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IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Tuesday, October 08, 2019

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<--pedro4 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 08 02:34
<--MrGreenFriend_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 08 02:35
-->pedro4 (~pedro4@ has joined #techbytesOct 08 02:43
<--Condor has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Oct 08 04:12
-->Condor (~freenode@ has joined #techbytesOct 08 04:15
schestowitzMinceR: not a bad thingOct 08 05:23
schestowitz 08 06:13
-TechBytesBot/ RMS did not sexually abuse anyone, so what does that have to do with #metoo ??Oct 08 06:13
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:13
schestowitzthats a fucking GOOD QUESTION.Oct 08 06:13
schestowitzrussell peters has a fucking good answer: 08 06:13
schestowitz 08 06:13
-TechBytesBot/ | "Arabs" | Russell Peters - Red, White, and Brown - InvidiousOct 08 06:13
-TechBytesBot/ | Joseph Goebbels - WikiquoteOct 08 06:13
schestowitz Alexandre OlivaOct 08 06:13
schestowitzAlexandre Oliva - 40 minutes agoOct 08 06:13
schestowitzformer IMF president (can’t recall his name), assange, applebaum, rms… :-/Oct 08 06:13
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 06:13 - 31 minutes agoOct 08 06:13
schestowitzgilbert godfried used to do a joke where he just kept asking if “bob saget raped and killed a girl in 1990.”Oct 08 06:13
schestowitzbecause of the context, this has never hurt sagets career, but to this day people still ask if it happened. they want to know if bob saget is really a rapist and murderer. sometimes i think godfried is a comic genius. that joke was ahead of its time.Oct 08 06:13
schestowitzwhats funny about it? people are gullible and will believe anything-- hes taking a shit on bob saget, but hes really making fun of us.Oct 08 06:13
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:13
schestowitzSo all freedom fighters hate women... got itOct 08 06:13
schestowitz 08 06:14
-TechBytesBot/ RMS haters now paint #softwarefreedom as the opposite of what it actually is 08 06:14
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Stallman Under Fire for Views on Epstein | Tux MachinesOct 08 06:14
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzopen source is an identifier, a brand.Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzwhat drew here is advocating is the typical “let open source control the brand.”Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzwe know what they do with that control. lie and sell people out.Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzeven the co-founder of osi noted this: 08 06:14
schestowitz#fuckoff drew devault. youre either lying, or fooling yourself. stop asking stallman to support the same fucking people who stabbed him in the back year after fucking year.Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzOct 08 06:14 - 20 days agoOct 08 06:14
-TechBytesBot/ | It's Time to Talk About Free Software AgainOct 08 06:14
schestowitz"we should [probably] distance ourselves [further?] from open source"Oct 08 06:14
schestowitzben mako hill, 2016 @ libreplanetOct 08 06:14
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:14
schestowitz 08 06:15
-TechBytesBot/ Richard Stallman To Continue As Head Of The #GNU Project #rms #freeswOct 08 06:15
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Richard Stallman To Continue As Head Of The GNU Project | Tux MachinesOct 08 06:15
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzthe problem with the hurd isnt the copyright, its the overly ambitious design and the resulting lack of contributions.Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzits made from a particular branch of the mach kernel that has never had outstanding success, due to what amounts in practical terms to overengineering. its a fantastic kernel-- better than it needs to be. they make flying cars now, too. but nobody drives one.Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzwhat makes the linux kernel work is that it isnt fancy-- between its design and its licensing, it has the most contributors. its not just the design, of course. as linux-libre (with less help from oliva than he expects is needed-- and hes quite modest) evolves into something that (of necessity) does more than just remove non-free stuff, the tricky part will be finding people who both care about freedom and put time into linux-libreOct 08 06:15
schestowitzdevelopment. because none of us expect the linux-branded kernel to be viable forever, at this rate. finding enough kernel hackers that care about freedom wont be easy, but hacking linux should be easier than getting hurd to work.Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzOct 08 06:15 - 11 days agoOct 08 06:15
schestowitzim not anti-hurd or anything. ive always been very curious about it, and ive spent years trying to understand what people say about it, and figuring out why stallman and even hurd devs seem to believe so little in it-- and still not abandon it entirely.Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzOct 08 06:15
schestowitztomgrz - 10 days agoOct 08 06:15
schestowitzDEC OSF/1 was based upon a mach microkernel, and I believe that Apple macOS is as well.Oct 08 06:15
schestowitzOct 08 06:15 - 10 days agoOct 08 06:16
schestowitzI believe that Apple macOS is as well.Oct 08 06:16
schestowitzdarwin is based on a different version of mach. much easier to do than hurd.Oct 08 06:16
schestowitzits sort of like the difference between working on a jet and a volkswagon. you can combine the two (some have) though youre going to have fewer people who can contribute to the jet project, especially if its a very unusual one.Oct 08 06:16
schestowitzOct 08 06:16
schestowitztomgrz - 10 days agoOct 08 06:16
schestowitzToo bad.Oct 08 06:16
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:16
schestowitz 08 06:16
-TechBytesBot/ RMS keeps telling me to still support the FSF, but after statements like these I find that difficult 08 06:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | FSF and GNU | Tux MachinesOct 08 06:16
