrightsBN/ "Fresh init system controversy at the #Debian project, a more scalable Samba, and a big release for #LLVM ." #debian geeing fed up with #systemd monopoly? #ibm 08 19:30
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:30
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 09/19/2019 | Linux Headlines | Jupiter BroadcastingOct 08 19:30
r_schestowitztheres a real chance here, for debian to become completely worthless-- and put behind (recent) years of work by ian jackson.Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitzwhat they were trying to do before, was force bad software on people. then they changed their mind. now, they want to change it back once and for all, right?Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitzļæ¼Oct 08 19:30 - 19 days ago Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitzwait for open source to say ā€œthis is silly, just do whatever is simplest, which happens to be giving inā€ for the millionth fucking time like they do whenever a tough decision (thats tough for a reason) is being struggled with.Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitzand yeah, anybody on jupiter broadcasting that calls it ā€œlinuxā€ is ā€œopen source.ā€Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitzThe employer works for Microsoft too, pushing AzureOct 08 19:30
r_schestowitz 08 19:30
-TechrightsBN/ "he wouldn't have a job without RMS work" -iophk Oct 08 19:30
r_schestowitz"He's resigned from MIT after public outcry for defending Epstein technically true, there was public outcry for stallman "defending epstein" but they might as well have a public outcry for stallman assassinating abraham lincoln. #asshole"Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitzOct 08 19:31
r_schestowitznote the "he wouldnt have a job if not for" argument only goes so far and says so much. "he wouldnt have a job if not for bill gates."Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Like Mucas: "RMS and the free software community" - BSD NetworkOct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz 08 19:31
-TechrightsBN/ "I do not think Stallman stepped down for a good reason this week. This was about image, not truth-- it was not about renewing the fight for free software." #techrights article on way (guest post)Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:31
r_schestowitz"it was not about renewing the fight for free software.ā€Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitzRather the opposite. Our active moral center has been nullified.Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 19:32 - 21 days ago Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitzhes just as relevant as he was three weeks ago.Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitznot officially, but whatever.Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitzits the fsf who needs to prove they can keep our respect and trust right now, stallman already has.Oct 08 19:32
r_schestowitz'Oct 08 19:32
<--swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c)Oct 08 23:29

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