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DaemonFC 25 00:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sweden verges on NATO membership after Turkey vote, Hungary signalJan 25 00:06
DaemonFCMinceR: Orbanistan says it now supports Sweden's membership in NATO.Jan 25 00:06
DaemonFCIt's pretty unbelievable the way NATO's accession process is set up.Jan 25 00:06
MinceRdumbasses wanted to ratify it just before the goatfucker did, and they failed to do soJan 25 00:07
MinceRit's pretty unbelievable that orbanistan has yet to be thrown out of NATOJan 25 00:07
DaemonFCThat Hungary gets as much of a say as the United States, which is over 3/4ths of NATO by military spending and troop strength and defense industry.Jan 25 00:07
MinceRwhile openly serving the empire it was set up to opposeJan 25 00:07
DaemonFCNATO is basically 76% the United States and 24% other, and it's a giant bailout of countries that don't spend nearly enough on their own defense, much less anything to do with a potential collective defense action.Jan 25 00:08
DaemonFCOther NATO members are usually not even spending 2% of the GDP on their military, which is the minimum legal amount to be a NATO member.Jan 25 00:09
DaemonFCBefore Trump threatened to remove the US from NATO, Germany was spending only 1.4%.Jan 25 00:09
DaemonFCAnd Germany is considered one of the more formidable powers in Europe, militarily.Jan 25 00:09
DaemonFCThe US basically being obligated to respect Article V has acted as a subsidy for generous social programs that Europe has spent on its own population.Jan 25 00:10
DaemonFCThis should end.Jan 25 00:10
DaemonFCThe apologists have countered that NATO promotes stable democracies in Europe and that nobody wants the Nazis back, but the Nazis are back.Jan 25 00:11
DaemonFCThe AfD puts out propaganda that is carbon copied from Hitler.Jan 25 00:11
DaemonFCThe laws that theoretically ban Nazi Parties are not being enforced and I think the AfD has in some areas, like a quarter of the seats in state governments.Jan 25 00:11
DaemonFCQuite a few in the national government.Jan 25 00:12
DaemonFCControl over some locals.Jan 25 00:12
DaemonFCSo it's not "fringe" at this point.Jan 25 00:12
DaemonFCA quarter of the seats is pretty big in a political system that has like half a dozen parties in a legislature sometimes.Jan 25 00:12
DaemonFCIt's hilarious in a way that the AfD (Nazi) Party support is huge in economically depressed areas of the former GDR.Jan 25 00:13
DaemonFCPeople who were born into Communism are now Nazis.Jan 25 00:13
MinceRnazism is a form of fascism, which is a form of socialismJan 25 00:13
DaemonFCThe GDR wouldn't have tolerated this.Jan 25 00:13
MinceRit's not that surprisingJan 25 00:13
DaemonFCThey would have suppressed Nazism.Jan 25 00:13
DaemonFCMinceR: The Nazis started out with a Socialist wing.Jan 25 00:14
DaemonFCBut as time moved on, that wing disappeared.Jan 25 00:14
DaemonFCThe same election that brought the Nazis to enough power to grant Hitler dictator status also had quite a few Communists and Socialists elected to the legislature as well.Jan 25 00:15
DaemonFCNone of them were seated. They were arrested, or wanted, so they knew better than to show up demanding their seat.Jan 25 00:15
MinceRmussolini used to be a member of the italian socialist partyJan 25 00:15
DaemonFCWith 100% Nazis in attendance, they were able to ignore that they didn't have a quorum and gave Hitler his "emergency powers".Jan 25 00:16
DaemonFCMinceR: Technically, the German Constitution was never suspended.Jan 25 00:16
MinceRgiovanni gentile, his comrade, literally described fascism as a form of socialismJan 25 00:16
DaemonFCTechnically, the law that gave Hitler his authority was not even legal because the Reichstag and Reichsrat did not have a quorum.Jan 25 00:17
DaemonFCWhether or not it was constitutional, it wasn't legal for them to take up a bill without having a quorum.Jan 25 00:17
DaemonFC:)Jan 25 00:17
DaemonFCAnd who was going to stop them by this point?Jan 25 00:18
DaemonFCMinceR: The Nazi Parliamentarians? Perhaps?Jan 25 00:18
DaemonFCThe Nazi judges?Jan 25 00:18
DaemonFCThe Nazis in there voting 100%?Jan 25 00:19
DaemonFCThe Nazi police officers?Jan 25 00:19
DaemonFCThe same thing is happening to the US Supreme Court.Jan 25 00:19
DaemonFCAnd that's why if Trump comes back, we're finished.Jan 25 00:19
DaemonFCMinceR: Here's how the US Senate could become a rubber stamp for Trump, able to pass any legislation.Jan 25 00:20
DaemonFCTrump comes back, Republicans take the Senate.Jan 25 00:20
DaemonFCRepublicans appoint a Parliamentarian who isn't even close to neutral, not even close.Jan 25 00:20
DaemonFCThe Republicans pass a "budget bill" that changes all sorts of federal law that's not related to the budget.Jan 25 00:20
DaemonFCThe Democrats object, of course, by raising a Budget Point of Order.Jan 25 00:21
DaemonFCThe Parliamentarian, who is a flunky, says he or she researched the matter and will allow it.Jan 25 00:21
DaemonFCThe Senate passes the bill 51-49 (at a minimum), the House passes it, Trump signs it.Jan 25 00:21
DaemonFCPeople ask the courts to enforce the Byrd Act.Jan 25 00:22
DaemonFCThe question gets to the Supreme Court.Jan 25 00:22
DaemonFC6-3, the court refuses to hear the case and says it's a "political question".Jan 25 00:22
DaemonFCMinceR: Technically, the Republicans would have to say that the law they're changing "affects the budget" in some way.Jan 25 00:23
DaemonFCBut it's up to the Parliamentarian to decide if it is "primarily a budget question".Jan 25 00:23
DaemonFCAnd of course it is, and then SCOTUS stays out of it.Jan 25 00:23
DaemonFCMinceR: Under the Chevron precedent, where agencies interpret their own rules, this situation gets more dangerous.Jan 25 00:24
DaemonFCCongress can pass all sorts of vague laws giving Trump enormous power, pending his people at the federal agencies filling in all the blanks.Jan 25 00:24
DaemonFCAnd this is after he reimposes Schedule F and purges the Civil Service and installs Political appointees to replace several hundred thousand bureaucrats.Jan 25 00:25
DaemonFCMinceR: Within 4-6 months, the legal framework is in place for Trump to have unlimited power.Jan 25 00:25
DaemonFCBiden can confirm as many judges as he wants. Unless we get very very lucky and Clarence Thomas dies or something in the next 8-9 months, we're screwed.Jan 25 00:26
DaemonFCBecause SCOTUS has original jurisdiction on most of this, and the last word on anything.Jan 25 00:27
MinceR 25 00:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Emperor Palpatine 'Unlimited Power!'' - InvidiousJan 25 00:27
DaemonFC 25 00:28
DaemonFCDemocrats contended it infringes on transgender rights. “This legislation is the exact opposite of the American Dream,” state Sen. Kent Smith (D) said. “Instead of providing comfort it will inflict great pain.”Jan 25 00:28
DaemonFC----Jan 25 00:28
DaemonFCThe American Dream is no jobs, 11% annual inflation, and having your dick amputated. -The DemocratsJan 25 00:28
DaemonFCNo job, no money, not even being able to properly play with yourself anymore.Jan 25 00:29
DaemonFCThat's cruel.Jan 25 00:29
DaemonFCMinceR: Want to see a magic trick? I'm going to make all my critics, disappear! *tucks dick in and puts on lipstick*Jan 25 00:30
DaemonFCTADA!Jan 25 00:30
DaemonFCDon't deadname me!Jan 25 00:30
MinceRapparently the trick isn't workingJan 25 00:32
MinceRalso, finkle is einhornJan 25 00:32
DaemonFCMinceR: I like those banks that will just put any name you want on a debit card.Jan 25 00:32
DaemonFCSo let me get this straight. You're willing to risk being arrested for the crime of "being in possession of someone else's credit card" because you have a card that has a name on it that is not your name?Jan 25 00:33
DaemonFC:)Jan 25 00:33
DaemonFCYou know.Jan 25 00:33
DaemonFCPolice tend to arrest first and ask questions later.Jan 25 00:33
DaemonFCHow many of them are going to go through a tranny's purse and find a card in some other name and not arrest based on this?Jan 25 00:34
DaemonFC> From: Lenovo US <>Jan 25 00:37
DaemonFC> Subject: Deals tailored for FistnameJan 25 00:37
DaemonFC> Reply-To: donotreply@ecomm.lenovo.comJan 25 00:37
DaemonFC----Jan 25 00:37
DaemonFCMinceR: Lenovo has deals for Fistname.Jan 25 00:37
DaemonFCI didn't know my fist had a name.Jan 25 00:37
DaemonFC> shac ron ₪‎Jan 25 00:38
DaemonFC> @shac@ioc.exchangeJan 25 00:39
DaemonFC> My neighbor passed away on Monday after a long illness. He was a Meta employee. He took time off for treatment. After his long term disability coverage ran out he was told he must return to work or leave the company. He could not return to work due to being terminally ill with brain cancer. He died leaving his family no benefits from Meta, no disability insurance payout, because they forced a dying man to leave his job.Jan 25 00:39
DaemonFC---Jan 25 00:39
DaemonFCNo shittier than what the rest of us have to deal with.Jan 25 00:39
DaemonFCAs soon as you're on Short Term Disability they start leaning on you to just go ahead and sign up for Social Security Disability.Jan 25 00:39
DaemonFCThey want you off their books ASAP, before you max out the STD and go to LTD.Jan 25 00:39
DaemonFCIf they can make you the government's problem, it's better for them.Jan 25 00:40
MinceR25 013759 <@DaemonFC> I didn't know my fist had a name.Jan 25 00:40
MinceRmaybe it doesn'tJan 25 00:40
DaemonFC> SmittyHalibutJan 25 00:44
DaemonFC> @smitty@halibut.comJan 25 00:44
DaemonFC> Jesus Christ, this horse shit again?Jan 25 00:44
DaemonFC---Jan 25 00:44
DaemonFCIvermectin is a human drug too.Jan 25 00:44
DaemonFCI've taken it before. It's a great way to kill scabies after your step-family gives them to you because you were at their house on Thanksgiving one year.Jan 25 00:44
DaemonFCThey prefer to use Permethrin though.Jan 25 00:45
DaemonFCAt first, I got a doctor who prescribed Lindane.Jan 25 00:45
DaemonFCAnd I had to go to every pharmacy in town before one CVS happened to have it.Jan 25 00:45
DaemonFCThe government was pressuring them to quit using Lindane because it's toxic and contaminates hundreds of gallons of water as you wash it off of you.Jan 25 00:46
DaemonFCI didn't really care at the time.Jan 25 00:46
DaemonFCI would have poured gasoline on myself if they told me it killed those things.Jan 25 00:46
DaemonFCIvermectin in human dose wouldn't cause any harm to a COVID patient.Jan 25 00:47
DaemonFCIt just probably wouldn't help them.Jan 25 00:48
DaemonFCIvermectin probably is just as effective as COVID shots, and safer.Jan 25 00:50
DaemonFCBecause the COVID shots can only hurt you. They don't protect you from anything.Jan 25 00:50
*includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - 25 00:55
DaemonFC 25 00:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mayor, Board prez shut down at public session on fentanyl crisisJan 25 00:55
DaemonFC"A buzzing crowd of around 100 people convened at 2 p.m. in United Nations Plaza today to hear Mayor London Breed speak for a total of 10 minutes on the city’s fentanyl crisis, until multiple individuals in the crowd shouted her down and someone threw a brick."Jan 25 00:55
*includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e957:f400:b3b6:a6de:676d:e25f) has joined #techrightsJan 25 00:55
DaemonFC> jwzJan 25 00:58
DaemonFC> 8 months ago at 6:59 pmJan 25 00:58
DaemonFC>  4Jan 25 00:58
DaemonFC> The last District 6 (Soma) Supervisor race was between a drag queen, and a gay former-addict SFPD spokesperson, each campaigning on which of them would be Tougher On Crime. Surprise, the actual cop beat the fake cop. The race was utterly appalling.Jan 25 00:58
DaemonFC> ElusisJan 25 00:58
DaemonFC> 8 months ago at 9:33 pmJan 25 00:58
DaemonFC>  6Jan 25 00:58
DaemonFC> United StatesJan 25 00:58
DaemonFCUgh that sounds like a terrible episode of Max Headroom.Jan 25 01:00
DaemonFC 25 01:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | jwz: "You're too compassionate. We're at war with the homeless."Jan 25 01:01
DaemonFC> Former San Francisco employees, including a director who worked with the homeless, allege that the city routinely cleared encampments while knowing there were not enough shelter beds available, according to new testimony filed in court Friday. [...]Jan 25 01:01
DaemonFC> In Friday's filings, Marshall said they were explicitly directed by the former head of the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, Jeff Kositsky, to forcibly move unhoused people and destroy their property without taking the time to inquire about their needs.Jan 25 01:01
DaemonFC> The city cleared encampments in response to "daily mandates" by Mayor London Breed, Marshall stated: "Mayor Breed ordered us to carry out sweeps because she did not want to be seen near unhoused people while she was at lunch, at the gym, at fundraisers, or at meetings on public business." [...]Jan 25 01:01
DaemonFC> Marshall also suggested the method the department used to track shelter refusal was misleading. The Homelessness and Outreach Team would warn unhoused folks that the police were coming without taking steps to offer shelter, Marshall alleged. Despite the lack of offers, they wrote, the city recorded those individuals as having "refused" shelter, which Marshall called an "inaccurate and blatant attempt to work around the City's stated requirements for Jan 25 01:01
DaemonFCenforcement." [...]Jan 25 01:02
DaemonFC> When Public Works removes an encampment, staff are supposed to collect and log unhoused residents' belongings to be retrieved later [but they] often threw away residents' items altogether, due to a lack of time to sort out trash from belongings. "I have seen DPW workers throw away entire tents," Malone stated.Jan 25 01:02
DaemonFC----Jan 25 01:02
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR]: Democrats love poor people. Blacks too.Jan 25 01:02
DaemonFCThe only thing I've laughed at recently was the police in New York City throwing 100+ mopeds belonging to illegal aliens in trucks and hauling them away to be crushed.Jan 25 01:04
DaemonFCThat's because they just leave them in the open street, making it impassable, and then while they ride them they use sidewalks and bike lanes illegally, and go the wrong way down one-way streets.Jan 25 01:05