schestowitzdid you see Chief GNUisance's statement, that was supposed to have been published at about the same time, and that the FSF linked to as soon as it went out? do you still think so? if so, would you let me know why?""Oct 08 06:16
schestowitzcan you link to it here? I did not see it.Oct 08 06:16
schestowitz 08 06:18
-TechBytesBot/ RMS made a mistake see @fsf #freesw #freedom #gnu #linux #rmsOct 08 06:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes-@taotetek: Microsoft inviting RMS to speak at their campus while they are using GNU/Linux to build services they sell to ICE w… 08 06:18
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzyou know, there’s something I don’t get here…Oct 08 06:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Microsoft’s Takedown Plot – Part II: Stallman Appears to Have Fallen Into Microsoft’s Trap | TechrightsOct 08 06:18
schestowitzwhy should his speaking to any audience whatsoever be regarded as his supporting whatever the audience did before? that’s utter nonsense! if he set out to change the world, by definition he’s attempting to get any audience he addresses to behave differently from whatever they did before. if Microsoft opened the door for him to address its associates, why should he not have taken the opportunity? because someone might spin it and turn itOct 08 06:18
schestowitzinto something bad for Free Software and good for Microsoft? where’s the news in someone’s doing that? some people make a living of spinning stuff into something bad for Free Software and good for Microsoft, and they wouldn’t do more or less of it because of one speech. now, what’s new here is that instead of pretending RMS is irrelevant, and that nobody listens to him or is even interested in what he has to say, the spinning is thatOct 08 06:18
schestowitzhe’s so relevant that even Microsoft is trying to take advantage of him, while disparaging him because he must be out of his mind to address Microsofties. sure he won’t change Microsoft’s stance with one speech, but if some people there listen and take to heart a bit of what he says, and act in line with it even inside Microsoft, that’s already a positive movement. success of a political movement like ours builds up as a sum of suchOct 08 06:18
schestowitzsmall movements. let’s not get distracted by all the spinning, shall we?Oct 08 06:18
schestowitz Emmanuel FloracOct 08 06:18
schestowitzEmmanuel Florac - about a month agoOct 08 06:18
schestowitz👍 @Alexandre OlivaOct 08 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 06:18 - 27 days agoOct 08 06:18
schestowitzwhy should his speaking to any audience whatsoever be regarded as his supporting whatever the audience did before?Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzbecause people are silly. youre not wrong (at all) but even the people that know better realise that people who dont know better exist.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzstallman has failed THOSE people who dont know better. that isnt necessarily worthy of blame but its worthy of consideration.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzive made my position as clear as possible: 08 06:18
schestowitzthough its not unreasonable (for countless reasons) to say that anything microsoft agrees to is part of a strategy to do harm to free software. as a rule, thats a bit paranoid. for microsoft its really not. (never letting your kids go outside is paranoid, refusing to drop them off at a cannibals house isnt.)Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzif he set out to change the world, by definition he’s attempting to get any audience he addresses to behave differently from whatever they did before. if Microsoft opened the door for him to address its associates, why should he not have taken the opportunity? because someone might spin it and turn it into something bad for Free Software and good for Microsoft?Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzthats the argument, yes. and they might manage it. im on the fence about whether that makes it an idea worth avoiding.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzeither way there is greater benefit in trying to figure out their intentions than trying to figure out if stallman is somehow to blame. i dont think he is.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzwhere’s the news in someone’s doing that?Oct 08 06:18
-TechBytesBot/ | Guest Post: Getting Stallman Wrong Means Getting The 21st Century Wrong | TechrightsOct 08 06:18
schestowitzthe narrative points to ancient foes-- even as a joke you cant deny that. people keep quoting venkman from ghostbusters talking about what happens if they turn the containment unit off.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzsome people make a living of spinning stuff into something bad for Free Software and good for Microsoft, and they wouldn’t do more or less of it because of one speech.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzthey might, actually.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitznow, what’s new here is that instead of pretending RMS is irrelevant, and that nobody listens to him or is even interested in what he has to say, the spinning is that he’s so relevant that even Microsoft is trying to take advantage of himOct 08 06:18
schestowitzthis is how narcissists (microsoft for one example) do business. they throw every fact out of the window whenever it suits their purposes, including ones they have stated a million times themselves.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzsure he won’t change Microsoft’s stance with one speech, but if some people there listen and take to heart a bit of what he says, and act in line with it even inside Microsoft, that’s already a positive movement. success of a political movement like ours builds up as a sum of such small movements.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzof note is that microsoft is a cult an absolute corporate cult. but again-- maybe he will bring a softie to his side. probably not for the first time.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzi thought bill gates was AWESOME when i was 6. i didnt know him that well.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitz Dr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊)Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzDr. Roy Schestowitz (罗伊) - 26 days agoOct 08 06:18
