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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Tuesday, April 28, 2020

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schestowitz 28 04:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@j082298: @schestowitz Laws are for the peasants.Apr 28 04:18
schestowitz 28 04:19
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@StarchyArchie: @FiveThirtyEight cc: @SchestowitzApr 28 04:19
schestowitz 28 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SyS_Config: @schestowitz O look The man who brung us Windows ,the digital version of swiss cheese that left an unpleasant taste… 28 04:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@SyS_Config: @schestowitz O look The man who brung us Windows ,the digital version of swiss cheese that left an unpleasant taste… 28 04:21
schestowitz"O look The man who brung us Windows ,the digital version of swiss cheese that left an unpleasant taste of something else wants to leave a legacy for the new social credit system tool via vaccine . Its his ticket, a last gasp for fame..a go for broke moment"Apr 28 04:21
schestowitz 28 04:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dukeleto: @schestowitz since you seem interested, this is when the CloudFoundry product was launched internally at VMware, 9+… 28 04:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dukeleto: @schestowitz since you seem interested, this is when the CloudFoundry product was launched internally at VMware, 9+… 28 04:23
schestowitz"since you seem interested, this is when the CloudFoundry product was launched internally at VMware, 9+ yrs ago, which used BusyBox. Every developer (many dozens) knew it was wrong but just wanted their paycheck. VMware owned their souls"Apr 28 04:23
schestowitz 28 04:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dukeleto: @schestowitz you would not be surprised to hear that the person in charge at the time was ex-Microsoft and wrote la… 28 04:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@dukeleto: @schestowitz you would not be surprised to hear that the person in charge at the time was ex-Microsoft and wrote la… 28 04:23
schestowitz"Apr 28 04:23
schestowitzyou would not be surprised to hear that the person in charge at the time was ex-Microsoft and wrote large parts of the NT kernel:Apr 28 04:23
schestowitz 28 04:23
schestowitzProbably now doing the same stuff at his current job... I will let you discover where Apr 28 04:23
schestowitzSmiling face with open mouth and cold sweatApr 28 04:23
schestowitzFace with monocleApr 28 04:23
-TechrightsBN/ | Mark Lucovsky - WikipediaApr 28 04:23
schestowitz"Apr 28 04:23
schestowitzI am doing an article about this, thank you for your courage. If you have email/docs related to this, please pass along to roy at my surname dot comApr 28 04:30
schestowitzAlso see Apr 28 04:34
schestowitz and 28 04:34
-TechrightsBN/ | VMware - TechrightsApr 28 04:34
-TechrightsBN/ | Linux Foundation - TechrightsApr 28 04:34
schestowitz 28 04:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FemAnon1312: @Lulz_Swag, here 28 04:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Oh, welcome to #gnu #linux you #microsoft #windows refugees Fedora released tomorrow, Ubuntu LTS last week! Microso… 28 04:37
schestowitz 28 04:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@FemAnon1312: . 28 04:37
schestowitz 28 04:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrideOfLinux: @schestowitz @FOSSForce Bruce actually submitted this over a month ago, but I didn't have time to edit it and get it up until this weekend.Apr 28 04:43
schestowitz"Bruce actually submitted this over a month ago, but I didn't have time to edit it and get it up until this weekend."Apr 28 04:43
schestowitzYes, I wasn't trying to imply a connectionApr 28 04:43
schestowitz 28 04:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@glynmoody: #GDPR is like democracy: the least-worst solution... 28 04:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Having no #GDPR is an even worse disaster. Common sense coming soon. 28 04:44
schestowitz 28 04:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@filippos_s: @schestowitz do you have a hashtag quota you need to reach per tweet or no?Apr 28 04:44
schestowitzHeh. "Quota"? I just try not to exceed 5 as that would be too much.Apr 28 04:45
schestowitz 28 04:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@django_stiglitz: @schestowitz We haven't even dodged any bullets yet, at least in the u.s.Apr 28 04:45
schestowitz 28 04:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@boo2600: 😱🤣 28 04:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: Running #GNU / #Linux With a Top Process Controlled by #Microsoft and Far Too Many Lines of Code… 28 04:45
schestowitz 28 04:46
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MoreSocialism: @schestowitz I'm not calling them dumb.Apr 28 04:46
schestowitz>>> Test anything that needs testing, I think we have contingencies in caseApr 28 05:19
schestowitz>>> something goes wrong. Also, this time of Sunday/Money is 'safer'.Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz>> Ok.  I'll be bringing httpd down on TM for a minute or two several timesApr 28 05:19
schestowitz>> during the next tens of minutes.Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz>>Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz>>Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz> Ok.  All set.  I've got my local monitoring script running with theApr 28 05:19
