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schestowitz-TR30% Increase in UK Deaths, Including Young People 22 00:24
-TechrightsBN/ » Blog Archive » 30% Increase in UK Deaths, Including Young PeopleJan 22 00:24
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJan 22 06:01
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 06:02
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 06:44
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 06:44
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 22 07:19
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 22 07:19
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 07:26
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 07:26
schestowitz[TR]troll having a stab at it again today; can't stop me, just slow me down a little. Now I have far more time not just for TR but also to properly research the stuff (very in-depth, raw evidence included)Jan 22 07:55
schestowitz[TR]I found some interesting stuff about ISOJan 22 07:56
schestowitz[TR]but need to properly present it for more impact//salarityJan 22 07:56
schestowitz[TR]*clarityJan 22 07:56
schestowitz-TRapropos iso, the existence of this series just serves to show that all that iso red tape is total bsJan 22 08:01
schestowitz-TRgdpr aside, people who write things cannot be denied access to things they wrote, it's like drm - a fantasyJan 22 08:01
schestowitz-TRfsfe tried to weaponise gdpr against pocock and it just backfiredJan 22 08:01
techrigthssecGlyn Moody pointed out Benjamin White's article which mentioned article Jan 22 08:15
techrigthssec16(3) of the Finnish Constitution and which might be relevant not just    Jan 22 08:15
techrigthssecin regards to copyright but also in regards of ridding the national    Jan 22 08:15
techrigthssecinstitutions of m$ products, especially its formats.Jan 22 08:15
techrigthssec(kind of overlaps with DRM there)Jan 22 08:15
schestowitz-TRI saw that yesterdayJan 22 08:15
schestowitz-TRthought about pasting in irc tooJan 22 08:15
techrigthssecThe formats aren't just a theoretical threat but have been used time and againJan 22 08:56
techrigthssecto exclude competition including competition from older versions of their ownJan 22 08:56
techrigthssecproductivity suiteJan 22 08:56
techrigthssecIt's not a great distance to leap to show the role that DRM plays in hinderingJan 22 08:56
techrigthsseceither open science, arts, etc    Jan 22 08:56
schestowitz-TRanything "open" or Commons is seen as "not privatised YET"Jan 22 08:59
schestowitz-TRvaccine knowledge Jan 22 08:59
schestowitz-TRNHSJan 22 08:59
schestowitz-TRetc etcJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRthey can turn schools to into BUSINESSESJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRand then hail the "successful  business people"Jan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRcomposers, conductors, actual musicians ---> sonyJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRi do not mind paying for water treatment, energy generation, even internetJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TR(british net infra is relativelt robust)Jan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRthose do take actual work, plus maintenanceJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRwe listen to karen carpenter atmJan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRif we bought her albums, WHO would get paid?Jan 22 09:00
schestowitz-TRshe died so long agoJan 22 09:00
*Mio14 has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Jan 22 09:02
techrigthssec0Jan 22 09:03
techrigthssecs/can turn/did already turn/Jan 22 09:03
techrigthssecLook at the mystery of the lost money from the late Marc Bolan and T Rex Jan 22 09:17
techrigthssecHis son spend *many* years trying to find out where any of it wentJan 22 09:17
techrigthssechmm. can't find an authoritative / relevant link atmJan 22 09:18
techrigthssecThere were a few investigative articles about it Jan 22 09:18
schestowitz-TRseems like a motif/themeJan 22 09:35
schestowitz-TRwhen the car carries one person, out of sight of manyJan 22 09:35
schestowitz-TRin malta and libya even car bombsJan 22 09:35
schestowitz-TRone by mafia, the latter british spiesJan 22 09:35
schestowitz-TRhastings is anotherJan 22 09:35
schestowitz-TRit'll get worse and harder to detect/investigate as cars get "smarter"Jan 22 09:35
techrigthssecMuch easier with the networked cars filled with proprietary softwareJan 22 09:38
schestowitz-TRit can be remotely tampered before AND AFTER Jan 22 09:39
schestowitz-TRfirst for stealthJan 22 09:39
schestowitz-TRlater for coverupJan 22 09:39
