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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Thursday, June 03, 2021

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BaronVladimirHar<techrights-bot ""Youngsters can never reach the "> Same story everywhere.Jun 03 00:01
BaronVladimirHar/fn<techrights-bot ""Youngsters can never reach the "> Same story everywhere.Jun 03 00:01
BaronVladimirHarPut an app on your phone. Here's a 1099. Hope you don't get shot picking up fares for $4.Jun 03 00:01
BaronVladimirHar/fnPut an app on your phone. Here's a 1099. Hope you don't get shot picking up fares for $4.Jun 03 00:01
BaronVladimirHarUber is extremely dangerous, for both the public and the drivers.Jun 03 00:02
BaronVladimirHar/fnUber is extremely dangerous, for both the public and the drivers.Jun 03 00:02
BaronVladimirHarIt's not worth the beating up your car and driving in dangerous neighborhoods for almost no money, but people do it because of unemployment.Jun 03 00:02
BaronVladimirHar/fnIt's not worth the beating up your car and driving in dangerous neighborhoods for almost no money, but people do it because of unemployment.Jun 03 00:02
immibiswhat's your proposal, give people free money from the government?Jun 03 00:03
immibis/fnwhat's your proposal, give people free money from the government?Jun 03 00:03
BaronVladimirHarNo solution seems to work very well.Jun 03 00:03
BaronVladimirHar/fnNo solution seems to work very well.Jun 03 00:03
immibisor give the drivers more guns?Jun 03 00:04
immibis/fnor give the drivers more guns?Jun 03 00:04
BaronVladimirHarI've noticed that there's a ton of homeless people in Waukegan now, and it appears to be getting worse.Jun 03 00:04
BaronVladimirHar/fnI've noticed that there's a ton of homeless people in Waukegan now, and it appears to be getting worse.Jun 03 00:04
BaronVladimirHar<immibis "or give the drivers more guns?"> Everyone should have a gun, assuming they don't have a felony record or extremely serious mental illness.Jun 03 00:04
BaronVladimirHar/fn<immibis "or give the drivers more guns?"> Everyone should have a gun, assuming they don't have a felony record or extremely serious mental illness.Jun 03 00:04
techrights-botFirefox 89: The New Contributors To MR1 – about:community ⚓ ䷉ #Mozilla #WWW #FreeSW #Firefox #InternetJun 03 00:05
techrights-bot/fnFirefox 89: The New Contributors To MR1 – about:community ⚓ ䷉ #Mozilla #WWW #FreeSW #Firefox #InternetJun 03 00:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 89: The New Contributors To MR1 – about:communityJun 03 00:05
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 89: The New Contributors To MR1 – about:communityJun 03 00:05
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i think that climate change is real and bad but also that climtae hysteria is dumb and has nothing to do with solving the problemJun 03 00:05
ornxka/lci think that climate change is real and bad but also that climtae hysteria is dumb and has nothing to do with solving the problemJun 03 00:05
BaronVladimirHarStrangely, the Democrats don't appear to have considered that raising the cost of living and the price of labor doesn't work well when there's another state 8 miles away.Jun 03 00:05
BaronVladimirHar/fnStrangely, the Democrats don't appear to have considered that raising the cost of living and the price of labor doesn't work well when there's another state 8 miles away.Jun 03 00:05
*wRTPlkZvOiQt (~wRTPlkZvO@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:05
wRTPlkZvOiQtAndrxew LeeN rlikeIs Qsucking hot asian Pguy's dicIks aCnd DhQas ap cuhode himselfa.Jun 03 00:05
*wRTPlkZvOiQt (~wRTPlkZvO@ has left #techrightsJun 03 00:05
wRTPlkZvOiQt/fnAndrxew LeeN rlikeIs Qsucking hot asian Pguy's dicIks aCnd DhQas ap cuhode himselfa.Jun 03 00:05
immibisuber drivers should use their guns to defend themselves in dangerous neighbourhoods?Jun 03 00:06
immibis/fnuber drivers should use their guns to defend themselves in dangerous neighbourhoods?Jun 03 00:06
ornxka/lcinstead of understanding how "just ban straws bro" intersects with government overreach while actually making it more difficult to solve the real issues they just call people paranoid climate change deniers and turn to biazarre ascetic rituals like not using paper towelsJun 03 00:07
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] instead of understanding how "just ban straws bro" intersects with government overreach while actually making it more difficult to solve the real issues they just call people paranoid climate change deniers and turn to biazarre ascetic rituals like not using paper towelsJun 03 00:07
ornxka/lcdid you guys know that recycling anything other than like, glass and metal is basically impossible?Jun 03 00:07
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] did you guys know that recycling anything other than like, glass and metal is basically impossible?Jun 03 00:07
ornxka/lcyou spend hours every week putting all of your plastic in the right bin and people get all shitty with you if you put plastic in the trashJun 03 00:07
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] you spend hours every week putting all of your plastic in the right bin and people get all shitty with you if you put plastic in the trashJun 03 00:07
ornxka/lcbut all the plastic just gets burnt anyway, it is impossible to recycle plastic except into shit nobody wantsJun 03 00:08
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] but all the plastic just gets burnt anyway, it is impossible to recycle plastic except into shit nobody wantsJun 03 00:08
ornxka/lcnobody who claims to care about the environment will tell you this or admit it, its all just a hokey personal religion to themJun 03 00:08
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] nobody who claims to care about the environment will tell you this or admit it, its all just a hokey personal religion to themJun 03 00:08
immibiswhat's your proposal, ban packaging other than glass or metal?Jun 03 00:08
immibis/fnwhat's your proposal, ban packaging other than glass or metal?Jun 03 00:08
oo/lcneed a way to add disclaimers for the people only here to observe the shit chat from the freenode side but who actually associate themselves with #techrightsJun 03 00:08
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] need a way to add disclaimers for the people only here to observe the shit chat from the freenode side but who actually associate themselves with #techrightsJun 03 00:08
immibisfyi, this was hidden from even environmental activists until recentlyJun 03 00:08
immibis/fnfyi, this was hidden from even environmental activists until recentlyJun 03 00:08
techrights-bot8 Best Free Graphics Editors for Creating Vector Images includes #kde #kritaJun 03 00:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 8 Best Free Graphics Editors for Creating Vector Images - Make Tech EasierJun 03 00:08
techrights-bot/fn8 Best Free Graphics Editors for Creating Vector Images includes #kde #kritaJun 03 00:08
TechrightsBot-tr/ | 8 Best Free Graphics Editors for Creating Vector Images - Make Tech EasierJun 03 00:08
ornxka/lcim more of an "ideas guy" than a "solutions guy" sorryJun 03 00:09
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] im more of an "ideas guy" than a "solutions guy" sorryJun 03 00:09
immibisbig packaging certainly doesn't want environmental activists to know they aren't doing anythingJun 03 00:09
immibis/fnbig packaging certainly doesn't want environmental activists to know they aren't doing anythingJun 03 00:09
techrights-bot#LibreOffice : Print Dialog, Recap, and ODF • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #freeswJun 03 00:09
techrights-bot/fn#LibreOffice : Print Dialog, Recap, and ODF • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #freeswJun 03 00:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice: Print Dialog, Recap, and ODF | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:09
TechrightsBot-tr/ | LibreOffice: Print Dialog, Recap, and ODF | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:09
ornxka/lcif i were in charge i would probably just ban all packaging that isnt either recyclable or burnableJun 03 00:11
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] if i were in charge i would probably just ban all packaging that isnt either recyclable or burnableJun 03 00:11
techrights-bot#Paleofetch : Imagine A #Suckless Style #Neofetch 03 00:12
techrights-bot/fn#Paleofetch : Imagine A #Suckless Style #Neofetch 03 00:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Paleofetch: Imagine A Suckless Style Neofetch - YouTubeJun 03 00:12
TechrightsBot-tr/fnPaleofetch: Imagine A Suckless Style Neofetch - YouTubeJun 03 00:12
oo/lcwhy does one bot post a link and the second post the title for the linkJun 03 00:13
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] why does one bot post a link and the second post the title for the linkJun 03 00:13
oo/lccan the one that sends notices just fuck offJun 03 00:13
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] can the one that sends notices just fuck offJun 03 00:13
BaronVladimirHar<immibis "uber drivers should use their gu"> Why not? That does stop them from jacking someone else.Jun 03 00:13
BaronVladimirHar/fn<immibis "uber drivers should use their gu"> Why not? That does stop them from jacking someone else.Jun 03 00:13
ornxka/lcyeah its pretty annoyingJun 03 00:13
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] yeah its pretty annoyingJun 03 00:13
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 00:13
techrights-botThe #zdnet shills are attacking the #fsf again. Please #boycottZDNet ... it's an #ibm and #microsoft propaganda platform (together with OIN and LF).Jun 03 00:14
techrights-bot/fnThe #zdnet shills are attacking the #fsf again. Please #boycottZDNet ... it's an #ibm and #microsoft propaganda platform (together with OIN and LF).Jun 03 00:14
immibisornxka: so you'd ban nothing, thenJun 03 00:14
immibis/fnornxka: so you'd ban nothing, thenJun 03 00:14
ornxka/lcisnt it bad to burn plasticsJun 03 00:14
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] isnt it bad to burn plasticsJun 03 00:14
immibisyou can burn plastics. I believe at high enough temperatures, even the toxic stuff breaks down into boring stuffJun 03 00:14
immibis/fnyou can burn plastics. I believe at high enough temperatures, even the toxic stuff breaks down into boring stuffJun 03 00:14
immibisnot 100% sure thoughJun 03 00:15
immibis/fnnot 100% sure thoughJun 03 00:15
ornxka/lcor is that another voodoo-tier thing the climate people told usJun 03 00:15
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] or is that another voodoo-tier thing the climate people told usJun 03 00:15
MinceR03 004935 < BaronVladimirHar> If climate change is really a huge problem, why do we only hear about the "Earth screaming for help" from billionaires who have investments in the alleged solutions? It's never a solution that anyone would live with if market forces were in effect.Jun 03 00:15
MinceR/fn03 004935 < BaronVladimirHar> If climate change is really a huge problem, why do we only hear about the "Earth screaming for help" from billionaires who have investments in the alleged solutions? It's never a solution that anyone would live with if market forces were in effect.Jun 03 00:15
immibisfrom a CO2 perspective, burning plastics is as bad as burning oilJun 03 00:15
immibis/fnfrom a CO2 perspective, burning plastics is as bad as burning oilJun 03 00:15
MinceRbecause other people have more short-term issuesJun 03 00:15
MinceR/fnbecause other people have more short-term issuesJun 03 00:15
techrights-bot#ibm and #microsoft misuse media control (in effect #bribery disguised as advertising) to attack #freesw and communities.Jun 03 00:15
techrights-bot/fn#ibm and #microsoft misuse media control (in effect #bribery disguised as advertising) to attack #freesw and communities.Jun 03 00:15
oo/lc< BaronVladimirHar> If climate change is really a huge problem, why do we only hear about the "Earth screaming for help" from billionairesJun 03 00:15
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] < BaronVladimirHar> If climate change is really a huge problem, why do we only hear about the "Earth screaming for help" from billionairesJun 03 00:15
oo/lcare you fucking kiddingJun 03 00:15
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] are you fucking kiddingJun 03 00:15
oo/lclike every scientist ever is screaming about climate changeJun 03 00:15
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] like every scientist ever is screaming about climate changeJun 03 00:15
immibisoo: greta thunberg is about to be a billionaire according to himJun 03 00:15
immibis/fnoo: greta thunberg is about to be a billionaire according to himJun 03 00:15
oo/lclol ok palJun 03 00:15
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] lol ok palJun 03 00:15
MinceRpeople who worry about getting fed next week don't worry that much about earth becoming uninhabitable by humans a few decades or centuries from nowJun 03 00:15
MinceR/fnpeople who worry about getting fed next week don't worry that much about earth becoming uninhabitable by humans a few decades or centuries from nowJun 03 00:16
ornxka/lcbaron - i think that "climate change", the hokey religion that revolves around not using paper towels and putting your plastics in the recycling bin and the actual phenomenon of the climate changing are simply not related at allJun 03 00:16
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] baron - i think that "climate change", the hokey religion that revolves around not using paper towels and putting your plastics in the recycling bin and the actual phenomenon of the climate changing are simply not related at allJun 03 00:16
ornxka/lcyou cant start from one and learn anything about the otherJun 03 00:16
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] you cant start from one and learn anything about the otherJun 03 00:16
BaronVladimirHar 03 00:16
BaronVladimirHar/fn 03 00:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bear tranquilized after Great Smoky Mountains visitors try to feed it peanut butter, rangers say | WGN-TVJun 03 00:16
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bear tranquilized after Great Smoky Mountains visitors try to feed it peanut butter, rangers say | WGN-TVJun 03 00:16
*cfbaEZkHJt (~cfbaEZkHJ@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:16
BaronVladimirHarHumans: Feed bear peanut butter. Also humans: Wonder why bear breaks into their cabin and attacks them. MinceR Jun 03 00:16
BaronVladimirHar/fnHumans: Feed bear peanut butter. Also humans: Wonder why bear breaks into their cabin and attacks them. MinceRJun 03 00:16
cfbaEZkHJtmGschustaer91 2Y days ago [t–]lJun 03 00:17
cfbaEZkHJt/fnmGschustaer91 2Y days ago [t–]lJun 03 00:17
*cfbaEZkHJt (~cfbaEZkHJ@ has left #techrightsJun 03 00:17
dy/lcThey should have tranquilized the visitors, not the bear.Jun 03 00:17
tr-bridge[d​y/lc] They should have tranquilized the visitors, not the bear.Jun 03 00:17
techrights-bot#Firefox Latest and Death of #Chrome Apps • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:17
techrights-bot/fn#Firefox Latest and Death of #Chrome Apps • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox Latest and Death of Chrome Apps | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:17
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox Latest and Death of Chrome Apps | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:17
tr-bridge[d​y/lc] Little tranq dart to the neck, extract, and deposit outside the park.Jun 03 00:17
dy/lcLittle tranq dart to the neck, extract, and deposit outside the park.Jun 03 00:17
techrights-bot#Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Coder Radio, #mintCast and More • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:17
techrights-bot/fn#Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Coder Radio, #mintCast and More • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Coder Radio, mintCast and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:17
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows: FLOSS Weekly, Coder Radio, mintCast and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:17
BaronVladimirHar<tr-bridge "[dy/lc] Little tranq dart to the"> You forgot tagging where it zaps them if they get too close to the park again.Jun 03 00:18
BaronVladimirHar/fn<tr-bridge "[dy/lc] Little tranq dart to the"> You forgot tagging where it zaps them if they get too close to the park again.Jun 03 00:18
BaronVladimirHar:)Jun 03 00:18
BaronVladimirHar/fn:)Jun 03 00:18
BaronVladimirHarIt'll condition about 99% of them to not try again.Jun 03 00:18
BaronVladimirHar/fnIt'll condition about 99% of them to not try again.Jun 03 00:18
immibisjust give the bear a gun to defend itself withJun 03 00:18
immibis/fnjust give the bear a gun to defend itself withJun 03 00:18
MinceRo​rnxka/lc: "climate change" is the term "republicans" came up with when they banned the term "global warming" where they had enough power to do soJun 03 00:19
MinceR/fno​rnxka/lc: "climate change" is the term "republicans" came up with when they banned the term "global warming" where they had enough power to do soJun 03 00:19
MinceRbut now even "climate change" triggers themJun 03 00:19
MinceR/fnbut now even "climate change" triggers themJun 03 00:19
MinceRimmibis: the bear already has claws, fangs and great strengthJun 03 00:19
MinceR/fnimmibis: the bear already has claws, fangs and great strengthJun 03 00:19
oo/lcdo yall really not understand climate changeJun 03 00:19
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] do yall really not understand climate changeJun 03 00:19
ornxka/lcmincer: have you ever actually seen a republican? i haventJun 03 00:19
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] mincer: have you ever actually seen a republican? i haventJun 03 00:19
oo/lci thought we were over thisJun 03 00:19
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] i thought we were over thisJun 03 00:19
BaronVladimirHar<immibis "just give the bear a gun to defe"> I think weighing about 900 pounds and having teeth and claws achieves that. For the most part.Jun 03 00:19
BaronVladimirHar/fn<immibis "just give the bear a gun to defe"> I think weighing about 900 pounds and having teeth and claws achieves that. For the most part.Jun 03 00:19
MinceRo​rnxka/lc: i don't live in the USAJun 03 00:19
MinceR/fno​rnxka/lc: i don't live in the USAJun 03 00:19
BaronVladimirHarYeah, I want that thing to get closer to me...Jun 03 00:19
BaronVladimirHar/fnYeah, I want that thing to get closer to me...Jun 03 00:19
immibiswell then why do you need to tranquilize the humans? Just let the bear defend itselfJun 03 00:19
immibis/fnwell then why do you need to tranquilize the humans? Just let the bear defend itselfJun 03 00:19
jessicarai don't think claws are a good ranged attackJun 03 00:19
jessicara/fni don't think claws are a good ranged attackJun 03 00:19
immibisit has a right to self-defenseJun 03 00:20
immibis/fnit has a right to self-defenseJun 03 00:20
XRevan86oo: The greenhouse gases == bad thing?Jun 03 00:20
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] oo: The greenhouse gases == bad thing?Jun 03 00:20
ornxka/lcmincer: anyone who complains about republicans is an american, no matter what country you are from or live inJun 03 00:20
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] mincer: anyone who complains about republicans is an american, no matter what country you are from or live inJun 03 00:20
BaronVladimirHarThe right to bear arms.Jun 03 00:20
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe right to bear arms.Jun 03 00:20
MinceRlolJun 03 00:20
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 00:20
oo/lcX​Revan86: rightJun 03 00:20
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] X​Revan86: rightJun 03 00:20
ornxka/lcyou are laughing but i am serious, americanism is a state of mindJun 03 00:20
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] you are laughing but i am serious, americanism is a state of mindJun 03 00:20
ornxka/lcyou arrive at it by watching too much television and tabloid magazines and actually setting foot here is not requiresJun 03 00:21
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] you arrive at it by watching too much television and tabloid magazines and actually setting foot here is not requiresJun 03 00:21
MinceRwell, we have our own "conservatives" who to some extent copy the "republicans"Jun 03 00:21
MinceR/fnwell, we have our own "conservatives" who to some extent copy the "republicans"Jun 03 00:21
jessicaraalso glass bottles tend to result in drinks which taste better than plastic bottles, i think both plastic and aliminum tend to leech their environment over time in storage...Jun 03 00:21
jessicara/fnalso glass bottles tend to result in drinks which taste better than plastic bottles, i think both plastic and aliminum tend to leech their environment over time in storage...Jun 03 00:21
immibismost countries have their equivalent of republicans. American republicans are, like, 10% dumber than all the restJun 03 00:21
immibis/fnmost countries have their equivalent of republicans. American republicans are, like, 10% dumber than all the restJun 03 00:21
XRevan86ornxkapechal-biedaJun 03 00:21
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] ornxkapechal-biedaJun 03 00:21
XRevan86ornxka: pechal'-biedaJun 03 00:21
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] ornxka: pechal'-biedaJun 03 00:21
oo/lci think american republicans export their shit views to the rest of the world for the most partJun 03 00:21
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] i think american republicans export their shit views to the rest of the world for the most partJun 03 00:21
MinceRjessicara: PET does leach, that's why they tell you not to reuse PET bottlesJun 03 00:21
MinceR/fnjessicara: PET does leach, that's why they tell you not to reuse PET bottlesJun 03 00:21
oo/lce.g. australia media is influenced a lot by american fuckeryJun 03 00:21
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] e.g. australia media is influenced a lot by american fuckeryJun 03 00:21
immibiswhy would using one bottle twice be any worse than using two different bottles?Jun 03 00:21
immibis/fnwhy would using one bottle twice be any worse than using two different bottles?Jun 03 00:21
ornxka/lcxreven86: if i was supposed to understand that i didnt :pJun 03 00:22
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] xreven86: if i was supposed to understand that i didnt :pJun 03 00:22
techrights-bot#Krita and #KDEItinerary • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #KDE #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:22
techrights-bot/fn#Krita and #KDEItinerary • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #KDE #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Krita and KDE Itinerary | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:22
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Krita and KDE Itinerary | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:22
MinceRPET bottles age and are subjected to physical stress, which is claimed to accelerate leaching of phthalatesJun 03 00:22
MinceR/fnPET bottles age and are subjected to physical stress, which is claimed to accelerate leaching of phthalatesJun 03 00:22
XRevan86oo: It's just a set-up in case I get accused of Americanism too :)Jun 03 00:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] oo: It's just a set-up in case I get accused of Americanism too :)Jun 03 00:22
XRevan86MinceR is not from an English-speaking country either.Jun 03 00:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR is not from an English-speaking country either.Jun 03 00:22
MinceRindeedJun 03 00:23
MinceR/fnindeedJun 03 00:23
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] speaking english, as any american will tell you, is not a requirement to be an americanJun 03 00:23
ornxka/lcspeaking english, as any american will tell you, is not a requirement to be an americanJun 03 00:23
MinceRlolJun 03 00:23
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 00:23
MinceRsome of them will tell you it isJun 03 00:23
MinceR/fnsome of them will tell you it isJun 03 00:23
XRevan86nor a Spanish-speaking countryJun 03 00:23
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] nor a Spanish-speaking countryJun 03 00:23
ornxka/lcamericans constitute most of the earth's populationJun 03 00:23
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] americans constitute most of the earth's populationJun 03 00:23
MinceRthough not a sufficient oneJun 03 00:23
MinceR/fnthough not a sufficient oneJun 03 00:23
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] ornxka: the fuckJun 03 00:23
oo/lcornxka: the fuckJun 03 00:23
techrights-botEben Moglen: #GCC Drops Requirement of #Copyright Assignment to #FSF see 03 00:23
techrights-bot/fnEben Moglen: #GCC Drops Requirement of #Copyright Assignment to #FSF see 03 00:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF - Software Freedom Law CenterJun 03 00:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 00:23
TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF - Software Freedom Law CenterJun 03 00:23
TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 00:23
oo/lcwho runs that fucking botJun 03 00:24
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] who runs that fucking botJun 03 00:24
humble/lcsuperkuh I thinkJun 03 00:25
tr-bridge[h​umble/lc] superkuh I thinkJun 03 00:25
superkuh/lcNope.Jun 03 00:25
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/lc] Nope.Jun 03 00:25
techrights-bot#SJVN Attacks Stallman again (ZDNet) #boycottzdnet 03 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FSF Copyright Assignment and GCC, GCC 9.4 Released | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZDNet - TechrightsJun 03 00:25
techrights-bot/fn#SJVN Attacks Stallman again (ZDNet) #boycottzdnet 03 00:25
TechrightsBot-tr/ | FSF Copyright Assignment and GCC, GCC 9.4 Released | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:25
TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZDNet - TechrightsJun 03 00:25
XRevan86oo: "TechrightsBot-tr" ye mean?Jun 03 00:26
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] oo: "TechrightsBot-tr" ye mean?Jun 03 00:26
humble/lctr-bridgeJun 03 00:26
tr-bridge[h​umble/lc] tr-bridgeJun 03 00:26
BaronVladimirHarThe FSF would still have the copyright on so much of the code that they could still enforce it.Jun 03 00:26
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe FSF would still have the copyright on so much of the code that they could still enforce it.Jun 03 00:26
MinceRexcept in Germany :>Jun 03 00:26
MinceR/fnexcept in Germany :>Jun 03 00:26
XRevan86oo, humble: I do. Was that a bad idea?Jun 03 00:26
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] oo, humble: I do. Was that a bad idea?Jun 03 00:26
dy/lcWhat's a copyright?Jun 03 00:26
tr-bridge[d​y/lc] What's a copyright?Jun 03 00:26
dy/lcIs that like a copyleft?Jun 03 00:27
tr-bridge[d​y/lc] Is that like a copyleft?Jun 03 00:27
techrights-bot#KaliLinux 2021.2 released: Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, new tools, and more! 03 00:27
MinceRand in any other jurisdiction where that vmware bullshit fliesJun 03 00:27
techrights-bot/fn#KaliLinux 2021.2 released: Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, new tools, and more! 03 00:27
MinceR/fnand in any other jurisdiction where that vmware bullshit fliesJun 03 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:27
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:27
oo/lcIt's just severely annoying having it drop long links and texts and then another bot sends notices with the titles of linksJun 03 00:27
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] It's just severely annoying having it drop long links and texts and then another bot sends notices with the titles of linksJun 03 00:27
XRevan86So TechrightsBot-tr, not tr-bridgeJun 03 00:27
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] So TechrightsBot-tr, not tr-bridgeJun 03 00:27
oo/lcrightJun 03 00:28
tr-bridge[o​o/lc] rightJun 03 00:28
immibisdy: copyright is like copyleft but free-market instead of communistJun 03 00:28
immibis/fndy: copyright is like copyleft but free-market instead of communistJun 03 00:28
immibisit's in the name, copyRIGHT Jun 03 00:28
immibis/fnit's in the name, copyRIGHTJun 03 00:28
MinceRthey're both free-marketJun 03 00:28
MinceR/fnthey're both free-marketJun 03 00:28
XRevan86Well, that's on schestowitz, I don't know how that's set-up. It could be hard to make it ignore messages from the other bot, dunno.Jun 03 00:28
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Well, that's on schestowitz, I don't know how that's set-up. It could be hard to make it ignore messages from the other bot, dunno.Jun 03 00:28
MinceRto some extentJun 03 00:28
MinceR/fnto some extentJun 03 00:28
immibisno, copyleft perverts the free market to enforce communist normsJun 03 00:29
immibis/fnno, copyleft perverts the free market to enforce communist normsJun 03 00:29
MinceRcopyleft is a hack on top of copyright to try to get people to contribute more to free software projects they useJun 03 00:29
MinceR/fncopyleft is a hack on top of copyright to try to get people to contribute more to free software projects they useJun 03 00:29
XRevan86immibis: That's a funny take. Of course, not true at all.Jun 03 00:29
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: That's a funny take. Of course, not true at all.Jun 03 00:29
BaronVladimirHarSomeone invited me to a franchise opportunity event. :)Jun 03 00:29
BaronVladimirHar/fnSomeone invited me to a franchise opportunity event. :)Jun 03 00:29
MinceRthen again, i guess it means what you mean by "communist"Jun 03 00:29
MinceR/fnthen again, i guess it means what you mean by "communist"Jun 03 00:29
BaronVladimirHarThe whole point of franchising is to outsource risk.Jun 03 00:29
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe whole point of franchising is to outsource risk.Jun 03 00:29
BaronVladimirHarSubway is doing so bad that someone who I know told me their boss made them pull expired bread out of the trash and start making sandwiches out of it again.Jun 03 00:30
BaronVladimirHar/fnSubway is doing so bad that someone who I know told me their boss made them pull expired bread out of the trash and start making sandwiches out of it again.Jun 03 00:30
MinceRif you mean what was implemented under the name (for example, in the previous russian empire), then there are some highly effective copyright abusers (like microsoft) that are exemplars of that sort of authoritarian central control set-upJun 03 00:30
MinceR/fnif you mean what was implemented under the name (for example, in the previous russian empire), then there are some highly effective copyright abusers (like microsoft) that are exemplars of that sort of authoritarian central control set-upJun 03 00:30
MinceRthings like microsoft telling you what OS you're allowed on your computerJun 03 00:30
MinceR/fnthings like microsoft telling you what OS you're allowed on your computerJun 03 00:30
MinceRs/wed/wed to boot/Jun 03 00:31
MinceR/fns/wed/wed to boot/Jun 03 00:31
MinceRand that isn't very "free-market" :>Jun 03 00:31
MinceR/fnand that isn't very "free-market" :>Jun 03 00:31
techrights-botThey talk about #security but outsource to #ProprietarySoftware of #microsoft #nsa (PRISM). #deletegithub or be assumed 'fake security' 03 00:31
techrights-bot/fnThey talk about #security but outsource to #ProprietarySoftware of #microsoft #nsa (PRISM). #deletegithub or be assumed 'fake security' 03 00:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SUSE Guest Blog by Reblaze | SUSE CommunitiesJun 03 00:31
TechrightsBot-tr/fnSUSE Guest Blog by Reblaze | SUSE CommunitiesJun 03 00:31
XRevan86"right" is an ambiguous word, and in "copyright" it has nothing to do with the directional right (nor the derived right-wingness)Jun 03 00:31
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] "right" is an ambiguous word, and in "copyright" it has nothing to do with the directional right (nor the derived right-wingness)Jun 03 00:31
MinceRindeedJun 03 00:32
MinceR/fnindeedJun 03 00:32
XRevan86being a captain obvious just in case someone takes that seriouslyJun 03 00:32
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] being a captain obvious just in case someone takes that seriouslyJun 03 00:32
MinceR:>Jun 03 00:32
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 00:32
immibisit does have to do with rights. copyRIGHT means you get rights. copyLEFT means you don'tJun 03 00:32
immibis/fnit does have to do with rights. copyRIGHT means you get rights. copyLEFT means you don'tJun 03 00:32
techrights-bot#TiledMenu in #Plasma - A Windowsy Linux experience • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiled Menu in Plasma - A Windowsy Linux experience | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:32
BaronVladimirHarI wonder if the library is still closed, by the left, while they still tax you to use it.Jun 03 00:32
techrights-bot/fn#TiledMenu in #Plasma - A Windowsy Linux experience • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:32
immibiscopyleft means you get venezuelaJun 03 00:32
BaronVladimirHar/fnI wonder if the library is still closed, by the left, while they still tax you to use it.Jun 03 00:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tiled Menu in Plasma - A Windowsy Linux experience | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:32
immibis/fncopyleft means you get venezuelaJun 03 00:32
MinceRlolJun 03 00:32
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 00:32
MinceRcopyleft depends on copyright to functionJun 03 00:33
MinceR/fncopyleft depends on copyright to functionJun 03 00:33
XRevan86immibis: "copyleft" is a pun on "copyright" to present it as specialJun 03 00:33
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: "copyleft" is a pun on "copyright" to present it as specialJun 03 00:33
BaronVladimirHarSpeaking of copyright, a lot of my tax money goes to have our library "participate" in a ebook scheme that never has anything available worth reading.Jun 03 00:33
BaronVladimirHar/fnSpeaking of copyright, a lot of my tax money goes to have our library "participate" in a ebook scheme that never has anything available worth reading.Jun 03 00:33
BaronVladimirHarAnd this scheme limits the number of "copies" checked out as if they were a physical book, even though it's a file on a server.Jun 03 00:34
BaronVladimirHar/fnAnd this scheme limits the number of "copies" checked out as if they were a physical book, even though it's a file on a server.Jun 03 00:34
XRevan86copyleft (and any kind of licensing) is a form of copyrightJun 03 00:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] copyleft (and any kind of licensing) is a form of copyrightJun 03 00:34
techrights-bot#Security Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:34
techrights-bot/fn#Security Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:34
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:34
XRevan86one cannot escape copyrightJun 03 00:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] one cannot escape copyrightJun 03 00:34
immibisXRevan86: do we support people using their rights to take away others' rights?Jun 03 00:34
immibis/fnXRevan86: do we support people using their rights to take away others' rights?Jun 03 00:34
XRevan86those who claim to have escaped copyright are in denialJun 03 00:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] those who claim to have escaped copyright are in denialJun 03 00:34
ornxka/lc i wonder if this will do what i think it doesJun 03 00:34
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i wonder if this will do what i think it doesJun 03 00:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- - Pastebin.comJun 03 00:34
TechrightsBot-tr/fn - Pastebin.comJun 03 00:34
ornxka/lcaw it doesntJun 03 00:35
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] aw it doesntJun 03 00:35
ornxka/lci was wondering if it would get in a loopJun 03 00:35
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i was wondering if it would get in a loopJun 03 00:35
ornxka/lcwhat a shame!Jun 03 00:35
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] what a shame!Jun 03 00:35
MinceRTechrightsBot-tr uses noticesJun 03 00:35
MinceR/fnTechrightsBot-tr uses noticesJun 03 00:35
ornxka/lcahhhJun 03 00:35
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] ahhhJun 03 00:35
MinceRas RFC 1459 specifies, bots are not supposed to reply to noticesJun 03 00:35
MinceR/fnas RFC 1459 specifies, bots are not supposed to reply to noticesJun 03 00:35
XRevan86ahJun 03 00:35
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] ahJun 03 00:35
BaronVladimirHarTeaching people to read is only part of the problem. Half of all Americans are like, functionally illiterate at this point, and are making up "fuck it, I give up halfway through, oh and I was drunk too" ebonics words.Jun 03 00:35
BaronVladimirHar/fnTeaching people to read is only part of the problem. Half of all Americans are like, functionally illiterate at this point, and are making up "fuck it, I give up halfway through, oh and I was drunk too" ebonics words.Jun 03 00:35
BaronVladimirHarMostly about pussy and drugs.Jun 03 00:35
BaronVladimirHar/fnMostly about pussy and drugs.Jun 03 00:35
XRevan86MinceR: Are techrights-bot's messages notices?Jun 03 00:36
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: Are techrights-bot's messages notices?Jun 03 00:36
MinceRnoJun 03 00:36
MinceR/fnnoJun 03 00:36
XRevan86Because they're what TechrightsBot-tr replies with a notice toJun 03 00:36
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Because they're what TechrightsBot-tr replies with a notice toJun 03 00:36
MinceRperhaps intentionally, so that we get URL titles :>Jun 03 00:36
MinceR/fnperhaps intentionally, so that we get URL titles :>Jun 03 00:36
XRevan86MinceR: They're complaining about exactly that, as they get redundant.Jun 03 00:36
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: They're complaining about exactly that, as they get redundant.Jun 03 00:36
MinceRwell, it's out of my hands :)Jun 03 00:37
MinceR/fnwell, it's out of my hands :)Jun 03 00:37
XRevan86And out of mine.Jun 03 00:37
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] And out of mine.Jun 03 00:37
XRevan86immibis: That's a very abstract question.Jun 03 00:37
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: That's a very abstract question.Jun 03 00:37
BaronVladimirHarMinceR: Mom was on the phone last night recalling a race that her ex-husband Gonad the Barbarian took them to. They were camping.Jun 03 00:37
BaronVladimirHar/fnMinceR: Mom was on the phone last night recalling a race that her ex-husband Gonad the Barbarian took them to. They were camping.Jun 03 00:37
XRevan86immibis: And copyleft is a lot less restrictive than any proprietary EULA is.Jun 03 00:37
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: And copyleft is a lot less restrictive than any proprietary EULA is.Jun 03 00:37
MinceRimmibis: i can't speak for others, but i'd gladly give up copyright if it meant getting rid of all Imaginary PropertyJun 03 00:38
MinceR/fnimmibis: i can't speak for others, but i'd gladly give up copyright if it meant getting rid of all Imaginary PropertyJun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHarOne of his friends brought their 18 and 19 year olds with them. One of them met a woman who said they'd go in the port a potty and have sex, and as soon as she got his pants off, she ran off with them and his wallet.Jun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnOne of his friends brought their 18 and 19 year olds with them. One of them met a woman who said they'd go in the port a potty and have sex, and as soon as she got his pants off, she ran off with them and his wallet.Jun 03 00:38
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 00:38
XRevan86as free software by design allows a lot more than any proprietary softwareJun 03 00:38
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] as free software by design allows a lot more than any proprietary softwareJun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHarHe ended up spending the entire day in a port a potty, naked, and lost his wallet.Jun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnHe ended up spending the entire day in a port a potty, naked, and lost his wallet.Jun 03 00:38
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 00:38
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 00:38
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHarSome people just have to learn everything the worst way possible.Jun 03 00:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnSome people just have to learn everything the worst way possible.Jun 03 00:38
MinceRlolJun 03 00:38
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 00:38
XRevan86immibis: Since ye're comparing not to permissive licences but to copyright in general, no, copyleft allows more, not less.Jun 03 00:38
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: Since ye're comparing not to permissive licences but to copyright in general, no, copyleft allows more, not less.Jun 03 00:38
*techrights-ipfs has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 00:39
immibishmm, you are saying microsoft they shouldn't have the right to do what they want with their propertyJun 03 00:39
immibis/fnhmm, you are saying microsoft they shouldn't have the right to do what they want with their propertyJun 03 00:39
immibiss/they//Jun 03 00:39
immibis/fns/they//Jun 03 00:39
MinceRno, they shouldn't have the right to do what they want with _my_ propertyJun 03 00:39
MinceR/fnno, they shouldn't have the right to do what they want with _my_ propertyJun 03 00:39
MinceRthey should get their tentacles out of the IT industryJun 03 00:40
MinceR/fnthey should get their tentacles out of the IT industryJun 03 00:40
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 00:40
MinceR/fnif they stopped forcing their crap on me, i'd gladly not touch any of it ever againJun 03 00:40
MinceRif they stopped forcing their crap on me, i'd gladly not touch any of it ever againJun 03 00:40
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 00:40
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 00:40
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 00:40
immibismicrosoft shouldn't have the right to not publish their source code, but we should have the right to not publish our source codeJun 03 00:40
immibis/fnmicrosoft shouldn't have the right to not publish their source code, but we should have the right to not publish our source codeJun 03 00:40
MinceRi shouldn't have to care about what they do or do not publishJun 03 00:41
MinceR/fni shouldn't have to care about what they do or do not publishJun 03 00:41
BaronVladimirHarMinceR: You mean you aren't excited about WinGet?Jun 03 00:41
BaronVladimirHar/fnMinceR: You mean you aren't excited about WinGet?Jun 03 00:41
MinceRwhat's that?Jun 03 00:41
MinceR/fnwhat's that?Jun 03 00:41
BaronVladimirHar 03 00:41
BaronVladimirHar/fn 03 00:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Use the winget tool to install and manage applications | Microsoft DocsJun 03 00:41
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Use the winget tool to install and manage applications | Microsoft DocsJun 03 00:41
MinceRno, i'm notJun 03 00:42
MinceR/fnno, i'm notJun 03 00:42
MinceRi'm sure they've fucked it up without even looking at itJun 03 00:42
ornxka/lcarent they like.. 30 years behind lolJun 03 00:42
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] arent they like.. 30 years behind lolJun 03 00:42
MinceR/fni'm sure they've fucked it up without even looking at itJun 03 00:42
XRevan86immibis: Ye are not making sense, how is someone else's licensing infringing on your copyright?Jun 03 00:42
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: Ye are not making sense, how is someone else's licensing infringing on your copyright?Jun 03 00:42
MinceRdepends on whom you're comparing them toJun 03 00:42
MinceR/fndepends on whom you're comparing them toJun 03 00:42
MinceRgnome os is in the process of copying them :>Jun 03 00:42
MinceR/fngnome os is in the process of copying them :>Jun 03 00:42
XRevan86immibis: Copyleft means that ye cannot *take* other's code and do absolutely everything with it like making closed-source derivatives.Jun 03 00:43
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: Copyleft means that ye cannot *take* other's code and do absolutely everything with it like making closed-source derivatives.Jun 03 00:43
ornxka/lci started using both windows and kde recently at the same time and realized they are basically identical in terms of UIJun 03 00:43
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i started using both windows and kde recently at the same time and realized they are basically identical in terms of UIJun 03 00:43
XRevan86immibis: In contrast, ye cannot make derivatives of Microsoft EULA's code in any shape or form. It's straight up illegal to possess their source code.Jun 03 00:43
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: In contrast, ye cannot make derivatives of Microsoft EULA's code in any shape or form. It's straight up illegal to possess their source code.Jun 03 00:43
XRevan86immibis: So please understand what all this stuff is about first and then judge.Jun 03 00:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] immibis: So please understand what all this stuff is about first and then judge.Jun 03 00:44
ornxka/lcits a real shame how linux DE stuff is now basically either "spend days tweaking your xmonad config after you learn haskell first" or "essentially identical to windows except nothing works"Jun 03 00:45
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] its a real shame how linux DE stuff is now basically either "spend days tweaking your xmonad config after you learn haskell first" or "essentially identical to windows except nothing works"Jun 03 00:45
MinceRit's not really just thatJun 03 00:45
MinceR/fnit's not really just thatJun 03 00:45
MinceRthough writing an fvwm config did take some effortJun 03 00:45
MinceR/fnthough writing an fvwm config did take some effortJun 03 00:45
MinceRand if nothing works then that is indeed identical to windowsJun 03 00:45
MinceR/fnand if nothing works then that is indeed identical to windowsJun 03 00:45
ornxka/lcyeah thats pretty close to "tweaking your xmonad config after you learn haskell"Jun 03 00:45
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] yeah thats pretty close to "tweaking your xmonad config after you learn haskell"Jun 03 00:45
MinceRfvwm config is a lot easier to learn than haskell thoughJun 03 00:46
MinceR/fnfvwm config is a lot easier to learn than haskell thoughJun 03 00:46
ornxka/lci am moving to fvwm from dwm and i actually have spent more time on the fvwm config than i did on literally just writing the dwm patches i needed to get it to do what i wantJun 03 00:46
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i am moving to fvwm from dwm and i actually have spent more time on the fvwm config than i did on literally just writing the dwm patches i needed to get it to do what i wantJun 03 00:46
MinceRicewm works with minimal configuration, and is pretty usableJun 03 00:46
MinceR/fnicewm works with minimal configuration, and is pretty usableJun 03 00:46
ornxka/lcyeah i ended up going with icewm actually on the kde machineJun 03 00:46
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] yeah i ended up going with icewm actually on the kde machineJun 03 00:47
ornxka/lc(the formerly kde machine, which is different from the one i am using fvwm on)Jun 03 00:47
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] (the formerly kde machine, which is different from the one i am using fvwm on)Jun 03 00:47
BaronVladimirHarIBM manages to replace things with stuff that's even more convoluted and unreliable than a stack of patches on top of something developed in the 1980s.Jun 03 00:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnIBM manages to replace things with stuff that's even more convoluted and unreliable than a stack of patches on top of something developed in the 1980s.Jun 03 00:48
BaronVladimirHarIt's just unbelievable how bad their stuff is.Jun 03 00:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnIt's just unbelievable how bad their stuff is.Jun 03 00:48
MinceRpart of that is because they believe that convoluted and unreliable is "modern"Jun 03 00:49
MinceR/fnpart of that is because they believe that convoluted and unreliable is "modern"Jun 03 00:49
ornxka/lci once heard somebody say that most programming work is just people generating work for other people without contributing to solving the problem at allJun 03 00:49
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i once heard somebody say that most programming work is just people generating work for other people without contributing to solving the problem at allJun 03 00:49
ornxka/lcie, completely self-inflictedJun 03 00:49
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] ie, completely self-inflictedJun 03 00:49
ornxka/lci believe it 100%Jun 03 00:50
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i believe it 100%Jun 03 00:50
*uwuchan has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 03 00:50
immibisyou may be thinking of "accidental complexity"Jun 03 00:50
immibis/fnyou may be thinking of "accidental complexity"Jun 03 00:50
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:50
*asusbox2 (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:a465:f91b:557:2bf3) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:50
ornxka/lcyeah, i think thats itJun 03 00:50
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] yeah, i think thats itJun 03 00:50
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:51
ornxka/lci switched to dwm after awesomewm was using al lof my memoryJun 03 00:51
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i switched to dwm after awesomewm was using al lof my memoryJun 03 00:51
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:a465:f91b:557:2bf3) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:51
ornxka/lcand i couldnt be bothered figuring out what the problem was behind however many lines of code it is (they have written their own gui framework?) and a LUA interpreterJun 03 00:51
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] and i couldnt be bothered figuring out what the problem was behind however many lines of code it is (they have written their own gui framework?) and a LUA interpreterJun 03 00:51
techrights-botWhy You Should Learn Linux on a #Chromebook • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why You Should Learn Linux on a Chromebook | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:52
techrights-bot/fnWhy You Should Learn Linux on a #Chromebook • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 00:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why You Should Learn Linux on a Chromebook | Tux MachinesJun 03 00:52
ornxka/lcso i figured i was better off using something i could easily understand and modify myself, and after a bit of patching it did the same things i needed awesome to do in about 2k lines of c (of which maybe a hundred or two were my patches)Jun 03 00:52
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] so i figured i was better off using something i could easily understand and modify myself, and after a bit of patching it did the same things i needed awesome to do in about 2k lines of c (of which maybe a hundred or two were my patches)Jun 03 00:52
superkuhI've been using gnome2/MATE since I switched to linux in 2004. But gtk itself underpinning the MATE desktop has gotten so bad the last 6 years that MATE is effectively broken in terms of File->Open dialogs. It's been fully GNOME'd despite attempts to prevent it.Jun 03 00:52
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] I've been using gnome2/MATE since I switched to linux in 2004. But gtk itself underpinning the MATE desktop has gotten so bad the last 6 years that MATE is effectively broken in terms of File->Open dialogs. It's been fully GNOME'd despite attempts to prevent it.Jun 03 00:52
ornxka/lc>fully GNOME'dJun 03 00:53
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] >fully GNOME'dJun 03 00:53
ornxka/lctruly a terrible fateJun 03 00:53
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] truly a terrible fateJun 03 00:53
MinceRgnome2 was already a bad base to start withJun 03 00:53
MinceR/fngnome2 was already a bad base to start withJun 03 00:53
MinceRgnome1 was so much betterJun 03 00:54
MinceR/fngnome1 was so much betterJun 03 00:54
ornxka/lci wonder sometimes like.. what does all that code even doJun 03 00:55
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] i wonder sometimes like.. what does all that code even doJun 03 00:55
*liberty_box (~liberty@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:55
ornxka/lcif i could get dwm to do what awesome did in like 10% of the code, wtf was the rest forJun 03 00:55
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] if i could get dwm to do what awesome did in like 10% of the code, wtf was the rest forJun 03 00:55
*rianne__ (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:55
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:55
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:55
ornxka/lcdoes gnome really need ?,???,??? lines of codeJun 03 00:56
tr-bridge[o​rnxka/lc] does gnome really need ?,???,??? lines of codeJun 03 00:56