schestowitz> modifications.Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz> I opted for having it try a full restart rather than trying a gracefulApr 28 05:19
schestowitz> restart first.  That gets the original httpd process too.Apr 28 05:19
schestowitzSo far no issue. I see TM and TR still serving about a megabyte per second, which is good (average of about 3.6 GB/hour, IIRC).Apr 28 05:19
schestowitzI got some VMware scoop coming...Apr 28 05:19
schestowitz> 2020: lots of people look for reasons to be upset about something...Apr 28 05:20
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:20
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:20
schestowitz> some reasons are good whether they look for them or not.Apr 28 05:20
schestowitz> you know after all that, i found a github dependency in fig?Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> the day after. im going to work with someone on a solution.Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> the dependency is colorama, its only needed to make locate, colour and graphics statements work in windows, after the other effort to remove github dependencies im likely to remove this as well. it goes all the way back to the first version of fig:Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> try: from colorama import init ; init()Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> try: from colorama import init ; init()Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> except: pass # windows users (only) will want colorama installed or ansi.sys enabledApr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> really just those two lines-- the other is a comment. fig should actually work better if in gnu and macos if colorama is NOT installed. its only for windows machines.Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> fig was designed to be cross platform. if i remove it, locate/colour/graphics statements wont work in windows. im less sympathetic than i used to be.Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> the 24-bit colour hack (just tested today) doesnt work in windows anyway. in windows you get the same colours you would if the hack wasnt used. Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> fig also works in reactos. Apr 28 05:23
schestowitzI suppose that you could always make two versions of the software, one cross platform and not as 'purist'.Apr 28 05:23
schestowitz> i think i can make the argument that windows users dont need colorama anymore, as there are (since fig was introduced) several other ways to have ansi support in windows that dont require fig to support them directly (as it does with colorama.)Apr 28 05:24
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:24
schestowitz> so this isnt really a crisis for fig, just a bug that can removed by taking out two lines (plus one comment.)Apr 28 05:24
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:24
schestowitz> but the justification has to be made first. there arent a lot of fig users out there using it on windows, and most of the commands work with or without this-- but im still going to work on getting feedback before the cut is made.Apr 28 05:24
schestowitzworth knowing how many (roughly) people even bother with Windows for figApr 28 05:24
schestowitz> Hi Jason, Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> ...Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> It does 24-bit and (originally) 16-colour foreground and background, along with move cursor to line #, column # to implement the locate command (fig was originally called fig basic).Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz>  I've tried it with ansicon, it works. Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Until yesterday, fig 4.6 was the latest version-- from 2017. I just updated it to remove Pygame support, and add 24-bit colour (not tested in ansicon, but appears to be supported-- esc[38;2,r,g,bm Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> I did this in protest of Microsoft owning Github. In fact I do a lot of research on just how many free software projects are held there-- including 1/3 of the packages in Debian. One third is a lot.Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> You're probably happy with Github, indeed I used to develop fig there until the acquisition. I believe that I can remove the colorama support that fig has offered since the first version, and tell Windows users to enable ANSI support if they want the few fig commands that need it to work. Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:25
schestowitz> ...Apr 28 05:26
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:26
schestowitz> But since I sometimes write emails to projects I love encouraging them to migrate from Github--Apr 28 05:26
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:26
schestowitz> I hope you'll consider it, whatever you decide to do.Apr 28 05:26
schestowitz>> DaemonFC[m]Firefox 75: Oh sure Wayland's broken and there's still no VA-API or Vulkan support, but have you seen the address bar that pops out  of your screen?Apr 28 05:28
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:28
schestowitz> Apr 28 05:28
schestowitz> Don't get too excited about Vulkan, it's just another project controlled by Microsoft Github. Instead, worry about the future of OpenGL, which is developed on the freedesktop Gitlab.Apr 28 05:28
