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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Saturday, November 30, 2019

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schestowitz 30 04:42
schestowitz"Nov 30 04:42
schestowitzIt is not the first time that the US plead for a grace period. They have tried it in the past at WIPO level, but without success. They are thus bound to try it at every possible opportunity, like the present one. If the UK accepts this, then there will not only be a Brexit from the EU, but also a Brexit from the EPO. Nov 30 04:42
schestowitzIt is pretty obvious why the US want the UK to stay in the UPC. They would have a bridgehead in Europe with no linguistic problems, this being the more so since the London Section of the Central UPC division would be dealing with pharmaceuticals. Nov 30 04:42
schestowitzAs the US count for roughly a quarter of the European filings, and filings from the EU barely a third of the European filings, they could thus heavily influence the European market.Nov 30 04:42
-TechrightsBN/ | The real reason why the "451-page dossier" should concern you: US seeks to put UK "deviation from the EPC" on the table in future US/UK trade negotiations - The IPKatNov 30 04:42
schestowitzThat the UPC will have a positive influence on European industry is thus a fallacy only believed by those wanting to gain more money for prosecuting supra-national litigation. Do you remember who sat in the self-co-opted team drafting the RoP of the UPC? Nov 30 04:42
schestowitzOne can reckon on the ruthlessness of US negotiators to push they will through. Nov 30 04:42
schestowitz"Nov 30 04:42
schestowitz"We in the UK need to be honest about our future position in the world. We need to belong in some way to a big powerful trading block. The US would be a natural 'home' once we leave the EU. Risking that over a grace period disagreement does not seem sensible. The sooner we see that bringing ourselves into alignment with the US brings a lot of benefits, the more clearly we can develop our post-Brexit relationships and alliances. We can be Nov 30 04:43
schestowitzthe 'gateway' to Europe for the US if we compromise a little on our laws. It will be a delicate balancing act to please both the US and the EU, but surely we have little choice now?"Nov 30 04:43
schestowitz 30 04:46
schestowitz"Nov 30 04:46
schestowitzOne should not forget that the present problem of invalid priorities is a direct consequence of the peculiarities of US law. Why should the rest of the world change its mind just to please US applicants?Nov 30 04:46
schestowitzComing now with T 1933/12 is nothing more than an attempt to have the view of the Broad Institute taken over by the Board of Appeal. Nov 30 04:46
schestowitzIt is perfectly legitimate that the EPO, or a third party, checks whether the transfer of priority has been correctly carried out. The EPO is not just there to check whether there is identity of the invention for the priority to be validly claimed. Any applicant is not merely one of the group of the original co-applicants. Nov 30 04:46
-TechrightsBN/ | Clarity is needed from the Boards of Appeal on the EPO's "co-applicant approach" to priority - The IPKatNov 30 04:46
schestowitzIf in a later application there is on top of the original co-applicants a further applicant claiming priority from an earlier application, it is in no way detrimental for the original co-applicants as they are still named as co-applicants. Furthermore, one can presume is such a situation that the original co-applicants have agreed to accept a further co-applicant in the subsequent application.Nov 30 04:46
schestowitzBut for the same token the EPO could also check whether the new co-applicant had the agreement of the original ones. This would put co-applicants and subsequent applicants not comprising all the original co-applicants on a par. Nov 30 04:46
schestowitzClarity might be needed, but not a change of case law just to please US applicants. Nov 30 04:46
schestowitz"Nov 30 04:46
schestowitz 30 05:02
-TechrightsBN/ To Attack Julian #Assange , #CNN Twists Embassy #Surveillance Records That Were First Covered By Spanish Newspaper 30 05:02
schestowitz"Reporting today is: "What he said about what she said about what this other guy said"."Nov 30 05:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | CNN Twists Embassy Surveillance Records To Attack Julian AssangeNov 30 05:02
schestowitz".. and of course listening to both sides "of the isle" .."Nov 30 05:02
schestowitz 30 05:11
-TechrightsBN/ ‘They’ll be cut’: Egyptian minister threatens to behead dissidents abroad #egypt Nov 30 05:11
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | ‘They’ll be cut’: Egyptian minister threatens to behead dissidents abroad | The IndependentNov 30 05:12
schestowitz"The state has more potent weapons than guns and they have armours, too i would point out how obvious that is, but i really dont want it to be mistaken for sarcasm."Nov 30 05:12
schestowitz 30 05:13
-TechrightsBN/ " #LibreOffice Conference 2019 ended and… seems people really enjoyed! "Here I provide some metrics about the conference. Hopefully they’ll be useful for next years." #liboconNov 30 05:13
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:13
schestowitzwhat are you going to use on your 32bit systems?Nov 30 05:13
schestowitzNov 30 05:13 - 2 months ago Nov 30 05:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | LibreOffice Conference 2019 by numbersNov 30 05:13
schestowitzgreat!Nov 30 05:13
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:13
schestowitz 30 05:13
-TechrightsBN/ Apple fan: I don't mind #listeningdevices as long as there's an Apple logo on them Google fan: I don't mind listening devices as long as there's a Google logo on them Same for #microsoft #amazon etc. #tribalism Now: #surveillance is OK if it's "oooooopen"Nov 30 05:13
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzthis is not tribalism, its corporate culture.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzcalling this “tribalism” is a throwback to “colonising” “savage” countries. im not in the least concerned about someone being offended by that, this isnt an appeal to political correctness (i can appreciate why it might sound like one) but calling this “tribalism” will backfire.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzwe are more of a tribe than google or apple. and theres nothing wrong with that. when peta condemns fishermen (when there are gradually disappearing scandavian tribes who subsist on fish being driven out by the “march of progress”) thats colonialism, not tribalism. what big tech (including the linux foundation) is doing to the free software movement is also colonialism. i blame phipps for promoting this term to be synonymous with Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzbigotry and insular unity (isolationism) though i know where he got it from as well. phipps is a corporate colonialist, using language to promote digital and corporate colonialism. borrowing his terminology only helps the people he works for.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitztribes have their own values. they fight more for defense and to warn others not to try to kill them off.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzcolonialists impose their values on tribes (africans, indians, palestinians, native americans, maori) to make them “civilised.” they fight more for conquest. this is an important distinction that colonialists dont want people to be able to make.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitz Will HillNov 30 05:14
schestowitzWill Hill - 19 days ago Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzI can’t think of a better word to describe criminal, corporate loyalty. The word “tribe” is Latin and it meant a division, mostly arbitrary, of the Roman people. Greek city states did the same using their own words. Byzantine tribes represent the ultimate purpose of these artificial divisions and served the same role through the same mechanisms in their society as professional sports and other artificial divisions in our society Nov 30 05:14
schestowitztoday. It’s true that English speaking people used the word “tribe” to describe “savages” with all of the bite and reasoning that we should use for Microsoft - that the “savages” were lawless, constantly at war with each other for no good reason, and a danger to everyone around them. English speaking people were repulsed by the notion that it is OK to violate and kill based on tribe, even as they reveled in their own Nov 30 05:14