schestowitz-TRhistory -cJan 22 09:39
schestowitz-TRrm -rf /tmp /var/log/*Jan 22 09:39
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #boycottnovellJan 22 09:50
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 09:51
schestowitz-TRthe term lost its meaningJan 22 10:15
schestowitz-TRit used to mean something more preciseJan 22 10:15
schestowitz-TRnow it's a junk term like "smart"Jan 22 10:15
techrigthssecThere must be an accurate term for automated programming done by statisticalJan 22 10:17
techrigthssecanalysis of obscene quantities of data and permutations.Jan 22 10:17
techrigthssecYes, the point a bout brute force needs to be highlighted in nearly all      Jan 22 10:17
techrigthssecexamples.Jan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRit's a bunch of thingsJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRnlpJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRstatisticsJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRor the two combinedJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRfor image there is fusionJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRbut that's not always MLJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRand lots of it is crapJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRcompensated for by crute forceJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRlike plagiarising billions of textsJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRthen saying bing will do HEY HIJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRwhile FIRING the bing staffJan 22 10:17
schestowitz-TRfor now I've quit checking the rumour millJan 22 10:18
schestowitz-TRhard to find signal thereJan 22 10:18
schestowitz-TRgonna open the SN links now, then do daily linklsJan 22 10:18
schestowitz-TRgone throughj the urls quikckly, in passing Jan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRplagiarism is a very old problemsJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRplagiarism and nlp are very old problems in CSJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRsee SCIGen for instanceJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRslashdot too covered that in its "golden" daysJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRthe "sudden" hype disturbs meJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRbiab, gonna focus on links, will avoid multitasking to avoid distraction/slowdownJan 22 10:24
schestowitz-TRwant to do some backups by mondayJan 22 10:24
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 22 10:25
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 22 10:25
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@freenode-rmogvn.g0d7.dtdf.mc4289.IP) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 10:28
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@fpfsqjchsbkme.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 10:28
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jan 22 11:05
techrigthssecackJan 22 11:15
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@cbcfptirpkfqa.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 11:40
schestowitz-TRdaily links done, doing rss nowJan 22 12:40
schestowitz-TRtopics welcomeJan 22 12:40
schestowitz-TRiso will be among the next targetsJan 22 12:40
schestowitz-TRmany partsJan 22 12:40
techrigthssecincluding the MOOX scandal in all the comnpnent ISO committees in each Jan 22 12:42
techrigthssecmember country?  Jan 22 12:42
schestowitz-TRit links to the wiki about ISOJan 22 12:43
schestowitz-TRfirsthand account of iso as papermill is damaghing enoughJan 22 12:49
schestowitz-TRgood news: intensity of FUD and attacks on Linux lately, or so far this year, down notablyJan 22 12:54
schestowitz-TRI hope it means budget for things like "sponsoring" SFC has gone downJan 22 12:54
techrigthssecMaybe m$ is realizing that it is about out of money and has already cut backJan 22 12:57
techrigthssecon the departments dealing with financing shills and astroturfers?Jan 22 12:57
schestowitz-TR"marketing" explicitly mentioned among the cutsJan 22 12:58
schestowitz-TRso I joked it would mean less shills/astroturfingJan 22 12:58
schestowitz-TR"media partners" and all that...Jan 22 12:58
techrigthssecMarketing used to be very clearly the largest single line item in m$ budget. Jan 22 13:13
techrigthssecHowever, when they got ridiculed for that, it appears that they split up  Jan 22 13:13
techrigthssecthe marketing among all the various sections to hide how much larger it hasJan 22 13:13
techrigthssecgrown.  M$ "Research" is basically sales / marketing.Jan 22 13:13
techrigthssecand little to no actual (computer) scienceJan 22 13:13
