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*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Sep 19 00:38 | |
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrights | Sep 19 00:38 | |
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Sep 19 00:50 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 10 Useful Alternatives to the Top Utility [] | Sep 19 01:01 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Call for Ubuntu Community Council nominations [] | Sep 19 01:02 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software Freedom Day 2020: Software Freedom is More Important than Ever [] | Sep 19 01:06 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Todoist is Now Available on GNU/Linux [] | Sep 19 01:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Terminal Image Viewer – display images in a terminal [] | Sep 19 01:21 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Mint Cinnamon Vs. MATE: which one to choose? [] | Sep 19 01:27 | |
*swaggboi has quit (Quit: C-x C-c) | Sep 19 01:35 | |
*swaggboi ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 01:39 | |
*kupi (uid212005@gateway/web/ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 02:14 | |
*DarwinElf (~darwin@fsf/member/darwin) has joined #techrights | Sep 19 02:15 | |
DarwinElf | i don't even know who people are on 'Political Compass for Free Software (and Those Who Attack Software Freedom)' other than RMS & ESR... | Sep 19 02:16 |
DarwinElf | often mentions BSD/Unix as better than GNU/systemd[-emulation]/Linux. What about other FLS OS though, like OpenSolaris Unix variants? | Sep 19 02:17 |
DarwinElf | someone told me OpenSolaris-based kernel is even more stable than *BSD... | Sep 19 02:17 |
DarwinElf | i always say GNU/systemd/Linux or GNU/systemd-emulation/Linux now. Even if one likes the strictly Unix-like one, FreeSlack/Slackware (FreeSlack: Freenix) or similar (Devuan, certain Gentoo, that's probably all except obscure stuff) even the systemd-emulation almost all the rest are using can cause regular critical failures (like if you're updating configuration/kernel)... | Sep 19 02:19 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Screencasts and Audiocasts/Shows [] | Sep 19 02:25 | |
MinceR | i thought there still were GNU/Linux distros without systemd-shim | Sep 19 02:27 |
MinceR | and without elogind and such crap | Sep 19 02:27 |
MinceR | (or at least them being optional) | Sep 19 02:27 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LibreOffice: Yaru, Promotion and Locale-independent Writer Templates [] | Sep 19 02:30 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Adventures of porting postmarketOS to the Librem 5 [] | Sep 19 02:41 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Myriad X-equipped machine vision camera runs Ubuntu on Apollo Lake [] | Sep 19 02:42 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Mint Cinnamon Vs. MATE: which one to choose? [] | Sep 19 02:42 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: GNU/Linux-Compatible Devices and Open Hardware [] | Sep 19 02:50 | |
schestowitz | [02:16] <DarwinElf> i don't even know who people are on 'Political Compass for Free Software (and Those Who Attack Software Freedom)' other than RMS & ESR... | Sep 19 02:52 |
schestowitz | Zemlin, Nadella and Perens | Sep 19 02:52 |
schestowitz | DarwinElf: GNU/Linux (and yes, with systemd in it) is where "all the rage" is those days... | Sep 19 02:52 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 10 Best Open-source Self-hosted Collaborative Text Editors Alternative to Google Docs [] | Sep 19 02:59 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos [] | Sep 19 03:01 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla: PGP in Thunderbird, Departures, Firefox Send and Firefox Notes [] | Sep 19 03:04 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming [] | Sep 19 03:07 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming [] | Sep 19 03:07 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Kali Linux: Win-KeX Version 2.0 [] | Sep 19 03:10 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: MagicMirror: a versatile home information hub [] | Sep 19 03:25 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM/Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers [] | Sep 19 03:32 | |
DarwinElf | and Perens is the centre-left guy, or...? | Sep 19 03:40 |
DarwinElf | i guess not... | Sep 19 03:40 |
DarwinElf | but that's only 3/5 the people whom look unfamiliar... | Sep 19 03:40 |
DarwinElf | what about Kirk McKusick, for example, or the guy in charge of Xorg, etc.? | Sep 19 03:41 |
DarwinElf | lots of old FLS Unix programmers still alive who are way more important than the five I don't recognize... but maybe it's not they argue for or against on a stage/video or something... | Sep 19 03:41 |
DarwinElf | MinceR, sure there are, but all the ones even average enthusiasts might've memorized are either systemd or (even Devuan, Slackware, and so on) systemd-emulation | Sep 19 03:48 |
DarwinElf | systemd-emulation is basically as bad in that updating configuration/kernel can cause a system to go offline and appear broken (unless you know new, obscure configuration.) I sent an entire server back to a company for that reason. They didn't test it I guess, because it was fine, and I just needed to edit a file you never needed to before systemd-emulation... | Sep 19 03:49 |
DarwinElf | i.e., they sent me a brand-new server. The same problem happened, so I investigated/asked in more detail and found out it was an idiotic systemd-based thing that was emulated... | Sep 19 03:50 |
DarwinElf | that is udev and/or eudev? Remember the days before that? It wouldn't assume you want your network devices renamed to something no one ever heard of, then activated out-of-order (like addon rather than onboard) even if you only have an OS network script bring the first one up | Sep 19 03:51 |
DarwinElf | even systemd-emulation isn't for real servers, and not average PCs rather than maybe a classic PC you don't even want to plugin to network... don't know what else might go wrong. What if you have several display/video/graphic cards then it loads those out-of-order... and so on. Almost anything can go wrong apparently even with systemd-emulation: it's not for any sort of production system (server, workstation, user's networked home/office PC, | Sep 19 03:52 |
DarwinElf | etc.)... | Sep 19 03:53 |
DarwinElf | even average libre-desktop users (I don't normally mean 'desktop:GUI' but in this case) will simply find they have to become 'techie' or know one, or they may not even have a usable PC unless maybe trying one of three PC-BSD Unix descendants, or OpenSolaris/Indiana-Illumos Unix, etc... | Sep 19 03:54 |
DarwinElf | or FreeDOS... if you want to press <CTRL><ALT><DEL> in the middle of an unzip and lose your filesystem... yet I hear FreeDOS is popular at point-of-sale... very surprising as it's not a reliable server system (unless the clerk doesn't know <CTRL><ALT><DEL> and is ordered don't press it) | Sep 19 03:55 |
DarwinElf | Gentoo is partly an exception to GNU/systemd-emulation/Linux in the case you compile it yourself, but even on installation, has used PAM style, which is intended for production servers, not average desktops nor unimportant servers (like testing in a virtual machine) | Sep 19 03:58 |
DarwinElf | i hate PAM as much as systemd, having starting learning when original hacker culture was still instructing--passwordless school labs even the public could walk into and login even without having to officially be 'guest' (no signature paper, no password) | Sep 19 03:59 |
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman, Jacob Appelbaum, and other good people! | | Sep 19 04:04 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Kernel and Linux Foundation [] | Sep 19 04:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Security Leftovers [] | Sep 19 04:21 | |