schestowitznationalism and were horrible to the people they subjected. Maybe the misapplication of the word is in describing groups of indigenous people as if their culture embodied all of these toxic English concepts?Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzThere is something very wrong with the cult Bill Gates created with Microsoft, which can be called tribal. Microsoft training tells every employee that their employment is for the exclusive and criminal benefit of the company. “It’s not about the tech, it’s not about the customers, it’s about Microsoft,” is the first line of one of their first lecture/slideshows. The training material goes on to tell employees in detail how to Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzdeceive and manipulate people for Microsoft’s benefit. I’ve read that the company is a mess internally because employees routinely betray each other, but betrayal of Microsoft management is not in any way tolerated. This is a criminal enterprise where the company has intentionally created a team that thinks it’s OK to violate anyone else as long as that advances the interest of the team. This can be described as a criminal Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzconspiracy, but tribal fits better because the company continually recruits from the general population and tries to engender the same kind of thoughtless loyalty from other groups and companies. I’ve met people who have never worked for Microsoft who consider themselves “Microsoft people” and display more loyalty to Microsoft than their actual employer.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzI would not call the FSF or free culture movements tribal. People in the free software world might be tribal because people sometimes want to be that way, but deceiving and violating people is against everything the Free Software Foundation stands for.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzApple marketing is strongly tribal and class dividing. Apple devices are an amazing example of conspicuous consumption. Minor differences in build and interface appearance are trumpeted by a shiny chrome logo that tells everyone that their $40 phone costs $400, and that the owner is a person of wealth and taste. The workmanship and materials are actually inferior to most phones on the market and the device has to be handled like a baby or Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzit will suffer the cracked face most iPhones display. I don’t think Apple encourages their people to actively rob their neighbors like Microsoft does, but their appeal to class and pointless consumption are entirely harmful and cause pointless competition. Their goal of dominating users through non free software is entirely unethical.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzGoogle culture is different again, and I’m not sure I’d call it intentionally tribal. Google fans might have some of these bad thoughts, but I don’t see it in the company’s advertising or blogs. I still think the company’s leadership is trying to make a better world through organization of information. Their software is mostly free, and mostly non free because the rest of the world denies their customer’s freedom. Android Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzwould have gone nowhere had Google insisted on copyleft because phone companies demand complete dominance of users. Google engineers, like Yonatan Zunger, expressed deep concern about the misuse of the technology Google was making.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:14 - 18 days ago Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzwhat do you call the maori or the sieux?Nov 30 05:14
schestowitz Will HillNov 30 05:14
schestowitzWill Hill - 18 days ago Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzPeople!Nov 30 05:14
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:14 - 18 days ago Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzso their tribal identity means nothing?Nov 30 05:14
schestowitztheyre people, but theyre also “a people.” is that really a problem? to have an identity?Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzremember, i think it is a colonialist move to strip the right of an identity to people. it has historical relevance-- such as when gaelic was banned as a language, as a means of taking over and suppressing a people. i think being “against tribalism” is extremely misguided and the benefits exaggerated. this is for a purpose. it is not for a good purpose, but it s presented as such. like i said before, thats what colonialism does-- it Nov 30 05:14
schestowitzpaints control and stripping basic rights (such as identity) from people, all in the name of some higher good (which just happens to be the purported agenda of every colonist-- lets give them medicine, culture, civilisation! while stripping them of everything else.) i think you should reconsider. but i cant make you.Nov 30 05:14
schestowitz Will HillNov 30 05:14
schestowitzWill Hill - 18 days ago Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you respect their identity, you will use their name as well as you can pronounce it.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you think the word “tribe” can be applied respectfully and insultingly, you need to consider the context to understand the meaning.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you have any respect for your fellow advocates, you will consider that context before telling them not to use a powerful insult where the insult fits. It’s good to call out tribalism in corporate culture.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:15 - 18 days ago Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you respect their identity, you will use their name as well as you can pronounce it.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzwhat makes you think i havent?Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you think the word “tribe” can be applied respectfully and insultingly, you need to consider the context to understand the meaning.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzwhat makes you think i havent?Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIf you have any respect for your fellow advocates, you will consider that context before telling them not to use a powerful insult where the insult fits. It’s good to call out tribalism in corporate culture.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzwhat makes you think i havent?Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzIt’s good to call out tribalism in corporate culture.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzoh, i get it-- youve said three obvious things and then used that to reinforce the very point i take issue with-- that it is good to use the term “tribalism” as an attack on corporate culture-- when corporate culture is (in my opinion) not tribal, but colonialist.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitznot only is it a great speechwriting trick to go over a few truisms before restating the point youre trying to prove, its bordering on a circular argument the way youre doing it.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzbut your three examples might imply three accusations-- that i know a better way to pronounce something, that i dont consider context, and eventually, that i actually agree with the very point that i argued with.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzuntil we got into this debate, i thought you were a reasonable person. at the moment, there is no evidence of that. my hope is that im mistaken, though i hope its very clear that im less concerned what kind of person you are, than whether this monocultural nonsense being spouted goes unchallenged.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzdont throw accusations around and expect them to be ignored outright. the only thing ive accused you of until now is making a poor argument, but if you want to get personal, that isnt off the table.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitz Will HillNov 30 05:15
schestowitzWill Hill - 17 days ago Nov 30 05:15
schestowitzI’m not afraid of being misrepresented while using the word “tribal”. Software owners are not honest. I understand that they will twist people’s words to represent them in the worst possible way. I also understand can misrepresent the word “tribal” as colonialist, but know that the label fits software owners and that free software advocates are the opposite. The argument would only work on people who want to be mislead.Nov 30 05:15
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:15
schestowitz 30 05:27
-TechrightsBN/ Apple challenges RED over RAW patent legitimacy recognising that many #patents are fake; @uspto grants these anyway... #apple too has MANY fake patents Nov 30 05:27
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:27
schestowitzThe writing for this article is intolerable. Can’t, can’t go on…Nov 30 05:27
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:27 - 3 months ago Nov 30 05:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Apple challenges RED over RAW patent legitimacy - NewsshooterNov 30 05:27
schestowitzi was curious what made this article so intolerable so i clicked on it. i spent about ten minutes looking into the details.Nov 30 05:27
schestowitzthere are 25 sentences not including the quotations and yes only one has a comma. only one sentence has a question mark. several of these sentences could be combined using commas. some would have warranted use of colons instead and the writing has no personality at all and it has no flow to speak of or inflection. it is sort of like when a young student reads out loud without having much practice. 30 05:27
schestowitzt=973 the author specialises in visual storytelling. he might rely entirely on tonal cues related to that medium in his work.Nov 30 05:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Episode 6: Computer Languages - InvidiousNov 30 05:27
schestowitzI’m no lawyer but I do know Apple is a huge company and if they want to use Raw for internal recording or stretch ProRes Raw out more Red would have to allow it and be compensated for it or change the way they implement RAW much like Blackmagic has done with BRAW.Nov 30 05:27
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:27
schestowitz 30 05:29
-TechrightsBN/ Apparently we still live in a world where we have to explain people who are fifty why having sex with 'consenting' fifteen year olds is not OK. Not even "cultural differences" can excuse this; consent requires maturity and independence.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzok, i read 17:Nov 30 05:29