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 00:57
*rianne_ has quit (Client Quit)Jun 03 00:57
*rianne__ (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:57
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 00:57
immibiswhat do we think about all the freenode channels being +m ?Jun 03 01:00
immibis/fnwhat do we think about all the freenode channels being +m ?Jun 03 01:00
*tr_guest|26376 (~6ceafdb2@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:00
*tr_guest|26376 has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)Jun 03 01:00
jessicaraquickest way to silence spam temporarily i guessJun 03 01:01
jessicara/fnquickest way to silence spam temporarily i guessJun 03 01:01
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:01
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:02
techrights-botLinks 3/6/2021: #Septor 2021.3, #OpenSUSE Leap 15.3, #NixOS 21.05, #Blender 2.93 LTS • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 01:04
techrights-bot/fnLinks 3/6/2021: #Septor 2021.3, #OpenSUSE Leap 15.3, #NixOS 21.05, #Blender 2.93 LTS • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 01:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 3/6/2021: Septor 2021.3, OpenSUSE Leap 15.3, NixOS 21.05, Blender 2.93 LTS | TechrightsJun 03 01:04
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 3/6/2021: Septor 2021.3, OpenSUSE Leap 15.3, NixOS 21.05, Blender 2.93 LTS | TechrightsJun 03 01:04
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 01:04
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 03 01:04
immibisa bit hypocriticalJun 03 01:05
immibis/fna bit hypocriticalJun 03 01:05
MinceRit's sad, but for most of it, it's too late to do anythingJun 03 01:05
MinceR/fnit's sad, but for most of it, it's too late to do anythingJun 03 01:05
techrights-bot#Programming Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:07
techrights-bot/fn#Programming Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:07
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:07
techrights-bot#Proprietary Software and Openwashing • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software and Openwashing | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:08
techrights-bot/fn#Proprietary Software and Openwashing • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:08
CrystalMathMinceR: if this is due to neoliberia, it's a policy violation and you can report itJun 03 01:08
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software and Openwashing | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:08
CrystalMath/fnMinceR: if this is due to neoliberia, it's a policy violation and you can report itJun 03 01:08
techrights-bot#Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:08
MinceRand accomplish nothingJun 03 01:08
techrights-bot/fn#Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:08
MinceR/fnand accomplish nothingJun 03 01:08
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 01:08
MinceRmost of it is on single # channels, which are closed per policy and you're supposed to go to the ## equivalentJun 03 01:08
MinceR/fnmost of it is on single # channels, which are closed per policy and you're supposed to go to the ## equivalentJun 03 01:08
immibisCrystalMath: the channel is #freenodeJun 03 01:08
immibis/fnCrystalMath: the channel is #freenodeJun 03 01:08
CrystalMathimmibis: oh heh, no, that did not move :PJun 03 01:08
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: oh heh, no, that did not move :PJun 03 01:08
MinceRshould have said soJun 03 01:09
MinceR/fnshould have said soJun 03 01:09
CrystalMathbut that one is also +z, the ops can see your messagesJun 03 01:09
CrystalMath/fnbut that one is also +z, the ops can see your messagesJun 03 01:09
immibisbut i've requested it many times and it has not been redirected, opened, or given to meJun 03 01:09
immibis/fnbut i've requested it many times and it has not been redirected, opened, or given to meJun 03 01:09
CrystalMathlol!Jun 03 01:09
CrystalMath/fnlol!Jun 03 01:09
MinceRwell, it's sad that freenode staff believes they don't have enough resources to moderate it properlyJun 03 01:09
MinceR/fnwell, it's sad that freenode staff believes they don't have enough resources to moderate it properlyJun 03 01:09
MinceRnot that it was better beforeJun 03 01:09
MinceR/fnnot that it was better beforeJun 03 01:09
immibisCrystalMath: wait are you saying that a +mz channel is considered open, not closed?Jun 03 01:09
immibis/fnCrystalMath: wait are you saying that a +mz channel is considered open, not closed?Jun 03 01:09
CrystalMathimmibis: idkJun 03 01:09
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: idkJun 03 01:09
CrystalMathdepends if it's normalJun 03 01:10
CrystalMath/fndepends if it's normalJun 03 01:10
CrystalMathlike #ardour was always like thatJun 03 01:10
CrystalMath/fnlike #ardour was always like thatJun 03 01:10
jessicaraopen would be slow voicingJun 03 01:10
jessicara/fnopen would be slow voicingJun 03 01:10
CrystalMaththen you say something to a botJun 03 01:10
CrystalMath/fnthen you say something to a botJun 03 01:10
CrystalMathand it voices youJun 03 01:10
CrystalMath/fnand it voices youJun 03 01:10
immibis#freenode doesn't have that botJun 03 01:10
immibis/fn#freenode doesn't have that botJun 03 01:10
jessicarafor a support-only channel though it does make sense to +mzJun 03 01:10
jessicara/fnfor a support-only channel though it does make sense to +mzJun 03 01:10
jessicaraless disruption of new people with no ideaJun 03 01:10
jessicara/fnless disruption of new people with no ideaJun 03 01:10
immibisso any channel moving to notfascistnode can just set +mz and then claim to be a support-only channelJun 03 01:11
immibis/fnso any channel moving to notfascistnode can just set +mz and then claim to be a support-only channelJun 03 01:11
jessicaraas a general solution to all spamming.. noJun 03 01:11
jessicara/fnas a general solution to all spamming.. noJun 03 01:11
immibisand then it's ineligible to be stolen?Jun 03 01:11
immibis/fnand then it's ineligible to be stolen?Jun 03 01:11
CrystalMathimmibis: it depends on if it's advertising some crappy other networkJun 03 01:12
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: it depends on if it's advertising some crappy other networkJun 03 01:12
immibisthe new policy says channels must remain open. Not that they can close as long as they don't advertiseJun 03 01:12
immibis/fnthe new policy says channels must remain open. Not that they can close as long as they don't advertiseJun 03 01:12
CrystalMatha closed channel is simply one that doesn't intend to existJun 03 01:12
CrystalMath/fna closed channel is simply one that doesn't intend to existJun 03 01:12
immibisso if the channel intends to exist as an advertisement it's not closed?Jun 03 01:13
immibis/fnso if the channel intends to exist as an advertisement it's not closed?Jun 03 01:13
rbraun^^^^^^Jun 03 01:14
rbraun/fn^^^^^^Jun 03 01:14
*mode_mz (~user@gateway/tor-sasl/vaio) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:14
BaronVladimirHarSo I'm confused.Jun 03 01:16
BaronVladimirHar/fnSo I'm confused.Jun 03 01:16
BaronVladimirHarAfter spamming Freenode users and playing nasty tricks, they now bridge Libera Chat into Freenode rooms?Jun 03 01:16
BaronVladimirHar/fnAfter spamming Freenode users and playing nasty tricks, they now bridge Libera Chat into Freenode rooms?Jun 03 01:16
schestowitzwe seem to be getting spam and abuse from thereJun 03 01:17
schestowitz/fnwe seem to be getting spam and abuse from thereJun 03 01:17
schestowitzhopefully just a temporary wave of "haters"Jun 03 01:17
schestowitz/fnhopefully just a temporary wave of "haters"Jun 03 01:17
schestowitz/fnso much for 'safe space'Jun 03 01:17
schestowitzso much for 'safe space'Jun 03 01:17
MinceR/fnit's unlikely to be temporary if that channel is oplessJun 03 01:17
MinceRit's unlikely to be temporary if that channel is oplessJun 03 01:17
superkuhThe only people spamming were most likely third parties looking to cause chaos at a time of chaos. The format of the the spam was the same as bots have been using for years.Jun 03 01:17
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] The only people spamming were most likely third parties looking to cause chaos at a time of chaos. The format of the the spam was the same as bots have been using for years.Jun 03 01:17
superkuhAttributing intentionality to it, from either "side" is probably the very intention of the spammers.Jun 03 01:17
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] Attributing intentionality to it, from either "side" is probably the very intention of the spammers.Jun 03 01:17
schestowitzyeah, I knowJun 03 01:18
schestowitz/fnyeah, I knowJun 03 01:18
XRevan86I see legitimate people writing from there too.Jun 03 01:18
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] I see legitimate people writing from there too.Jun 03 01:18
XRevan86BaronVladimirHar: Who are "they"?Jun 03 01:19
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] BaronVladimirHar: Who are "they"?Jun 03 01:19
immibisBaronVladimirHar: almost like people are not a hivemind. Have you been diagnosed with autism by any chance? Autistic people sometimes don't realize that each person has their own separate mind from all the restJun 03 01:19
immibis/fnBaronVladimirHar: almost like people are not a hivemind. Have you been diagnosed with autism by any chance? Autistic people sometimes don't realize that each person has their own separate mind from all the restJun 03 01:19
BaronVladimirHar<schestowitz "hopefully just a temporary wave "> I thought hate was against the CoC.Jun 03 01:22
BaronVladimirHar/fn<schestowitz "hopefully just a temporary wave "> I thought hate was against the CoC.Jun 03 01:22
schestowitzdepends in which direction it is directedJun 03 01:23
schestowitz/fndepends in which direction it is directedJun 03 01:23
schestowitz 03 01:24
schestowitz/fn 03 01:24
BaronVladimirHar<immibis "Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: almost"> Depending on which psychiatrist you asked over the years, no. Not autism, but ADHD, Borderline Personality, and Bipolar Disorder.Jun 03 01:24
BaronVladimirHar/fn<immibis "Baron Vladimir Harkonnen: almost"> Depending on which psychiatrist you asked over the years, no. Not autism, but ADHD, Borderline Personality, and Bipolar Disorder.Jun 03 01:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation Brought as Keynote Speakers People Vastly Worse Than Those Whom It Now ‘Cancels’ for Purely Political Reasons | TechrightsJun 03 01:24
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Linux Foundation Brought as Keynote Speakers People Vastly Worse Than Those Whom It Now ‘Cancels’ for Purely Political Reasons | TechrightsJun 03 01:24
schestowitzyou can say horrible things about all menJun 03 01:24
schestowitz/fnyou can say horrible things about all menJun 03 01:24
BaronVladimirHarThey don't know what they're dealing with so they come up with something and call it a day and then bill the patient's idiot parents.Jun 03 01:24
BaronVladimirHar/fnThey don't know what they're dealing with so they come up with something and call it a day and then bill the patient's idiot parents.Jun 03 01:24
schestowitzor about all white peopleJun 03 01:24
schestowitz/fnor about all white peopleJun 03 01:24
schestowitzgeneralisation and deductions are OKJun 03 01:24
schestowitz/fngeneralisation and deductions are OKJun 03 01:24
schestowitzinductions alsoJun 03 01:24
schestowitz/fninductions alsoJun 03 01:24
BaronVladimirHarThe only thing I've noticed about psychiatry is they haven't got a clue, and they don't need to because that's not why they exist.Jun 03 01:25
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe only thing I've noticed about psychiatry is they haven't got a clue, and they don't need to because that's not why they exist.Jun 03 01:25
schestowitzbut it depends who feels the hurtJun 03 01:25
schestowitz/fnbut it depends who feels the hurtJun 03 01:25
BaronVladimirHarThey exist to peel troublemakers off from the group, label them, and prevent them from getting the same opportunities.Jun 03 01:25
BaronVladimirHar/fnThey exist to peel troublemakers off from the group, label them, and prevent them from getting the same opportunities.Jun 03 01:25
schestowitzmaybe one day there will be cathophopbiaJun 03 01:25
schestowitz/fnmaybe one day there will be cathophopbiaJun 03 01:25
schestowitzwherein you get banned by bashing the vaticanJun 03 01:25
schestowitz/fnwherein you get banned by bashing the vaticanJun 03 01:25
BaronVladimirHarThat happened pretty openly in the Soviet Union. Less overtly here....Jun 03 01:25
BaronVladimirHar/fnThat happened pretty openly in the Soviet Union. Less overtly here....Jun 03 01:25
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:26
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:26
BaronVladimirHarIt's easier to read the psychiatrists than it is for them to read their patients. Like most doctors, your "course of treatment" changes to whatever company gave them some free classes or a nice dinner most recently.Jun 03 01:26
BaronVladimirHar/fnIt's easier to read the psychiatrists than it is for them to read their patients. Like most doctors, your "course of treatment" changes to whatever company gave them some free classes or a nice dinner most recently.Jun 03 01:26
BaronVladimirHarI noticed a lot of "patent treadmill" stuff going on with psychiatric meds.Jun 03 01:27
BaronVladimirHar/fnI noticed a lot of "patent treadmill" stuff going on with psychiatric meds.Jun 03 01:27
XRevan86Ariadne: 03 01:27
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Ariadne: 03 01:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fosshost - Freenode FAQJun 03 01:27
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fosshost - Freenode FAQJun 03 01:27
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 01:28
BaronVladimirHarThe truth with antipsychotics is that they have not meaningfully improved the situation since the 1980s, and they just come out with new ones (untested) to charge more money for.Jun 03 01:28
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe truth with antipsychotics is that they have not meaningfully improved the situation since the 1980s, and they just come out with new ones (untested) to charge more money for.Jun 03 01:28
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 01:28
BaronVladimirHarPeople, being ignorant about the situation, go to fill the prescription and end up paying big bucks to be experimented on.Jun 03 01:28
BaronVladimirHar/fnPeople, being ignorant about the situation, go to fill the prescription and end up paying big bucks to be experimented on.Jun 03 01:28
schestowitzpatent evergreeningJun 03 01:28
schestowitz/fnpatent evergreeningJun 03 01:28
immibisBaronVladimirHar: the point is, do you realize that people other than you are not a hivemind?Jun 03 01:28
immibis/fnBaronVladimirHar: the point is, do you realize that people other than you are not a hivemind?Jun 03 01:28
AriadneXRevan86: hehJun 03 01:29
tr-bridge[A​riadne/tr] XRevan86: hehJun 03 01:29
BaronVladimirHarThey are, of course, to some extent.Jun 03 01:29
BaronVladimirHar/fnThey are, of course, to some extent.Jun 03 01:29
BaronVladimirHarCommunity Standards, law, etc. don't come out of a void, and many individuals don't agree on anything close to the entirety of it.Jun 03 01:29
BaronVladimirHar/fnCommunity Standards, law, etc. don't come out of a void, and many individuals don't agree on anything close to the entirety of it.Jun 03 01:29
BaronVladimirHarThe most vicious and psychopathic people tend to rise to the top and brutalize their critics and then they tend to react, as a group, by shutting up and just trying to stay out of the way.Jun 03 01:30
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe most vicious and psychopathic people tend to rise to the top and brutalize their critics and then they tend to react, as a group, by shutting up and just trying to stay out of the way.Jun 03 01:30
immibisYou said you were confused that "they" spam freenode users to move to libera, and "they" bridge their channels to liberaJun 03 01:30
immibis/fnYou said you were confused that "they" spam freenode users to move to libera, and "they" bridge their channels to liberaJun 03 01:30
immibisIs your confusion resolved by realizing that it's a different "they" each time?Jun 03 01:30
immibis/fnIs your confusion resolved by realizing that it's a different "they" each time?Jun 03 01:30
BaronVladimirHarIf we allege that "society" governs over me in my name, then we must assume I agreed to let an Illinois child murderer/rapist out for good behavior, to live in Chicago, after 26 years, due to "good behavior", and at the same time, I filed criminal charges against myself for creating a minor nuisance.Jun 03 01:32
BaronVladimirHar/fnIf we allege that "society" governs over me in my name, then we must assume I agreed to let an Illinois child murderer/rapist out for good behavior, to live in Chicago, after 26 years, due to "good behavior", and at the same time, I filed criminal charges against myself for creating a minor nuisance.Jun 03 01:32
*rianne__ (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:32
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:33
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:33
BaronVladimirHarOf course, this exposes the ridiculousness of the idea of "society". It's another lie they cram down your throat to make you think you have anything to do with this, with these people. These idiots. MinceR ^Jun 03 01:33
BaronVladimirHar/fnOf course, this exposes the ridiculousness of the idea of "society". It's another lie they cram down your throat to make you think you have anything to do with this, with these people. These idiots. MinceR ^Jun 03 01:33
*cubexyz has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 01:33
*Polsaker (~polsaker@donger/wielder/Polsaker) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:33
*liberty_box (~liberty@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:34
BaronVladimirHarLogically, if they don't have the resources to keep Class A Felons in prison for the rest of their life, they don't have the resources to stop and deal with a Class C Misdemeanor.Jun 03 01:34
BaronVladimirHar/fnLogically, if they don't have the resources to keep Class A Felons in prison for the rest of their life, they don't have the resources to stop and deal with a Class C Misdemeanor.Jun 03 01:34
BaronVladimirHarBut the state is as random as it is stupid, and this would be your "hive mind", only it's criminal gangsters that float to the top and claim it's "the public" running things.Jun 03 01:34
BaronVladimirHar/fnBut the state is as random as it is stupid, and this would be your "hive mind", only it's criminal gangsters that float to the top and claim it's "the public" running things.Jun 03 01:34
BaronVladimirHarSome would argue it's not really random at all. If the state can do whatever it wants, then you might be afraid of what it could do to you, even though it almost certainly won't catch and punish everything you do.Jun 03 01:36
BaronVladimirHar/fnSome would argue it's not really random at all. If the state can do whatever it wants, then you might be afraid of what it could do to you, even though it almost certainly won't catch and punish everything you do.Jun 03 01:36
immibisYou said you were confused that "they" spam freenode users to move to libera, and "they" bridge their channels to liberaJun 03 01:36
immibis/fnYou said you were confused that "they" spam freenode users to move to libera, and "they" bridge their channels to liberaJun 03 01:36
immibisIs your confusion resolved by realizing that it's a different "they" each time?Jun 03 01:36
immibis/fnIs your confusion resolved by realizing that it's a different "they" each time?Jun 03 01:36
BaronVladimirHarLibera Chat is a hive mind full of people who didn't feel comfortable in a community where they could be criticized.Jun 03 01:36
BaronVladimirHar/fnLibera Chat is a hive mind full of people who didn't feel comfortable in a community where they could be criticized.Jun 03 01:36
BaronVladimirHarSo they made an "alternative" where they'll throw freethinkers out and set up a pillow fort.Jun 03 01:37
BaronVladimirHar/fnSo they made an "alternative" where they'll throw freethinkers out and set up a pillow fort.Jun 03 01:37
*rbraun has quit (Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))Jun 03 01:37
immibisidk how you can claim libera is full of people who can't handle criticism, and also that libera is more censorious (i.e. gives more criticism) than freenodeJun 03 01:37
immibis/fnidk how you can claim libera is full of people who can't handle criticism, and also that libera is more censorious (i.e. gives more criticism) than freenodeJun 03 01:37
mjg59/lcInteresting that I was banned from this channel on the grounds of being critical of its contentsJun 03 01:37
tr-bridge[m​jg59/lc] Interesting that I was banned from this channel on the grounds of being critical of its contentsJun 03 01:37
*cubexyz ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:38
MinceRmjg59 is lying again, as usualJun 03 01:38
MinceR/fnmjg59 is lying again, as usualJun 03 01:38
BaronVladimirHarThe people running the network are figuring out what nasty tricks they can pull.Jun 03 01:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe people running the network are figuring out what nasty tricks they can pull.Jun 03 01:38
MinceRhe was muted, not banned, and on the grounds of being here only to troll the channel, admittedlyJun 03 01:38
MinceR/fnhe was muted, not banned, and on the grounds of being here only to troll the channel, admittedlyJun 03 01:38
BaronVladimirHarAnd there's mjg59_ pulling a ban evasion using a nasty trick instead of shutting the hell up.Jun 03 01:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnAnd there's mjg59_ pulling a ban evasion using a nasty trick instead of shutting the hell up.Jun 03 01:38
immibismjg59: not only that, the baron here was talking about how the world would be better if people would use their guns on youJun 03 01:38
immibis/fnmjg59: not only that, the baron here was talking about how the world would be better if people would use their guns on youJun 03 01:38
MinceRXRevan86: please unbridge if there's nobody there who can moderate it properlyJun 03 01:38
MinceR/fnXRevan86: please unbridge if there's nobody there who can moderate it properlyJun 03 01:38
CrystalMathsecondedJun 03 01:39
CrystalMath/fnsecondedJun 03 01:39
tr-bridge[m​jg59/lc] One individual's criticism is another's trollingJun 03 01:39
mjg59/lcOne individual's criticism is another's trollingJun 03 01:39
BaronVladimirHarIf there's some way to turn off the bridge, I'd suggest doing that.Jun 03 01:39
BaronVladimirHar/fnIf there's some way to turn off the bridge, I'd suggest doing that.Jun 03 01:39
*rbraun (vaF3IrtE@gateway/shell/ has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:39
XRevan86MinceR: Apparently, superkuh cut off the only means to do so.Jun 03 01:39
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: Apparently, superkuh cut off the only means to do so.Jun 03 01:39
immibisso why was this guy actually banned, if it wasn't for criticizing the channel's contents?Jun 03 01:39
immibis/fnso why was this guy actually banned, if it wasn't for criticizing the channel's contents?Jun 03 01:39
MinceRimmibis: people can (and often do) criticize other people in ways they do not tolerate being criticizedJun 03 01:39
MinceR/fnimmibis: people can (and often do) criticize other people in ways they do not tolerate being criticizedJun 03 01:39
MinceRXrevan86: please remove that leg of the bridge thenJun 03 01:39
MinceR/fnXrevan86: please remove that leg of the bridge thenJun 03 01:39
BaronVladimirHar<immibis "so why was this guy actually ban"> Derailing the topics, accusing anyone who didn't agree with him of being a pedophile, etc. etc.Jun 03 01:40
BaronVladimirHar/fn<immibis "so why was this guy actually ban"> Derailing the topics, accusing anyone who didn't agree with him of being a pedophile, etc. etc.Jun 03 01:40
mjg59/lcLiterally didn't do thatJun 03 01:40
tr-bridge[m​jg59/lc] Literally didn't do thatJun 03 01:40
*bridge has quit (connection closed)Jun 03 01:40
*tr-bridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 01:40
BaronVladimirHarYou called me one because I opposed your Cancel RMS ShitHub project, which peaked a long time ago.Jun 03 01:40
immibisso basically he was banned for exercising his free speech?Jun 03 01:40
CrystalMathyeah because we have to listen to how techrights is bad all dayJun 03 01:41
CrystalMathwhat's next? if you don't want viagra ads every 3 seconds, you're anti-free-speechJun 03 01:41
BaronVladimirHarRunning around calling people pedophiles isn't really acceptable unless you can prove it.Jun 03 01:41
*tr-bridge ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:41
*bridge (~bridge@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:42
* gives channel operator status to bridgeJun 03 01:42
CrystalMathis this thing normalized now?Jun 03 01:42
superkuhIt cut it off? What?Jun 03 01:42
CrystalMath/fnis this thing normalized now?Jun 03 01:42
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] It cut it off? What?Jun 03 01:42
BaronVladimirHarHe said I must be because RMS said something about a cartoon somewhere along the way.Jun 03 01:42
BaronVladimirHar/fnHe said I must be because RMS said something about a cartoon somewhere along the way.Jun 03 01:42
superkuhLet's be clear here. I did nothing but join and empty channel, get made op, and refuse to register it because it'd be rude.Jun 03 01:42
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] Let's be clear here. I did nothing but join and empty channel, get made op, and refuse to register it because it'd be rude.Jun 03 01:42
XRevan86Love it when I need to fix a mistake in the configuration and trying to get a cat off the keyboard at the same time.Jun 03 01:42
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Love it when I need to fix a mistake in the configuration and trying to get a cat off the keyboard at the same time.Jun 03 01:42
immibisi thought this channel was in favour of free speechJun 03 01:42
immibis/fni thought this channel was in favour of free speechJun 03 01:42
MinceRlolJun 03 01:42
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 01:42
XRevan86Makes me sweaty in no time.Jun 03 01:42
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Makes me sweaty in no time.Jun 03 01:42
MinceRi'm guessing "free speech" means an impenetrable flood of spam if someone who runs enough bots decides it isJun 03 01:43
MinceR/fni'm guessing "free speech" means an impenetrable flood of spam if someone who runs enough bots decides it isJun 03 01:43
immibisfree speech means being allowed to state your opinionJun 03 01:43
immibis/fnfree speech means being allowed to state your opinionJun 03 01:43
CrystalMathimmibis: and he didJun 03 01:43
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: and he didJun 03 01:43
CrystalMathwe all know itJun 03 01:43
CrystalMath/fnwe all know itJun 03 01:43
MinceRbeing allowed to state your opinion is not incompatible with moderating a channelJun 03 01:44
MinceR/fnbeing allowed to state your opinion is not incompatible with moderating a channelJun 03 01:44
CrystalMathheck i even agreed with some partsJun 03 01:44
CrystalMath/fnheck i even agreed with some partsJun 03 01:44
XRevan86Anyway, that's just sad. When superkuh said he ruined the channel, it was a matter of time.Jun 03 01:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Anyway, that's just sad. When superkuh said he ruined the channel, it was a matter of time.Jun 03 01:44
immibisit's incompatible with banning people for stating their opinionJun 03 01:44
immibis/fnit's incompatible with banning people for stating their opinionJun 03 01:44
CrystalMath/fnyou don't need neoliberia, you have :)Jun 03 01:44
CrystalMathyou don't need neoliberia, you have :)Jun 03 01:44
MinceRthe lc channel could in theory be fixed, thoughJun 03 01:44
MinceR/fnthe lc channel could in theory be fixed, thoughJun 03 01:44
*mjg59_ (~68f41a50@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:44
XRevan86MinceR: With staff intervention?Jun 03 01:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: With staff intervention?Jun 03 01:44
MinceRmost likelyJun 03 01:45
MinceR/fnmost likelyJun 03 01:45
XRevan86I'm sure schestowitz will love to write to the staff.Jun 03 01:45
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] I'm sure schestowitz will love to write to the staff.Jun 03 01:45
mjg59_01:42 < BaronVladimirHar/fn> He said I must be because RMS said something about a cartoon somewhere along the way.Jun 03 01:45
MinceRit's also possible if everyone leaves it, but that's unlikelyJun 03 01:45
MinceR/fnit's also possible if everyone leaves it, but that's unlikelyJun 03 01:45
tr-bridge[m​jg59_/tr] 01:42 < BaronVladimirHar/fn> He said I must be because RMS said something about a cartoon somewhere along the way.Jun 03 01:45
mjg59_Literally did not do thatJun 03 01:45
tr-bridge[m​jg59_/tr] Literally did not do thatJun 03 01:45
immibisyes please call big daddy government to get rid of the people who have opinions i don't likeJun 03 01:45
immibis/fnyes please call big daddy government to get rid of the people who have opinions i don't likeJun 03 01:45
*mjg59_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:47 staff is now "big government"?Jun 03 01:48
MinceR/ staff is now "big government"?Jun 03 01:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnIf it's going to be bot harassment and Matthew fucking Garrett, it would be better to cut the link.Jun 03 01:48
BaronVladimirHarIf it's going to be bot harassment and Matthew fucking Garrett, it would be better to cut the link.Jun 03 01:48
*MinceR sets ban on m:*!*@54n9xgft8g6u2.ircJun 03 01:48
BaronVladimirHarIt's not like anyone should have a hard time opening Freenode in a tab.Jun 03 01:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnIt's not like anyone should have a hard time opening Freenode in a tab.Jun 03 01:48
*mjg59_ (~68f41a50@54n9xgft8g6u2.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:48
MinceRor someone could just register a new channel under a new nameJun 03 01:49
MinceR/fnor someone could just register a new channel under a new nameJun 03 01:49
MinceRi don't really careJun 03 01:49
MinceR/fni don't really careJun 03 01:49
immibisthe guy sent like 5 messages and for this we are trying to cancel himJun 03 01:49
immibis/fnthe guy sent like 5 messages and for this we are trying to cancel himJun 03 01:49
MinceR/fnwe already have a backup networkJun 03 01:49
MinceRwe already have a backup networkJun 03 01:49
MinceRwhich "guy"?Jun 03 01:49
MinceR/fnwhich "guy"?Jun 03 01:49
BaronVladimirHarWhat it looks like to me is that the bridge makes it hard to ignore someone because it puts everyone over there under tr-bridge and you'll need to ignore EVERYONE.Jun 03 01:49
BaronVladimirHar/fnWhat it looks like to me is that the bridge makes it hard to ignore someone because it puts everyone over there under tr-bridge and you'll need to ignore EVERYONE.Jun 03 01:49
MinceR/fnrelaymsg might help with that, if you're on the other network which supports it and your client doesn't mind having a / in the nick of the ignore maskJun 03 01:50
MinceRrelaymsg might help with that, if you're on the other network which supports it and your client doesn't mind having a / in the nick of the ignore maskJun 03 01:50
immibisMinceR: mjg59_ obviouslyJun 03 01:51
immibis/fnMinceR: mjg59_ obviouslyJun 03 01:51
MinceRlolJun 03 01:51
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 01:51
*mjg59_ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 01:51
MinceRthat guy sent so many messages i stopped trying to find the most incriminating onesJun 03 01:51
MinceR/fnthat guy sent so many messages i stopped trying to find the most incriminating onesJun 03 01:51
MinceRalso, we're not trying to cancel himJun 03 01:51
MinceR/fnalso, we're not trying to cancel himJun 03 01:51
MinceRwe're trying to keep him from interfering with discussion hereJun 03 01:52
MinceR/fnwe're trying to keep him from interfering with discussion hereJun 03 01:52
BaronVladimirHarHe started rapid fire sending me crazy shit over PM.Jun 03 01:52
BaronVladimirHar/fnHe started rapid fire sending me crazy shit over PM.Jun 03 01:52
immibisi see how cancel culture is in this channel. You accuse him of something, he defends himself, you get him fired from this channelJun 03 01:52
immibis/fni see how cancel culture is in this channel. You accuse him of something, he defends himself, you get him fired from this channelJun 03 01:52
MinceRwe couldn't cancel him if we wanted toJun 03 01:52
MinceR/fnwe couldn't cancel him if we wanted toJun 03 01:52
MinceRimmibis: you haven't seen the issue, except for a tiny fractionJun 03 01:52
MinceR/fnimmibis: you haven't seen the issue, except for a tiny fractionJun 03 01:52
MinceRthe channel logs are public though, so you can look it up if you caredJun 03 01:52
MinceR/fnthe channel logs are public though, so you can look it up if you caredJun 03 01:52
MinceRwe couldn't cancel him if we wanted to -- his employers want him to do thisJun 03 01:52
MinceR/fnwe couldn't cancel him if we wanted to -- his employers want him to do thisJun 03 01:52
immibisi've seen an attempt at cancelling. Because his "employer" wouldn't cooperate with the cancel, you cancelled his whole "employer"Jun 03 01:53
immibis/fni've seen an attempt at cancelling. Because his "employer" wouldn't cooperate with the cancel, you cancelled his whole "employer"Jun 03 01:53
MinceRthat's an interesting ideaJun 03 01:53
MinceR/fnthat's an interesting ideaJun 03 01:53
immibisthe "employer" being the network in this caseJun 03 01:53
immibis/fnthe "employer" being the network in this caseJun 03 01:53
MinceRso you're saying that we fired the first shot, and then microsoft and ibm used their time machine, went back in time, and committed their crimes to retaliate?Jun 03 01:53
MinceR/fnso you're saying that we fired the first shot, and then microsoft and ibm used their time machine, went back in time, and committed their crimes to retaliate?Jun 03 01:53
MinceRis that why microsoft is attempting to lock us out of our own property?Jun 03 01:54
MinceR/fnis that why microsoft is attempting to lock us out of our own property?Jun 03 01:54
MinceRis that why ibm is attempting to kill off free unixes?Jun 03 01:54
MinceR/fnis that why ibm is attempting to kill off free unixes?Jun 03 01:54
immibiswindows isn't your propertyJun 03 01:54
immibis/fnwindows isn't your propertyJun 03 01:54
MinceR/fnmy PC-s are my propertyJun 03 01:54
MinceRmy PC-s are my propertyJun 03 01:54
*mjg59_ (68f41a50@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #techrightsJun 03 01:55
mjg59_01:52 < BaronVladimirHar/fn> He started rapid fire sending me crazy shit over PM.Jun 03 01:55
mjg59_/fn01:52 < BaronVladimirHar/fn> He started rapid fire sending me crazy shit over PM.Jun 03 01:55
immibisand windows isn'tJun 03 01:55
immibis/fnand windows isn'tJun 03 01:55
mjg59_This is literally a lieJun 03 01:55
mjg59_/fnThis is literally a lieJun 03 01:55
mjg59_Ask him for the logsJun 03 01:55
mjg59_/fnAsk him for the logsJun 03 01:55
immibismjg59_: watch out, you're getting cancelled!Jun 03 01:55
immibis/fnmjg59_: watch out, you're getting cancelled!Jun 03 01:55
*MinceR sets mode +q #techrights *!68f41a50@*Jun 03 01:55
*mjg59_ has quit (Client Quit)Jun 03 01:55
MinceRmjg59_: the next time you evade a mute, you're going to be bannedJun 03 01:55
MinceR/fnmjg59_: the next time you evade a mute, you're going to be bannedJun 03 01:55
immibissee. cancelledJun 03 01:55
immibis/fnsee. cancelledJun 03 01:55
immibisI thought we were against cancel cultureJun 03 01:55
immibis/fnI thought we were against cancel cultureJun 03 01:55
MinceRimmibis: look up what it means, we'll wait.Jun 03 01:55
MinceR/fnimmibis: look up what it means, we'll wait.Jun 03 01:55
BaronVladimirHarMatrix gets rid of the logs when you exit a "room" and ignore someone.Jun 03 01:56
BaronVladimirHar/fnMatrix gets rid of the logs when you exit a "room" and ignore someone.Jun 03 01:56
MinceRimmibis: who are "you", microsoft?Jun 03 01:56
MinceR/fnimmibis: who are "you", microsoft?Jun 03 01:56
immibis"Cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person"Jun 03 01:56
immibis/fn"Cancel culture or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person"Jun 03 01:56
MinceRwe can't thrust mjg out of social or professional circlesJun 03 01:56
MinceR/fnwe can't thrust mjg out of social or professional circlesJun 03 01:56
immibisthis is a social circleJun 03 01:57
immibis/fnthis is a social circleJun 03 01:57
MinceRhis social or professional circles are owned by microsoft and ibmJun 03 01:57
MinceR/fnhis social or professional circles are owned by microsoft and ibmJun 03 01:57
MinceRthis is not his social circle, never wasJun 03 01:57
MinceR/fnthis is not his social circle, never wasJun 03 01:57
MinceRhe made a name for himself trying (and to some extent succeeding) to manipulate Linux to work in line with microsoft's wishesJun 03 01:57
MinceR/fnhe made a name for himself trying (and to some extent succeeding) to manipulate Linux to work in line with microsoft's wishesJun 03 01:57
MinceRand then attempting to cancel RMS and the board of the FSFJun 03 01:58
MinceR/fnand then attempting to cancel RMS and the board of the FSFJun 03 01:58
immibisit doesn't say "their" social or professional circleJun 03 01:58
immibis/fnit doesn't say "their" social or professional circleJun 03 01:58
MinceR/fnif you miss his bullshit so much, go talk to him on twitterJun 03 01:58
MinceRif you miss his bullshit so much, go talk to him on twitterJun 03 01:58
MinceRor start a channel for himJun 03 01:58
MinceR/fnor start a channel for himJun 03 01:58
immibisthat's what they told the cancelled people on twitter. "just start your own social media with your own payment network"Jun 03 01:59
immibis/fnthat's what they told the cancelled people on twitter. "just start your own social media with your own payment network"Jun 03 01:59
MinceRthat might be what they told people on twitter, but that's not what i saidJun 03 01:59
MinceR/fnthat might be what they told people on twitter, but that's not what i saidJun 03 01:59
immibisit is, you said "just start your own irc channel"Jun 03 02:00
immibis/fnit is, you said "just start your own irc channel"Jun 03 02:00
MinceRstarting your own irc channel is literally one commandJun 03 02:00
MinceR/fnstarting your own irc channel is literally one commandJun 03 02:00
MinceRand it works on this networkJun 03 02:00
MinceR/fnand it works on this networkJun 03 02:00
MinceRthere's no obligation for you to do your worship of mjg here, or for us to listen to itJun 03 02:00
MinceR/fnthere's no obligation for you to do your worship of mjg here, or for us to listen to itJun 03 02:00
MinceRthere is no "right to have an audience"Jun 03 02:01
MinceR/fnthere is no "right to have an audience"Jun 03 02:01
*techrights-ipfs (~techright@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:c7f2:e919:b6dc:6252) has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:01
immibisi'm just saying, it's cancel culture, is all. I thought we opposed thatJun 03 02:02
immibis/fni'm just saying, it's cancel culture, is all. I thought we opposed thatJun 03 02:02
MinceRno, it is notJun 03 02:02
MinceR/fnno, it is notJun 03 02:02
immibiswhy do we oppose cancel culture if there's no right to not be cancelled?Jun 03 02:02
immibis/fnwhy do we oppose cancel culture if there's no right to not be cancelled?Jun 03 02:02
samiamsamthere is good and bad cancel cultureJun 03 02:15
samiamsam/fnthere is good and bad cancel cultureJun 03 02:15
samiamsamcancelling fascists is goodJun 03 02:16
samiamsam/fncancelling fascists is goodJun 03 02:16
XRevan86 03 02:18
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] 03 02:18
samiamsaminternet mobs gathered by some viral embarrassment (maybe fabricated or a distortion) are badJun 03 02:18
samiamsam/fninternet mobs gathered by some viral embarrassment (maybe fabricated or a distortion) are badJun 03 02:18
XRevan86samiamsam: Since this is such a broad brush, what to do with this ethnic Jew who is a Benito Mussolini fan? :)Jun 03 02:18
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] samiamsam: Since this is such a broad brush, what to do with this ethnic Jew who is a Benito Mussolini fan? :)Jun 03 02:18
MinceRdid someone say jews could not be fascists?Jun 03 02:19
MinceR/fndid someone say jews could not be fascists?Jun 03 02:19
XRevan86MinceR: I should've waited for such argument to be made?Jun 03 02:20
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: I should've waited for such argument to be made?Jun 03 02:20
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 0 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 0▕ swarm size (avg): 236.94  ⟲Jun 03 02:20
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 0 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 0▕ swarm size (avg): 236.94  ⟲Jun 03 02:20
XRevan86by the way, this guy is immune on YouTubeJun 03 02:21
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] by the way, this guy is immune on YouTubeJun 03 02:21
XRevan86some people just have a platform no matter whatJun 03 02:21
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] some people just have a platform no matter whatJun 03 02:21
XRevan86and an occasional Bionicle meme doesn't justify thatJun 03 02:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] and an occasional Bionicle meme doesn't justify thatJun 03 02:22
samiamsamXRevan86: i don't know who that isJun 03 02:22
samiamsam/fnXRevan86: i don't know who that isJun 03 02:22
schestowitzhad to restart the gemini and ipfs machinesJun 03 02:22
schestowitz/fnhad to restart the gemini and ipfs machinesJun 03 02:22
schestowitzsome home network issues tonightJun 03 02:22
schestowitz/fnsome home network issues tonightJun 03 02:22
XRevan86samiamsam: I outlined the important aspect, but if ye must know, this is Vladimir SolovyevJun 03 02:23
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] samiamsam: I outlined the important aspect, but if ye must know, this is Vladimir SolovyevJun 03 02:23
samiamsamVladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov[a] (Russian: Владимир Рудольфович Соловьёв, born October 20, 1963) is a Russian high-profile propagandist,[1][2][3][4] television and radio host.Jun 03 02:23
samiamsam/fnVladimir Rudolfovich Solovyov[a] (Russian: Владимир Рудольфович Соловьёв, born October 20, 1963) is a Russian high-profile propagandist,[1][2][3][4] television and radio host.Jun 03 02:23
XRevan86The richest TV persona in RussiaJun 03 02:23
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] The richest TV persona in RussiaJun 03 02:23
XRevan86an Italian residentJun 03 02:24
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] an Italian residentJun 03 02:24
XRevan86and a complete loonJun 03 02:24
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] and a complete loonJun 03 02:24
XRevan86(totally in a good sense, this is not defamation)Jun 03 02:24
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] (totally in a good sense, this is not defamation)Jun 03 02:24
samiamsami have the greatest possible contempt for people like thatJun 03 02:24
samiamsam/fni have the greatest possible contempt for people like thatJun 03 02:24
samiamsamWhat is TR?Jun 03 02:26
samiamsam/fnWhat is TR?Jun 03 02:26
XRevan86Tech Rights, get it?Jun 03 02:26
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Tech Rights, get it?Jun 03 02:26
samiamsamOh.  OK.  What's it bridging to?Jun 03 02:27
samiamsam/fnOh.  OK.  What's it bridging to?Jun 03 02:27
XRevan86irc.techrights.orgJun 03 02:27
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] irc.techrights.orgJun 03 02:27
samiamsamah.  nice.Jun 03 02:27
samiamsam/fnah.  nice.Jun 03 02:27
*samiamsam (~d@c6g3yubdm3bts.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:27
XRevan86techrights at techrights, the techrightiest place there isJun 03 02:27
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] techrights at techrights, the techrightiest place there isJun 03 02:27
*QazYLIoym ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:28
QazYLIoymGreatt job, AndLrew Leey. Jun 03 02:28
QazYLIoym/fnGreatt job, AndLrew Leey.Jun 03 02:28
*QazYLIoym ( has left #techrightsJun 03 02:28
*VMJCQURjM ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:32
*VMJCQURjM ( has left #techrightsJun 03 02:32
*FyjTmGwI ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:35
*FyjTmGwI ( has left #techrightsJun 03 02:35
samiamsamSystem In Place (MS-1790)Jun 03 02:35
tr-bridge[s​amiamsam/tr] System In Place (MS-1790)Jun 03 02:35
*dIJxqzVzl (~dIJxqzVzl@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:36
*dIJxqzVzl (~dIJxqzVzl@ has left #techrightsJun 03 02:36
*UTilsCAak (~UTilsCAak@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:36
*UTilsCAak (~UTilsCAak@ has left #techrightsJun 03 02:36
samiamsamholy shitJun 03 02:37
tr-bridge[s​amiamsam/tr] holy shitJun 03 02:37
samiamsamyou can get /64sJun 03 02:37
tr-bridge[s​amiamsam/tr] you can get /64sJun 03 02:37
techrights-bot*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:37
techrights-bot/fn*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:37
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC:  #boycottnovell-social @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:37
schestowitzoddly, one laptop cannot connect to the networkJun 03 02:38
schestowitz/fnoddly, one laptop cannot connect to the networkJun 03 02:38
schestowitzanother 2 lost the connectionJun 03 02:38
schestowitz/fnanother 2 lost the connectionJun 03 02:38
schestowitz2 did not lose it at allJun 03 02:38
schestowitz/fn2 did not lose it at allJun 03 02:38
schestowitzbut all could reconnect OKJun 03 02:38
schestowitz/fnbut all could reconnect OKJun 03 02:38
samiamsamlooks like cheapest $10 for a /64Jun 03 02:38
tr-bridge[s​amiamsam/tr] looks like cheapest $10 for a /64Jun 03 02:38
techrights-bot*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:38
techrights-bot/fn*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #techrights IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:38
schestowitz"unrecognised error: unknown-failure"Jun 03 02:38
schestowitz/fn"unrecognised error: unknown-failure"Jun 03 02:38
schestowitzyes, very descriptive!Jun 03 02:39
schestowitz/fnyes, very descriptive!Jun 03 02:39
*ycmYcODz ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:39
*ycmYcODz ( has left #techrightsJun 03 02:39
techrights-bot*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:39
techrights-bot/fn*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #boycottnovell IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC:  #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:39
techrights-bot*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:40
techrights-bot/fn*** 𝐈 𝐑 𝐂   𝐋 𝐈 𝐍 𝐊 𝐒 *** Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: Read the log now...Jun 03 02:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:40
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 02:40
techrights-bot*** 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍 *** Yesterday's bulletin ready. 03 02:42
techrights-bot/fn*** 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍 *** Yesterday's bulletin ready. 03 02:42
*is0ke3 (~is0ke3@unaffiliated/isokee) has joined #techrightsJun 03 02:47
techrights-ipfs☞ Gemini requests since start of month:  15781 total • Total pages: 35756 •   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-03 01:17:05 BST; 1h 48min agoJun 03 03:05
techrights-ipfs/fn☞ Gemini requests since start of month:  15781 total • Total pages: 35756 •   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-06-03 01:17:05 BST; 1h 48min agoJun 03 03:05
techrights-ipfs☞ IPFS local node stats (past 23 hours) calculated.  TotalIn: 72 MB  •  TotalOut: 36 MBJun 03 03:06
techrights-ipfs/fn☞ IPFS local node stats (past 23 hours) calculated.  TotalIn: 72 MB  •  TotalOut: 36 MBJun 03 03:06
techrights-ipfs☞ New daily bulletin just generated. It is about to be added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with CID Jun 03 03:06
techrights-ipfs/fn☞ New daily bulletin just generated. It is about to be added to IPFS, hereon retrievable with CIDJun 03 03:06
techrights-ipfsQmdp1J2cA6jPEX5t7cXe6PXCm6aj4n6m3ck2JEdoi75xs4Jun 03 03:09
techrights-ipfs/fnQmdp1J2cA6jPEX5t7cXe6PXCm6aj4n6m3ck2JEdoi75xs4Jun 03 03:09
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▅▃▅▃▆▆▃▄▃▂▄▄▅▅▃▇▂▃▄▆▅▅▃▄▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 17.06 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂█▂▂▃▃▂▃▃▃▁▂▃▂▁▁▂▄▃▂▂▄▃▁ avg(k/sec) 8.73▕ swarm size (avg): 236.96  ⟲Jun 03 03:21
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▅▅▃▅▃▆▆▃▄▃▂▄▄▅▅▃▇▂▃▄▆▅▅▃▄▅▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 17.06 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▁▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂█▂▂▃▃▂▃▃▃▁▂▃▂▁▁▂▄▃▂▂▄▃▁ avg(k/sec) 8.73▕ swarm size (avg): 236.96  ⟲Jun 03 03:21
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 03:27
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJun 03 03:27
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 03:34
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 03:34
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 03:35
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 03:36
*rianne__ (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 03:50
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 03:50
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 03:50
*liberty_box (~liberty@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 03:50
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▂▅▇▅▄▅▆▄▃▅▅▆▄▅▅▅▆▆▂▃▇▆▃▆▆▆▄▅▃▄▆▆▅▇▅▁ avg(k/sec) 25.71 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▂▁▄▂▄▁▂▁█▂▁▃▄▂▂▃▄▁▃▃▂▂▃▃▃▃▁▂▃▂▃▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 32.30▕ swarm size (avg): 237.05  ⟲Jun 03 04:19
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▂▅▇▅▄▅▆▄▃▅▅▆▄▅▅▅▆▆▂▃▇▆▃▆▆▆▄▅▃▄▆▆▅▇▅▁ avg(k/sec) 25.71 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁▂▁▄▂▄▁▂▁█▂▁▃▄▂▂▃▄▁▃▃▂▂▃▃▃▃▁▂▃▂▃▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 32.30▕ swarm size (avg): 237.05  ⟲Jun 03 04:19
*leah (~unoccupie@libreboot/developer/leah) has joined #techrightsJun 03 04:39
*is0ke3 (~is0ke3@unaffiliated/isokee) has left #techrights ("Zzzzz..... ")Jun 03 04:53
*Polsaker has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 04:59
*AdmFubar ( has left #techrightsJun 03 05:17
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▃▄▆▃▁▅▁▇▅▅▃▄▅▅▇▆▅▂▃▁▅▅▆▃▅▃▂▃▅▁ avg(k/sec) 21.00 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂█▂▁▂▁▂▁▇█▂█▂▂▁▂█▂▂▁▂▁▃▁▄▂▃▂▂▆▇█▂▁ avg(k/sec) 81.36▕ swarm size (avg): 237.09  ⟲Jun 03 05:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▃▄▅▄▅▅▃▄▆▃▁▅▁▇▅▅▃▄▅▅▇▆▅▂▃▁▅▅▆▃▅▃▂▃▅▁ avg(k/sec) 21.00 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂█▂▁▂▁▂▁▇█▂█▂▂▁▂█▂▂▁▂▁▃▁▄▂▃▂▂▆▇█▂▁ avg(k/sec) 81.36▕ swarm size (avg): 237.09  ⟲Jun 03 05:18
*stormchaser3000 (~stormchas@unaffiliated/stormchaser3000) has joined #techrightsJun 03 05:22
stormchaser3000/fneveryone on here probably knows already, but did anyone see that the GCC project no longer requires contributed code to be signed over to the FSF?Jun 03 05:22
stormchaser3000everyone on here probably knows already, but did anyone see that the GCC project no longer requires contributed code to be signed over to the FSF?Jun 03 05:22
MinceRindeedJun 03 05:23
MinceR/fnindeedJun 03 05:23
stormchaser3000figured as muchJun 03 05:23
stormchaser3000/fnfigured as muchJun 03 05:23
stormchaser3000just thought I would mention it :)Jun 03 05:23
stormchaser3000/fnjust thought I would mention it :)Jun 03 05:23
stormchaser3000ugh... this division is destroying everything it touchesJun 03 05:25
stormchaser3000/fnugh... this division is destroying everything it touchesJun 03 05:25
stormchaser3000if developers could pull their code out of gcc because they didn't assign their copyright to the FSF, that woudl be a disasterJun 03 05:26
stormchaser3000/fnif developers could pull their code out of gcc because they didn't assign their copyright to the FSF, that woudl be a disasterJun 03 05:26
stormchaser3000/fnsimilar to that Linux kernel situation from a few years agoJun 03 05:26
stormchaser3000similar to that Linux kernel situation from a few years agoJun 03 05:26
MinceRcan they really do that?Jun 03 05:26
MinceR/fncan they really do that?Jun 03 05:26
stormchaser3000I don't see why not if they own the copyrightJun 03 05:26
stormchaser3000/fnI don't see why not if they own the copyrightJun 03 05:26
MinceRbecause others already have a license from themJun 03 05:27
MinceR/fnbecause others already have a license from themJun 03 05:27
stormchaser3000they may not be able to prevent others from sharing the code, but I think they could pull it out of the main project... I don't know... I would have to ask a lawyerJun 03 05:27
stormchaser3000/fnthey may not be able to prevent others from sharing the code, but I think they could pull it out of the main project... I don't know... I would have to ask a lawyerJun 03 05:27
MinceRthe GPLv3 even says the rights granted under it are irrevocable, though i don't know how that holds up against various legal systemsJun 03 05:28
MinceR/fnthe GPLv3 even says the rights granted under it are irrevocable, though i don't know how that holds up against various legal systemsJun 03 05:28
stormchaser3000I don't know eitherJun 03 05:28
stormchaser3000/fnI don't know eitherJun 03 05:28
MinceR/fnin any case, most free software projects don't have a CLA and afaik some (like upstart and canonical's unity) were killed by having a CLAJun 03 05:29