schestowitz | Re: roger faulkner quote | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > "little did they realise that the software costs [were] ten times the | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > hardware costs... software is really expensive" | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > hes not talking about the artificial costs, but the effort to produce | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > software (when a corporation funds the development). | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > obviously, open source has given companies a way to develop more | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > inexpensively, while retaining "enough" control of the software while | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > acting as sponsors instead of employers. everyone is an intern! except | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > for these few people who we can toss some of our advertising budget at. | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > we do it with lobbyists, why not these guys? | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > "performance is a goal, correctness is a constraint" | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > he says most of the problems hes encounterered were from "performance | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > work". *imagines men and women and tights leaping and twirling through | Sep 19 04:25 |
schestowitz | > the server room* | Sep 19 04:25 |
DarwinElf | yeah, that's why though I respected/admired my system administrator (as a college freshman) whom was from the original hacker culture (no passwords, he and computer science department chair gave us root in entire Unix labs, allowed adding interested non-majors )... being a sysadmin sounded amazing, like maybe learning/administering some classic huge (pretty hard to move) server... turns out they typically want sysadmins on call 24hrs/day all the | Sep 19 04:29 |
DarwinElf | time an organization is in session... | Sep 19 04:29 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Graphics: Taiwins 0.2, Etnaviv, V3DV, Libre-SOC, XOrg/FreeDesktop and More [] | Sep 19 04:29 | |
DarwinElf | "that's why I eventually ruled out probably ever being a sysadmin" | Sep 19 04:29 |
DarwinElf | a union organization (FSF) might have it different (sysadmins who prefer and only work different shifts) | Sep 19 04:30 |
DarwinElf | and many/most schools are union, but not for that type of job (probably would be 24hr on-call) | Sep 19 04:30 |
DarwinElf | i became friends with him. He had same criticism of GNU/Linux (in 1997) more & more technical people do now. For decades, for some, it was all about copyleft rather than having a stable system. Now there's no such thing as a stable copyleft system, other than ones no one heard of, and if you don't use, you probably forget (because they're too new to be on DistroWatch or possibly not in top 100) | Sep 19 04:33 |
DarwinElf | or are some Free/Libre Software (FLS) Unix copyleft? I forgot the difference (FLS, copyleft) but if I recall correctly, copyleft would be all public changes go to the world, not only private software (BSD->MacOS) | Sep 19 04:34 |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 04:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Volunteers needed: Help maintain our webmail page — Free Software Foundation — working together for free software | Sep 19 04:34 | |
schestowitz | they advertised this yesterday/last night | Sep 19 04:34 |
schestowitz | bsb tea time | Sep 19 04:34 |
schestowitz | *brb | Sep 19 04:34 |
DarwinElf | i suspect they can't even update their list of recommended systems in a timely fashion, so what's the point? Freenix (once FreeSlack) was in the last stage of getting approved, some months or a year or few before RMS was ousted. Why can't they update even the arguably most important list: the OSes? | Sep 19 04:36 |
DarwinElf | the Freenix programmers did everything they could to ask & cooperate with FSF. The main person is a member, and the fans tend to be 'FSF & RMS zealot fans'... | Sep 19 04:36 |
DarwinElf | like focused on copyleft... | Sep 19 04:37 |
DarwinElf | a few/couple other forks that didn't have 'slack' or 'ware' in their name just never even got mentioned on ... | Sep 19 04:38 |
DarwinElf | with both those terms (and red, hat, arch, etc.) being generic and used in other software (an issue with me, but not with the project founder/maintainer) | Sep 19 04:39 |
DarwinElf | now it's more send an email 'Free Software is getting a few more fans' rather than even doing much to keep people informed/up-to-date on the most fundamental information at all... | Sep 19 04:40 |
DarwinElf | and of course, RMS has been excised from FSF Newsletters/Bulletins since he was ousted, so those have little value to me anymore (as one who 50% joined *because* he's part of the original hacker culture generation who were my instructors/teachers/professors) | Sep 19 04:43 |
DarwinElf | they don't want articles by someone who knows the most what he's talking about, rather than representatives of 100+ liberal-identitarian groups fighting for control of the left, which is the reason it remains splintered | Sep 19 04:44 |
DarwinElf | (no one can be part of more than some of those groups, nothing anything close to 100, so they're all 'biased' on their own logic) | Sep 19 04:44 |
DarwinElf | ('biased/prejudiced/bigoted/etc.') | Sep 19 04:45 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Free Software and OSS Leftovers [] | Sep 19 04:45 | |
DarwinElf | corporate attacks on public interest organization isn't just on FLS non-profits, but other non-profits, and schools/education: in USA there's a push to corporatize/privatize more & more about schools. Even state universities get massive Microsoft bribes (and bribes for other industries) and keep project results copyrighted/secret to the school... now push to socialize the research, privatize results to corporate backers... even privatize entire | Sep 19 04:48 |
DarwinElf | parts of currently-state schools... | Sep 19 04:48 |
DarwinElf | 'organizations' | Sep 19 04:48 |
DarwinElf | (probably attacks on any maybe-less-common for-profit organizations that may have more a public-interest history, also) | Sep 19 04:48 |
schestowitz | yes, they ran out of things to steal | Sep 19 04:48 |
schestowitz | so now they steal public assets | Sep 19 04:49 |
schestowitz | having robbed the lower class and middle class | Sep 19 04:49 |
schestowitz | to the point of starvation for many... or food banks.. because we all know that the billionaire looters are "philanthropists" | Sep 19 04:49 |
schestowitz | feeding their victims | Sep 19 04:49 |
DarwinElf | ACLU, Amnesty International, Comic Book Legal Defence Fund: all somewhat free speech organizations, all had some sort of huge change/scandal. Probably others also. I don't know all was truly because of imperfect or corrupt management, or it's all the same right-wing buying liberal-identity politics and similar accusatory tactics... | Sep 19 04:50 |
schestowitz | infiltration | Sep 19 04:50 |
schestowitz | EFF also, perhaps... | Sep 19 04:50 |
schestowitz | we wrote a lot about what happened to them after co-founder Barlow died | Sep 19 04:51 |
schestowitz | now it's a bunch of Apple hipsters | Sep 19 04:51 |
schestowitz | with Google-funded interns | Sep 19 04:51 |
DarwinElf | 'American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)' whom *was* the main free speech protector. Now they probably would protect only certain liberal-identitarian speech, but not other liberal speech, less centrist speech, and little/no cultural conservative speech. In the past they even defended one far-right Christian radio guy (not that I agreed, but it was true free speech defence) | Sep 19 04:51 |
schestowitz | They never promoted software freedom really (one co-founder did), but now they barely promote any of the other things they used to... | Sep 19 04:52 |
schestowitz | like... on the patent front | Sep 19 04:52 |
DarwinElf | did the same people who pushed 'code of conduct' engineer ACLU management change? That's one thing I wonder... | Sep 19 04:52 |
schestowitz | I no longer follow AcLU | Sep 19 04:53 |
DarwinElf | and did they engineer false accusations against Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF, who works with ACLU?) | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | we used to link to ALL their items | Sep 19 04:53 |
DarwinElf | oh... | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | but I lost interest in then.. also, all their web pages no longer work without javascript | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | (but that's a downside on the eng side) | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | not activism side | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | so a more minor issue | Sep 19 04:53 |
