"You don't need to buy the company, just destroy them and then take their business."
--Duncan 'Dragons Den' Bannatyne
IMPORTANT OBSERVATIONS THAT ought to be made are grouped under this single post although they are separate (and yet related in terms of their theme). Suggestions are welcome if you believe that there is better way to organise our findings. We are still experimenting with layout and presentation based on readers' feedback.
"Dr. Evil"
This is
not a political rant but a matter of understanding how the system works. We
wrote about the Gates Foundation yesterday because there is a lot more to be told regarding ways in which such "charities" operate.
PR Watch is a site that we warmly recommend (as does Richard Stallman) and yesterday it published a couple of articles about a very nasty man whom they say "perfected the art of setting up non-profit "charitable" groups to advance corporate interests." The guy is so criminal minded that even
his own son publicly calls him a "mother****ing son of a b**ch." Yes, even
his own son craves to be dissociated from his father's evils.
Berman has long been the front man through which corporations have aggressively attacked their opponents without leaving fingerprints. Known to his own friends and enemies alike as "Dr. Evil," Berman has perfected the art of setting up non-profit "charitable" groups to advance corporate interests.
David's powerful note provides insight into the tortured feelings David has endured as the son of the Lobbyist from Hell. We well agree that Rick Berman is guilty of shamefully obstructing public health and working to crush those who care about public welfare, clean air, the environment, animal rights and other causes. For any normal father, this public note would be excruciatingly painful. For all we know, it might be for Rick Berman, too. But will the pain of this note be enough to change him?
We hope David's public expression of his feelings about his father's work will make Rick Berman think about what he is doing to society, if not his family. If it isn't, well then David, we are on your side and are willing to help you in any way we can.
In another new article you'll find
Rick Berman 'in action'. It's worth reminding ourselves that Microsoft is
the top lobbyist in its area. Regarding Berman and "charities", these are sometimes known as "pet charities" and we wrote quite extensively about them before. A lot more could be said about pressure groups also [
Lenovo Takes the Pill
Lenovo-Microsoft relationship was mentioned here earlier and perhaps it's a little surprising because of the IBM roots (IBM is no friend of Microsoft). Lenovo has gone as far as neglecting all GNU/Linux distributions other than the 'Microsoft-approved' ones, SLED/SLES [
3]. These are distributions from which Microsoft is extracting money. "Patent royalties" is what Microsoft openly calls the SUSE voucher.
Well, it seems like Lenovo
will be getting some more of Microsoft inside itself pretty shortly.
Lenovo -- the personal computer giant -- today announced the purchase of Seattle-based Switchbox Labs for an undisclosed price.
Led by former Windows marketing vice president Michael Sievert, Switchbox was relatively unknown until two weeks ago when my TechFlash colleagues uncovered the startup's name and corporate documents.
That's the unfortunate side effect of executives who are leaving Microsoft (or getting fired). They land inside other companies where even greater damage can be caused because of
"faith" and inter-personal relationships.
Crime is Not Necessarily a "War"
On many occasions we have already mentioned Paul Maritz and his participation in (white-collar) crime inside Microsoft. For patient eyewitnesses and reserachers, this all exists in material which arrived at the United States courts and there is little room for subjectivity.
A few days ago, VMware had
a teleconference and therein an innocent observer will find Maritz calling what he did "software wars against IBM, Novell, Netscape and others..."
He said:
I saw Tod in action during some of the big battles of the ‘90s, the big system software wars against IBM, Novell, Netscape and others and since then, Tod has gained deep operational experience at BEA and Boland.
Those who keep an eye on this site may find it cumulative because we'll be exposing many more of the illegal activities from Paul Maritz & colleagues. And we'll never forget
what he and Tucci have already done to VMware (2008). It is/was utterly disgraceful, but the mainstream press did not cover it properly, if at all. Those who forget or never get informed are bound to be hurt again.

2009-02-02 20:07:38
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-02 20:10:18
2009-02-02 21:09:15
Roy Schestowitz
2009-02-02 21:11:41