schestowitz-TRyes, lewis showed the numbers beforeJan 22 13:14
schestowitz-TRconcluded marketing with the biggest unitJan 22 13:14
schestowitz-TRcalling it "marketing" is itself marketingJan 22 13:14
schestowitz-TRi.e. misleadingJan 22 13:14
schestowitz-TRin nigeria, microsoft called bribery to cut off gnu/linux "marketing help"Jan 22 13:14
techrigthssecLooking at the Old version of Slashdot from 2002.  No wonder m$ wanted it dead.Jan 22 13:16
techrigthssecIIRC it was announced in 2002 or 2003 that the largest line item was marketing.Jan 22 13:16
techrigthssecThe next quarter's SEC filing had that "fixed" as mentioned above.Jan 22 13:16
schestowitz-TR*cough LF Research(TM) *cough*Jan 22 13:17
schestowitz-TRmarketed by MS PerlowJan 22 13:17
schestowitz-TR'Research' for SnykJan 22 13:17
schestowitz-TRSo Much Sex On YouTube! Are They Trying To Compete With The Hub? - Invidious ⚓ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 14:44
-TechrightsBN/ | So Much Sex On YouTube! Are They Trying To Compete With The Hub? - InvidiousJan 22 14:44
techrigthssecackJan 22 15:00
schestowitz-TRtumblr for videos?Jan 22 15:00
techrigthssecNo ideaJan 22 15:39
techrigthssecAs discussed a long while back YouTube's business model might not be  Jan 22 15:39
techrigthssececonomically viable.Jan 22 15:39
schestowitz-TRag red? iirc, that was the name, "red".Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRand iirc, they had other paid-for experiments/optionsJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRthat's when you knew something was amissJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRiirc, shut down due to lack of demandJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRsame as cnn's premium opfferingJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRi never watched netflix anywhereJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRso not sure how it works (i read about "password-sharing", podesta did that too)Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRnetflix competes against youtube economicsJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRnot hd or lesser hdJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRbut if youtube operates at a loss,Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRthen netflix basically competes with "below zero"Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRthey do the "uber modus"Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRif they charge more or curtail "sharing", people can turn to USB, external disks, iptv etc.Jan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRa lot of "modern" "tech" is a bubblewJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRrunning on the money or riding the capital of oil, pension funds, and speculationJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRhence microsoft, despite CLAIMING to be super-profitable, is makign deep cutsJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRthey all play poker and wait for time to foldJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TRnow, they realise no winner is imminent and show the doors, don't expect many to ask for payrise in this climateJan 22 15:44
schestowitz-TR> remember gulag red? iirc, that was the name, "red".Jan 22 15:45
schestowitz-TRand iirc, they had other paid-for experiments/optionsJan 22 15:45
schestowitz-TRi meant youtube red, did not loo to check. youtube pays the "Creator" a lot less, they're not happy; 60% revenueJan 22 15:45
schestowitz-TRshare not goes to the host, not the creator that does like, 90% of the actual workJan 22 15:45
techrigthssecNetflix has its own economic problems and it ships around large servers filledJan 22 15:56
techrigthssecwith fully-loaded hard drives to try to reduce the amount of bandwidth wasted.Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecOne of the main roles that Netflix and the other streaming services seems to Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecfill is as a promoter of TBL's move to a non-open, DRM'd web to replace trheJan 22 15:56
techrigthssecopen WWW we had until quite recently.Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecTiktok is information warfare, especially psyops against the west.   Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecThat was made 100% clear by the CBS 60-Minutes segment on it a while back.Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecAside from CBS itself, it got *NO* coverage in the mainstream and almost noneJan 22 15:56
techrigthsseceven on the fringes.Jan 22 15:56