DarwinElf | i'm not saying 50% the accusations against CBLDF founder are true or false, just this seems common now against public interest & social libertarian organizations... | Sep 19 04:53 |
schestowitz | aclu promoting pseudo 'liberal' things is a problem | Sep 19 04:54 |
schestowitz | like an arm of the Democratic (Corporate) Party | Sep 19 04:54 |
schestowitz | That's where sponsors' money is... the Big Sponsors | Sep 19 04:54 |
schestowitz | otherwise they become defunct like FFII | Sep 19 04:54 |
DarwinElf | what is FFII? | Sep 19 04:54 |
schestowitz | zoobab runs it now, I think he managed to salvage it somewhat | Sep 19 04:55 |
DarwinElf | yes. I lost count how many FLS people/organizations have been attacked (and I know there are probably hundreds/thousands more who replaced original hacker culture meritocracy with code of conduct (CoC))... I suspect soon I will lose count with public interest organizations... | Sep 19 04:55 |
schestowitz | moved to wordpress, does some press releases | Sep 19 04:55 |
schestowitz | it's not the COC | Sep 19 04:55 |
schestowitz | CoC is a symptom | Sep 19 04:55 |
schestowitz | it's like flag-planting | Sep 19 04:55 |
schestowitz | the problem is the infiltration itself | Sep 19 04:55 |
DarwinElf | yeah, just one of the right-wing's main tools to infiltrate with... | Sep 19 04:56 |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 04:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arjen Kamphuis Spoke About Free Software Influence and Control Games Before His Disappearance | Techrights | Sep 19 04:56 | |
schestowitz | Arjen Kamphuis: "I don't want to get caught up in internal politics but have noticed some strange events around [redacted/event]. Will have discusson about that with [redacted/group] and especially [redacted/name] who seems to put himself in positions of control in cases he should not." | Sep 19 04:56 |
schestowitz | DarwinElf: not right wing | Sep 19 04:57 |
schestowitz | corporate wing | Sep 19 04:57 |
schestowitz | it's not a wing | Sep 19 04:57 |
schestowitz | they dismantle public interest associations | Sep 19 04:57 |
schestowitz | like they did wikileaks | Sep 19 04:57 |
DarwinElf | it's the same among people I talk to often, though most us aren't entirely against libertarian-right FLOSS/FOSS/OSI like ESR... while I think libertarian-capitalism leads to power vacuum then autocracy, code is code (wether called FLS or OSS, we benefit) | Sep 19 04:57 |
schestowitz | to weaken the role the public plays in the world | Sep 19 04:57 |
DarwinElf | 'OSS,' not 'OSI,' which was taken over (against it now) | Sep 19 04:58 |
schestowitz | as if FSF did not suffer the same | Sep 19 04:58 |
schestowitz | they paint as intolerant people who resist the disruption | Sep 19 04:58 |
schestowitz | those are not new tricks | Sep 19 04:58 |
DarwinElf | FSF does?! :O | Sep 19 04:58 |
schestowitz | Red Hat even openly played this card | Sep 19 04:58 |
schestowitz | painting FSF as "white male" | Sep 19 04:59 |
schestowitz | SJVN did the same | Sep 19 04:59 |
schestowitz | as if putting the movement's best allies and founders in charge is bad | Sep 19 04:59 |
schestowitz | yeah, add some intern who have no idea what Free software is about | Sep 19 04:59 |
DarwinElf | i mean, I know #fsf will ask to not 'off-topic' (haha) talk about RMS (like not relating to code he still does) but I hadn't heard of things getting worse on that aspect... | Sep 19 04:59 |
schestowitz | and one year later they stab you in the back | Sep 19 04:59 |
DarwinElf | i don't know what SJVN is either. I will look that up and FFII | Sep 19 04:59 |
schestowitz | it's a once good journalist | Sep 19 05:00 |
DarwinElf | SVJN just shows some 'market summary' page... | Sep 19 05:00 |
schestowitz | turned Microsoft apologist and corporate shill | Sep 19 05:00 |
DarwinElf | FFII just shows Final Fantasy 2 | Sep 19 05:00 |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 05:00 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols | US | Meet the Team | ZDNet | Sep 19 05:00 | |
DarwinElf | SVJN: some market/money company in India | Sep 19 05:00 |
schestowitz | his initials | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | he used to be good | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | I guess he really needs a job | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | so betraying truth pays better | Sep 19 05:01 |
DarwinElf | i used to pay mild attention to them in mid-to-late 1990s when they became a major technology article website... | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | pushing OIN/LF/IBM/Microsoft crap | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | zdnet's parent company is best | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | bust | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | since december | Sep 19 05:01 |
schestowitz | now they're a PR machine disguised as "news" site | Sep 19 05:02 |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 05:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZDNet - Techrights | Sep 19 05:02 | |
schestowitz | published 2 hours ago: | Sep 19 05:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ZDNet’s ‘Linux’ Section Isn’t About Linux But About Microsoft | Techrights | Sep 19 05:02 | |
DarwinElf | does FSFE have a reliable breakaway organization yet with independent website and social website/network accounts, or do they eschew Twitter (though you *could* get a FLS phone and login/keep account, theoretically, according to RMS) & etc. | Sep 19 05:03 |
DarwinElf | FFII: Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure | Sep 19 05:03 |
DarwinElf | i follow these on such sites I mostly/all gave up writing on, but at least so people I know will become more informed... | Sep 19 05:04 |
DarwinElf | League of Programming Freedom (LPF) was another; unsure what happened to it. I'd been FSF into '10s, then, they said LPF is back... some months later, I applied to join. They had closed again... | Sep 19 05:05 |
DarwinElf | "I'd been FSF 'associate' member..." | Sep 19 05:05 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: The Top 50 Programming Languages to Learn Coding [] | Sep 19 05:05 | |
DarwinElf | 'programming freedom' social/rights issue, of course, transcends both FLS & OSS (more a combined FLOSS civil/human/occupational rights issue) | Sep 19 05:06 |
schestowitz | never heard of LPF | Sep 19 05:07 |
DarwinElf | it predates FSF actually, so you should probably at least read up on it and/or ask RMS (founder) | Sep 19 05:07 |
DarwinElf | whether OSS cares if a company sells someone's code, they at least want the right to code whatever they want and to use code from whomever they want, regardless whatever 'offencive' social views someone might have | Sep 19 05:08 |
schestowitz | how does one define Programming Freedom? | Sep 19 05:08 |
DarwinElf | well, except FLS people in 'copyfarleft' camp (some social views might be more important) | Sep 19 05:08 |
DarwinElf | i guess likewise, some OSS people might not want CCP-backed or North Korean-made code, etc... | Sep 19 05:09 |
DarwinElf | i'd have to reread myself; sad I didn't join that day (partly resulted in the closure, maybe) | Sep 19 05:09 |
DarwinElf | someone else was their leader on LPF second opening (after RMS) | Sep 19 05:10 |
DarwinElf | remember, RMS' main issue was partly also he wasn't allowed to see code for maybe some printer driver, so he or others couldn't have and improve a better driver, which restricted their programming freedom... before there was idea/project for an entire FLS OS, maybe... | Sep 19 05:11 |
DarwinElf | i'm sure that was in his mind (project not started/named) just he no longer had the freedom to program that hardware without having to 'reinvent the wheel' | Sep 19 05:11 |
DarwinElf | which all programmers should be free from having to do. You see even FLOSS classic/Unix projects break the principle by accepting a package, then removing it and all trace (like FreeBSD with Pale Moon browser) just on security issues that only affect servers, not desktops... | Sep 19 05:12 |
DarwinElf | 'FreeBSD Unix.' I know, people who like(d) FSF dislike Pale Moon because, like Firefox, it's a trademark (despite code itself being FLS)... I don't care, all major web browsers are junk--Chrome clones | Sep 19 05:13 |