schestowitz“in response to a student who said “Giuffre [the victim who testified] was 17 at the time, this makes it rape [sic] in the virgin islands” .”Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzwhen the global standard is about 16 (including the uk where you live, and in many of the states in the usa, including massachusetts, where stallman works and lives) we are actually talking about an age where one CAN give legal consent.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzjust not in the virgin islands.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzthe fact that we consider (or make) lives ruined over a line that we cant even agree on from jurisdiction to jurisdiction is precisely the tragedy that esr and rms (founders of osi and fsf respectively) this is so ridiculous.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzif it had happened in the uk, age would not factor in (afaik.)Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzif it had happened in several states, age would not factor in.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzbut we are making the statements out to be pro-pedophila.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzwhich they arent. thats more relevant than you make it out to be.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzgo ahead-- i mean, youre not actually right, BUT you have the moral high ground.Nov 30 05:29
schestowitzthats the “problem” that rms and esr are on about.Nov 30 05:30
schestowitzbut was it rape? we dont have proof, but if we never did those who were “reasonable” would say “probably. because its on a fucking RAPE ISLAND.” the “proof” is the likelihood thats based on the situation, but (for minsky) it wasnt the law about the age, it was about the situation-- for which we only have a lot of evidence.Nov 30 05:30
schestowitzstallmans request that we not jump to conclusions is unreasonable, but only in a way that we could all predict because of his leaning away from reason, toward logic instead.Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:30 - 3 months ago Nov 30 05:30
schestowitzbut (for minsky) it wasnt the law about the ageNov 30 05:30
schestowitzat least stallman dismissed that part, and requested that people make it about actual consent rather than the local concept of it. which is ridiculous, but logical. and therein lies the problem (for most people.)Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 05:30
schestowitztomgrz - 3 months ago Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz16 is probably about right. You attended High School.Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz 30 05:30
-TechrightsBN/ As we showed in the past, some people cannot attend an event or receive a discount (for attendance) if they don't have a #GitHub account! Being a client of #Microsoft is apparently a prerequisite now. #deletegithubNov 30 05:30
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:30
schestowitzMay I never mention GitHub by name again!Nov 30 05:30
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 05:30
schestowitztomgrz - 19 days ago Nov 30 05:31
schestowitzLet’s see… “The MicroSoft-owned Repository”? Or maybe just “one of the Git repositories…” Or my favorite: GitHUP! ;-)Nov 30 05:31
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 05:31 - 19 days ago Nov 30 05:31
schestowitzGatesHubNov 30 05:31
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 05:31
schestowitztomgrz - 19 days ago Nov 30 05:31
schestowitzThat’s a good one!Nov 30 05:31
schestowitz"Nov 30 05:31
schestowitzshithubNov 30 05:31
schestowitzTrue64 Unix (DEC) and Solaris (Sun). Those were the days…Nov 30 05:31
schestowitz herve_02@diasp.orgNov 30 05:31 - 21 days ago Nov 30 05:31
schestowitzwindows is so easy that when something goes wrong, you are supposed :Nov 30 05:31
schestowitz1 - to rebootNov 30 05:31
schestowitz2 - To reinstallNov 30 05:31
schestowitzyes… easy… disposableNov 30 05:31
schestowitz 30 05:31
-TechrightsBN/ Assuming that: 1) the OEM installs #microsoft #windows FOR YOU 2) you have not (yet) been infected and know how to avoid infection. #gnu #linux is actually in many ways easier and more stable, reliable. 30 05:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | IT’S GEEK TO ME: Linux has some advantages, but is more complicated than Windows - Business - Northwest Florida Daily News - Fort Walton Beach, FLNov 30 05:32
schestowitz 30 06:02
-TechrightsBN/ Shortly #techrights will deal with the so-called #opensource scam, which is nowadays more often than not just #openwashing of some #proprietarysoftware as 'premium'; also #deletegithub 30 06:02
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:02
schestowitzFine with going away from GitHub but what is the alternative? GitLab? Or something else?Nov 30 06:02
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:02 - 20 days ago Nov 30 06:02
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Delete Github - TechrightsNov 30 06:03
schestowitzgitlab, notabug, sourceforge (roy doesnt like sourceforge. admittedly their track record is less than great.)Nov 30 06:03
schestowitzbut all of these are better than github. one of the things about #GAFAM is that microsoft is still the worst of them, when it comes to free software at least. (i worry about amazon about as much.) some of these companies are perhaps worse in other important ways, but none of them have placed themselves as intentional, deliberate enemies of free software, except microsoft.Nov 30 06:03
schestowitz twinkybotNov 30 06:03
schestowitztwinkybot - 14 days ago Nov 30 06:03
schestowitzTrying out notabug. Thanks.Nov 30 06:03
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:03 - 14 days ago Nov 30 06:03
schestowitz@tomgrz is also working on a long-term solution himself, a distributed git platform. (others include git-ssb)Nov 30 06:03
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:03
schestowitztomgrz - 13 days ago Nov 30 06:03
schestowitzA long-term working-on a long-term solution. Since I’m much in the learning stage right now, the coding is going slowly…Nov 30 06:03
schestowitzI’m finding out that alembic migrations are rather simplistic and you have to do some of your own post-processing in order to implement certain important features needed, such as indices into fields.Nov 30 06:03
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:03
schestowitzI believe some editions of gitlab and other pieces of FOSS let you self-host with a GUI and allNov 30 06:03
schestowitz 30 06:04
-TechrightsBN/ Shoe violence Nov 30 06:04
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:04
schestowitzunfortunate graphic design. looks like it says “wank” “a mile in her shoes.”Nov 30 06:04
schestowitzi know the proclaimers arent going to touch that one.Nov 30 06:05
schestowitzdomestic violence is a lot closer to 50/50% than portrayed, and there are inadequate programs and safe options for men. its an issue i care about, but i think its extremely harmful (pure propaganda actually) to go on with the farce that domestic violence is gendered. along with drug use and poverty its a major cause of homelessness. there are plenty of men walking mile after mile on a regular basis for domestic violence (rather than a Nov 30 06:05
schestowitzyearly event) because they dont have cars and live in tents.Nov 30 06:05
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:05
schestowitzWomen rarely use DEADLY force in domestic violence disputes, so the disproportionate care among cops is like this...Nov 30 06:05
schestowitzput another way, there are faaaaar more women killed by spouse than men by the spouseNov 30 06:06
schestowitz 30 06:07
-TechrightsBN/ Shame on you, @sjvn You too have just defamed RMS Right from the headline You now show your >true< colours (Stallman called #epstein "serial rapist" while #billgates was hanging out with him) 30 06:07
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:07
schestowitzi was ready to dump zdnet a long time ago. perhaps this hit piece will convince you too.Nov 30 06:07
schestowitzi believe i once heard of some nice things sjvn said about you a while back. how is that any different from swapnil bhartiya?Nov 30 06:07
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:07 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:07
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Richard Stallman resigns from Free Software Foundation after defending Jeffrey Epstein behavior | ZDNetNov 30 06:07
schestowitzthe importance of Stallman’s legacy — more than Torvalds’, more than Raymond’s or Perens’, 10,000 times more than halfway-shills like the staff at ZDnet — 30 06:07
schestowitz Will HillNov 30 06:07
schestowitzWill Hill - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:07
schestowitzugh, Bushnell too on the 18th he wrote this.Nov 30 06:07
schestowitz 30 06:07
schestowitzHe didn’t even bother to read the smear thread, much less dig into it, and then very unfairly concludes,Nov 30 06:07
-TechrightsBN/ | Guest Post: Getting Stallman Wrong Means Getting The 21st Century Wrong | TechrightsNov 30 06:07
schestowitz“RMS treated the problem as being “let’s make sure we don’t criticize Minsky unfairly” … by making it his concern, RMS signaled clearly that it was much more important to him than the question of the institution’s patterns of problematic coddling of bad behavior."Nov 30 06:07