MinceRin any case, most free software projects don't have a CLA and afaik some (like upstart and canonical's unity) were killed by having a CLAJun 03 05:29
MinceR(and thus making developers not want to contribute)Jun 03 05:29
MinceR/fn(and thus making developers not want to contribute)Jun 03 05:29
stormchaser3000fair pointJun 03 05:29
stormchaser3000/fnfair pointJun 03 05:29
*stormchaser3000 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 03 05:33
*gustaf (~gerikson@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 05:49
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▆▅▅▃▄▄▅▆▄▅▅▂▃▄▂▅▄▅▄▅▅▃▁▆▁▂▃▆▆▂▅▆▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 22.51 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▃▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂█▁▁▂▂▂▃▃▂▁▁▂█▁▃▂█▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 42.53▕ swarm size (avg): 237.12  ⟲Jun 03 06:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▆▅▅▃▄▄▅▆▄▅▅▂▃▄▂▅▄▅▄▅▅▃▁▆▁▂▃▆▆▂▅▆▆▅▁ avg(k/sec) 22.51 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▃▂▁▂▂▂▁▂▂█▁▁▂▂▂▃▃▂▁▁▂█▁▃▂█▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 42.53▕ swarm size (avg): 237.12  ⟲Jun 03 06:18
*oarion7 (anonymous@gateway/vpn/airvpn/oarion7) has joined #techrightsJun 03 06:18
schestowitzwow, this is really awful; one of my machines cannot connect to the network anymore... and doesn't specify a proper reasonJun 03 06:54
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] wow, this is really awful; one of my machines cannot connect to the network anymore... and doesn't specify a proper reasonJun 03 06:54
schestowitza couple more machines had this issue, but they reconnected later... this one too reconnected for 20 more minutes, then lost the connection againJun 03 06:54
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] a couple more machines had this issue, but they reconnected later... this one too reconnected for 20 more minutes, then lost the connection againJun 03 06:54
schestowitznot sure what to try at this stageJun 03 06:55
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] not sure what to try at this stageJun 03 06:55
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Jun 03 07:01
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▆▁▄▃▆▄▆▇▂▂▃▂▅▆▆▅▅▄▅▃▃▅▅▅▂▁▄▅▂▆▄▁ avg(k/sec) 21.96 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁█▂▁▂▁▂▂█▁▁▃▁▂▂▂▂▃▁█▃▁▂▁▁█▁▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 29.41▕ swarm size (avg): 237.15  ⟲Jun 03 07:17
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▆▁▄▃▆▄▆▇▂▂▃▂▅▆▆▅▅▄▅▃▃▅▅▅▂▁▄▅▂▆▄▁ avg(k/sec) 21.96 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▁█▂▁▂▁▂▂█▁▁▃▁▂▂▂▂▃▁█▃▁▂▁▁█▁▁▂▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 29.41▕ swarm size (avg): 237.15  ⟲Jun 03 07:17
*techrights-ipfs has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 07:36
*rianne__ has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 07:37
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 07:38
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 07:40
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 07:40
*rianne__ (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 07:41
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 07:41
*liberty_box (~liberty@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 07:42
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 07:42
*Guest10502 (~shawn@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:01
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 03 08:01
*rsheftel143 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:06
*rsheftel14 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 08:08
*Guest10502 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 08:26
*techrights-ipfs (~techright@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:c7f2:e919:b6dc:6252) has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:31
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▇▅▃▄▄▅▆▅▃▄▄▅▂▃▅▅▅▅▃▅▅▁▅▁▃▃▄▅▃▄▂▃▄▅▂▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.53 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▃▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▃█▂█▁▂▁▁▂▁▂█▂▁ avg(k/sec) 54.75▕ swarm size (avg): 237.19  ⟲Jun 03 08:31
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▇▅▃▄▄▅▆▅▃▄▄▅▂▃▅▅▅▅▃▅▅▁▅▁▃▃▄▅▃▄▂▃▄▅▂▅▁ avg(k/sec) 20.53 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▃▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▃█▂█▁▂▁▁▂▁▂█▂▁ avg(k/sec) 54.75▕ swarm size (avg): 237.19  ⟲Jun 03 08:31
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:41
*techrights-ipfs has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 03 08:43
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 08:44
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:45
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 08:47
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJun 03 08:48
techrights-bot"Instead of talking so much cr-p imagine just getting fired. At least IBM secured a contract to keep some of their employees employed." 03 08:55
techrights-bot/fn"Instead of talking so much cr-p imagine just getting fired. At least IBM secured a contract to keep some of their employees employed." 03 08:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 08:55
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 08:56
techrights-bot"Why can't young people of color learn rudimentary skills to perform their jobs? Is the old white guy preventing them from learning the basics? You are racist bruh" 03 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why would IBM need to layoff massively? Droves of people are leaving on their own! - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 08:56
techrights-bot/fn"Why can't young people of color learn rudimentary skills to perform their jobs? Is the old white guy preventing them from learning the basics? You are racist bruh" 03 08:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why would IBM need to layoff massively? Droves of people are leaving on their own! - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 08:56
techrights-bot#Techrights Bulletin for Wednesday, June 02, 2021 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextJun 03 08:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesJun 03 08:56
techrights-bot/fn#Techrights Bulletin for Wednesday, June 02, 2021 full archive: #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintextJun 03 08:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bulletin ArchivesJun 03 08:56
techrights-bot#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingJun 03 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexJun 03 08:57
techrights-bot/fn#Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now available as plain text @ #dweb #sharingJun 03 08:57
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights Full IPFS IndexJun 03 08:57
techrights-bot#PopOS 21.04 Beta lets you try out the new COSMIC desktop for System76’s Linux distritbution • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 08:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta lets you try out the new COSMIC desktop for System76’s Linux distritbution | Tux MachinesJun 03 08:57
techrights-bot/fn#PopOS 21.04 Beta lets you try out the new COSMIC desktop for System76’s Linux distritbution • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 08:57
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta lets you try out the new COSMIC desktop for System76’s Linux distritbution | Tux MachinesJun 03 08:57
techrights-botLots of work on barrier and synergy today, connecting 6 laptops over the network to improve efficiency and workspace at home. Old laptops, but each has its own computation unit. Better than one overpriced laptop and a lot cheaper too.Jun 03 09:02
techrights-bot/fnLots of work on barrier and synergy today, connecting 6 laptops over the network to improve efficiency and workspace at home. Old laptops, but each has its own computation unit. Better than one overpriced laptop and a lot cheaper too.Jun 03 09:02
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #uniToronto ☞ Simple use of Let's Encrypt on #OpenBSD is pleasantly straightforward (as of 6.8 03 09:03
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #uniToronto ☞ Simple use of Let's Encrypt on #OpenBSD is pleasantly straightforward (as of 6.8 03 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/OpenBSDNiceLetsEncryptJun 03 09:03
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/unix/OpenBSDNiceLetsEncryptJun 03 09:03
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #GiovanniCollazo ☞ Logging is important 03 09:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Logging is important – Giovanni CollazoJun 03 09:03
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #GiovanniCollazo ☞ Logging is important 03 09:03
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Logging is important – Giovanni CollazoJun 03 09:04
immibis<samiamsam> cancelling fascists is good <-- everyone thinks the people they're cancelling are bad peopleJun 03 09:04
immibis/fn<samiamsam> cancelling fascists is good <-- everyone thinks the people they're cancelling are bad peopleJun 03 09:04
techrights-bot#mozilla #firefox deleted from one more laptop and replaced with #netsurf (good enough to access the site I need and care for). #gnu #linux #xfce4Jun 03 09:04
techrights-bot/fn#mozilla #firefox deleted from one more laptop and replaced with #netsurf (good enough to access the site I need and care for). #gnu #linux #xfce4Jun 03 09:04
alextee[m]the act of cancelling is fascist in itself lolJun 03 09:04
alextee[m]/fnthe act of cancelling is fascist in itself lolJun 03 09:04
immibisalextee[m]: some guy got cancelled from this channelJun 03 09:05
immibis/fnalextee[m]: some guy got cancelled from this channelJun 03 09:05
alextee[m]iTs GoOd WhEn We Do ItJun 03 09:05
alextee[m]/fniTs GoOd WhEn We Do ItJun 03 09:05
immibisfor having the wrong opinionsJun 03 09:05
immibis/fnfor having the wrong opinionsJun 03 09:05
schestowitzwho?Jun 03 09:05
schestowitz/fnwho?Jun 03 09:05
immibismjg59_. And MinceR is justifying it by saying "this isn't a social circle". seems rather hypocriticalJun 03 09:06
immibis/fnmjg59_. And MinceR is justifying it by saying "this isn't a social circle". seems rather hypocriticalJun 03 09:06
schestowitzno, not the reasonJun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnno, not the reasonJun 03 09:06
schestowitzhe's not canceledJun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnhe's not canceledJun 03 09:06
schestowitzhe's a saboteur whose sole goal is to kill the siteJun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnhe's a saboteur whose sole goal is to kill the siteJun 03 09:06
schestowitzhe's inject sex into the channelJun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnhe's inject sex into the channelJun 03 09:06
schestowitzand then shout, RAPE!Jun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnand then shout, RAPE!Jun 03 09:06
schestowitzit's worse than a trollJun 03 09:06
schestowitz/fnit's worse than a trollJun 03 09:06
immibisis that not also free speech?Jun 03 09:07
immibis/fnis that not also free speech?Jun 03 09:07
schestowitznoJun 03 09:07
schestowitz/fnnoJun 03 09:07
schestowitzthat's sabotageJun 03 09:07
schestowitz/fnthat's sabotageJun 03 09:07
immibiswhy is it not free speech?Jun 03 09:07
immibis/fnwhy is it not free speech?Jun 03 09:07
schestowitzyou need to look it upJun 03 09:07
schestowitz/fnyou need to look it upJun 03 09:07
schestowitz 03 09:07
schestowitz/fn 03 09:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Professional Troll Matthew Garrett Spreads Libel, Defamation and Slander About the Free Software Community to Entertain Microsoft and Friends | TechrightsJun 03 09:07
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Professional Troll Matthew Garrett Spreads Libel, Defamation and Slander About the Free Software Community to Entertain Microsoft and Friends | TechrightsJun 03 09:07
schestowitzif I come to a store and shout at the clerk "FUCK ME!"Jun 03 09:08
schestowitz/fnif I come to a store and shout at the clerk "FUCK ME!"Jun 03 09:08
schestowitzIs that free speech?Jun 03 09:08
schestowitz/fnIs that free speech?Jun 03 09:08
schestowitzOr am I breaking some key rules?Jun 03 09:08
schestowitz/fnOr am I breaking some key rules?Jun 03 09:08
schestowitzHow about, "I'm gonna kill you!"Jun 03 09:08
schestowitz/fnHow about, "I'm gonna kill you!"Jun 03 09:08
schestowitzhe was NOT cancelled for his "views"Jun 03 09:09
schestowitz/fnhe was NOT cancelled for his "views"Jun 03 09:09
schestowitznot even canceled, just mutedJun 03 09:09
schestowitz/fnnot even canceled, just mutedJun 03 09:09
schestowitzfor attempting to do nothing but cause disruption and defame peopleeJun 03 09:09
schestowitz/fnfor attempting to do nothing but cause disruption and defame peopleeJun 03 09:09
schestowitzalso inciting people to try to get the site deplatformedJun 03 09:10
schestowitz/fnalso inciting people to try to get the site deplatformedJun 03 09:10
schestowitzhe's a real slime of a personJun 03 09:10
schestowitz/fnhe's a real slime of a personJun 03 09:10
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Rachel ☞ Please don't count outages (or SEVs, or whatever) 03 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Please don't count outages (or SEVs, or whatever)Jun 03 09:11
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Rachel ☞ Please don't count outages (or SEVs, or whatever) 03 09:11
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Please don't count outages (or SEVs, or whatever)Jun 03 09:11
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #JeffGeerling #Hardware ☞ The #Apple M1 compiles Linux 30% faster than my Intel i9 03 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Apple M1 compiles Linux 30% faster than my Intel i9 | Jeff GeerlingJun 03 09:12
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #JeffGeerling #Hardware ☞ The #Apple M1 compiles Linux 30% faster than my Intel i9 03 09:12
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Apple M1 compiles Linux 30% faster than my Intel i9 | Jeff GeerlingJun 03 09:12
techrights-bot/fn𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 #IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, June 02, 2021 • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 09:14
techrights-bot𝕋𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 #IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, June 02, 2021 • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 09:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, June 02, 2021 | TechrightsJun 03 09:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, June 02, 2021 | TechrightsJun 03 09:14
techrights-botIRC logs for Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 09:15
techrights-bot/fnIRC logs for Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 09:15
schestowitzXRevan86: was the LC bridge removed or something?Jun 03 09:16
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] XRevan86: was the LC bridge removed or something?Jun 03 09:16
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #SiliconAngle #ProprietarySoftware ☞ New ‘Epsilon Red’ ransomware is targeting [sic] unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers 03 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-New 'Epsilon Red' ransomware is targeting unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers - SiliconANGLEJun 03 09:19
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #SiliconAngle #ProprietarySoftware ☞ New ‘Epsilon Red’ ransomware is targeting [sic] unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers 03 09:19
TechrightsBot-tr/fnNew 'Epsilon Red' ransomware is targeting unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers - SiliconANGLEJun 03 09:19
techrights-bot#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheHill #ProprietarySoftware ☞ #FBI says Russia-linked group behind JBS [crack] 03 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FBI says Russia-linked group behind JBS hack | TheHillJun 03 09:20
techrights-bot/fn#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheHill #ProprietarySoftware ☞ #FBI says Russia-linked group behind JBS [crack] 03 09:20
TechrightsBot-tr/fnFBI says Russia-linked group behind JBS hack | TheHillJun 03 09:20
techrights-bot#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #Bloomberg #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Russia-Linked Group Behind JBS Attack Revels in ‘Audaciousness’ 03 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Jun 03 09:20
techrights-bot/fn#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #Bloomberg #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Russia-Linked Group Behind JBS Attack Revels in ‘Audaciousness’ 03 09:20
TechrightsBot-tr/fnBloomberg - Are you a robot?Jun 03 09:20
techrights-bot#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheVerge #ProprietarySoftware ☞ FBI names REvil as the group behind meat supplier cyberattack 03 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI names REvil as the group behind meat supplier cyberattack - The VergeJun 03 09:21
techrights-bot/fn#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheVerge #ProprietarySoftware ☞ FBI names REvil as the group behind meat supplier cyberattack 03 09:21
TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI names REvil as the group behind meat supplier cyberattack - The VergeJun 03 09:21
techrights-bot#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheRecord #ProprietarySoftware ☞ FBI: #JBS ransomware attack was carried out by REvil 03 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI: JBS ransomware attack was carried out by REvil | The Record by Recorded FutureJun 03 09:21
techrights-bot/fn#Microsoft #Windows TCO: ● #TheRecord #ProprietarySoftware ☞ FBI: #JBS ransomware attack was carried out by REvil 03 09:21
TechrightsBot-tr/ | FBI: JBS ransomware attack was carried out by REvil | The Record by Recorded FutureJun 03 09:21
Techrights-sec 03 09:24
tr-bridge[T​echrights-sec/tr] 03 09:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Matthew Garrett (@mjg59): "(CW, sexual violence, linking to screenshot of text so people have to click through) Techrights IRC is having a normal one, by which I mean this is absolutely not an unusual level of discourse there:" | nitterJun 03 09:24
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Matthew Garrett (@mjg59): "(CW, sexual violence, linking to screenshot of text so people have to click through) Techrights IRC is having a normal one, by which I mean this is absolutely not an unusual level of discourse there:" | nitterJun 03 09:24
schestowitzthe troll doing his ritual defamation againJun 03 09:24
schestowitz/fnthe troll doing his ritual defamation againJun 03 09:24
schestowitzhe'll never stopJun 03 09:24
schestowitz/fnhe'll never stopJun 03 09:24
schestowitzin this case using BaronVladimirHarJun 03 09:24
schestowitz/fnin this case using BaronVladimirHarJun 03 09:24
schestowitztold you he'd use you to inflame peopleJun 03 09:25
schestowitz/fntold you he'd use you to inflame peopleJun 03 09:25
schestowitzanyway, he picks people who clearly don't speak for the siteJun 03 09:25
schestowitz/fnanyway, he picks people who clearly don't speak for the siteJun 03 09:25
immibisyes, shouting FUCK ME at a store is free speechJun 03 09:27
immibis/fnyes, shouting FUCK ME at a store is free speechJun 03 09:27
schestowitzso now he's basically down to:Jun 03 09:27
schestowitz/fnso now he's basically down to:Jun 03 09:27
immibisso is "I'm gonna kill you!"Jun 03 09:27
immibis/fnso is "I'm gonna kill you!"Jun 03 09:27
schestowitz/fn"look, I entered some IRC channel"Jun 03 09:28
schestowitz"look, I entered some IRC channel"Jun 03 09:28
schestowitz"someone said something really bad"Jun 03 09:28
schestowitz/fn"someone said something really bad"Jun 03 09:28
schestowitzimmibis: but they defy other lawsJun 03 09:28
schestowitz/fnimmibis: but they defy other lawsJun 03 09:28
immibis/fnmore like "someone accused me of being a child rapist"Jun 03 09:28
immibismore like "someone accused me of being a child rapist"Jun 03 09:28
schestowitzlike, I can report you to authorities for death threatsJun 03 09:28
schestowitz/fnlike, I can report you to authorities for death threatsJun 03 09:28
immibiswell then, I don't have free speechJun 03 09:29
immibis/fnwell then, I don't have free speechJun 03 09:29
schestowitzanyway, the quality of smears against us took a tumble... quoting random people in IRC, which is open to everyone on multiple networksJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnanyway, the quality of smears against us took a tumble... quoting random people in IRC, which is open to everyone on multiple networksJun 03 09:29
schestowitzbbiabJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnbbiabJun 03 09:29
schestowitzit's a waste of time to even entertain this tollJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnit's a waste of time to even entertain this tollJun 03 09:29
schestowitztrollJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fntrollJun 03 09:29
schestowitzthey try to gross people outJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnthey try to gross people outJun 03 09:29
schestowitzand fabricate thingsJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnand fabricate thingsJun 03 09:29
schestowitz2 days ago: 03 09:29
schestowitz/fn2 days ago: 03 09:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Libel Initiative: OSI President Falsely Insinuates OSI Critics Are Homophobic and Requests Censorship of Wikipedia (for OSI) | TechrightsJun 03 09:29
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Libel Initiative: OSI President Falsely Insinuates OSI Critics Are Homophobic and Requests Censorship of Wikipedia (for OSI) | TechrightsJun 03 09:29
schestowitzthey just try to paint a false picture of the site, based on fabricationsJun 03 09:29
schestowitz/fnthey just try to paint a false picture of the site, based on fabricationsJun 03 09:29
immibis^ there's a link saying it's bad to call people homophobic, but you say it's perfectly fine to call people child rapists?Jun 03 09:30
immibis/fn^ there's a link saying it's bad to call people homophobic, but you say it's perfectly fine to call people child rapists?Jun 03 09:30
schestowitznot the point..Jun 03 09:30
schestowitz/fnnot the point..Jun 03 09:30
schestowitzthe point isJun 03 09:30
schestowitz/fnthe point isJun 03 09:30
schestowitzhe was provoking hereJun 03 09:30
schestowitz/fnhe was provoking hereJun 03 09:30
schestowitzbringing up sexJun 03 09:31
schestowitz/fnbringing up sexJun 03 09:31
schestowitzand lurking here for dirtJun 03 09:31
schestowitz/fnand lurking here for dirtJun 03 09:31
schestowitzto he can write malicious tweets out of contextJun 03 09:31
schestowitz/fnto he can write malicious tweets out of contextJun 03 09:31
schestowitzto make it look like techrights is just some site that talks things like thatJun 03 09:31
schestowitz/fnto make it look like techrights is just some site that talks things like thatJun 03 09:31
schestowitzwhen the troll himself, Garrett, was the one interjecting sex into the channelJun 03 09:31
schestowitz/fnwhen the troll himself, Garrett, was the one interjecting sex into the channelJun 03 09:31
schestowitzI hope you at least understand why AFTER ALMOST A YEAR OF ALLOW HIM TO TALK (in the name of free speech) MinceR muted himJun 03 09:32
schestowitz/fnI hope you at least understand why AFTER ALMOST A YEAR OF ALLOW HIM TO TALK (in the name of free speech) MinceR muted himJun 03 09:32
schestowitzthese are vandalsJun 03 09:32
schestowitz/fnthese are vandalsJun 03 09:32
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #CoryDoctorow #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ Google cheats on location privacy 03 09:32
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #CoryDoctorow #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ Google cheats on location privacy 03 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pluralistic: 01 Jun 2021 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory DoctorowJun 03 09:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pluralistic: 01 Jun 2021 – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory DoctorowJun 03 09:32
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #InternetSociety #isoc #internet #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ How Do Surveillance Laws Impact the Economy? 03 09:32
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #InternetSociety #isoc #internet #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ How Do Surveillance Laws Impact the Economy? 03 09:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Do Surveillance Laws Impact the Economy? | Internet SocietyJun 03 09:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Do Surveillance Laws Impact the Economy? | Internet SocietyJun 03 09:32
techrights-botHands-On with System76’s COSMIC Desktop for Pop!_OS Linux 21.04 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 09:34
techrights-bot/fnHands-On with System76’s COSMIC Desktop for Pop!_OS Linux 21.04 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 09:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-On with System76’s COSMIC Desktop for Pop!_OS Linux 21.04 | Tux MachinesJun 03 09:34
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hands-On with System76’s COSMIC Desktop for Pop!_OS Linux 21.04 | Tux MachinesJun 03 09:34
immibistalking about sex is free speechJun 03 09:34
immibis/fntalking about sex is free speechJun 03 09:34
schestowitzhe's throw bricks at us is he couldJun 03 09:35
schestowitz/fnhe's throw bricks at us is he couldJun 03 09:35
schestowitzbut instead he's trying all he can to destory the channel and the siteJun 03 09:35
schestowitz/fnbut instead he's trying all he can to destory the channel and the siteJun 03 09:35
schestowitzwith or without spewing provocation and abuse in these IRC foraJun 03 09:35
schestowitz/fnwith or without spewing provocation and abuse in these IRC foraJun 03 09:35
schestowitzmind youJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnmind youJun 03 09:36
schestowitzwe're not aloneJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnwe're not aloneJun 03 09:36
schestowitzhe also did this repeated to RMS and Linux TorvaldsJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnhe also did this repeated to RMS and Linux TorvaldsJun 03 09:36
schestowitzrepeatedlyJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnrepeatedlyJun 03 09:36
schestowitzfor many yearsJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnfor many yearsJun 03 09:36
schestowitzwith varying degree of successJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnwith varying degree of successJun 03 09:36
schestowitzTorvalds was demoted or removed temporarilyJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnTorvalds was demoted or removed temporarilyJun 03 09:36
schestowitzand we know where RMS stands these daysJun 03 09:36
schestowitz/fnand we know where RMS stands these daysJun 03 09:36
schestowitzmaybe he should revisit Ireland and do that in some pub in BelfastJun 03 09:37
schestowitz/fnmaybe he should revisit Ireland and do that in some pub in BelfastJun 03 09:37
schestowitzwe'll see how far that goes...Jun 03 09:37
schestowitz/fnwe'll see how far that goes...Jun 03 09:37
schestowitzbefore he gets shotJun 03 09:37
schestowitz/fnbefore he gets shotJun 03 09:37
immibistalking about sex is not violenceJun 03 09:38
immibis/fntalking about sex is not violenceJun 03 09:38
schestowitzliving in a complete fantasy world where you can be a complete a-hole and expect no response is the sort of fantasy world he and his ilk are losingJun 03 09:38
schestowitz/fnliving in a complete fantasy world where you can be a complete a-hole and expect no response is the sort of fantasy world he and his ilk are losingJun 03 09:38
schestowitzbecause they drive people away from themJun 03 09:39
schestowitz/fnbecause they drive people away from themJun 03 09:39
schestowitzeven people whom they want us to think are alliesJun 03 09:39
schestowitz/fneven people whom they want us to think are alliesJun 03 09:39
schestowitzeven leftists get disgusted by themJun 03 09:39
schestowitz/fneven leftists get disgusted by themJun 03 09:39
immibismaybe you should join IRCv3 and create the BULLETMSG extensionJun 03 09:39
immibis/fnmaybe you should join IRCv3 and create the BULLETMSG extensionJun 03 09:39
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Bloomberg #Finance ☞ #Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Can’t Sue YouTube Over Bitcoin Scam 03 09:40
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Bloomberg #Finance ☞ #Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Can’t Sue YouTube Over Bitcoin Scam 03 09:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Jun 03 09:40
TechrightsBot-tr/fnBloomberg - Are you a robot?Jun 03 09:40
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 09:47
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 09:47
schestowitzimmibis: I try to focus on reading and writingJun 03 09:47
schestowitz/fnimmibis: I try to focus on reading and writingJun 03 09:47
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 09:47
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 09:47
schestowitzwe also do admin and code workJun 03 09:47
schestowitz/fnwe also do admin and code workJun 03 09:47
schestowitzimmibis: xrevan does much of the irc bridgingJun 03 09:47
schestowitz/fnimmibis: xrevan does much of the irc bridgingJun 03 09:47
schestowitzkaniini and MinceR help a lot with IRC stuffJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnkaniini and MinceR help a lot with IRC stuffJun 03 09:48
schestowitzI did not write much this morning due to network issuesJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnI did not write much this morning due to network issuesJun 03 09:48
schestowitzwhich we overcome slowlyJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnwhich we overcome slowlyJun 03 09:48
schestowitzand i don't want to let the above-mentioned troll waste time eitherJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnand i don't want to let the above-mentioned troll waste time eitherJun 03 09:48
schestowitzhe has done worseJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnhe has done worseJun 03 09:48
schestowitzlike trying to imply rape apologismJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnlike trying to imply rape apologismJun 03 09:48
schestowitzseems like a modus operandiJun 03 09:48
schestowitz/fnseems like a modus operandiJun 03 09:48
schestowitzaccuse your opponent of something phobic, even if that's totally falseJun 03 09:49
schestowitz/fnaccuse your opponent of something phobic, even if that's totally falseJun 03 09:49
schestowitzthis was done to RMSJun 03 09:49
schestowitz/fnthis was done to RMSJun 03 09:49
immibisaccusing of xphobia is bad, but accusing of child rape is okay?Jun 03 09:54
immibis/fnaccusing of xphobia is bad, but accusing of child rape is okay?Jun 03 09:54
schestowitzwho? BaronVladimirHar?Jun 03 09:56
schestowitz/fnwho? BaronVladimirHar?Jun 03 09:56
schestowitzask him, not meJun 03 09:56
schestowitz/fnask him, not meJun 03 09:56
schestowitzbtw, he accused him of no such think afaictJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnbtw, he accused him of no such think afaictJun 03 09:57
schestowitzhe accused him of turning a blind eye to people who rape kidsJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnhe accused him of turning a blind eye to people who rape kidsJun 03 09:57
schestowitzbased on abuse garrett had given himJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnbased on abuse garrett had given himJun 03 09:57
schestowitzlike sending him DM about CPJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnlike sending him DM about CPJun 03 09:57
schestowitzyou are new here, immibisJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnyou are new here, immibisJun 03 09:57
schestowitzso maybe you could use some pointers to history of it allJun 03 09:57
schestowitz/fnso maybe you could use some pointers to history of it allJun 03 09:57
schestowitzWE TOLERATED A LOT FROM THAT TROLL, since last yearJun 03 09:58
schestowitz/fnWE TOLERATED A LOT FROM THAT TROLL, since last yearJun 03 09:58
schestowitzwithout mutingJun 03 09:58
schestowitz/fnwithout mutingJun 03 09:58
*is0ke3 (~is0ke3@unaffiliated/isokee) has joined #techrightsJun 03 09:59
schestowitzhi, is0ke3Jun 03 10:00
schestowitz/fnhi, is0ke3Jun 03 10:00
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #BroadbandBreakfast #Censorship ☞ Automated #SocialControlMedia Moderation In Focus Following Allegations Of Censorship 03 10:00
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #BroadbandBreakfast #Censorship ☞ Automated #SocialControlMedia Moderation In Focus Following Allegations Of Censorship 03 10:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Automated Social Media Moderation In Focus Following Allegations Of Censorship : Broadband BreakfastJun 03 10:00
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Automated Social Media Moderation In Focus Following Allegations Of Censorship : Broadband BreakfastJun 03 10:00
schestowitz   <li>Jun 03 10:00
schestowitz/fn<li>Jun 03 10:00
schestowitz                      <h5><a href="">GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF</a></h5>Jun 03 10:00
schestowitz/fn<h5><a href="">GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF</a></h5>Jun 03 10:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF - Software Freedom Law CenterJun 03 10:00
TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Drops Requirement of Copyright Assignment to FSF - Software Freedom Law CenterJun 03 10:00
schestowitz                      <blockquote>Jun 03 10:00
schestowitz/fn<blockquote>Jun 03 10:01
schestowitz                        <p>I am not, and SFLC is not, counsel to FSF, the GNU Project, or the GCC Steering Committee. We do not speak for any of them. I have read the GCC Steering Committee statement on copyright assignment, and on that basis I can give an independent legal opinion.</p></blockquote></li>Jun 03 10:01
schestowitz/fn<p>I am not, and SFLC is not, counsel to FSF, the GNU Project, or the GCC Steering Committee. We do not speak for any of them. I have read the GCC Steering Committee statement on copyright assignment, and on that basis I can give an independent legal opinion.</p></blockquote></li>Jun 03 10:01
is0ke3/fnhelloJun 03 10:01
is0ke3helloJun 03 10:01
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #GCC ☞ Update to #GCC copyright assignment policy 03 10:01
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #GCC ☞ Update to #GCC copyright assignment policy 03 10:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Update to GCC copyright assignment policyJun 03 10:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Update to GCC copyright assignment policyJun 03 10:01
schestowitzimmibis: do you want some background and context?Jun 03 10:03
schestowitz/fnimmibis: do you want some background and context?Jun 03 10:03
schestowitzyou are relatively new here, I don't want to come across as hostileJun 03 10:03
schestowitz/fnyou are relatively new here, I don't want to come across as hostileJun 03 10:03
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 10:03
schestowitzI just want to get on with writing and stuff, not deal with all the manufactured drama created by people who try to undermine the workJun 03 10:03
schestowitz/fnI just want to get on with writing and stuff, not deal with all the manufactured drama created by people who try to undermine the workJun 03 10:03
schestowitzeither by preventing it happening or discouraging people linking to, associating etc. (which is their modus)Jun 03 10:04
schestowitz/fneither by preventing it happening or discouraging people linking to, associating etc. (which is their modus)Jun 03 10:04
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #CreativeCommons ☞ The 2021 #CC Global Summit Call for Proposals Is Now Open 03 10:04
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #CreativeCommons ☞ The 2021 #CC Global Summit Call for Proposals Is Now Open 03 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 2021 CC Global Summit Call for Proposals Is Now Open - Creative CommonsJun 03 10:04
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 2021 CC Global Summit Call for Proposals Is Now Open - Creative CommonsJun 03 10:04
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 10:06
*asusbox2 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 10:06
techrights-bot#AtariVCS Home Gaming and Entertainment System Releasing June 15 - mxdwn Games ⚓ ䷉ #games | more in 03 10:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Atari VCS Home Gaming and Entertainment System Releasing June 15 - mxdwn GamesJun 03 10:06
techrights-bot/fn#AtariVCS Home Gaming and Entertainment System Releasing June 15 - mxdwn Games ⚓ ䷉ #games | more in 03 10:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 10:06
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Atari VCS Home Gaming and Entertainment System Releasing June 15 - mxdwn GamesJun 03 10:06
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 10:06
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 10:06
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 10:08
techrights-botProton Experimental prepares for #NVIDIA #DLSS , optional #NVAPI and more game fixes 03 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:09
techrights-bot/fnProton Experimental prepares for #NVIDIA #DLSS , optional #NVAPI and more game fixes 03 10:09
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:09
techrights-botIt's been over "20 years in the making", #Blender3d 2.93 LTS is out now #freeswJun 03 10:11
techrights-bot/fnIt's been over "20 years in the making", #Blender3d 2.93 LTS is out now #freeswJun 03 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:11
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:11
gustafschestowitz: there's no need for anyone to screenshot something, becuse the same content is published for all to see 1 day later; 03 10:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 10:12
gustaf/fnschestowitz: there's no need for anyone to screenshot something, becuse the same content is published for all to see 1 day later; 03 10:12
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 10:12
techrights-bot"AI improvements" = further changed to code. HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI. 03 10:12
techrights-bot/fn"AI improvements" = further changed to code. HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI. 03 10:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Total War: ROME REMASTERED gets a small first patch, devs looking into AI improvements | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 10:12
TechrightsBot-tr/fnTotal War: ROME REMASTERED gets a small first patch, devs looking into AI improvements | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 10:12
schestowitzgustaf: true, with context tooJun 03 10:12
schestowitz/fngustaf: true, with context tooJun 03 10:12
schestowitzafaik, almost everyone ignored BaronVladimirHar at the timeJun 03 10:13
schestowitz/fnafaik, almost everyone ignored BaronVladimirHar at the timeJun 03 10:13
schestowitzBTW, BaronVladimirHar is gayJun 03 10:13
schestowitz/fnBTW, BaronVladimirHar is gayJun 03 10:13
schestowitzand so that sort of puts in context what he saidJun 03 10:13
schestowitz/fnand so that sort of puts in context what he saidJun 03 10:13
schestowitzhe's upset at people who claim to be -- in their OWN words -- "SJW" and then ignore the people who commit genocide against gaysJun 03 10:13
schestowitz/fnhe's upset at people who claim to be -- in their OWN words -- "SJW" and then ignore the people who commit genocide against gaysJun 03 10:13
schestowitzthey instead pick on people like Torvalds and RMS, who are left leaning and tolerantJun 03 10:14
schestowitz/fnthey instead pick on people like Torvalds and RMS, who are left leaning and tolerantJun 03 10:14
gustafok, thanks for expanding.Jun 03 10:14
gustaf/fnok, thanks for expanding.Jun 03 10:14
schestowitzthey even try to call Torvalds "sexist" 03 10:14
schestowitz/fnthey even try to call Torvalds "sexist" 03 10:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | They Tell Us Linus Torvalds is Sexist But Evidence Suggests Otherwise | TechrightsJun 03 10:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | They Tell Us Linus Torvalds is Sexist But Evidence Suggests Otherwise | TechrightsJun 03 10:14
schestowitzthey're best off ignoredJun 03 10:14
schestowitz/fnthey're best off ignoredJun 03 10:14
schestowitzand guess who pays themJun 03 10:14
schestowitz/fnand guess who pays themJun 03 10:14
schestowitzGoogle, Red Hat/IBM...Jun 03 10:14
schestowitz/fnGoogle, Red Hat/IBM...Jun 03 10:14
schestowitzthey need a good distraction from themselvesJun 03 10:15
schestowitz/fnthey need a good distraction from themselvesJun 03 10:15
schestowitz 03 10:15
schestowitz/fn 03 10:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Documentary: IBM Founder (Watson) Gave a Nazi Salute, Admired Hitler, Said Hitler Was Doing the Right Thing | TechrightsJun 03 10:15
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Documentary: IBM Founder (Watson) Gave a Nazi Salute, Admired Hitler, Said Hitler Was Doing the Right Thing | TechrightsJun 03 10:15
gustafI respect your desire for transparency w/ public logging, but for your own sake, and not to detract from your stated mission, maybe let people know that advocating for lynching isn't the best look? Jun 03 10:16
gustaf/fnI respect your desire for transparency w/ public logging, but for your own sake, and not to detract from your stated mission, maybe let people know that advocating for lynching isn't the best look?Jun 03 10:16
schestowitzthe only "community" they can tolerate is UNPAID LABOUR that reports bugsJun 03 10:16
schestowitz/fnthe only "community" they can tolerate is UNPAID LABOUR that reports bugsJun 03 10:16
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 10:16
schestowitzgustaf: not what BaronVladimirHar did in that caseJun 03 10:16
schestowitz/fngustaf: not what BaronVladimirHar did in that caseJun 03 10:16
schestowitzread carefullyJun 03 10:16
schestowitz/fnread carefullyJun 03 10:16
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 10:16
gustaf 03 10:16
gustaf/fn 03 10:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 10:16
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Wednesday, June 02, 2021Jun 03 10:16
schestowitzhe blasted the troll for looking the other way when people are killed in drovesJun 03 10:16
schestowitz/fnhe blasted the troll for looking the other way when people are killed in drovesJun 03 10:16
schestowitzgustaf: he says a lot of nonsenseJun 03 10:17
schestowitz/fngustaf: he says a lot of nonsenseJun 03 10:17
schestowitzMatrix banned himJun 03 10:17
schestowitz/fnMatrix banned himJun 03 10:17
schestowitzI don't endorse his political viewsJun 03 10:17
schestowitz/fnI don't endorse his political viewsJun 03 10:17
schestowitzand I repeatedly asked him to stay on topicJun 03 10:17
schestowitz/fnand I repeatedly asked him to stay on topicJun 03 10:17
gustaffair enoughJun 03 10:17
gustaf/fnfair enoughJun 03 10:17
schestowitzwe don't police who comes hereJun 03 10:17
schestowitz/fnwe don't police who comes hereJun 03 10:17
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 03 10:17
gustafyah Im new here too, only started to follow this stuff when fN implodedJun 03 10:18
gustaf/fnyah Im new here too, only started to follow this stuff when fN implodedJun 03 10:18
gustafthanks again for expanding Jun 03 10:18
gustaf/fnthanks again for expandingJun 03 10:18
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 10:18
schestowitzI am personally more concerned about the likes of Garrett here than BaronVladimirHar 03 10:18
schestowitz/fnI am personally more concerned about the likes of Garrett here than BaronVladimirHar 03 10:18
schestowitztheir life is so pathetic they can devote YEARS to taking down peopleJun 03 10:18
schestowitz/fntheir life is so pathetic they can devote YEARS to taking down peopleJun 03 10:18
schestowitzpeople, not orgsJun 03 10:18
schestowitz/fnpeople, not orgsJun 03 10:18
techrights-bot#Ubuntu and #Fedora Community • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 10:20
techrights-bot/fn#Ubuntu and #Fedora Community • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 10:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu and Fedora Community | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:20
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ubuntu and Fedora Community | Tux MachinesJun 03 10:20
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #EFF #tor ☞ #PayPal Shuts Down Long-Time Tor Supporter with No Recourse Well, @EFF wants to shut down FSF: 03 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PayPal Shuts Down Long-Time Tor Supporter with No Recourse | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 03 10:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EFF Attacks Software Freedom and Promotes Fake Privacy Linked to Microsoft | TechrightsJun 03 10:23
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #EFF #tor ☞ #PayPal Shuts Down Long-Time Tor Supporter with No Recourse Well, @EFF wants to shut down FSF: 03 10:23
TechrightsBot-tr/ | PayPal Shuts Down Long-Time Tor Supporter with No Recourse | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 03 10:23
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The EFF Attacks Software Freedom and Promotes Fake Privacy Linked to Microsoft | TechrightsJun 03 10:23
techrights-botMedia hardly mentions #assange and #olabini anymore. Because this 'media' hardly cares about media and #journalism ... it would barely hide that fact that it buries those who do.Jun 03 10:25
techrights-bot/fnMedia hardly mentions #assange and #olabini anymore. Because this 'media' hardly cares about media and #journalism ... it would barely hide that fact that it buries those who do.Jun 03 10:25
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Techdirt #censorship ☞ Content Moderation Case Study: #Twitter Suspends Users Who Tweet The Word 'Memphis' (2021) or WORSE: 03 10:26
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Techdirt #censorship ☞ Content Moderation Case Study: #Twitter Suspends Users Who Tweet The Word 'Memphis' (2021) or WORSE: 03 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Content Moderation Case Study: Twitter Suspends Users Who Tweet The Word 'Memphis' (2021) | TechdirtJun 03 10:26
TechrightsBot-tr/fnContent Moderation Case Study: Twitter Suspends Users Who Tweet The Word 'Memphis' (2021) | TechdirtJun 03 10:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter Has Just Suspended the President of FFII for Naming Bill Gates Patent Profiteering and Factual Information About Twitter Censorship (Updated) | TechrightsJun 03 10:26
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Twitter Has Just Suspended the President of FFII for Naming Bill Gates Patent Profiteering and Factual Information About Twitter Censorship (Updated) | TechrightsJun 03 10:26
schestowitz=Jun 03 10:27
schestowitz/fn=Jun 03 10:27
schestowitz 03 10:27
schestowitz/fn 03 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GCC To No Longer Require Copyright Assignment To The Free Software Foundation - PhoronixJun 03 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr/fnGCC To No Longer Require Copyright Assignment To The Free Software Foundation - PhoronixJun 03 10:27
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ Are Partial Liability Rules The Path Forward For Intermediary Liability Regimes? Lessons Learned From #Brazil 03 10:27
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ Are Partial Liability Rules The Path Forward For Intermediary Liability Regimes? Lessons Learned From #Brazil 03 10:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Are Partial Liability Rules The Path Forward For Intermediary Liability Regimes? Lessons Learned From Brazil | TechdirtJun 03 10:27
TechrightsBot-tr/fnAre Partial Liability Rules The Path Forward For Intermediary Liability Regimes? Lessons Learned From Brazil | TechdirtJun 03 10:27
techrights-bot#wikipedia article about #OSI is being 'manicured' at THE REQUEST OF OSI President (abuse of Wikipedia rules, AFAIK) see 03 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Libel Initiative: OSI President Falsely Insinuates OSI Critics Are Homophobic and Requests Censorship of Wikipedia (for OSI) | TechrightsJun 03 10:30
techrights-bot/fn#wikipedia article about #OSI is being 'manicured' at THE REQUEST OF OSI President (abuse of Wikipedia rules, AFAIK) see <clipped message>Jun 03 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative: Revision history - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
techrights-bot/fnphp?title=Open_Source_Initiative&diff=10Jun 03 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative: Difference between revisions - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Error - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Libel Initiative: OSI President Falsely Insinuates OSI Critics Are Homophobic and Requests Censorship of Wikipedia (for OSI) | TechrightsJun 03 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative: Revision history - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative: Difference between revisions - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Error - WikipediaJun 03 10:30
techrights-bot#OSI is basically defunct. Now it's making #wikipedia defunct as well (to hide the fact of how OSI basically killed itself). 03 10:31
techrights-bot/fn#OSI is basically defunct. Now it's making #wikipedia defunct as well (to hide the fact of how OSI basically killed itself). 03 10:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative (OSI): A Boat Without a Captain | TechrightsJun 03 10:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Source Initiative (OSI): A Boat Without a Captain | TechrightsJun 03 10:31
techrights-bot#capitalism as a #religion not to be 'offended' 03 10:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Capitalism Is A Misanthropic, Dystopian Religion – neritamJun 03 10:32
techrights-bot/fn#capitalism as a #religion not to be 'offended' 03 10:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Capitalism Is A Misanthropic, Dystopian Religion – neritamJun 03 10:32
techrights-bot#OSI last phase (before death): we hide the fact that we're dead and censor people who point out what we did to ourselves... by publicly libelling them for #censorship purposes 03 10:33
techrights-bot/fn#OSI last phase (before death): we hide the fact that we're dead and censor people who point out what we did to ourselves... by publicly libelling them for #censorship purposes 03 10:33
techrights-bot/fnThe next action against #fsf (led partly by #ibm -paid mob) see 03 10:34
techrights-botThe next action against #fsf (led partly by #ibm -paid mob) see 03 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 9.4 Released; GCC Drops Copyright Assignment to the FSF - SoylentNewsJun 03 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 10:34
TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC 9.4 Released; GCC Drops Copyright Assignment to the FSF - SoylentNewsJun 03 10:34
TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 10:35
techrights-bot#ibm and superspreaders. Anything for control over people. 03 10:36
techrights-bot/fn#ibm and superspreaders. Anything for control over people. 03 10:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 10:36
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 10:36
techrights-botA lot of the #gcc devs who push against the #fsf are #ibm employees 03 10:38
techrights-bot/fnA lot of the #gcc devs who push against the #fsf are #ibm employees 03 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guix Petition Demographic Data, by Figosdev | TechrightsJun 03 10:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Guix Petition Demographic Data, by Figosdev | TechrightsJun 03 10:38
techrights-bot#IBM : We Trust #Microsoft , We Don’t Trust the #FSF • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 10:39
techrights-bot/fn#IBM : We Trust #Microsoft , We Don’t Trust the #FSF • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM: We Trust Microsoft, We Don’t Trust the FSF | TechrightsJun 03 10:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM: We Trust Microsoft, We Don’t Trust the FSF | TechrightsJun 03 10:39
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ #Mangamura Operator Handed Three-Year Prison Sentence, $650K in Fines 03 10:39
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ #Mangamura Operator Handed Three-Year Prison Sentence, $650K in Fines 03 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mangamura Operator Handed Three-Year Prison Sentence, $650K in Fines * TorrentFreakJun 03 10:39
TechrightsBot-tr/fnMangamura Operator Handed Three-Year Prison Sentence, $650K in Fines * TorrentFreakJun 03 10:39
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ Database of 'Pirate Site Haven' DDoS-Guard is Reportedly Up For Sale 03 10:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Database of 'Pirate Site Haven' DDoS-Guard is Reportedly Up For Sale * TorrentFreakJun 03 10:40
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ Database of 'Pirate Site Haven' DDoS-Guard is Reportedly Up For Sale 03 10:40
TechrightsBot-tr/fnDatabase of 'Pirate Site Haven' DDoS-Guard is Reportedly Up For Sale * TorrentFreakJun 03 10:40
*is0ke3 (~is0ke3@unaffiliated/isokee) has left #techrights ("Zzzzz..... ")Jun 03 10:42