techrigthssecByteDance is not just mentally crippling a whole generation in the west,Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecit is breaking them off from the continuity of culture and history, rendering   Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecthem incapable of inheriting the reins when they would otherwise have becomeJan 22 15:57
techrigthssecold enough for that to have happened.Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssec 22 15:57
-TechrightsBN/ | TikTok in China versus the United States | 60 Minutes - CBS NewsJan 22 15:57
techrigthssec"""Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecYou must connect to your TV Provider to watch this video. Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssec"""Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecIn contrast, in Red China, Bytedance limits access by youth in two ways.  Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecFirst, instead of maximizing the time spent (I hear of 4, 6 or more hours perJan 22 15:57
techrigthssecday) the kids there are limited to no more than 40 minutes per day.  Second,Jan 22 15:57
techrigthssecthey are shown science and other educational videos, not how to choke themselvesJan 22 15:57
techrigthssecto death, knock out their own teeth, or eat dishwasher detergent.Jan 22 15:57
schestowitz-TRlike i said, i'm all ears about tiktok, netflix etc. ZERO hands-on experience.Jan 22 15:57
schestowitz-TRI tried "gaming" things the other day in house of fraserJan 22 15:58
schestowitz-TRhelped me keep up with  "state of the art", hands on literallyJan 22 15:58
schestowitz-TRit was mostly underwhelmingJan 22 15:58
techrigthssecIf you really are interested in Bytedance/Tiktok, get the above CBS 60-MinutesJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecsegment and take detailed notes while watching.Jan 22 16:01
techrigthssecAnyway, those 4 to 6 hours per day wasted in bytedance are not just lostJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecthey are spend being programmed into who knows what but whatever it is it hasJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecno continuity with any culture existing on the planet.Jan 22 16:01
techrigthssecInstead of addressing the national security problem head on, the talking Jan 22 16:01
techrigthssecheads and pundits blather on and on about "privacy".  While privacy is anJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecactual problem, it is only a step along the path.  Same for the addictivenessJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecof these skinner boxes, though that is rarely mentioned.  It is the activeJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecprogramming done by these adaptive skinner boxes which is as problematicJan 22 16:01
techrigthssecas the group controling the programming. Jan 22 16:01
schestowitz-TRcould you make the case trhat this is like us state programming via tv, esceptJan 22 16:02
schestowitz-TRmore hours per dayJan 22 16:02
schestowitz-TRand alwaysd in the pocketJan 22 16:02
schestowitz-TRand more harmful "content" with little quality controlJan 22 16:02
schestowitz-TRand yet worse, intentionally bad things?Jan 22 16:02
psydruidI've read that they adapted TikTok/ByteDance to western preferencesJan 22 16:05
techrigthssecNo, while TV certainly is one-way corporate programming, it is not adaptiveJan 22 16:05
techrigthssecto the individual nor highly addictive.  Jan 22 16:05
techrigthssec 22 16:05
techrigthssecThough I do suspect that the TV (incl netflix, hulu, etc) intentionlly spreadJan 22 16:05
techrigthssecharmful attitudes and values by design.  The whole "reality tv" trope reallyJan 22 16:05
techrigthssechas modified global society in a bad way: those that excell are not to be Jan 22 16:05
techrigthssecemulated but ganged up on and torn down by small peopleJan 22 16:05
techrigthssecThe "reality tv" provides a template for how they can do thatJan 22 16:05
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- ( status 403 @ )Jan 22 16:05
techrigthssecand provides, by being an observed model, encouragement to do so.Jan 22 16:05
schestowitz-TRpsydruid: spinach and opiumJan 22 16:05
schestowitz-TRthey use it as a weapon outside ChinaJan 22 16:06
schestowitz-TRlike British opium warsJan 22 16:06
schestowitz-TRcausing the population to be mentally sedatedJan 22 16:06
techrigthssecNot just sedated but dependent and injured.Jan 22 16:07
techrigthssecAt 4+ hours per day it retards actual social and mental development. Jan 22 16:09
techrigthssecon purpose. Jan 22 16:09
schestowitz-TRif DT si correct, we'll see what youtube's promotion of sex will causeJan 22 16:11