DarwinElf | one can run it like building your own 'Debian Linux-libre' (just don't add/load proprietary stuff) | Sep 19 05:14 |
DarwinElf | and it doesn't have a monetarily-corrupt organization behind it, just coders who hated Mozilla/Firefox degeneration | Sep 19 05:15 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers [] | Sep 19 05:15 | |
DarwinElf | well, CoC-/monetarily-corrupt. My 'monetary' accusation is they fired someone with merit to hire one or more people I think haven't written or even looked at a line of code | Sep 19 05:16 |
DarwinElf | i.e., may have zero merit | Sep 19 05:16 |
DarwinElf | i.e., people probably getting paid millions to do unimportant paperwork at a desk and make social claims they don't know what's behind it... | Sep 19 05:17 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 19/9/2020: Taiwins 0.2 and a Call for Ubuntu Community Council Nominations [] | Sep 19 05:20 | |
DarwinElf | when RMS founded LPF, 'users' were a tiny percentage: PCs were for science/government/military researchers (maybe a few other political/activist people,) technology hobbyists, and the rich. The issue was programming, not so much '"using" a PC with FLS' | Sep 19 05:21 |
DarwinElf | because PCs didn't really start to become popular until mid-to-late 1990s. Before Windows became a GUI OS then more popular, PCs were seen as mostly for 'nerds,' but maybe also 'rich nerds (usually Apple)'... everyone going to the labs to use MS-DOS (and maybe Windows 3) was seen utterly as a 'nerd' ... | Sep 19 05:22 |
DarwinElf | the trend continued well into '0s, even until mid-t-late '10s until things like federally-official 'National Day of Civic Hacking' then computer-programmer-protagonist TV shows... | Sep 19 05:23 |
DarwinElf | 'mid-to-late' | Sep 19 05:23 |
DarwinElf | possibly some presidents, etc., had email since 1970s, and some left-wing social activists I know. Not rich/political people who were overall conservative (about technology) and didn't know a 'techie' friend. Even the original PC, the administrations/leaders (company presidents, executives) thought it sounded useless, well after a while, except maybe for keeping recipes, but that's about all, ever... | Sep 19 05:25 |
oiaohm | DarwinElf: before the 1990 C64 and other things were quite popular. | Sep 19 05:26 |
DarwinElf | it was popular in Europe. Here more kids I knew had 'videogame consoles' | Sep 19 05:27 |
DarwinElf | i knew many but the only ones or their families I knew who had PCs: one, their father was a programmer, the other, they lived in a big house and had an Apple... | Sep 19 05:27 |
oiaohm | DarwinElf: I remember doing accountany on a C64 | Sep 19 05:28 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Accounts Receivable/Billing (Commodore) - C64-Wiki | Sep 19 05:28 | |
oiaohm | Yes there were horrible levels of limitations but it was still faster and more correct than doing it all by hand.l | Sep 19 05:28 |
DarwinElf | it became obvious to administration & accounting people PCs weren't only useful for keeping recipes... | Sep 19 05:28 |
DarwinElf | 'obvious "fast"' | Sep 19 05:29 |
DarwinElf | if they could afford one... some PCs costing what you'd pay for a personal supercomputer (PSC) or somewhat-powerful server now | Sep 19 05:29 |
oiaohm | My highschool when it first got XT computers and that 12 for them for a school of 200 students they were $1,565 USD each if you put in inflation that a 4000 dollar machine. | Sep 19 05:31 |
oiaohm | Basically the cost of very decent workstation today | Sep 19 05:32 |
oiaohm | C64 had a sale price of around 200 USD. | Sep 19 05:34 |
DarwinElf | where I lived, it took considerable explaining to convince some university-educated upper-middle class parents (even some who saw MS-DOS at work) to spend $250 (if one their parents also spent $250) on a $500 old PS/2-compatible on condition it probably being paid back someday. For working-class parents, it'd have been entirely foreign unless for some reason they saw their company accountant or maybe boss at work had some strange machine... | Sep 19 05:34 |
DarwinElf | 'university instructor/professor (MSc, PhD) parents,' even | Sep 19 05:35 |
oiaohm | Most people who have computers today don't have workstation class. | Sep 19 05:36 |
DarwinElf | yeah, they have phone PCs... | Sep 19 05:37 |
oiaohm | Even when you look at business usage. | Sep 19 05:39 |
oiaohm | You dominate pc produced ever year is your 500 dollars for case and 500 dollars in screen keyboard and printer. | Sep 19 05:39 |
DarwinElf | sure, my high school had a lab of IBM-compatibles, which students and probably even the public could login to and just start using, without even a signin... but before high school, PCs were only in gifted/talented primary/elementary classrooms, or primary/middle & junior hard/engineering science/technology classrooms. I went to a combined junior (middle, high: 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th) school before high school and even for gifted/talented middle | Sep 19 05:39 |
DarwinElf | students going anywhere near the PCs, was out of the question: for ninth year/class/grade students or certain science classes only... | Sep 19 05:39 |
oiaohm | Primany school for me was what was a PC. Microbees was all we had. | Sep 19 05:40 |
DarwinElf | (well my middle school mathematics & physics classes didn't have them, only applied hard science/technology/engineering) | Sep 19 05:40 |
oiaohm | << these | Sep 19 05:40 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MicroBee - Wikipedia | Sep 19 05:40 | |
oiaohm | I would say the Mircrobees I had in primary school would line up to raspberry pis of today. | Sep 19 05:41 |
oiaohm | Microbees were used for teaching typing without wasting paper. | Sep 19 05:42 |
DarwinElf | that's good and bad, according to some. An entire generation grew up without developing more in-depth what real research is (i.e., using libraries, not using the current #1 search engine or #1 online encyclopedia, which changed over decades.) Some educational philosophies (forgot their names) don't allow PC usage until high school or, if studying programming, then middle school | Sep 19 05:42 |
DarwinElf | 'what real research is' | Sep 19 05:42 |
oiaohm | Due to me growing up in a rural area before interent age I don't know how much that not knowing real research., | Sep 19 05:44 |
DarwinElf | unfortunately the change degenerated libraries and library & information science (LIS) in some places. Reference Librarian used to be a MSc job. Now they have one such head of a department only overseeing LIS and/or graduate and/or similar students, or maybe other-major students with an interest. MSc Librarians used to be the #1 search engine, and in a way, still are, if you can find one (honestly, a computer programmer/scientist who knows | Sep 19 05:44 |
DarwinElf | search engine logic in ways is better, and some MSc LIS people don't even know that stuff because didn't look at truth tables like for AND, OR, XOR, NOR, etc...) | Sep 19 05:44 |
oiaohm | When your libraries are limited the internet search engine and online encyclpedia gives more more information that what was in the accessable libraries I could access when young | Sep 19 05:45 |
DarwinElf | yes and no. During desktop popularity, mostly, but not all, the case. Some information has only ever been in books, and some made it online, but some still is offline, and desktops, laptops/hybrids/pads/tablets all lost popularity to cellphones... | Sep 19 05:46 |
oiaohm | Serousally the main highschool library only had 1 paper encyclopedia for all students and teachers to share because it was expensive to have. | Sep 19 05:46 |
DarwinElf | after that 'Facebook is eating the world wide web (WWW)' is the saying, but it's more in general for social network websites/media, like Twitter, etc... | Sep 19 05:46 |
oiaohm | So choice between 1 paper encyclopedia or the wikipedia. | Sep 19 05:47 |
oiaohm | Somehow the wikipedia wins. | Sep 19 05:47 |
DarwinElf | mine might've also, but that's not uncommon. Even rural libraries had hundreds/thousands of books that simply weren't digitized yet. When I was a kid, there was no Internet encyclopedia. A school or rich person might've paid for one on CD, then paid for network updates. That was all... | Sep 19 05:47 |
DarwinElf | Wikipedia says itself: Wikipedia isn't a reliable source, and shouldn't seriously be used in citing/quoting/referencing academic research | Sep 19 05:48 |