schestowitzYou might think that if all you read was Vice, the Salem G fire everyone memo, and the Software Freedom Conservancy hit piece and held some kind of grudge against RMS. Maybe Bushnell read more than that, I can’t tell because I can’t see the responses. Maybe RMS did mention those things and they did not show up in the smear pieces. Of course, RMS not mentioning again the obvious fact of child rape being wrong would not mean that RMS Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzconsiders calling Minsky a violent rapist to be a greater injustice than child rape or coddling Epstein, it would just mean that RMS wanted to be polite about adding his particular insight and did not want burden everyone with a statement of the obvious.Nov 30 06:08
-TechrightsBN/ | A reflection on the departure of RMS - Thomas Bushnell, BSG - MediumNov 30 06:08
schestowitzThe grossest thing is that Bushnell judges Stalman from the perspective of a helpful friend as if Stallman had not learned anything or changed since the early 90s:Nov 30 06:08
schestowitz"I’ll give you a personal take. By my reckoning, I worked for RMS longer than any other programmer. … I can confirm the unfortunate reality that RMS’s behavior was a concern at the time, and that this protection was itself part of the problem. He was never held to account; he was himself coddled in his own lower-grade misbehavior and mistreatment of women. He made the place uncomfortable for a lot of people, and especially women. To Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzmy shame I didn’t recognize the dynamic myself when I was around it. "Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzTo Bushnell’s shame, he does not seem to have been keeping up with RMS. You don’t have to carefully parse the man’s language or hang out with him long to see that he’s learned much about how not to make people uncomfortable, especially women, even if it’s true that RMS once did make people uncomfortable. In fact, it takes special parsing and leaps of bad logic to write the smear pieces. You also don’t have to read much to see Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzthat RMS has NOT been coddled. There have been several prior smear attacks like this, mostly built on misrepresentation and ill will. I’m sad to see Bushnell joining this chorus and being so uncharitable.Nov 30 06:08
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:08 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzIn fact, it takes special parsing and leaps of bad logic to write the smear pieces.Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzthat or just not giving a shit. people who go to google dont have integrity until they leave.Nov 30 06:08
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzzdnet blacklisted sinceNov 30 06:08
schestowitz 30 06:08
-TechrightsBN/ Shame that Wildeboer now badmouths RMS 30 06:08
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@zoobab: Who invented Stallmanism and when? Stallmanism has existed informally since the dawn of time (Wednesday afternoon,… 30 06:08
schestowitz"Is that Wild Boar or Vile Bore?"Nov 30 06:08
schestowitzNo, Bile FieldNov 30 06:08
schestowitz"Shame that Wildeboer now badmouths RMS he was always an open source apologist, he supports rewriting history. ive never liked him. there isnt much to like. im not discounting any contributions to software, im not in favour of ejecting all assholes from the chance to contribute. but i dont know why anybody would like the guy, unless they like apologists and assholes. this describes A LOT of people associated with red hat and google. Nov 30 06:09
schestowitzseriously, whats to like?"Nov 30 06:09
schestowitz 30 06:12
-TechrightsBN/ Seems to me like #falseadvertising to claim "compressed" so as to make capacity seem triple what it really is 30 06:12
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzthe media is separate from the mechanism, as with optical disks. mechanical failure means you replace the drive, not the medium.Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzthe tape can be stored for 15-30 years.Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzits most likely cheaper in bulk than m-disk, and people have the drives for it. but leave it to the fucks sabotaging the kernel to drop support like they did for floppies.Nov 30 06:12
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Fujifilm LTO Ultrium8 Magnetic Tape Can Store up to 30TB of Compressed DataNov 30 06:12
schestowitz 0mega ☠Nov 30 06:12
schestowitz0mega ☠ - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzTape producers have a “history” in claiming “compressed capacity”.Nov 30 06:12
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:12
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzI guess they can improve the quality of their tape depending upon the software they cite?Nov 30 06:12
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:12 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:12
schestowitzid rather use the uncompressed capacity, im glad they list it on the front.Nov 30 06:12
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:12
schestowitz 30 06:13
-TechrightsBN/ Seems #techrights was right to call @FSF award to MJG a mistake see It's like giving de Icaza an award...Nov 30 06:13
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:13
schestowitzmjgs argument is the same one that open source has made year after year.Nov 30 06:13
schestowitzstallman, the architect of the free software movement, is not qualified to speak for the free software movement. what bullshit.Nov 30 06:13
schestowitzive called for stallman to step down as president before. not to leave the fsf, the board, or stop doing his talks. i think it would be good for the fsf to have a new president in stallmans lifetime. but saying that stallman isnt qualified to talk about free software is as fucking stupid as saying that einstein isnt qualified to talk about relativity. its his fucking movement, fuckers.Nov 30 06:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stallman Under Fire for Views on Epstein | Tux MachinesNov 30 06:13
schestowitzand its a lie as well.Nov 30 06:13
schestowitzthey dont want better leadership, they just want to silence someone they like, and this is their excuse. total. fucking. bullshit. he makes his money from doing talks, not from the fsf-- theyre not saying remove him from his job, theyre saying he shouldnt be working at all. on his own idea. i have no respect for pure dishonesty. mjg is a corporate death cult shill and pure human scum.Nov 30 06:13
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:13 - 3 months ago Nov 30 06:13
schestowitzthat said, hes right that its time to talk about post-rms free software, because stallman is getting old enough to think about that and free software needs to continue.Nov 30 06:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | My Disagreement With the FSF Over UEFI ‘Secure Boot’ | TechrightsNov 30 06:13
schestowitzhes wrong about the reason, and his motives are dubious, to put it nicely.Nov 30 06:13
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:13
schestowitz 30 06:14
-TechrightsBN/ Review: #FreedomBox 2019-07-10 "Buster" #debian #gnu #linux #freesw Nov 30 06:14
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Review: FreedomBox 2019-07-10 "Buster" | Tux MachinesNov 30 06:14
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:14
schestowitz 30 06:14
-TechrightsBN/ | Overview | FreedomBox - Personal Server at HomeNov 30 06:14
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:14
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:14
schestowitz 30 06:14
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:14
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:14
schestowitzThe ARM-based machines listed here use coreboot instead of a BIOS! I wonder if Libreboot could be employed?Nov 30 06:15
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:15
-TechrightsBN/ | FreedomBox/Hardware/PioneerEdition - Debian WikiNov 30 06:15
schestowitz 30 06:18
-TechrightsBN/ Remember that #RMS still supports the @FSF #gnu #freesw Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzWe do not know what we are supporting now.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:18
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzI support the GPL licenses.Nov 30 06:18
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | My Personal Position on Richard Stallman and the FSF: Details Will Eventually Emerge, Information Will Set Us Free (as in Freedom) | TechrightsNov 30 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:18 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzbut we will find out.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:18 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzI support the GPL licenses.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz“Copyleft is the reason that many important Free software projects succeed. Open Source aggressively pushes permissive licensing, even for projects that are important which will suffer from such licensing. The FSF recommends a copyleft license such as the GPL (generally speaking, the GPL) for any source over 300 lines.” 30 06:18
schestowitz TrocatintasNov 30 06:18
schestowitzTrocatintas - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzAnd by “permissive” they mean that it allows “restricting”.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:18
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
-TechrightsBN/ | History of FSF and Free Software Matters | TechrightsNov 30 06:18
schestowitzTake a look at this:Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz 30 06:18