DaemonFCThey zip around making deliveries for Doordash and Uber Eats because they don't have any legal obligation to verify work permission in the US.Jan 25 01:05
DaemonFCSo tossing the mopeds in the impound means that they can't do that anymore either.Jan 25 01:05
DaemonFCWe should be making sure life here is so awful that they turn themselves in to be deported, ask to be deported, apologize for coming here uninvited even.Jan 25 01:06
MinceRgood old "conservative" recipe for keeping foreigners out of the countryJan 25 01:06
DaemonFCSnake Plissken: Got a smoke? Malloy: The United States is a non-smoking nation! No smoking, no drugs, no alcohol, no women - unless you're married - no foul language, no red meat! Snake Plissken: Land of the free.Jan 25 01:09
DaemonFCMinceR: ^Jan 25 01:09
MinceRlolJan 25 01:10
MinceRthough even that recipe isn't foolproofJan 25 01:11
MinceRsome people have moved to north korea, for exampleJan 25 01:11
MinceRand it doesn't get much shittier than thatJan 25 01:11
DaemonFCYes, the US never talks about it but some US soldiers have defected to North Korea.Jan 25 01:11
DaemonFCYou never hear about this.Jan 25 01:11
DaemonFCMany were allowed to stay and were resettled to a commune and arranged to be married (to women who were older or who the government was fairly sure wouldn't have children).Jan 25 01:12
DaemonFCWhenever it happens, they just keep it quiet.Jan 25 01:12
DaemonFC 25 01:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Torture, brainwashing and movie stardom: The extraordinary life of Charles Jenkins, the US soldier who defected to North Korea | The Independent | The IndependentJan 25 01:18
DaemonFC"The idea was to teach the North Koreans American pronunciation. It took them until 1985 to realise that Jenkins’ thick Southern accent, which even some Americans would struggle to understand, was hindering, not helping the students."Jan 25 01:19
DaemonFCIt took them 20 years to realize this?Jan 25 01:19
DaemonFC> By then, though, Jenkins and the other defectors had found other, more bizarre employment.Jan 25 01:20
DaemonFC> With Kim Il Sung’s son and eventual successor Kim Jong-il becoming convinced of the value of propaganda films to the revolutionary struggle, the Americans were enlisted to play evil Westerners in what became a sprawling 20-part epic series of films called Unsung Heroes.Jan 25 01:20
DaemonFC> And so Jenkins found fame in North Korea as Dr Kelton, the pantomime villain who like all warmonger Capitalists was determined to keep the Korean War going to boost the profits of US arms manufacturers.Jan 25 01:20
DaemonFC> “After the first movie [Nameless Heroes],” recalled Jenkins, “I would walk down the street and someone would yell, all excited and happy, ‘Kelton Bac-Sa [Dr Kelton]!’ and even regular North Koreans would ask for my autograph.”Jan 25 01:20
DaemonFCMinceR: I guess they don't get many chances to go see a movie in North Korea.Jan 25 01:21
MinceR:)Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> The government also found him a wife.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> Hitomi Soga had been kidnapped in 1978 aged 19 from Sado island, Japan, one of a number of Japanese citizens kidnapped by the North Korean regime and made to teach its spies how to speak their language like a native.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> Jenkins met Ms Soga in 1980 when he was 40 and she was 21.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> Ms Soga would later tell her husband’s court martial that a minder prepared her for that first meeting, which was ostensibly an English lesson, by telling her she was to marry the American.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> Years later, Jenkins would become convinced it was part of a plan to produce children that the North Koreans could use as spies.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> And yet, as Ms Soga put it at the court martial, “Little by little, we started to love each other.”Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC> They bonded, it seems, over a mutual hatred of North Korea.Jan 25 01:22
DaemonFC“In North Korea, I lived a dog’s life,” Jenkins told the LA Times. “Ain’t nobody live good in North Korea. Nothing to eat. No running water. No electricity. In the wintertime you freeze — in my bedroom, the walls were covered in ice.”Jan 25 01:23
DaemonFC> No-one in the Jenkins family was allowed to leave their house without a political supervisor, and nobody ever dared criticise the North Korean regime.Jan 25 01:24
DaemonFC> “You can’t bring your neighbour over for a drink,” Jenkins recalled. “Why? People start drinking, they start talking. People disappear. And when one doesn’t disappear, they know he’s the one who squealed.”Jan 25 01:24
DaemonFC> One day, he saw dogs digging up a mass grave near his home.Jan 25 01:24
DaemonFC> And yet, as a prized propaganda asset, Jenkins knew full well he had it far better than most in the ‘Hermit Kingdom’.Jan 25 01:25
DaemonFC> As millions of North Koreans starved to death in the famine of the 1990s, the Jenkins family received rations of rice, soap and clothing.Jan 25 01:25
DaemonFC> Even if the rice was crawling with insects, said Jenkins, it was much better than what “the regular Korean” got, which was nothing.Jan 25 01:25
MinceRleeroy mjenkinsJan 25 01:25
DaemonFCMinceR: The southern accent isn't particularly difficult to understand.Jan 25 01:29
DaemonFCThe part that would be harder to listen to would be his because he hadn't been in the US at all since 1965 and people where he was from don't even speak that way anymore.Jan 25 01:30
DaemonFCIt used to be a lot harsher than it is now and I think it's because the world has gotten smaller and it's easier to get from one place to another, and so many people are exposed to media that tends to sound more or less like the way I speak.Jan 25 01:31
DaemonFCYou rarely see a southern US accent in a movie unless it's about the south, and of course since the movie industry is in California, they try to make the south look much worse than it is.Jan 25 01:31
DaemonFCThey're a propaganda mill.Jan 25 01:31
DaemonFCThey incite a lot of hatred.Jan 25 01:32
MinceRit's also easier to voice chat with someone anywhere on earthJan 25 01:32
DaemonFCThe Democrats are not nice, they are not peaceful.Jan 25 01:32
DaemonFCThey are smug and arrogant and self-important.Jan 25 01:32
DaemonFCSmarmy.Jan 25 01:32
DaemonFCAnd very, very racist.Jan 25 01:32
DaemonFCPeople mostly support Donald Trump because they can't stand the condescending attitude they get from Democrats.Jan 25 01:33
DaemonFCThe only reason the Democrats "support gay rights" is for votes. They realized that the Republicans were easily milking the people who want us in prison, or worse.Jan 25 01:34
DaemonFCSo it was all about votes. The Democrats tried playing to the homophobes and it didn't gain a lot of support.Jan 25 01:34
DaemonFCBecause they were so off putting in other ways.Jan 25 01:34
DaemonFCSo they did a 180 and pretended they were all about gay rights from the start.Jan 25 01:34
DaemonFCWhen Bill Clinton banned gay marriage.Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCIn 1996.Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCSo, not ancient history.Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCHe signed a law that said "Whatever the States allow for that, the federal government says you're not married, and other States don't have to respect it.Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCSo it was a ban.Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCNow he tries to say "I signed it so something even worse wouldn't happen."Jan 25 01:35
DaemonFCEven worse than what?Jan 25 01:36
DaemonFCWhen he signed it he figured it would be the law forever.Jan 25 01:36
DaemonFCHe wanted to put the issue to rest at DOMA.Jan 25 01:36
DaemonFCThat would be like if President Eisenhower signed a law that said "The federal government will never interfere with Segregation. Individual States can do whatever they want." and then said "Well, I signed it so something even worse wouldn't happen!"Jan 25 01:37
DaemonFCI mean, could you imagine? Like, would anyone believe him?Jan 25 01:37
DaemonFCIt's like, no, signing a law that leaves gay marriage banned for thousands of federal benefits and programs and by 95% of the States.....Jan 25 01:38
DaemonFCHow was Clinton preventing the situation from being worse?Jan 25 01:38
DaemonFCBill Clinton is a philandering sack of shit, a child molester (Epstein), and a homophobe.Jan 25 01:39
DaemonFCAnd the Democrats still trawl him out and he's popular.Jan 25 01:39
DaemonFCIf the Democrats wanted to say "We've gotten better." they'd put Clinton out to pasture and not invite him to anything.Jan 25 01:40
DaemonFCBut they can't resist bringing him out to remind everyone he's there.Jan 25 01:40
DaemonFCIt's probably ill health that's preventing him from stumping for Joe Biden.Jan 25 01:41
DaemonFCBecause honestly Biden needs whatever he can get right now.Jan 25 01:41
DaemonFC 25 01:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A US scientist outrages the British with advice about adding salt to tea – and the American embassy stirs it up | CNNJan 25 01:57
DaemonFCAmid such heated debate, perhaps only time will tell if the US Embassy’s response will be enough to calm the waters. In the meantime, the embassy said it “will continue to make tea in the proper way – by microwaving it.”Jan 25 01:57
MinceRlolJan 25 01:58
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 02:02
*psydruid (~psydruid@jevhxkzmtrbww.irc) has left #techrightsJan 25 02:03
DaemonFCMinceR: They should drink coffee anyway.Jan 25 02:08
DaemonFCWhat's wrong with them?Jan 25 02:08
MinceRi don't get why people are so hung up on how other people their own beverages for themselvesJan 25 02:10
MinceRor food, for that matterJan 25 02:10
DaemonFCYeah, I just never got the whole tea thing.Jan 25 02:15
DaemonFCPlus, British tea isn't that great anyway.Jan 25 02:15
DaemonFCIt's too weak, especially their Earl Grey.Jan 25 02:16
DaemonFCI haven't tried any British Earl Grey that I like, but there are some made by US companies that are pretty good.Jan 25 02:16
MinceRYorkshire Tea is pretty greatJan 25 02:16
DaemonFCDarjeeling is better than Earl Grey.Jan 25 02:17
MinceRDarjeeling is differentJan 25 02:17
MinceRit's a lot milderJan 25 02:17
MinceRand Earl Grey is also milder than Yorkshire Tea or Irish Breakfast or English BreakfastJan 25 02:17
DaemonFCYeah, but it's got spices or something in it as I recall.Jan 25 02:17
DaemonFCAt least the one I used to drink that said Darjeeling did.Jan 25 02:17
MinceRi tend to drink them based on what i feel like drinkingJan 25 02:17
MinceREarl Grey has bergamot orange in it; there's a variant that has lemon insteadJan 25 02:18
DaemonFCI wonder if you can find Constant Comment in the supermarkets in the UK.Jan 25 02:18
DaemonFCThat's an American one.Jan 25 02:18
MinceRafaik Darjeeling tea is not flavoredJan 25 02:18
DaemonFCKroger has their own take on it. I think their store brand is even better.Jan 25 02:18
MinceRit's just made from different cultivar, and possibly different leavesJan 25 02:19
DaemonFC 25 02:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Constant Comment Teas – Bigelow TeaJan 25 02:19
MinceR"The tea leaves are harvested by plucking the plant's top two leaves and the bud"Jan 25 02:19
DaemonFCThey have a Constant Comment Green Tea now?Jan 25 02:19
DaemonFCI might order some.Jan 25 02:19
DaemonFCMinceR: I've been drinking Constant Comment for at least 34 yearsJan 25 02:20
DaemonFCFound some in the pantry when I was like 5 and boiled some water on the stove. Mom found me in there making tea with it and panicked.Jan 25 02:20
MinceRsounds interestingJan 25 02:24
MinceRtoo bad nobody seems to sell it hereJan 25 02:24
MinceRand bigelow doesn't ship to europe eitherJan 25 02:27
DaemonFC 25 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | U.S. Capitol rioter tells judge "you could give me 100 years and I would still do it all over again" - CBS NewsJan 25 02:34
DaemonFC"The FBI arrested Bru on March 30, 2021. He was given pretrial release, but was then arrested twice more on charges of driving under the influence. Those cases remain pending after Bru failed to appear for scheduled court appearances. "Jan 25 02:34
DaemonFCMinceR: Best line so far in Hannibal.Jan 25 02:36
DaemonFC"Don't worry, I did not poison you, if that is what you are thinking.....I would never do that to the food."Jan 25 02:36
MinceR"I would do it all over again. I'd do it 15 times over again If i brought 15 houses with foundation problems everytime i would still do it all over again."Jan 25 02:37
MinceR(video) (audio:important) 25 02:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [YTP] No one needs foundation repair - InvidiousJan 25 02:38
MinceRin other news, the FBI arrested Irn BruJan 25 02:40
DaemonFCMinceR: I love Bru. Indian instant coffee.Jan 25 02:40
MinceR:)Jan 25 02:42
techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techpol + social irc ■ Yesterday's #boycottnovell-social and #techpol IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 25 02:46
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techrights-news🅸🆁🅲 techbytes irc ■ Yesterday's #techbytes IRC logs ready. HTML: TEXT: GEMINI GemText: gemini:// GEMINI Plain Text: gemini:// 25 02:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRC: #techbytes @ Techrights IRC Network: Wednesday, January 24, 2024Jan 25 02:49
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝕿𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's 𝕿𝖊𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: | 🅶🅴🅼🅸🅽🅸 gemini:// (tentative address, to work an hour from now)Jan 25 02:50
techrights-news✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁Tux Machines 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩ Yesterday's Tux Machines bulletin is now ready! 🅷🆃🆃🅿: Jan 25 02:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jan 25 02:50
DaemonFCgemini:// 25 02:51
DaemonFCMinceR: YEAH MR. WHITE! YEAH SCIENCE!Jan 25 02:51
MinceRMETHLAB, from MethWorksJan 25 02:52