oiaohm | Fine print of most paper encyclopedia say the same thing. | Sep 19 05:49 |
DarwinElf | yes and no... | Sep 19 05:49 |
oiaohm | encyclopedia paper or digitial is only an overview document. | Sep 19 05:49 |
DarwinElf | Wikipedia is 50% an encyclopedia (that in '10s BBC reported studies is generally as accurate as the top encyclopedia, but Wikipedia always had an administration cabal with a slant, so then other corrupt editors/administrators, and not just regular vandalism (still) but the cabal and general population of editor introduces loads of slants. Wikipedia is far from neutral point of view (NPOV) itself, though supposedly requiring that) | Sep 19 05:50 |
oiaohm | Does not matter if it a digital encyclopedia or a paper one a proper academic research document should be quoting correct source matterial not over view documents., | Sep 19 05:50 |
oiaohm | No encyclopedia in history is without some slants. | Sep 19 05:51 |
DarwinElf | and it's 50% a social network of the cabal (certain culture/religion) and administrators (mostly one ethnicity, education level, wealth, worldview, etc.) | Sep 19 05:51 |
DarwinElf | sure, but more printed ones have had less slants than Wikipedia. As a social network, it's a constant edit-war also done by (in constrast to printed encyclopaedias) uneducated masses... | Sep 19 05:52 |
DarwinElf | which I mean as part of the slant. For the percentage of articles, it's successful. For the *number* of articles, you have more vandalism/slants | Sep 19 05:52 |
DarwinElf | you might come to a page and find it vandalized or edited by a political/religious extremist/cultist and not even know it... | Sep 19 05:53 |
DarwinElf | or other extreme worldviews (Wikipedia upholds itself, such as sensory-based science above logic-based science) | Sep 19 05:53 |
DarwinElf | so Wikipedia probably has 10 or 100 or 1000 or 10000 times more articles than a top encyclopedia starting to fill a medium-width bookshelf. In percentage, they're similar. The printed one might have a few articles with mistakes at the time (good percentage.) Wikipedia has thousands at any time with mistakes, and even larger ones (extreme vandalism/slant.) For percentage (since the wrong/slant/vandalized are a smaller one) it's equally | Sep 19 05:55 |
DarwinElf | successful. Looking closer, in *number* of wrong/vandalized/slanted articles, it's an utter failure because it | Sep 19 05:55 |
DarwinElf | it's getting worse all the time... they lost more editors in '10s and never started growing again... | Sep 19 05:56 |
DarwinElf | they lost them because of the cabal (which I won't get into here) | Sep 19 05:56 |
DarwinElf | if they have 10000 times more articles, they have 10000 times more mistaken ones, but not just minor research mistakes than also vandalism and ignorant & extremist point-pushing... | Sep 19 05:57 |
oiaohm | DarwinElf: there have been a lot of studies. Most came about from some of the old ones going after the wikipedia and then people looked closer. Turns out no the issue of bias are about as common in the old as the new. | Sep 19 05:57 |
DarwinElf | sure, but not extreme bias unless Nazi Germany printed an encylopedia, or something... | Sep 19 05:58 |
DarwinElf | and/or USSR workers with fewer of their intellectuals writing articles, and so on... | Sep 19 05:58 |
DarwinElf | or rich intellectuals who commissioned an encyclopedia with deliberate bias | Sep 19 05:59 |
DarwinElf | but I mean, who reads those? The rest of encyclopaedias were by higher academic people | Sep 19 05:59 |
oiaohm | there is the good and bad with the wikipedia model.l One you can look at the full edit history on wikipedia that does allow you to see evidenice of some bias issues that you cannot see in the other ones as simply. | Sep 19 05:59 |
DarwinElf | bias became way worse on Wikipedia than almost any other encyclopaedia. Often in gets corrected, except the inherent bias of cabal and editors' main demographics themselves... | Sep 19 06:00 |
DarwinElf | 'it "gets" corrected'... | Sep 19 06:00 |
DarwinElf | '"it" getys' | Sep 19 06:00 |
DarwinElf | 'gets' | Sep 19 06:00 |
oiaohm | Really there is a middle ground between traditional and Wikipedia. | Sep 19 06:02 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scholarpedia | Sep 19 06:02 | |
oiaohm | The studies of the old and the wikipedia showed they both have problems. | Sep 19 06:02 |
oiaohm | Really not more than the other just different. | Sep 19 06:02 |
DarwinElf | there are a few like that, but modern technological-/Western-influenced academia itself has inherent bias | Sep 19 06:02 |
oiaohm | Yes how to solve the cultural bias problem is still something not solved. | Sep 19 06:03 |
DarwinElf | i'm not saying other cultures' academia don't (like Indian Brahmanical schools that teach science and philosophy) but because of world general psychological demographics which are more problematic in Western culture... | Sep 19 06:03 |
DarwinElf | Wikipedia's main editor/administrator demographic (with bias) is the same Western academia demographic... | Sep 19 06:04 |
oiaohm | wikipedia got something right that we need access to the history of changes in major quick reference documents. | Sep 19 06:04 |
DarwinElf | same in most industries also... | Sep 19 06:04 |
DarwinElf | yes. I was a huge fan when it started, and started editing, but I became disillusioned in '10s, as did anyone not in the main editor/administration democratic or critical of the cabal... | Sep 19 06:05 |
DarwinElf | i might make a tiny edit a few/one time(s) a year, since mid-to-late '10s... that's all anymore | Sep 19 06:05 |
oiaohm | remember you had with old paper solutions skipping over topics so that different countries would not ban/burn the books. | Sep 19 06:05 |
DarwinElf | i won't donate again until the cabal is out of power, which means Jimmy Wales (who founded the cabal) would have to retire/quit first... | Sep 19 06:06 |
oiaohm | There are multi different cabals at play. | Sep 19 06:06 |
DarwinElf | they banned/burned them for sure, even in my lifetime (USSR.) Even USA (so-called absolute free speech) banned/burned some books | Sep 19 06:06 |
DarwinElf | governments still do... | Sep 19 06:06 |
oiaohm | Getting information to the people means doing with some form of informtion bending cabal. | Sep 19 06:07 |
DarwinElf | USA didn't in my lifetime, but various parties have people who would again... | Sep 19 06:07 |
oiaohm | doing;/dealing | Sep 19 06:07 |
DarwinElf | not since P2P | Sep 19 06:07 |
oiaohm | P2P still have form of people agreeing to share it. | Sep 19 06:07 |
oiaohm | and what you want to share those people have to agree with. | Sep 19 06:07 |
oiaohm | so you still have a cabal problem | Sep 19 06:08 |
oiaohm | Just a different one. | Sep 19 06:08 |
oiaohm | What ever the cabal is defines the kinds of bias you have,. | Sep 19 06:08 |
oiaohm | Its why the research on the wikipedia and they started comparing to other sources it came kind of clear the problem of bias is broader and more complex than it first appers. | Sep 19 06:09 |
DarwinElf | maybe when P2P was new (decades ago) but not in recent decades: one doesn't normally agree whom one shares with, and with some, it's impossible | Sep 19 06:09 |
DarwinElf | i share public domain ebooks I 100% oppose their philosophies, just for being part of a larger collection I think would open more people's minds | Sep 19 06:10 |
oiaohm | Even in recent years items have disappeared out of bittorrent and the like because there have been not enough people like you willing to share properly broad stuff. | Sep 19 06:11 |
oiaohm | There is a bias problem | Sep 19 06:11 |
DarwinElf | so since earlier decades, it's more an issue deciding to share information, and the network people control that less & less: some programmers even prevent that in the network... | Sep 19 06:11 |
DarwinElf | sure, giving up sharing is a problem. But when s software/network doesn't decide, it's furthest from a cabal you can get: you have basically every opposing viewpoint being shared | Sep 19 06:12 |
oiaohm | Also remember you see like flatearth people using all different ways to share stuff that without question is absolutely false as fact. | Sep 19 06:13 |
oiaohm | So p2p is not magic solve with this mess either. | Sep 19 06:13 |
DarwinElf | haha yeah, but you have to be low-IQ (probably not looking anyway( or crazy to believe that stuff | Sep 19 06:13 |