schestowitzAlex: I used to think the same way you do until I fully graped how these things work. Esp. seeing how WikiLeaks tolerating RT as a platform got interpreted as “Wikileaks works for Russia” (or similar).Oct 08 06:18
schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 06:18 - 26 days agoOct 08 06:18
schestowitzi look at the way trolls spin things all the time on a smaller level, and theres something to be said for “fuck it-- people are going to talk shit no matter what.”Oct 08 06:18
schestowitztheres actually something to be said for both sides of the argument, so at the end of the day it really depends. as i keep saying, did rms make a mistake? maybe. that camp has a point.Oct 08 06:18
schestowitzwas it a giant mistake? i keep saying “probably not.” people have spent his entire career making a lot out of nothing-- thats the camp alexandre is in, and they have a point there as well.Oct 08 06:19
schestowitzi would do more to make the point that he shouldnt have taken the money, though i know what rms would say about that-- why make an exception JUST FOR microsoft? and the answer is-- because its microsoft. though thats not a reason he HAS TO make the exception, so why bother? (id make it. but thats me.)Oct 08 06:19
schestowitz"Oct 08 06:19
schestowitz>> 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ Be careful of people who tell you #torvalds is "sexist" without ever citing any proof (he's in a household of 3 women and 1 men; no evidence of sexism online or offline)Oct 08 06:54
schestowitz>> 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ One year since #torvalds was forced into a "break". It's like he aged 10 years in one year. See and 08 06:54
schestowitz>> 08 06:54
schestowitz>> 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/ Swapnil also misuses #linux dot com for #openwashing of #facebook (clue: data is not code) see the modus operandi: 08 06:54
schestowitz>> 08 06:54
schestowitz>>Oct 08 06:54
schestowitz> Yeah.  Some bad shit is happening to Linus there he looks like he hasOct 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Facebook open-sources data set for code search AI benchmark - Linux.comOct 08 06:54
schestowitz> aged way more than 10 years in the last few months.  When I saw thatOct 08 06:54
schestowitz> picture of him with SJVN the other week, I was talking about it hereOct 08 06:54
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Openwashing of VMware, Sponsored by the Linux Foundation (in Turn Sponsored by VMware) | TechrightsOct 08 06:55
schestowitz> expressing worry about the effects of the attacks and of him having beenOct 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ This is Torvalds. In his forties. Not only me thinking he ages fast. See photos here: 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- Photo by 08 06:55
schestowitz> kicked out of his own projerrct.Oct 08 06:55
schestowitzDo we have more photos of him (recent) to rule out the "bad picture" and "he looks older without glasses" (our IRC channel and LWN) crowd?Oct 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | LF Kool-Aid is Unhealthy to Linux | TechrightsOct 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/ Swapnil has just propped up the #microsoft #zdnet #propaganda of his "mentor" see 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Linus Torvalds isn't worried about Microsoft taking over Linux - Linux.comOct 08 06:55
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | The Slow Death of Technical Media | TechrightsOct 08 06:55
schestowitz>  341549570 Sep 16 05:13 tm-db-20190916.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  331773585 Sep 23 05:13 tm-db-20190923.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  333900519 Sep 30 05:13 tm-db-20190930.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  330996612 Oct  1 05:13 tm-db-20191001.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  335643855 Oct  2 05:13 tm-db-20191002.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  329558209 Oct  3 05:13 tm-db-20191003.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  326998057 Oct  4 05:13 tm-db-20191004.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  325568321 Oct  5 05:13 tm-db-20191005.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  271489987 Oct  6 05:13 tm-db-20191006.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitz>  284105427 Oct  7 06:38 tm-db-20191007.dump.gzOct 08 06:57
schestowitzCron job reinstated. (see below) Remind me to check tomorrow (of see for yourself) the next dump is over 310mb in 'weight'Oct 08 06:57
schestowitz[root@techrights boycottn]# crontab -e -u boycottnOct 08 06:57
schestowitzcrontab: installing new crontabOct 08 06:57
-->MrGreenFriend_ (~MrGreenFr@gateway/tor-sasl/mrgreenfriend) has joined #techbytesOct 08 07:10
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schestowitzI'll try to send IRC logs emails as close as possible to midnight from now on. I sent yesterday's just after midnight. I know some people who do read them, including me at the gym. They include stuff that people won't say outside IRC (see yesterday's discussion about SJWs in #techrights -- it was very lengthy)Oct 08 07:53
<--rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Oct 08 08:26
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-->You are now talking on #techbytesOct 08 12:58
---Topic for #techbytes is Welcome to the official channel of the TechBytes AudiocastOct 08 12:58