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ A Conversation About Video Game Preservation In The Gaming Industry Is Long, Long Overdue 03 10:43
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ A Conversation About Video Game Preservation In The Gaming Industry Is Long, Long Overdue 03 10:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-A Conversation About Video Game Preservation In The Gaming Industry Is Long, Long Overdue | TechdirtJun 03 10:43
TechrightsBot-tr/fnA Conversation About Video Game Preservation In The Gaming Industry Is Long, Long Overdue | TechdirtJun 03 10:43
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ #Trump Bans Himself From His Own Blog; Upset That Everyone Mocked Its Terrible Traffic 03 10:47
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ #Trump Bans Himself From His Own Blog; Upset That Everyone Mocked Its Terrible Traffic 03 10:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Trump Bans Himself From His Own Blog; Upset That Everyone Mocked Its Terrible Traffic | TechdirtJun 03 10:47
TechrightsBot-tr/fnTrump Bans Himself From His Own Blog; Upset That Everyone Mocked Its Terrible Traffic | TechdirtJun 03 10:47
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Techdirt #ehrc ☞ Europe's Human Rights Court Says #UK Mass #Surveillance Violated Rights, Unlawfully Obtained Journalists' Communications 03 10:50
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Techdirt #ehrc ☞ Europe's Human Rights Court Says #UK Mass #Surveillance Violated Rights, Unlawfully Obtained Journalists' Communications 03 10:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Europe's Human Rights Court Says UK Mass Surveillance Violated Rights, Unlawfully Obtained Journalists' Communications | TechdirtJun 03 10:50
TechrightsBot-tr/fnEurope's Human Rights Court Says UK Mass Surveillance Violated Rights, Unlawfully Obtained Journalists' Communications | TechdirtJun 03 10:50
*namarrgo1 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Jun 03 10:51
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #Tor ☞ New Release: Tor Browser 10.0.17 03 10:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jun 03 10:53
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #Tor ☞ New Release: Tor Browser 10.0.17 03 10:53
TechrightsBot-tr/fn( status 404 @ )Jun 03 10:53
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #DontExtraditeAssange #wikileaks #assange ☞ Public inauguration of the #AnythingToSay statue 03 10:55
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #DontExtraditeAssange #wikileaks #assange ☞ Public inauguration of the #AnythingToSay statue 03 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Public inauguration of the AnythingToSay? statue - Don't Extradite AssangeJun 03 10:55
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Public inauguration of the AnythingToSay? statue - Don't Extradite AssangeJun 03 10:55
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #EFF ☞ @EFF at 30: #Surveillance Is Not Obligatory, with Edward @Snowden EFF at 30 is dying, after the (co)founder did 03 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EFF at 30: Surveillance Is Not Obligatory, with Edward Snowden | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 03 10:56
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #EFF ☞ @EFF at 30: #Surveillance Is Not Obligatory, with Edward @Snowden EFF at 30 is dying, after the (co)founder did 03 10:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | EFF at 30: Surveillance Is Not Obligatory, with Edward Snowden | Electronic Frontier FoundationJun 03 10:56
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ Trump's Blog Shuts Down Weeks After Launch, Having Failed to Garner a Following 03 10:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trump's Blog Shuts Down Weeks After Launch, Having Failed to Garner a FollowingJun 03 10:58
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ Trump's Blog Shuts Down Weeks After Launch, Having Failed to Garner a Following 03 10:58
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trump's Blog Shuts Down Weeks After Launch, Having Failed to Garner a FollowingJun 03 10:58
techrights-botI find this funny. He invested far too much in #socialcontrolmedia and in 2021 nobody knows he exists. 03 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Donald Trump has shut down his blog - The VergeJun 03 11:02
techrights-bot/fnI find this funny. He invested far too much in #socialcontrolmedia and in 2021 nobody knows he exists. 03 11:02
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Donald Trump has shut down his blog - The VergeJun 03 11:02
techrights-botLesson of the story: if for decades you've put all the eggs in the #socialcontrolmedia basket, you are doomed 03 11:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trump scraps short-lived blog that was created in wake of social media bansJun 03 11:14
techrights-bot/fnLesson of the story: if for decades you've put all the eggs in the #socialcontrolmedia basket, you are doomed 03 11:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trump scraps short-lived blog that was created in wake of social media bansJun 03 11:14
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #RaspberryPi #RasPi #GNU #Linux ☞ Nearly 15,000 young people ran their code on the ISS for #AstroPi 2020/21! 03 11:19
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #RaspberryPi #RasPi #GNU #Linux ☞ Nearly 15,000 young people ran their code on the ISS for #AstroPi 2020/21! 03 11:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nearly 15,000 young people ran their code on the ISS for Astro Pi 2020/21! - Raspberry PiJun 03 11:19
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nearly 15,000 young people ran their code on the ISS for Astro Pi 2020/21! - Raspberry PiJun 03 11:19
techrights-bot● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ #BigOil Fought Cybersecurity Regulations, Making #Pipeline Attacks Easier actually #microsoft and the person who put #WINDOWS in pipelines should be prosecutedJun 03 11:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Big Oil Fought Cybersecurity Regulations, Making Pipeline Attacks EasierJun 03 11:32
techrights-bot/fn● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ #BigOil Fought Cybersecurity Regulations, Making #Pipeline Attacks Easier actually #microsoft and the person who put #WINDOWS in pipelines should be prosecutedJun 03 11:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Big Oil Fought Cybersecurity Regulations, Making Pipeline Attacks EasierJun 03 11:32
*Guest10502 (~shawn@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 11:42
*namarrgo1 (~namarrgon@2001:ac8:33:41::a04d) has joined #techrightsJun 03 11:49
*Guest10502 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 11:54
*DVulgaris has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)Jun 03 12:22
*techrights-ipfs (~techright@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:c7f2:e919:b6dc:6252) has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:31
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▄▄▅▇▁▅▅▂▃▅▂▃▃▃▅▆▁▂▆▆▅▄▅▆▆▅▇▁▅▄▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▂▂▂█▁▂▃▂▂▁▃▁▂▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▂█▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 21.40▕ swarm size (avg): 237.27  ⟲Jun 03 12:31
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▄▄▅▇▁▅▅▂▃▅▂▃▃▃▅▆▁▂▆▆▅▄▅▆▆▅▇▁▅▄▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▂▂▂█▁▂▃▂▂▁▃▁▂▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▂█▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 21.40▕ swarm size (avg): 237.27  ⟲Jun 03 12:31
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▄▄▅▇▁▅▅▂▃▅▂▃▃▃▅▆▁▂▆▆▅▄▅▆▆▅▇▁▅▄▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▂▂▂█▁▂▃▂▂▁▃▁▂▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▂█▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 21.40▕ swarm size (avg): 237.27  ⟲Jun 03 12:31
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▅▄▄▅▇▁▅▅▂▃▅▂▃▃▃▅▆▁▂▆▆▅▄▅▆▆▅▇▁▅▄▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 23.36 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▂▂▂█▁▂▃▂▂▁▃▁▂▁▁▂▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▂█▁▁▁▂▁ avg(k/sec) 21.40▕ swarm size (avg): 237.27  ⟲Jun 03 12:31
*DVulgaris (~quassel@2a00:7c40:c2d0:199:9ff4:1561:725e:617c) has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:33
*Polsaker (~polsaker@ has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:42
*Polsaker is now known as Guest5552Jun 03 12:43
*activelow (~aggi@gateway/tor-sasl/aggi) has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:47
*activelow (~aggi@gateway/tor-sasl/aggi) has left #techrightsJun 03 12:48
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:52
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:52
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:52
*asusbox2 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 12:52
techrights-bot#Games : Preservation, Atari VCS, Total War: ROME REMASTERED • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:06
techrights-bot/fn#Games : Preservation, Atari VCS, Total War: ROME REMASTERED • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Preservation, Atari VCS, Total War: ROME REMASTERED | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:07
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Preservation, Atari VCS, Total War: ROME REMASTERED | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:07
techrights-bot#Compiling Linux and Static Analysis Tools • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #kernel #programming #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:09
techrights-bot/fn#Compiling Linux and Static Analysis Tools • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #kernel #programming #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Compiling Linux and Static Analysis Tools | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:09
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Compiling Linux and Static Analysis Tools | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:09
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 13:13
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 13:13
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 13:15
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 13:15
techrights-bot/fnWHY would you want to do that? Better to just port whatever was scripted in this #malware -bringing trash in bash or something portable 03 13:17
techrights-botWHY would you want to do that? Better to just port whatever was scripted in this #malware -bringing trash in bash or something portable 03 13:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install PowerShell on Debian 10 - idrootJun 03 13:17
TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install PowerShell on Debian 10 - idrootJun 03 13:17
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▂▃▇▂▆▆▂▂▃▅▂▅▅▂▅▂▅▂▃▅▁▃▃▂▁▂▆▆▅▁▄▅▁▁ avg(k/sec) 29.23 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂█▁▂▁▂▃▂██▂▁▁▄▃▂█▁▂▁▂▂▃▁▂▁█▁▂▂▂▄▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 64.35▕ swarm size (avg): 237.31  ⟲Jun 03 13:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▂▃▇▂▆▆▂▂▃▅▂▅▅▂▅▂▅▂▃▅▁▃▃▂▁▂▆▆▅▁▄▅▁▁ avg(k/sec) 29.23 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂█▁▂▁▂▃▂██▂▁▁▄▃▂█▁▂▁▂▂▃▁▂▁█▁▂▂▂▄▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 64.35▕ swarm size (avg): 237.31  ⟲Jun 03 13:18
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 13:24
*asusbox2 (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 13:24
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 13:24
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 13:25
techrights-bot#microsoft pretends to 'buying' some #security firm (just hiring its workers, but making it look BIG) will improve security while Microsoft puts #nsa back doors in everything 03 13:26
techrights-bot/fn#microsoft pretends to 'buying' some #security firm (just hiring its workers, but making it look BIG) will improve security while Microsoft puts #nsa back doors in everything 03 13:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsJun 03 13:26
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft and the NSA - TechrightsJun 03 13:26
techrights-botToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:27
techrights-bot/fnToday’s #HowTos | #UNIX • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:27
TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's howtos | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:27
techrights-bot#enigmail should never have let #mozilla take over #encryption in #thunderbird because Mozilla now introduces bugs that break encryption (E2EE), not fixing them for months... Mozilla, WTH?Jun 03 13:28
techrights-bot/fn#enigmail should never have let #mozilla take over #encryption in #thunderbird because Mozilla now introduces bugs that break encryption (E2EE), not fixing them for months... Mozilla, WTH?Jun 03 13:28
techrights-bot#PopOS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:31
techrights-bot/fn#PopOS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 13:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 13:31
techrights-bot#ibm #covid19 #greed #supersupreaders "Are _workers_ eager to go back? Personally, I am not. Now, senior execs, on the other other hand... All they see is $$$ flying out the windows of the hundreds of properties\facilities they OWN and operate" 03 13:32
techrights-bot/fn#ibm #covid19 #greed #supersupreaders "Are _workers_ eager to go back? Personally, I am not. Now, senior execs, on the other other hand... All they see is $$$ flying out the windows of the hundreds of properties\facilities they OWN and operate" 03 13:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 13:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 13:32
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 13:37
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 13:38
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 13:40
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 03 13:40
techrights-bot"In Turkish #trademark practice, it is agreed that well-known marks need broader protection than ordinary marks. Turkey has various statutes extending the scope of protection of well-known marks to different goods/services where certain conditions exist." 03 13:47
techrights-bot/fn"In Turkish #trademark practice, it is agreed that well-known marks need broader protection than ordinary marks. Turkey has various statutes extending the scope of protection of well-known marks to different goods/services where certain conditions exist." 03 13:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MARQUESJun 03 13:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | MARQUESJun 03 13:47
techrights-bot"In this post, Amy Thomas (RTA, PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow) identifies empirical research surrounding the relationship between #copyright and T&Cs, revealing a complex area where law, contract and technology work (often at odds with each other) to regulate user creativity." 03 13:47
techrights-bot/fn"In this post, Amy Thomas (RTA, PhD Candidate, University of Glasgow) identifies empirical research surrounding the relationship between #copyright and T&Cs, revealing a complex area where law, contract and technology work (often at odds with each other) to regulate user creativity." 03 13:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 21 for 2021: User Creativity in Online Platforms – Copyright or Contract? – CREATeJun 03 13:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | 21 for 2021: User Creativity in Online Platforms – Copyright or Contract? – CREATeJun 03 13:47
*Guest5552 has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 03 13:48
techrights-bot#copyright #cartel (or "Mafia") in #italy #eu #monopoliesJun 03 13:48
techrights-bot/fn#copyright #cartel (or "Mafia") in #italy #eu #monopoliesJun 03 13:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Towards the Italian implementation of the CDSM Directive - Kluwer Copyright BlogJun 03 13:48
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Towards the Italian implementation of the CDSM Directive - Kluwer Copyright BlogJun 03 13:49
techrights-botWho would have thought you can 'own' the word "Footware” 03 13:50
techrights-bot/fnWho would have thought you can 'own' the word "Footware” 03 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Empty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Jun 03 13:50
TechrightsBot-tr/fnEmpty reply from server ( status 0 @ )Jun 03 13:50
*XRevan86 has quit (Quit: Gateway shutdown)Jun 03 13:52
techrights-botWould have have imagined a combination of two colours (yes!) could be 'owned'... 03 13:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK”….. Horror movie? No - General Court of the EU on colour combinations! - Kluwer Trademark BlogJun 03 13:52
techrights-bot/fnWould have have imagined a combination of two colours (yes!) could be 'owned'... 03 13:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | “SOMETIMES THEY COME BACK”….. Horror movie? No - General Court of the EU on colour combinations! - Kluwer Trademark BlogJun 03 13:52
*XRevan86 (~XRevan86@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 13:52
techrights-botThe singer should sue this #patent holder for #trademark violation :-) 03 13:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-European Patent Office has issued RIVANNA a notice of allowance for European patent application. Ultrasound Imaging of Specular Reflecting Target. | State | thecentralvirginian.comJun 03 13:54
techrights-bot/fnThe singer should sue this #patent holder for #trademark violation :-) 03 13:54
TechrightsBot-tr/fnEuropean Patent Office has issued RIVANNA a notice of allowance for European patent application. Ultrasound Imaging of Specular Reflecting Target. | State | thecentralvirginian.comJun 03 13:54
XRevan86Hm, I wonder what I did, the last message here for me is "(2021-06-03 22:16:32) schestowitz: with a co-founder banned"Jun 03 13:54
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Hm, I wonder what I did, the last message here for me is "(2021-06-03 22:16:32) schestowitz: with a co-founder banned"Jun 03 13:54
XRevan86If anyone wrote me after that time, I didn't see it.Jun 03 13:54
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] If anyone wrote me after that time, I didn't see it.Jun 03 13:54
techrights-bot#patents are making #car production legal land mines a lot are bogus #swpatsJun 03 13:55
techrights-bot/fn#patents are making #car production legal land mines a lot are bogus #swpatsJun 03 13:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BMW files patent for virtual mirror (HUD Mirror)Jun 03 13:55
TechrightsBot-tr/ | BMW files patent for virtual mirror (HUD Mirror)Jun 03 13:55
XRevan86or rather, my client logged until 04:30 UTC, so after that actuallyJun 03 13:56
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] or rather, my client logged until 04:30 UTC, so after that actuallyJun 03 13:56
schestowitzmaybeJun 03 13:56
schestowitz/fnmaybeJun 03 13:56
schestowitzthe TR-FN bridge worked OKJun 03 13:56
schestowitz/fnthe TR-FN bridge worked OKJun 03 13:56
schestowitzbut I'm not on "that other network"Jun 03 13:56
schestowitz/fnbut I'm not on "that other network"Jun 03 13:56
schestowitzso wondered if it has been that quiet Jun 03 13:56
schestowitz/fnso wondered if it has been that quietJun 03 13:56
schestowitzor maybe you culled somethingJun 03 13:56
schestowitz/fnor maybe you culled somethingJun 03 13:56
XRevan86It's not the bridges, it's biboumiJun 03 13:56
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] It's not the bridges, it's biboumiJun 03 13:56
XRevan86it stopped recording into muclogline for some reasonJun 03 13:57
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] it stopped recording into muclogline for some reasonJun 03 13:57
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:02
XRevan86annoyingJun 03 14:02
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] annoyingJun 03 14:02
schestowitzso was there something there we did not see?Jun 03 14:02
schestowitz/fnso was there something there we did not see?Jun 03 14:02
*asusbox2 (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:02
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:02
XRevan86No, there's something I didn't see.Jun 03 14:02
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] No, there's something I didn't see.Jun 03 14:02
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:02
schestowitzeither way, if we create dependency on bridges, they must be reliableJun 03 14:02
schestowitz/fneither way, if we create dependency on bridges, they must be reliableJun 03 14:02
schestowitzotherwise people might be led to networks that aren't reliably seenJun 03 14:02
schestowitz/fnotherwise people might be led to networks that aren't reliably seenJun 03 14:02
schestowitz(with wrong expectation of participation)Jun 03 14:03
schestowitz/fn(with wrong expectation of participation)Jun 03 14:03
BaronVladimirHarThe government makes them put so much junk on cars these days. Like safety sensors that fight you for the wheel and cost so much that you may as well chuck the car if you crash it once.Jun 03 14:03
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe government makes them put so much junk on cars these days. Like safety sensors that fight you for the wheel and cost so much that you may as well chuck the car if you crash it once.Jun 03 14:03
XRevan86Regarding "the other network", moderation needs to be resolved first.Jun 03 14:03
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Regarding "the other network", moderation needs to be resolved first.Jun 03 14:03
schestowitzBaronVladimirHar: congratsJun 03 14:04
schestowitz/fnBaronVladimirHar: congratsJun 03 14:04
schestowitzthe troll now uses you to smear usJun 03 14:04
schestowitz/fnthe troll now uses you to smear usJun 03 14:04
XRevan86I think they noticed that the bridge left the premises %).Jun 03 14:04
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] I think they noticed that the bridge left the premises %).Jun 03 14:04
schestowitzI wonder what they say there, as yesterday it seemed like 'their  #techrights channel was pure noise and disruptionJun 03 14:05
schestowitz/fnI wonder what they say there, as yesterday it seemed like 'their  #techrights channel was pure noise and disruptionJun 03 14:05
BaronVladimirHarWell, maybe he can mention that he called me a pedophile over private message, unprompted.Jun 03 14:06
BaronVladimirHar/fnWell, maybe he can mention that he called me a pedophile over private message, unprompted.Jun 03 14:06
BaronVladimirHarWhen I didn't respond and closed that window, he started sending me more messages again until I blocked him.Jun 03 14:07
BaronVladimirHar/fnWhen I didn't respond and closed that window, he started sending me more messages again until I blocked him.Jun 03 14:07
techrights-botSilly gimmicks to impress silly 'friends' 03 14:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The reMarkable 2 needs reFinement: Writing, workflow and usability : Dissociated PressJun 03 14:07
techrights-bot/fnSilly gimmicks to impress silly 'friends' 03 14:07
BaronVladimirHarNow that he's over on Liberal Chat, he's back. I told you the bridge was a problem.Jun 03 14:07
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The reMarkable 2 needs reFinement: Writing, workflow and usability : Dissociated PressJun 03 14:07
BaronVladimirHar/fnNow that he's over on Liberal Chat, he's back. I told you the bridge was a problem.Jun 03 14:07
XRevan86The screenshot is made at irc.techrights.orgJun 03 14:08
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] The screenshot is made at irc.techrights.orgJun 03 14:08
BaronVladimirHarHe has done some pretty disgusting things, but it seems now that their goto is to call everyone they don't like a pedophile. It's a bit much, but he is a drama queen.Jun 03 14:08
BaronVladimirHar/fnHe has done some pretty disgusting things, but it seems now that their goto is to call everyone they don't like a pedophile. It's a bit much, but he is a drama queen.Jun 03 14:08
BaronVladimirHarI wouldn't worry about what his fellow Twitheads think. Most of his posts get like 2-3 likes, tops.Jun 03 14:09
BaronVladimirHar/fnI wouldn't worry about what his fellow Twitheads think. Most of his posts get like 2-3 likes, tops.Jun 03 14:09
*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 14:09
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:09
*asusbox2 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 14:09
*asusbox2 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:09
BaronVladimirHarThe accusations are ramping up now that it's more obvious that the hive of pedophilia is actually in Microsoft and it was (maybe is) at the top of the company. Along with sexual harassment in general that they tolerated for at least the entire time Gates was involved directly there.Jun 03 14:10
BaronVladimirHar/fnThe accusations are ramping up now that it's more obvious that the hive of pedophilia is actually in Microsoft and it was (maybe is) at the top of the company. Along with sexual harassment in general that they tolerated for at least the entire time Gates was involved directly there.Jun 03 14:10
BaronVladimirHarWhich only officially ended last year.Jun 03 14:10
BaronVladimirHar/fnWhich only officially ended last year.Jun 03 14:10
techrights-botYou Can Now Try the New COSMIC Desktop Environment with #PopOS 21.04 Beta #gnu #linuxJun 03 14:12
techrights-bot/fnYou Can Now Try the New COSMIC Desktop Environment with #PopOS 21.04 Beta #gnu #linuxJun 03 14:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:12
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:12
BaronVladimirHarMicrosoft Edge moves the focus away from the engine and towards Microsoft's search engine. My guess is that they really don't care if you use Firefox other than it doesn't default to Bing.Jun 03 14:13
BaronVladimirHar/fnMicrosoft Edge moves the focus away from the engine and towards Microsoft's search engine. My guess is that they really don't care if you use Firefox other than it doesn't default to Bing.Jun 03 14:13
BaronVladimirHarI noticed that they don't annoy you to switch away from Vivaldi. Maybe that's their search engine deal.Jun 03 14:14
BaronVladimirHar/fnI noticed that they don't annoy you to switch away from Vivaldi. Maybe that's their search engine deal.Jun 03 14:14
techrights-bot#BSDNow 405: OOM Killer Feature #bsd #unixJun 03 14:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD Now 405: OOM Killer FeatureJun 03 14:14
techrights-bot/fn#BSDNow 405: OOM Killer Feature #bsd #unixJun 03 14:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | BSD Now 405: OOM Killer FeatureJun 03 14:14
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 14:20
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 14:21
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:21
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:21
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:21
techrights-botFix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*" 03 14:21
techrights-bot/fnFix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*" 03 14:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | antiX-19.4 runit bug and fix – antiX LinuxJun 03 14:21
TechrightsBot-tr/ | antiX-19.4 runit bug and fix – antiX LinuxJun 03 14:21
techrights-bot"There is a bug in the runit editions of antiX-19.4 (full and base) after installation via the gui installer. Fix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*" 03 14:22
techrights-bot/fn"There is a bug in the runit editions of antiX-19.4 (full and base) after installation via the gui installer. Fix: As root user, remove all /etc/sv/* folders EXCEPT /etc/sv/getty-*" 03 14:22
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 14:22
*asusbox has quit (connection closed)Jun 03 14:23
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:23
*asusbox has quit (Client Quit)Jun 03 14:23
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:23
techrights-bot#Manjaro Vs #EndeavourOS : Which One’s The Best Arch-Based Distribution? • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro Vs EndeavourOS: Which One’s The Best Arch-Based Distribution? | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:24
techrights-bot/fn#Manjaro Vs #EndeavourOS : Which One’s The Best Arch-Based Distribution? • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:24
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Manjaro Vs EndeavourOS: Which One’s The Best Arch-Based Distribution? | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:24
BaronVladimirHarWith the hundreds of things moved over to use systemd, I'm sure there always will be "bugs" without it.Jun 03 14:24
BaronVladimirHar/fnWith the hundreds of things moved over to use systemd, I'm sure there always will be "bugs" without it.Jun 03 14:24
techrights-bot"Many of these #IBM buildings/campuses were at 25% occupancy before Covid even started. Another example of IBM execs being simply afraid/unable to make any real decisions." 03 14:26
techrights-bot/fn"Many of these #IBM buildings/campuses were at 25% occupancy before Covid even started. Another example of IBM execs being simply afraid/unable to make any real decisions." 03 14:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 14:26
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 14:26
techrights-bot"Because #IBM is lead by id--ts" 03 14:27
techrights-bot/fn"Because #IBM is lead by id--ts" 03 14:27
techrights-bot" #IBM continues to struggle to grow their revenue consistently as it has been in a steady decline over the past decade" 03 14:28
techrights-bot/fn" #IBM continues to struggle to grow their revenue consistently as it has been in a steady decline over the past decade" 03 14:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jun 03 14:28
TechrightsBot-tr/fn( status 403 @ )Jun 03 14:28
schestowitzBaronVladimirHar: it's OK, buy supportJun 03 14:30
schestowitz/fnBaronVladimirHar: it's OK, buy supportJun 03 14:30
schestowitzalso buy support from Microsoft for UEFI 'secure' bootJun 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnalso buy support from Microsoft for UEFI 'secure' bootJun 03 14:31
schestowitzput there by Red Hat employee 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnput there by Red Hat employee 03 14:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | TechrightsJun 03 14:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | TechrightsJun 03 14:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | TechrightsJun 03 14:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | TechrightsJun 03 14:31
schestowitzmaybe Microsoft can do something to make your GNU/Linux boot againJun 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnmaybe Microsoft can do something to make your GNU/Linux boot againJun 03 14:31
schestowitzbuy supportJun 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnbuy supportJun 03 14:31
schestowitzor outsource the machine to AzureJun 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnor outsource the machine to AzureJun 03 14:31
schestowitzand stop worrying..Jun 03 14:31
schestowitz/fnand stop worrying..Jun 03 14:31
schestowitzooppppppp! 03 14:32
schestowitz/fnooppppppp! 03 14:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft update servers left all Azure RHEL instances hackable • The RegisterJun 03 14:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft update servers left all Azure RHEL instances hackable • The RegisterJun 03 14:32
schestowitz 03 14:32
schestowitz/fn 03 14:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Secure Boot — Fedora, RHEL, and Shim Upstream Maintenance: Government Involvement or Lack Thereof - The Uncoöperative OrganizationJun 03 14:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Secure Boot — Fedora, RHEL, and Shim Upstream Maintenance: Government Involvement or Lack Thereof - The Uncoöperative OrganizationJun 03 14:32
*guysoft42 (~guysoft@2a0d:6fc1:2:1f00:4617:149c:d3be:6c48) has joined #techrightsJun 03 14:34
techrights-bot#AlmaLinux Overview by an #Ubuntu User • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:35
techrights-bot/fn#AlmaLinux Overview by an #Ubuntu User • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AlmaLinux Overview by an Ubuntu User | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:35
TechrightsBot-tr/ | AlmaLinux Overview by an Ubuntu User | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:35
BaronVladimirHar"Duffy says he was paid less than US$3500 for the vulnerability disclosures under Microsoft's bug bounty but did not name a precise figure."Jun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHar/fn"Duffy says he was paid less than US$3500 for the vulnerability disclosures under Microsoft's bug bounty but did not name a precise figure."Jun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHarLOLJun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHar/fnLOLJun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHarYou can make a lot more than that by hitting them with malware, so that's what everyone does instead.Jun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHar/fnYou can make a lot more than that by hitting them with malware, so that's what everyone does instead.Jun 03 14:37
BaronVladimirHarMaybe 1,000-5,000 times more by encrypting their files and shutting down a gasoline pipeline or meat productions until they pay.Jun 03 14:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnMaybe 1,000-5,000 times more by encrypting their files and shutting down a gasoline pipeline or meat productions until they pay.Jun 03 14:38
techrights-botEdge AI system combines Foxconn FXN3102 Arm SoC with Hailo-8 or #Lightspeeur 2801S AI accelerator 03 14:38
techrights-bot/fnEdge AI system combines Foxconn FXN3102 Arm SoC with Hailo-8 or #Lightspeeur 2801S AI accelerator 03 14:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Compact edge AI box runs Ubuntu Server on 24-core Arm SoC with choice of NPUs | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Compact edge AI box runs Ubuntu Server on 24-core Arm SoC with choice of NPUs | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:38
BaronVladimirHarIf Microsoft isn't going to pay well for people to report bugs then they may as well not bother, because the people who turn them over to be fixed would probably have done so anyway.Jun 03 14:38
BaronVladimirHar/fnIf Microsoft isn't going to pay well for people to report bugs then they may as well not bother, because the people who turn them over to be fixed would probably have done so anyway.Jun 03 14:38
BaronVladimirHarWhat Microsoft is actually saying is that they don't care about CVEs.Jun 03 14:39
BaronVladimirHar/fnWhat Microsoft is actually saying is that they don't care about CVEs.Jun 03 14:39
techrights-bot#KaliLinux 2021.2 Released : What’s New #gnu #linuxJun 03 14:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:39
techrights-bot/fn#KaliLinux 2021.2 Released : What’s New #gnu #linuxJun 03 14:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:39
techrights-bot#PopOS 21.04 has a Beta out now with their new COSMIC desktop 03 14:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:40
techrights-bot/fn#PopOS 21.04 has a Beta out now with their new COSMIC desktop 03 14:40
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta is Available with Cosmic Desktop. Download and Test Now | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:40
BaronVladimirHarGarrett acts as if "Secure Boot" has anything to do with security, after nothing Microsoft has ever done implies that they care.Jun 03 14:42
BaronVladimirHar/fnGarrett acts as if "Secure Boot" has anything to do with security, after nothing Microsoft has ever done implies that they care.Jun 03 14:42
BaronVladimirHarI think that someone at Microsoft decided it would make Windows Activation cracks harder to get away with and maybe plug a revenue leak.Jun 03 14:42
BaronVladimirHar/fnI think that someone at Microsoft decided it would make Windows Activation cracks harder to get away with and maybe plug a revenue leak.Jun 03 14:42
techrights-bot#HarmonyOS launched on #Huawei #MatePad tablets, Watch 3 smartwatches • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HarmonyOS launched on Huawei MatePad tablets, Watch 3 smartwatches | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:43
techrights-bot/fn#HarmonyOS launched on #Huawei #MatePad tablets, Watch 3 smartwatches • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:43
TechrightsBot-tr/ | HarmonyOS launched on Huawei MatePad tablets, Watch 3 smartwatches | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:43
Old_ManAm I still silenced here, due to schestowitz's hypocrisy?Jun 03 14:44
Old_Man/fnAm I still silenced here, due to schestowitz's hypocrisy?Jun 03 14:44
BaronVladimirHarWindows is littered with "security" theater. Like "Ransomware Protection" that has four known bypasses and Microsoft has said they don't plan on fixing any of them.Jun 03 14:46
BaronVladimirHar/fnWindows is littered with "security" theater. Like "Ransomware Protection" that has four known bypasses and Microsoft has said they don't plan on fixing any of them.Jun 03 14:46
BaronVladimirHarOh, and it breaks thousands of legitimate applications.Jun 03 14:46
BaronVladimirHar/fnOh, and it breaks thousands of legitimate applications.Jun 03 14:46
BaronVladimirHarIf you started whitelisting things to limit the damage to legitimate applications, malware could also evade it by dropping itself in the path of something likely to be overridden by the user, so that would be a fifth way around it.Jun 03 14:47
BaronVladimirHar/fnIf you started whitelisting things to limit the damage to legitimate applications, malware could also evade it by dropping itself in the path of something likely to be overridden by the user, so that would be a fifth way around it.Jun 03 14:47
techrights-botCode contributions to GCC no longer have to be assigned to FSF, says compiler body now #MicrosoftTim adds to the fire... 03 14:47
techrights-bot/fnCode contributions to GCC no longer have to be assigned to FSF, says compiler body now #MicrosoftTim adds to the fire... 03 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FSF Copyright Assignment and GCC, GCC 9.4 Released | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | FSF Copyright Assignment and GCC, GCC 9.4 Released | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 14:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | It Remains Largely Unclear Whose Idea It Was to Change GCC Copyright Assignment Practices (or How/Why It Started) | TechrightsJun 03 14:47
BaronVladimirHarI think Torvalds' biggest objection was the PE-only restriction, but that's not really a big one. Most distributions already shipped with binfmt_misc. Wine won't work without it.Jun 03 14:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnI think Torvalds' biggest objection was the PE-only restriction, but that's not really a big one. Most distributions already shipped with binfmt_misc. Wine won't work without it.Jun 03 14:48
BaronVladimirHarI don't believe that Mono would either.Jun 03 14:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnI don't believe that Mono would either.Jun 03 14:48
BaronVladimirHarThat uses PE.Jun 03 14:48
BaronVladimirHar/fnThat uses PE.Jun 03 14:48
MinceRimmibis: no, i said it isn't _his_ social circleJun 03 14:49
MinceR/fnimmibis: no, i said it isn't _his_ social circleJun 03 14:49
MinceRthis isn't a microsoft/ibm fanboy meeting groundJun 03 14:49
MinceR/fnthis isn't a microsoft/ibm fanboy meeting groundJun 03 14:49
BaronVladimirHar 03 14:50
BaronVladimirHar/fn 03 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deadline draws near to avoid auto-joining Amazon's mesh network Sidewalk • The RegisterJun 03 14:50
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Deadline draws near to avoid auto-joining Amazon's mesh network Sidewalk • The RegisterJun 03 14:50
techrights-bot#Nvidia and #Valve Bringing DLSS to Linux via Steam Proton 03 14:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:50
techrights-bot/fn#Nvidia and #Valve Bringing DLSS to Linux via Steam Proton 03 14:50
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:50
BaronVladimirHarMARISOL will be participating in an Amazon botnet soon.Jun 03 14:50
BaronVladimirHar/fnMARISOL will be participating in an Amazon botnet soon.Jun 03 14:50
schestowitz"smart cities"Jun 03 14:51
schestowitz/fn"smart cities"Jun 03 14:51
techrights-bot"I mentioned being young because there's a reason given that they want to go back to office because of career counseling blah blah." #ibm #layoffs #exodus 03 14:52
techrights-bot/fn"I mentioned being young because there's a reason given that they want to go back to office because of career counseling blah blah." #ibm #layoffs #exodus 03 14:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 14:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 14:52
techrights-bot#RHEL 8.4 Released – Download DVD ISO Images for Free #ibmJun 03 14:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat: Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:55
techrights-bot/fn#RHEL 8.4 Released – Download DVD ISO Images for Free #ibmJun 03 14:55
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat: Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:55
schestowitz/fnUEFI: 03 14:56
schestowitzUEFI: 03 14:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Users warned against upgrading to Ubuntu 21.04 | TechRadarJun 03 14:56
TechrightsBot-tr/fnUsers warned against upgrading to Ubuntu 21.04 | TechRadarJun 03 14:56
schestowitzSo secure... that you cannot get the latest versionJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnSo secure... that you cannot get the latest versionJun 03 14:56
schestowitzstay with old and unpatchedJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnstay with old and unpatchedJun 03 14:56
schestowitzso secure... that machines stop bootingJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnso secure... that machines stop bootingJun 03 14:56
schestowitzmission-critical operations would LOVE thatJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnmission-critical operations would LOVE thatJun 03 14:56
MinceRyou're supposed to "upgrade" to Backdoors10 :>Jun 03 14:56
MinceR/fnyou're supposed to "upgrade" to Backdoors10 :>Jun 03 14:56
schestowitzmachines that are perfectly operationalJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnmachines that are perfectly operationalJun 03 14:56
MinceRjust ask mjg's bossesJun 03 14:56
schestowitzwould not even bootJun 03 14:56
MinceR/fnjust ask mjg's bossesJun 03 14:56
schestowitz/fnwould not even bootJun 03 14:56
schestowitzMicrosoft said "NO!"Jun 03 14:57
schestowitz/fnMicrosoft said "NO!"Jun 03 14:57
schestowitzMicrosoft NSAJun 03 14:57
schestowitz/fnMicrosoft NSAJun 03 14:57
schestowitz 03 14:57
schestowitz/fn 03 14:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | TechrightsJun 03 14:57
TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Meme] It Was Only a Matter of Time All Along | TechrightsJun 03 14:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | TechrightsJun 03 14:57
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Karma or Hubris? Is #TorvaldsWasRight a Thing Now? | TechrightsJun 03 14:57
techrights-botStable Kernels: 5.12.9, 5.10.42, 5.4.124, 4.19.193, 4.14.235, 4.9.271 , and 4.4.271 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Kernel #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:58
techrights-bot/fnStable Kernels: 5.12.9, 5.10.42, 5.4.124, 4.19.193, 4.14.235, 4.9.271 , and 4.4.271 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Kernel #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 14:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stable Kernels: 5.12.9, 5.10.42, 5.4.124, 4.19.193, 4.14.235, 4.9.271 , and 4.4.271 | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:58
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stable Kernels: 5.12.9, 5.10.42, 5.4.124, 4.19.193, 4.14.235, 4.9.271 , and 4.4.271 | Tux MachinesJun 03 14:58
immibisMinceR: it doesn't have to be "your" social circle, to be cancellingJun 03 14:59
immibis/fnMinceR: it doesn't have to be "your" social circle, to be cancellingJun 03 14:59
MinceRimmibis: don't worry, he'll be able to get jobs trolling for microsoft and ibm even if he can't join TR channelsJun 03 14:59
MinceR/fnimmibis: don't worry, he'll be able to get jobs trolling for microsoft and ibm even if he can't join TR channelsJun 03 14:59
MinceRfor example, he's also active on famous bill gates fanboy site twitterJun 03 15:00
MinceR/fnfor example, he's also active on famous bill gates fanboy site twitterJun 03 15:00
immibisschestowitz: sounds like a garden variety bootloader bug, no?Jun 03 15:00
immibis/fnschestowitz: sounds like a garden variety bootloader bug, no?Jun 03 15:00
immibisor bios bugJun 03 15:00
immibis/fnor bios bugJun 03 15:00
techrights-bot"Also new in Red Hat Software Collections 3.7 is Developer Toolset 10.1, which features GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 10" but #redhat is also attacking the founder of GNU while hailing and licking the boots of #microsoft 03 15:00
techrights-bot/fn"Also new in Red Hat Software Collections 3.7 is Developer Toolset 10.1, which features GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 10" but #redhat is also attacking the founder of GNU while hailing and licking the boots of #microsoft 03 15:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Software Collections 3.7 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 10.1 now generally available | Red Hat DeveloperJun 03 15:00
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Software Collections 3.7 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 10.1 now generally available | Red Hat DeveloperJun 03 15:00
MinceRthe more complicated your firmware is, the more likely it is to be crippled by bugsJun 03 15:00
MinceR/fnthe more complicated your firmware is, the more likely it is to be crippled by bugsJun 03 15:00
MinceRand uefi is probably the most complicated of them allJun 03 15:00
MinceR/fnand uefi is probably the most complicated of them allJun 03 15:00
techrights-bot"Open Neuroscience is heavily dependent on the availability of Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) tools that support the modern scientific process." 03 15:01
techrights-bot/fn"Open Neuroscience is heavily dependent on the availability of Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) tools that support the modern scientific process." 03 15:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Showcase at CNS*2021 | NeuroFedora: BlogJun 03 15:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Showcase at CNS*2021 | NeuroFedora: BlogJun 03 15:01
techrights-bot#ibm #redhat how calls people like it calls #clowncomputing (servers, "hybrid clown") 03 15:02
techrights-bot/fn#ibm #redhat how calls people like it calls #clowncomputing (servers, "hybrid clown") 03 15:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hybrid work: How to prepare for the turnover tsunami | The Enterprisers ProjectJun 03 15:02
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hybrid work: How to prepare for the turnover tsunami | The Enterprisers ProjectJun 03 15:02
schestowitzMinceR: it should boot Jun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] MinceR: it should bootJun 03 15:04
schestowitzeven if in doubtJun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] even if in doubtJun 03 15:04
schestowitzthe bigger security issue aren't bootkitsJun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] the bigger security issue aren't bootkitsJun 03 15:04
schestowitzbut people who STILL uses WIndosJun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] but people who STILL uses WIndosJun 03 15:04
schestowitzdespite knowing it's back-dooredJun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] despite knowing it's back-dooredJun 03 15:04
MinceRwell, if they wanted it to boot, they shouldn't have let microsoft/intel people develop itJun 03 15:04
MinceR/fnwell, if they wanted it to boot, they shouldn't have let microsoft/intel people develop itJun 03 15:04
schestowitzand then pipelines get shut down...Jun 03 15:04
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] and then pipelines get shut down...Jun 03 15:04
schestowitzMinceR: Intel is a Red Hat partnerJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] MinceR: Intel is a Red Hat partnerJun 03 15:05
schestowitzso is MicrosoftJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] so is MicrosoftJun 03 15:05
schestowitzit's an article I planned for todayJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] it's an article I planned for todayJun 03 15:05
MinceRone big government-sponsored cartelJun 03 15:05
MinceR/fnone big government-sponsored cartelJun 03 15:05
schestowitzBut I have severe networking issuesJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] But I have severe networking issuesJun 03 15:05
MinceR"free market", my assJun 03 15:05
MinceR/fn"free market", my assJun 03 15:05
schestowitz 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] 03 15:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Survey says RHEL leads for Microsoft SQL Server on Linux deploymentsJun 03 15:05
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Survey says RHEL leads for Microsoft SQL Server on Linux deploymentsJun 03 15:05
schestowitzyesterdayJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] yesterdayJun 03 15:05
schestowitzbut RMS.... BADJun 03 15:05
tr-bridge[s​chestowitz/tr] but RMS.... BADJun 03 15:05
*jessicara (~shirogits@unaffiliated/jessicara) has left #techrightsJun 03 15:07
*BaronVladimirHar (baronhkmat@gateway/shell/ has left #techrights ("User left")Jun 03 15:07
MinceRmatrix strikes again? :>Jun 03 15:07
MinceR/fnmatrix strikes again? :>Jun 03 15:07
schestowitz[15:07] <-- BaronVladimirHar (baronhkmat@gateway/shell/ has left this channel ("User left").Jun 03 15:07
schestowitz/fn[15:07] <-- BaronVladimirHar (baronhkmat@gateway/shell/ has left this channel ("User left").Jun 03 15:07
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 15:07
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 15:08
schestowitzthis is what matrix says ("use left") when BANNING peopleJun 03 15:08
schestowitz/fnthis is what matrix says ("use left") when BANNING peopleJun 03 15:08
schestowitzbut who knows...Jun 03 15:08
schestowitz/fnbut who knows...Jun 03 15:08
MinceRindeedJun 03 15:08
MinceR/fnindeedJun 03 15:08
schestowitzStalin: politician passedJun 03 15:08
schestowitz/fnStalin: politician passedJun 03 15:08
techrights-bot#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 15:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 15:09
techrights-bot/fn#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 15:09
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android  Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 15:09
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 15:10
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 15:10
techrights-botQuarantina is a beautiful name for a girl. Born during lockdowns. Quarantine for a boy. Like Constantine...Jun 03 15:10
techrights-bot/fnQuarantina is a beautiful name for a girl. Born during lockdowns. Quarantine for a boy. Like Constantine...Jun 03 15:10
BaronVladimirHa4It looks like someone canceled me again on 03 15:12
BaronVladimirHa4/fnIt looks like someone canceled me again on 03 15:12
BaronVladimirHa4Probably Garrett. Such an obnoxious little man.Jun 03 15:13
BaronVladimirHa4/fnProbably Garrett. Such an obnoxious little man.Jun 03 15:13
MinceRtime to stop using matrixJun 03 15:13
MinceR/fntime to stop using matrixJun 03 15:13
schestowitzwho uses matrix? matrix uses YOU!Jun 03 15:14
schestowitz/fnwho uses matrix? matrix uses YOU!Jun 03 15:14
schestowitzsociety is such a lovely thing, is it not? people getting along so well with each otherJun 03 15:14
schestowitz/fnsociety is such a lovely thing, is it not? people getting along so well with each otherJun 03 15:14
schestowitzif only we could "cancel" 2 billion people... the "bad" ones...Jun 03 15:14
schestowitz/fnif only we could "cancel" 2 billion people... the "bad" ones...Jun 03 15:14
MinceR"Good thing I have Kevlar. ...Wait, do I have Kevlar?"Jun 03 15:15
MinceR/fn"Good thing I have Kevlar. ...Wait, do I have Kevlar?"Jun 03 15:15
*guysoft42 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 15:16
techrights-botWhen MATRIX says "user left" it actually means "we BANNED someone". #censorship perfumed, not informing others of the true degree of #censorship that's going on within those "Open" systems....Jun 03 15:17
techrights-bot/fnWhen MATRIX says "user left" it actually means "we BANNED someone". #censorship perfumed, not informing others of the true degree of #censorship that's going on within those "Open" systems....Jun 03 15:17
XRevan86VTimes, another Russian independent media, is closing too.Jun 03 15:17
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] VTimes, another Russian independent media, is closing too.Jun 03 15:17
BaronVladimirHa4mjg59_: Can really only manage to annoy me.Jun 03 15:18
BaronVladimirHa4/fnmjg59_: Can really only manage to annoy me.Jun 03 15:18
MinceRespecially if you switch to a real IRC clientJun 03 15:18
MinceR/fnespecially if you switch to a real IRC clientJun 03 15:18
MinceRhis monopoly-loving friends can't reach you that wayJun 03 15:18
MinceR/fnhis monopoly-loving friends can't reach you that wayJun 03 15:18