DarwinElf | ). so in in the free-speech world, with P2P cabals mostly/all aren't an issue anymore. The issue is getting past the censorship networks of extreme speech-restriction cabals: extreme (Islamic) theocracies, North Korea, almost China (people there can still get all information, just have to be technology-savvy) | Sep 19 06:14 |
DarwinElf | maybe Cuba is in similar situation as China (loosened restrictions, but tech-savvy can find all information) and one or two or three far-left 'socialist' states (maybe one in Africa remains? Venezuela might become one...) | Sep 19 06:15 |
oiaohm | Problem here is sometimes getting all information is worse than getting none and starting with your own basic research. | Sep 19 06:15 |
DarwinElf | no one just 'gets all information.' Overload can be a problem, sure | Sep 19 06:16 |
oiaohm | With how much information around particular topics is just complete wrong its insnae., | Sep 19 06:16 |
DarwinElf | no one has the lifetime to 'get all information' | Sep 19 06:16 |
DarwinElf | in theory. Like in philosophy 'all men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore Socrates is immortal.' Though, Socrates or his main student, Plato, were initiated in Western esoterism that has other theories (reincarnation, probably supposed immortality techniques, or influenced by the East claiming like eight immortal sages live in hard-to-find places) | Sep 19 06:18 |
DarwinElf | 'therefore Socrates is "mortal"' | Sep 19 06:18 |
DarwinElf | Ray Kurzweil claimed (decades ago) anyone alive this year can probably become immortal, if I recall correctly (IIRC) even physically/medically (not 'upload brain to server,' which you are not the copy.) So shouldn't everyone have that technology/medicine right? Sure. But with current world, it'll only be for the rich, and for their puppets politicians (currently controlling most the world) while they remain obedient | Sep 19 06:19 |
DarwinElf | 'puppet' | Sep 19 06:20 |
DarwinElf | so hopefully everyone *does* get a lifetime (if desired) to 'get all information'... still, unless they become superhuman, like telepathic or can 'see into reality,' it'll only be 'information scientists discovered [one has the effort/IQ to understand]' | Sep 19 06:21 |
DarwinElf | there's information we know, information we know we don't know, and information we don't know we don't know. Ones later in the list are much larger... | Sep 19 06:29 |
DarwinElf | 'all information' probably isn't even a useful thing to have. What if we get a better society from things like the world mostly running on FLS, and similiar humanitarian/progressive/human/life rights still slowly/steadily becoming the norm, then immortality happening, and so on, then maybe in some centuries/millennia, even become a superhuman society? One can only ever know what it's like to be yourself, not someone else (law of preservation | Sep 19 06:32 |
DarwinElf | of perspectives.) If you could somehow know almost the entire history of the universe, with hyperrationalism (superhuman logic) would most of that even be relevant? Like who did some routine boring/action at every year, or when ever particle moved everywhere, etc.? | Sep 19 06:32 |
DarwinElf | or sooner. Any *NF* type can more easily understand the concept of mathematical reality, because the dominant culture theoretical scientists are moving to that view, which has to do with Platonism (intuitive.) But, a family member INFJ took seriously what some ESF* worst student in a video claimed about maths not existing... | Sep 19 06:41 |
DarwinElf | maybe not as a problem for INFP... but as soon as ESF* start to mislead *NF* and *ST*, that's a critical issue... | Sep 19 06:41 |
DarwinElf | because it could cause fall of civilization. So, yes: weed out such mentioned worst students if they're promoting ideas of '"Mathematical" Fictionalism' | Sep 19 06:42 |
DarwinElf | oops, I replied in the wrong place, on maths topic... | Sep 19 06:43 |
DarwinElf | if *everything* is logged, please omit mention of that INFJ | Sep 19 06:44 |
DarwinElf | on that topic I wasn't saying don't help/teach them, just was what I meant to say in mathematics off-topic areas such ignorant people have come to troll before | Sep 19 06:47 |
*brendyyn (~brendyyn@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 07:32 | |
*kupi has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | Sep 19 07:53 | |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 08:13 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Peter Benie | Sep 19 08:13 | |
schestowitz | "I also worked on updating Stephen Hawking's voice synthesizer, changing it from a 30 year old hardware board to an emulated version of that board." | Sep 19 08:13 |
*brendyyn has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.9) | Sep 19 08:14 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: KDE Plasma 5.20 Beta is out. Final Release Next Month. [] | Sep 19 08:41 | |
*brendyyn (~brendyyn@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 08:57 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 6 Best Free Linux Web Caches [] | Sep 19 09:08 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Sep 19 09:11 | |
zoobab | LPF is some kind of FFII predecessor | Sep 19 09:21 |
zoobab | "League for Programming Freedom (LPF) was founded in 1989 by Richard Stallman to unite free software developers as well as developers of proprietary software to fight against software patents and the extension of the scope of copyright. Their logo is the Statue of Liberty holding a floppy disk and tape spool." | Sep 19 09:22 |
zoobab | | Sep 19 09:22 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | League for Programming Freedom - Wikipedia | Sep 19 09:22 | |
schestowitz | I thought it would be somehow related to swpats | Sep 19 09:29 |
schestowitz | based on the name | Sep 19 09:29 |
zoobab | I was bared from editing the FFII frontpage, I had asked multiples times to remove the "free and open hardware and software." | Sep 19 09:45 |
zoobab | because we were never about FLOSS | Sep 19 09:46 |
zoobab | but trolls took control of the website | Sep 19 09:46 |
*liberty_box has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Sep 19 10:23 | |
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schestowitz | zoobab: just today? | Sep 19 11:03 |
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MinceR | DarwinElf: udev predates systemd, though | Sep 19 11:26 |
zoobab | @schestowitz in general | Sep 19 11:30 |
schestowitz | I don't know what FFII is or stands for. It's confusing. | Sep 19 11:31 |
schestowitz | The name of the org does not shed light, either | Sep 19 11:31 |
MinceR | | Sep 19 11:34 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Invisible Formatting | Sep 19 11:34 | |
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 11:35 | |
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zoobab | @schestowitz it's a sucky name | Sep 19 12:03 |
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oiaohm | MinceR: that invisible formatting can be a good way to make a hard to print word document. | Sep 19 12:15 |
oiaohm | Best I have done is a .doc "hello world" as only text in the document that only takes MS word 6 hours to process to print. | Sep 19 12:16 |
oiaohm | of course document size and load times are also horrible wrong. | Sep 19 12:17 |
MinceR | lol | Sep 19 12:31 |
MinceR | (cat) (audio:important) | Sep 19 12:33 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Black cat is so happy after eating food - YouTube | Sep 19 12:33 | |
*rianne_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | Sep 19 12:43 | |
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*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Sep 19 13:34 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Mozilla Shuts Down Firefox Send and Notes Service [] | Sep 19 13:40 | |
*smnthermes has quit (K-Lined) | Sep 19 13:49 | |
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*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrights | Sep 19 14:28 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: [Meme] Microsoft Downtime… Now in ‘Linux’ (Wait a Month for Microsoft to Restore Uptime) [] | Sep 19 15:49 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights [] | Sep 19 16:14 | |
*Now talking on #techrights | Sep 19 16:51 | |