schestowitz-TRI hadn't heard of this phenomenon before todayJan 22 16:11
schestowitz-TRi also don't know how pr0nhub worksJan 22 16:11
schestowitz-TRand whether they can compete with that thingJan 22 16:12
schestowitz-TRstreaming pr0n was always a very bad ideaJan 22 16:12
techrigthssecThe competition is probably monopoly by now and youtube won't be able to breakJan 22 16:12
techrigthssecin and the same old storage costs will bite them anywayJan 22 16:12
schestowitz-TRi think vimeo, gulagtube etc. are unique in this regadJan 22 16:14
schestowitz-TRuser-uploaded and shared "catalogues"Jan 22 16:14
schestowitz-TRunlike netflixJan 22 16:14
schestowitz-TRi think pr0nhub is something more like netflix, or a breed in-betweenJan 22 16:14
schestowitz-TRso bandwidth, not storage costs, may cost a lotJan 22 16:14
schestowitz-TRplus licensingJan 22 16:15
schestowitz-TRpsydruid: big match about to startJan 22 16:15
schestowitz-TRnot watching any of them, just checking the table (points, not goals)Jan 22 16:15
psydruidyeahJan 22 16:15
schestowitz-TRi herad the 3 goals hereJan 22 16:15
schestowitz-TRi cannot not hear themJan 22 16:15
schestowitz-TRevery roomJan 22 16:15
psydruidbtw, our two wingers anrsd best playe were sold to Liverpool and Chelsea in recent weeksJan 22 16:16
schestowitz-TRi can tell the score just by listeningJan 22 16:16
psydruidthey have insane amounts of money so they can buy anyone they wantJan 22 16:16
psydruidand*Jan 22 16:16
psydruidplayers*Jan 22 16:16
schestowitz-TR"our"?Jan 22 16:16
schestowitz-TRNL?Jan 22 16:16
psydruidPSV EindhovenJan 22 16:16
schestowitz-TRLFC and Chelsea seem knackeredJan 22 16:17
psydruidthe club I've supported since I was a child in the late 80sJan 22 16:17
psydruidyesJan 22 16:17
psydruidI saw that one yesterdayJan 22 16:17
psydruidit was horrendousJan 22 16:17
schestowitz-TRrianne was lolingJan 22 16:17
psydruidall that money gone to wasteJan 22 16:17
psydruidit looked like amateur footballJan 22 16:17
schestowitz-TRmaybe lfc's owner want exit strategyJan 22 16:17
schestowitz-TRgave away their best strikerJan 22 16:17
schestowitz-TRfor cheapJan 22 16:18
schestowitz-TR50 mil iircJan 22 16:18
schestowitz-TRfcb paid like 100 for their previous leading strikerJan 22 16:18
psydruidit looks like clubs in NL and DE are run much more financially responsiblyJan 22 16:18
schestowitz-TRiirc, lfc was planning the sell the clubJan 22 16:18
psydruidrelying much on youth to break into first teamsJan 22 16:18
schestowitz-TRa decade ago they pursued famous criminal billy as a buyerJan 22 16:18
psydruidand then selling those at profit to clubs with owners who have infinitely sized pocketsJan 22 16:19
techrigthssecI've not read an analysis of the business model or costs.Jan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRpsydruid: tax evasionJan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRuk/londonJan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRbuy a clubJan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRlobbyJan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRsave taxJan 22 16:19
schestowitz-TRsportwashingJan 22 16:19
psydruidthat's what's happeningJan 22 16:21
psydruidthe difference is that it's done at a massive scaleJan 22 16:21
psydruidcompared to what happens in minor leagues like romaniaJan 22 16:21
schestowitz-TRi stopped watchingJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRcold turkeyJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRdon't check who scores, eitherJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRwe have two potent club hereJan 22 16:23
psydruidI think football is still a great sport to doJan 22 16:23
psydruidand to watch as wellJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRbuilding a positive imageJan 22 16:23
psydruidbut I think it's better to support the grassrootsJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRi've not played in tearsJan 22 16:23
schestowitz-TRsince coronaJan 22 16:23
psydruidI haven't eitherJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRi'm a goalie since childhoodJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRit's a shame because I want to playJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRand I rarely see groups hereJan 22 16:24
psydruidhaving had covid three times really makes a differenceJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRnot even 5-a-sideJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRprobably too busy with their skinnerboxesJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TRin uni we did 5-a-side a lotJan 22 16:24
psydruidI played as a goalkeeper for a few years because I was good at itJan 22 16:24
