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IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Saturday, May 04, 2024

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*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techbytesMay 04 00:50
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 01:06
*MinceR has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 01:18
*MinceR (~mincer@bringer.of.light) has joined #techbytesMay 04 01:21
* sets mode +a #techbytes MinceRMay 04 01:21
schestowitz 04 01:35
-TechBytesBot/ | Disguised Work -- European Heritage Days & Debian-Private leaks 1996 to 1998 inclusiveMay 04 01:35
schestowitz"In the spirit of the hugely popular European Heritage Days, where unusual buildings and artworks are opened to the public for one weekend each year, Disguised.Work volunteers are opening the debian-private vaults to bring you more relics from that period in the 1990s when volunteers were hoodwinked by Bruce Perens, Software in the Public Interest and trademarks.May 04 01:35
schestowitzGet the whole leak from 1996 to December 1998, total 14,000 messages, with IPFS: QmZFqHNwYBgJKesM3LGibyeTMWs15dgAq74shFtQJbamD9May 04 01:35
schestowitzAn earlier leak from 1996/1997 contained approximately 8000 messages although some were missing and some threads were broken. Thanks to behavior of Debian leaders like Chris Lamb, Sam Hartman and Jonathan Carter, the leaks keep coming and now 13,940 messages are in the wild. Today's leak adds everything up to the end of 1998.May 04 01:35
schestowitzPlease be respectful and remember that the burden of Debian-Private gossip culture was a major factor in the Frans Pop Debian Day suicide. RIP Frans Pop. RIP Privacy."May 04 01:35
*jacobk (~quassel@8cgmbeq9ipg9s.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 01:39
schestowitz 04 01:47
-TechBytesBot/ | Disguised Work -- debian-private leaker was rightMay 04 01:47
schestowitz"Back in 2019, somebody who appears to be a Debian Developer leaked the first couple of years of debian-private, emails from 1996 and 1997. Traces of the leak linger in the debian-project archives. Replicas are hosted around the Internet, click for links.May 04 01:47
schestowitzWhat is really fascinating is the text the leaker has placed on every page of this HTML-formatted version of the archive:May 04 01:47
schestowitz    The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debiaMay 04 01:47
schestowitzn-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.May 04 01:47
schestowitzThe leaker has named Molly de Blanc and described clearly the way she operates. In a leak from 24 December 2019, the leaker has predicted exactly what this toxic woman would do to Dr Richard Stallman in March and April 2021. Please join the call to have Molly de Blanc arrested for cyberstalking.May 04 01:47
schestowitzThe original leak only includes 1996 and 1997 but the "part 1" title suggests more will come. More threads involving Dr Stallman appeared in 1998 and 1999."May 04 01:47
schestowitz 04 01:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Disguised Work -- Molly de Blanc & Debian: pushing volunteers boundaries, DebConf orgyMay 04 01:51
schestowitz"DebConf going online in 2020 doesn't mean we can't have the full experience. Yesterday, we began with the foreplay of plotting defamation with Erinn Clark and today we move on to a full-blown DebConf orgy of hypocrisy."May 04 01:51
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 02:51
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 02:55
*jacobk (~quassel@838aynky6btpe.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 03:04
schestowitz> 1)May 04 03:24
schestowitz>May 04 03:24
schestowitz> I connected and saw this:May 04 03:24
schestowitz>May 04 03:24
schestowitz>May 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:30 -!- You're now known as TheRealChrisPunchesMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- ERROR You have been banned from this server (abuse)May 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Connection lost to irc.techrights.orgMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Removed reconnection to server portMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 6667May 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Looking up irc.techrights.orgMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Reconnecting to []May 04 03:24
schestowitz> port 6667 - use /RMRECONNS to abortMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 Waiting for CAP LS response...May 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Connection to establishedMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- ERROR You are banned from this server (abuse)May 04 03:24
schestowitz> 23:46 -!- Irssi: Connection lost to irc.techrights.orgMay 04 03:24
schestowitz>May 04 03:24
schestowitz> Really?  That will need fixed because I am not banned from thatMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> network.  If that wasn't you, then your staff roster needs to beMay 04 03:24
schestowitz> adjusted.May 04 03:24