*Topic for #techrights is: | Channel #techrights for :: please also join channels #boycottnovell-social #techbytes and #boycottnovell | Sep 19 16:51 | |
*Topic for #techrights set by schestowitz!~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz at Sat Jun 9 18:16:19 2012 | Sep 19 16:51 | |
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DaemonFC[m] | Looks like the Clorox Company owns Kingsford Charcaol. | Sep 19 16:51 |
DaemonFC[m] | They made Bubba Wallace their spokesman and when someone wrote to complain about his poor performance as a NASCAR driver and how he's ruined them despite them having no competition, Clorox wrote back to explain how important it was as a brand to support Burn Loot Murder. | Sep 19 16:51 |
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 16:51 | |
*liberty_box ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 17:02 | |
*libertybox ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 17:03 | |
liberty_box | | Sep 19 17:05 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Airline’s flight ‘to nowhere’ gets fully booked in 10 minutes | Sep 19 17:05 | |
*rianne ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 17:05 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Celluloid (formerly GNOME MPV) 0.20 Released! How to Install [] | Sep 19 17:14 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos [] | Sep 19 17:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Introducing Precursor [] | Sep 19 17:31 | |
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 17:37 | |
libertybox | Sat, 19 Sep 20 15:49:06 +0000:[DarwinElf] maybe it was eudev. Whatever it was, they changed /dev so certain programs would detect as if you're running systemd... | Sep 19 17:43 |
schestowitz | eudev was a gentoo thing | Sep 19 17:44 |
schestowitz | forking udev for a reason I forgot | Sep 19 17:44 |
MinceR | the reason was that cancerd took over udev | Sep 19 17:44 |
schestowitz | didn't this predate that? | Sep 19 17:45 |
MinceR | and iirc they also removed something gentoo used | Sep 19 17:45 |
schestowitz | let me check | Sep 19 17:45 |
MinceR | not sure | Sep 19 17:45 |
schestowitz | I think it predates systemd infections | Sep 19 17:45 |
schestowitz | I think diego flameeye played a role in the fork | Sep 19 17:45 |
schestowitz | newer | Sep 19 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Moving to eudev - Forum Announcements - Calculate Forum | Sep 19 17:46 | |
schestowitz | that's not the original gentoo one | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | 2013 | Sep 19 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | eudev, fork of udev | Sep 19 17:46 | |
schestowitz | I think you are right | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | systemd is mentioned | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | " | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | | Sep 19 17:46 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | udev controversy | Sep 19 17:46 | |
schestowitz | I am currently fixing the Arch Puppy build in Woof, and I ran into a problem with udev -- my udev PET package (version 167) only has '', whereas Arch requires ''. That was just the start of it. | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | When 'udev' was a separate package, there was '', and after merging into 'systemd' package it became ''. They are not compatible, you can't just create a symlink for | Sep 19 17:46 |
schestowitz | I want to keep using 'module-init-tools' for awhile longer, however Arch has gone over to 'kmod' -- well, apart from it's merits, they had to, as udev in systemd requires it. | Sep 19 17:47 |
schestowitz | I had a look at compiling 'systemd', with a view to taking out just the udev parts. The systemd developers say that this is do-able, however they don't make it easy. In fact, the pressure is there to adopt systemd. | Sep 19 17:47 |
schestowitz | " | Sep 19 17:47 |
schestowitz | nasty tactics | Sep 19 17:47 |
MinceR | apparently this is what rms believes to be "respecting users' freedom and community" | Sep 19 17:47 |
schestowitz | process eins | Sep 19 17:48 |
MinceR | pid eins | Sep 19 17:48 |
schestowitz | inter pid | Sep 19 17:48 |
MinceR | ein prozess, ein reich, ein führer | Sep 19 17:48 |
schestowitz | danke, herr pottler | Sep 19 17:49 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Sep 19 18:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Tenant - USA - IL] Damages exceed security deposit : Landlord | Sep 19 18:08 | |
DaemonFC[m] | If there really was damage that exceeded your deposit and you know it, why would you remind them several months later. If they send a bill, review it, if they forget, don't remind them. Dumbass.... LOL / With the Collapse-o-Virus I'm sure they have bigger problems than their usual bullshit of trying to inflict an exit tax on a tenant moving out. Once you're not a renter anymore, they have no use for you except to see | Sep 19 18:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | how much they can extort and threaten you for one last time. | Sep 19 18:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | Often with these things, you wait and weeks turn into months, turn into years and you never hear from them again, or if they see that arguing with you is pointless they'll come down to something more reasonable. | Sep 19 18:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | I once had a landlord who said they wanted two months for breaking the lease, but I kept an eye on their listings and noticed they rented it out 9 days later, so I called and said "I'll pay you for 9 days.". The guy goes "No.". I said, "In Indiana, you can't charge a renter for longer than it takes to rent the unit out, and the law overrides your 2 month lease agreement. So you either send me a new bill for 9 days of | Sep 19 18:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | rent or we take this to court and you can either lie to a judge or get 9 days rent anyway. Also, I had my mom call to pretend to be a renter and you told her when you rented it, and I have an MP3 recording of that.". | Sep 19 18:11 |
DaemonFC[m] | So they bill me for 9 days. | Sep 19 18:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | Crooks. | Sep 19 18:12 |
DaemonFC[m] | They're almost all crooks, seeing what you'll let them get away with. | Sep 19 18:12 |
schestowitz | Cooks | Sep 19 18:27 |
*_inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 18:34 | |
*inky has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | Sep 19 18:37 | |
kingoffrance | makes sense, its basically just denying "double dipping" as it were | Sep 19 18:38 |
kingoffrance | once theyve rented it out you know what they "missed" had you not broke it | Sep 19 18:38 |
MinceR | | Sep 19 18:56 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Night Shift | Sep 19 18:56 | |
MinceR | | Sep 19 19:08 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Launch Conditions | Sep 19 19:08 | |
DaemonFC[m] | <kingoffrance "once theyve rented it out you kn"> They try to double dip. | Sep 19 19:08 |
DaemonFC[m] | They know that people are terrified of the threat of being turned over to a collector or taken to court, even if they're right, and that they may settle on unfavorable terms that a court wouldn't even allow just to have it over with. | Sep 19 19:09 |
DaemonFC[m] | You don't need debtor's prisons. Especially when people are worried that one landlord could say something bad about them and nobody rents to them again. | Sep 19 19:09 |
smnthermes | | Sep 19 19:30 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | blog — Jesus Christ I just checked the GitHub page (via a... | Sep 19 19:30 | |
smnthermes | Brave being shady AGAIN | Sep 19 19:31 |
MinceR | it's a browser | Sep 19 19:31 |
MinceR | shadiness is par for the course | Sep 19 19:31 |
DaemonFC[m] | "You see, this "short time" lasts more than 40 days already" | Sep 19 19:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | Maybe Brave is ran by the Illinois State Police Firearms Disservices Bureaucrats. | Sep 19 19:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | If it only takes them 150 days to comply with a constitutional right that state law also sets a 90 day deadline on, then maybe they're running Brave too and nobody has caught on. | Sep 19 19:37 |