schestowitz-TR3 times, wowJan 22 16:25
psydruidbut I'm actually a field playerJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRlike my momJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRshe now has medical concernsJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRphoned me about it 2 hours agoJan 22 16:25
psydruideven during my final year as a goalkeeper I played as a second striker a few timesJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRi can do field alsoJan 22 16:25
psydruidso the reserve goalkeeper went into goalJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRbut my dribbling is not god enoughJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TR*goodJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRhence, more defence positionJan 22 16:25
schestowitz-TRor hybrid like edersonJan 22 16:26
psydruidyou learn it by playing outsideJan 22 16:26
schestowitz-TRgoalies that cannot use the feet well are worthless, esp. in 5 a side\Jan 22 16:26
psydruidI think I just did it for fun with schoolmatesJan 22 16:26
psydruidand when I was 8 the local football club came asking my parents to joinJan 22 16:26
schestowitz-TRgoalie : field + handsJan 22 16:26
schestowitz-TRnot hands + fieldJan 22 16:26
psydruidyeahJan 22 16:27
psydruidnow more so than back in the dayJan 22 16:27
schestowitz-TRyes, "modern goalkeeper"Jan 22 16:27
psydruidI was called Van der Sar by our captainJan 22 16:27
schestowitz-TRthe german captain used to take the free kicksJan 22 16:27
psydruidbecause I was actually a field player who went into goalJan 22 16:27
schestowitz-TRkahnJan 22 16:27
schestowitz-TRand also covered goalJan 22 16:27
schestowitz-TRjurgen eraJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TRi never stayed only in goalJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TRas that would not let me develop legworkJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TRbtw, I still have many dreams about itJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TRusually goal stuff as a teenJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TRit keeps coming back at nightJan 22 16:28
schestowitz-TReven this past weekJan 22 16:28
schestowitz 22 16:29
-TechrightsBN/ » SportJan 22 16:29
schestowitzgot soem medalsJan 22 16:29
schestowitz2nd placeJan 22 16:29
schestowitzwith a truly crap teamJan 22 16:29
schestowitzthey did rely on me, not the other way aroundJan 22 16:29
schestowitzoops, wrong urlJan 22 16:30
schestowitz 22 16:30
-TechrightsBN/ | SportsJan 22 16:30
schestowitz-TRkickoffJan 22 16:31
psydruidoh rightJan 22 16:32
schestowitz-TRdon't know if there are goalsJan 22 16:39
schestowitz-TRold trafford is way too farJan 22 16:39
schestowitz-TR2+ miles away, i thinkJan 22 16:40
schestowitz-TRSetting a new focus for my blog ⚓ ䷉ Source: Drew DeVault | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 22 16:44
-TechrightsBN/ | Setting a new focus for my blogJan 22 16:44
psydruidthey're playing at the EmiratesJan 22 16:45
schestowitz-TRi was just guessing the locationJan 22 16:46
schestowitz-TRbtw, weird for us-owned team to have a stadium called thatJan 22 16:47
psydruidthey've completely sold out anything to do with the clubJan 22 16:50
schestowitz-TR0-1 United :DJan 22 16:50
psydruidthey're finally playing good football againJan 22 16:50
psydruidafter almost a decadeJan 22 16:50
schestowitz-TRbecause ronaldo LEFTJan 22 16:51
schestowitz-TRthat's when they stopped losingJan 22 16:51
schestowitz-TRnow the "old horse" is in the land of "let's eat camel"Jan 22 16:51
psydruidI would say the new Dutch coach has had a hand in itJan 22 16:51
psydruidI like to say that United are cheating a bitJan 22 16:51
schestowitz-TRhe lost the first two gamesJan 22 16:51
schestowitz-TRseemed like disasterJan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TRlike that guy de bohrJan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TR[sic]Jan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TRwho was sacked after only 4 games, iircJan 22 16:52
psydruidit takes time to completely change thingsJan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TRshortest coasing career everJan 22 16:52
psydruidwell, De Boer was a disasterJan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TRwas it crystal palance?Jan 22 16:52
psydruidyesJan 22 16:52
schestowitz-TRanyway, goin g to sleep nowJan 22 16:52
psydruidand Inter Milan beforeJan 22 16:52
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Jan 22 20:37
*DaemonFC (~daemonfc@3wpw8i8zcbs5u.irc) has joined #boycottnovellJan 22 21:17

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