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r_schestowitzTwo TM downtimes today, the first one possible giving a clue regarding odditiesOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzFirst reboot (seeOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_revisionsOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table './drupal/node_revisions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table 'node_revisions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzerror    : CorruptOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitz)Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitz[boycottn@tuxmachines ~]$ repair_tm_dbs.shOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzTue Oct  8 10:41:10 UTC 2019Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzLockingOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzAlso fix gallery2? nOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitz[sudo] password for boycottn:Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzStopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.access                                      Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.accesslogOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table './drupal/accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table 'accesslog' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzerror    : CorruptOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitz[...]Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_blockOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table './drupal/cache_block' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table 'cache_block' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzerror    : CorruptOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_content                               Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_filterOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table './drupal/cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzError    : Table 'cache_filter' is marked as crashed and should be repairedOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzerror    : CorruptOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitz[...]Oct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node                                        Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_access                                 Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_comment_statistics                     Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_counter                                OKOct 08 18:15
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_revisionsOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzError    : Table './drupal/node_revisions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzError    : Table 'node_revisions' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failedOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzerror    : CorruptOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzRepairing tablesOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.accesslogOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 1081874 to 1070753Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_blockOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 159 to 3037Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_filterOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 52900 to 52898Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.node_revisionsOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 92863 to 124681Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.sessionsOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 30284 to 30496Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzStarting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerNameOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitz                                                           [  OK  ]Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzUnlockingOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitz[boycottn@tuxmachines ~]$Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzSecond reboot around 14:40gmtOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzTue Oct  8 13:44:12 UTC 2019Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzLockingOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzAlso fix gallery2? nOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitz[sudo] password for boycottn:Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzStopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.access                                      Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.accesslogOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 1062552 to 1062561Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitz[...] is already up to dateOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache                                       OKOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_blockOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzinfo     : Delete link points outside datafile at 751728Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzinfo     : Wrong bytesec: 110-111-109 at 1497276; SkippedOct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 1559 to 110Oct 08 18:16
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:17
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_content                               Table is already up to dateOct 08 18:17
r_schestowitzdrupal.cache_filterOct 08 18:17
r_schestowitzwarning  : Number of rows changed from 49681 to 49700Oct 08 18:17
r_schestowitzstatus   : OKOct 08 18:17
r_schestowitzUnlockingOct 08 18:17
r_schestowitz[boycottn@tuxmachines ~]$Oct 08 18:17
r_schestowitz 08 18:20
-TechBytesBot/ An Intro to Mastodon for GNU/Linux Users 08 18:20
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | An Intro to Mastodon for GNU/Linux Users | Tux MachinesOct 08 18:20
r_schestowitz"@Linux This is excellent, and just what is needed to help people get on board."Oct 08 18:20