schestowitzAre the two not closely connected?Apr 28 05:28
*oiaohm has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 28 06:10
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 06:10
*acer-box ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 06:12
*acer-box has quit (Changing host)Apr 28 06:12
*acer-box (~acer-box@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 06:12
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to acer-boxApr 28 06:12
*libertybox_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 06:12
*acer-box__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Apr 28 06:15
*libertybox has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Apr 28 06:16
schestowitz 28 06:16
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@stautistic: @schestowitz Fine I’ll send my daily glamour shots elsewhereApr 28 06:16
schestowitzx 28 06:21
schestowitz# what is that shit?Apr 28 06:21
-TechrightsBN/ | It’s never too late to learn Excel. So learn it from the firm that teaches Microsoft workers. / Boing BoingApr 28 06:21
schestowitzx 28 06:30
schestowitz=Apr 28 06:30
-TechrightsBN/ | Bill Gates Buys Del Mar Mansion – VarietyApr 28 06:30
schestowitz 28 08:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@WissonKrystyna: @schestowitz @hbeeeme All they wanted was our livesApr 28 08:43
schestowitz 28 13:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Micron speeds up SSDs with open-source database storage engine | ZDNetApr 28 13:27
schestowitzmailto:noreply@blogger.comApr 28 15:34
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:34
schestowitzBiggest problem is whether EQE2021 can still go ahead as normal. It doesn't look like we get a vaccine available for everyone by next year so the exam cannot go ahead unless everyone can be safe.Apr 28 15:34
schestowitzSome form of lockdown measures will still be in place across Europe and gatherings at event will probably still be banned especially in Winter. Apr 28 15:34
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:34
schestowitz 28 15:34
-TechrightsBN/ | No European qualifying examination will be held in 2020 says EQE Supervisory Board - The IPKatApr 28 15:34
schestowitz 28 15:34
schestowitz"@Gilman. I truly don't understand your statement. Off course you would be bothered if you have a whole year delayed after putting in months of hard work. Its a lot of work for nothing. I understand it is outside the EPO's control but stop playing down the significant impact on candidates especially the financial & emotional impact as many have pointed out in this and other blogs. "Apr 28 15:34
-TechrightsBN/ | No European qualifying examination will be held in 2020 says EQE Supervisory Board - The IPKatApr 28 15:34
schestowitz 28 15:35
schestowitz""Apr 28 15:35
schestowitzGood catch, Leon. I did see that para but took it more as a gesture of courtesy to the Defendants.Apr 28 15:35
schestowitzIn the meantime, I have come round to a more charitable view of the three kinds of insufficiency. It is clear to me that, at least in an EPC jurisdiction which declines to use the EPO's Problem-Solution Approach to obviousness, all three are needed. Only with PSA is Biogen-type insufficiency not needed. But, hey, when the claim deserves despatch to the Papierkorb, where's the harm in knocking it on the head twice, first under Art 83Apr 28 15:35
schestowitzand then again, just to make sure (like in that old joke about Jeremy Beadle) under Art 56 EPC. Apr 28 15:35
-TechrightsBN/ | FibroGen v. Akebia: Arnold LJ addresses insufficiency, equivalence, second medical use claims, and much more - The IPKatApr 28 15:35
schestowitz 28 15:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:35
schestowitzArnold is a great judge, but I don't think he realises the disadvantages of file wrapper estoppel. The UK does not like having to think about intention or 'equitable' issues in claim interpretation. Bringing in a component to interpretation which is dependent on the behaviour of the relevant party is not the UK approach. It would not be trivial to change that, and it would open up a lot of can of worms as we developed the case lawApr 28 15:35
schestowitzI think Neuberger's decision has a lot of merit to it which the UK attorney profession have not appreciated. We needed to define a doctrine of equivalents as it is in the EPC. To do this based on the breadth of the technical effect is the only fair way to do it. We now all need to readjust to the new normal, which is painfulApr 28 15:35
schestowitzI think the UK courts are going a bit too far with all the rapidly multiplying tests for insufficiency. They have their merits, but their boundaries should remain very clear and defined, and not gradually increase case by case. It is better to use an old test creatively rather than creating new ones, and I think it is not a good idea for Biogen insufficiency to become fashionable again.Apr 28 15:35
-TechrightsBN/ | FibroGen v. Akebia: Arnold LJ addresses insufficiency, equivalence, second medical use claims, and much more - The IPKatApr 28 15:35
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:35
schestowitz 28 15:36
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:36
schestowitzIt occurs to me that some readers might not appreciate what I am getting at, with my "file history" point. In Activis, the contribution to the art was at a level of generality mid-way between the ludicrously wide original claim 1 and the unnecessarily narrow di-sodium of the granted claim. The absent level of generality was a level which any competent chemical drafter would have immediately seen as that crying out to be claimed. YetApr 28 15:36