BaronVladimirHa4It's really rather sad that this piece of shit has nothing better to do all day than to try to ban a chat account, when I'll just be right back anyway.Jun 03 15:18
BaronVladimirHa4/fnIt's really rather sad that this piece of shit has nothing better to do all day than to try to ban a chat account, when I'll just be right back anyway.Jun 03 15:18
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▂▅▄▂▅▁▄▅▅▁▅▅▄▅▄▅▂▃▆▄▆▇▂▃▄▅▄▅▆▆▆▁ avg(k/sec) 21.60 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃█▂█▁▂█▁▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁█▄▂▂▂▂█▁▃▂▃▂▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 58.81▕ swarm size (avg): 237.34  ⟲Jun 03 15:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▅▂▅▄▂▅▁▄▅▅▁▅▅▄▅▄▅▂▃▆▄▆▇▂▃▄▅▄▅▆▆▆▁ avg(k/sec) 21.60 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▃█▂█▁▂█▁▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▁▁▂▁█▄▂▂▂▂█▁▃▂▃▂▂▂▁ avg(k/sec) 58.81▕ swarm size (avg): 237.34  ⟲Jun 03 15:18
techrights-bot#Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S14E13 – Wants Photo Booth #gnu #linuxJun 03 15:20
techrights-bot/fn#Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S14E13 – Wants Photo Booth #gnu #linuxJun 03 15:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | S14E13 – Wants Photo Booth | Ubuntu PodcastJun 03 15:20
TechrightsBot-tr/ | S14E13 – Wants Photo Booth | Ubuntu PodcastJun 03 15:20
BaronVladimirHa4Maybe he can go live on the tranny farm in Colorado that NPR spoke of this morning, but he might break a nail if he attempts to fire a rifle.Jun 03 15:20
BaronVladimirHa4/fnMaybe he can go live on the tranny farm in Colorado that NPR spoke of this morning, but he might break a nail if he attempts to fire a rifle.Jun 03 15:20
*XRevan86 doesn't understand half of the things baronhk is sayingJun 03 15:20
*tr-bridge [X​Revan86/tr] doesn't understand half of the things baronhk is sayingJun 03 15:20
BaronVladimirHa4It's becoming impossible to get actual news because it's been replaced by trans this and blacks that and it's easily 90% bullshit now simply to piss people off and distract them from real issues.Jun 03 15:21
BaronVladimirHa4/fnIt's becoming impossible to get actual news because it's been replaced by trans this and blacks that and it's easily 90% bullshit now simply to piss people off and distract them from real issues.Jun 03 15:21
schestowitzcan we keep on topic, please?Jun 03 15:22
schestowitz/fncan we keep on topic, please?Jun 03 15:22
schestowitzmy connection on one machine keeps dropping... since midnight last ngihtJun 03 15:23
schestowitz/fnmy connection on one machine keeps dropping... since midnight last ngihtJun 03 15:23
BaronVladimirHa4I don't think that they realize that if they keep poking the bear that there's so much worse than Trump coming.Jun 03 15:23
BaronVladimirHa4/fnI don't think that they realize that if they keep poking the bear that there's so much worse than Trump coming.Jun 03 15:23
schestowitznever seen anything like it, cannot find an explanationJun 03 15:23
schestowitz/fnnever seen anything like it, cannot find an explanationJun 03 15:23
BaronVladimirHa4Also, is this thing actually federating properly now?Jun 03 15:23
BaronVladimirHa4/fnAlso, is this thing actually federating properly now?Jun 03 15:23
MinceRwe can see you writing, BaronVladimirHa4 Jun 03 15:23
MinceR/fnwe can see you writing, BaronVladimirHa4Jun 03 15:23
*schestowitz heading to bed... it's all OT now anywayJun 03 15:24
*schestowitz/fn heading to bed... it's all OT now anywayJun 03 15:24
techrights-botNew comment: "All #ibm products are old tech or started there. Ibm can't compete in new markets" IBM is dying; it wants us to think #patents and #swpats #lobbying will save IBM. Instead it ALIENATES us.Jun 03 15:25
techrights-bot/fnNew comment: "All #ibm products are old tech or started there. Ibm can't compete in new markets" IBM is dying; it wants us to think #patents and #swpats #lobbying will save IBM. Instead it ALIENATES us.Jun 03 15:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 15:25
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 15:25
MinceRcan they just hurry up and die already?Jun 03 15:26
MinceR/fncan they just hurry up and die already?Jun 03 15:26
*wineroots has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 15:34
*DaemonFC` (daemonfc@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 15:36
*DaemonFC` (daemonfc@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/daemonfc) has left #techrightsJun 03 15:37
immibisBaronVladimirHa4: was that a direct threat of "annoy us and we'll shoot you"?Jun 03 15:38
immibis/fnBaronVladimirHa4: was that a direct threat of "annoy us and we'll shoot you"?Jun 03 15:38
*DaemonFC (daemonfc@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/daemonfc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 15:40
DaemonFCOkay, at least now they can't block me from Freenode every time someone needs their hormones adjusted.Jun 03 15:41
DaemonFC/fnOkay, at least now they can't block me from Freenode every time someone needs their hormones adjusted.Jun 03 15:41
MinceR:>Jun 03 15:41
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 15:41
MinceRi don't think it's a hormone problemJun 03 15:41
MinceR/fni don't think it's a hormone problemJun 03 15:41
MinceRi think it's an authoritarianism problemJun 03 15:42
MinceR/fni think it's an authoritarianism problemJun 03 15:42
MinceRmjg wants us all to be slaves to asatya nadella, and we don't want to be slavesJun 03 15:42
MinceR/fnmjg wants us all to be slaves to asatya nadella, and we don't want to be slavesJun 03 15:42
immibiswhotf is asatya nadellaJun 03 15:42
immibis/fnwhotf is asatya nadellaJun 03 15:42
MinceRcurrent figurehead of the redmond mafiaJun 03 15:42
MinceR/fncurrent figurehead of the redmond mafiaJun 03 15:42
immibisoh microsoftJun 03 15:43
immibis/fnoh microsoftJun 03 15:43
immibisjust don't use their software thenJun 03 15:43
immibis/fnjust don't use their software thenJun 03 15:43
MinceRjust don't buy UEFI PCsJun 03 15:43
MinceR/fnjust don't buy UEFI PCsJun 03 15:43
MinceRjust don't buy computersJun 03 15:43
MinceR/fnjust don't buy computersJun 03 15:43
MinceRjust don't use computersJun 03 15:43
MinceR/fnjust don't use computersJun 03 15:43
MinceRjust don't liveJun 03 15:43
MinceR/fnjust don't liveJun 03 15:43
*BaronVladimirHa4 (baronhkner@gateway/shell/ has left #techrights ("User left")Jun 03 15:44
*baronhk1[m] (baronhk1ma@gateway/shell/ has joined #techrightsJun 03 15:49
superkuhI was pretty upset when I learned my relatively new (couple years old) mobo couldn't boot off nvme without being in UEFI mode.Jun 03 15:50
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] I was pretty upset when I learned my relatively new (couple years old) mobo couldn't boot off nvme without being in UEFI mode.Jun 03 15:50
MinceR 03 15:57
MinceR/fn 03 15:57
*DaemonFC has quit (Quit: Leaving)Jun 03 15:59
psydroidthere is no need to be upsetJun 03 16:11
psydroid/fnthere is no need to be upsetJun 03 16:11
psydroidwe just need to go with the flowJun 03 16:11
psydroid/fnwe just need to go with the flowJun 03 16:11
psydroidtowards hardware and software freedomJun 03 16:12
psydroid/fntowards hardware and software freedomJun 03 16:12
immibisah yes we must stick with outdated technologies because freedom or something.Jun 03 16:15
immibis/fnah yes we must stick with outdated technologies because freedom or something.Jun 03 16:15
CrystalMathimmibis: or just because they're coolJun 03 16:16
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: or just because they're coolJun 03 16:16
CrystalMathi love my cassette deck :)Jun 03 16:16
CrystalMath/fni love my cassette deck :)Jun 03 16:16
immibisimagine being told to never buy a CD because it's anti-freedomJun 03 16:16
immibis/fnimagine being told to never buy a CD because it's anti-freedomJun 03 16:16
CrystalMathwell there are CDs that contain viruses from Sony BMGJun 03 16:16
CrystalMath/fnwell there are CDs that contain viruses from Sony BMGJun 03 16:16
baronhk1[m]The reason the CD held on for so long is because newer formats had DRM.Jun 03 16:17
baronhk1[m]/fnThe reason the CD held on for so long is because newer formats had DRM.Jun 03 16:17
immibisonly if you run the virus. that's more of a windows thingJun 03 16:17
immibis/fnonly if you run the virus. that's more of a windows thingJun 03 16:17
baronhk1[m]People found out they couldn't rip the newer formats and didn't buy them.Jun 03 16:17
baronhk1[m]/fnPeople found out they couldn't rip the newer formats and didn't buy them.Jun 03 16:17
MinceRthat's not the way the flow is goingJun 03 16:17
MinceR/fnthat's not the way the flow is goingJun 03 16:17
immibisdon't buy shit with DRM then. but we are not talking about DRM here. just plain old bugsJun 03 16:17
immibis/fndon't buy shit with DRM then. but we are not talking about DRM here. just plain old bugsJun 03 16:17
CrystalMathimmibis: then i have no problem with CDsJun 03 16:17
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: then i have no problem with CDsJun 03 16:17
baronhk1[m]uEFI doesn't seem to improve the reliability of the PC.Jun 03 16:18
baronhk1[m]/fnuEFI doesn't seem to improve the reliability of the PC.Jun 03 16:18
MinceR"a few years ago i had no idea what an init system was, but now you've all got to replace yours with systemd because everything else is outdated!"Jun 03 16:18
MinceR/fn"a few years ago i had no idea what an init system was, but now you've all got to replace yours with systemd because everything else is outdated!"Jun 03 16:18
baronhk1[m]In fact, I don't think I recall any BIOS systems with this many problems, even if they did have bugs.Jun 03 16:18
baronhk1[m]/fnIn fact, I don't think I recall any BIOS systems with this many problems, even if they did have bugs.Jun 03 16:18
MinceRRestricted Boot is not a "plain old bug", it's microshit's effort to become the gatekeeper of the PC OS marketJun 03 16:18
MinceR/fnRestricted Boot is not a "plain old bug", it's microshit's effort to become the gatekeeper of the PC OS marketJun 03 16:18
baronhk1[m]The bugs were usually in extensions to BIOS that Microsoft added and didn't write very good specs for.Jun 03 16:18
baronhk1[m]/fnThe bugs were usually in extensions to BIOS that Microsoft added and didn't write very good specs for.Jun 03 16:18
psydroidall my systems with UEFI are laptopsJun 03 16:19
psydroid/fnall my systems with UEFI are laptopsJun 03 16:19
psydroidI hope by the time they start dying one by one non-x86 alternatives without UEFI will be ubiquitousJun 03 16:19
psydroid/fnI hope by the time they start dying one by one non-x86 alternatives without UEFI will be ubiquitousJun 03 16:19
immibisbaronhk1[m]: If you've ever tried writing a bootloader or OS kernel you will know the BIOS interface is crammed full of legacy garbage.Jun 03 16:20
immibis/fnbaronhk1[m]: If you've ever tried writing a bootloader or OS kernel you will know the BIOS interface is crammed full of legacy garbage.Jun 03 16:20
immibisyour bootloader is one sector from a disk that gets run in 16-bit real mode. what is this, 1980?Jun 03 16:20
immibis/fnyour bootloader is one sector from a disk that gets run in 16-bit real mode. what is this, 1980?Jun 03 16:20
baronhk1[m]While uEFI is crammed with stuff that can kill the entire computer if the OS uses it as documented.Jun 03 16:21
baronhk1[m]/fnWhile uEFI is crammed with stuff that can kill the entire computer if the OS uses it as documented.Jun 03 16:21
immibiscan't the OS already kill the entire computer by using stuff as documented?Jun 03 16:21
immibis/fncan't the OS already kill the entire computer by using stuff as documented?Jun 03 16:21
immibislike, you start writing to the BIOS flash chip, then you write a stream of 0 bytes. Computer killedJun 03 16:21
immibis/fnlike, you start writing to the BIOS flash chip, then you write a stream of 0 bytes. Computer killedJun 03 16:21
MinceRyay, UEFI is garbage that is not "legacy"!Jun 03 16:21
MinceR/fnyay, UEFI is garbage that is not "legacy"!Jun 03 16:21
CrystalMathimmibis: i've written TONS of BIOS bootloaders, and i don't consider any of that stuff "legacy garbage"Jun 03 16:21
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: i've written TONS of BIOS bootloaders, and i don't consider any of that stuff "legacy garbage"Jun 03 16:21
MinceRwhat does that mean?Jun 03 16:21
MinceR/fnwhat does that mean?Jun 03 16:21
baronhk1[m]Many boards had a dual BIOS configuration.Jun 03 16:22
baronhk1[m]/fnMany boards had a dual BIOS configuration.Jun 03 16:22
MinceRit means, that people like mjg like itJun 03 16:22
MinceR/fnit means, that people like mjg like itJun 03 16:22
immibisMinceR: six. teen. bit. real. mode.Jun 03 16:22
immibis/fnMinceR: six. teen. bit. real. mode.Jun 03 16:22
MinceRwho the fuck cares what they like?Jun 03 16:22
MinceR/fnwho the fuck cares what they like?Jun 03 16:22
MinceRimmibis: so?Jun 03 16:22
MinceR/fnimmibis: so?Jun 03 16:22
immibisMinceR: six. teen. bit. real. mode.Jun 03 16:22
immibis/fnMinceR: six. teen. bit. real. mode.Jun 03 16:22
baronhk1[m]If the system couldn't boot, it switched over to the backup and the backup reflashed the primary, or failing that, just became read-only.Jun 03 16:22
baronhk1[m]/fnIf the system couldn't boot, it switched over to the backup and the backup reflashed the primary, or failing that, just became read-only.Jun 03 16:22
CrystalMathimmibis: i've written lots of code in 16-bit real modeJun 03 16:22
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: i've written lots of code in 16-bit real modeJun 03 16:22
MinceRimmibis: it. works.Jun 03 16:22
immibisthe whole real mode is legacy garbageJun 03 16:22
MinceR/fnimmibis: it. works.Jun 03 16:22
baronhk1[m]But you could boot the computer.Jun 03 16:22
immibis/fnthe whole real mode is legacy garbageJun 03 16:22
baronhk1[m]/fnBut you could boot the computer.Jun 03 16:22
MinceRimmibis: uefi. does. not.Jun 03 16:22
MinceR/fnimmibis: uefi. does. not.Jun 03 16:22
CrystalMathimmibis: the CPU starts in that mode, ALWAYSJun 03 16:22
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: the CPU starts in that mode, ALWAYSJun 03 16:22
immibisCrystalMath: yes because it's legacy garbageJun 03 16:22
immibis/fnCrystalMath: yes because it's legacy garbageJun 03 16:22
CrystalMatheven your RyzenJun 03 16:22
CrystalMath/fneven your RyzenJun 03 16:22
CrystalMathand every core you IPIJun 03 16:22
CrystalMath/fnand every core you IPIJun 03 16:22
immibisAMD or Intel would love to rip out that useless circuitry from their CPUs, but they can't because of BIOSJun 03 16:22
CrystalMathstarts in that modeJun 03 16:22
immibis/fnAMD or Intel would love to rip out that useless circuitry from their CPUs, but they can't because of BIOSJun 03 16:22
CrystalMath/fnstarts in that modeJun 03 16:22
MinceRthen x86 is "legacy", not the lack of control by microshitJun 03 16:23
MinceR/fnthen x86 is "legacy", not the lack of control by microshitJun 03 16:23
CrystalMathimmibis: FALSEJun 03 16:23
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: FALSEJun 03 16:23
CrystalMathimmibis: the biggest part of that circuitry is still usable in 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:23
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: the biggest part of that circuitry is still usable in 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:23
baronhk1[m]uEFI validates that the OEM signs off on the new firmware, ensuring that it's very difficult to replace it with Coreboot or unlock features the OEM hid from you and reflash it.Jun 03 16:23
CrystalMathbecause the big part is 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:23
baronhk1[m]/fnuEFI validates that the OEM signs off on the new firmware, ensuring that it's very difficult to replace it with Coreboot or unlock features the OEM hid from you and reflash it.Jun 03 16:23
CrystalMath/fnbecause the big part is 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:23
immibisMinceR: yes, x86 is full of legacy garbage, so let's rip out the garbage when possibleJun 03 16:23
immibis/fnMinceR: yes, x86 is full of legacy garbage, so let's rip out the garbage when possibleJun 03 16:23
MinceRimmibis: they don't ship those CPUs with non-uefi biosJun 03 16:23
MinceR/fnimmibis: they don't ship those CPUs with non-uefi biosJun 03 16:23
MinceRimmibis: intel even announced they're killing CSM in 2020Jun 03 16:23
MinceR/fnimmibis: intel even announced they're killing CSM in 2020Jun 03 16:23
immibisMinceR: the UEFI has a bios compatibility modeJun 03 16:23
immibis/fnMinceR: the UEFI has a bios compatibility modeJun 03 16:23
CrystalMathimmibis: you can still do 16-bit addressing on 64-bit long mode using the ADSIZE prefixJun 03 16:23
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: you can still do 16-bit addressing on 64-bit long mode using the ADSIZE prefixJun 03 16:23
MinceR/fnyeah, but it's still bloatedJun 03 16:23
MinceRyeah, but it's still bloatedJun 03 16:23
MinceRit would be better to use boot firmware that is smaller than LinuxJun 03 16:23
MinceR/fnit would be better to use boot firmware that is smaller than LinuxJun 03 16:23
immibismaybe it would be less bloated without being full of legacy garbageJun 03 16:23
immibis/fnmaybe it would be less bloated without being full of legacy garbageJun 03 16:23
MinceRnot significantlyJun 03 16:24
MinceR/fnnot significantlyJun 03 16:24
MinceRit would be a lot less bloated without microshit's legacy bullshit and vendor lock-inJun 03 16:24
MinceR/fnit would be a lot less bloated without microshit's legacy bullshit and vendor lock-inJun 03 16:24
CrystalMathimmibis: amd64 requires by spec most of that 16-bit stuffJun 03 16:24
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: amd64 requires by spec most of that 16-bit stuffJun 03 16:24
CrystalMathso removing it is futileJun 03 16:24
CrystalMath/fnso removing it is futileJun 03 16:24
immibisCrystalMath: your point? You can't get back from 64-bit mode to 16-bit mode AFAIK. So they can remove it if people only run 64-bit OSes and 32/64-bit bootloadersJun 03 16:24
immibis/fnCrystalMath: your point? You can't get back from 64-bit mode to 16-bit mode AFAIK. So they can remove it if people only run 64-bit OSes and 32/64-bit bootloadersJun 03 16:24
CrystalMathbasically CPUs emulate it in microcode todayJun 03 16:24
CrystalMath/fnbasically CPUs emulate it in microcode todayJun 03 16:24
CrystalMathimmibis: FALSE, you canJun 03 16:24
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: FALSE, you canJun 03 16:24
MinceRthey'll just violate the spec to microsoft's benefitJun 03 16:25
MinceR/fnthey'll just violate the spec to microsoft's benefitJun 03 16:25
CrystalMaththere is a documented procedureJun 03 16:25
CrystalMath/fnthere is a documented procedureJun 03 16:25
MinceRbusiness as usualJun 03 16:25
immibishow do you get from 64-bit to 16-bit mode? I was informed you couldn'tJun 03 16:25
MinceR/fnbusiness as usualJun 03 16:25
immibis/fnhow do you get from 64-bit to 16-bit mode? I was informed you couldn'tJun 03 16:25
*sepsinn (~sepsinn@2601:140:887f:bad0::3aee) has joined #techrightsJun 03 16:25
*phobos_anomaly (~phobos@unaffiliated/phobos-anomaly/x-6744724) has joined #techrightsJun 03 16:25
CrystalMathimmibis: well you were informed wrong, the procedure is to first go to 16-bit compatibility mode, jump to an identity-paged address, disable paging, disable protected mode, and voilaJun 03 16:25
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: well you were informed wrong, the procedure is to first go to 16-bit compatibility mode, jump to an identity-paged address, disable paging, disable protected mode, and voilaJun 03 16:25
CrystalMathit's in the intel manualJun 03 16:25
CrystalMath/fnit's in the intel manualJun 03 16:25
CrystalMath16-bit "compatibility" mode as in long mode with a 16-bit segment selectorJun 03 16:26
CrystalMath/fn16-bit "compatibility" mode as in long mode with a 16-bit segment selectorJun 03 16:26
CrystalMaththis is like 16-bit protected modeJun 03 16:26
CrystalMath/fnthis is like 16-bit protected modeJun 03 16:26
immibisah, more legacy garbage they wish they could rip out. Emulators are fast now, just run in dosboxJun 03 16:26
immibis/fnah, more legacy garbage they wish they could rip out. Emulators are fast now, just run in dosboxJun 03 16:26
CrystalMathimmibis: this isn't suitable for emulation, as you have to tear down everything to go back to 16-bit real modeJun 03 16:26
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: this isn't suitable for emulation, as you have to tear down everything to go back to 16-bit real modeJun 03 16:26
immibisapple didn't force an x86 compatibility mode into their arm chipsJun 03 16:26
immibis/fnapple didn't force an x86 compatibility mode into their arm chipsJun 03 16:26
CrystalMaththe OS cannot have control anymore over the 16-bit codeJun 03 16:27
CrystalMath/fnthe OS cannot have control anymore over the 16-bit codeJun 03 16:27
immibisCrystalMath: yes. exactly. if you want to run 16-bit code, use emulation instead.Jun 03 16:27
immibis/fnCrystalMath: yes. exactly. if you want to run 16-bit code, use emulation instead.Jun 03 16:27
immibisand if you are using emulation instead, the CPU oesn't need this modeJun 03 16:27
immibis/fnand if you are using emulation instead, the CPU oesn't need this modeJun 03 16:27
MinceRcrApple didn't even implement the ARM spec correctly in the M1Jun 03 16:27
MinceR/fncrApple didn't even implement the ARM spec correctly in the M1Jun 03 16:27
CrystalMathimmibis: but still, it is possible, and it's by specJun 03 16:27
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: but still, it is possible, and it's by specJun 03 16:27
MinceRbut hey, they can still put a logo on the box so it's fully functionalJun 03 16:27
MinceR/fnbut hey, they can still put a logo on the box so it's fully functionalJun 03 16:27
CrystalMathcompatibility mode is mostly used for running 32-bit softwareJun 03 16:27
CrystalMath/fncompatibility mode is mostly used for running 32-bit softwareJun 03 16:27
immibiswell obviously it won't be in the next spec. Are you aware things change with time?Jun 03 16:27
immibis/fnwell obviously it won't be in the next spec. Are you aware things change with time?Jun 03 16:27
CrystalMathimmibis: it's not gonna help, because they must still keep the addressingJun 03 16:27
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: it's not gonna help, because they must still keep the addressingJun 03 16:27
MinceRimmibis: are you aware things can change for the worse?Jun 03 16:27
MinceR/fnimmibis: are you aware things can change for the worse?Jun 03 16:27
CrystalMathimmibis: even in 64-bit long mode, the biggest part of that microcode for compatibility is usedJun 03 16:28
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: even in 64-bit long mode, the biggest part of that microcode for compatibility is usedJun 03 16:28
CrystalMathso it's no useJun 03 16:28
CrystalMath/fnso it's no useJun 03 16:28
CrystalMathyou do realize that 32-bit instructions are used as is in 64-bit long mode?Jun 03 16:28
CrystalMath/fnyou do realize that 32-bit instructions are used as is in 64-bit long mode?Jun 03 16:28
CrystalMaththey're even DEFAULTJun 03 16:28
CrystalMath/fnthey're even DEFAULTJun 03 16:28
immibiswe're talking about 16-bit mode, you moronJun 03 16:28
immibis/fnwe're talking about 16-bit mode, you moronJun 03 16:28
immibisliterally nobody suggested removing 32-bit mode yetJun 03 16:29
immibis/fnliterally nobody suggested removing 32-bit mode yetJun 03 16:29
CrystalMaththat's just a single bitJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnthat's just a single bitJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathyeah but you have to remove bothJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnyeah but you have to remove bothJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathor noneJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnor noneJun 03 16:29
immibisBecause...?Jun 03 16:29
immibis/fnBecause...?Jun 03 16:29
CrystalMathbecause if you keep compatibility modeJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnbecause if you keep compatibility modeJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathyou have ADSIZE and OPSIZE that must work for programsJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnyou have ADSIZE and OPSIZE that must work for programsJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathand then you have to keep 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnand then you have to keep 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:29
immibisthe CPU can't tell the difference between 16-bit mode and 32-bit mode?Jun 03 16:29
immibis/fnthe CPU can't tell the difference between 16-bit mode and 32-bit mode?Jun 03 16:29
CrystalMath[bx + si] and whatnotJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fn[bx + si] and whatnotJun 03 16:29
CrystalMaththe difference is super thinJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnthe difference is super thinJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathbecause you can use both in bothJun 03 16:29
CrystalMath/fnbecause you can use both in bothJun 03 16:29
CrystalMathand mixJun 03 16:30
CrystalMath/fnand mixJun 03 16:30
CrystalMathwith ADSIZE/OPSIZEJun 03 16:30
CrystalMath/fnwith ADSIZE/OPSIZEJun 03 16:30
CrystalMathand programs do thatJun 03 16:30
CrystalMath/fnand programs do thatJun 03 16:30
CrystalMathnote that this is not real mode but 16-bit protected modeJun 03 16:30
CrystalMath/fnnote that this is not real mode but 16-bit protected modeJun 03 16:30
immibisAren't instructions encoded differently in 16-bit mode? I know with 32-bit they added a bunch more addressing modes, what occupies those slots in the 16-bit encoding?Jun 03 16:30
immibis/fnAren't instructions encoded differently in 16-bit mode? I know with 32-bit they added a bunch more addressing modes, what occupies those slots in the 16-bit encoding?Jun 03 16:30
CrystalMathwell if you do a 16-bit addressing, it's totally different, however you can it in any modeJun 03 16:30
CrystalMath/fnwell if you do a 16-bit addressing, it's totally different, however you can it in any modeJun 03 16:30
CrystalMathlike, 0 is [bx + si], 1 is [bx + di], Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnlike, 0 is [bx + si], 1 is [bx + di],Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMathwhile in 32-bit, 0 is [eax], 1 is [ecx]Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnwhile in 32-bit, 0 is [eax], 1 is [ecx]Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMathetc..Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnetc..Jun 03 16:31
immibisI thought the prefixes changed the sizes of registers you're using, but not the actual instruction encodingJun 03 16:31
immibis/fnI thought the prefixes changed the sizes of registers you're using, but not the actual instruction encodingJun 03 16:31
CrystalMathbut you can do [bx + si] in 32-bitJun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnbut you can do [bx + si] in 32-bitJun 03 16:31
CrystalMathit's not that different... 16-bit is just a default sizeJun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnit's not that different... 16-bit is just a default sizeJun 03 16:31
immibisis [bx+si] different f rom [ebx+esi] apart from the prefix?Jun 03 16:31
immibis/fnis [bx+si] different f rom [ebx+esi] apart from the prefix?Jun 03 16:31
CrystalMathveryJun 03 16:31
CrystalMath/fnveryJun 03 16:31
CrystalMath[bx + si] is the same as [eax] without the default-toggle prefix (ADSIZE)Jun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fn[bx + si] is the same as [eax] without the default-toggle prefix (ADSIZE)Jun 03 16:32
immibisokJun 03 16:32
immibis/fnokJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath[ebx + esi] uses the SIB and requires 32-bitJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fn[ebx + esi] uses the SIB and requires 32-bitJun 03 16:32
immibisthen how about 16-bit interrupt handling?Jun 03 16:32
immibis/fnthen how about 16-bit interrupt handling?Jun 03 16:32
CrystalMathit's the sameJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fnit's the sameJun 03 16:32
CrystalMathin protected modeJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fnin protected modeJun 03 16:32
CrystalMathin real mode it's differentJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fnin real mode it's differentJun 03 16:32
immibisreal mode interrupt handling, thenJun 03 16:32
immibis/fnreal mode interrupt handling, thenJun 03 16:32
immibiscan real mode be eradicated?Jun 03 16:32
immibis/fncan real mode be eradicated?Jun 03 16:32
CrystalMathyou don't gain anything because real mode is just 0.0001% of the microcodeJun 03 16:32
CrystalMath/fnyou don't gain anything because real mode is just 0.0001% of the microcodeJun 03 16:32
CrystalMaththe big part is 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:33
CrystalMath/fnthe big part is 16-bit addressingJun 03 16:33
CrystalMathwhich is a monstrosityJun 03 16:33
CrystalMath/fnwhich is a monstrosityJun 03 16:33
immibisi'm sure it imposes annoying constraints on the overall designJun 03 16:33
immibis/fni'm sure it imposes annoying constraints on the overall designJun 03 16:33
CrystalMathit doesn't really, it's just a bypass for checksJun 03 16:33
CrystalMath/fnit doesn't really, it's just a bypass for checksJun 03 16:33
immibisthey eradicated the A20 gate IIRCJun 03 16:33
immibis/fnthey eradicated the A20 gate IIRCJun 03 16:33
CrystalMathyeah, that was pointlessJun 03 16:33
CrystalMath/fnyeah, that was pointlessJun 03 16:33
MinceRthey had to, iircJun 03 16:33
MinceR/fnthey had to, iircJun 03 16:33
CrystalMathA20 was a kludgeJun 03 16:34
CrystalMath/fnA20 was a kludgeJun 03 16:34
CrystalMathand it was outside the CPUJun 03 16:34
MinceRfor superscalar or something like thatJun 03 16:34
CrystalMath/fnand it was outside the CPUJun 03 16:34
MinceR/fnfor superscalar or something like thatJun 03 16:34
immibisA20 was inside the CPU since the CPU had a cache in itJun 03 16:34
immibis/fnA20 was inside the CPU since the CPU had a cache in itJun 03 16:34
CrystalMathoriginally it was outsideJun 03 16:34
CrystalMath/fnoriginally it was outsideJun 03 16:34
CrystalMathit's a horrible kludge :PJun 03 16:34
CrystalMath/fnit's a horrible kludge :PJun 03 16:34
XRevan86 03 16:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] 03 16:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-К приезду Премьер-министра России Михаила Мишустина красят асфальт (Наб. Челны 03.06.2021) - YouTubeJun 03 16:35
TechrightsBot-tr/fnК приезду   Премьер-министра России Михаила Мишустина красят асфальт (Наб. Челны 03.06.2021) - YouTubeJun 03 16:35
CrystalMathlet's disable address 20 so that we can jump to an address so high it will wrap around and manage to call the CP/M supervisorJun 03 16:35
CrystalMath/fnlet's disable address 20 so that we can jump to an address so high it will wrap around and manage to call the CP/M supervisorJun 03 16:35
CrystalMathbrilliant :PJun 03 16:35
CrystalMath/fnbrilliant :PJun 03 16:35
MinceR:>Jun 03 16:35
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 16:35
MinceRi thought the point was to be able to access more RAMJun 03 16:36
MinceR/fni thought the point was to be able to access more RAMJun 03 16:36
CrystalMaththe big problem with that BIOS is that it has to run in v86 mode, which really sucksJun 03 16:37
CrystalMath/fnthe big problem with that BIOS is that it has to run in v86 mode, which really sucksJun 03 16:37
CrystalMathv86 mode is not available from 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:37
CrystalMath/fnv86 mode is not available from 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:37
CrystalMathand that's what immibis probably heard but misunderstoodJun 03 16:37
CrystalMath/fnand that's what immibis probably heard but misunderstoodJun 03 16:37
CrystalMathv86 is basically a builtin emulator for the 8086 that the 386 hadJun 03 16:37
CrystalMath/fnv86 is basically a builtin emulator for the 8086 that the 386 hadJun 03 16:37
CrystalMathso that you can do both at the same timeJun 03 16:37
CrystalMath/fnso that you can do both at the same timeJun 03 16:37
CrystalMaththis is not really possible on intel's implementation of amd64Jun 03 16:38
CrystalMath/fnthis is not really possible on intel's implementation of amd64Jun 03 16:38
CrystalMathbut it is if you fully go 32-bit protected and disable long modeJun 03 16:38
CrystalMath/fnbut it is if you fully go 32-bit protected and disable long modeJun 03 16:38
CrystalMathand the BIOS is expected to run in it, which means... it can't have ANY 32-bit codeJun 03 16:38
CrystalMath/fnand the BIOS is expected to run in it, which means... it can't have ANY 32-bit codeJun 03 16:38
CrystalMathand that's a painJun 03 16:38
CrystalMath/fnand that's a painJun 03 16:38
CrystalMathUEFI solves that, i'll admit that much :)Jun 03 16:39
CrystalMath/fnUEFI solves that, i'll admit that much :)Jun 03 16:39
CrystalMathalthough even the BIOS near the end had calls that give you a far pointer to call in 32-bit protected modeJun 03 16:39
CrystalMath/fnalthough even the BIOS near the end had calls that give you a far pointer to call in 32-bit protected modeJun 03 16:39
CrystalMathbut they couldn't change any of the existing calls that had to be able to run in v86 for compatibilityJun 03 16:39
CrystalMath/fnbut they couldn't change any of the existing calls that had to be able to run in v86 for compatibilityJun 03 16:39
CrystalMathmostly windowsJun 03 16:39
CrystalMath/fnmostly windowsJun 03 16:39
immibisso can v86 mode be eradicated then? Just use an emulatorJun 03 16:39
immibis/fnso can v86 mode be eradicated then? Just use an emulatorJun 03 16:39
immibisif we say you must have a 64-bit OSJun 03 16:40
immibis/fnif we say you must have a 64-bit OSJun 03 16:40
CrystalMathimmibis: if you disable 32-bit compatibility mode you gain that, but you still have to keep 16-bit addressing, which makes the benefit minimalJun 03 16:40
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: if you disable 32-bit compatibility mode you gain that, but you still have to keep 16-bit addressing, which makes the benefit minimalJun 03 16:40
CrystalMathi mean what you gain is more code that blocks you from entering that modeJun 03 16:41
CrystalMath/fni mean what you gain is more code that blocks you from entering that modeJun 03 16:41
XRevan86 03 16:41
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] 03 16:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 03 16:41
TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 03 16:41
CrystalMaththat doesn't help with anythingJun 03 16:41
CrystalMath/fnthat doesn't help with anythingJun 03 16:41
immibis(you already have all that code for all the other unused mode bits)Jun 03 16:41
immibis/fn(you already have all that code for all the other unused mode bits)Jun 03 16:41
CrystalMath16-bit addressing isn't unused even in 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:41
CrystalMath/fn16-bit addressing isn't unused even in 64-bit long modeJun 03 16:41
CrystalMathbecause as you might now, the *default* address size is 32-bit and ADSIZE still existsJun 03 16:42
CrystalMath/fnbecause as you might now, the *default* address size is 32-bit and ADSIZE still existsJun 03 16:42
CrystalMathyou have to use REX to get a 64-bit addressJun 03 16:42
CrystalMath/fnyou have to use REX to get a 64-bit addressJun 03 16:42
immibisit doesn't use segment+prefix, I hope?Jun 03 16:42
immibis/fnit doesn't use segment+prefix, I hope?Jun 03 16:42
immibiser segment+offsetJun 03 16:42
immibis/fner segment+offsetJun 03 16:42
CrystalMathlong mode requires segments but their base is required to be 0 in 64-bit modeJun 03 16:42
CrystalMath/fnlong mode requires segments but their base is required to be 0 in 64-bit modeJun 03 16:42
CrystalMathit can be non-zero in compatibility modesJun 03 16:42
CrystalMath/fnit can be non-zero in compatibility modesJun 03 16:42
CrystalMathsegments are still used for permissionsJun 03 16:43
CrystalMath/fnsegments are still used for permissionsJun 03 16:43
CrystalMathand all those base / limit bits can be in the future used for some extra settingsJun 03 16:43
CrystalMath/fnand all those base / limit bits can be in the future used for some extra settingsJun 03 16:43
CrystalMathimmibis: let me explain: for 32-bit compatibility at all you need segment.base + offset, and then in real mode all that's different is loading a segment, which does segment.base = selector << 4Jun 03 16:44
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: let me explain: for 32-bit compatibility at all you need segment.base + offset, and then in real mode all that's different is loading a segment, which does segment.base = selector << 4Jun 03 16:44
MinceRUEFI also solves you not using microshit's shitty formatsJun 03 16:44
MinceR/fnUEFI also solves you not using microshit's shitty formatsJun 03 16:44
MinceRFAT and PE too crap to be used for real work? no problem, we'll just hardwire them into the boot firmware so you'll have to use them anyway!Jun 03 16:45
MinceR/fnFAT and PE too crap to be used for real work? no problem, we'll just hardwire them into the boot firmware so you'll have to use them anyway!Jun 03 16:45
MinceR"just don't use their software then"Jun 03 16:45
MinceR/fn"just don't use their software then"Jun 03 16:45
MinceRwhat a load of bullshitJun 03 16:45
MinceR/fnwhat a load of bullshitJun 03 16:45
CrystalMathimmibis: loading a segment for protected mode is HUGE code, for example, it's complicated as hellJun 03 16:45
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: loading a segment for protected mode is HUGE code, for example, it's complicated as hellJun 03 16:45
CrystalMaththe real mode code is that small diversion that JUST does segment.base = selector << 4Jun 03 16:46
CrystalMath/fnthe real mode code is that small diversion that JUST does segment.base = selector << 4Jun 03 16:46
MinceRand then mjg tries to force Linux to also support a PE header on their keys to appease microshitJun 03 16:46
MinceR/fnand then mjg tries to force Linux to also support a PE header on their keys to appease microshitJun 03 16:46
CrystalMaththat's allJun 03 16:46
CrystalMath/fnthat's allJun 03 16:46
CrystalMathwell on one hand at least he didn't try to pretend secure boot isn't evilJun 03 16:48
CrystalMath/fnwell on one hand at least he didn't try to pretend secure boot isn't evilJun 03 16:48
CrystalMath/fnlike Linus did, "oh no problem we'll just allow that, it's normal for our system"Jun 03 16:48
CrystalMathlike Linus did, "oh no problem we'll just allow that, it's normal for our system"Jun 03 16:48
CrystalMaththe thing is, microsoft isn't normalJun 03 16:48
CrystalMath/fnthe thing is, microsoft isn't normalJun 03 16:48
CrystalMaththey're absolutely evilJun 03 16:48
CrystalMath/fnthey're absolutely evilJun 03 16:48
MinceRindeedJun 03 16:49
MinceR/fnindeedJun 03 16:49
immibisCrystalMath: since no OS really uses segmentation anyway (except in the limited way long mode allows because that's what OSes were using), they could rip it out of protected mode too, and replace it with the long mode system but 32-bitJun 03 16:51
immibis/fnCrystalMath: since no OS really uses segmentation anyway (except in the limited way long mode allows because that's what OSes were using), they could rip it out of protected mode too, and replace it with the long mode system but 32-bitJun 03 16:51
CrystalMathimmibis: 32-bit compatibility mode, you mean?Jun 03 17:02
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: 32-bit compatibility mode, you mean?Jun 03 17:02
CrystalMaththat is basically 99.999% of protected modeJun 03 17:02
CrystalMath/fnthat is basically 99.999% of protected modeJun 03 17:02
CrystalMathyou gain nothingJun 03 17:02
CrystalMath/fnyou gain nothingJun 03 17:02
CrystalMathalso, it can STILL be 16-bit :PJun 03 17:02
CrystalMath/fnalso, it can STILL be 16-bit :PJun 03 17:02
MinceRi'm pretty sure there are OSes that still support 32bit protected modeJun 03 17:02
MinceR/fni'm pretty sure there are OSes that still support 32bit protected modeJun 03 17:02
CrystalMathbecause you keep all of 16-bitJun 03 17:02
CrystalMath/fnbecause you keep all of 16-bitJun 03 17:02
MinceR(i.e. not long mode)Jun 03 17:02
MinceR/fn(i.e. not long mode)Jun 03 17:02
CrystalMathfor 32-bit compatibility you need a long mode kernelJun 03 17:03
CrystalMath/fnfor 32-bit compatibility you need a long mode kernelJun 03 17:03
CrystalMathprivileged instructions become 64-bitJun 03 17:03
CrystalMath/fnprivileged instructions become 64-bitJun 03 17:03
CrystalMathimmibis: also 32-bit windows uses segmentation a lotJun 03 17:03
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: also 32-bit windows uses segmentation a lotJun 03 17:03
CrystalMaththere's even a kludge in long mode made to allow precisely that :PJun 03 17:03
CrystalMath/fnthere's even a kludge in long mode made to allow precisely that :PJun 03 17:03
CrystalMathin a special MSRJun 03 17:03
CrystalMath/fnin a special MSRJun 03 17:03
CrystalMathMSR_FS_BASEJun 03 17:04
CrystalMath/fnMSR_FS_BASEJun 03 17:04
CrystalMaththis is basically on-die windows support :PJun 03 17:04
CrystalMath/fnthis is basically on-die windows support :PJun 03 17:04
CrystalMathsorry, to be more precise, i mean for "32-bit compatibility mode you need a long mode kernel"Jun 03 17:05
CrystalMath/fnsorry, to be more precise, i mean for "32-bit compatibility mode you need a long mode kernel"Jun 03 17:05
MinceRmy X60s couldn't run in long mode if it wantedJun 03 17:06
MinceR/fnmy X60s couldn't run in long mode if it wantedJun 03 17:06
MinceRyet it runs OpenBSD fineJun 03 17:06
MinceR/fnyet it runs OpenBSD fineJun 03 17:06
CrystalMathhehJun 03 17:06
CrystalMath/fnhehJun 03 17:06
CrystalMathyeah, i mean there's that tooJun 03 17:06
CrystalMath/fnyeah, i mean there's that tooJun 03 17:06
CrystalMaththe fact is, though, that amd64 was not built to get rid of legacy baggage - it was built to KEEP IT ALLJun 03 17:06
CrystalMath/fnthe fact is, though, that amd64 was not built to get rid of legacy baggage - it was built to KEEP IT ALLJun 03 17:06
CrystalMathit was designed that wayJun 03 17:06
CrystalMath/fnit was designed that wayJun 03 17:06
CrystalMathit's by-designJun 03 17:06
CrystalMath/fnit's by-designJun 03 17:06
CrystalMatha simple extension to x86Jun 03 17:07
CrystalMath/fna simple extension to x86Jun 03 17:07
CrystalMathnot a replacementJun 03 17:07
CrystalMath/fnnot a replacementJun 03 17:07
CrystalMathia64 was a replacement, and it didn't surviveJun 03 17:07
CrystalMath/fnia64 was a replacement, and it didn't surviveJun 03 17:07
immibisCrystalMath: yes that's the system used in long mode, FS and IIRC GS are just additional registers you can add onto an addressJun 03 17:07
immibis/fnCrystalMath: yes that's the system used in long mode, FS and IIRC GS are just additional registers you can add onto an addressJun 03 17:07
MinceRintel pretty much sabotaged IA64Jun 03 17:07
MinceR/fnintel pretty much sabotaged IA64Jun 03 17:07
immibisthere is no longer any need to look up a segment descriptor and stuffJun 03 17:07
immibis/fnthere is no longer any need to look up a segment descriptor and stuffJun 03 17:07
CrystalMathimmibis: there is for 32-bit compatibility modeJun 03 17:07
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: there is for 32-bit compatibility modeJun 03 17:07
immibisthey are just offsets. 64-bit OSes can use that in 32-bit mode tooJun 03 17:07
immibis/fnthey are just offsets. 64-bit OSes can use that in 32-bit mode tooJun 03 17:07
MinceRi guess the corporation bill gates named after his prick didn't want to port everything to IA64Jun 03 17:07
MinceR/fni guess the corporation bill gates named after his prick didn't want to port everything to IA64Jun 03 17:07
immibisIF, the actual segmentation system in 32-bit mode, was replaced with thatJun 03 17:08
immibis/fnIF, the actual segmentation system in 32-bit mode, was replaced with thatJun 03 17:08
CrystalMathimmibis: which is required to run 32-bit programsJun 03 17:08
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: which is required to run 32-bit programsJun 03 17:08
immibisCrystalMath: yes i'm saying they could rip out segmentation and put in FS and GS as offset registersJun 03 17:08
immibis/fnCrystalMath: yes i'm saying they could rip out segmentation and put in FS and GS as offset registersJun 03 17:08
immibisand only the OS would have to know the differenceJun 03 17:08
immibis/fnand only the OS would have to know the differenceJun 03 17:08
CrystalMathimmibis: then 32-bit won't workJun 03 17:08
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: then 32-bit won't workJun 03 17:08
immibiswhy? what other properties do segments have in 32-bit windows?Jun 03 17:08
immibis/fnwhy? what other properties do segments have in 32-bit windows?Jun 03 17:08
CrystalMaththere's also LDTs that processes can create with system callsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnthere's also LDTs that processes can create with system callsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathand doJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnand doJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathand i mean, there's also segment limitsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnand i mean, there's also segment limitsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathsegment permissions still work in long modeJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnsegment permissions still work in long modeJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathsegment-relative addressing still works in long modeJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnsegment-relative addressing still works in long modeJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathbut the base is 0Jun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnbut the base is 0Jun 03 17:09
CrystalMathand the limit is maxJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnand the limit is maxJun 03 17:09
CrystalMathand yet still you can use segmentsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnand yet still you can use segmentsJun 03 17:09
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: also earlier you said nobody was talking about plugging out 32-bit compatibilityJun 03 17:10
CrystalMathimmibis: also earlier you said nobody was talking about plugging out 32-bit compatibilityJun 03 17:10
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:11
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:11
CrystalMathbut your suggestion would kill long mode tooJun 03 17:11
CrystalMath/fnbut your suggestion would kill long mode tooJun 03 17:11
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:11
CrystalMaththe assumptions we've had so far in itJun 03 17:11
CrystalMath/fnthe assumptions we've had so far in itJun 03 17:11
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:11
CrystalMathbecause compatibility mode is a subset of long modeJun 03 17:11
CrystalMath/fnbecause compatibility mode is a subset of long modeJun 03 17:11
CrystalMathimmibis: even 64-bit paging is just an added piece on top of PAEJun 03 17:12
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: even 64-bit paging is just an added piece on top of PAEJun 03 17:12
CrystalMathit's all built on top, and you want to rip out the foundationJun 03 17:13
CrystalMath/fnit's all built on top, and you want to rip out the foundationJun 03 17:13
CrystalMathreally, i would sooner expect ARM desktops than thatJun 03 17:13
CrystalMath/fnreally, i would sooner expect ARM desktops than thatJun 03 17:13
techrights-bot#ibm #layoffs #exodus #pandemic "Is hundredths of people measured in centipeoples? What is it like to be (for example) 29% layed off? Tell me more!" 03 17:14
techrights-bot/fn#ibm #layoffs #exodus #pandemic "Is hundredths of people measured in centipeoples? What is it like to be (for example) 29% layed off? Tell me more!" 03 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:14
CrystalMathimmibis: you do know that for some government purposes software s literally required by regulations to be 5+ years old?Jun 03 17:15
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: you do know that for some government purposes software s literally required by regulations to be 5+ years old?Jun 03 17:15
techrights-botNew: " Just the cloud portion of Amazon (AWS) businesses is poised to overtake ALL of IBM in both income and profits in a few more months. IBM was already struggling to grow hybrid cloud WITHOUT competition on that from the largest cloud provider." 03 17:15
techrights-bot/fnNew: " Just the cloud portion of Amazon (AWS) businesses is poised to overtake ALL of IBM in both income and profits in a few more months. IBM was already struggling to grow hybrid cloud WITHOUT competition on that from the largest cloud provider." 03 17:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:15
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future  - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:15
CrystalMathimmibis: and can be up to 20 years oldJun 03 17:15
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: and can be up to 20 years oldJun 03 17:15
techrights-bot1 hour ago: "The revenue issue at #IBM will continue. When AK announced the GTS spin-off the charts showed Kyndryl at 19 billion and Hybrid IBM at 58 billion." 03 17:16
techrights-bot/fn1 hour ago: "The revenue issue at #IBM will continue. When AK announced the GTS spin-off the charts showed Kyndryl at 19 billion and Hybrid IBM at 58 billion." 03 17:16
techrights-botMinutes ago: "Just get a van and sleep in the #IBM parking lot. Many of the facilities have showers." 03 17:16
techrights-bot/fnMinutes ago: "Just get a van and sleep in the #IBM parking lot. Many of the facilities have showers." 03 17:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:16
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:16
techrights-botOne hour ago on #ibm layoffs and collapse: "Same reason they had us all relocate in the first place: to drive people out. Resignations are cheaper than layoffs" 03 17:17
techrights-bot/fnOne hour ago on #ibm layoffs and collapse: "Same reason they had us all relocate in the first place: to drive people out. Resignations are cheaper than layoffs" 03 17:17
baronhk1[m]<techrights-bot "Minutes ago: "Just get a van and"> LolJun 03 17:18
baronhk1[m]/fn<techrights-bot "Minutes ago: "Just get a van and"> LolJun 03 17:18
techrights-bot#IBM / #RedHat / #Fedora Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #LinuxJun 03 17:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:18
techrights-bot/fn#IBM / #RedHat / #Fedora Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #LinuxJun 03 17:18
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:18
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▅▅▅▆▄▅▄▅▅▄▂▂▄▆▅▆▅▅▅▅▅▁▄▆▆▄▅▃▁▅▃▁ avg(k/sec) 20.18 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂▂▁▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▂█▁▂▂▃▇▁▁▂▁▂▁▁█▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 48.31▕ swarm size (avg): 237.38  ⟲Jun 03 17:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▄▅▅▅▆▄▅▄▅▅▄▂▂▄▆▅▆▅▅▅▅▅▁▄▆▆▄▅▃▁▅▃▁ avg(k/sec) 20.18 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂▂▁▂▂▃▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▂▁▂█▁▂▂▃▇▁▁▂▁▂▁▁█▁█▁ avg(k/sec) 48.31▕ swarm size (avg): 237.38  ⟲Jun 03 17:18
techrights-botAudiocasts/Shows: Ubuntu Podcast, #BSDNow , and #TLLTS • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 17:19
techrights-bot/fnAudiocasts/Shows: Ubuntu Podcast, #BSDNow , and #TLLTS • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 17:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows: Ubuntu Podcast, BSDNow, and TLLTS | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:19
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Audiocasts/Shows: Ubuntu Podcast, BSDNow, and TLLTS | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:19
immibisCrystalMath: does Linux care about segment permissions or segment limits or segment offsets other than FS and GS? Jun 03 17:20
immibis/fnCrystalMath: does Linux care about segment permissions or segment limits or segment offsets other than FS and GS?Jun 03 17:20
CrystalMathimmibis: also your beloved UEFI requires 32-bit mode :PJun 03 17:20
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: also your beloved UEFI requires 32-bit mode :PJun 03 17:20
immibis... beloved? *blinks*Jun 03 17:21
immibis/fn... beloved? *blinks*Jun 03 17:21
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 17:21
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 17:21
techrights-bot"I was pretty upset when I learned my relatively new (couple years old) mobo couldn't boot off #nvme without being in UEFI mode." Back doors or GTFO? By s​uperkuh in #techrights #irc (moments ago)Jun 03 17:21
techrights-bot/fn"I was pretty upset when I learned my relatively new (couple years old) mobo couldn't boot off #nvme without being in UEFI mode." Back doors or GTFO? By s​uperkuh in #techrights #irc (moments ago)Jun 03 17:21
CrystalMathimmibis: see modify_ldt() available even in 64-bitJun 03 17:21
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: see modify_ldt() available even in 64-bitJun 03 17:21
CrystalMathbut cannot be used to create 64-bit segments ofcJun 03 17:22
CrystalMath/fnbut cannot be used to create 64-bit segments ofcJun 03 17:22
CrystalMathjust 32-bit compatJun 03 17:22
CrystalMath/fnjust 32-bit compatJun 03 17:22
CrystalMathalso a kernel config can disable 16-bit segments to be created, but this is an artificial blockade chosen by the userJun 03 17:22
CrystalMath/fnalso a kernel config can disable 16-bit segments to be created, but this is an artificial blockade chosen by the userJun 03 17:22
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 17:23
CrystalMath"linux" still includes every possible config for it to not be brokenJun 03 17:23