r_schestowitz> Hi Dr. Schestowitz,Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> I spotted you shared the Save the Internet page on net neutrality (whichOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> redirects to the Free Press page on net neutrality) and wanted toOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> highlight something we've just published.Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> We set out to understand how support for net neutrality varied in eachOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> state. My colleague Paul gave each state a score in the followingOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> categories; legislation, senator support, attorney general support, townOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> support and mayoral support.Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> Here is what we found - 08 18:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Does Your State Support Net Neutrality? All 50 states ranked by support for net neutrality - ComparitechOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> Perhaps you’d consider including a link to this alongside the Save theOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> Internet page here ( or our study couldOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> be used for future write-ups?Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
-TechBytesBot/ | Techrights | Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedomOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> Thanks,Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> KarenOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> P.S. If you're not the right person to contact about this, just reply toOct 08 18:21
r_schestowitz> this email and let me know.Oct 08 18:21
r_schestowitzRe: Attack on StallmanOct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz> One post about open source.Oct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz> Open source is just OEM softwareOct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz> 08 18:22
-TechBytesBot/ | Open source is just OEM software – neritamOct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz> regards,Oct 08 18:22
r_schestowitz>>> Still looking for more sources of FOSS new.  Blogs take a lot of time toOct 08 18:43
r_schestowitz>>> survey but they seem to be the last place left.Oct 08 18:43
r_schestowitz>> Yes, if you search for "Linux" these days you might find more resultsOct 08 18:43
r_schestowitz>> (in news) about Microsoft than about LinuxOct 08 18:43
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 18:43
r_schestowitz> I've folded these changes into the template.Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> + move Linux Foundation, maybe under OSSOct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> + merge DB+SaaS?Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> + add Education under LeftoversOct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> Since we don't have separate categories for the various distros, I'veOct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> left out the addition of one for SUSE/OpenSUSE.  There's just so littleOct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> distro news that it can all fit under a single category.Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> The main copy is on TR in ~/bin/template.htmlOct 08 18:44
r_schestowitzIf it's final, then each of us can take a copy. I have no further suggestions to make the moving education was well overdue. OSS 'news' is mostly rubbish... so I hardly have positive things to say.Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitzShould we call it final and make this the new template then?Oct 08 18:44
r_schestowitz> Sure.  Please double check it to make sure I haven't zapped sometime byOct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz> mistake or duplicated anything.  It checks out then we'll use it untilOct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz> is needs adjusting again.Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitzI think I'm all set now; just made slight adapt ions for me, e.g.Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<h3>Instructionals/Technical</h3>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<ul>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz<li><h5><a href=""></a></h5></li>Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitz[...]Oct 08 19:06
r_schestowitztemplate.html                                                                                                                                                                                                        100%   26KB  25.6KB/s   00:00Oct 08 19:07
r_schestowitzroy@ted:~$ mv ~/Desktop/Text_Workspace/templateOct 08 19:07
r_schestowitztemplate.html       template_last.html  template-roy.htmlOct 08 19:07
r_schestowitzroy@ted:~$ mv ~/Desktop/Text_Workspace/template.html ~/Desktop/Text_Workspace/template-Sept.htmlOct 08 19:07
r_schestowitzroy@ted:~$ mv template.html ~/Desktop/Text_Workspace/template.htmlOct 08 19:07
r_schestowitzroy@ted:~$Oct 08 19:07
r_schestowitz[root@techrights bin]# pwdOct 08 19:12
r_schestowitz/home/boycottn/binOct 08 19:12
r_schestowitz[root@techrights bin]# ls -la template-roy-2019-10-08.htmlOct 08 19:12
r_schestowitz-rw-r--r--. 1 boycottn boycottn 27481 Oct  8 18:10 template-roy-2019-10-08.htmlOct 08 19:12
r_schestowitz 08 19:16
-TechBytesBot/ "As head of the GNU Project, I will be working with the FSF on how to structure the GNU Project's relationship with the FSF in the future." -Stallman CRITICAL message! 08 19:16
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:16
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | GNU-FSF relationshipOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitzwell to me it reads just like the “confession” torvalds signed.Oct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz TrocatintasOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitzTrocatintas - about 8 hours agoOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitzSuggestions can be sent to address@hidden.Oct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz“address@hidden” = ?Oct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 19:16 - about 3 hours agoOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitzor rms@gnu.orgOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz freemedia@share.naturalnews.comOct 08 19:16 - about 3 hours agoOct 08 19:16
r_schestowitzdepends who you are trying to reach.Oct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:16
r_schestowitz 08 19:17