schestowitz“It may seem odd that for a project licensed under the GNU LGPL we ask for contributions under a different license. It was a regular request on the responses to the original “Open Source Motif and CDE” petition that the code be available under various open source license terms. It is hoped in the future to dual license CDE under both the GNU LGPL and a less restrictive license such as the BSD or MIT license. - By asking for Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzcontributions under the MIT license, we make this move easier without having to re-track down every contributor at the time of re-licensing.”Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:18
-TechrightsBN/ | CDE - Common Desktop Environment / Wiki / WhyMITNov 30 06:18
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzAt least the LessTif and Motif Extension Libraries are Free - for now.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:18 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzall software should be free, so im glad that motif is now free. im also glad there are options-- and i use a window manager from 1998.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzwith that said, is there any serious modern use for the motif extension libraries?Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:18
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzCDE! :-)Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:18 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzok, ill rephrase the question, sorry-- is there any serious modern use for cde?Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzi believe in preservation of software. i was just talking to someone from the internet archive today about a new feature of theirs. i defy you to find a better library of software than the one they have. of course ibiblio is a fair answer. github… well, thats a tragedy.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitzlibraries are better managed by non-profits. they are more difficult (not impossible) to hijack and destroy that way. github is about all the proof anybody should need.Nov 30 06:18
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:19
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzHere is my idea:Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzHow about a feature fork of GitHub/GiLlab, with the goal of being widely distributed, and disruptively competitive with GitHub, as well as more friendly to Free?Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19
-TechrightsBN/ | Sign in · GitLabNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzi have to join that today or im a liarNov 30 06:19
schestowitzthank you for the reminder thoughNov 30 06:19
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:19
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzI’m pressing forward! ;-)Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzLOLNov 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzseriously i will probably join in the next hour or two. and then im going to link to it in a few places.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzi can even make it a project that the free media alliance endorses. of course that would make a lot more sense if you were a member of the free media alliance (which is free, but i can imagine certain objections on your part.)Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 06:19
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzMy thinking today is that RMS is a done deal, and effort there is a rear-guard action. Not necessarily foolhardy, but we really should counter-attack.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzif you would like to make this project a campaign of the free media alliance i think that is doable. it would really only require your permission, since a member is endorsing it and you are permitting it.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzMy thinking today is that RMS is a done deal, and effort there is a rear-guard action. Not necessarily foolhardy, but we really should counter-attack.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzwhich means he got bad advice and that everything he has asked us to do was for nothingNov 30 06:19
schestowitzHYPOTHETICALLY. i hope we are wrong, but i had a mostly identical thought yesterday.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 06:19 - 2 months ago Nov 30 06:19
schestowitztom your link is giving me a 404. i tried to go to its parent url but that also is a 404.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzso i will look for another post where you link to it, but now that im logged into framagit would you send me a link to thing i promised to join? thanks.Nov 30 06:19
schestowitz"Nov 30 06:19
schestowitzRe: HV migration> Maybe HV could run OpenBSD-stable instead of Alpine.  It has a good VMNov 30 08:11
schestowitz> and can do in-place, binary updates now.  It's really lean and easy toNov 30 08:11
schestowitz> use and has a very good track record.Nov 30 08:12
schestowitzWe might want to ask the host. My main concerns areNov 30 08:12
schestowitz1) familiarity (ours or rather mine and his)Nov 30 08:12
schestowitz2) it's hard to run stable and test/staging with two HVs on one physical machine.Nov 30 08:12
schestowitzConsidering the HV's splendid uptime and lack of security incidents this past year or more, do we  want to risk something breaking something that's already working?Nov 30 08:12
schestowitzAnother option: fuck VMs; just try to run both sites on the same setup, namely the HV itself. Would that beNov 30 08:12
schestowitz1) practicalNov 30 08:12
schestowitzand Nov 30 08:12
schestowitz2) not risky to what we currently have running OK?Nov 30 08:12
schestowitzNote: I was never a big fan of VMs. Seems to be overcomplicating things, inc. system updates, even when all VMs are run and controlled by the same people.Nov 30 08:12
schestowitz 30 08:41
schestowitz"Nov 30 08:41
schestowitzWhat else can you expect from Mr Ramsay? He has been involved with the UPC from the beginning. If he does not believe in the UPC, who should then, beside the lawyer firms poised to make money with litigation at the UPC?Nov 30 08:41
schestowitzThat it does not one moment envisage that the decision of the GFCC could be positive for the complainant is also pretty obvious.Nov 30 08:41
-TechrightsBN/ | ‘If German complaint is dismissed, Unified Patent Court could be operation early 2021’ - Kluwer Patent BlogNov 30 08:41
schestowitzIt becomes nevertheless tiring to have to read and hear from the proponents of the UPC how they grasp every straw, as thin as it might be, in order to claim that the UPC has a bright future.Nov 30 08:41
schestowitzThe future of the UPC appears rather doomed, as in the absence of the UK a key player will be missing. Why do you think US industry would like to see the UK staying in the UPC after the Brexit? Cf. IPKat:Nov 30 08:41
schestowitz 30 08:41
schestowitzOne of the bridges to be crossed after Brexit is to see what happens with the London branch of the UPC central division. This is not a decision which can be taken by the administrative committee, in spite of what some proponents claim. It will need a renegotiation of the UPC, as well as a new round of ratifications, and nobody knows presently how it will end.Nov 30 08:41
schestowitzIf according to the plans of the promoters the UPC would have been in place as early as its promoters hoped, we would be confronted with a fait accompli, which would only be possible to counteract by a decision of the CJEU claiming that the UPC is not conform with EU law. I am not surprised that an opinion of the CJEU has not been requested as it was the case for EPLA, but one can easily think why this has not happened.Nov 30 08:41
schestowitzIt would be nice if the public at large would not be harassed with such titbits of useless information.Nov 30 08:41
schestowitz"Nov 30 08:41
-TechrightsBN/ | The real reason why the "451-page dossier" should concern you: US seeks to put UK "deviation from the EPC" on the table in future US/UK trade negotiations - The IPKatNov 30 08:41
schestowitz 30 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@twaitiblog: @schestowitz @Majec_3771 The UK is a nasty little regime that is falling apart thank goodness. #JeremyCorbyn may be… 30 12:35
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@twaitiblog: @schestowitz @Majec_3771 The UK is a nasty little regime that is falling apart thank goodness. #JeremyCorbyn may be… 30 12:35
schestowitzThe UK is a nasty little regime that is falling apart thank goodness. #JeremyCorbyn may be able to redeem it if given the chance. But having a child abuse protection racket for a #RoyalFamily makes it hard. #FreeAssange"Nov 30 12:35
schestowitz 30 12:36
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@BrianF1959: @schestowitz Nothing surprises me.Nov 30 12:36
schestowitz 30 12:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz funnily enough, was thinking this morning - my email has degraded to a medium for advertising and prom… 30 12:37
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Bazeelzebub: @schestowitz funnily enough, was thinking this morning - my email has degraded to a medium for advertising and prom… 30 12:37
schestowitz"funnily enough, was thinking this morning - my email has degraded to a medium for advertising and promotion by corpns. Very little personal comms these days, it's all on msngr services..."Nov 30 12:37
schestowitz 30 12:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz Apple. No moral compass, and bloody awful maps.Nov 30 12:41