DaemonFC"SIUE police checked the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) database that tracks pseudoephedrine purchases. Investigators said Smalling was listed as attempting 365 pseudoephedrine purchases in the last 10 years and was blocked from purchases 45 times. Illinois law flags purchases that exceed a 30-day supply in a one-month period."Jan 25 02:53
DaemonFC---Jan 25 02:53
DaemonFCThat alone should have gotten him investigated.Jan 25 02:53
DaemonFCWhy didn't they?Jan 25 02:53
DaemonFCHe wasn't paying people to buy pseudoephedrine for him?Jan 25 02:55
DaemonFCHe could have had a small operation without raising any alarms if he had 5-6 people buying what they were allowed to buy too.Jan 25 02:55
techrights-newsNumber Go Up gemini:// 25 03:15
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 25 03:16
techrights-news[cat] gemini:// 25 03:16
techrights-news"My favourite video game of all time was, for a while, The Beginner's Guide, written by Davey Wreden--the same guy who wrote the Stanley Parable. I'm not sure if it still is for reasons I may get into if I ever start seriously doing media analysis, but it shaped a lot of the way I think about video games and it stuck with me for quite a while." gemini:// 25 03:17
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today in Techrights ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 03:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Today in TechrightsJan 25 03:30
techrights-newsTechrights – Over at Tux Machines... ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 03:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Over at Tux Machines...Jan 25 03:30
techrights-newsTechrights – IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 03:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 24, 2024Jan 25 03:34
techrights-newsTech sector layoffs starting to pile up 25 03:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tech sector layoffs starting to pile upJan 25 03:36
techrights-newsWrong: "Microsoft, Nvidia among companies to profit the most from AI". No! Microsoft LOSSES money on this HEY HI hype. Loses money. And the debt grows fast.Jan 25 03:37
techrights-newsOnline Retailer eBay Cutting 1,000 Jobs, Joining Other Tech Companies in Workforce Reduction 25 03:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Online Retailer eBay Cutting 1,000 Jobs, Joining Other Tech Companies in Workforce Reduction - NEWSnet Northern MichiganJan 25 03:38
techrights-newsLA Times fires 115 journalists in ‘HR Zoom webinar’ 25 03:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | LA Times fires 115 journalists in ‘HR Zoom webinar’Jan 25 03:38
techrights-newsVroom To Shut Its E-Commerce Operations, Cuts Nearly 90% Of Jobs 25 03:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vroom To Shut Its E-Commerce Operations, Cuts Nearly 90% Of JobsJan 25 03:39
techrights-newsTech Layoffs Continue, eBay Plans To Cut 9% of Full-Time Workforce 25 03:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-eBay To Layoff 9% of Workforce - SpiceworksJan 25 03:39
techrights-newsOnline retailer eBay is cutting 1,000 jobs. It's the latest tech company to reduce its workforce 25 03:40
techrights-newsTechrights – [Meme] Naked Emperor ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 04:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — [Meme] Naked EmperorJan 25 04:12
techrights-newsMicrosoft's debt is about 4 times higher than Google'sJan 25 04:15
techrights-newsOutriders developer People Can Fly reportedly lays off "over 30" employees 25 04:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Outriders developer People Can Fly reportedly lays off "over 30" employees | Eurogamer.netJan 25 04:16
techrights-newsHEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI BUY BUY BUY. Just buy shares in every self-described "HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI" company. Don't worry, this thing is for REAL! Unlike "metaverse" and "Web3".Jan 25 04:18
techrights-newsPhilip Davies Cites ONS Data, Highlighting Very Exceptionally High Number of Deaths 25 04:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » Philip Davies Cites ONS Data, Highlighting Very Exceptionally High Number of DeathsJan 25 04:33
techrights-newsQuazi religious governmental complex 25 04:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quazi religious governmental complex - InvidiousJan 25 04:35
techrights-newsWhile the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer 25 04:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | While the Poor Get Sick, Bill Gates Just Gets Richer | The NationJan 25 04:35
techrights-news"Here’s a fun story of when I met Linus Torvalds back in 2018. I told him about my experiences at Sun and OpenSolaris and also the time I spammed the Linux Kernel Mailing List (LKML)." 25 04:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds: OpenSolaris and my Spam - InvidiousJan 25 04:41
techrights-newsLinus Torvalds doesn't think twice BREAKING things, 8 years later we are STILL fixing logging BUGS! 25 04:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linus Torvalds doesn't think twice BREAKING things, 8 years later we are STILL fixing logging BUGS! - InvidiousJan 25 04:42
DaemonFCLooking back, it would have been so much better had OpenSolaris had a bigger community and had Ian Murdock stayed at Sun and had the Oracle thing never happened.Jan 25 05:22
DaemonFCEven now, Oracle is rapidly becoming much less horrible than Red Hat.Jan 25 05:22
darwinhome come more & more websites stopped making input forms you can press <ENTER> at the end to submit; you have to press a software button instead?  Even if someone's on pad/tab(let)/phone (I'm not usually) this should still be an option for people who typing is faster for!Jan 25 05:22
DaemonFCThe UK can't really be directly compared to the US, as far as policing goes.Jan 25 05:23
DaemonFCIf you tried to send US cops out without guns there'd be anarchy. The police here have to deal with heavily armed criminals all the time.Jan 25 05:23
DaemonFCAnd those criminals and terrorists are flooding through our open border.Jan 25 05:24
DaemonFCDon't think Trump won't remind everyone that he would have had hundreds of miles of additional border wall in place by now.Jan 25 05:24
DaemonFCThe crossings where the wall is in place have basically almost stopped.Jan 25 05:24
DaemonFCThe few that do try to climb the fence usually just end up hurting themselves and demanding free medical care when they do.Jan 25 05:25
DaemonFCWe should just leave them there and let some animal come eat them in the middle of the night.Jan 25 05:25
*schestowitz[TR2] has quit (Ping timeout: 120 seconds)Jan 25 05:49
*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 25 06:01
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 25 06:02
* sets mode +n #techrightsJan 25 06:02
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*Disconnected (Connection timed out).Jan 25 06:03
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 25 06:03
*Topic for #techrights is: | Unofficial channel #techrights for http://TechRights.orgJan 25 06:03
*Topic for #techrights set by superkuh!~superkuh@user/superkuh at Thu May 20 20:25:48 2021Jan 25 06:03
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 25 06:03
*schestowitz[TR2] (~schestowi@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 06:03
*Now talking on #techrightsJan 25 06:03
jrmuwhat are the weaknesses of AI that you're aware of?Jan 25 06:11
jrmufor example my friend was using DALL-E3 to generate simulated pictures of dinosaurs with humansJan 25 06:12
jrmu 25 06:12
jrmuwhat kind of questions would cause DALL-E3 to choke and die?Jan 25 06:12
arkanianthere is a good one from star trek that might workJan 25 06:34
arkanianthe liar's paradoxJan 25 06:34
jrmuhm, I'm thinking more of, a category of questions or problems that it consistently cannot handle but humans canJan 25 06:40
jrmusince the liar's paradox is unsolvable/illogical, humans cannot solve it eitherJan 25 06:40
schestowitz[TR]<darwin> home come more & more websites stopped making input forms you can press <ENTER> at the end to submit; you have to press a software button instead?  Even if someone's on pad/tab(let)/phone (I'm not usually) this should still be an option for people who typing is faster for!Jan 25 07:43
schestowitz[TR]they don'tteach <form>Jan 25 07:44
schestowitz[TR]it's like swf/flash is backJan 25 07:44
schestowitz[TR]<jrmu> what are the weaknesses of AI that you're aware of?Jan 25 07:44
schestowitz[TR]you might be confusing ML with something elseJan 25 07:45
schestowitz[TR]like plagiarised image simulatorsJan 25 07:45
schestowitz[TR]they should be called what they areJan 25 07:45
schestowitz[TR]efficient fair use automatorsJan 25 07:46
schestowitz[TR]companies run out of things to sellJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]so they try to recycle others' workJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]the problem is,Jan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]it takes a lot of energyJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]people won't pay (much) for itJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]it doesn't work too wellJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]except in _staged_ demosJan 25 07:47
schestowitz[TR]nytimes, in its lawsuit, shows that chatgpt is just spewing out full passages or sentences from itts articlesJan 25 07:48
schestowitz[TR]"open" "hey hi" did not even deny itJan 25 07:48
schestowitz[TR]it just said it was a "bug"Jan 25 07:48
schestowitz[TR]so microsoft takes real work of peopleJan 25 07:49
schestowitz[TR]like nytimes journalistsJan 25 07:49
schestowitz[TR]then transforms it inlo a mix of falsehoodsJan 25 07:49
schestowitz[TR]instead of people just reading the originalsJan 25 07:49
schestowitz[TR]same issue in codeJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]take others' codeJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]remove licenceJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]remove attribJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]remove context Jan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]present that to peopleJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]it would not workJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]context missingJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]the real way to do it is,Jan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]find the originalJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]check licennceJan 25 07:50
schestowitz[TR]comply with itJan 25 07:50
techrights-news"If you want to make the Linux operating system your go-to but you still need to run Windows apps, Wine has you covered." 25 07:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to run a Windows app on Linux with Wine | ZDNETJan 25 07:51
techrights-news"What you'll need: I'll demonstrate the process on Ubuntu Desktop, but Wine can be installed on most Linux distributions. In order to install Wine, you'll need a running Linux distribution and a user with sudo privileges. That's it." What if you don't have the sudo program?Jan 25 07:52
techrights-newsMultiple Go Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu 25 07:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Multiple Go Vulnerabilities Fixed in UbuntuJan 25 07:52
techrights-news"Developed by the Google Brain team, TensorFlow is a powerful library for numerical computation and machine learning. Its ability to process large-scale data and perform complex calculations has made it a go-to choice for professionals and enthusiasts alike." 25 07:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Ubuntu | Linux JournalJan 25 07:53
techrights-news"I come bearing some good news! Mozilla has introduced a new .deb package for Firefox that is meant for Ubuntu, Debian, and other Debian-based distros." 25 07:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ah, Snap! Firefox is Finally Providing Deb Package for Debian and Ubuntu UsersJan 25 07:54
techrights-news"You can try it out right now under the "x64_linux_test" Beta branch on Steam, which is now public, but you will not be able to connect to public servers or do matchmaking. It's purely for local testing and benchmarking. On top of that the Team Fortress 2 Dedicated Server is also being updated to go along with it (Steam App ID: 232250)." 25 07:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 404 @ )Jan 25 07:56
techrights-news"Today, Fleet is announcing support for Linux and Windows to help ease the transition from Workspace ONE." 25 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Apple @ Work: Acquisitions lead to struggles for Windows and Linux device management - 9to5MacJan 25 07:57
techrights-news"This releases comes with a brand-new look inspired by Juliette Taka's Emerald artwork for Debian Bookworm." 25 07:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Lightweight Distro BunsenLabs Linux Boron Is Here Based on Debian Bookworm - 9to5LinuxJan 25 07:57
techrights-news"If you want to install Linux on a desktop, you'll first have to create a bootable USB drive with your distribution of choice." 25 07:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to create a bootable Linux USB drive | ZDNETJan 25 07:58
techrights-news"Powerful and compact. Tuxedo's Pulse 14 Gen3 is a new subnotebook with a fast AMD Zen4 processor and a high-res 3K IPS display with a refresh rate of 120 Hz. Furthermore, it features 32 GB RAM as standard and many connectivity options. So, is this the perfect Linux Ultrabook?" 25 07:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tuxedo Pulse 14 Gen3 review - The Linux Ultrabook with AMD Zen4 and a 120-Hz display - ReviewsJan 25 07:58
techrights-news"Some impressive numbers but again it's hardware dependent, but even so any performance uplift would be welcome, so hopefully the patch series gets some good comments and approval after any tweaks are done that may be needed." 25 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Proposed Windows NT sync driver brings big Wine / Proton performance improvements | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 07:59
techrights-news"NVIDIA has today launched the 550.40.07 Beta driver for Linux which includes numerous important fixes, so you might want to jump in and give this one a thorough gaming test." 25 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NVIDIA 550.40.07 Beta driver released with fixes for VRR and Wayland | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 07:59