-TechBytesBot/ "appointing a president and members of its board that are more diverse, including from a national, racial and gender perspective." 08 19:17
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Open letter to the Free Software Foundation Board of DirectorsOct 08 19:17
r_schestowitzThey  (Red Hat) assist racial profiling at the NSAOct 08 19:17
r_schestowitz 08 19:18
-TechBytesBot/ "And as 'weird' as Stallman is, he is also correct in his assessment of corporate takeover of software. "Stallman foresaw the likes of #Microsoft (E-corp)." 08 19:18
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:18
r_schestowitzthey dont just want to silence the man, they want to silence the ideas that pose a threat to monopolies.Oct 08 19:18
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes--> | Richard M. Stallman Resigns - SoylentNewsOct 08 19:18
r_schestowitzthere are people making false promises to stand up to those things. we need more people who are going to keep that promise.Oct 08 19:18
r_schestowitzthe fsf board needs to find one (other than oliva. i believe oliva will keep that promise.)Oct 08 19:18
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:19
r_schestowitzYou get treated harshly for keeping such promises. To corporations that's "terrorism"...Oct 08 19:19
r_schestowitz 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ "But why is Stallman resigning? At the moment there is only speculation." 08 19:23
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 404 @ )Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitz404 Page Not FoundOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitztomgrz - 21 days agoOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitz 08 19:23
-TechBytesBot/ | Richard Stallman Has Resigned As President Of The Free Software FoundationOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitztomgrz - 21 days agoOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzThe Software Freedom conservancy called for his resignation in a strongly-worded post yesterday. An excerpt of that post:Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitz_“When considered with other reprehensible comments he has published over the years, these incidents form a pattern of behavior that is incompatible with the goals of the free software movement."_Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzA pattern? And what is that pattern? I see a man deeply committed to freedom.Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitztomgrz - 21 days agoOct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzStrongly worded? I would say “strangely worded”. These people do not understand that their views are very narrow, and ultimately the very opposite of freedom of expression.Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitzSFC still inside FSF Board, like Microsoft in LF...Oct 08 19:23
r_schestowitz 08 19:24
-TechBytesBot/ "ban the use of mobile phones during school hours in state schools from the beginning of the school year in 2020, with the state's Education Minister James Merlino saying the ban is aimed at stopping cyber-bullying." 08 19:24
-TechBytesBot/#techbytes- ( status 503 @ )Oct 08 19:24
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:24
r_schestowitzwho is the biggest cyber bully ?Oct 08 19:24
r_schestowitzOct 08 19:24
r_schestowitzgrin - 3 months agoOct 08 19:24
r_schestowitz@giggles 108** you underestimate the kids.Oct 08 19:24
r_schestowitz"Oct 08 19:24
r_schestowitz>>> TM locked up but as I was checking the databases, it restarted again.  IOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>> presume we were both in at the same time.  So I've backed off.  PleaseOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>> remember to rebuild the databases.Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> Yes, see what the findings were. Sent earlier because I don't startOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> thunderbird much.Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> I didn't even know we had revisions (!!)Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> 08 19:41
-TechBytesBot/ | Node revisions | Drupal.orgOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> Let's see if your TM->TR backup job runs correctly tomorrow. I tried toOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>> run it manually but failed to even execute it right :-) :-)Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> It looks like that script was attempted as root at 13:48 today.  It'sOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> designed to run under an unprivileged account and thus failed (linesOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> 17+18) but as a result left a root-owned file blocking further progressOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> for today's date.  It would probably have recovered once the date rolledOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> around to tomorrow but I've removed the root file and run the scriptOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> manually.  It seems to have worked.  I wonder if it would be reasonableOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz> or feasible to trap that kind of error.Oct 08 19:41
r_schestowitzYes, I noticed this had happened  but just left it there as it was a past date anyway. Notice the growth in dump sideOct 08 19:41