schestowitzit was not claimed in the PCT, and could not be claimed later, during prosecution, because under the EPC (and in all those countries which find the EPC case law useful) it was an undisclosed intermediate generalisation. Apr 28 15:36
schestowitzNow, Lord Neuberger, who shall suffer the consequences in Europe of such incompetent, lamentable, only in America-type drafting, when it is found in a patent application under the PCT, for use everywhere in the world except the USA? The patent owner? Or perhaps the competitor accused of infringing the poor little di-sodium claim?Apr 28 15:36
-TechrightsBN/ | FibroGen v. Akebia: Arnold LJ addresses insufficiency, equivalence, second medical use claims, and much more - The IPKatApr 28 15:36
schestowitzI suspect that Arnold LJ is, like a great many others, of a mind different from Lord Neuberger.Apr 28 15:36
schestowitz"Apr 28 15:36
schestowitz 28 15:38
schestowitz"Presumably the person pontificating here has actually assured themselves that they would be able to pass recent exams if forced to sit them, and would not have at all be bothered or disadvantaged by, for example, having their right to practice suspended for a year due to circumstances completely out of their control."Apr 28 15:38
-TechrightsBN/ | No European qualifying examination will be held in 2020 says EQE Supervisory Board - The IPKatApr 28 15:38
schestowitz 28 15:39
schestowitz"Same - I hope they tell us in May to avoid wasting so much precious time. "Apr 28 15:39
-TechrightsBN/ | No European qualifying examination will be held in 2020 says EQE Supervisory Board - The IPKatApr 28 15:39
schestowitz 28 15:40
schestowitz"Thanks a lot MaxDrei for your generous comments, and interesting point about Actavis and the prosecution history. Note another jab at the decision by Arnold LJ in para 417, where he that it is pointless for him to consider criticisms of Actavis, "given that the decision is binding on [him]." And yet he takes the time to write this down..."Apr 28 15:40
-TechrightsBN/ | FibroGen v. Akebia: Arnold LJ addresses insufficiency, equivalence, second medical use claims, and much more - The IPKatApr 28 15:40
schestowitz 28 15:41
schestowitzlawyers...Apr 28 15:41
schestowitzLéon DijkmanApr 28 15:41
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Apr 28 17:07
*liberty_box_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Apr 28 17:12
*rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 17:24
*liberty_box ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 28 17:26
schestowitz 28 21:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@npettiaux: est-ce vrai @Ourghanlian et @Microsoft ? J'espère que @UNESCO et nos gouvernement en tiendront compte @alainmaron… 28 21:40
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@npettiaux: est-ce vrai @Ourghanlian et @Microsoft ? J'espère que @UNESCO et nos gouvernement en tiendront compte @alainmaron… 28 21:40
schestowitzest-ce vrai @OurghanlianApr 28 21:40
schestowitz et @MicrosoftApr 28 21:40
schestowitz ? J'espère que @UNESCOApr 28 21:40
schestowitz et nos gouvernement en tiendront compte @alainmaronApr 28 21:40
schestowitz @eliodirupoApr 28 21:40
schestowitz @Sophie_WilmesApr 28 21:40
schestowitz @rudivervoortApr 28 21:40
schestowitz @wborsusApr 28 21:40
schestowitz . Forcer ses employés à mentir, c'est quand même pas top, surtout si on ne paye pas ses impôts !Apr 28 21:40
schestowitz"Apr 28 21:40
schestowitz"is it true @Ourghanlian and @Microsoft ? I hope that @UNESCO and our governments will take it into account @alainmaron@eliodirupo@Sophie_Wilmes@rudivervoort@wborsus . Forcing your employees to lie is still not great, especially if you don't pay your taxes!"Apr 28 21:40
schestowitz 28 21:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queue1776: @RUchipped No not yet. I will pass along to good people. @RedPill78 @zev_dr @RudyGiuliani @realDonaldTrump… 28 21:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@queue1776: @RUchipped No not yet. I will pass along to good people. @RedPill78 @zev_dr @RudyGiuliani @realDonaldTrump… 28 21:41
schestowitz 28 21:42
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: @schestowitz Trust binary blobs :-)Apr 28 21:42
schestowitzMozilla trusts those...Apr 28 21:42
schestowitz 28 21:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@daybeforeyeste1: @grahamelwood also rollingstone article on by EJ Dickson . Biden can’t help but pick the wo… 28 21:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: ● NEWS ● #thenation #Politics #pedophilia ☞ J #epstein buddy #LarrySummers Is a Dead Albatross Around Biden’s Neck 28 21:43
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@daybeforeyeste1: @grahamelwood also rollingstone article on by EJ Dickson . Biden can’t help but pick the wo… 28 21:43
schestowitz"Apr 28 21:43
schestowitz 28 21:43
schestowitz also rollingstone article on by EJ Dickson . Biden can’t help but pick the worst .  LarrySummers record goes to WorldBank we’re he championed exports of toxic waste to the poorest. He did more with Obama . #BidenIsEvil #EvilAttractsEvil #USA Apr 28 21:43
schestowitzFlag of United StatesApr 28 21:43
schestowitz"Apr 28 21:43
schestowitz 28 21:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-Unexpected responseApr 28 21:45

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