techrights-newsIntel Xeon ‘Clearwater Forest’ with New E-Cores Spotted in Linux Patch 25 07:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Intel Xeon 'Clearwater Forest' with New E-Cores Spotted in Linux Patch | BeebomJan 25 07:59
techrights-newsValve releases Proton 8.0-5 update for Steam and adds even more games on Linux 25 08:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Valve releases Proton 8.0-5 update for Steam and adds even more games on Linux • Mezha.MediaJan 25 08:00
techrights-news"You wrote once on OCaml it appears, but now with OCaml having landed a post-GIL situation (with the 5.x series), it could be worthwhile to know what people are discussing (effects, etc.)." 25 08:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Please welcome Daroc Alden []Jan 25 08:02
techrights-newsJulia v1.10: Performance, a new parser, and more 25 08:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Julia v1.10: Performance, a new parser, and more []Jan 25 08:03
techrights-newsGuix REPL in Emacs (publ. 2024-01-24) gemini:// 25 08:04
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Julia 1.10 ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Julia 1.10Jan 25 08:05
techrights-newsNot Yet, Apparently. (Also: Outage) gemini:// 25 08:05
techrights-newsFlashes of life gopher:// 25 08:06
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 25 08:06
techrights-news"Unsurprisingly I'm already figuring out what next term has in store for me. I'm teaching my intro logic class again, so that'll be easier now that I've already done like 12k words of note writing for it." gopher:// 25 08:07
techrights-newsNew Year, Same Us gopher:// 25 08:08
techrights-news"The term is going well. I mean, it's obviously still a lot of work, but it's easier than last term for sure. I'm a lot steadier on my feet. I'm feeling bolder in running my classes the way I want rather than trying to make myself fit into someone else's curriculum." gopher:// 25 08:09
techrights-news"This was the first new years celebration for us as a real family... and it was great!" gopher:// 25 08:10
techrights-newsA retrospective on actively using ReactOS gopher:// 25 08:11
techrights-newsOh it HURDs... gopher:// 25 08:11
techrights-news"I have now played around with GNU Hurd and - while there are some really cool features like the translator concept - i must confess that i am not THAT impressed." gopher:// 25 08:12
techrights-newsFrom the project management triangle to the seesaw gemini:// "Many people involved in projects have heard of something that goes by many names, including the "project triangle", "iron triangle", and "triple constraints", which takes different forms, including the following"Jan 25 08:14
techrights-newsRust and C filesystem APIs 25 08:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Rust and C filesystem APIs []Jan 25 08:16
techrights-newsThe first half of the 6.8 merge window 25 08:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The first half of the 6.8 merge window []Jan 25 08:17
techrights-newsThe kernel "closure" API 25 08:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The kernel "closure" API []Jan 25 08:17
techrights-newsGrowing pains for typing in Python "Python's static-typing feature has come a long way since it was introduced in 2014."Jan 25 08:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Growing pains for typing in Python []Jan 25 08:18
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Chromium 121 for Slackware… don’t hold your breath ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Chromium 121 for Slackware… don’t hold your breathJan 25 08:18
*jkl has quit (Quit: Gone.)Jan 25 08:22
*jkl has quit (Quit: Gone.)Jan 25 08:22
techrights-news"The leak, which contains LinkedIn, Twitter, Weibo, Tencent, and other platforms’ user data, is almost certainly the largest ever discovered." 25 08:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 08:23
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Kernel (Linux) News ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Kernel (Linux) NewsJan 25 08:23
techrights-newsTalking to people 'privately' through social control media is a mistake even IF you 1) trust the company 2) trust the government. Any data they collect and retain may be leaked one day, then leverages for scams and extortions.Jan 25 08:25
*jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrightsJan 25 08:25
*jkl (~jkl@freenode/user/jkl) has joined #techrightsJan 25 08:25
techrights-newsWe got cracked spun as "unauthorised access" 25 08:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | $2.4 trillion securities platform owner hacked. EquiLend admits "unauthorised access"Jan 25 08:26
techrights-newsWindows attack? 25 08:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bloomberg - Are you a robot?Jan 25 08:27
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  4 Best Free and Open Source Bitcoin Clients ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — 4 Best Free and Open Source Bitcoin ClientsJan 25 08:30
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@dc77dxzcmjmaq.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 08:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Security LeftoversJan 25 08:35
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 25 08:38
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@dc77dxzcmjmaq.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 08:39
*u-amarsh04 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Jan 25 08:49
*u-amarsh04 (~amarsh04@dc77dxzcmjmaq.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 08:49
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 08:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Advantages and Disadvantages of LinuxJan 25 08:58
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  GEEKOM Mini IT12 Review – Part 3: Ubuntu 22.04 Linux on an Intel Core i7-12650H mini computer ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 09:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — GEEKOM Mini IT12 Review – Part 3: Ubuntu 22.04 Linux on an Intel Core i7-12650H mini computerJan 25 09:05
*danse-nr3 (~danse@ has joined #techrightsJan 25 09:06
techrights-newsTechrights – Windows Kills ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 09:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Windows KillsJan 25 09:06
techrights-news"Luckily, there are some open source libraries that allow at least read only access to ext4-formatted" ☛ | Source: Jeff GeerlingJan 25 09:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mounting an ext4 linux USB drive on macOS in 2024 | Jeff GeerlingJan 25 09:11
*jelly has quit (autokilled: This host violated network policy. Mail if you think this is in error. (2024-01-25 09:12:05))Jan 25 09:12
techrights-news"When I wrote about how CGI programs aren't particularly slow these days" ☛ | Source: University of TorontoJan 25 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/CGIOneStepDeploymentJan 25 09:12
techrights-news"A type scale is a popular way to define the relationships between different font sizes." ☛ |Jan 25 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Noah Liebman | The math and CSS of responsive type scalesJan 25 09:12
techrights-news"for most people, the much simpler nano text editor is more than sufficient for their needs." ☛ | Source: Pi My Life UpJan 25 09:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install and Use Vim on the Raspberry Pi - Pi My Life UpJan 25 09:12
techrights-news"One of the neat things about this game is that you can host your very own dedicated Palworld server." ☛ | Source: Pi My Life UpJan 25 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Setting up a Palworld Server on Ubuntu - Pi My Life UpJan 25 09:13
techrights-news"What a night. I hit upon something that got WPA3 working on some Raspberry Pi systems and excitedly put up a post to share the good news." ☛ | Source: RachelJan 25 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hold on there: WPA3 connections fail after 11 hoursJan 25 09:13
techrights-news"One important thing here: I'm only talking about Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS here" ☛ | Source: RachelJan 25 09:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | WPA3 on Raspberry Pi 3B+, 4B and 5B with iwd (or not...)Jan 25 09:13
techrights-news"The parallel execution needs to be fast – and well orchestrated – to avoid starvation at any one point in the setup." ☛ | Source: UbuntuJan 25 09:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Canonical’s recipe for High Performance Computing | UbuntuJan 25 09:14
techrights-news"The Raspberry Pi 5 is a single board computer that has seen a significant boost to performance this generation." ☛ | Source: Notebook CheckJan 25 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-4 Raspberry Pi 5 projects to make use of the power of one of the best SBCs out there - NewsJan 25 09:15
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversJan 25 09:15
techrights-news"In 2023, our employees submitted over 450 pull requests (PRs) that were merged into non-Trail of Bits repo" ☛ | Source: Trail of BitsJan 25 09:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Celebrating our 2023 open-source contributions | Trail of Bits BlogJan 25 09:15
techrights-news"Eleventy is a great and powerful static site generator especially for event-organizing communities like meetups" ☛ | Source: Juha-Matti SantalaJan 25 09:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Community websites with Eleventy : Juha-Matti SantalaJan 25 09:16
techrights-news"Vector databases are designed to handle complex high-dimensional data" ☛ | Source: Silicon AngleJan 25 09:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Open-source vector database Qdrant raises $28M - SiliconANGLEJan 25 09:17
techrights-news"In exchange for fulfilling their sides of this big deal the application gets a database that can scale" ☛ | Source: Marcel KolajaJan 25 09:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pat's Big Deal, and Transaction Coordination - Marc's BlogJan 25 09:17
techrights-news"This post delves into the key considerations for crafting a robust and secure data science workflow." ☛ | Source: RlangJan 25 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-6 Benefits of R {targets} for Data Science Workflows | R-bloggersJan 25 09:18
techrights-news"So I decided a more distinct username for my online accounts was in order." ☛ | Source: Jim NielsenJan 25 09:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Origin of Online Handles - Jim Nielsen’s BlogJan 25 09:18
techrights-news"Published in Reviews of Modern Physics" ☛ | Source: GizmodoJan 25 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Physicists Just Learned Something Major About the ProtonJan 25 09:19
techrights-news"If you listen closely to the soundtrack on Youtube it sounds somehow distorted." ☛ | Source: Oona RäisänenJan 25 09:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | absorptions: Smoother sailing: Studying audio imperfections in Steamboat WillieJan 25 09:19
*jelly ( has joined #techrightsJan 25 09:20
techrights-news"If you’re teaching anything else, the same question could (I’ll argue should) apply." ☛ | Source: Jon UdellJan 25 09:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Learn by Doing: How LLMs Should Reshape Education – Jon UdellJan 25 09:20
techrights-news"What's a Dumpster Dive? Between samples, customer returns, demo items..." ☛ | Source: SparkFun ElectronicsJan 25 09:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Dumpster Dive is Back - News - SparkFun ElectronicsJan 25 09:21
techrights-news"Here I’ll spout my grandiose garden metaphor about friendships." ☛ |Jan 25 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-ArtLung: Al & my Friendship-as-Garden theory ~ 24 Jan 2024Jan 25 09:22
techrights-news"Native pollinators are critical to Colorado's ecosystem, agriculture and tourism industry." ☛ | Source: Omicron LimitedJan 25 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | One in five Colorado bumblebees are endangered, new report saysJan 25 09:22
techrights-news"The protests sweeping across France have cast a renewed focus on the plight of farmers" ☛ | Source: France24Jan 25 09:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fewer, older, poorer: France’s farming crisis in numbersJan 25 09:22
techrights-news"There’s the 17-year-group called Brood XIII" ☛ | Source: VoxJan 25 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cicada brood map 2024: When and where billions of the bugs will emerge - VoxJan 25 09:26
techrights-news"Thomas Jefferson was president the last time these two broods came out, so is it rare? Yes." ☛ | Source: NBCJan 25 09:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Billions of cicadas will emerge in rare 2024 double-brood eventJan 25 09:26
techrights-news"If you're made of tough stuff and don't get easily queased-out by unusual foods" ☛ | Source: CNETJan 25 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Cicadas Are Coming: Here's What We Know About Brood XIX and Brood XIII - CNETJan 25 09:28
techrights-news"entomologists reported as many as 311 "emergence holes" per square yard" ☛ | Source: NBCJan 25 09:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | When will the massive cicada emergence hit Illinois in 2024? – NBC ChicagoJan 25 09:28
techrights-news"The 2021 state law that legalized weed possession for adults cleared New Yorkers to grow weed at home" ☛ | Source: GizmodoJan 25 09:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NY Plans to Let You Grow 5lbs of Weed at HomeJan 25 09:29
techrights-news"An Adafruit MiniBoost 5V makes a servo motor lift the red flag whenever a phone notification comes in." ☛ | Source: Raspberry PiJan 25 09:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Stop your phone distracting you by stashing it in a mini mailbox - Raspberry PiJan 25 09:29
techrights-news"these sorts of applications are a tiny, nay, minuscule" ☛ | Source: Johan HalseJan 25 09:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Concatenating textJan 25 09:35