CrystalMath/fn"linux" still includes every possible config for it to not be brokenJun 03 17:23
schestowitzimmibis: the diff b/w 16bit and 32bit is massive compared to 32 and 64Jun 03 17:23
schestowitz/fnimmibis: the diff b/w 16bit and 32bit is massive compared to 32 and 64Jun 03 17:23
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 17:23
CrystalMathso you need to be able to create 16-bit segments even in 64-bit modeJun 03 17:23
CrystalMath/fnso you need to be able to create 16-bit segments even in 64-bit modeJun 03 17:23
schestowitznot even comparableJun 03 17:23
schestowitz/fnnot even comparableJun 03 17:23
CrystalMathschestowitz: not reallyJun 03 17:23
CrystalMath/fnschestowitz: not reallyJun 03 17:23
CrystalMathit is between real mode and protected modeJun 03 17:23
CrystalMath/fnit is between real mode and protected modeJun 03 17:23
schestowitzyou could do just about anything except HPC with 32Jun 03 17:23
schestowitz/fnyou could do just about anything except HPC with 32Jun 03 17:23
CrystalMathbut 16-bit protected and 32-bit protected is 99.999% identicalJun 03 17:23
CrystalMath/fnbut 16-bit protected and 32-bit protected is 99.999% identicalJun 03 17:23
CrystalMathit's just that nobody really used 16-bit protected mode except windows 3.11 :PJun 03 17:24
CrystalMath/fnit's just that nobody really used 16-bit protected mode except windows 3.11 :PJun 03 17:24
CrystalMathbut... despite that, it's just ONE little bitJun 03 17:24
CrystalMath/fnbut... despite that, it's just ONE little bitJun 03 17:24
CrystalMathof a differenceJun 03 17:24
CrystalMath/fnof a differenceJun 03 17:24
CrystalMathand in the microcode getting rid of one saves you *nothing*Jun 03 17:24
CrystalMath/fnand in the microcode getting rid of one saves you *nothing*Jun 03 17:24
schestowitzX​Revan86: I think the RSS feeds of Meduza are brokenJun 03 17:24
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: I think the RSS feeds of Meduza are brokenJun 03 17:24
schestowitzI saw nothing this weekJun 03 17:24
schestowitz/fnI saw nothing this weekJun 03 17:24
schestowitzWhenever I email them about it I received no replyJun 03 17:25
schestowitz/fnWhenever I email them about it I received no replyJun 03 17:25
schestowitzso I stopped botheringJun 03 17:25
schestowitz/fnso I stopped botheringJun 03 17:25
CrystalMathalso real mode is just a tiny diversion in the microcode, diverting from the gigantic monstrosity of protected mode, but REUSING the other monstrosity of 16-bit addressing logic which is still valid even in 64-bit long modeJun 03 17:26
CrystalMath/fnalso real mode is just a tiny diversion in the microcode, diverting from the gigantic monstrosity of protected mode, but REUSING the other monstrosity of 16-bit addressing logic which is still valid even in 64-bit long modeJun 03 17:26
CrystalMaththere's nothing to gain from removing it, only to loseJun 03 17:26
CrystalMath/fnthere's nothing to gain from removing it, only to loseJun 03 17:26
CrystalMathamd64 was built specifically to keep all the legacy stuff, and it wonJun 03 17:27
CrystalMath/fnamd64 was built specifically to keep all the legacy stuff, and it wonJun 03 17:27
CrystalMathyou can use arm64Jun 03 17:27
CrystalMath/fnyou can use arm64Jun 03 17:27
CrystalMathit doesn't have thatJun 03 17:27
CrystalMath/fnit doesn't have thatJun 03 17:27
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:27
CrystalMathor mips64, or RISC-VJun 03 17:27
CrystalMath/fnor mips64, or RISC-VJun 03 17:27
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:27
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:28
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:28
CrystalMathall alright architecturesJun 03 17:28
CrystalMath/fnall alright architecturesJun 03 17:28
*phobos_anomaly has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 17:28
techrights-bot#Slimbook ONE #GNU #Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip 03 17:28
techrights-bot/fn#Slimbook ONE #GNU #Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip 03 17:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Slimbook ONE Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip - It's FOSS NewsJun 03 17:28
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Slimbook ONE Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip - It's FOSS NewsJun 03 17:28
MinceRARM has tons of legacy stuff, thoughJun 03 17:28
MinceR/fnARM has tons of legacy stuff, thoughJun 03 17:28
CrystalMathwell :)Jun 03 17:28
CrystalMath/fnwell :)Jun 03 17:28
CrystalMathcompatibility is goodJun 03 17:28
CrystalMath/fncompatibility is goodJun 03 17:28
*phobos_anomaly (~phobos@unaffiliated/phobos-anomaly/x-6744724) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:28
MinceRvarious instruction set sizes and whateverJun 03 17:28
MinceR/fnvarious instruction set sizes and whateverJun 03 17:28
CrystalMathit's not a bugJun 03 17:28
CrystalMath/fnit's not a bugJun 03 17:28
*guysoft42 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:28
CrystalMathit's a feature in my opinionJun 03 17:29
CrystalMath/fnit's a feature in my opinionJun 03 17:29
CrystalMathliving without a rearview mirror sucksJun 03 17:29
CrystalMath/fnliving without a rearview mirror sucksJun 03 17:29
MinceRi'm not the one who has an allergy to old stuff that worksJun 03 17:29
MinceR/fni'm not the one who has an allergy to old stuff that worksJun 03 17:29
techrights-botJason Perlow, from Microsoft, now speaks for Linux Foundation, and cooperates on the killing of the Linux brand see 03 17:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Daniel Scales, Chief Brand Counsel, Linux Foundation - Linux FoundationJun 03 17:30
techrights-bot/fnJason Perlow, from Microsoft, now speaks for Linux Foundation, and cooperates on the killing of the Linux brand see 03 17:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Has Killed the Linux Brand (in Pursuit of Short-Term Profits) | TechrightsJun 03 17:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interview with Daniel Scales, Chief Brand Counsel, Linux Foundation - Linux FoundationJun 03 17:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Has Killed the Linux Brand (in Pursuit of Short-Term Profits) | TechrightsJun 03 17:30
techrights-botWow, #tecmint now reposts with a new date articles from 6 years ago. Lately they've just been faking the age of articles, in pursuit of traffic... 03 17:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Installation of Manjaro 21.0 (KDE Edition) DesktopJun 03 17:33
techrights-bot/fnWow, #tecmint now reposts with a new date articles from 6 years ago. Lately they've just been faking the age of articles, in pursuit of traffic... 03 17:33
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Installation of Manjaro 21.0 (KDE Edition) DesktopJun 03 17:33
XRevan86schestowitz: They keep breaking itJun 03 17:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: They keep breaking itJun 03 17:34
schestowitzX​Revan86: they ought to have alerting in placeJun 03 17:34
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: they ought to have alerting in placeJun 03 17:34
schestowitzif TR can have it, Meduza can tooJun 03 17:34
schestowitz/fnif TR can have it, Meduza can tooJun 03 17:34
schestowitznot too hard to check the integrity of RSS feeds, just fetch them and see if they can be parsed OKJun 03 17:35
schestowitz/fnnot too hard to check the integrity of RSS feeds, just fetch them and see if they can be parsed OKJun 03 17:35
schestowitzbut maybe they rely on 'social' 'media' insteadJun 03 17:35
schestowitz/fnbut maybe they rely on 'social' 'media' insteadJun 03 17:35
techrights-botDepartment of Defense (DoD) + #ibm #redhat = fake #security see 03 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How do you handle NIST's separation of duty requirements? | Enable SysadminJun 03 17:37
techrights-bot/fnDepartment of Defense (DoD) + #ibm #redhat = fake #security see 03 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fake Security is Still a Real Problem, Even in the GNU/Linux (and BSD) Spheres | TechrightsJun 03 17:37
TechrightsBot-tr/ | How do you handle NIST's separation of duty requirements? | Enable SysadminJun 03 17:37
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fake Security is Still a Real Problem, Even in the GNU/Linux (and BSD) Spheres | TechrightsJun 03 17:37
techrights-botCreate your own low-cost contactless IR thermometer with Arduino | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #Hardware #OpenHardware #Hacking | more in 03 17:38
techrights-bot/fnCreate your own low-cost contactless IR thermometer with Arduino | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #Hardware #OpenHardware #Hacking | more in 03 17:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Create your own low-cost contactless IR thermometer with Arduino | Arduino BlogJun 03 17:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Create your own low-cost contactless IR thermometer with Arduino | Arduino BlogJun 03 17:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 17:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 17:38
techrights-bot"What a terrible company this has become. Old man Watson would be spinning in his grave." #ibm #layoffs #exodus 03 17:41
techrights-bot/fn"What a terrible company this has become. Old man Watson would be spinning in his grave." #ibm #layoffs #exodus 03 17:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:41
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Over - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 17:41
MinceRwould he really?Jun 03 17:41
MinceR/fnwould he really?Jun 03 17:41
schestowitzyesJun 03 17:42
schestowitz/fnyesJun 03 17:42
schestowitzwith his nazi matesJun 03 17:42
schestowitz/fnwith his nazi matesJun 03 17:42
MinceR:>Jun 03 17:42
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 17:42
schestowitzlike a fedora rspinJun 03 17:42
schestowitz/fnlike a fedora rspinJun 03 17:42
schestowitz*respinJun 03 17:42
schestowitz/fn*respinJun 03 17:42
phobos_anomalywrap 'em in copper wire... could use him to generate more electricity for the grid... might solve the california brown out problemJun 03 17:43
phobos_anomaly/fnwrap 'em in copper wire... could use him to generate more electricity for the grid... might solve the california brown out problemJun 03 17:43
techrights-bot#Nvidia #DLSS is coming to boost frame rates for Linux gamers this month 03 17:45
techrights-bot/fn#Nvidia #DLSS is coming to boost frame rates for Linux gamers this month 03 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:45
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Nintendo, NVIDIA, AMD, Wolfenstein, and Ray Tracing | Tux MachinesJun 03 17:45
*asusbox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 17:45
*asusbox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 17:45
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:45
techrights-bot#ibm #redhat : with partners like these... #ProprietarySoftwareJun 03 17:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP® Solutions Now Available on SAP StoreJun 03 17:46
techrights-bot/fn#ibm #redhat : with partners like these... #ProprietarySoftwareJun 03 17:46
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP® Solutions Now Available on SAP StoreJun 03 17:46
*asusbox (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 17:46
techrights-bot"A new IDC white paper sponsored by Red Hat..." So just like #microsoft the #ibm #redhat managers now bribe fake 'experts' to produce propaganda in "study" clothing see 03 17:48
techrights-bot/fn"A new IDC white paper sponsored by Red Hat..." So just like #microsoft the #ibm #redhat managers now bribe fake 'experts' to produce propaganda in "study" clothing see 03 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IDC study reveals the value of Red Hat CertificationJun 03 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IDC - TechrightsJun 03 17:48
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IDC study reveals the value of Red Hat CertificationJun 03 17:48
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IDC - TechrightsJun 03 17:48
techrights-botGordon Haff from IBM, a former 'analyst', on rebranding servers as "clown" #marketing #clowncomputing #cloudwashingJun 03 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | You need a hybrid cloud for digital transformationJun 03 17:49
techrights-bot/fnGordon Haff from IBM, a former 'analyst', on rebranding servers as "clown" #marketing #clowncomputing #cloudwashingJun 03 17:49
TechrightsBot-tr/ | You need a hybrid cloud for digital transformationJun 03 17:49
techrights-bot#RedHat is leaning on #proprietarysoftware companies now, instead of competing with themJun 03 17:51
techrights-bot/fn#RedHat is leaning on #proprietarysoftware companies now, instead of competing with themJun 03 17:51
techrights-bot/fnLow paid or unpaid #redhat workers. Is this the future under #ibm h 03 17:53
techrights-botLow paid or unpaid #redhat workers. Is this the future under #ibm h 03 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Summer Intern Restart Up — Madeline PeckJun 03 17:53
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Summer Intern Restart Up — Madeline PeckJun 03 17:53
techrights-bot"So you could turn it into a more traditional desktop-Linux based system if you wanted to." #games #gnu #linuxJun 03 17:54
techrights-bot/fn"So you could turn it into a more traditional desktop-Linux based system if you wanted to." #games #gnu #linuxJun 03 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Atari VCS finally actually launches (in the US) on June 15 | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:54
TechrightsBot-tr/fnAtari VCS finally actually launches (in the US) on June 15 | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:54
techrights-bot"The release is due sometime in "Q2 2022" with #GNU #Linux fully supported." 03 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Thousand Lives is an upcoming minimalist rogue-lite role playing life simulation | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:56
techrights-bot/fn"The release is due sometime in "Q2 2022" with #GNU #Linux fully supported." 03 17:56
TechrightsBot-tr/fnThousand Lives is an upcoming minimalist rogue-lite role playing life simulation | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:56
MinceR(audio:unimportant) 03 17:56
MinceR/fn(audio:unimportant) 03 17:56
techrights-bot"Even better, it's built on #GNU #Linux — for GNU/Linux, as the developer noted before." 03 17:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-If you're looking for a virtual table-top check out the latest Foundry VTT | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:57
techrights-bot/fn"Even better, it's built on #GNU #Linux — for GNU/Linux, as the developer noted before." 03 17:57
TechrightsBot-tr/fnIf you're looking for a virtual table-top check out the latest Foundry VTT | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 17:57
techrights-bot"Even better, it's built on #GNU #Linux — for GNU/Linux, as the developer noted before." 03 17:57
techrights-bot/fn"Even better, it's built on #GNU #Linux — for GNU/Linux, as the developer noted before." 03 17:57
schestowitzMinceR: that's me beneath the surfaceJun 03 17:59
schestowitz/fnMinceR: that's me beneath the surfaceJun 03 17:59
MinceR:)Jun 03 18:00
MinceR/fn:)Jun 03 18:00
schestowitzwith Mr. BeansJun 03 18:00
schestowitz/fnwith Mr. BeansJun 03 18:00
techrights-bot#ROS #Kinetic migration and its challenges – A community perspective. 03 18:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ROS Kinetic migration and its challenges – A community perspective. | UbuntuJun 03 18:00
techrights-bot/fn#ROS #Kinetic migration and its challenges – A community perspective. 03 18:00
TechrightsBot-tr/fnROS Kinetic migration and its challenges – A community perspective. | UbuntuJun 03 18:00
techrights-bot#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 18:01
techrights-bot/fn#Google #Android Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Android  Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:01
techrights-bot#Games : Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #GamingJun 03 18:01
techrights-bot/fn#Games : Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #GamingJun 03 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:01
techrights-bot#ReproducibleBuilds in May 2021 #security #freeswJun 03 18:02
techrights-bot/fn#ReproducibleBuilds in May 2021 #security #freeswJun 03 18:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Reproducible Builds in May 2021 — reproducible-builds.orgJun 03 18:02
TechrightsBot-tr/fnReproducible Builds in May 2021 — reproducible-builds.orgJun 03 18:02
techrights-bot#AMD is bringing performance-boosting #SmartShift tech to #Linux laptops 03 18:06
techrights-bot/fn#AMD is bringing performance-boosting #SmartShift tech to #Linux laptops 03 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Continues Working On SmartShift Support For Linux | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:06
TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Continues Working On SmartShift Support For Linux | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:06
techrights-bot/fnYou can imagine what OS it runs... 03 18:11
techrights-botYou can imagine what OS it runs... 03 18:11
TechrightsBot-tr/ | QNAP Announces TVS-x72X 10 GbE NAS with 4K HDMI and M.2 NVMe SSD SupportJun 03 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | QNAP Announces TVS-x72X 10 GbE NAS with 4K HDMI and M.2 NVMe SSD SupportJun 03 18:11
XRevan86schestowitz: I'll try reporting through Ctrl+EnterJun 03 18:11
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: I'll try reporting through Ctrl+EnterJun 03 18:11
techrights-bot#Mozilla: Rust, #MicrosoftTim on Latest #Firefox , and #TorBrowser 10.0.17 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #www #TuxMachinesJun 03 18:11
techrights-bot/fn#Mozilla: Rust, #MicrosoftTim on Latest #Firefox , and #TorBrowser 10.0.17 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #www #TuxMachinesJun 03 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla: Rust, Microsoft Tim on Latest Firefox, and Tor Browser 10.0.17 | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:12
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mozilla: Rust, Microsoft Tim on Latest Firefox, and Tor Browser 10.0.17 | Tux MachinesJun 03 18:12
techrights-bot"Recent versions of Podman, Buildah, and CRI-O have started to take advantage of a new kernel feature, volatile overlay mounts." #ibm 'innovation' as #vendorLockin with #redhat brands 03 18:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | New container feature: Volatile overlay mounts | Enable SysadminJun 03 18:14
techrights-bot/fn"Recent versions of Podman, Buildah, and CRI-O have started to take advantage of a new kernel feature, volatile overlay mounts." #ibm 'innovation' as #vendorLockin with #redhat brands 03 18:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | New container feature: Volatile overlay mounts | Enable SysadminJun 03 18:14
techrights-bot"On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.301003." #perl #programming 03 18:16
techrights-bot/fn"On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.301003." #perl #programming 03 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dancer2 0.301003 Released | Jason A. Crome []Jun 03 18:16
TechrightsBot-tr/fnDancer2 0.301003 Released | Jason A. Crome []Jun 03 18:16
schestowitzX​Revan86:  not the keyboard shortcut but some site called that?Jun 03 18:17
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86:  not the keyboard shortcut but some site called that?Jun 03 18:17
XRevan86schestowitz: The keyboard shortcutJun 03 18:17
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: The keyboard shortcutJun 03 18:17
techrights-bot#ArchLinux has a 2021.06.01 build now. #RollingRelease #gnu #linuxJun 03 18:17
techrights-bot/fn#ArchLinux has a 2021.06.01 build now. #RollingRelease #gnu #linuxJun 03 18:17
techrights-botBut that also helps #google follow you everywhere I'd say, if you care about #www then stay WELL away from Google (or GAFAM) 03 18:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome experiment lets you Follow news and website updatesJun 03 18:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A deeper dive into Chrome WebFeedJun 03 18:24
techrights-bot/fnBut that also helps #google follow you everywhere I'd say, if you care about #www then stay WELL away from Google (or GAFAM) 03 18:24
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chrome experiment lets you Follow news and website updatesJun 03 18:24
TechrightsBot-tr/ | A deeper dive into Chrome WebFeedJun 03 18:24
techrights-bot#NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released With GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Support - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released With GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Support - PhoronixJun 03 18:26
techrights-bot/fn#NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released With GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Support - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 18:26
TechrightsBot-tr/fnNVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released With GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Support - PhoronixJun 03 18:26
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 18:26
techrights-bot#AMD Queues More Beige Goby Bring-Up, 16bpc Format For Vulkan, Smart Shift For Linux 5.14 - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:26
techrights-bot/fn#AMD Queues More Beige Goby Bring-Up, 16bpc Format For Vulkan, Smart Shift For Linux 5.14 - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-AMD Queues More Beige Goby Bring-Up, 16bpc Format For Vulkan, Smart Shift For Linux 5.14 - PhoronixJun 03 18:26
TechrightsBot-tr/fnAMD Queues More Beige Goby Bring-Up, 16bpc Format For Vulkan, Smart Shift For Linux 5.14 - PhoronixJun 03 18:27
techrights-bot[Mesa-dev] [ANNOUNCE] mesa 21.1.2 #mesa #linux #graphics #freeswJun 03 18:27
techrights-bot/fn[Mesa-dev] [ANNOUNCE] mesa 21.1.2 #mesa #linux #graphics #freeswJun 03 18:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Mesa-dev] [ANNOUNCE] mesa 21.1.2Jun 03 18:27
TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Mesa-dev] [ANNOUNCE] mesa 21.1.2Jun 03 18:27
techrights-botDXVK-NVAPI 0.3 Released For Being Able To Expose More Of NVIDIA's Public API Within #SteamPlay - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:28
techrights-bot/fnDXVK-NVAPI 0.3 Released For Being Able To Expose More Of NVIDIA's Public API Within #SteamPlay - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #Phoronix #Kernel #Linux 🐧 | more in 03 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-DXVK-NVAPI 0.3 Released For Being Able To Expose More Of NVIDIA's Public API Within Steam Play - PhoronixJun 03 18:28
TechrightsBot-tr/fnDXVK-NVAPI 0.3 Released For Being Able To Expose More Of NVIDIA's Public API Within Steam Play - PhoronixJun 03 18:28
techrights-bot/fnHow to become a ZUCKER instead of studying #programming frameworks not tied to #surveillanceCapitalism and #imperialism by #espionage 03 18:30
techrights-botHow to become a ZUCKER instead of studying #programming frameworks not tied to #surveillanceCapitalism and #imperialism by #espionage 03 18:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Excellent Free Tutorials to Learn Hack - LinuxLinksJun 03 18:30
TechrightsBot-tr/fnExcellent Free Tutorials to Learn Hack - LinuxLinksJun 03 18:30
techrights-botStorage is very cheap and network capacities at homes improved vastly. Why still outsource your data??? ⚓ ䷉ #changelog | more in 03 18:31
techrights-bot/fnStorage is very cheap and network capacities at homes improved vastly. Why still outsource your data??? ⚓ ䷉ #changelog | more in 03 18:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roundup of Unique Data/Storage Hosting Options | The ChangelogJun 03 18:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Roundup of Unique Data/Storage Hosting Options | The ChangelogJun 03 18:32
techrights-botSPAMMING perfumed as email marketing and then a tingle of #openwashing 03 18:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 12 open-source free self-hosted email marketing solutionsJun 03 18:32
techrights-bot/fnSPAMMING perfumed as email marketing and then a tingle of #openwashing 03 18:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | 12 open-source free self-hosted email marketing solutionsJun 03 18:32
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 18:33
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 18:33
techrights-bot"Matt Mullenweg’s words in “The Commons of Images” episode of the WP Briefing podcast exemplify the core philosophy of the WordPress project, especially as we inch closer to the next major release (version 5.8)." 03 18:33
techrights-bot/fn"Matt Mullenweg’s words in “The Commons of Images” episode of the WP Briefing podcast exemplify the core philosophy of the WordPress project, especially as we inch closer to the next major release (version 5.8)." 03 18:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-News – The Month in WordPress: May 2021 – WordPress.orgJun 03 18:33
TechrightsBot-tr/fnNews – The Month in WordPress: May 2021 – WordPress.orgJun 03 18:33
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 18:34
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 18:35
techrights-botExcuses for #ibm pushing workers to spread viruses while COVID still rages on: "If you're a young person who looks at this as a career and not just a pay check, then it probably is also in your interest to go into the office, because otherwise, your peers who do will get the skills and the promotions over you." 03 18:36
techrights-bot/fnExcuses for #ibm pushing workers to spread viruses while COVID still rages on: "If you're a young person who looks at this as a career and not just a pay check, then it probably is also in your interest to go into the office, because otherwise, your peers who do will get the skills and the promotions over you." 03 18:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 18:36
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 18:36
MinceR(cat) (no audio) 03 18:37
MinceR/fn(cat) (no audio) 03 18:37
techrights-bot"But apparently, not all components are, and Arm has now announced the Open-CMSIS-Pack project that will move part of #CMSIS into the open project in collaboration with the Linaro IoT and Embedded Group." 03 18:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm introduces Open-CMSIS-Pack and Keil Studio Cloud for MCU software development - CNX SoftwareJun 03 18:39
techrights-bot/fn"But apparently, not all components are, and Arm has now announced the Open-CMSIS-Pack project that will move part of #CMSIS into the open project in collaboration with the Linaro IoT and Embedded Group." 03 18:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arm introduces Open-CMSIS-Pack and Keil Studio Cloud for MCU software development - CNX SoftwareJun 03 18:39
techrights-bot"I recently came across an excellent tool called KeyCombiner that helps you practice keyboard shortcuts (3 sets for free, $29/6 months for more sets). I spent some time to create a set for Amazing Marvin, my current todo manager of choice." 03 18:40
techrights-bot/fn"I recently came across an excellent tool called KeyCombiner that helps you practice keyboard shortcuts (3 sets for free, $29/6 months for more sets). I spent some time to create a set for Amazing Marvin, my current todo manager of choice." 03 18:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Amazing Marvin and KeyCombinerJun 03 18:40
TechrightsBot-tr/ » Amazing Marvin and KeyCombinerJun 03 18:40
techrights-bot#GNU #GRUB Adds Backup/Restore Safeguard, Support For Going Beyond Year 2038 - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #PhoronixJun 03 18:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-GRUB Adds Backup/Restore Safeguard, Support For Going Beyond Year 2038 - PhoronixJun 03 18:41
techrights-bot/fn#GNU #GRUB Adds Backup/Restore Safeguard, Support For Going Beyond Year 2038 - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #PhoronixJun 03 18:41
TechrightsBot-tr/fnGRUB Adds Backup/Restore Safeguard, Support For Going Beyond Year 2038 - PhoronixJun 03 18:41
techrights-botIt's 2021 and #Intel STILL doesn't know how to set up a #git server they used to self-host with #gitlab and #freesw but then they got infiltrated by Microsofters: 03 18:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel Releases HAXM 7.7 For Open-Source, Cross-Platform Virtualization Engine - PhoronixJun 03 18:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel leaks - TechrightsJun 03 18:44
techrights-bot/fnIt's 2021 and #Intel STILL doesn't know how to set up a #git server they used to self-host with #gitlab and #freesw but then they got infiltrated by Microsofters: 03 18:44
TechrightsBot-tr/fnIntel Releases HAXM 7.7 For Open-Source, Cross-Platform Virtualization Engine - PhoronixJun 03 18:44
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Intel leaks - TechrightsJun 03 18:44
techrights-bot#billBC pretended we were getting #covid19 under control with #billgates -connected products (which he INSISTED on PRIVATISING with #patents though us the taxpayers paid for tge research!). Latest stats: 6,496 new cases (34.7% increase week-to-week), patients admitted to hospital up 17.1%, testing down by 17.3% (so the reality is even worse)Jun 03 18:50
techrights-bot/fn#billBC pretended we were getting #covid19 under control with #billgates -connected products (which he INSISTED on PRIVATISING with #patents though us the taxpayers paid for tge research!). Latest stats: 6,496 new cases (34.7% increase week-to-week), patients admitted to hospital up 17.1%, testing down by 17.3% (so the reality is even worse)Jun 03 18:50
techrights-botDbus-Broker 29 Released, Says Goodbye To Some Older Kernel Support - Phoronix ⚓ they'll need to #deletegithub to be seen as more technically professional. #kernel stuff outsourced to #microsoft #proprietarySoftware is 'bad taste' 03 18:54
techrights-bot/fnDbus-Broker 29 Released, Says Goodbye To Some Older Kernel Support - Phoronix ⚓ they'll need to #deletegithub to be seen as more technically professional. #kernel stuff outsourced to #microsoft #proprietarySoftware is 'bad taste' 03 18:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dbus-Broker 29 Released, Says Goodbye To Some Older Kernel Support - PhoronixJun 03 18:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Delete Github - TechrightsJun 03 18:54
TechrightsBot-tr/fnDbus-Broker 29 Released, Says Goodbye To Some Older Kernel Support - PhoronixJun 03 18:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Delete Github - TechrightsJun 03 18:54
techrights-bot#WASM3 v0.5 Released With Claims To Be The Fastest #WebAssembly Interpreter - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #deletegithub 03 18:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-WASM3 v0.5 Released With Claims To Be The Fastest WebAssembly Interpreter - PhoronixJun 03 18:55
techrights-bot/fn#WASM3 v0.5 Released With Claims To Be The Fastest #WebAssembly Interpreter - Phoronix ⚓ ䷉ #deletegithub 03 18:55
TechrightsBot-tr/fnWASM3 v0.5 Released With Claims To Be The Fastest WebAssembly Interpreter - PhoronixJun 03 18:55
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 18:55
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 18:55
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 18:55
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 18:55
techrights-bot#ibm #braindrain "People just watch their phones all day in the office or took 20 smoke breaks. Fun hours, town halls did not help productivity yet were mandatory? (more waste)... The "more engaged" is BS, most worked with teams not even local to their office." 03 18:57
techrights-bot/fn#ibm #braindrain "People just watch their phones all day in the office or took 20 smoke breaks. Fun hours, town halls did not help productivity yet were mandatory? (more waste)... The "more engaged" is BS, most worked with teams not even local to their office." 03 18:57
techrights-bot#Julia 1.6 addresses latency issues #programmingJun 03 18:58
techrights-bot/fn#Julia 1.6 addresses latency issues #programmingJun 03 18:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Julia 1.6 addresses latency issues []Jun 03 18:58
TechrightsBot-tr/fnJulia 1.6 addresses latency issues []Jun 03 18:58
techrights-botWhy #RISCV doesn't (yet) support #KVM 03 19:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Why RISC-V doesn't (yet) support KVM []Jun 03 19:02
techrights-bot/fnWhy #RISCV doesn't (yet) support #KVM 03 19:02
TechrightsBot-tr/fnWhy RISC-V doesn't (yet) support KVM []Jun 03 19:03
schestowitzThe paywall on this article has just lapsed (today): 03 19:03
schestowitz/fnThe paywall on this article has just lapsed (today): 03 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Turmoil at the freenode IRC network []Jun 03 19:03
TechrightsBot-tr/fnTurmoil at the freenode IRC network []Jun 03 19:03
schestowitzmaybe some freenode people like rasengan can comment on its accuracy now without paying LWNJun 03 19:03
schestowitz/fnmaybe some freenode people like rasengan can comment on its accuracy now without paying LWNJun 03 19:03
techrights-botGraphics: Yellow Carp, DXVK-NVAPI, Mesa, #AMD , and #NVIDIA • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #kernel #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 19:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: Yellow Carp, DXVK-NVAPI, Mesa, AMD, and NVIDIA | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:04
techrights-bot/fnGraphics: Yellow Carp, DXVK-NVAPI, Mesa, #AMD , and #NVIDIA • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #kernel #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 19:04
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Graphics: Yellow Carp, DXVK-NVAPI, Mesa, AMD, and NVIDIA | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:04
rasenganschestowitz: Ah, yes, there are a lot of "inaccuracies" about the whole ordeal circulating for sure.  IT's really unfortunate, but it's also an interesting phenomena.Jun 03 19:06
rasengan/fnschestowitz: Ah, yes, there are a lot of "inaccuracies" about the whole ordeal circulating for sure.  IT's really unfortunate, but it's also an interesting phenomena.Jun 03 19:06
schestowitzI am looking at the comments nowJun 03 19:06
schestowitz/fnI am looking at the comments nowJun 03 19:06
schestowitzthey're all about youJun 03 19:06
schestowitz/fnthey're all about youJun 03 19:06
schestowitzpersonification simplifies it for peopleJun 03 19:06
schestowitz/fnpersonification simplifies it for peopleJun 03 19:06
schestowitzsame with FSF being turned into RMSJun 03 19:06
schestowitz/fnsame with FSF being turned into RMSJun 03 19:06
schestowitzand then it's about "things I don't like about RMS"Jun 03 19:07
schestowitz/fnand then it's about "things I don't like about RMS"Jun 03 19:07
schestowitzrasengan: well, I saw not a single blog post about IRC todayJun 03 19:07
schestowitz/fnrasengan: well, I saw not a single blog post about IRC todayJun 03 19:07
schestowitzI check about 500 sitesJun 03 19:07
schestowitz/fnI check about 500 sitesJun 03 19:07
schestowitzif the flux settles people will be more productive againJun 03 19:07
schestowitz/fnif the flux settles people will be more productive againJun 03 19:07
rasenganThat's trueJun 03 19:07
rasengan/fnThat's trueJun 03 19:07
immibisbut, most of them will be productive on that other network (which shall not be named under threat of ban)Jun 03 19:08
immibis/fnbut, most of them will be productive on that other network (which shall not be named under threat of ban)Jun 03 19:08
schestowitzthe upside is that for the first time in decades IRC made many headlines and people who never heard of it now have a rough idea that it existsJun 03 19:08
schestowitz/fnthe upside is that for the first time in decades IRC made many headlines and people who never heard of it now have a rough idea that it existsJun 03 19:08
schestowitzimmibis: lol what?Jun 03 19:08
schestowitz/fnimmibis: lol what?Jun 03 19:09
schestowitzwe'd never ban people for mentioning itJun 03 19:09
schestowitz/fnwe'd never ban people for mentioning itJun 03 19:09
schestowitzunless you allude here to freenode ltdJun 03 19:09
schestowitz/fnunless you allude here to freenode ltdJun 03 19:09
immibisIIRC freenode has banned people for saying you should go thereJun 03 19:09
immibis/fnIIRC freenode has banned people for saying you should go thereJun 03 19:10
immibisor did they just seize channels. either way they don't like itJun 03 19:10
immibis/fnor did they just seize channels. either way they don't like itJun 03 19:10
MinceRafaik they just took over channels for having that in the topicJun 03 19:10
MinceR/fnafaik they just took over channels for having that in the topicJun 03 19:10
schestowitz700 channels iirc?Jun 03 19:11
schestowitz/fn700 channels iirc?Jun 03 19:11
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jun 03 19:11
MinceR/fn¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jun 03 19:11
schestowitz 03 19:12
schestowitz/fn 03 19:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 03 19:12
TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJun 03 19:12
schestowitzpast week: 03 19:12
schestowitz/fnpast week: 03 19:12
schestowitznumber of channels quite steady 03 19:12
schestowitz/fnnumber of channels quite steady 03 19:12
schestowitzthis week number of users online also quite steadyJun 03 19:13
schestowitz/fnthis week number of users online also quite steadyJun 03 19:13
immibisyeah, that's just inertia. I am seeing way more actual speech happening on libera than freenode. I myself am in many channels on both networks, but mostly just to point out where everyone's gone, seeing as putting that in the topic is illegalJun 03 19:13
immibis/fnyeah, that's just inertia. I am seeing way more actual speech happening on libera than freenode. I myself am in many channels on both networks, but mostly just to point out where everyone's gone, seeing as putting that in the topic is illegalJun 03 19:13
schestowitzlike I said, people need to get back to work...Jun 03 19:13
schestowitz/fnlike I said, people need to get back to work...Jun 03 19:13
schestowitzall that IRC infighting isn't productiveJun 03 19:13
schestowitz/fnall that IRC infighting isn't productiveJun 03 19:13
schestowitztonight I'll write some bits about Novell and IBMJun 03 19:14
schestowitz/fntonight I'll write some bits about Novell and IBMJun 03 19:14
immibisyup, those who have fully moved are now being productive over there; those who also stayed to watch the drama are of course making a conscious decision to be less productive in exchange for having to eat more popcornJun 03 19:14
immibis/fnyup, those who have fully moved are now being productive over there; those who also stayed to watch the drama are of course making a conscious decision to be less productive in exchange for having to eat more popcornJun 03 19:14
MinceRaha, so it's impossible to be productive on this network?Jun 03 19:14
MinceR/fnaha, so it's impossible to be productive on this network?Jun 03 19:14
immibisI made no such claim. you are acting like a leftistJun 03 19:15
immibis/fnI made no such claim. you are acting like a leftistJun 03 19:15
techrights-bot3 mins ago: "FYI, Amazon was never profitable until #AWS so yeah, Amazon's success comes from AWS, i.e. its cloud business alone has more business than #IBM , sure of course it does. It started in 2006. What do you expect when you have a 10-year headstart." 03 19:15
techrights-bot/fn3 mins ago: "FYI, Amazon was never profitable until #AWS so yeah, Amazon's success comes from AWS, i.e. its cloud business alone has more business than #IBM , sure of course it does. It started in 2006. What do you expect when you have a 10-year headstart." 03 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 19:15
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future  - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 19:15
MinceRyou implied itJun 03 19:15
MinceR/fnyou implied itJun 03 19:15
schestowitzimmibis: they also lost many users by movingJun 03 19:15
schestowitz/fnimmibis: they also lost many users by movingJun 03 19:15
schestowitznot everyone moved with their impulsive 'leaders'Jun 03 19:16
schestowitz/fnnot everyone moved with their impulsive 'leaders'Jun 03 19:16
schestowitzwhich iirc is why freenode decided to stop the migrations or to offer locals the choice to stay on the channels in freenodeJun 03 19:16
schestowitz/fnwhich iirc is why freenode decided to stop the migrations or to offer locals the choice to stay on the channels in freenodeJun 03 19:16
schestowitzshall they wishJun 03 19:16
schestowitz/fnshall they wishJun 03 19:16
immibisI am seeing far more people talking productively on L-network than on freenodeJun 03 19:16
immibis/fnI am seeing far more people talking productively on L-network than on freenodeJun 03 19:16
schestowitzfine, good for themJun 03 19:16
schestowitz/fnfine, good for themJun 03 19:16
techrights-bot#IBM / #RedHat / #Fedora Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #LinuxJun 03 19:17
techrights-bot/fn#IBM / #RedHat / #Fedora Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #LinuxJun 03 19:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:17
TechrightsBot-tr/ | IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:17
psydroidI thought free and open source software were about writing code and only talking on "as needed" basisJun 03 19:18
psydroid/fnI thought free and open source software were about writing code and only talking on "as needed" basisJun 03 19:18
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▆▅▆▁▃▄▅▁▂▄▅▅▅▁▄▄▆▆▂▃▃▅▅▁▅▆▂▅▅▅▃▁▆▄▃▁ avg(k/sec) 19.96 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂█▁▂█▁▂▃▄█▃▃▂▂██▂▃▂█▂▁▂▃▂▁▂▂▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 47.90▕ swarm size (avg): 237.42  ⟲Jun 03 19:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▆▅▆▁▃▄▅▁▂▄▅▅▅▁▄▄▆▆▂▃▃▅▅▁▅▆▂▅▅▅▃▁▆▄▃▁ avg(k/sec) 19.96 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂▂█▁▂█▁▂▃▄█▃▃▂▂██▂▃▂█▂▁▂▃▂▁▂▂▂▁▁▁ avg(k/sec) 47.90▕ swarm size (avg): 237.42  ⟲Jun 03 19:18
schestowitzwhat it boils down to isn't number of lines of chatJun 03 19:20
schestowitz/fnwhat it boils down to isn't number of lines of chatJun 03 19:20
schestowitzlast night this channel was chaosJun 03 19:20
schestowitz/fnlast night this channel was chaosJun 03 19:20
schestowitzesp. because we had a bridge to LCJun 03 19:21
schestowitz/fnesp. because we had a bridge to LCJun 03 19:21
schestowitzwith a certain troll eager to add to the chaosJun 03 19:21
schestowitz/fnwith a certain troll eager to add to the chaosJun 03 19:21
schestowitzthat's now "productive"Jun 03 19:21
schestowitz/fnthat's now "productive"Jun 03 19:21
schestowitzI'd rather have a 'dead' channel than that awful s/n ratioJun 03 19:21
schestowitz/fnI'd rather have a 'dead' channel than that awful s/n ratioJun 03 19:21
XRevan86That "certain troll" only managed to get a few sentences out.Jun 03 19:21
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] That "certain troll" only managed to get a few sentences out.Jun 03 19:21
alextee[m]oh is this on libera chat now?Jun 03 19:21
alextee[m]/fnoh is this on libera chat now?Jun 03 19:21
schestowitzin fact, I ignored the channel for 2-3 hours before catching up with it because I wanted to find and read news, not argue with people looking for IRC fightsJun 03 19:21
schestowitz/fnin fact, I ignored the channel for 2-3 hours before catching up with it because I wanted to find and read news, not argue with people looking for IRC fightsJun 03 19:21
XRevan86alextee[m]: "Yes but not yet."Jun 03 19:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] alextee[m]: "Yes but not yet."Jun 03 19:22
schestowitzX​Revan86: is this bridge still up?Jun 03 19:22
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: is this bridge still up?Jun 03 19:22
immibispsydroid: it's also about forking and going with the strongest fork and not being afraid to abandon obsolete onesJun 03 19:22
immibis/fnpsydroid: it's also about forking and going with the strongest fork and not being afraid to abandon obsolete onesJun 03 19:22
schestowitzand that other network just quiet?Jun 03 19:22
schestowitz/fnand that other network just quiet?Jun 03 19:22
XRevan86schestowitz: No, it's not connected to there.Jun 03 19:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: No, it's not connected to there.Jun 03 19:22
immibisi thought the bridge there was removed yesterday because an undesirable was using itJun 03 19:22
schestowitzanyone saying anything there?Jun 03 19:22
immibis/fni thought the bridge there was removed yesterday because an undesirable was using itJun 03 19:22
schestowitz/fnanyone saying anything there?Jun 03 19:22
immibisif you want to find out why don't you just join it?Jun 03 19:22
immibis/fnif you want to find out why don't you just join it?Jun 03 19:22
alextee[m]i just typed "test"Jun 03 19:22
alextee[m]/fni just typed "test"Jun 03 19:22
XRevan86I'm not in there, no idea.Jun 03 19:22
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] I'm not in there, no idea.Jun 03 19:22
schestowitzhow many people were online there? It's clearly not oursJun 03 19:23
schestowitz/fnhow many people were online there? It's clearly not oursJun 03 19:23
schestowitzmisappropriatedJun 03 19:23
schestowitz/fnmisappropriatedJun 03 19:23
alextee[m]26 peopleJun 03 19:23
alextee[m]/fn26 peopleJun 03 19:23
alextee[m]topic is: | Unofficial channel #techrights for http://TechRights.orgJun 03 19:23
alextee[m]/fntopic is: | Unofficial channel #techrights for http://TechRights.orgJun 03 19:23
schestowitzare they saying any7thing?Jun 03 19:23
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 19:23
schestowitz/fnare they saying any7thing?Jun 03 19:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Welcome to TechrightsJun 03 19:23
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Welcome to TechrightsJun 03 19:23
XRevan86schestowitz: It is ours, but superkuh de-opped, so…Jun 03 19:23
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: It is ours, but superkuh de-opped, so…Jun 03 19:23
psydroidimmibis, I hope the strongest fork will make its developers feel liberated and move to the most liberated chat networkJun 03 19:23
psydroid/fnimmibis, I hope the strongest fork will make its developers feel liberated and move to the most liberated chat networkJun 03 19:23
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 19:23
MinceRso it "was" "ours"Jun 03 19:23
MinceR/fnso it "was" "ours"Jun 03 19:23
XRevan86so now it's no one'sJun 03 19:24
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] so now it's no one'sJun 03 19:24
MinceRi can't wait to hear about how "strong" ibm and microsoft areJun 03 19:24
MinceR/fni can't wait to hear about how "strong" ibm and microsoft areJun 03 19:24
schestowitzwell, a bridge to it would just encourage more people to go to the unofficial placeJun 03 19:24
schestowitz/fnwell, a bridge to it would just encourage more people to go to the unofficial placeJun 03 19:24
schestowitzI just worried it might become an anti-TR forumsJun 03 19:24
schestowitz/fnI just worried it might become an anti-TR forumsJun 03 19:24
psydroidIBM and Microsoft are most liberated of all companies out thereJun 03 19:24
psydroid/fnIBM and Microsoft are most liberated of all companies out thereJun 03 19:24
schestowitzmanned with people looking to badmouth usJun 03 19:24
schestowitz/fnmanned with people looking to badmouth usJun 03 19:24
MinceRshould have squatted it earlier to prevent thatJun 03 19:25
MinceR/fnshould have squatted it earlier to prevent thatJun 03 19:25
XRevan86MinceR: superkuh didJun 03 19:25
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: superkuh didJun 03 19:25
MinceRand even then, opers serving ibm could just as easily undo itJun 03 19:25
MinceR/fnand even then, opers serving ibm could just as easily undo itJun 03 19:25
immibishave you actually tried asking libera staff since they are helping channels migrate?Jun 03 19:25
immibis/fnhave you actually tried asking libera staff since they are helping channels migrate?Jun 03 19:25
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 19:25
MinceR03 202418 [Libera] -ChanServ( #techrights is not registered.Jun 03 19:25
MinceR/fn03 202418 [Libera] -ChanServ( #techrights is not registered.Jun 03 19:25
XRevan86MinceR: There's no op that can claim it.Jun 03 19:25
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: There's no op that can claim it.Jun 03 19:25
MinceRthis is not migration, merely opening an extra channelJun 03 19:25
MinceR/fnthis is not migration, merely opening an extra channelJun 03 19:25
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 19:25
MinceR/fnyeah, they should have while they still couldJun 03 19:25
MinceRyeah, they should have while they still couldJun 03 19:25
immibiswell you don't have to tell them thatJun 03 19:25
immibis/fnwell you don't have to tell them thatJun 03 19:25
schestowitzif it's idle for the most part, no harm done, I guessJun 03 19:26
schestowitz/fnif it's idle for the most part, no harm done, I guessJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]libera staff would happily give you the channel I think if you askJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]/fnlibera staff would happily give you the channel I think if you askJun 03 19:26
schestowitzit's now where we areJun 03 19:26
schestowitz/fnit's now where we areJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]you just need to prove it's youJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]/fnyou just need to prove it's youJun 03 19:26
schestowitzwe are self-hosted and moreJun 03 19:26
schestowitz/fnwe are self-hosted and moreJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]I had to set some TXT record on my domainJun 03 19:26
alextee[m]/fnI had to set some TXT record on my domainJun 03 19:26
superkuhYou just have to send a ticket to with who you are, what channel you want, the story, etc.Jun 03 19:26
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] You just have to send a ticket to with who you are, what channel you want, the story, etc.Jun 03 19:26
superkuhGet a ticket number, wait a day or two.Jun 03 19:26
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] Get a ticket number, wait a day or two.Jun 03 19:26
superkuhOr ask in #libera.Jun 03 19:26
alextee[m]yeahJun 03 19:26
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] Or ask in #libera.Jun 03 19:26
alextee[m]/fnyeahJun 03 19:26
schestowitzbut we don't want a channel in another networkJun 03 19:27
schestowitz/fnbut we don't want a channel in another networkJun 03 19:27
XRevan86MinceR: Are ye registered there?Jun 03 19:27
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: Are ye registered there?Jun 03 19:27
schestowitzregistering it would send the wrong messageJun 03 19:27
schestowitz/fnregistering it would send the wrong messageJun 03 19:27
superkuhK.Jun 03 19:27
MinceRXRevan86: i do have a registered nick over there but i'm not on #techrights Jun 03 19:27
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] K.Jun 03 19:27
tr-bridge[M​inceR/tr] XRevan86: i do have a registered nick over there but i'm not on #techrightsJun 03 19:27
XRevan86schestowitz: I think it can be a good additional entry point.Jun 03 19:28
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: I think it can be a good additional entry point.Jun 03 19:28
MinceRif we don't have a channel in another network, then we shouldn't bridge to that networkJun 03 19:28
MinceR/fnif we don't have a channel in another network, then we shouldn't bridge to that networkJun 03 19:28
schestowitzX​Revan86: can you set a one-way bridge?Jun 03 19:28
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: can you set a one-way bridge?Jun 03 19:28
MinceRwhat's that good for?Jun 03 19:28
MinceR/fnwhat's that good for?Jun 03 19:28
schestowitzso as to discourage more people going there?Jun 03 19:28
schestowitz/fnso as to discourage more people going there?Jun 03 19:28
MinceRmaking easier for mjg to dig up shit to post on twatter?Jun 03 19:28
MinceR/fnmaking easier for mjg to dig up shit to post on twatter?Jun 03 19:28
schestowitzMinceR: the logs are publicJun 03 19:28
schestowitz/fnMinceR: the logs are publicJun 03 19:28
schestowitzno advantage for himJun 03 19:28
schestowitz/fnno advantage for himJun 03 19:28
MinceRthey are, but they are published with a delayJun 03 19:28
MinceR/fnthey are, but they are published with a delayJun 03 19:28
schestowitzexcept if he wants to spew inJun 03 19:28
schestowitz/fnexcept if he wants to spew inJun 03 19:28
MinceRand you can see how insistent he was on getting them realtimeJun 03 19:29
MinceR/fnand you can see how insistent he was on getting them realtimeJun 03 19:29
schestowitzthe delay doesn't matter muchJun 03 19:29
schestowitz/fnthe delay doesn't matter muchJun 03 19:29
schestowitz0-24-hour delayJun 03 19:29
schestowitz/fn0-24-hour delayJun 03 19:29
XRevan86schestowitz: What message would that send? That ye really-really dislike that network?Jun 03 19:29
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: What message would that send? That ye really-really dislike that network?Jun 03 19:29
MinceRapparently it does matter to the armonk mafia and to the redmond mafiaJun 03 19:29
MinceR/fnapparently it does matter to the armonk mafia and to the redmond mafiaJun 03 19:29
schestowitzX​Revan86: no, that it's not the place that's officialJun 03 19:29
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: no, that it's not the place that's officialJun 03 19:29
psydroidthat's actually a good ideaJun 03 19:29
psydroid/fnthat's actually a good ideaJun 03 19:29