schestowitz 30 12:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz It’s truly difficult. It can be sonogrammed, though: Fankews ( Cockney for thankyous ) Or just reve… 30 12:41
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@MarkKen20510303: @schestowitz It’s truly difficult. It can be sonogrammed, though: Fankews ( Cockney for thankyous ) Or just reve… 30 12:41
schestowitz"Nov 30 12:41
schestowitzIt’s truly difficult.  It can be sonogrammed, though:Nov 30 12:41
schestowitzFankews ( Cockney for thankyous )Nov 30 12:41
schestowitzOr just reversed for an interesting literary impact:Nov 30 12:41
schestowitzNew fakes.Nov 30 12:41
schestowitz"Nov 30 12:41
schestowitz 30 12:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jrobertson: Banks never change. #goodbyebanks 30 12:44
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@schestowitz: #halifax is not a bank It's a mass-mailing operation I think it sent several dozens (maybe 20+) letters trying to s… 30 12:44
schestowitz 30 12:45
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@PoeBrianL: @schestowitz Reminds me of what might happen with YouTube’s new terms of service on Dec. 10th.Nov 30 12:45
schestowitz 30 12:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jurasick: @schestowitz I’ve been facing this all evening with Twitter.Nov 30 12:47
schestowitz 30 12:47
schestowitz 30 12:49
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jwildeboer: @schestowitz Black Friday. Why is it even a thing? And why are shops in Europe doing it too?Nov 30 12:49
schestowitz 30 12:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: That was just a 'scam' to force governments to give them the internet. No money to be made 'producing' music any mo… 30 12:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Flavia0847: That was just a 'scam' to force governments to give them the internet. No money to be made 'producing' music any mo… 30 12:50
schestowitz"That was just a 'scam' to force governments to give them the internet. No money to be made 'producing' music any more. The talented shits resent paying fees."Nov 30 12:50
schestowitz 30 12:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fvdr: @schestowitz @jvantill Just study the Fritz Bauer case.Nov 30 12:50
schestowitz 30 12:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@svetlanaserova2: @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes, - рeople will forget about the role of the United States in the Assange affair, but th… 30 12:52
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@svetlanaserova2: @schestowitz @wikileaks Yes, - рeople will forget about the role of the United States in the Assange affair, but th… 30 12:52
schestowitz"Yes, - рeople will forget about the role of the United States in the Assange affair, but the shame of Great Britain will remain in history forever."Nov 30 12:52
schestowitzEcuador's @lenin as wellNov 30 12:53
schestowitz 30 13:13
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Profiessor: @schestowitz "fnord" would seem to fit the bill....Nov 30 13:13
<--oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Nov 30 13:42
-->oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 13:43
schestowitz 30 13:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sandyshark: This voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the @potus situation shows how much the USA needs… 30 13:47
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sandyshark: This voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the @potus situation shows how much the USA needs… 30 13:47
schestowitz"Nov 30 13:47
schestowitzShan Kelly Retweeted Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Nov 30 13:47
schestowitzThis  voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the @potus situation shows how much the USA needs #ConstitutionTwoDotZeroNov 30 13:47
schestowitz"Nov 30 13:48
-->rianne_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 15:36
<--rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Nov 30 15:39
-->pidgin_log ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 30 17:31
schestowitz 30 17:42
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:42
schestowitz thanks for sharing this, Dr. Roy!Nov 30 17:42
schestowitz#freesw #libreoffice #GNUlinuxNov 30 17:42
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaNov 30 17:42
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:42
schestowitz 30 17:42
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:42
schestowitz@schestowitz Nov 30 17:43
schestowitznot just confined to the Chinese 😉 Nov 30 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaNov 30 17:43
schestowitz 30 17:43
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | Textilien - Herren - CSU-FanShopNov 30 17:43
schestowitz 30 17:43
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:43
schestowitzAgree. #DeleteGithub, sadly.Nov 30 17:43
schestowitz#ActivityHub can handle #issueTracking to some extent, although there doesn't seem to be enough #redundancy-based systems in the #fediverse to date. Also there does need to be a way to move accounts and followers from one #instance to another.Nov 30 17:43
-TechrightsBN/ | PleromaNov 30 17:43
schestowitzSeems like an #atomicSwap-like problem but we're no expert.Nov 30 17:43
schestowitz"Nov 30 17:43
schestowitz>> Re: HV migrationNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>> Maybe HV could run OpenBSD-stable instead of Alpine.  It has a good VMNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>> and can do in-place, binary updates now.  It's really lean and easy toNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>> use and has a very good track record.Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> We might want to ask the host. My main concerns areNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> 1) familiarity (ours or rather mine and his)Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz> Ok.  But it's not complicated nor does it have many parts.  One focusNov 30 17:47
schestowitz> that OpenBSD has is simplicity.Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz> Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> 2) it's hard to run stable and test/staging with two HVs on one physicalNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> machine.Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> Considering the HV's splendid uptime and lack of security incidents thisNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> past year or more, do we  want to risk something breaking somethingNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> that's already working?Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> Another option: fuck VMs; Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz> I agree with that sentiment.Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz> Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> just try to run both sites on the same setup,Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> namely the HV itself. Would that beNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> 1) practicalNov 30 17:47
schestowitz> Perhaps.  I am completely unfamiliar with Alpine Linux but amNov 30 17:47
schestowitz> comfortable with 'shared hosting' as it would be.Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz> Nov 30 17:47
schestowitz>> andNov 30 17:47
schestowitz>>Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz>> 2) not risky to what we currently have running OK?Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz> Not that bad but starting and stopping MariaDB (for backups) wouldNov 30 17:48
schestowitz> affect both services.Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz> Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz>> Note: I was never a big fan of VMs. Seems to be overcomplicating things,Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz>> inc. system updates, even when all VMs are run and controlled by theNov 30 17:48
schestowitz>> same people.Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz> I suppose we could run a single machine with Alpine (or OpenBSD orNov 30 17:48
schestowitz> Devuan) and Apache2 and MariaDB.  VMs only add complexity and resourceNov 30 17:48
schestowitz> overhead.  Just be sure there is no overlap with the tables.Nov 30 17:48
schestowitz 30 17:50
-TechrightsBN/ #Microsoft Employees Being Put in Charge of #Linux #kernelNov 30 17:50
schestowitz"@Paul Sutton the tux logo in the upper-left corner of this page was created by mark ewing-- you can look it up on wikipedia for more information about how it can be used. the real trademark issue afaik is not tux but the name "linux." the terms of the mark ewing image have always been very open."Nov 30 17:50
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Microsoft Employees Being Put in Charge of Linux | TechrightsNov 30 17:50
schestowitz 30 18:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@jwildeboer: @schestowitz Lies?Nov 30 18:00
schestowitz 30 18:00
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@fcassia: @schestowitz What is the latest github controversy?Nov 30 18:00
schestowitz 30 18:00
-TechrightsBN/ | Microsoft’s Abduction of the Voice of Its Opposition Highlights the Urgency of the Movement/Campaign to Delete GitHub | TechrightsNov 30 18:00
schestowitz 30 18:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sandyshark: This voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the @potus situation shows how much the USA needs… 30 18:01
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell-@Sandyshark: This voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the @potus situation shows how much the USA needs… 30 18:01