schestowitzNo, that was not me.May 04 03:24
*parsifal (~parsifal@uuar9r28yasyu.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 05:27
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 05:54
*jacobk (~quassel@32hz32it3ih2k.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 07:14
schestowitz"Microsoft details broad plan to enhance its cybersecurity practices"May 04 07:15
schestowitzx 04 07:15
schestowitz# yeah, close the company down and blacklist the 'former' staff fromMay 04 07:15
schestowitz# pivoting into ITMay 04 07:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-Microsoft details broad plan to enhance its cybersecurity practices - SiliconANGLEMay 04 07:15
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 07:21
*SaphirJD (~SaphirJD@9iz9c2tcvthrn.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 07:59
*jacobk (~quassel@nm9nu8gvkax2u.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 08:45
*x-amarsh04 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 09:06
*x-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@qezxp5nudz5uq.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 09:10
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 09:34
*jacobk (~quassel@cd5wen6y9rvfa.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 10:36
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 10:43
*DaxSon has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)May 04 12:09
*DaxSon (~DaxSon@freenode-2ue.6ih.pu7h8v.IP) has joined #techbytesMay 04 12:10
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 12:44
*psydroid2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 13:01
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@j9gt2haw74jrk.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 13:11
*parsifal has quit (Quit: Leaving)May 04 16:07
*jacobk (~quassel@kud6hdan7mv6c.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 17:41
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 17:44
*psydroid2 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria 04 17:50
*jacobk (~quassel@kud6hdan7mv6c.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 19:04
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 19:08
*jacobk (~quassel@6wygwq2t5e2hw.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 20:30
schestowitz 04 20:51
-TechBytesBot/ | Disguised Work -- Donald Norwood & Debian spamming users with defamation and dirty politicsMay 04 20:51
schestowitz""May 04 20:51
schestowitzMany Debian users received spam from Donald Norwood through the debian-news email list and social media networks this week.May 04 20:51
schestowitzNorwood has attacked a developer with over 20 years experience.May 04 20:51
schestowitzLooking at Norwood's own profile, we see that he has never made a single package. He is one of the non-developing developers. Many of these non-developing developers are wives and girlfriends who have an honorary title. We don't know exactly how Norwood got this title but nonetheless, if he never made a package himself, how can he judge the competence of a real Debian Developer?May 04 20:51
schestowitzAny genuine expulsion involves a tribunal or grievance process where both sides get to review the evidence together and the accused has a right of reply. When we look at the accusations from Norwood, there is no hint of any evidence, no references, no report from any tribunal. It is pure defamation.May 04 20:51
schestowitzMoreover, the volunteer in question was never actually a member of Software in the Public Interest, the incorporated association. It simply isn't possible to expel somebody who is not a member. To falsely claim that a non-member was expelled is much like bouncing a cheque, it is a fraudulent assertion in every way."May 04 20:51
schestowitz"It is important to ask the question: why did Donald Norwood spontaneously decide to attack this volunteer?May 04 20:51
schestowitzNorwood's behavior is entirely consistent with a mafia gangster. This is the work of somebody who can not cook but he goes into a restaurant and demands a free lunch. He threatens to write defamatory reviews on social media and TripAdvisor if the restaurant does not obey his Code of Conduct and serve him for free.May 04 20:51
schestowitzOf course there is more to it than that. It looks like Debian is keen to discredit anybody who may ask questions about the relationships between leadership figures and the women/students doing internships. There have been a number of high-profile cases recently, including the Albanian women granted an internship after 2 years of close encounters with Debian leader Chris Lamb and the Mozilla Tech Speaker grooming an underage girl for OutMay 04 20:51
schestowitzreachy.May 04 20:51
schestowitzReading between the lines, the defamatory publication from Norwood is telling all the other volunteers that if we ask probity questions, we will be banned/censored from all Debian's communications infrastructure."May 04 20:51
schestowitz"FactsMay 04 20:51
schestowitzDonald Norwood's attack was purely political. We present some facts to prove it:May 04 20:51
