
VMware is run by Paul Maritz from Microsoft, who has brought more former executives of Microsoft to the company's management. The impact is covered in some of the following posts.
Virtualisation Debate Revisited: VMWare, Citrix, Xen, Novell, and Microsoft
Watch and Learn How Microsoft Hijacks Rival Companies by Proxy
Theory: Why EMC Gave VMWare to Microsoft (Employee)
Maritz and Tucci’s Microsoft Slog Against VMware
Novell, rPath, Citrix/Xen, VMware: Microsoft Virtualisation Axis?
Microsoft’s Latest Ugly Tactics Against Google, Yahoo, and VMware
Quick Mention: Microsoft Launches Anti-VMware Web Site
IDC, Gartner and Yankee Group’s Latest Press Attack on Customer’s Competitors
Will Microsoft and Citrix Fight GNU/Linux and VMWare Together? (Updated)
How Microsoft Uses Novell to Fight GNU/Linux, Xen to Fight VMWare and GNU/Linux
As Yahoo Proxy War Looms, VMWare and Nokia Return to One’s Mind
Is Microsoft ‘Pulling a Netscape’ on Flash, Firefox, VMWare?
Microsoft Grabs Anything and Everything Away from Rivals
What is Going on at VMware?
Microsoft ‘Inherits’ VMware, Republican National Committee, Democrat Influence Also
Fake Charities, Microsoft-Lenovo, and Microsoft-VMware
Gartner Group Pretends Only Microsoft Competes with VMware, Novell Helps Microsoft Too
Microsoft Keeps ‘Taking Over’ VMware
Virtualization Makes For Strange Bedfellows
No Point to Microsoft’s New Datacentres, Microsoft-dominated VMware Comes to Redmond’s Back Garden
How Microsoft (with Novell) Subverts the Virtualisation Space to Harm Red Hat
Openbravo Should Avoid VMware’s Mistakes
Microsoft-manned VMware Still Against the GPL
Former Microsoft Partner/Ally Gives Microsoft Competitor (Zimbra) to Former Microsoft Employees
VMware’s Parent Company Promotes Microsoft Exchange, So What About Zimbra?
Another University Dumps Novell Mail, VMware’s Parent Helps Zimbra’s Direct Rival
Rumour: Microsoft Executives-Run Company to Buy Novell
Microsoft Executives-Run VMware Harms GNU/Linux and Wants to Grab Ruby on Rails
Further Debating the Idea of VMware Buying Novell
Shocker: Gartner and Forrester Recommend Their Client Microsoft; Former Microsoft Executives (VMware) Defend Windows
Fresh Rumours/Speculations About VMware Buying Novell
VMware May Ruin SUSE and Harm GNU/Linux at Large If Acquisition Goes Through
VMB_ware — Now Headed by Former Microsoft Executives — is Claimed to be Promoting Microsoft DirectX Inside Linux
Microsoft Occupying Competing Companies
The Openwashing of VMware, Sponsored by the Linux Foundation (in Turn Sponsored by VMware)
Serial GPL Violators Fancy Being Called 'Open Source' and the Linux Foundation is Happy to Oblige
The Linux Foundation Has Helped VMware Lie About Its Deliberate GPL Violations That are Connected to Microsoft, Another Prolific GPL Violator
Meme: VMware Violates the GPL. But It Compensates With 'Search and Replace'...
Latest Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) Patterns Against “Linux” (the Real Issue is Proprietary Software)