schestowitz"Nov 30 18:01
schestowitzThis  voting view is not #constitutional, but maybe the Nov 30 18:01
schestowitz@potusNov 30 18:01
schestowitz situation shows how much the USA needs #ConstitutionTwoDotZeroNov 30 18:01
schestowitz"Nov 30 18:01
schestowitz 30 18:27
schestowitz"Nov 30 18:27
schestowitz"You are the person who gets blamed when things go wrong and when things go right, it's "just part of your job." It's a tough place to be. "Nov 30 18:27
schestowitzWell. So true.Nov 30 18:27
-TechrightsBN/ | Remsd1: " "You are the p…" - MastodonNov 30 18:27
schestowitz"Nov 30 18:27
<--pedro4 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Nov 30 18:53
schestowitz 30 19:20
-TechrightsBN/ Drama queen carries on pushing "social issues" (his words) as a Trojan horse for getting rid of RMS and changing the FSF. Watch out, I know this routine (he did this to Linux/Torvalds as well, starting a publicity stunt "fork") 30 19:21
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:21
schestowitztheres a fellow ill miss about as much as thatcher when hes gone.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitznot just a corporate shill, a mic corporate shill, who probably cheers on drones when they cut down innocent yemeni children.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzi guess hitler was engaged.Nov 30 19:21
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Stallman Under Fire for Views on Epstein | Tux MachinesNov 30 19:21
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 19:21
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzThe definition of free software includes the assertion that it must be possible to use the software for any purpose. But if it is possible to use software in such a way that others lose their freedom to exercise those rights, is this really the standard we should be holding? Again, it’s unsurprising that people will attempt to solve this problem through licensing, even if in doing so they no longer meet the current definition of free Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzsoftware.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzI’ve heard this argument a million times (OK, maybe only a thousand). If people what to get all hung-up on the word “Free”, well screw them. I’ll just use the word “Libre”. Freedom is not an absolute, nor need it be reckoned only in the most proximal, first-degree context.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:21 - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzhes an idiot if he thinks his critique is honest.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzthen again, this is a guy who used to harass a political refugee (not to mention digital age folk hero) with a sign that says “youre not even a wiki.”Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzhes on the wrong side of basically everything, lets bow to his tired old (nothing new) apologetics for corporate backdoors! #wanker #uberwanker #kingofthedouchebagpeopleNov 30 19:21
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 19:21
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz“first-degree context.” I meant “first order context” - but you knew that!Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz#uberwanker - I like it.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzhow about #wankerforhire ?Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:21 - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:21
schestowitzthat works too.Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:21
schestowitz 30 19:22
schestowitz 30 19:22
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #privacy ☞ #Trump Administration Demands An End To Strong #Encryption While Being Exhibit A For Why We Need It Nov 30 19:22
schestowitzyes! would be great if all of Trumps communication would be leaking unencrypted to the public… Putin knows why he has no cell phone and Angela is still on the Nokia X-DNov 30 19:22
schestowitzNov 30 19:22
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:22
schestowitz(unencrypted sms and calls per default)Nov 30 19:22
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Trump Administration Demands An End To Strong Encryption While Being Exhibit A For Why We Need It | TechdirtNov 30 19:22
schestowitzNov 30 19:22
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:22
schestowitzthe broader problem is indeed: China - the hight-tech surveillance dictatorship with communist painting - is very successful in capitalism - so “the West” thinks about copying the “role” model… very very dangerous.Nov 30 19:22
schestowitzNov 30 19:22
schestowitzSilouettE - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:22
schestowitzeveryone has seen what a hacked mail server can do to Hillary. X-DNov 30 19:22
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:22
schestowitzAnd it  can be used for blackmail and you would never know about itNov 30 19:22
schestowitz 30 19:23
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:23
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #privacy ☞ The #facialrecognition debate: Orwellian dystopia or effective tool in the fight against crime? Nov 30 19:23
schestowitzthe negative is a given, the positive is debatable.Nov 30 19:23
schestowitzNov 30 19:23
schestowitzAlexandre Oliva - about a month ago Nov 30 19:23
schestowitzit’s both. it’s just a matter of defining “crime” so as to include journalism, activism, and other increasingly repressed forms of struggling for autonomyNov 30 19:23
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | The facial recognition debate: Orwellian dystopia or effective tool in the fight against crime?  - The PostNov 30 19:23
schestowitzNov 30 19:23 - about a month ago Nov 30 19:23
schestowitzoliva +1 the way they put the question together is stupid and misleading.Nov 30 19:23
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:23
schestowitzto some US states a woman seeking an abortion clinic is a criminalNov 30 19:24
schestowitz 30 19:25
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #privacy ☞ Steak With A Side Of #Surveillance : Outback #Restaurants Adding Employee-Tracking Analytics To Its Cameras Nov 30 19:25
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:25
schestowitzHow do I look today? Good?Nov 30 19:25
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:25 - about a month ago Nov 30 19:25
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Steak With A Side Of Surveillance: Outback Restaurants Adding Employee-Tracking Analytics To Its Cameras | TechdirtNov 30 19:25
schestowitzWell, I’ll never go to Outback again.Nov 30 19:25
schestowitzChili’s put cameras and probably microphones (hard to tell) at every table, I don’t feel too inclined to go there either. That’s just fucking creepy.Nov 30 19:25
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:25
schestowitz 30 19:26
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #politics ☞ DC Court: State Secrets Privilege Trumps Any Citizens' Right To Know Whether Or Not Their Own Gov't Is Trying To Kill Them 30 19:26
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:26
schestowitzMind if I not adhere to this ruling? ;-(Nov 30 19:26
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:26 - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:26
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | DC Court: State Secrets Privilege Trumps Any Citizens' Right To Know Whether Or Not Their Own Gov't Is Trying To Kill Them | TechdirtNov 30 19:26
schestowitzthe government can make up all the laws they want.Nov 30 19:26
schestowitzif the constitution forbids it, the law has no authority.Nov 30 19:26
schestowitzthe people using killer robots and laser weapons have a certain amount of sway, but the (moral, legal) authority still comes from the people, and they dont have it. it is only ever “on loan” to them.Nov 30 19:26
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 19:26
schestowitztomgrz - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:26
schestowitzThe power of “no” is insurmountable.Nov 30 19:26
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:26
schestowitzNo drones will be sent to prisonNov 30 19:26
schestowitz 30 19:27
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #Politics ☞ Of Course Donald #Trump Jr. Outed the Alleged #WhistleBlower criminals.Nov 30 19:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell- Photo by 30 19:27
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzimagine if forbes defended stallman the way they defended trump jr: 30 19:27
schestowitz(i actually like context, which is why i wish stallman got the same treatment. instead forbes acted just like their description of tmz in this article.)Nov 30 19:27
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:27
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Of Course Donald Trump Jr. Outed the Alleged Whistleblower | Vanity FairNov 30 19:27 - 22 days ago Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzas for outing the whistleblower, thats reprehensible. though as much as i feel terrible about the picture (is that a fucking elephant? yes, yes it is.) i dont think the two incidents are related. i dont know of any (legitimate) profile of trump jr. as an idiot. im generally so uninterested in trumps family, the only son i knew about was barron.Nov 30 19:27
schestowitz Amanda GordonNov 30 19:27
schestowitzAmanda Gordon - 22 days ago Nov 30 19:27
-TechrightsBN/ | TMZ Is Wrong About Donald Trump Jr. and Safari HuntingNov 30 19:27