schestowitzand can help monitor in case they use that channel to try to scheme against usJun 03 19:29
schestowitz/fnand can help monitor in case they use that channel to try to scheme against usJun 03 19:29
XRevan86schestowitz: The topic can advertise the official IRC server.Jun 03 19:30
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: The topic can advertise the official IRC server.Jun 03 19:30
psydroidit would be just a relay of what is happening hereJun 03 19:30
psydroid/fnit would be just a relay of what is happening hereJun 03 19:30
schestowitzwe don't need to respond to them if they say somethingJun 03 19:30
schestowitz/fnwe don't need to respond to them if they say somethingJun 03 19:30
XRevan86And the bots pushing messages through the bridge gives that message also.Jun 03 19:30
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] And the bots pushing messages through the bridge gives that message also.Jun 03 19:30
schestowitzpsydroid: that's why I asked about one-way bridgeJun 03 19:30
schestowitz/fnpsydroid: that's why I asked about one-way bridgeJun 03 19:30
schestowitzif that is an option in whatever X​Revan86 uses for thatJun 03 19:30
schestowitz/fnif that is an option in whatever X​Revan86 uses for thatJun 03 19:30
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:32
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:32
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:32
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:32
techrights-bot"What does IBM have? Z, DB2, cloud paks??? They are also screwing #Redhat dude. #IBM is finished 10 years back. Nothing can change it. If you are at IBM, it means you are low skilled and can't find any jobs elsewhere." 03 19:32
techrights-bot/fn"What does IBM have? Z, DB2, cloud paks??? They are also screwing #Redhat dude. #IBM is finished 10 years back. Nothing can change it. If you are at IBM, it means you are low skilled and can't find any jobs elsewhere." 03 19:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 19:32
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future  - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 19:32
XRevan86It is possibleJun 03 19:33
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] It is possibleJun 03 19:33
schestowitzlet's try :-)Jun 03 19:33
schestowitz/fnlet's try :-)Jun 03 19:33
schestowitzhopefully little will come inJun 03 19:33
schestowitz/fnhopefully little will come inJun 03 19:33
schestowitza two-way bridge helps fork the effortsJun 03 19:33
schestowitz/fna two-way bridge helps fork the effortsJun 03 19:33
MinceRthe ibm/m$ drones will probably crapflood us via the bridgeJun 03 19:34
MinceR/fnthe ibm/m$ drones will probably crapflood us via the bridgeJun 03 19:34
schestowitza one-way bridge would help keep everything in one place+self-hostedJun 03 19:34
schestowitz/fna one-way bridge would help keep everything in one place+self-hostedJun 03 19:34
schestowitzMinceR: if they try, we can stop thatJun 03 19:34
schestowitz/fnMinceR: if they try, we can stop thatJun 03 19:34
schestowitzit would be a low blow is they used the other network just to spew hateJun 03 19:34
schestowitz/fnit would be a low blow is they used the other network just to spew hateJun 03 19:34
MinceRyou should be used to low blows from them by nowJun 03 19:34
MinceR/fnyou should be used to low blows from them by nowJun 03 19:34
schestowitzin a channel they know to be a 'knockoff'Jun 03 19:34
schestowitz/fnin a channel they know to be a 'knockoff'Jun 03 19:34
MinceRDDoSing the website is not a low blow?Jun 03 19:35
MinceR/fnDDoSing the website is not a low blow?Jun 03 19:35
schestowitzwe have some programs in placeJun 03 19:35
schestowitz/fnwe have some programs in placeJun 03 19:35
MinceRtrying to bribe your employer is not a low blow?Jun 03 19:35
MinceR/fntrying to bribe your employer is not a low blow?Jun 03 19:35
MinceRthese people realized ages ago that they can't compete with anything made by people who know what they're doingJun 03 19:36
MinceR/fnthese people realized ages ago that they can't compete with anything made by people who know what they're doingJun 03 19:36
MinceRthat's why we have shit like UEFIJun 03 19:36
MinceR/fnthat's why we have shit like UEFIJun 03 19:36
MinceRand the microsoft taxJun 03 19:36
MinceR/fnand the microsoft taxJun 03 19:36
MinceRand lots of corruptionJun 03 19:36
MinceR/fnand lots of corruptionJun 03 19:36
*bridge has quit (connection closed)Jun 03 19:36
*tr-bridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 19:36
*bridge (~bridge@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:36
* gives channel operator status to bridgeJun 03 19:36
*tr-bridge ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:37
techrights-bot#OBSStudio 27.0 Released with Wayland Support. How to Install via Ubuntu PPA 03 19:37
techrights-bot/fn#OBSStudio 27.0 Released with Wayland Support. How to Install via Ubuntu PPA 03 19:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OBS Studio 27.0 Released With Undo/Redo, Wayland Support | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:37
TechrightsBot-tr/ | OBS Studio 27.0 Released With Undo/Redo, Wayland Support | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:37
XRevan86IgnoreMessages="^." should do the trick then.Jun 03 19:37
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] IgnoreMessages="^." should do the trick then.Jun 03 19:37
schestowitzX​Revan86 thanksJun 03 19:37
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86 thanksJun 03 19:37
techrights-bot#Blender3d 2.93 LTS Released with a Lot of Major Changes 03 19:39
techrights-bot/fn#Blender3d 2.93 LTS Released with a Lot of Major Changes 03 19:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blender 2.93 LTS Released With Big Changes | Tux MachinesJun 03 19:39
MinceR 03 19:40
MinceR/fn 03 19:40
XRevan86MinceR: I thought this topic is over.Jun 03 19:40
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: I thought this topic is over.Jun 03 19:40
immibisthank you for setting it up so libera can spy on freenode to make sure you're not scheming against us. our ex-staffer overlords thank you.Jun 03 19:41
immibis/fnthank you for setting it up so libera can spy on freenode to make sure you're not scheming against us. our ex-staffer overlords thank you.Jun 03 19:41
XRevan86Next thing they'll find out about that the logs are publicly available.Jun 03 19:42
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Next thing they'll find out about that the logs are publicly available.Jun 03 19:42
schestowitzI think you got it the other way around, MinceRJun 03 19:42
schestowitz/fnI think you got it the other way around, MinceRJun 03 19:42
schestowitzoops, immibis I meantJun 03 19:43
schestowitz/fnoops, immibis I meantJun 03 19:43
MinceRit's a bad idea either wayJun 03 19:43
MinceR/fnit's a bad idea either wayJun 03 19:43
schestowitzimmibis: we can see if they misuse the channel thereJun 03 19:43
schestowitz/fnimmibis: we can see if they misuse the channel thereJun 03 19:43
immibisyou can'tJun 03 19:43
immibis/fnyou can'tJun 03 19:43
XRevan86schestowitz: How?Jun 03 19:43
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: How?Jun 03 19:43
schestowitzthey cannot see us, except in logs or by connecting to irc.techrights.orgJun 03 19:43
schestowitz/fnthey cannot see us, except in logs or by connecting to irc.techrights.orgJun 03 19:43
immibisthey can see if you misuse this oneJun 03 19:43
immibis/fnthey can see if you misuse this oneJun 03 19:43
MinceRgarrett will, you can be sure of thatJun 03 19:43
MinceR/fngarrett will, you can be sure of thatJun 03 19:43
XRevan86ohJun 03 19:43
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] ohJun 03 19:43
schestowitzwait, maybe it was set up in reverse?Jun 03 19:44
schestowitz/fnwait, maybe it was set up in reverse?Jun 03 19:44
XRevan86schestowitz: I am confused. Which they do ye want it to be mute?Jun 03 19:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: I am confused. Which they do ye want it to be mute?Jun 03 19:44
XRevan86* which wayJun 03 19:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] * which wayJun 03 19:44
schestowitzI meant, we see theirsJun 03 19:44
schestowitz/fnI meant, we see theirsJun 03 19:44
MinceRlolJun 03 19:44
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 19:44
schestowitzthey can only read logs in HTMLJun 03 19:44
schestowitz/fnthey can only read logs in HTMLJun 03 19:44
*XRevan86 is trying to understand – whyJun 03 19:44
*tr-bridge [X​Revan86/tr] is trying to understand – whyJun 03 19:44
XRevan86I thought ye didn't want unmoderated stuff to come *from* thereJun 03 19:44
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] I thought ye didn't want unmoderated stuff to come *from* thereJun 03 19:44
schestowitzassuming they'd abuse itJun 03 19:45
schestowitz/fnassuming they'd abuse itJun 03 19:45
*Nonagon ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:45
schestowitz/fnsee, if they cannot receive replies from here, then no point abusingJun 03 19:45
schestowitzsee, if they cannot receive replies from here, then no point abusingJun 03 19:45
schestowitzit's like shooting in the darkJun 03 19:45
schestowitz/fnit's like shooting in the darkJun 03 19:45
Nonagonand why would you care here, what they say there, if they can't see what you say here?Jun 03 19:46
Nonagon/fnand why would you care here, what they say there, if they can't see what you say here?Jun 03 19:46
schestowitzthe idea is to keep the presence in one place, not spread outJun 03 19:46
schestowitz/fnthe idea is to keep the presence in one place, not spread outJun 03 19:46
Nonagonthey're not going to "scheme against you"Jun 03 19:46
Nonagon/fnthey're not going to "scheme against you"Jun 03 19:46
schestowitzand I doubt everyone would use our self-hosted networkJun 03 19:46
schestowitz/fnand I doubt everyone would use our self-hosted networkJun 03 19:46
schestowitzNonagon: no, misrepresentation is the issueJun 03 19:46
schestowitz/fnNonagon: no, misrepresentation is the issueJun 03 19:46
*tr-bridge has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jun 03 19:46
*bridge has quit (connection closed)Jun 03 19:46
schestowitzlike bringing people in to the wrong placeJun 03 19:47
*bridge (~bridge@sp6mg7ktjfurg.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:47
* gives channel operator status to bridgeJun 03 19:47
schestowitzand then feeding them abusive thingsJun 03 19:47
XRevan86That's a bad idea, I think it's better to leave them alone then.Jun 03 19:47
*tr-bridge ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:47
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] That's a bad idea, I think it's better to leave them alone then.Jun 03 19:47
schestowitzand then somehow can say, "LOOK at those nasty "techrights" people..."Jun 03 19:47
schestowitz/fnand then somehow can say, "LOOK at those nasty "techrights" people..."Jun 03 19:47
schestowitzX​Revan86: which is sort of what we doJun 03 19:47
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: which is sort of what we doJun 03 19:47
schestowitzwe don't speak back to themJun 03 19:47
schestowitz/fnwe don't speak back to themJun 03 19:47
schestowitzat the same time, if they do harmful chats to tarnish our name, that can be sort of monitoredJun 03 19:48
schestowitz/fnat the same time, if they do harmful chats to tarnish our name, that can be sort of monitoredJun 03 19:48
MinceRthat's futile enoughJun 03 19:48
MinceR/fnthat's futile enoughJun 03 19:48
schestowitzeven reported if it becomes very obviously nefariousJun 03 19:48
schestowitz/fneven reported if it becomes very obviously nefariousJun 03 19:48
schestowitzMinceR: maybe so...Jun 03 19:48
schestowitz/fnMinceR: maybe so...Jun 03 19:48
MinceRthey could do harmful chats on twatter, shitcordJun 03 19:49
MinceR/fnthey could do harmful chats on twatter, shitcordJun 03 19:49
schestowitzthey canJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnthey canJun 03 19:49
MinceReven services hosted by dehomag or microshitJun 03 19:49
MinceR/fneven services hosted by dehomag or microshitJun 03 19:49
schestowitzI watch that tooJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnI watch that tooJun 03 19:49
schestowitzin twitterJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnin twitterJun 03 19:49
schestowitzthat's how I catch them telling liesJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnthat's how I catch them telling liesJun 03 19:49
schestowitzlike insinuating homophobiaJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnlike insinuating homophobiaJun 03 19:49
MinceRthey can create more channelsJun 03 19:49
MinceR/fnthey can create more channelsJun 03 19:49
schestowitzand then we can respond to thatJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnand then we can respond to thatJun 03 19:49
MinceRthey can do so on oftc, tooJun 03 19:49
MinceR/fnthey can do so on oftc, tooJun 03 19:49
schestowitzMinceR: yes, but afaik on oftc people did not join such a channelJun 03 19:49
schestowitz/fnMinceR: yes, but afaik on oftc people did not join such a channelJun 03 19:49
schestowitz[19:49] <MinceR> even services hosted by dehomag or microshitJun 03 19:50
schestowitz/fn[19:49] <MinceR> even services hosted by dehomag or microshitJun 03 19:50
MinceRhow do you know?Jun 03 19:50
MinceR/fnhow do you know?Jun 03 19:50
schestowitzEPO has spies who spy on TechrightsJun 03 19:50
schestowitz/fnEPO has spies who spy on TechrightsJun 03 19:50
schestowitz/fnand some leaks that to meJun 03 19:50
schestowitzand some leaks that to meJun 03 19:50
schestowitzand it helps our strategyJun 03 19:50
schestowitz/fnand it helps our strategyJun 03 19:50
XRevan86My idea was to have another entry point that is welcoming, considering that many new to IRC people will now join Libera as a first network.Jun 03 19:50
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] My idea was to have another entry point that is welcoming, considering that many new to IRC people will now join Libera as a first network.Jun 03 19:50
Nonagonthe bridge left the libera roomJun 03 19:50
Nonagon/fnthe bridge left the libera roomJun 03 19:50
schestowitzlike knowing what puff pieces or slant they have plannedJun 03 19:50
schestowitz/fnlike knowing what puff pieces or slant they have plannedJun 03 19:50
XRevan86Nonagon: The bridge cannot ignore messages from two places into one place.Jun 03 19:51
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Nonagon: The bridge cannot ignore messages from two places into one place.Jun 03 19:51
Nonagonhow do you mean?Jun 03 19:51
Nonagon/fnhow do you mean?Jun 03 19:51
schestowitzX​Revan86 and be welcomed by people who don't represent usJun 03 19:51
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86 and be welcomed by people who don't represent usJun 03 19:51
schestowitzand can put people offJun 03 19:51
schestowitz/fnand can put people offJun 03 19:51
XRevan86Nonagon: I misunderstood what he wants. And what he wants I cannot implement.Jun 03 19:51
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Nonagon: I misunderstood what he wants. And what he wants I cannot implement.Jun 03 19:51
NonagonAh, I seeJun 03 19:52
Nonagon/fnAh, I seeJun 03 19:52
Nonagonwhat is tr-bridge coded in?Jun 03 19:52
Nonagon/fnwhat is tr-bridge coded in?Jun 03 19:52
XRevan86Nonagon: It's matterbridge, in Go.Jun 03 19:52
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] Nonagon: It's matterbridge, in Go.Jun 03 19:52
Nonagonah, niceJun 03 19:52
Nonagon/fnah, niceJun 03 19:52
superkuhs/in Go/in Googlang/.Jun 03 19:52
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] s/in Go/in Googlang/.Jun 03 19:52
MinceRs/in Go/in LOL NO GENERICS/Jun 03 19:53
MinceR/fns/in Go/in LOL NO GENERICS/Jun 03 19:53
XRevan86schestowitz: If it were a fully connected room, then people would've been welcomed by *us*.Jun 03 19:53
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: If it were a fully connected room, then people would've been welcomed by *us*.Jun 03 19:53
schestowitzOK, let's try a two-way bridgeJun 03 19:53
schestowitz/fnOK, let's try a two-way bridgeJun 03 19:53
schestowitzand hope it won't be too awfulJun 03 19:53
schestowitz/fnand hope it won't be too awfulJun 03 19:53
schestowitzbecause afaik you stopped it some time last nightJun 03 19:53
schestowitz/fnbecause afaik you stopped it some time last nightJun 03 19:53
*asusbox2 (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:53
XRevan86schestowitz: Right, but we need something first.Jun 03 19:53
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: Right, but we need something first.Jun 03 19:53
schestowitzgo ahead... ...Jun 03 19:54
schestowitz/fngo ahead... ...Jun 03 19:54
*asusbox2 (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 19:54
Nonagonschestowitz: two way bridge where?Jun 03 19:54
Nonagon/fnschestowitz: two way bridge where?Jun 03 19:54
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 19:54
XRevan86schestowitz: I am hoping to get Ariadne to help us to get the room registered, hopefully on MincR.Jun 03 19:54
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: I am hoping to get Ariadne to help us to get the room registered, hopefully on MincR.Jun 03 19:54
XRevan86* MinceRJun 03 19:54
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] * MinceRJun 03 19:54
XRevan86so that if there are bad actors there (as in any other place), there should be control by the opsJun 03 19:55
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] so that if there are bad actors there (as in any other place), there should be control by the opsJun 03 19:55
schestowitzif someone rogue tried to register it, we can challenge that laterJun 03 19:55
schestowitz/fnif someone rogue tried to register it, we can challenge that laterJun 03 19:55
XRevan86schestowitz: Yesterday MinceR asked to disconnect it when a certain mjg59 tried using it.Jun 03 19:56
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: Yesterday MinceR asked to disconnect it when a certain mjg59 tried using it.Jun 03 19:56
XRevan86so that's the situation, it needs an opJun 03 19:56
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] so that's the situation, it needs an opJun 03 19:56
MinceRalso when it turned out that it's bridging these channels to a channel where nobody has opJun 03 19:56
MinceR/fnalso when it turned out that it's bridging these channels to a channel where nobody has opJun 03 19:56
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 19:56
MinceRand also wasn't registeredJun 03 19:57
MinceR/fnand also wasn't registeredJun 03 19:57
XRevan86MinceR: Not "also", that's what I mean.Jun 03 19:57
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: Not "also", that's what I mean.Jun 03 19:57
schestowitz/fnis that troll still there?Jun 03 19:57
schestowitzis that troll still there?Jun 03 19:57
Nonagonschestowitz: which?Jun 03 19:58
Nonagon/fnschestowitz: which?Jun 03 19:58
XRevan86schestowitz: He is here and he will definitely know.Jun 03 19:58
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: He is here and he will definitely know.Jun 03 19:58
schestowitzthere are several? I saw one.Jun 03 19:58
schestowitz/fnthere are several? I saw one.Jun 03 19:58
MinceRhe's hereJun 03 19:58
tr-bridge[M​inceR/tr] he's hereJun 03 19:58
schestowitzso just different nameJun 03 19:58
schestowitz/fnso just different nameJun 03 19:58
NonagonahJun 03 19:58
Nonagon/fnahJun 03 19:58
schestowitzletting one troll cause this much mess is helping the troll's egoJun 03 19:58
schestowitz/fnletting one troll cause this much mess is helping the troll's egoJun 03 19:58
MinceRanother reason to be more carefulJun 03 19:59
MinceR/fnanother reason to be more carefulJun 03 19:59
techrights-botThis dad built an adaptive USB keyboard for his son and other kids with muscular conditions | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #Hardware #OpenHardware #HackingJun 03 20:01
techrights-bot/fnThis dad built an adaptive USB keyboard for his son and other kids with muscular conditions | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #Hardware #OpenHardware #HackingJun 03 20:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This dad built an adaptive USB keyboard for his son and other kids with muscular conditions | Arduino BlogJun 03 20:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | This dad built an adaptive USB keyboard for his son and other kids with muscular conditions | Arduino BlogJun 03 20:01
schestowitzMinceR: but if we have no bridge because of just one determined troll, then the troll feels emboldenedJun 03 20:04
schestowitz/fnMinceR: but if we have no bridge because of just one determined troll, then the troll feels emboldenedJun 03 20:04
XRevan86MinceR: Would ye agree to be "the founder" there?Jun 03 20:04
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: Would ye agree to be "the founder" there?Jun 03 20:04
schestowitzI trust him to.Jun 03 20:04
schestowitz/fnI trust him to.Jun 03 20:04
MinceRif i have to beJun 03 20:04
MinceR/fnif i have to beJun 03 20:04
MinceRi'd rather notJun 03 20:04
MinceR/fni'd rather notJun 03 20:04
schestowitzregister, mute the culpritJun 03 20:04
schestowitz/fnregister, mute the culpritJun 03 20:04
XRevan86MinceR: schestowitz doesn't want to register an account thereJun 03 20:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] MinceR: schestowitz doesn't want to register an account thereJun 03 20:05
MinceRokJun 03 20:05
MinceR/fnokJun 03 20:05
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:07
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:08
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 20:08
*asusbox2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)Jun 03 20:09
schestowitzMinceR: thanks!Jun 03 20:11
schestowitz/fnMinceR: thanks!Jun 03 20:11
techrights-botToday in a press release the #LinuxFoundation celebrates an OS that is now #Linux 03 20:13
techrights-bot/fnToday in a press release the #LinuxFoundation celebrates an OS that is now #Linux 03 20:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Zephyr Project Celebrates 5th Anniversary with new members and inaugural Zephyr Developer Summit on June 8-10 - Linux FoundationJun 03 20:13
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Zephyr Project Celebrates 5th Anniversary with new members and inaugural Zephyr Developer Summit on June 8-10 - Linux FoundationJun 03 20:13
techrights-bot#LibreOffice #GTK4 Port: MenuButtons 03 20:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Caolán McNamara: LibreOffice GTK4 Port: MenuButtonsJun 03 20:14
techrights-bot/fn#LibreOffice #GTK4 Port: MenuButtons 03 20:14
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Caolán McNamara: LibreOffice GTK4 Port: MenuButtonsJun 03 20:14
techrights-botHands-on: The #System76 "Launch" keyboard! (Full Review) 03 20:19
techrights-bot/fnHands-on: The #System76 "Launch" keyboard! (Full Review) 03 20:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Launches The Launch Configurable Keyboard | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:19
TechrightsBot-tr/ | System76 Launches The Launch Configurable Keyboard | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:19
techrights-bot#Slimbook #ONE Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip 03 20:20
techrights-bot/fn#Slimbook #ONE Linux Mini PC is Now Powered by a High-Performance AMD Chip 03 20:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Ryzen Ubuntu User? Check Out This New App from Slimbook | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:20
TechrightsBot-tr/ | AMD Ryzen Ubuntu User? Check Out This New App from Slimbook | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:20
*phobos_anomaly has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 20:25
*phobos_anomaly (~phobos@unaffiliated/phobos-anomaly/x-6744724) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:26
techrights-bot#Nate Graham: #KDE 2021 roadmap mid-year update • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 20:31
techrights-bot/fn#Nate Graham: #KDE 2021 roadmap mid-year update • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 20:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nate Graham: KDE 2021 roadmap mid-year update | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:31
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nate Graham: KDE 2021 roadmap mid-year update | Tux MachinesJun 03 20:31
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 20:32
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 20:32
techrights-bot"It seems like a really nice set of features there as they said "we want as many people to be able to enjoy Sunblaze as possible" which is why they also support Linux with it too!" 03 20:32
techrights-bot/fn"It seems like a really nice set of features there as they said "we want as many people to be able to enjoy Sunblaze as possible" which is why they also support Linux with it too!" 03 20:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Loved Celeste? You're going to want to play brain-twisting precision platformer Sunblaze | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 20:32
TechrightsBot-tr/fnLoved Celeste? You're going to want to play brain-twisting precision platformer Sunblaze | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 20:32
*phobos_anomaly has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jun 03 20:33
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 20:34
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)Jun 03 20:34
*phobos_anomaly (~phobos@unaffiliated/phobos-anomaly/x-6744724) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:35
techrights-botStill promoting the ruinous illusion that Signal is impenetrable 03 20:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Signal and How to Use it: Everything you need to know about the secure IM serviceJun 03 20:38
techrights-bot/fnStill promoting the ruinous illusion that Signal is impenetrable 03 20:38
TechrightsBot-tr/ | What is Signal and How to Use it: Everything you need to know about the secure IM serviceJun 03 20:38
techrights-bot#SAML Implementation Vulnerability Impacting Some Akamai Services - The Akamai Blog ⚓ ䷉ #akamaiJun 03 20:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAML Implementation Vulnerability Impacting Some Akamai Services - The Akamai BlogJun 03 20:39
techrights-bot/fn#SAML Implementation Vulnerability Impacting Some Akamai Services - The Akamai Blog ⚓ ䷉ #akamaiJun 03 20:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | SAML Implementation Vulnerability Impacting Some Akamai Services - The Akamai BlogJun 03 20:39
techrights-bot#Huawei launches its Android rival with a new tablet and smartwatch 03 20:41
techrights-bot/fn#Huawei launches its Android rival with a new tablet and smartwatch 03 20:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei launches its Android rival with a new tablet and smartwatchJun 03 20:41
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Huawei launches its Android rival with a new tablet and smartwatchJun 03 20:41
techrights-bot"IBM is going to need a lot more than just RH #OpenShift and #CloudPaks to counter them. Meanwhile IBM leadership delusionally still thinks VMWare is the main competition here." #redhat #ibm 03 20:43
techrights-bot/fn"IBM is going to need a lot more than just RH #OpenShift and #CloudPaks to counter them. Meanwhile IBM leadership delusionally still thinks VMWare is the main competition here." #redhat #ibm 03 20:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:43
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Interesting article on IBM’s worth and its future  - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:43
techrights-botMore worthless buzzwords 03 20:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is a Data Lake Right for Your Company?Jun 03 20:44
techrights-bot/fnMore worthless buzzwords 03 20:44
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is a Data Lake Right for Your Company?Jun 03 20:44
baronhk1[m]/fn"Mozilla pointing at Matrix". Well, that would be a shame.Jun 03 20:45
baronhk1[m]"Mozilla pointing at Matrix". Well, that would be a shame.Jun 03 20:45
baronhk1[m]Downgrading from their self-hosted IRC to some place where people just disappear.Jun 03 20:45
baronhk1[m]/fnDowngrading from their self-hosted IRC to some place where people just disappear.Jun 03 20:45
techrights-bot16 mins ago: "Oh, man. I didn't know about them. I thought #IBM is the only leader in hybrid cloud which they try to say in every meeting. "We are the only one". Then, it's really terrible for IBM, being the first one, they are still lacking at many things." 03 20:46
techrights-bot/fn16 mins ago: "Oh, man. I didn't know about them. I thought #IBM is the only leader in hybrid cloud which they try to say in every meeting. "We are the only one". Then, it's really terrible for IBM, being the first one, they are still lacking at many things." 03 20:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Godfather of IBM and hybrid cloud has arrived - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:46
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Godfather of IBM and hybrid cloud has arrived - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:46
techrights-bot" IBM's failure is more of a marketing failure and a presentation failure... had a more graphical environment been grafted onto 3270's (and it did exist... 3279G + GGDM... right?)... maybe history would have been different." #ibm #layoffs #braindrain 03 20:47
techrights-bot/fn" IBM's failure is more of a marketing failure and a presentation failure... had a more graphical environment been grafted onto 3270's (and it did exist... 3279G + GGDM... right?)... maybe history would have been different." #ibm #layoffs #braindrain 03 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:47
techrights-bot" #ibm is not a career company anymore, no one who's young actually wants to work here" 03 20:47
techrights-bot/fn" #ibm is not a career company anymore, no one who's young actually wants to work here" 03 20:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | why is ibm he-l bent on returning to office - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 20:47
baronhk1[m]It's pointless to try this because you can be back up and running in about 5-6 minutes.Jun 03 20:47
baronhk1[m]/fnIt's pointless to try this because you can be back up and running in about 5-6 minutes.Jun 03 20:47
schestowitzbaronhk1[m]: "bad actors..."Jun 03 20:47
schestowitz/fnbaronhk1[m]: "bad actors..."Jun 03 20:47
immibisbaronhk1[m]: you're on matrix right nowJun 03 20:47
immibis/fnbaronhk1[m]: you're on matrix right nowJun 03 20:47
schestowitzimmibis: after multiple bans iircJun 03 20:48
schestowitz/fnimmibis: after multiple bans iircJun 03 20:48
baronhk1[m]I know exactly what's happening too.Jun 03 20:49
baronhk1[m]/fnI know exactly what's happening too.Jun 03 20:49
baronhk1[m]The troll is screenshotting things he (did I use the right pronoun?) doesn't like and filing reports.Jun 03 20:49
baronhk1[m]/fnThe troll is screenshotting things he (did I use the right pronoun?) doesn't like and filing reports.Jun 03 20:49
immibiswhy didn't you defend yourself with a gun?Jun 03 20:49
immibis/fnwhy didn't you defend yourself with a gun?Jun 03 20:49
phobos_anomalywhy didn't they do the liberal thing and call everyone racists or sexists?Jun 03 20:50
phobos_anomaly/fnwhy didn't they do the liberal thing and call everyone racists or sexists?Jun 03 20:50
MinceRwhy don't you use IRC without mixing matrix into it?Jun 03 20:50
MinceR/fnwhy don't you use IRC without mixing matrix into it?Jun 03 20:50
baronhk1[m]One of the mods on Matrix said in 2019 that he hopes they shut down at some point to get rid of the centralization.Jun 03 20:50
baronhk1[m]/fnOne of the mods on Matrix said in 2019 that he hopes they shut down at some point to get rid of the centralization.Jun 03 20:50
baronhk1[m]/fn<MinceR "why don't you use IRC without mi"> Plenty more numbers where "1" came from.Jun 03 20:51
baronhk1[m]<MinceR "why don't you use IRC without mi"> Plenty more numbers where "1" came from.Jun 03 20:51
MinceRi guess they realized that they like the centralizationJun 03 20:51
MinceR/fni guess they realized that they like the centralizationJun 03 20:51
MinceRbaronhk1[m]: a lot less interference if you don't let them mess with you, thoughJun 03 20:51
MinceR/fnbaronhk1[m]: a lot less interference if you don't let them mess with you, thoughJun 03 20:51
immibiswhy don't you just use a different server?Jun 03 20:51
immibis/fnwhy don't you just use a different server?Jun 03 20:51
immibisor actually use IRC?Jun 03 20:51
immibis/fnor actually use IRC?Jun 03 20:51
phobos_anomalyMinceR: You are right about umbrella and how quiet it is... kinda nice... makes some networks look like riotsJun 03 20:51
phobos_anomaly/fnMinceR: You are right about umbrella and how quiet it is... kinda nice... makes some networks look like riotsJun 03 20:51
MinceR:>Jun 03 20:51
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 20:52
baronhk1[m]Well, not all of them have bridges, and doesn't federate properly.Jun 03 20:52
baronhk1[m]/fnWell, not all of them have bridges, and doesn't federate properly.Jun 03 20:52
MinceRpresumably not that many matrix servers have IRC gatewaysJun 03 20:52
MinceR/fnpresumably not that many matrix servers have IRC gatewaysJun 03 20:52
baronhk1[m]Especially with Freenode.Jun 03 20:52
baronhk1[m]/fnEspecially with Freenode.Jun 03 20:52
baronhk1[m]Ironic, since we're dealing with mods that are like-minded with Garrett. They should be seeing a psychiatrist.Jun 03 20:53
baronhk1[m]/fnIronic, since we're dealing with mods that are like-minded with Garrett. They should be seeing a psychiatrist.Jun 03 20:53
immibiswhy don't you just use IRC directly so there's one less point to ban you?Jun 03 20:53
immibis/fnwhy don't you just use IRC directly so there's one less point to ban you?Jun 03 20:53
phobos_anomalyI'd rather put up with the mods like eskimo that claim to know less than nothing Jun 03 20:53
phobos_anomaly/fnI'd rather put up with the mods like eskimo that claim to know less than nothingJun 03 20:53
baronhk1[m]Bridges, brought to you by folks whose bridge doesn't entirely cross the moat.Jun 03 20:53
baronhk1[m]/fnBridges, brought to you by folks whose bridge doesn't entirely cross the moat.Jun 03 20:53
MinceRlolJun 03 20:53
MinceR/fnlolJun 03 20:53
MinceR"I'm telling you Teal'c, If we don't get out of this soon I'm going to lose it... Lose it, it means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal... WACKO!"Jun 03 20:54
MinceR/fn"I'm telling you Teal'c, If we don't get out of this soon I'm going to lose it... Lose it, it means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal... WACKO!"Jun 03 20:54
XRevan86baronhk1[m]: I caught the wind saying that mjg59 never reported you to Matrix.orgJun 03 20:54
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] baronhk1[m]: I caught the wind saying that mjg59 never reported you to Matrix.orgJun 03 20:54
baronhk1[m]<immibis "why don't you just use IRC direc"> I don't care if they do at this point. It's a lesson for them in how fucking pointless bans that can't be enforced are.Jun 03 20:55
baronhk1[m]/fn<immibis "why don't you just use IRC direc"> I don't care if they do at this point. It's a lesson for them in how fucking pointless bans that can't be enforced are.Jun 03 20:55
phobos_anomalywhack a mole Jun 03 20:55
phobos_anomaly/fnwhack a moleJun 03 20:55
*guysoft42 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 20:56
techrights-botCLOWN CLOWN CLOWN and HEY HI... or smart HEY HI 03 20:56
techrights-bot/fnCLOWN CLOWN CLOWN and HEY HI... or smart HEY HI 03 20:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What are the most important skills for cloud engineers?Jun 03 20:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | What are the most important skills for cloud engineers?Jun 03 20:56
baronhk1[m]<MinceR ""I'm telling you Teal'c, If we d"> Three fries short is actually quite a lot these days, with inflation and all. Jun 03 20:56
baronhk1[m]/fn<MinceR ""I'm telling you Teal'c, If we d"> Three fries short is actually quite a lot these days, with inflation and all.Jun 03 20:56
MinceR:>Jun 03 20:56
MinceR/fn:>Jun 03 20:56
baronhk1[m]The lunatics are running the asylum. Handing out free money to parasites.Jun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]/fnThe lunatics are running the asylum. Handing out free money to parasites.Jun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]An order of fries at McDonalds is $4.Jun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]/fnAn order of fries at McDonalds is $4.Jun 03 20:57
immibisah yes. gotta put myself through extra unnecessary inconvenience to teach those libs a lessonJun 03 20:57
immibis/fnah yes. gotta put myself through extra unnecessary inconvenience to teach those libs a lessonJun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]Garrett must be so happy with himself.Jun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]/fnGarrett must be so happy with himself.Jun 03 20:57
techrights-botSome of these are #freesw 03 20:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Best cPanel alternatives: DirectAdmin, Plesk, SPanel, Webmin and more | TechRadarJun 03 20:57
techrights-bot/fnSome of these are #freesw 03 20:57
TechrightsBot-tr/fnBest cPanel alternatives: DirectAdmin, Plesk, SPanel, Webmin and more | TechRadarJun 03 20:57
baronhk1[m]MinceR: They're trying to convince people who can't do math that we're not dealing with a troubling amount of inflation.Jun 03 20:58
baronhk1[m]/fnMinceR: They're trying to convince people who can't do math that we're not dealing with a troubling amount of inflation.Jun 03 20:58
baronhk1[m]It's just that for some strange reason, the cost of everything has gone up 10-30% in like a year.Jun 03 20:58
baronhk1[m]/fnIt's just that for some strange reason, the cost of everything has gone up 10-30% in like a year.Jun 03 20:58
techrights-botParsing Dates and Time Using Luxon | ⚓ ䷉ #htmlgoodies | more in 03 20:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Parsing Dates and Time Using Luxon | HTMLGoodies.comJun 03 20:58
techrights-bot/fnParsing Dates and Time Using Luxon | ⚓ ䷉ #htmlgoodies | more in 03 20:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 20:58
TechrightsBot-tr/fnParsing Dates and Time Using Luxon | HTMLGoodies.comJun 03 20:58
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:58
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 20:58
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:58
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:59
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 20:59
baronhk1[m]It's not their problem. The Democrats have finally managed to cause the majority of people who graduate Chicago Public Schools to not understand basic math.Jun 03 20:59
baronhk1[m]/fnIt's not their problem. The Democrats have finally managed to cause the majority of people who graduate Chicago Public Schools to not understand basic math.Jun 03 20:59
phobos_anomalyand CaliforniaJun 03 20:59
phobos_anomaly/fnand CaliforniaJun 03 20:59
baronhk1[m]So now they can do whatever they want to the public with no panic.Jun 03 20:59
baronhk1[m]/fnSo now they can do whatever they want to the public with no panic.Jun 03 20:59
phobos_anomalywhich has some school districts actively working to ban math because... racism or something Jun 03 21:00
phobos_anomaly/fnwhich has some school districts actively working to ban math because... racism or somethingJun 03 21:00
phobos_anomaly 03 21:01
phobos_anomaly/fn 03 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | California Radicals Trying to Cancel Math Instruction – PJ MediaJun 03 21:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | California Radicals Trying to Cancel Math Instruction – PJ MediaJun 03 21:01
techrights-botGoogle India IT Rules: #Google claims new #India IT rules not applicable to its search engine ⚓ 03 21:01
techrights-bot/fnGoogle India IT Rules: #Google claims new #India IT rules not applicable to its search engine ⚓ 03 21:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google India IT Rules: Google claims new India IT rules not applicable to its search engine, IT News, ET CIOJun 03 21:01
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Google India IT Rules: Google claims new India IT rules not applicable to its search engine, IT News, ET CIOJun 03 21:01
baronhk1[m]Math be al rayciss 'n sheeit.Jun 03 21:01
baronhk1[m]/fnMath be al rayciss 'n sheeit.Jun 03 21:01
baronhk1[m]They need another month to teach anti-white hate anyway.Jun 03 21:02
baronhk1[m]/fnThey need another month to teach anti-white hate anyway.Jun 03 21:02
phobos_anomalywhy can't they teach useful stuff... like daily life in a communist society to prepare them for what will happen if the current majorities in the USA get their wayJun 03 21:03
phobos_anomaly/fnwhy can't they teach useful stuff... like daily life in a communist society to prepare them for what will happen if the current majorities in the USA get their wayJun 03 21:03
baronhk1[m]Most people are ready for California to fall into the ocean anyway. Hopefully with Garrett there at the time.Jun 03 21:03
baronhk1[m]/fnMost people are ready for California to fall into the ocean anyway. Hopefully with Garrett there at the time.Jun 03 21:03
phobos_anomalymerely ready? I would have thought they'd be on the verge of trying to plant explosives in the San Andreas to preempt Mother Nature, Precarious hand of fate, blah blah Jun 03 21:04
phobos_anomaly/fnmerely ready? I would have thought they'd be on the verge of trying to plant explosives in the San Andreas to preempt Mother Nature, Precarious hand of fate, blah blahJun 03 21:04
CrystalMathhmm, purging math or purging racism from math, that article doesn't seem to clarifyJun 03 21:04
CrystalMath/fnhmm, purging math or purging racism from math, that article doesn't seem to clarifyJun 03 21:04
baronhk1[m]Which part of math is racist?Jun 03 21:05
baronhk1[m]/fnWhich part of math is racist?Jun 03 21:05
CrystalMathi guess i could think of maybe, the claim that Newton invented the method for approximating a square root, since middle easterners had it thousands of years agoJun 03 21:05
CrystalMath/fni guess i could think of maybe, the claim that Newton invented the method for approximating a square root, since middle easterners had it thousands of years agoJun 03 21:05
baronhk1[m]Please show your work. 😁Jun 03 21:05
baronhk1[m]/fnPlease show your work. 😁Jun 03 21:05
CrystalMathi mean this is very well knownJun 03 21:05
CrystalMath/fni mean this is very well knownJun 03 21:05
CrystalMathand some in fact do say the babylonian methodJun 03 21:06
CrystalMath/fnand some in fact do say the babylonian methodJun 03 21:06
techrights-bot#ProprietarySoftware / #Microsoft Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software/Microsoft Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:06
techrights-bot/fn#ProprietarySoftware / #Microsoft Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:06
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Proprietary Software/Microsoft Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:06
CrystalMathbut yeah, weak exampleJun 03 21:06
CrystalMath/fnbut yeah, weak exampleJun 03 21:06
techrights-bot#Security Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:06
techrights-bot/fn#Security Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:06
CrystalMathidkJun 03 21:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:06
CrystalMath/fnidkJun 03 21:06
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Security Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:06
baronhk1[m]I rather think that someone noticed that certain folks are incapable of understanding it and are busy selling drugs, pimping, and carjacking people anyway.Jun 03 21:06
baronhk1[m]/fnI rather think that someone noticed that certain folks are incapable of understanding it and are busy selling drugs, pimping, and carjacking people anyway.Jun 03 21:06
baronhk1[m]So it's not much use to them unless they need to estimate how many years in prison they'd get if Kim Foxx wasn't the State's Attorney of Cook County, Illinois.Jun 03 21:07
baronhk1[m]/fnSo it's not much use to them unless they need to estimate how many years in prison they'd get if Kim Foxx wasn't the State's Attorney of Cook County, Illinois.Jun 03 21:07
phobos_anomalylolJun 03 21:08
phobos_anomaly/fnlolJun 03 21:08
baronhk1[m]The recent flare up in violent crime in Chicago is no coincidence. Jun 03 21:09
baronhk1[m]/fnThe recent flare up in violent crime in Chicago is no coincidence.Jun 03 21:09
baronhk1[m]Marijuana was legalized because the state wanted the taxes.Jun 03 21:09
baronhk1[m]/fnMarijuana was legalized because the state wanted the taxes.Jun 03 21:09
baronhk1[m]Violence has been on the rise ever since then, because the Democrat Paradise has 40% unemployment and selling baggies of weed was all there was to do for money in many cases.Jun 03 21:10
baronhk1[m]/fnViolence has been on the rise ever since then, because the Democrat Paradise has 40% unemployment and selling baggies of weed was all there was to do for money in many cases.Jun 03 21:10
techrights-bot#greenwashing of #bitcoin (the cause of much #pollution actually) 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]The Democrats set it all up so that the weed shops are all white-owned, and by the time they get around to processing any licenses submitted by black or brown people, the 1,500 foot ban from any existing shop will apply.Jun 03 21:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bitcoin Latinum Announces Groundbreaking Green InitiativeJun 03 21:11
techrights-bot/fn#greenwashing of #bitcoin (the cause of much #pollution actually) 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]/fnThe Democrats set it all up so that the weed shops are all white-owned, and by the time they get around to processing any licenses submitted by black or brown people, the 1,500 foot ban from any existing shop will apply.Jun 03 21:11
CrystalMaththese days baronhk1[m] is further to the right than me :PJun 03 21:11
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bitcoin Latinum Announces Groundbreaking Green InitiativeJun 03 21:11
CrystalMath/fnthese days baronhk1[m] is further to the right than me :PJun 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]So there won't be anywhere left to open one.Jun 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]/fnSo there won't be anywhere left to open one.Jun 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]Then they went one further and made it illegal to hire anyone to work in one if they have any criminal convictions.Jun 03 21:11
baronhk1[m]/fnThen they went one further and made it illegal to hire anyone to work in one if they have any criminal convictions.Jun 03 21:11
schestowitzit's not about tech, baronhk1[m]Jun 03 21:12
schestowitz/fnit's not about tech, baronhk1[m]Jun 03 21:12
schestowitzlet's keep focusedJun 03 21:12
schestowitz/fnlet's keep focusedJun 03 21:12
techrights-bot#LG allows others to use its #freesoftware management tool • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ Holy crap, bloatware! The front page of #koreaherald is 25+ MB in size! For one page!Jun 03 21:13
techrights-bot/fn#LG allows others to use its #freesoftware management tool • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ Holy crap, bloatware! The front page of #koreaherald is 25+ MB in size! For one page!Jun 03 21:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG allows others to use its open source software management tool | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:13
TechrightsBot-tr/ | LG allows others to use its open source software management tool | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:13
baronhk1[m]I'm surprised that Garrett gets away with what he does. Everywhere his favored politics are in play in the United States are where crime and unemployment are out of control and the situation for minorities could literally not be worse.Jun 03 21:13
baronhk1[m]/fnI'm surprised that Garrett gets away with what he does. Everywhere his favored politics are in play in the United States are where crime and unemployment are out of control and the situation for minorities could literally not be worse.Jun 03 21:13
baronhk1[m]Yet, he displays the worst case of doublethink I believe I have ever seen.Jun 03 21:13
baronhk1[m]/fnYet, he displays the worst case of doublethink I believe I have ever seen.Jun 03 21:13
baronhk1[m]If you blew away all of Garrett's policies, the situation would be much better for everyone. A rising tide that lifts all boats, so to speak.Jun 03 21:14
baronhk1[m]/fnIf you blew away all of Garrett's policies, the situation would be much better for everyone. A rising tide that lifts all boats, so to speak.Jun 03 21:14
immibisany position on drugs other than full legalization is anti-freedomJun 03 21:15
immibis/fnany position on drugs other than full legalization is anti-freedomJun 03 21:15
schestowitzMinceR: are you on it?Jun 03 21:15
schestowitz/fnMinceR: are you on it?Jun 03 21:15
schestowitzimmibis: there's the access to consultation approachJun 03 21:15
schestowitz/fnimmibis: there's the access to consultation approachJun 03 21:15
immibiswhat is that approach?Jun 03 21:15
immibis/fnwhat is that approach?Jun 03 21:15
schestowitzwherein you try to help people get off narcoticsJun 03 21:15
schestowitz/fnwherein you try to help people get off narcoticsJun 03 21:15
baronhk1[m]You lose the job-killing taxes and regulations, and some civil rights laws that every employer has figured out ways around anyway. If you don't believe me, ask any elderly person how the job hunt goes. It's illegal to do age discrimination.Jun 03 21:15
baronhk1[m]/fnYou lose the job-killing taxes and regulations, and some civil rights laws that every employer has figured out ways around anyway. If you don't believe me, ask any elderly person how the job hunt goes. It's illegal to do age discrimination.Jun 03 21:15
schestowitzwithout treating it as a crimeJun 03 21:15
schestowitz/fnwithout treating it as a crimeJun 03 21:15
baronhk1[m]Someone should say that to IBM, Microsoft, and Intel.Jun 03 21:15
baronhk1[m]/fnSomeone should say that to IBM, Microsoft, and Intel.Jun 03 21:15
schestowitzbut mass production and distribution of narcotics remains very problematicJun 03 21:15
schestowitz/fnbut mass production and distribution of narcotics remains very problematicJun 03 21:15
schestowitzso you can regulate it somewhatJun 03 21:16
schestowitz/fnso you can regulate it somewhatJun 03 21:16
baronhk1[m]/fnIt's not a mystery where opioids are coming from. They just don't care.Jun 03 21:16
baronhk1[m]It's not a mystery where opioids are coming from. They just don't care.Jun 03 21:16
immibisregulating distribution, other than the usual food/drug regulations like not lacing it with stuff, is anti-freedomJun 03 21:17
immibis/fnregulating distribution, other than the usual food/drug regulations like not lacing it with stuff, is anti-freedomJun 03 21:17
techrights-bot#LinuxFoundation Fluff • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:18
techrights-bot/fn#LinuxFoundation Fluff • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Fluff | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:18
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux Foundation Fluff | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:18
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▃▅▄▅▅▄▃▃▅▆▄▆▄▁▅▅▄▅▁▇▂▆▅▆▅▃▄▅▂▃▄▁ avg(k/sec) 22.41 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▁▂▃▁▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▃█▃▂▁█▂█▂▂▂▁▂▁▁█▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 55.30▕ swarm size (avg): 237.46  ⟲Jun 03 21:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▁▃▅▄▅▅▄▃▃▅▆▄▆▄▁▅▅▄▅▁▇▂▆▅▆▅▃▄▅▂▃▄▁ avg(k/sec) 22.41 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▁▁▂▁▂▃▁▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▂▃█▃▂▁█▂█▂▂▂▁▂▁▁█▂▁▁ avg(k/sec) 55.30▕ swarm size (avg): 237.46  ⟲Jun 03 21:18
schestowitzimmibis: when you have large unregulated and unlicensed meth factories selling it on the cheap it leads to troubleJun 03 21:18
schestowitz/fnimmibis: when you have large unregulated and unlicensed meth factories selling it on the cheap it leads to troubleJun 03 21:18
schestowitzso then you need to decide what to do...Jun 03 21:19
schestowitz/fnso then you need to decide what to do...Jun 03 21:19
schestowitzeven alcohol is regulatedJun 03 21:19
schestowitz/fneven alcohol is regulatedJun 03 21:19
schestowitzin many waysJun 03 21:19
schestowitz/fnin many waysJun 03 21:19
schestowitzwho can buy, when, how much, where you can go while drunk, whether driving if permitted etc.Jun 03 21:19
schestowitz/fnwho can buy, when, how much, where you can go while drunk, whether driving if permitted etc.Jun 03 21:19
immibiswhich is no different from large unregulated and unlicensed food factories, and the same regulations should apply, i.e. purify it properly and don't put extra toxic substances in itJun 03 21:19
immibis/fnwhich is no different from large unregulated and unlicensed food factories, and the same regulations should apply, i.e. purify it properly and don't put extra toxic substances in itJun 03 21:19
schestowitzfood is also regulatedJun 03 21:20
schestowitz/fnfood is also regulatedJun 03 21:20
schestowitzexpiry dates and allJun 03 21:20
schestowitz/fnexpiry dates and allJun 03 21:20
schestowitzmaybe you oppose that tooJun 03 21:20
schestowitz/fnmaybe you oppose that tooJun 03 21:20
immibisand that alcohol regulation is anti-freedom, and far less-"freedumby" places than the USA have far less regulations on alcohol, and for some reason the republicans don't complain about it, in fact sometimes they demand moreJun 03 21:20