r_schestowitz-rw-r-----.  1 boycottn boycottn  271489987 Oct  6 05:13 tm-db-20191006.dump.gzOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz-rw-r-----.  1 boycottn boycottn  284105427 Oct  7 06:38 tm-db-20191007.dump.gzOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz-rw-r-----.  1 boycottn boycottn  303189188 Oct  8 18:09 tm-db-20191008.dump.gzOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitzPositive and relieving development.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitzI still wonder why a DB with errors in it led to an endless dump process without termination in sight. Scary...Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> So I thought, never mind, just let runs its course... (cron job)Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> Rianne and I noticed NO issues at all when working from the site's frontOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> end, so I think we're good. I also stress-tested it a bit and checkedOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> very old pages.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> After 3 incidents today (two restarts and one connection issue atOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> home/router) I'm relieved that nothing major 'blew up'... or I'd beOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> restless. I work until 1am tonight and tomorrow again, then I'm off work.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> I've started a one-liner on TM to record disk usage until next crash.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> nohup sh -c 'while true; do df -Ph \Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> > /home/boycottn/df.log; sleep 59; done' &Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> When it crashes again remember to look in /home/boycottn/df.log and seeOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> what is there, right now it is so we have something to compare for tomorrow:Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> $ cat df.logOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> Filesystem              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted onOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> /dev/md0                4.7G  2.2G  2.4G  48% /Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> tmpfs                   7.8G     0  7.8G   0% /dev/shmOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> /dev/md1                969M  130M  789M  15% /bootOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> /dev/mapper/sysvg-home  2.0G  357M  1.5G  20% /homeOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> /dev/mapper/sysvg-usr   5.7G  1.4G  4.1G  25% /usrOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> /dev/mapper/sysvg-var    16G   12G  3.5G  78% /varOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> So while the relative numbers are low for /var, in absolute terms it isOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz> rather low and almost full.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitzI very much doubt the issue is space-related, but it's worth checking just in case. Techrights has a similar issue and a rather different setup.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> Take my word or mark my word: Linux Today won't last much longer. LXer?Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> We'll see. They're the only two comparative site and if they fall we'llOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> become a bigger hub for news. 16 years next year**. We must >already<Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> adapt topics-wise or become obsolete, hence it's good to discussOct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>> openwashing reports, template for TR topics etc.Oct 08 19:42
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> It really helps if they are around, but they seem to be giving sparserOct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> coverage more and more.  I hope they stick around but would not beOct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> surprised if they are crushed.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitzIt won't happen overnight; a passage to incompetent hands like Swapnil at will do the damage.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>> What size shirt are you? We want to send something perhaps...Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> I'm not sure of the size.  Maybe xxxx but I'm not sure of the collar.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitzCheers.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>> ___Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>> ** TechDirt struggling after 2 decades, just like IP WatchdogOct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>> (Watchtroll); it's a tough terrain.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> TechDirt is great on two or three topics, but barking mad outside ofOct 08 19:43
r_schestowitz> those.  If he focuses on those he is good at then he'll do ok.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitzThat site was high-flying 10 years ago when it focused on copyright. Now? A mixed bag.Oct 08 19:43
r_schestowitzRe: Please send me your CV - I plan to cite you in my forthcoming book about sexual abuse (Epstein, Weinstein, Cosby)Oct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> Thank you,Oct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> Deana Pollard SacksOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> Professor of LawOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> Thurgood Marshall School of LawOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> Texas Southern UniversityOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> 310.728.0336 - California cellOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> 713.927.9935 - Texas cellOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> 713.863.0502 - facsimileOct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 20:01
r_schestowitz> <>Oct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz> www.DeanaPollardSacks.comOct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz> DeanaPollardSacks@gmail.comOct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz> View my blog at www.SexTorts.comOct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz>Oct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz> View my academic publications atOct 08 20:02
r_schestowitz> 08 20:02
-TechBytesBot/ | Author Page for Deana Pollard-Sacks :: SSRNOct 08 20:02
-->eterr (~MrGreenFr@gateway/tor-sasl/mrgreenfriend) has joined #techbytesOct 08 20:43
<--eterr has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Oct 08 22:57
-->eterr (~MrGreenFr@gateway/tor-sasl/mrgreenfriend) has joined #techbytesOct 08 22:58

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