DaemonFC[m] | The Democrats have a bill that says the Illinois State Police would have to check your "social media" for "warning signs" before issuing you a gun. | Sep 19 19:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | Warning signs of what? | Sep 19 19:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | Obviously support for political ideas that are not liked by the state. | Sep 19 19:38 |
DaemonFC[m] | They're deliberately slow walking everything right now because the entire state population is trying to arm themselves at once, liberals included, over Burn Loot Murder. | Sep 19 19:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: Black people are quite upset that nobody takes them seriously and then you get articles over one of them shooting and killing two others because they paid $40 for a used Playstation and it wouldn't load a disc. | Sep 19 19:40 |
MinceR | and humans of other races aren't usually that stupid? | Sep 19 19:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | It's 10x worse, if not more. | Sep 19 19:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | I just don't think people in Hungary have to deal with it, so they'd be very shocked if they lived here for like a few months. | Sep 19 19:42 |
MinceR | not sure about that | Sep 19 19:42 |
MinceR | hungary is a total shithole | Sep 19 19:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | "MAH $40 Playstation don't work! You finna die *****!!!!" | Sep 19 19:42 |
DaemonFC[m] | Ah see, you shouldn't have shouted that. That's the point where the state added criminal ****spiracy homicide. | Sep 19 19:43 |
DaemonFC[m] | I usually become quite ****cerned when I hear people yelling these days. Sometimes there's gunshots, but mostly they just try to upstage each other for a while and then vandalize something. | Sep 19 19:44 |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: Their bored pastime now seems to be how to fill the retention pond with carts they stole down at the Walmart and Aldi. | Sep 19 19:45 |
DaemonFC[m] | As usual, their presence at best costs society money somehow, and at worst makes the entire area dangerous to life and limb. | Sep 19 19:46 |
*rianne_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Sep 19 19:53 | |
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 19:53 | |
MinceR | what's "****spiracy" and "****cerned"? | Sep 19 19:56 |
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 20:28 | |
*_inky has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | Sep 19 20:31 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Well, it didn't take FICO Forums long to ban me. I guess maybe posting how terrible TransUnion SmartMove is and how it doesn't screen out bad renters, and how to defeat it was over the top. | Sep 19 20:40 |
*inky has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) | Sep 19 20:44 | |
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrights | Sep 19 20:45 | |
DaemonFC[m] | If you take action to control the narrative a bit, you should look better when they run you through SmartMove. | Sep 19 20:52 |
*inky has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | Sep 19 21:06 | |
MinceR | (no audio) | Sep 19 21:24 |
DaemonFC[m] | The forum that I totally don't read had a topic on the "Netflix star who was found with CP". | Sep 19 21:28 |
DaemonFC[m] | The description of the forum includes "No matter how rich they are, an IQ of 66 is still an IQ of 66.". | Sep 19 21:30 |
*obarun ( has joined #techrights | Sep 19 21:34 | |
DaemonFC[m] | MinceR: They got a kick out of Steve Jobs though. | Sep 19 21:35 |
DaemonFC[m] | There's an entire post about him spending millions on a mega yacht that he never even used before he got sick and died, and now his gold digging widow is on it with a black guy. | Sep 19 21:36 |
DaemonFC[m] | Meanwhile, back at Apple...... | Sep 19 21:37 |
DaemonFC[m] | If you type in BLM (for Burn, Loot, and Murder) on it and text it to someone, a black fist pops up. | Sep 19 21:38 |
MinceR | :> | Sep 19 21:50 |
MinceR | i wonder how they'd like it if people sent icons of white fists held like that | Sep 19 21:50 |
*tessier has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | Sep 19 22:11 | |
*tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco) has joined #techrights | Sep 19 22:11 | |
kingoffrance | someone in another channel claims they worked for quantum (hard drives) which were sold to next amongst others; if i understand right, jobs would kind of park alone, but he found a way to set off his car alarm and make him run out every time | Sep 19 22:19 |
kingoffrance | he had that temporary plates thing | Sep 19 22:19 |
kingoffrance | (drives were sold) | Sep 19 22:20 |
kingoffrance | i dunno if thats true, but "getting a kick out of" | Sep 19 22:20 |
kingoffrance | with his plates thing maybe he was doubly worried | Sep 19 22:21 |
kingoffrance | im not condoning this, just hearsay | Sep 19 22:22 |
kingoffrance | next supposedly paid people up front IIRC -- you can argue this is because they didnt know how long they would last | Sep 19 22:23 |
kingoffrance | and IIRC posted everyones salary too | Sep 19 22:23 |
kingoffrance | of course, if there are ppl doing the pay myself $1 trick for tax reasons i suppose they do this too | Sep 19 22:26 |
kingoffrance | quite a few tech people on that lis | Sep 19 22:27 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | One-dollar salary - Wikipedia | Sep 19 22:27 | |
DaemonFC[m] | <MinceR "i wonder how they'd like it if p"> That would be a hate crime, obviously. | Sep 19 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | I'm glad Steve Jobs died and then had his wife cuckolded on the yacht he never got to enjoy. | Sep 19 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | What a shit company. | Sep 19 22:33 |
DaemonFC[m] | The iCuck. Cuck different. | Sep 19 22:35 |
*kingoffrance has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | Sep 19 22:38 | |
MinceR | indeed | Sep 19 22:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | | Sep 19 22:46 |
schestowitz | [21:24] <MinceR> (no audio) | Sep 19 22:57 |
schestowitz | I am guessing it's based on a video where she slips into water | Sep 19 22:57 |
MinceR | indeed | Sep 19 22:58 |
schestowitz | earth, wind and fire | Sep 19 22:58 |
schestowitz | [22:46] <DaemonFC[m]> | Sep 19 22:59 |
schestowitz | it's not a very bad state compared to southern states, some of them anyway | Sep 19 22:59 |
schestowitz | a lot of US GDP and debt comes from California | Sep 19 22:59 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Telegram for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Mint Ulyana and Latest Fedora [] | Sep 19 23:11 | |
DaemonFC[m] | | Sep 19 23:12 |
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Brawl among teens breaks out at Gurnee Mills | Sep 19 23:12 | |
DaemonFC[m] | Teens is a media code for black teens. | Sep 19 23:13 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Open Source Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Solutions [] | Sep 19 23:13 | |
MinceR | but if teens means black teens, then black teens means black black teens, but then teens means black black black black black... | Sep 19 23:14 |
DaemonFC[m] | I've never seen any other "teens" causing trouble in that mall. | Sep 19 23:14 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Running deepin 20 LiveCD [] | Sep 19 23:15 | |
DaemonFC[m] | They can't say black but 99% of the time "teen" and a crime in a headline, you click through and they're black. | Sep 19 23:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Unless maybe you're in Indiana where there aren't any. | Sep 19 23:15 |
DaemonFC[m] | Outside of a few cities. | Sep 19 23:15 |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Arch Linux-Based EndeavourOS ARM Launches for ARM Devices [] | Sep 19 23:16 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers [] | Sep 19 23:17 | |
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 4MLinux 34.0 Released with New Default Media Player, Mozilla Thunderbird 78.2 [] | Sep 19 23:19 | |
*psymin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | Sep 19 23:26 | |
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrights | Sep 19 23:26 | |
schestowitz | DaemonFC[m]: maybe you should stick to tech here | Sep 19 23:39 |
DaemonFC[m] | I wonder how Stallman would even rent an apartment. | Sep 19 23:41 |
DaemonFC[m] | SmartMove is a non-Free program. | Sep 19 23:41 |
MinceR | (cat) (no audio) | Sep 19 23:42 |
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