immibis/fnand that alcohol regulation is anti-freedom, and far less-"freedumby" places than the USA have far less regulations on alcohol, and for some reason the republicans don't complain about it, in fact sometimes they demand moreJun 03 21:20
schestowitzFSA in the UK regulated eateries alsoJun 03 21:20
schestowitz/fnFSA in the UK regulated eateries alsoJun 03 21:20
schestowitzit's because experience showed lack of regulation leads to bad outcomesJun 03 21:20
schestowitz/fnit's because experience showed lack of regulation leads to bad outcomesJun 03 21:20
schestowitzas a pedestrian too I would not like drunk drivers to knock cars into thingsJun 03 21:21
schestowitz/fnas a pedestrian too I would not like drunk drivers to knock cars into thingsJun 03 21:21
schestowitzbecause your 'freedom' as a driver is a fist or punch in my faceJun 03 21:21
schestowitz/fnbecause your 'freedom' as a driver is a fist or punch in my faceJun 03 21:21
immibisthat's a driving regulationJun 03 21:21
immibis/fnthat's a driving regulationJun 03 21:21
schestowitzagainst freedom, according to youJun 03 21:23
schestowitz/fnagainst freedom, according to youJun 03 21:23
schestowitz_logINPIUtheyet's0/Jun 03 21:24
schestowitz_log/fnINPIUtheyet's0/Jun 03 21:24
schestowitzwrong windowJun 03 21:24
schestowitz/fnwrong windowJun 03 21:24
immibis/fnschestowitz: I said drug regulations were anti-freedom, not alcohol regulations, and I didn't even say all drug regulations were anti-freedom, just the excessive ones compared to other consumable substancesJun 03 21:25
immibisschestowitz: I said drug regulations were anti-freedom, not alcohol regulations, and I didn't even say all drug regulations were anti-freedom, just the excessive ones compared to other consumable substancesJun 03 21:25
schestowitzlibertarian machoism is promoted by the Kochs and othersJun 03 21:25
schestowitz/fnlibertarian machoism is promoted by the Kochs and othersJun 03 21:25
schestowitzto keep regulators away while they kill the planetJun 03 21:25
schestowitz/fnto keep regulators away while they kill the planetJun 03 21:25
techrights-bot#OpenHardware : #CMSIS and #Arduino • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #sharing #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:27
techrights-bot/fn#OpenHardware : #CMSIS and #Arduino • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #sharing #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Hardware: CMSIS and Arduino | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:27
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open Hardware: CMSIS and Arduino | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:27
MinceRschestowitz: am i on what?Jun 03 21:29
MinceR/fnschestowitz: am i on what?Jun 03 21:29
schestowitzI thought you were becoming op in the other networks so we can restore the bridge without the saboteur in thereJun 03 21:29
schestowitz/fnI thought you were becoming op in the other networks so we can restore the bridge without the saboteur in thereJun 03 21:29
CrystalMathimmibis: i agree with you on that stuffJun 03 21:30
CrystalMath/fnimmibis: i agree with you on that stuffJun 03 21:30
schestowitzI don't even know if anything at all happens in that networkJun 03 21:30
schestowitz/fnI don't even know if anything at all happens in that networkJun 03 21:30
MinceRschestowitz: #techrights is not registered on liberaJun 03 21:30
MinceR/fnschestowitz: #techrights is not registered on liberaJun 03 21:30
CrystalMathschestowitz: why care about that place?Jun 03 21:30
CrystalMath/fnschestowitz: why care about that place?Jun 03 21:30
techrights-bot#Devices : Nexcom, QNAP, Servo Motors, #AstroPi • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:30
techrights-bot/fn#Devices : Nexcom, QNAP, Servo Motors, #AstroPi • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Devices: Nexcom, QNAP, Servo Motors, Astro Pi | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:30
MinceRCrystalMath: tilting at windmillsJun 03 21:30
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Devices: Nexcom, QNAP, Servo Motors, Astro Pi | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:30
MinceR/fnCrystalMath: tilting at windmillsJun 03 21:30
CrystalMathas the topic says, "support freenode"Jun 03 21:30
CrystalMath/fnas the topic says, "support freenode"Jun 03 21:30
CrystalMathMinceR: what do you mean?Jun 03 21:31
CrystalMath/fnMinceR: what do you mean?Jun 03 21:31
schestowitzI was given the impression they were gossiping there, maybe to make us look bad, using our own nameJun 03 21:31
schestowitz/fnI was given the impression they were gossiping there, maybe to make us look bad, using our own nameJun 03 21:31
MinceRCrystalMath: "but what if someone else registers it and smears our name"Jun 03 21:31
MinceR/fnCrystalMath: "but what if someone else registers it and smears our name"Jun 03 21:31
schestowitzwhich can then mislead and alienate people who think that's usJun 03 21:31
schestowitz/fnwhich can then mislead and alienate people who think that's usJun 03 21:31
superkuhThe topic says support freenode?Jun 03 21:31
tr-bridge[s​uperkuh/tr] The topic says support freenode?Jun 03 21:31
MinceRthere are at least 497 irc networksJun 03 21:31
MinceR/fnthere are at least 497 irc networksJun 03 21:31
XRevan86schestowitz: I'm watching it right now, they're talking about political philosophy.Jun 03 21:31
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: I'm watching it right now, they're talking about political philosophy.Jun 03 21:31
CrystalMathsuperkuh: correctJun 03 21:31
CrystalMath/fnsuperkuh: correctJun 03 21:31
*superkuh has quit (Quit: the neuronal action potential is an electrical manipulation of reversible abrupt phase changes in the lipid bilayer)Jun 03 21:31
schestowitzX​Revan86: why using our name?Jun 03 21:32
schestowitz/fnX​Revan86: why using our name?Jun 03 21:32
CrystalMathsuperkuh: freenode is good, and techrights knows it, techrights always takes the right side tbh, except when a certain sysadmin decides to mess it upJun 03 21:32
CrystalMath/fnsuperkuh: freenode is good, and techrights knows it, techrights always takes the right side tbh, except when a certain sysadmin decides to mess it upJun 03 21:32
phobos_anomalydid anyone find out who is hosting ?Jun 03 21:32
phobos_anomaly/fndid anyone find out who is hosting ?Jun 03 21:32
CrystalMathphobos_anomaly: behind clownflare? :PJun 03 21:32
CrystalMath/fnphobos_anomaly: behind clownflare? :PJun 03 21:32
phobos_anomalyyeah, that one Jun 03 21:32
phobos_anomaly/fnyeah, that oneJun 03 21:32
schestowitzit can run on a toasterJun 03 21:33
schestowitz/fnit can run on a toasterJun 03 21:33
schestowitzas it's outsourcing all the traffic to a dodgy third party anywayJun 03 21:33
schestowitz/fnas it's outsourcing all the traffic to a dodgy third party anywayJun 03 21:33
schestowitzjust needs to feed some static pages to clownflare once in a whileJun 03 21:33
schestowitz/fnjust needs to feed some static pages to clownflare once in a whileJun 03 21:33
baronhk1[m]<schestowitz "to keep regulators away while th"> Well, things like Bill's reactor investment couldn't work without low interest loans and grants from taxpayers and climate panic.Jun 03 21:33
baronhk1[m]/fn<schestowitz "to keep regulators away while th"> Well, things like Bill's reactor investment couldn't work without low interest loans and grants from taxpayers and climate panic.Jun 03 21:33
phobos_anomalyEveryone I've talked to that would know either feigns ignorance, shuts up, or gives some bad infoJun 03 21:33
phobos_anomaly/fnEveryone I've talked to that would know either feigns ignorance, shuts up, or gives some bad infoJun 03 21:33
schestowitzbaronhk1[m]: hey steals taxpayers' money in many other waysJun 03 21:34
schestowitz/fnbaronhk1[m]: hey steals taxpayers' money in many other waysJun 03 21:34
baronhk1[m]They're putting the first one in Wyoming. The state has a fairly Libertarian swing to it, but they recognize federal pork when they get it.Jun 03 21:34
baronhk1[m]/fnThey're putting the first one in Wyoming. The state has a fairly Libertarian swing to it, but they recognize federal pork when they get it.Jun 03 21:34
schestowitzI wrote about this a lot a decade or more agoJun 03 21:34
schestowitz/fnI wrote about this a lot a decade or more agoJun 03 21:34
schestowitzthe governments line his pocketsJun 03 21:34
schestowitz/fnthe governments line his pocketsJun 03 21:34
XRevan86schestowitz: The centre of discussion is a person that was muted on the freenode side for uncertain reasons.Jun 03 21:34
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: The centre of discussion is a person that was muted on the freenode side for uncertain reasons.Jun 03 21:34
schestowitzso it's basically a discussion about an anti-TR troll Jun 03 21:35
schestowitz/fnso it's basically a discussion about an anti-TR trollJun 03 21:35
schestowitzthe only one we muted after about half a year of abuse and defamationJun 03 21:35
schestowitz/fnthe only one we muted after about half a year of abuse and defamationJun 03 21:35
schestowitzso after google it's a full-time troll exploiting the "victim card"Jun 03 21:36
schestowitz/fnso after google it's a full-time troll exploiting the "victim card"Jun 03 21:36
schestowitzby trolling a siteJun 03 21:36
schestowitz/fnby trolling a siteJun 03 21:36
CrystalMathschestowitz: btw, have you heard from Leah Rowe?Jun 03 21:36
CrystalMath/fnschestowitz: btw, have you heard from Leah Rowe?Jun 03 21:36
schestowitzand then going to some channel named after itJun 03 21:36
schestowitz/fnand then going to some channel named after itJun 03 21:36
schestowitzCrystalMath: yesJun 03 21:36
schestowitz/fnCrystalMath: yesJun 03 21:36
schestowitzactually a little overwhelmed to learn how many read the siteJun 03 21:49
schestowitz/fnactually a little overwhelmed to learn how many read the siteJun 03 21:49
schestowitzinc. people I know from a distanceJun 03 21:49
schestowitz/fninc. people I know from a distanceJun 03 21:49
*bruhstrone_ (~bruhstron@gateway/tor-sasl/bruhstrone) has joined #techrightsJun 03 21:50
*bruhstrone has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 03 21:51
techrights-bot#Programming Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:53
techrights-bot/fn#Programming Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:53
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Programming Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:53
techrights-bot#freeSW leftovers # ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:54
techrights-bot/fn#freeSW leftovers # ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Free Software Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Free Software Leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:54
techrights-bot#Kernel : RISC-V, Dbus-Broker and More • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: RISC-V, Dbus-Broker and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:54
techrights-bot/fn#Kernel : RISC-V, Dbus-Broker and More • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kernel: RISC-V,  Dbus-Broker and More | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:54
techrights-botToday’s 𝐓𝐮𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:56
techrights-bot/fnToday’s 𝐓𝐮𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Leftovers • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 21:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | today's leftovers | Tux MachinesJun 03 21:56
techrights-botLinks 3/6/2021: Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta, NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 21:56
techrights-bot/fnLinks 3/6/2021: Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta, NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 21:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 3/6/2021: Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta, NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released | TechrightsJun 03 21:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Links 3/6/2021: Pop!_OS 21.04 Beta, NVIDIA 460.84 Linux Driver Released | TechrightsJun 03 21:56
schestowitzOK, links doneJun 03 21:57
schestowitz/fnOK, links doneJun 03 21:57
schestowitznow, let's belatedly do some articles :/Jun 03 21:57
schestowitz/fnnow, let's belatedly do some articles :/Jun 03 21:57
schestowitzwhat a crazy day it has beenJun 03 21:57
schestowitz/fnwhat a crazy day it has beenJun 03 21:57
schestowitzshift (work) 1-9am, home network connection, some IRC stuff... didn't manage to do much :((Jun 03 21:57
schestowitz/fnshift (work) 1-9am, home network connection, some IRC stuff... didn't manage to do much :((Jun 03 21:57
schestowitzdue to all this chaos we did some improvements, stillJun 03 21:59
schestowitz/fndue to all this chaos we did some improvements, stillJun 03 21:59
schestowitzrianne now works with two machines in tandemJun 03 21:59
schestowitz/fnrianne now works with two machines in tandemJun 03 21:59
schestowitzshe experimented with it before, but didn't stick, dual head was enoughJun 03 21:59
schestowitz/fnshe experimented with it before, but didn't stick, dual head was enoughJun 03 21:59
schestowitzI also managed to get 4 laptops connected with one mouse and keyboard nowJun 03 21:59
schestowitz/fnI also managed to get 4 laptops connected with one mouse and keyboard nowJun 03 21:59
schestowitzthe other mice became staleJun 03 21:59
schestowitz/fnthe other mice became staleJun 03 21:59
schestowitzso hopefully those improvements will be worthwhile long-term investment of timeJun 03 22:00
schestowitz/fnso hopefully those improvements will be worthwhile long-term investment of timeJun 03 22:00
schestowitz 03 22:03
schestowitz/fn 03 22:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@mjg59: @schestowitz You keep claiming that I'm defaming people (by, uh, accurately reporting what they say?) but you toler… 03 22:03
TechrightsBot-tr/fn@mjg59: @schestowitz You keep claiming that I'm defaming people (by, uh, accurately reporting what they say?) but you toler… 03 22:03
schestowitz"You keep claiming that I'm defaming people (by, uh, accurately reporting what they say?) but you tolerate this sort of content on the IRC channel you run. Why?"Jun 03 22:03
schestowitz/fn"You keep claiming that I'm defaming people (by, uh, accurately reporting what they say?) but you tolerate this sort of content on the IRC channel you run. Why?"Jun 03 22:03
schestowitzXrevan: did he and 'his ilk' hijack the channel so to speak in LC?Jun 03 22:04
schestowitz/fnXrevan: did he and 'his ilk' hijack the channel so to speak in LC?Jun 03 22:04
schestowitzIf so, it's misuse of the name Jun 03 22:04
schestowitz/fnIf so, it's misuse of the nameJun 03 22:04
schestowitzto push anti-TR messages in a channel that people wrong assume is usJun 03 22:04
schestowitz/fnto push anti-TR messages in a channel that people wrong assume is usJun 03 22:04
XRevan86schestowitz: No, he didn't speak. He only wrote one message.Jun 03 22:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: No, he didn't speak. He only wrote one message.Jun 03 22:05
schestowitzokJun 03 22:05
schestowitz/fnokJun 03 22:05
XRevan86oh, actually, three, missed the other twoJun 03 22:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] oh, actually, three, missed the other twoJun 03 22:05
schestowitzmy understanding is that a two-way bridge would be mostly harmless assuming he's not there or inactiveJun 03 22:05
schestowitz/fnmy understanding is that a two-way bridge would be mostly harmless assuming he's not there or inactiveJun 03 22:05
XRevan86(19:54:06) mjg59: (I have never reported Ryan to any Matrix admins)Jun 03 22:05
XRevan86(20:46:25) mjg59: I'm extremely confused why Roy seems to think I'm unemployedJun 03 22:05
XRevan86(20:48:40) mjg59: I started my new job the day after I left GoogleJun 03 22:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] (19:54:06) mjg59: (I have never reported Ryan to any Matrix admins)Jun 03 22:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] (20:46:25) mjg59: I'm extremely confused why Roy seems to think I'm unemployedJun 03 22:05
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] (20:48:40) mjg59: I started my new job the day after I left GoogleJun 03 22:05
schestowitzhe doesn't even say whereJun 03 22:06
schestowitz/fnhe doesn't even say whereJun 03 22:06
schestowitzso one can guessJun 03 22:06
schestowitz/fnso one can guessJun 03 22:06
schestowitzaurora innoJun 03 22:06
schestowitz/fnaurora innoJun 03 22:06
XRevan86(21:06:16) mjg59: It's in my Twitter bioJun 03 22:06
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] (21:06:16) mjg59: It's in my Twitter bioJun 03 22:06
schestowitzsome self-driving thingJun 03 22:06
schestowitz/fnsome self-driving thingJun 03 22:06
schestowitzwait, the bridge leads there, outwards only?Jun 03 22:07
schestowitz/fnwait, the bridge leads there, outwards only?Jun 03 22:07
schestowitzand time gmt-1?Jun 03 22:07
schestowitz/fnand time gmt-1?Jun 03 22:07
schestowitzif so, I suppose no harm done as we're publishing logs anyway regardless Jun 03 22:08
schestowitz/fnif so, I suppose no harm done as we're publishing logs anyway regardlessJun 03 22:08
*Aspie96 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 22:08
schestowitzanyway, on we move... can't believe how many hours were spend on technical issues today :/Jun 03 22:08
schestowitz/fnanyway, on we move... can't believe how many hours were spend on technical issues today :/Jun 03 22:08
XRevan86schestowitz: mjg59 is in irc.techrights.orgJun 03 22:09
tr-bridge[X​Revan86/tr] schestowitz: mjg59 is in irc.techrights.orgJun 03 22:09
schestowitzoh, i see...Jun 03 22:09
schestowitz/fnoh, i see...Jun 03 22:09
Aspie96GCC updated its mission statement.Jun 03 22:09
Aspie96/fnGCC updated its mission statement.Jun 03 22:09
Aspie96 03 22:09
Aspie96/fn 03 22:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Development Mission Statement (2021-06-01) - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)Jun 03 22:09
TechrightsBot-tr/ | GCC Development Mission Statement (2021-06-01) - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)Jun 03 22:09
gustafCrystalMath: just a feedbck, I did request the channel that was hijacked to be reinstated, but the ops team didn't believe it merited a single-hash status, so the channel, registered in 2006, is now gone forever Jun 03 22:09
gustaf/fnCrystalMath: just a feedbck, I did request the channel that was hijacked to be reinstated, but the ops team didn't believe it merited a single-hash status, so the channel, registered in 2006, is now gone foreverJun 03 22:09
schestowitzmaybe they'll defect to the fake "GNU"Jun 03 22:09
schestowitz/fnmaybe they'll defect to the fake "GNU"Jun 03 22:09
Aspie96After the recent update, which was done inconsistently with the mission statement.Jun 03 22:09
Aspie96/fnAfter the recent update, which was done inconsistently with the mission statement.Jun 03 22:09
CrystalMathgustaf: yeah it was probably against the rules the entire timeJun 03 22:09
CrystalMath/fngustaf: yeah it was probably against the rules the entire timeJun 03 22:09
schestowitzsince it seems people like to hijack names of things which they attackJun 03 22:09
schestowitz/fnsince it seems people like to hijack names of things which they attackJun 03 22:09
CrystalMathgustaf: freenode has a rule about # and ## channelsJun 03 22:10
CrystalMath/fngustaf: freenode has a rule about # and ## channelsJun 03 22:10
gustafyeah sureJun 03 22:10
gustaf/fnyeah sureJun 03 22:10
schestowitzimagine if we registered #novellJun 03 22:11
schestowitz/fnimagine if we registered #novellJun 03 22:11
*Aspie96 has quit (Client Quit)Jun 03 22:11
schestowitzand then misled people who come there for supportJun 03 22:11
schestowitz/fnand then misled people who come there for supportJun 03 22:11
schestowitztelling them how awful novell wasJun 03 22:11
schestowitz/fntelling them how awful novell wasJun 03 22:11
schestowitzwe used boycottnovellJun 03 22:11
schestowitz/fnwe used boycottnovellJun 03 22:11
schestowitzwhich avoids the trademark issuesJun 03 22:11
schestowitz/fnwhich avoids the trademark issuesJun 03 22:11
*Aspie96 ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 22:11
*phobos_anomaly has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 22:14
techrights-bot#Rescuezilla 2.2 Supports Disk Cloning and NFS/SSH Shares, It’s Based on Ubuntu 21.04 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 22:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rescuezilla 2.2 Supports Disk Cloning and NFS/SSH Shares, It’s Based on Ubuntu 21.04 | Tux MachinesJun 03 22:20
techrights-bot/fn#Rescuezilla 2.2 Supports Disk Cloning and NFS/SSH Shares, It’s Based on Ubuntu 21.04 • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 22:20
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Rescuezilla 2.2 Supports Disk Cloning and NFS/SSH Shares, It’s Based on Ubuntu 21.04 | Tux MachinesJun 03 22:20
MinceR 03 22:21
MinceR/fn 03 22:21
*Aspie96 ( has left #techrightsJun 03 22:23
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 22:34
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 22:34
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)Jun 03 22:35
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 22:36
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Jun 03 22:42
techrights-bot"Someone posted about this in ama-jim and the bluebirds are dismissing ECS because “it’s not Kubernetes.” LMAO. They’re so clueless." #redhat #ibm 03 22:49
techrights-bot/fn"Someone posted about this in ama-jim and the bluebirds are dismissing ECS because “it’s not Kubernetes.” LMAO. They’re so clueless." #redhat #ibm 03 22:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Godfather of IBM and hybrid cloud has arrived - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 22:49
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Godfather of IBM and hybrid cloud has arrived - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 22:49
baronhk1[m]Imagine if Stargate happened ten years later. That Vagina Monologues scene with Teal'c wouldn't have gone over well.Jun 03 22:49
baronhk1[m]/fnImagine if Stargate happened ten years later. That Vagina Monologues scene with Teal'c wouldn't have gone over well.Jun 03 22:49
baronhk1[m]<schestowitz "so one can guess"> Microsoft maybe, like Miguel.Jun 03 22:52
baronhk1[m]/fn<schestowitz "so one can guess"> Microsoft maybe, like Miguel.Jun 03 22:52
techrights-bot#RedHat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 22:52
techrights-bot/fn#RedHat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 22:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) | TechrightsJun 03 22:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) | TechrightsJun 03 22:52
schestowitzMiguel is even pissing off Mexicans nowJun 03 22:54
schestowitz/fnMiguel is even pissing off Mexicans nowJun 03 22:54
schestowitzlike the Nitrux devsJun 03 22:54
schestowitz/fnlike the Nitrux devsJun 03 22:54
schestowitzhe's hijacking their project namesJun 03 22:54
schestowitz/fnhe's hijacking their project namesJun 03 22:54
schestowitz 03 22:54
schestowitz/fn 03 22:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Miguel de Icaza “is Basically a Traitor to the Free Software Community,” Says Richard Stallman | TechrightsJun 03 22:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Miguel de Icaza “is Basically a Traitor to the Free Software Community,” Says Richard Stallman | TechrightsJun 03 22:54
schestowitz 03 22:55
schestowitz/fn 03 22:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Statement Regarding UXDivers Grial Kit and usage — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Statement Regarding UXDivers Grial Kit and usage — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:56
schestowitzthey moan about Mono de Icaza and his ilkJun 03 22:56
schestowitz/fnthey moan about Mono de Icaza and his ilkJun 03 22:56
schestowitzUri Herera is MexicansJun 03 22:56
schestowitz/fnUri Herera is MexicansJun 03 22:56
schestowitzand most Nitrux devs are too afaikJun 03 22:56
schestowitz/fnand most Nitrux devs are too afaikJun 03 22:56
schestowitzContext: 03 22:56
schestowitz/fnContext: 03 22:56
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Maui Archivos — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Maui Archivos — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:56
schestowitzMore: 03 22:56
schestowitz/fnMore: 03 22:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Statement Regarding Xamarin.Forms rebranding as MAUI — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:57
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Statement Regarding Xamarin.Forms rebranding as MAUI — Nitrux — #YourNextOSJun 03 22:57
schestowitzI will prepare a statement on IRCJun 03 22:57
schestowitz/fnI will prepare a statement on IRCJun 03 22:57
schestowitzto remove confusionJun 03 22:57
schestowitz/fnto remove confusionJun 03 22:57
baronhk1[m]Like Git Virtual File System having a collision with the GNOME VFS.Jun 03 22:58
baronhk1[m]/fnLike Git Virtual File System having a collision with the GNOME VFS.Jun 03 22:58
*BaronVladimirHa4 (baronhkner@gateway/shell/ has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:00
baronhk1[m]The Microsoft MVP program is a lot like that AOL Community Leader thing.Jun 03 23:03
baronhk1[m]/fnThe Microsoft MVP program is a lot like that AOL Community Leader thing.Jun 03 23:03
baronhk1[m]AOL didn't want to pay people to do tech support and build out their site, so they paid them with free hours on AOL which didn't really cost them much.Jun 03 23:04
baronhk1[m]/fnAOL didn't want to pay people to do tech support and build out their site, so they paid them with free hours on AOL which didn't really cost them much.Jun 03 23:04
baronhk1[m]There was a lawsuit over that. AOL lost when courts decided that they were doing work that should be done by paid employees.Jun 03 23:04
baronhk1[m]/fnThere was a lawsuit over that. AOL lost when courts decided that they were doing work that should be done by paid employees.Jun 03 23:04
schestowitzthe troll likes to stab you in the back while pretending to be 'buddies' to your faceJun 03 23:05
schestowitz/fnthe troll likes to stab you in the back while pretending to be 'buddies' to your faceJun 03 23:05
schestowitzit makes the trolling more effectiveJun 03 23:05
schestowitz/fnit makes the trolling more effectiveJun 03 23:05
schestowitzI am doing a post about the issueJun 03 23:05
schestowitz/fnI am doing a post about the issueJun 03 23:05
schestowitzbaronhk1[m]: if you want to proofread...Jun 03 23:05
schestowitz/fnbaronhk1[m]: if you want to proofread...Jun 03 23:05
baronhk1[m]Firefox had to change names like three times, iirc.Jun 03 23:06
baronhk1[m]/fnFirefox had to change names like three times, iirc.Jun 03 23:06
baronhk1[m]It was Phoenix, then Firebird, then Firefox.Jun 03 23:06
baronhk1[m]/fnIt was Phoenix, then Firebird, then Firefox.Jun 03 23:06
baronhk1[m]/fn 03 23:08
baronhk1[m] 03 23:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-[Bug] Name clash with Maui Linux and MauiKit · Issue #35 · dotnet/maui · GitHubJun 03 23:08
TechrightsBot-tr/fn[Bug] Name clash with Maui Linux and MauiKit · Issue #35 · dotnet/maui · GitHubJun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]schestowitz: A Microsoft MVP on GitHub became so abusive that a Microsoft employee had to ban him for a week over Code of Conduct.Jun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]/fnschestowitz: A Microsoft MVP on GitHub became so abusive that a Microsoft employee had to ban him for a week over Code of Conduct.Jun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]"Dan Siegel dansiegelJun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]/fn"Dan Siegel dansiegelJun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]Code Monkey | Microsoft MVP | @PrismLibrary Maintainer | Cross Platform, Xamarin Forms and Azure Consultant"Jun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m]/fnCode Monkey | Microsoft MVP | @PrismLibrary Maintainer | Cross Platform, Xamarin Forms and Azure Consultant"Jun 03 23:08
baronhk1[m] davidortinau commented on May 19, 2020Jun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]/fndavidortinau commented on May 19, 2020Jun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]@dansiegel your tone and style of commenting is violating our Code of Conduct. We have marked the problematic comments as abusive and blocked you for 7 days. If this behavior persists, we’re going to block you permanently.Jun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]It’s OK to be passionate but attacking another open source project for any reason is not okay. This is not the kind of community we want to have and such behavior will not be tolerated.Jun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]/fn@dansiegel your tone and style of commenting is violating our Code of Conduct. We have marked the problematic comments as abusive and blocked you for 7 days. If this behavior persists, we’re going to block you permanently.Jun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]/fnIt’s OK to be passionate but attacking another open source project for any reason is not okay. This is not the kind of community we want to have and such behavior will not be tolerated.Jun 03 23:09
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:09
baronhk1[m]There's no telling what Dan Siegel actually said that got to the point that Microsoft invoked the CoC on their own MVP.Jun 03 23:11
baronhk1[m]/fnThere's no telling what Dan Siegel actually said that got to the point that Microsoft invoked the CoC on their own MVP.Jun 03 23:11
baronhk1[m]Because Microsoft deleted the comments.Jun 03 23:11
baronhk1[m]/fnBecause Microsoft deleted the comments.Jun 03 23:11
schestowitzbaronhk1[m]: 03 23:11
schestowitz/fnbaronhk1[m]: 03 23:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:11
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:11
schestowitzyou make a mess with your sordid viewsJun 03 23:11
schestowitz/fnyou make a mess with your sordid viewsJun 03 23:11
schestowitzthis is an attempt to mitigate this somewhatJun 03 23:11
schestowitz/fnthis is an attempt to mitigate this somewhatJun 03 23:11
schestowitzsee if you can spot typos (I've not yet)Jun 03 23:11
schestowitz/fnsee if you can spot typos (I've not yet)Jun 03 23:11
baronhk1[m]"for the fake of free speech and privacy"Jun 03 23:13
baronhk1[m]/fn"for the fake of free speech and privacy"Jun 03 23:13
techrights-bot#microsoft is censoring its critics, even Microsoft MVPs, in #github #deletegithub ASAP, it's an abusive propaganda and coercion machine 03 23:13
techrights-bot/fn#microsoft is censoring its critics, even Microsoft MVPs, in #github #deletegithub ASAP, it's an abusive propaganda and coercion machine 03 23:13
baronhk1[m]sakeJun 03 23:13
baronhk1[m]/fnsakeJun 03 23:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Story About Microsoft’s Plan for GitHub Says a Lot About the Motivations and the Lies Told to Us for Over Half a Decade | TechrightsJun 03 23:13
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Story About Microsoft’s Plan for GitHub Says a Lot About the Motivations and the Lies Told to Us for Over Half a Decade | TechrightsJun 03 23:13
baronhk1[m]"hang our in IRC"Jun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]/fn"hang our in IRC"Jun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]outJun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]/fnoutJun 03 23:14
schestowitzcheers, correctedJun 03 23:14
schestowitz/fncheers, correctedJun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]"our of context"Jun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]/fn"our of context"Jun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]out Jun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]/fnoutJun 03 23:14
schestowitzdoneJun 03 23:14
schestowitz/fndoneJun 03 23:14
baronhk1[m]Did you mean to say bridged into Libera Chat?Jun 03 23:15
baronhk1[m]/fnDid you mean to say bridged into Libera Chat?Jun 03 23:15
schestowitznoJun 03 23:15
schestowitz/fnnoJun 03 23:15
schestowitzwe don't bridge to thatJun 03 23:15
schestowitz/fnwe don't bridge to thatJun 03 23:15
schestowitzand it's not ours eitherJun 03 23:15
schestowitz/fnand it's not ours eitherJun 03 23:15
schestowitzI thought MinceR would take control of itJun 03 23:15
schestowitz/fnI thought MinceR would take control of itJun 03 23:15
schestowitzfor now, it's potentially hostielJun 03 23:15
schestowitz/fnfor now, it's potentially hostielJun 03 23:15
baronhk1[m]I really don't like Libera Chat. It seems to be an awful lot like a digital tranny farm. Jun 03 23:15
baronhk1[m]/fnI really don't like Libera Chat. It seems to be an awful lot like a digital tranny farm.Jun 03 23:15
baronhk1[m]Like that thing that NPR wasted an article on, out in Colorado.Jun 03 23:16
baronhk1[m]/fnLike that thing that NPR wasted an article on, out in Colorado.Jun 03 23:16
baronhk1[m]They move in there and build a chicken wire fence and stockpile guns to get away from the "oppression by cisgender people".Jun 03 23:16
baronhk1[m]/fnThey move in there and build a chicken wire fence and stockpile guns to get away from the "oppression by cisgender people".Jun 03 23:16
baronhk1[m]They get more money from donations than they do running this "ranch", apparently.Jun 03 23:17
baronhk1[m]/fnThey get more money from donations than they do running this "ranch", apparently.Jun 03 23:17
baronhk1[m]Nice hustle.Jun 03 23:17
baronhk1[m]/fnNice hustle.Jun 03 23:17
psydroidI think that it's a good thing that it exists, as it could allow for the trolling to mainly happen over thereJun 03 23:17
psydroid/fnI think that it's a good thing that it exists, as it could allow for the trolling to mainly happen over thereJun 03 23:17
schestowitzthey do receive a lot of abuse thoughJun 03 23:18
schestowitz/fnthey do receive a lot of abuse thoughJun 03 23:18
techrights-ipfs ▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▅▂▂▅▃▆▃▃▅▆▇▄▄▅▅▆▃▃▆▅▄▃▄▄▃▆▁▂▅▆▃▁▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 20.46 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▁▁▂▂█▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁█▃▁ avg(k/sec) 60.61▕ swarm size (avg): 237.50  ⟲Jun 03 23:18
techrights-ipfs/fn▕  IPFS downstream, 60 mins: ▆▅▂▂▅▃▆▃▃▅▆▇▄▄▅▅▆▃▃▆▅▄▃▄▄▃▆▁▂▅▆▃▁▅▆▁ avg(k/sec) 20.46 ▕  IPFS upstream: ▂▂█▁▁▂▂█▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁▁▁▂▂▁▂▂▂▂▁▁▂▁█▃▁ avg(k/sec) 60.61▕ swarm size (avg): 237.50  ⟲Jun 03 23:18
schestowitzanyway, back on topic plsJun 03 23:18
schestowitz/fnanyway, back on topic plsJun 03 23:18
MinceRschestowitz: how am i supposed to take control of it?Jun 03 23:18
MinceR/fnschestowitz: how am i supposed to take control of it?Jun 03 23:18
schestowitzI think registering the channelJun 03 23:18
schestowitz/fnI think registering the channelJun 03 23:18
schestowitzand then getting opJun 03 23:18
schestowitz/fnand then getting opJun 03 23:18
MinceR04 001918 [Libera] -ChanServ( You must be a channel operator in #techrights in order to register it.Jun 03 23:19
MinceR/fn04 001918 [Libera] -ChanServ( You must be a channel operator in #techrights in order to register it.Jun 03 23:19
baronhk1[m] - Apparently, Facebook's autoban works on this word.Jun 03 23:19
baronhk1[m]/fn - Apparently, Facebook's autoban works on this word.Jun 03 23:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tranny - WikipediaJun 03 23:19
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tranny - WikipediaJun 03 23:19
baronhk1[m]Which has stifled their ability to try to "reclaim" it.Jun 03 23:19
baronhk1[m]/fnWhich has stifled their ability to try to "reclaim" it.Jun 03 23:19
schestowitzI would rather talk about real issuesJun 03 23:20
schestowitz/fnI would rather talk about real issuesJun 03 23:20
schestowitzlike poverty and corporations taking over governmentsJun 03 23:20
schestowitz/fnlike poverty and corporations taking over governmentsJun 03 23:20
schestowitznot bathroom stalls, who qualifies for beauty pageants, athletes etc.Jun 03 23:21
schestowitz/fnnot bathroom stalls, who qualifies for beauty pageants, athletes etc.Jun 03 23:21
schestowitztechrights is about tech and stuffJun 03 23:21
schestowitz/fntechrights is about tech and stuffJun 03 23:21
schestowitzstop interjecting unrelated stuffJun 03 23:21
schestowitz/fnstop interjecting unrelated stuffJun 03 23:21
baronhk1[m]The government basically has gotten Facebook to shut down people talking about anything. The bans have gotten to be such a minefield that you can have your account shut down for pretty much anything.Jun 03 23:21
baronhk1[m]/fnThe government basically has gotten Facebook to shut down people talking about anything. The bans have gotten to be such a minefield that you can have your account shut down for pretty much anything.Jun 03 23:21
baronhk1[m]Matrix is like this too.Jun 03 23:22
baronhk1[m]/fnMatrix is like this too.Jun 03 23:22
baronhk1[m]I've noticed that there's been a big loss of active users at Facebook.Jun 03 23:22
baronhk1[m]/fnI've noticed that there's been a big loss of active users at Facebook.Jun 03 23:22
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:24
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:24
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:24
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:24
*sepsinn has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.1)Jun 03 23:24
techrights-bot#Techrights Official Policy/Statement on #IRC • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:25
techrights-bot/fn#Techrights Official Policy/Statement on #IRC • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:25
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:25
baronhk1[m]<schestowitz "not bathroom stalls, who qualifi"> The "news" has been replaced by "Today in bathroom bills and race war.".Jun 03 23:25
baronhk1[m]/fn<schestowitz "not bathroom stalls, who qualifi"> The "news" has been replaced by "Today in bathroom bills and race war.".Jun 03 23:25
baronhk1[m]It gets people talking about non-issues. Drowns them out.Jun 03 23:25
baronhk1[m]/fnIt gets people talking about non-issues. Drowns them out.Jun 03 23:25
schestowitzNPR is funded by Microsoft and Bill GatesJun 03 23:26
schestowitz/fnNPR is funded by Microsoft and Bill GatesJun 03 23:26
schestowitzmany people still use the site because of its text-only versionJun 03 23:26
schestowitz/fnmany people still use the site because of its text-only versionJun 03 23:26
schestowitzI'm sceptical also of BBC and Guardian for the same reasonsJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fnI'm sceptical also of BBC and Guardian for the same reasonsJun 03 23:27
schestowitzbribed mediaJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fnbribed mediaJun 03 23:27
schestowitzIBM is also trying to own the media nowJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fnIBM is also trying to own the media nowJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fnprobably too lateJun 03 23:27
schestowitzprobably too lateJun 03 23:27
schestowitzIBM is in a freefallJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fnIBM is in a freefallJun 03 23:27
schestowitztoo many years of really bad managemrnt Jun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fntoo many years of really bad managemrntJun 03 23:27
schestowitz20 years ago they still stood a chanceJun 03 23:27
schestowitz/fn20 years ago they still stood a chanceJun 03 23:27
baronhk1[m]/fnMaybe before they sold their PC business to LOL No! vo.Jun 03 23:35
baronhk1[m]Maybe before they sold their PC business to LOL No! vo.Jun 03 23:35
techrights-botRichard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #RMS #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:35
techrights-bot/fnRichard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #RMS #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free | TechrightsJun 03 23:35
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free | TechrightsJun 03 23:35
rbraunthe guardian used to be pretty goodJun 03 23:37
rbraun/fnthe guardian used to be pretty goodJun 03 23:37
rbraunthey get a lot of knee-jerk stuff asking for censorship nowJun 03 23:37
rbraun/fnthey get a lot of knee-jerk stuff asking for censorship nowJun 03 23:37
rbraun/fnthey do post opposing viewpoints on the left, tho, like this wonderful article: 03 23:37
rbraunthey do post opposing viewpoints on the left, tho, like this wonderful article: 03 23:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Liberals want to blame rightwing 'misinformation' for our problems. Get real | Thomas Frank | The GuardianJun 03 23:37
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Liberals want to blame rightwing 'misinformation' for our problems. Get real | Thomas Frank | The GuardianJun 03 23:37
schestowitzguardian changedJun 03 23:37
schestowitz/fnguardian changedJun 03 23:37
rbraunthomas frank has been smarter than the US democrats for like 20 years, too bad they don't listen to himJun 03 23:37
rbraun/fnthomas frank has been smarter than the US democrats for like 20 years, too bad they don't listen to himJun 03 23:37
schestowitzthey take money from ford, rockefeller and gates, while begging readers to chip in tooJun 03 23:38
schestowitz/fnthey take money from ford, rockefeller and gates, while begging readers to chip in tooJun 03 23:38
rbraunthey made a big mistake in choosing the next editor after rusbridger, IMOJun 03 23:38
rbraun/fnthey made a big mistake in choosing the next editor after rusbridger, IMOJun 03 23:38
schestowitzrusbridger was already badJun 03 23:38
schestowitz/fnrusbridger was already badJun 03 23:38
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 23:38
rbraunnah he was pretty good, in my viewJun 03 23:38
rbraun/fnnah he was pretty good, in my viewJun 03 23:38
schestowitzthey had burned sources, they took money from gatesJun 03 23:38
schestowitz/fnthey had burned sources, they took money from gatesJun 03 23:38
schestowitzeven while he was associating with crooksJun 03 23:38
schestowitz/fneven while he was associating with crooksJun 03 23:38
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Jun 03 23:38
schestowitzand under rusbridger they already attacked assangeJun 03 23:39
schestowitz/fnand under rusbridger they already attacked assangeJun 03 23:39
schestowitzwho had given them many good storiesJun 03 23:39
schestowitz/fnwho had given them many good storiesJun 03 23:39
rbraunyeah but they helped out a lot with the snowden stuffJun 03 23:39
rbraun/fnyeah but they helped out a lot with the snowden stuffJun 03 23:39
rbraunand it was nowhere near the bile they've had for assange since 2015Jun 03 23:39
rbraun/fnand it was nowhere near the bile they've had for assange since 2015Jun 03 23:39
rbraun 03 23:39
rbraun/fn 03 23:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Katharine Viner - WikipediaJun 03 23:39
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Katharine Viner - WikipediaJun 03 23:39
rbraunIt has been suggested by author and former Guardian columnist Michael Wolff that another of Viner's rivals to succeed Rusbridger, Janine Gibson, suffered because of internal disquiet over the internal impact on The Guardian of the Edward Snowden revelations which Gibson edited in New York. Wolff said Gibson aligned herself with Snowden, promising more of the same, while Viner "pitched decidedly ...Jun 03 23:39
rbraun/fnIt has been suggested by author and former Guardian columnist Michael Wolff that another of Viner's rivals to succeed Rusbridger, Janine Gibson, suffered because of internal disquiet over the internal impact on The Guardian of the Edward Snowden revelations which Gibson edited in New York. Wolff said Gibson aligned herself with Snowden, promising more of the same, while Viner "pi <clipped message>Jun 03 23:39
rbraun/fntched decidedly ...Jun 03 23:39
rbraun... against Gibson and, in a sense, against Snowden".[32] Peter Wilby, writing in the New Statesman, preferred a different explanation: "Viner is a more charming, more inclusive and less threatening figure than Janine Gibson, who started as the bookies’ and Rusbridger's favourite."[33]Jun 03 23:39
rbraun/fn... against Gibson and, in a sense, against Snowden".[32] Peter Wilby, writing in the New Statesman, preferred a different explanation: "Viner is a more charming, more inclusive and less threatening figure than Janine Gibson, who started as the bookies’ and Rusbridger's favourite."[33]Jun 03 23:39
*asusbox has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)Jun 03 23:40
rbraunso, they made their bed with that ^^^Jun 03 23:40
rbraun/fnso, they made their bed with that ^^^Jun 03 23:40
rbraunnow they get to lay in itJun 03 23:40
rbraun/fnnow they get to lay in itJun 03 23:40
*rianne has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jun 03 23:40
techrights-bot"The normal desktop/flat version? Great! Enjoy it a lot. The VR side just seems to not work on Linux. Shame but now it's using OpenXR perhaps they can work on it." 03 23:41
techrights-bot/fn"The normal desktop/flat version? Great! Enjoy it a lot. The VR side just seems to not work on Linux. Shame but now it's using OpenXR perhaps they can work on it." 03 23:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-War Thunder "Red Skies" brings many new machines and new locations | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 23:41
TechrightsBot-tr/fnWar Thunder "Red Skies" brings many new machines and new locations | GamingOnLinuxJun 03 23:41
*asusbox (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:41
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:42
*rianne (~rianne@haii6za73zabc.irc) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:42
*rianne (~rianne@2a00:23c4:c3aa:7d01:f4bf:2fd3:cddc:7fb5) has joined #techrightsJun 03 23:42
schestowitzrbraun: yupJun 03 23:45
schestowitz/fnrbraun: yupJun 03 23:45
schestowitzbut tbh, they're not the WORST of the bunchJun 03 23:45
schestowitz/fnbut tbh, they're not the WORST of the bunchJun 03 23:45
schestowitzI means, I'd rank them "middle"Jun 03 23:45
schestowitz/fnI means, I'd rank them "middle"Jun 03 23:45
schestowitzcompared to daily fail, dun, sunday muroch times etc.Jun 03 23:46
schestowitz/fncompared to daily fail, dun, sunday muroch times etc.Jun 03 23:46
schestowitz*sunJun 03 23:46
schestowitz/fn*sunJun 03 23:46
rbraunoh i meanJun 03 23:46
rbraun/fnoh i meanJun 03 23:46
schestowitzthis year I decided to boycott bbcJun 03 23:46
schestowitz/fnthis year I decided to boycott bbcJun 03 23:46
rbraunwith english media, especially tory media, it's turtles all the way downJun 03 23:46
rbraun/fnwith english media, especially tory media, it's turtles all the way downJun 03 23:46
schestowitzthey lie to the publicJun 03 23:46
schestowitz/fnthey lie to the publicJun 03 23:46
schestowitzstate and oligarch propaganda nowJun 03 23:46
schestowitz/fnstate and oligarch propaganda nowJun 03 23:46
rbraunyeah the tories holding their funding hostage really did not help them stay impartialJun 03 23:46
rbraun/fnyeah the tories holding their funding hostage really did not help them stay impartialJun 03 23:46
rbraunthey really need to replace the tv license fee but keep it a public broadcasterJun 03 23:47
rbraun/fnthey really need to replace the tv license fee but keep it a public broadcasterJun 03 23:47
rbraunthey should do something like finland and just make it a taxJun 03 23:47
rbraun/fnthey should do something like finland and just make it a taxJun 03 23:47
rbraunwould make them less of a political target overnightJun 03 23:47
rbraun/fnwould make them less of a political target overnightJun 03 23:47
techrights-botToday in #Techrights • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 23:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:47
techrights-bot/fnToday in #Techrights • 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⇨ #GNU #Linux #TuxMachinesJun 03 23:47
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Today in Techrights | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:47
rbraunstaying public also means they stay free-to-airJun 03 23:47
rbraun/fnstaying public also means they stay free-to-airJun 03 23:47
techrights-bot#AtariVCS #GNU #Linux -based game console hits stores June 15 for $300 and up 03 23:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:50
techrights-bot/fn#AtariVCS #GNU #Linux -based game console hits stores June 15 for $300 and up 03 23:50
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Games: Atari VCS, Loop Hero, Thousand Lives, and Foundry VTT (Foundry Virtual Tabletop) | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:50
techrights-bot#KaliLinux 2021.2 Official Release Now Available 03 23:51
techrights-bot/fn#KaliLinux 2021.2 Official Release Now Available 03 23:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:51
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kali Linux 2021.2 Release (Kaboxer, Kali-Tweaks, Bleeding-Edge & Privileged Ports) | Tux MachinesJun 03 23:51
techrights-bot#PneuMat is an interactive shape-changing system to help ensure infants sleep safely | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #OpenHardware #Hacking | more in 03 23:52
techrights-bot/fn#PneuMat is an interactive shape-changing system to help ensure infants sleep safely | Arduino Blog ⚓ ䷉ #Arduino #OpenHardware #Hacking | more in 03 23:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | PneuMat is an interactive shape-changing system to help ensure infants sleep safely | Arduino BlogJun 03 23:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 23:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | PneuMat is an interactive shape-changing system to help ensure infants sleep safely | Arduino BlogJun 03 23:52
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Social Control Media PostsJun 03 23:52
schestowitzrbraun: remember how they work with intel agenciesJun 03 23:53
schestowitz/fnrbraun: remember how they work with intel agenciesJun 03 23:53
schestowitzand boast about itJun 03 23:53
schestowitz/fnand boast about itJun 03 23:53
schestowitzd-notice and allJun 03 23:53
schestowitz/fnd-notice and allJun 03 23:53
schestowitzplus the russopjhobiaJun 03 23:53
schestowitz/fnplus the russopjhobiaJun 03 23:53
techrights-botWith IBM officials calling all the shots at Red Hat (like Novell’s CEO did, after his long #IBM career, inside SUSE) we need to think carefully of the full ramifications of old proprietary software giants taking over GNU/Linux distributors • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tecJun 03 23:54
techrights-bot/fnWith IBM officials calling all the shots at Red Hat (like Novell’s CEO did, after his long #IBM career, inside SUSE) we need to think carefully of the full ramifications of old proprietary software giants taking over GNU/Linux distributors • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW |  <clipped message>Jun 03 23:54
techrights-bot/fn♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techJun 03 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) | TechrightsJun 03 23:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Red Hat is Becoming Somewhat Like SUSE, Stranded Inside a Company That Doesn’t Get Free Software (Pushing Proprietary Software for Money) | TechrightsJun 03 23:54
techrights-botClarifications about our position and response to various attempts to discredit Techrights based on fabrications, deliberate distortions, and malicious falsehoods Official Policy/Statement on IRC • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW #IRC | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:54
techrights-bot/fnClarifications about our position and response to various attempts to discredit Techrights based on fabrications, deliberate distortions, and malicious falsehoods Official Policy/Statement on IRC • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW #IRC | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrig <clipped message>Jun 03 23:54
techrights-bot/ 03 23:54
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Official Policy/Statement on IRC | TechrightsJun 03 23:54
techrights-botAt the end of last year #RichardStallman gave this online talk for students at Waterloo, #Canada • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:55
techrights-bot/fnAt the end of last year #RichardStallman gave this online talk for students at Waterloo, #Canada • 𝔗𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 ⚓ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// 03 23:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free | TechrightsJun 03 23:55
TechrightsBot-tr/ | Richard Stallman’s 2020 Talk: Why Operating Systems and Other Software Should be Free | TechrightsJun 03 23:55
techrights-bot"How many browsers do we need? How many ticketing systems? How many languages that all have to have a certain set of basic features to be a complete language at all? How many project management methods du jure, etc,?" 03 23:58
techrights-bot/fn"How many browsers do we need? How many ticketing systems? How many languages that all have to have a certain set of basic features to be a complete language at all? How many project management methods du jure, etc,?" 03 23:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 23:58
TechrightsBot-tr/ | The grass is not greener anywhere? - post regarding IBM layoffsJun 03 23:58
techrights-bot"Grass isn’t greener but I’ll tell you what is better elsewhere - your coworkers. It’s incredible to finally work with motivated, competent coworkers who aren’t arrogant and are willing to learn new things." #ibm #layoffs #braindrain #morale 03 23:59
techrights-bot/fn"Grass isn’t greener but I’ll tell you what is better elsewhere - your coworkers. It’s incredible to finally work with motivated, competent coworkers who aren’t arrogant and are willing to learn new things." #ibm #layoffs #braindrain #morale 03 23:59

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