techrights-news"If you want AI to work for you, you have to know how to talk to it." ☛ | Source: Daniel MiesslerJan 25 09:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Write Effective AI Prompts (Updated)Jan 25 09:35
techrights-newscyberattacks ☛ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa)Jan 25 09:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Warning that AI will lead to increase in cyberattacks - TechCentralJan 25 09:36
techrights-news"veteran open source developer who co-created the Django framework" ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AI software still needs the human touch, Willison warns • The RegisterJan 25 09:36
techrights-news"Let's take a look at a couple of examples to better understand what's going on." ☛ | Source: RIPEJan 25 09:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The LLM Misinformation Problem I Was Not Expecting | RIPE LabsJan 25 09:37
techrights-news"My mother-in-law bought a new laptop that came pre-installed with Windows 11." ☛ | Source: Wouter GroeneveldJan 25 09:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Windows 11 Design Mistakes | Brain BakingJan 25 09:37
techrights-news"Steve Jobs is remembered for many things but taking a hatchet to that mess is an often overlooked achievement." ☛ | Source: R J FaasJan 25 09:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Welcome to your 40s Macintosh, you weren’t even 10 when I met you – R.J. FaasJan 25 09:38
techrights-news"Lockheed held its fourth quarter earnings call yesterday" ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software troubles delay F-35 fighter jet deliveries. Again • The RegisterJan 25 09:40
techrights-news"Lockheed Martin Corporation (the “Company,” “we” and “our”) has updated its F-35 Technology Refresh 3" ☛ | Source: SECJan 25 09:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 09:40
techrights-news"It's unclear the role Freestyle Interactive still has in the running of the CAMC's digital infrastructure" ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Major IT outage denies happy campers their caravan holidays • The RegisterJan 25 09:40
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: Cyble IncJan 25 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | CL0P Ransomware Group Targets India's S&A Law OfficesJan 25 09:41
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ |Jan 25 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Akira ransomware attack on Tietoevry disrupted the services of many Swedish organizationsJan 25 09:41
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: TechHQJan 25 09:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Long-lasting impact of cyberattacks on hospitalsJan 25 09:41
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: Seattle TimesJan 25 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: INTERNAL_ERROR (err 2) ( status 0 @ )Jan 25 09:42
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft confirms problems with Windows 10 patch • The RegisterJan 25 09:42
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Microsoft's latest email breach says about the IT giant • The RegisterJan 25 09:42
techrights-news"We are all the sledgehammer, Apple does like to tell its fans." ☛ | Source: GizmodoJan 25 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 40 Years Ago, Apple Got Our Current Tech Dystopia Dead WrongJan 25 09:43
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Windows TCO Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 09:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Windows TCO LeftoversJan 25 09:43
techrights-news"Taking them all into account is called a "probabilistic" approach" ☛ | Source: Omicron LimitedJan 25 09:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Researchers advocate for sustainable logging to safeguard against global flood risksJan 25 09:46
techrights-news"I believe we should restrict overweight vehicles" ☛ | Source: Tracy DurnellJan 25 09:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Challenging the “rights” of cars for the rights of people – Tracy DurnellJan 25 09:46
techrights-news"I was pretty hot on it for a minute. I wanted it to succeed and thought it had the bones to make it." ☛ | Source: Chris CoyierJan 25 09:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What happened with the Web Monetization API? – Chris CoyierJan 25 09:46
techrights-news"restructuring programme" = layoffs ☛ | Source: India TimesJan 25 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | sap restructuring: SAP to restructure 8,000 roles in push towards AI - The Economic TimesJan 25 09:50
techrights-news"In the nine months ended September 30, 2023 [PDF], eBay reported revenue of $7.55 billion" ☛ | Source: The Register UKJan 25 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | eBay tells 1,000 workers their days at company are numbered • The RegisterJan 25 09:50
techrights-newsThat is a LOT of layoffs, not "restructuring" ☛ | Source: Silicon AngleJan 25 09:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SAP announces major restructuring plan affecting 8,000 jobs - SiliconANGLEJan 25 09:50
techrights-news"about 9% of its workforce" ☛ | Source: NPRJan 25 09:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EBay to lay off 1,000 workers as tech job losses continue in the new yearJan 25 09:51
techrights-newseBay vs SAP: eBay says it bluntly, 1000 people will need to go. SAP? No, SAP ('Microsoft German') is all lies. HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI.Jan 25 09:51
techrights-news"He further stated that in addition to the layoffs, eBay will ‘scale back’ the number of contracts" ☛ | Source: Hindustan TimesJan 25 09:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | eBay to cut 1000 roles for company's ‘long-term, sustainable growth’ - Hindustan TimesJan 25 09:52
techrights-news"The charges against Lai — founder of the now-shuttered popular Chinese-language tabloid Apple Daily" ☛ | Source: Hong Kong Free PressJan 25 09:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Drop charges against Hong Kong's Jimmy Lai - UN expertsJan 25 09:53
techrights-news"fresh off an AI-generated content scandal" ☛ They tried chatbots and proved those fail; no business value in those!Jan 25 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sports Illustrated "dead" after mass layoffsJan 25 09:54
techrights-news"Innovate360 says traditional journalism models are no longer sustainable in Zimbabwe." ☛ | Source: ZimbabweJan 25 09:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This program trains journalists and independent media houses to become sustainable - TechzimJan 25 09:54
techrights-news"NewsGuild said Monday that "any changes to working conditions, including layoffs, must be negotiated."" ☛ | Source: AxiosJan 25 09:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 09:58
techrights-newsDigital Restrictions (DRM): "Let's circle back to the Dynamic Security system" ☛ | Source: FuturismJan 25 10:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | HP CEO Says Goal Is to Make "Printing a Subscription"Jan 25 10:01
techrights-newsDigital Restrictions (DRM): "But keep this in mind: this platform, and other similars, are widely deployed in corporative infrastructure." ☛ | Source: Of0xJan 25 10:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | A christmas tale: pwning GTB Central Console (CVE-2024-22107 & CVE-2024-22108) - Adepts of 0xCCJan 25 10:02
techrights-news"The Brussels-based commission and Microsoft declined to comment on the EU carve-outs." ☛ | Source: Tech Central (South Africa)Jan 25 10:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bing, Edge to avoid EU digital crackdown - TechCentralJan 25 10:04
techrights-newsMicrosoft down. Servers down. Desktops down. Devices down. Phones extinct. Bing? Ha! LOSING BILLIONS. GitHub? Same! So WHY would Fraud Street rate it as having value? What is actually going UP? In the company? What? Not even the salaries.Jan 25 10:05
techrights-news"The United States Justice Department is set to file a lawsuit against Apple for potentially breaching antitrust laws." ☛ | Source: India TimesJan 25 10:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | antitrust lawsuits: Explained: Why are Apple, Amazon, Google and Meta facing antitrust lawsuits and huge fines? - The Economic TimesJan 25 10:05
techrights-news"It is worth noting that Bing's market share has remained stagnant despite the addition of Microsoft Copilot (formerly Bing Chat)." ☛ | Source: International Business TimesJan 25 10:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | EU Exempts Microsoft's Bing, Edge From Digital Markets Act, Report | IBTimes UKJan 25 10:06
techrights-news"For a long time now -- and, if Microsoft's actions to maintain its monopoly are not halted" ☛ | Source: USDOJJan 25 10:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Antitrust Division | U.S. V. Microsoft: Proposed Findings Of FactJan 25 10:06
techrights-newsMicrosoft spends more on bribes than on fixing things. The same can be said of Bill Gates and his own corrupt enterprise that exempts him from taxes.Jan 25 10:08
techrights-newsRight of Publicity: "The video featured comedian Hemmi Gunn, who died in 2013, and was played on a program called “Áramótaskaupin,” a New Year’s Eve variety show" ☛ | Source: 404 MediaJan 25 10:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Iceland Has Its Own AI George Carlin Moment, Considers Law Against Deepfaking the DeadJan 25 10:09
techrights-newsRight of Publicity is NOT an "HEY HI" issue. Fakes and synthesis are VERY old issues. And there are legal means for addressing fakes.Jan 25 10:09
techrights-newsEven VERY VERY VERY OLD issues are now being painted by the CORRUPT media... using the "HEY HI" brash. All for hype's sake.Jan 25 10:10
techrights-news(brush)Jan 25 10:10
techrights-news"Here are the top 5 things we are particularly proud of (in no particular order): [...]" ☛ | Source: Creative CommonsJan 25 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What did Creative Commons do for Open Culture in 2023? - Creative CommonsJan 25 10:25
techrights-news"his is another great example of how today’s digital world makes the old business models of the copyright industry redundant" ☛ | Source: Walled CultureJan 25 10:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) ( status 0 @ )Jan 25 10:25
techrights-news"All In the Family is must-see TV" ☛ EFF fronting for FB (follow the money), mentioning "Bill Gates and Paul Allen" etc. EFF is working for oligarchy, too.Jan 25 10:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What Home Videotaping Can Tell Us About Generative AI | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 25 10:28
techrights-newsFree Speech ☛ | Source: The NationJan 25 10:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Free Speech? | The NationJan 25 10:34
techrights-newsProposed Windows NT sync driver brings big Wine / Proton performance improvements ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Proposed Windows NT sync driver brings big Wine / Proton performance improvements | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:37
techrights-news"Here's one less reason for game developers to skip over using the free and open source Godot Engine" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Godot Engine gets a free Nintendo Switch port for game devs | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:37
techrights-news"Core Keeper is a rather wonderful game about underground mining" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Core Keeper getting a new event, plus various new features on January 31st | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:38
techrights-news"Palworld has continued to smash records" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Palworld hits 7 million sales, smashes Counter-Strike 2's all-time peak and gets a roadmap | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:38
techrights-news🔤SpellBinding — ACHRTYU Wordo: SUPES gemini:// 25 10:41
techrights-news"One of my fears that we’ll commit politically to a course that’ll head us over a climate tipping point. For example, if we vote climate delayists or outright denialists into office, the next change to vote them out again might be years down the line." gemini:// 25 10:42
*danse-nr3 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Jan 25 10:46
*danse-nr3 ( has joined #techrightsJan 25 10:46
techrights-news"Valve are still updating Team Fortress 2 (TF2)" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Team Fortress 2 has a 64bit and Vulkan update for Linux in testing | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:55
techrights-news"Update 24/01/24 20:07 UTC: An NVIDIA developer messaged me to clarify the changelog oddness: [...]" ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-NVIDIA 550.40.07 Beta driver released with fixes for VRR and Wayland | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:56
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 25/01/2024: Political Tipping Point and Guix REPL in Emacs ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Gemini Links 25/01/2024: Political Tipping Point and Guix REPL in EmacsJan 25 10:56
techrights-news"Need a challenge? Like Soulslike games? Check out the latest Humble Bundle that has some quality picks in it." ☛ | Source: GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-This new Humble Bundle has some great Soulslikes | GamingOnLinuxJan 25 10:56
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Games: Graphics and DRM, Among Some GNU/Linux Stuff ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 10:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Games: Graphics and DRM, Among Some GNU/Linux StuffJan 25 10:58
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Ubuntu 23.10 Now ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 10:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Ubuntu 23.04 “Lunar Lobster” Reached End of Life, Upgrade to Ubuntu 23.10 NowJan 25 10:58
techrights-news"Despite having lost its market share and popularity over the years to other web browsers such as Google Chrome and Safari" ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 25 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 32 Best Firefox Add-ons to Improve Productivity in LinuxJan 25 11:02