schestowitzFor those of you having trouble telling the Trumps apart:Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzDonald is the lying, stupid one who thinks he’s smart.Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzIvanka is the lying, stupid one who thinks she’s kind.Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzDon, Jr. is the lying, stupid one who thinks he’s witty.Nov 30 19:27
schestowitzEric is the lying, stupid one who thinks he thinks.Nov 30 19:28
schestowitz– Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best ChristianNov 30 19:28
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:28
schestowitz 30 19:29
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #Politics ☞ #BillGates and #LizWarren (who hired #microsoft people!!) are tweeting at each other about wealth #inequality iophk: tweets in place of official communications :(Nov 30 19:29
schestowitz"like ellen to bush jr."Nov 30 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Bill Gates and Elizabeth Warren are tweeting at each other about wealth inequality - The VergeNov 30 19:29
schestowitz 30 19:29
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #politics #privacy ☞ 'Whoa,' Says Edward @Snowden as #Sanders Vows to End Prosecution of #Whistleblowers Under Espionage Act Nov 30 19:29
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:29
schestowitzAbout time!Nov 30 19:29
schestowitz KMANNov 30 19:29
schestowitzKMAN - about a month ago Nov 30 19:29
schestowitzWhistleblowers are the achilles heal of Govt/Corp malfeasance …Let’s hope that heal does not crush Julian before they themselves fall…KMANNov 30 19:29
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | 'Whoa,' Says Edward Snowden as Sanders Vows to End Prosecution of Whistleblowers Under Espionage Act | Common Dreams NewsNov 30 19:29
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:29
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:30
schestowitz“Oh Oh” - online extremist.Nov 30 19:31
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:31 - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:31
schestowitzwould arguing against “companies such as facebook, amazon, google, twitter and microsoft” make you a target?Nov 30 19:31
schestowitz TrocatintasNov 30 19:31
schestowitzTrocatintas - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:31
schestowitzOne Woman vs Five EyesNov 30 19:31
schestowitzSince 2012, Suzie’s journalism warned that global intelligence agencies were targeting every day citizens, including New Zealanders. As a result, she became a target of intelligence agencies - the very people she had warned about - and in 2015 was forced into exile by their orchestrated campaign of harassment, intimidation and sabotage.Nov 30 19:31
schestowitzIn December 2018, a State Services Commission Report in New Zealand provided conclusive evidence that security services were, at times, out of control - confirming what Suzie had been saying all along. The report found that up to a dozen government agencies hired private intelligence companies to target journalists, activists, political parties and insurance claimants in retaliation for their dissent.Nov 30 19:31
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:31
schestowitz 30 19:31
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #nz #newzealand #socialcontrolmedia #goldendawnald ☞ New Zealand creates unit to target, 'disrupt' online extremism Nov 30 19:31
schestowitz 30 19:31
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | New Zealand creates unit to target, 'disrupt' online extremismNov 30 19:31
-TechrightsBN/ | One Woman vs Five EyesNov 30 19:31
schestowitz 30 19:32
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #politics ☞ To 'Shift Power Back Towards Working People,' #LizWarren Plan Aims to End Decades-Long Attack on Organized Labor Nov 30 19:32
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:32
schestowitzSo… Her “new” plan is basically what Sanders has been advocating for decades.Nov 30 19:32
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:32 - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:32
schestowitzexcept this one will “improve” it by making more concessions to the status quo.Nov 30 19:32
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | To 'Shift Power Back Towards Working People,' Warren Plan Aims to End Decades-Long Attack on Organized Labor | Common Dreams NewsNov 30 19:32
schestowitz TrocatintasNov 30 19:32
schestowitzTrocatintas - 2 months ago Nov 30 19:32
schestowitzIs it just me or there is a “manipulative” bias between these two titles?Nov 30 19:32
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:32
schestowitz 30 19:32
schestowitzthe publication promotes Sanders a lot moreNov 30 19:32
schestowitz 30 19:34
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:34
schestowitzand thats, why they shant “from the river, to the sea”, this ignorance and denial of antisemitism is impressiveNov 30 19:34
schestowitzNov 30 19:34
-TechrightsBN/ ● NEWS ● #Microsoft abuses Palestinians #israel #newMicrosoft #surveillance Nov 30 19:34
schestowitzWill Hill - 21 days ago Nov 30 19:34
schestowitzMost Microsoft work is done by contractor slaves. These were once H1B “guest workers.” Today, I think they are mostly offshore people.Nov 30 19:34
schestowitzIt is easier to gauge Microsoft’s commitment to freedom by judging the freedom they give their users. That is zero. Windows is designed to control users. Digital restrictions in Windows prevent users from copying and sharing files from their own computes. For decades, the company has demanded the right to read, modify, or delete any file on any computer running Windows. This has been implemented in systems like PRISM.Nov 30 19:34
schestowitzMicrosoft invented UEFI to eliminate freedom even when the user replaced the OS. The company hates your freedom with the passion of a righteous overseer. They may take up the cause of one oppressed minority or another for good publicity, but that is entirely cynical if the rights of all are not respected.Nov 30 19:34
-TechrightsBN/#boycottnovell--> | Microsoft Should Not Fund Israeli Spying on Palestinians - CounterPunch.orgNov 30 19:34
schestowitzNov 30 19:34
schestowitztomgrz - 21 days ago Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzWe are notsomuch talking about Israel here (though they are not innocent), we are talking about Microsoft - their hypocrisy and disrespect for human rights.Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzNov 30 19:35
schestowitzmurdeRED dreams GrandWizardOfZOG - 20 days ago Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzthe human right of murdering jewish civiliansNov 30 19:35
schestowitz"Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzand thats, why they shant “from the river, to the sea”, this ignorance and denial of antisemitism is impressiveNov 30 19:35
schestowitzNov 30 19:35
schestowitzWill Hill - 21 days ago Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzMost Microsoft work is done by contractor slaves. These were once H1B “guest workers.” Today, I think they are mostly offshore people.Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzIt is easier to gauge Microsoft’s commitment to freedom by judging the freedom they give their users. That is zero. Windows is designed to control users. Digital restrictions in Windows prevent users from copying and sharing files from their own computes. For decades, the company has demanded the right to read, modify, or delete any file on any computer running Windows. This has been implemented in systems like PRISM.Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzMicrosoft invented UEFI to eliminate freedom even when the user replaced the OS. The company hates your freedom with the passion of a righteous overseer. They may take up the cause of one oppressed minority or another for good publicity, but that is entirely cynical if the rights of all are not respected.Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzNov 30 19:35
schestowitztomgrz - 21 days ago Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzWe are notsomuch talking about Israel here (though they are not innocent), we are talking about Microsoft - their hypocrisy and disrespect for human rights.Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzNov 30 19:35
schestowitzmurdeRED dreams GrandWizardOfZOG - 20 days ago Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzthe human right of murdering jewish civilians"Nov 30 19:35
schestowitzThis is very nazi era-like thinking, maybe you should throw the whole lot (millions) in camps and feed them when you feel like it?Nov 30 19:35
schestowitztomgrzNov 30 19:37
schestowitztomgrz - about 14 hours ago Nov 30 19:37
schestowitzGitFkdNov 30 19:37
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:37 - about 14 hours ago Nov 30 19:37
schestowitzGitHell – where software freedom goes to dieNov 30 19:37
schestowitz tomgrzNov 30 19:37
schestowitztomgrz - about 14 hours ago Nov 30 19:38
schestowitzGitHuf? (Huffing is breathing toxins such as glue to get high)Nov 30 19:38
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comNov 30 19:38 - about 14 hours ago Nov 30 19:38
schestowitzif microsoft purchases youtube, they can merge it with github to create YouFork – or as it should be called, ForkYouNov 30 19:38
schestowitz 30 19:38
-TechrightsBN/ As we showed in the past, some people cannot attend an event or receive a discount (for attendance) if they don't have a #GitHub account! Being a client of #Microsoft is apparently a prerequisite now. #deletegithubNov 30 19:38

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