schestowitz    The community elected the victim as the FSFE Fellowship representative in 2017May 04 20:51
schestowitz    The same victim submitted a nomination for the role of Debian Project Leader in 2019May 04 20:51
schestowitz    The same victim submitted a nomination for the Fedora Council in 2020May 04 20:51
schestowitz    Donald Norwood published the attack shortly before the victim arrived at the annual meeting of Swiss financial institutionMay 04 20:51
schestowitz"May 04 20:51
schestowitz 04 20:54
-TechBytesBot/ | Disguised Work -- Chris Lamb, Boris Johnson & Debian unpaid billsMay 04 20:54
schestowitz"There has recently been news about pranksters in the UK using the online debt recovery form to successfully obtain a default judgment against Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Johnson's address is well known, he lives at 10 Downing Street.May 04 20:54
schestowitzThe claim against Johnson may well be a prank but when Chris Lamb finished his term as Debian Project Leader in April 2019, he left office without paying all the bills. Debian is not an incorporated organization, therefore, if you are owed money from Debian, you have to make a personal debt recovery action against the leader. For debts between 2017 and 2019,"May 04 20:54
schestowitz"Johnson's address is well known, he lives at 10 Downing Street.May 04 20:54
schestowitz<schestowitz> The claim against Johnson may well be a prank but when Chris Lamb finished his term as Debian Project Leader in April 2019, he left office without "May 04 20:54
schestowitz"In March 2018, there was a Bug Squashing Party in Tirana, Albania (photos).May 04 20:55
schestowitzA group of students from Kosovo had written to Lamb and asked for funds to travel to Tirana. The cost for each person was €8 for a hostel and €15 for the bus. These amounts seem trivial for many of us in free software but they are more than a day's income for students in a developing country.May 04 20:55
schestowitzLamb authorised each of their requests in writing (example below).May 04 20:55
schestowitzMany NGOs fund events in the Balkan countries and it is typical for organizations to pay the bills on the day of the event. Some of the students did not have this much money in cash. These are developing countries and organizations have to be sensitive about this when operating there.May 04 20:55
schestowitzThere was only one Debian Developer present at the event. Everybody turned to him and one of the local organizers on Sunday morning and asked for help. To resolve it quickly, the Debian Developer went to the hotel, asked the students to give him copies of each receipt and authorisation email from Chris Lamb and then paid all the bills in cash. The total was approximately €431May 04 20:55
schestowitzAll the documents were scanned and originals posted to Debian within 2 weeks of the event. All the names and amounts matched the authorisations from Lamb.May 04 20:55
schestowitzNonetheless, Chris Lamb stonewalled. He had wanted each of the female students to send him a thank you email and personally request their €23 refund.May 04 20:55
schestowitzIn many ways, this isn't practical. The banks in Kosovo deduct a fee of €15 or €20 from each incoming transfer. It is far better to process payments in cash in this region. Lamb wasn't there to help and he had poor communications with the volunteers doing the work.May 04 20:55
schestowitzThe Debian Developer continued sending requests to Lamb and never received any money. Lamb finished his term as Debian leader in April 2019 complaining that he was a victim of harassment.May 04 20:55
schestowitzAsking for bills to be paid is not harassment. Lamb has an ego problem. He wanted each woman to send him a polite thank you message with a smiley and photo. He was furious that the female students saw another volunteer managing the money. Lamb wanted the women to see him handing out the money. This is the mentality of somebody who wanted to groom the women to be obedient interns and employees of large corporations.May 04 20:55
schestowitzWe recently looked at the way women were brought to DebConf in Brazil. Their tickets were bought for them. They were not left with unpaid bills. Most interns only receive one trip to DebConf. Did Lamb give them this second DebConf trip so he could impress them with his power and authority? Was this because he was still furious about another Developer managing the bills in Tirana?May 04 20:55
schestowitzIn May 2019, the bill was eventually paid. It was more than 12 months after the event and Sam Hartman had become Debian Project Leader. Why did Lamb leave problems like this for future volunteers?"May 04 20:55
*jacobk has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)May 04 21:27
*jacobk (~quassel@6wygwq2t5e2hw.irc) has joined #techbytesMay 04 21:39
*jacobk has quit (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)May 04 21:43
*SaphirJD has quit (connection closed)May 04 23:05

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