techrights-news"Running an educational institution in an efficient manner is no mean task." ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 25 11:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 5 Open Source School Management Software for LinuxJan 25 11:02
techrights-newsDo not use GitHub. It is proprietary and controlled by the most hostile entity, Microsoft. Use something Free. ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 25 11:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install Git and Create a Git RepositoryJan 25 11:03
techrights-news"In this multi-part tutorial, I am going to get you started with Shorewall" ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 25 11:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shorewall - A High-Level Firewall for Linux ServersJan 25 11:04
techrights-news"Shorewall offers a wide array of commands that can be run on the command line." ☛ | Source: TecMintJan 25 11:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Explore Shorewall Firewall Configuration in LinuxJan 25 11:04
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 11:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 25 11:08
techrights-newsHilarious. Grayzone publishes "Pro-Israel Washington Post reporter smears The Grayzone as Holocaust deniers in ADL-affiliated hit piece" and then (on same day, hours apart) acts as a platform and megaphone of a terror group, basically making the case against itself. Grayzone lost track of what terrorism is and looks like.Jan 25 11:10
techrights-news"A year ago, I returned to journalism after 26 years working in the labor movement." ☛ | Source: FAIRJan 25 11:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Skip the Last Two Paragraphs—and Other Time-Saving Tips for Healthcare News Consumers - FAIRJan 25 11:14
techrights-news"A third attempt by film companies to obtain information on Reddit users is facing opposition from the social media platform." ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJan 25 11:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Reddit: IP Address Disclosure Puts User Anonymity At Risk * TorrentFreakJan 25 11:15
techrights-news"With no obvious signs that piracy of live sporting events is on the wane" ☛ | Source: Torrent FreakJan 25 11:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-beIN Sports' Football Piracy Blitz Adds Blocking to Domain Seizures * TorrentFreakJan 25 11:15
techrights-newsiophk: he says, she says; instead of investigative reporting 25 11:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 11:16
techrights-newsiophk: proposing say for pay? 25 11:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This program trains journalists and independent media houses to become sustainable - TechzimJan 25 11:17
techrights-newsThe Bezzle: A Martin Hench audiobook (Amazon won't sell!) 25 11:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 11:21
techrights-newsRogue states in the UN want to take control of the internet 25 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Skurkstater i FN vill ta kontroll över internetJan 25 11:22
techrights-newsThe [buzzword] ​​wave hits the supercomputers: Raises questions about capacity in Europe 25 11:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AI-bølgen rammer supercomputerne: Rejser spørgsmål om kapaciteten i Europa | Version2Jan 25 11:22
*psydroid2 (~psydroid@u8ftxtfux23wk.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 11:26 comes the "media" (shit) again with 'he said she said' regarding the Russian plane in Ukraine. WHO CARES what Kremlin says? Or what Kyiv says? FIND OUT THE FACTS. Report facts. THIS IS NOT MEDIA, this is a "bullshit machine" like reading X/Twitter threads. Appalling.Jan 25 11:34
techrights-newsnytimes: "The claims could not be independently verified." STILL went with "Moscow Says" right there in the headline. election stolen, says Trump. I am not a friend of Jeffrey Epstein, says Bill Gates...Jan 25 11:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russian Plane Crashes Near Border With Ukraine, Killing All Aboard, Moscow Says - The New York TimesJan 25 11:42
techrights-newsNews should be reporting of facts, not "Krelin says", "Bill says", "Trump says"...Jan 25 11:43
techrights-newsOr, for what matter, "MICROSOFT SAYS" 25 11:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Microsoft Says That Microsoft Holes Are Russia's Fault, ASSOCIATED PRESS (Rigger of Elections and Nominations by Misreporting) Repeats Whatever Microsoft Says Instead of Investigating and ReportingJan 25 11:44
techrights-newsinternational investigation ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 25 11:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zelensky says Ukraine ‘will insist on international investigation’ into crash of Russian military plane allegedly carrying Ukrainian POWs — MeduzaJan 25 11:45
techrights-newsHe says, she says. And still.... nobody knows what happened to Nord Stream. Too much he said, she said... people got lost in the "Sayings"...Jan 25 11:46
techrights-newsOne article should be enough for the incident. Instead of 5,000 "he said, she said" puff pieces, which add nothing of value. But proper articles take time and money. And the so-called 'journalists' of today just hawk MusKSA's "X" (Twitter) instead of doing their job.Jan 25 11:47
techrights-newsA whole lot of people saying things. But where is the evidence? Same with death toll figures that come directly from Hamas hinilists, not independently verified by anybody.Jan 25 11:49
techrights-news...underfunded newsrooms cannot compete with troll armies and jerk armies in sites like MusKSA's "X". So those with the most trolls control the narrative, facts don't matter when narratives "count" more.Jan 25 11:50
*danse-nr3 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 25 11:52
techrights-newsIt's not helping that so many people no longer trust anything the government tells them after the mishandling of coronavirusJan 25 11:52
techrights-newsHPE compromised by same Russian group behind SolarWinds and Abusive Monopolist Microsoft hacks ☞ shifting the blame outwards again?Jan 25 11:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-HPE compromised by same Russian group behind SolarWinds and Microsoft hacks - SiliconANGLEJan 25 11:56
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Vivante NPU (found in Amlogic A311D) gets its open-source driver upstreamed to Mesa ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 11:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Vivante NPU (found in Amlogic A311D) gets its open-source driver upstreamed to MesaJan 25 11:57
techrights-newsKim Jong Un acknowledges dire state of economy, urges action ☞ 25 11:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kim Jong Un acknowledges dire state of economy, urges action — Radio Free AsiaJan 25 11:59
techrights-newsBashkir Activist Detained For Taking Part In 'Mass Riots' ☞ 25 12:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Bashkir Activist Detained For Taking Part In 'Mass Riots'Jan 25 12:00
techrights-newsMicrosoft says... that's not journalism. Microsoft is just trying to shift the blame outwards, as it cannot even protect its own systems ☞ 25 12:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Microsoft says it was hit by Russian hackers who wanted to know its secrets | TechRadarJan 25 12:01
techrights-news" disruptions on messaging apps" ☛ | Source: MeduzaJan 25 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Russian users report disruptions on messaging apps, local official links outages to ‘preventative work’ by federal censor — MeduzaJan 25 12:02
techrights-newsBelarus dispatch: thousands of Belarusians abroad can no longer renew their passports after expiration ☞ 25 12:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Belarus dispatch: thousands of Belarusians abroad can no longer renew their passports after expiration - JURIST - NewsJan 25 12:02
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Firebird 5.0 Is Released ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 12:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Firebird 5.0 Is ReleasedJan 25 12:09
techrights-news12 Practical Examples of GNU/Linux Grep Command ☞ 25 12:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use Grep Command in Linux [12 Useful Examples]Jan 25 12:10
techrights-newsHow to Use /proc File System to Monitor GNU/Linux System ☞ 25 12:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | /proc - Get Linux Process and Hardware InformationJan 25 12:11
techrights-news"We Buy Ugly Houses" ☛ | Source: Pro PublicaJan 25 12:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | “We Buy Ugly Houses” Company Overhauls Policies Following ProPublica Investigation — ProPublicaJan 25 12:12
techrights-newsnetflix = DRM ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 12:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Fractured Streaming Services Don’t Suck Enough To Keep The NFL’s Peacock Experiment From Being A Success | TechdirtJan 25 12:14
techrights-news"Modern enterprise integration comes with its fair share of challenges. From diverse data sources to complex workflows" ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJan 25 12:18
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Announcing the Red Hat build of Apache Camel 4 for smoother enterprise integrationJan 25 12:18
techrights-newsWorkers strike at Audi plant in Puebla ☞ 25 12:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Workers strike at Audi plant in PueblaJan 25 12:20
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:49
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:49
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:49
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@24axkg87jqny6.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 12:49
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 12:49
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 12:49
techrights-newsPaper workers join strike wave ☞ 25 12:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Paper workers join strike wave | Yle News | YleJan 25 12:51
techrights-newsNationwide Union Strike Tests Milei’s Policies for Argentina ☞ 25 12:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Nationwide Union Strike Tests Milei’s Policies for Argentina - The New York TimesJan 25 12:52
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:55
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:55
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 12:55
*danse-nr3 (~danse@ has joined #techrightsJan 25 12:57
techrights-news"Discover how Event-Driven Ansible will provide you with the event-handling capabilities needed to automate time-consuming tasks, respond to changing conditions in any IT domain and reduce Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR)." ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJan 25 13:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | From Observability to Action with Event-Driven Ansible and PartnersJan 25 13:00
techrights-newsMaximize User Engagement with Kucos.js for Static Websites (Open-source and Self-hosted) ☞ 25 13:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Maximize User Engagement with Kucos.js for Static Websites (Open-source and Self-hosted)Jan 25 13:01
techrights-newsWhy news publishers should fight to stop rollout of Surveillance Giant Google Privacy Sandbox ☞ Surveillance company offering fake privacyJan 25 13:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why publishers should fight to stop Google Privacy SandboxJan 25 13:03
techrights-news"would deal a blow to data brokers" ☞ 25 13:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-CFPB's proposed data rules would improve security, privacy and competition | CyberScoopJan 25 13:03
techrights-newsAmazon’s French Warehouses Fined Over Employee Surveillance ☞ 25 13:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Amazon's French Warehouses Fined Over Employee Surveillance - SecurityWeekJan 25 13:05
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@24axkg87jqny6.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:05
techrights-newsPublishers: Ditch Surveillance Giant Google search addiction or die ☞ 25 13:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Publishers: Ditch Google search addiction or die - Press GazetteJan 25 13:07
techrights-newsVietnamese prisoner under constant surveillance: family member ☞ 25 13:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vietnamese prisoner under constant surveillance: family member — Radio Free AsiaJan 25 13:10
techrights-newsMaking VR Headsets Cool Won’t Be Easy, Even for Fashion Company Apple ☞ 25 13:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Making VR Headsets Cool Won’t Be Easy, Even for Apple - The New York TimesJan 25 13:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Web3, Blockchain, Metaverse, 'Hey Hi' (AI), and Vision Pro... What Ever Happened to the Vision Pro Hype?Jan 25 13:11
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 13:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Free, Libre, and Open Source Software LeftoversJan 25 13:15
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free Software and Databases: Some News ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 13:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Free Software and Databases: Some NewsJan 25 13:15
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi 5 and Adafruit MiniBoost 5V ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 13:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Open Hardware: Raspberry Pi 5 and Adafruit MiniBoost 5VJan 25 13:20
techrights-newsHow To Install Nagios on Debian 12 ☞ 25 13:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install Nagios on Debian 12 - idrootJan 25 13:24
techrights-newsAdvantages and Disadvantages of GNU/Linux ☞ 25 13:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Advantages and Disadvantages of Linux - idrootJan 25 13:25
techrights-newsHow To Install qBitTorrent on Fedora 39 ☞ 25 13:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install qBitTorrent on Fedora 39 - idrootJan 25 13:26
techrights-newsHow To Install Kubernetes on openSUSE ☞ 25 13:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install Kubernetes on openSUSE - idrootJan 25 13:27
techrights-newsHow To Install Webmin on GNU/Linux Mint 21 ☞ 25 13:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How To Install Webmin on Linux Mint 21 - idrootJan 25 13:27
techrights-newsHow to Create a New Branch in GIT ☞ 25 13:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Create a New Branch in GITJan 25 13:28
techrights-newsHow to Read Large Text files in Python? ☞ 25 13:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Read Large Text files in Python?Jan 25 13:29
techrights-newsMount Drive in Linux 25 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mount Drive in LinuxJan 25 13:30
techrights-newsRecover Data on Linux using ddrescue 25 13:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Recover Data on Linux using ddrescueJan 25 13:30
techrights-newsHow to Install PHP on Debian 12 25 13:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Install PHP on Debian 12Jan 25 13:31
techrights-newslinuxhint must be having problems. Not updating its RSS feed anymore, or very seldom just partially updating it.Jan 25 13:37
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 13:38
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@24axkg87jqny6.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:38
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:38
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:38
techrights-news fixed its RSS feed several times over the years (after it had broken; techrights reported this to admins at ), but activity-wise it is a pale shadow of its former self, i.e. same as - how sad :(Jan 25 13:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-LinuxCapable - Linux Guides, Help and TipsJan 25 13:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux HintJan 25 13:41
*schestowitz-TR2 has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 13:44
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 13:44
*acer-box has quit (Quit: Konversation term)Jan 25 13:44
*schestowitz-TR2 (~acer-box@24axkg87jqny6.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:44
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:45
*acer-box (~acer-box@freenode/user/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsJan 25 13:45
techrights-news"The UK’s most prominent climate science denial group has seen its income drop to the lowest level since 2016, DeSmog can reveal." ☛ | Source: DeSmogJan 25 13:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Leading Climate Science Denial Group Registers Lowest Income for Seven Years - DeSmogJan 25 13:49
techrights-newsHow to Define and Use Your Own Functions in Python ☞ 25 13:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Define and Use Your Own Functions in Python - The New StackJan 25 13:50
techrights-newsHow to search for files in GNU/Linux using Command Line ☞ 25 13:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to search for files in Linux using Command Line - Cloudbooklet AIJan 25 13:51
techrights-news3 Best Methods to Block Ads on YouTube in 2024 ☞ 25 13:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Block YouTube Ads in 2024 [Ad-Free Watching]Jan 25 13:51
techrights-newsUnderstanding APT, APT-Cache and Their Frequently Used Commands ☞ 25 13:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Use apt and apt-cache in Debian SystemsJan 25 13:51
techrights-newsHow to install Surveillance Giant Google Chrome on GNU/Linux Mint ☞ 25 13:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to install Google Chrome on Linux MintJan 25 13:52
techrights-newsThis Week In Rust: This Week in Rust 531 ☞ 25 13:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This Week in Rust 531 · This Week in RustJan 25 13:53
techrights-newsFirefox 122.0 Released with new .deb package for Debian/Ubuntu ☞ 25 13:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 122.0 Released with new .deb package for Debian/Ubuntu | UbuntuHandbookJan 25 13:54
techrights-newsScraping Prometheus metrics from Red Bait build of Keycloak ☞ 25 13:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Scraping Prometheus metrics from Red Hat build of Keycloak | Red Hat DeveloperJan 25 13:56
techrights-newsSurveillance inside your home. Better yet, EFF, tell people to quit allowing these devices. ALTOGETHER. ☛ | Source: EFFJan 25 13:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Victory! Ring Announces It Will No Longer Facilitate Police Requests for Footage from Users | Electronic Frontier FoundationJan 25 13:57
techrights-newsThe Day Before Servers Shut Down: It’s Officially Over (Digital Restrictions (DRM)-like fate) ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 14:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-The Day Before Servers Shut Down: It’s Officially Over | TechdirtJan 25 14:00
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 14:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 25 14:04
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Programming Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 14:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Programming LeftoversJan 25 14:07
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Windows TCO Stories ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 14:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Windows TCO StoriesJan 25 14:09
techrights-newsBubble illustrated ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 14:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Sports Illustrated Implosion Perfectly Encapsulates The Ugly, Ongoing Collapse Of U.S. Journalism | TechdirtJan 25 14:09
techrights-newsdeepfakes ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 14:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Robocallers Used Sloppy Biden Deepfake To Try And Keep Voters From The Polls On Presidential Primary Day | TechdirtJan 25 14:10
*includeals has quit (Quit: ZNC - 25 14:16
*includeals (~includeal@2001:8a0:e957:f400:b3b6:a6de:676d:e25f) has joined #techrightsJan 25 14:18
techrights-newsImplement MLOps with Kubeflow Pipelines ☞ 25 14:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Implement MLOps with Kubeflow Pipelines | Red Hat DeveloperJan 25 14:27
techrights-newsNowadays very little coverage of "Red Hat" anything other than in and sites that Red Hat buys puff piece space from. IBM lives in a fantasy land if it thinks it can treat the community badly and still get people to sing's tune. Many volunteers left Fedora and not many bloggers mention it.Jan 25 14:30
techrights-newsNetwork observability with eBPF on single node OpenShift ☞ 25 14:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Network observability with eBPF on single node OpenShift | Red Hat DeveloperJan 25 14:31
techrights-news"This innovation enhances the flexibility and adaptability of OpenShift sandboxed containers across various CLOWN platforms." ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJan 25 14:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Enabling Peer Pods on IBM Z and LinuxONE with Red Hat OpenShift sandboxed containersJan 25 14:32
techrights-newsOver at Tux Machines... ☞ 25 14:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Over at Tux Machines...Jan 25 14:32
techrights-newsQuit Apple, jeff geerling; life would get a lot easier ☞ 25 14:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mounting an ext4 linux USB drive on macOS in 2024 | Jeff GeerlingJan 25 14:33
techrights-news"End-to-end" a buzzword now ☛ | Source: Red Hat Official 25 14:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | End-to-end declarative provisioning of bare metal Red Hat OpenShift clustersJan 25 14:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Taking Communications Private With Mumble (Privacy by Self-Hosting and End-to-End Encryption)Jan 25 14:35
techrights-newsIBM-styled marketing: "How will Red Hat help?" ☛ | Source: Red Hat OfficialJan 25 14:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | What’s next on the horizon for telecommunications service providers? A look at 2024 with Red Hat.Jan 25 14:36
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Red Hat's Latest in ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 14:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Red Hat's Latest in redhat.comJan 25 14:39
techrights-news"the Emerald 2 boasts a capability of supporting up to 64GB DDR4 and massive storage support for a variety of computing applications." ☛ | Source: Linux GizmosJan 25 14:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jan 25 14:41
techrights-newsPluralistic: How lock-in hurts design (24 Jan 2024) ☞ 25 14:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pluralistic: How lock-in hurts design (24 Jan 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory DoctorowJan 25 14:41
techrights-news"After seven years of service as member and secretary on the GHC Steering Committee, I have resigned from that role. So this is a good time to look back and retrace the formation of the GHC proposal process and committee." ☞ 25 14:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GHC Steering Committee Retrospective – Blog – Joachim Breitner's HomepageJan 25 14:43
techrights-news[Meme] Working for EPO, University of Leuven, or the United States? (updated) ☞ 25 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — [Meme] Working for EPO, University of Leuven, or the United States?Jan 25 14:44
techrights-newsWindows Kills ☞ 25 14:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Windows KillsJan 25 14:44
techrights-news[Meme] Naked Emperor ☞ 25 14:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — [Meme] Naked EmperorJan 25 14:45
techrights-newsdrone restrictions ☛ | Source: The DissenterJan 25 14:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | US Appeals Court Again Upholds Texas Drone RestrictionsJan 25 14:46
techrights-newsMexico begins the year with a spike in inflation ☞ 25 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Mexico begins the year with a spike in inflationJan 25 14:48
techrights-newsAustralian government reshapes tax cuts to woo low-income voters, rejects inflation risks ☞ 25 14:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australian government reshapes tax cuts to woo low-income voters, rejects inflation risks | The Straits TimesJan 25 14:48
techrights-newsThese are mere sentiments, which are biased (can be shaped and warped by media), those are not facts ☞ 25 14:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-U.S. consumer satisfaction is on the rise for first time in years - CSMonitor.comJan 25 14:49
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 14:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's leftoversJan 25 14:54
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 25/01/2024: Walkout at Condé Nast Over Layoffs, LA Times Layoffs, and Fallen Plane in Belgorod ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Links 25/01/2024: Walkout at Condé Nast Over Layoffs, LA Times Layoffs, and Fallen Plane in BelgorodJan 25 15:01
techrights-news"heartache is one of the worst feelings in the world." gemini:// 25 15:02
techrights-news"So in Car Wars “classic” (a.k.a. 1e through 4e), the two main tables for driving is the Movement Chart and the control table." gemini:// 25 15:03
techrights-newsFew updates gemini:// 25 15:05
techrights-news"A unified interface to do anything is the future now. If I want an uber I ask for one. I don't care how it's done or what app I need to learn / install.. it's all about 2 things: proactive information (having the things you want to see delivered to you intelligently) and 2, on-demand need fulfillment (performing a task across ecosystems without friction)." gemini:// 25 15:06
MinceR(cat) (audio:important) 25 15:06
techrights-newsTechrights – Microsoft Lays Off Another 2K Workers, Highest Among GAFAM Layoffs This Year ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Microsoft Lays Off Another 2K Workers, Highest Among GAFAM Layoffs This YearJan 25 15:21
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Gnoppix 24.1: A Mixed Bag of Innovations and Setbacks ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Gnoppix 24.1: A Mixed Bag of Innovations and SetbacksJan 25 15:31
techrights-newsTechrights – [Meme] Alien Company, Alien 'Value' ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — [Meme] Alien Company, Alien 'Value'Jan 25 15:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Real-time Linux vs RTOS – Part I ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Real-time Linux vs RTOS – Part IJan 25 15:36
techrights-newsmesa 24.0.0-rc3 25 15:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [ANNOUNCE] mesa 24.0.0-rc3Jan 25 15:37
techrights-newsThomas Lange: FAI 6.2 released ☞ 25 15:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FAI 6.2 releasedJan 25 15:37
techrights-newsDirk Eddelbuettel: RApiDatetime 0.0.9 on CRAN: Maintenance ☞ 25 15:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thinking inside the boxJan 25 15:38
techrights-newsPublic Knowledge Welcomes New Development Director, Policy Staff To Bolster Broadband Expertise and Advocacy Efforts ☞ 25 15:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Public Knowledge Welcomes New Development Director, Policy Staff To Bolster Broadband Expertise and Advocacy Efforts - Public KnowledgeJan 25 15:39
techrights-newsAs Loud as a Mouse: Mickey’s Sonic Debut in Steamboat Willie (1928) ☞ 25 15:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | As Loud as a Mouse: Mickey’s Sonic Debut in *Steamboat Willie* (1928) – The Public Domain ReviewJan 25 15:41
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Valve Releases Proton 8.0-5 with HDR Support for Multiple Video Games ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Valve Releases Proton 8.0-5 with HDR Support for Multiple Video GamesJan 25 15:43
techrights-newsAlmost 10% of the staff, without even counting the secret layoffs 25 15:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft to lay off 9.0% of its gaming staffJan 25 15:44
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  KDE’s 6th Megarelease with KDE neon Testing Edition ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — KDE’s 6th Megarelease with KDE neon Testing EditionJan 25 15:48
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Android LeftoversJan 25 15:56
techrights-newsTechrights – Microsoft #1: In Tech layoffs This Year (Second is Microsoft Mono Layoffs) ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 15:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Microsoft #1: In Tech layoffs This Year (Second is Microsoft Mono Layoffs)Jan 25 15:58
techrights-newsGitHub is proprietary and hostile towards teaching. This is laughable advice. ☞ 25 16:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GitHub Search for research and learning • ButtondownJan 25 16:03
techrights-newsLogitech G915 TKL ☞ 25 16:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Logitech G915 TKL | daniel.haxx.seJan 25 16:04
techrights-newsICBM handing out NFTs to slaves who help pretend Red Hat has a real community 25 16:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora BadgesJan 25 16:05
techrights-newsMore NFTs for slaves. IBCM virtually killed CentOS 25 16:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Fedora BadgesJan 25 16:05
MinceRand nothing of value would have been lostJan 25 16:05
schestowitz[TR]trueJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]but when red hat took overJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]it was still okJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]then it wasn'tJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]so now alternatives cropped upJan 25 16:06
MinceRcentos has always been a copy of a dogshit distroJan 25 16:06
techrights-newsTomeu Vizoso: Etnaviv NPU update 15: We are upstream! ☞ 25 16:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tomeu Vizoso: Etnaviv NPU update 15: We are upstream!Jan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]yes, MinceRJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]but you know what made it popuilaR:Jan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]binary compatJan 25 16:06
schestowitz[TR]which means, some stuff made for red hatJan 25 16:07
schestowitz[TR]could be dropped onto centosJan 25 16:07
schestowitz[TR]and (usually) "just work)Jan 25 16:07
schestowitz[TR]esp. server stuffJan 25 16:07
MinceRbinary compat only matters for proprietary trashJan 25 16:07
schestowitz[TR]techrights ran on centos for 17 yearsJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: usuallyJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]tessier_ was good at itJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]but prior to it the host used the sameJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]many hosts used rhel or clonesJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]something to do with supportJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]and not worrying when shared hosting acts strangeJan 25 16:08
MinceRand what good did it do TR?Jan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]they can get a contract for red hat supportJan 25 16:08
schestowitz[TR]even if they don't know how to run the serverJan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]are windows shopJan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]or their nix staff resignsJan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]they get red hat to helpJan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]<MinceR> and what good did it do TR?Jan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]we never got crackedJan 25 16:09
schestowitz[TR]and it (mostly) workedJan 25 16:09
techrights-newsInstall Firefox in Ubuntu using Official Deb Package ☞ "A simple guide on how to install the Firefox web browser in Ubuntu using the official deb packages. Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers, known for its speed, security features, and customizability."Jan 25 16:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-HTTP/2 stream 1 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) ( status 0 @ )Jan 25 16:10
techrights-newsKlara Systems is Wrong About the GNU General Public License (GPL) and Here's Why (updated) ☞ 25 16:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Klara Systems is Wrong About the GNU General Public License (GPL) and Here's WhyJan 25 16:10
techrights-newsLightweight Distro BunsenLabs GNU/Linux Boron Is Here Based on Debian Bookworm ☞ 25 16:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Lightweight Distro BunsenLabs Linux Boron Is Here Based on Debian Bookworm - 9to5LinuxJan 25 16:10
techrights-newsEthical Hacking Distro Parrot OS 6.0 Brings GNU/Linux 6.5, Raspberry Pi 5 Support ☞ 25 16:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Ethical Hacking Distro Parrot OS 6.0 Brings Linux 6.5, Raspberry Pi 5 Support - 9to5LinuxJan 25 16:11
MinceRpretty sure there were many servers running better GNU/Linux distros that worked and never got crackedJan 25 16:11
techrights-newsDelete WSL. Install a real GNU/Linux distro, WSL is Windows and WWW against the real thing. ☞ 25 16:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Shut Down WSL Running Linux DistributionsJan 25 16:13
schestowitz[TR]MinceR: trueJan 25 16:13
schestowitz[TR]WSL servers :-)Jan 25 16:13
schestowitz[TR]down for patch tuesdayJan 25 16:13
schestowitz[TR]might come back after the rebootJan 25 16:13
MinceRlolJan 25 16:13
schestowitz[TR]fingers crossedJan 25 16:13
techrights-newsDistrict Court Refuses to Enforce Subpoena for TTAB Case: Must Be Issued by the Court, Contrary to TBMP ☞ 25 16:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The TTABlog®: District Court Refuses to Enforce Subpoena for TTAB Case: Must Be Issued by the Court, Contrary to TBMPJan 25 16:15
techrights-newsSimos Xenitellis: How to install and use Puppeteer in an Incus container ☞ 25 16:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to install and use Puppeteer in an Incus container – Mi blog lah!Jan 25 16:15
MinceR 25 16:16
techrights-news[Podcast] Global Cyber Alliance measurements ☞ 25 16:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | [Podcast] Global Cyber Alliance measurements | APNIC BlogJan 25 16:17
techrights-newsUse of Emergencies Act Against Ottawa Protesters Not Justified ☞ 25 16:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLEJan 25 16:19
techrights-newsLabor Dept watchdog offers buyouts, early retirement to cut staffing by 20% ☞ 25 16:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Labor Dept watchdog offers buyouts, early retirement to cut staffing by 20%Jan 25 16:19
techrights-newsSounds like BS and alarmism ☞ 25 16:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Turkish Medical Association: 'COVID-19 was an example of the X disease'Jan 25 16:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Disease X - InvidiousJan 25 16:20
techrights-newsFour years on, Wuhan remembers the first COVID-19 lockdown ☞ 25 16:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Four years on, Wuhan remembers the first COVID-19 lockdown — Radio Free AsiaJan 25 16:20
techrights-newsWhy We Went Crazy During COVID Lockdowns ☞ 25 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why We Went Crazy During COVID-19 LockdownsJan 25 16:21
techrights-newsJon Ronson: Why We Went So Crazy During COVID Lockdowns ☞ 25 16:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jon Ronson: Why We Went So Crazy During COVID LockdownsJan 25 16:21
techrights-newsHappy New Year, UK Deaths Up About 10% Since 5 Years Ago (Before Covid-19) ☞ 25 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » Happy New Year, UK Deaths Up About 10% Since 5 Years Ago (Before Covid-19)Jan 25 16:22
techrights-newsPhilip Davies Cites ONS Data, Highlighting Very Exceptionally High Number of Deaths ☞ 25 16:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/ » Blog Archive » Philip Davies Cites ONS Data, Highlighting Very Exceptionally High Number of DeathsJan 25 16:22
techrights-newsA joke?? "TikToker who’s pushing the boundaries of creativity and expression" ☞ 25 16:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Video essayist CassidyHunt talks YouTube and being basedJan 25 16:23
arkaniannever forget to never forgetJan 25 16:42
techrights-newsAnomalous Moon Substance Shows Curious Magnetic And Reflective Properties ☞ 25 16:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Anomalous Moon Substance Shows Curious Magnetic And Reflective Properties : ScienceAlertJan 25 16:54
*danse-nr3 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Jan 25 16:54
techrights-newsFlu continues to spread in Latvia ☞ 25 16:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Flu continues to spread in Latvia / ArticleJan 25 16:56
techrights-newsDon’t eat toothpicks, please: South Korean food agency warns after social control media acts go viral ☞ 25 16:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Don’t eat toothpicks, please: South Korean food agency warns after social media acts go viral | The Straits TimesJan 25 16:57
schestowitz[TR]"Jan 25 16:59
schestowitz[TR]The people reporting news on layoffs are laying off.Jan 25 16:59
schestowitz[TR] 25 16:59
schestowitz[TR]Welcome to full blown Bidenomics!!! We are winning.Jan 25 16:59
schestowitz[TR]"Jan 25 16:59
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 403 @ )Jan 25 16:59
techrights-newsBusiness Insider to lay off 8 percent of newsroom 25 16:59
techrights-newsNorth Korea’s Kim warns that failure to provide food is a ‘serious political issue’ ☞ 25 17:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | North Korea’s Kim warns that failure to provide food is a ‘serious political issue’ | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:01
techrights-newsSouth Korea warns against social control media trend of eating fried toothpicks ☞ 25 17:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | South Korea warns against social media trend of eating fried toothpicks | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:02
*danse-nr3 (~danse@ has joined #techrightsJan 25 17:04
techrights-newsMalaysian man uses forklift to remove parked cars blocking his shop ☞ 25 17:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Malaysian man uses forklift to remove parked cars blocking his shop | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:04
techrights-newsT.S.M.C and the Power of a Single Company ☞ 25 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Opinion | T.S.M.C and the Power of a Single Company - The New York TimesJan 25 17:05
techrights-newsHow Philly’s orchestra became a rare link between China and the US ☞ 25 17:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How Philly’s orchestra became a rare link between China and the US - CSMonitor.comJan 25 17:05
techrights-newsIt would be a big deal if China's warships went through Gulf of Mexico, but USA does not threaten to storm and take over Cuba/Mexico ☞ 25 17:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | China slams US ‘provocation’ in Taiwan Strait, pledges further drills | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:06
techrights-newsJapan business leaders return to China seeking to bolster cooperation ☞ 25 17:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Japan business leaders return to China seeking to bolster cooperation | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:07
techrights-newsClean energy largest driver of Chinese GDP growth in 2023: Report ☞ 25 17:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Clean energy largest driver of Chinese GDP growth in 2023: Report | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:08
techrights-newsWild panda population nearly doubles as China steps up conservation efforts ☞ 25 17:09
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Wild panda population nearly doubles as China steps up conservation efforts | The Straits TimesJan 25 17:09
techrights-newsHow China is regulating robotaxis ☞ 25 17:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How China is regulating robotaxis | MIT Technology ReviewJan 25 17:10
techrights-news"Wealthy Chinese immigrants have been used as infiltration tools for the Chinese Communist Party, say experts." ☞ 25 17:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Australia cuts off channel for China’s rich to shift assets offshore — Radio Free AsiaJan 25 17:14
techrights-newsUN Human Rights Council examines peer review of China human rights record ☞ 25 17:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UN Human Rights Council examines peer review of China human rights record - JURIST - NewsJan 25 17:15
techrights-newsTop Hong Kong court overturns Tiananmen activist Chow Hang-tung’s acquittal over 2021 remembrance vigil ☞ 25 17:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Top HK court overturns Tiananmen vigil activist's acquittalJan 25 17:17
techrights-newsRandom Number Generation By Brain ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 25 17:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Random Number Generation By Brain | HackadayJan 25 17:19
techrights-newsMicrosoft staff must be really nervous right now. In one division 10%+ laid off today. And wait... it's not like only this one division does poorly. Almost every other division does really poorly, so what will protect the jobs there? Expect more divisions to be affected shortly.Jan 25 17:23
techrights-newsEconomists' council: Five things for the government to improve in economic policy ☞ 25 17:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Economists' council: Five things for the government to improve in economic policy | Yle News | YleJan 25 17:26
techrights-newsOppo, Nokia sign 5G patent monopoly cross-licensing agreement ☞,-nokia-sign-5g-patent-cross-licensing-agreement.htmlJan 25 17:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-iTWire - Oppo, Nokia sign 5G patent cross-licensing agreementJan 25 17:30
techrights-news"Missing the feel of physical keys on your phone, but not ready to give up your fancy new touchscreen phone? [Dakkaron] has attached a BlackBerry keyboard to a slightly more recent device." ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 25 17:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FairBerry Brings The PKB Back To Your Smartphone | HackadayJan 25 17:30
techrights-newsiPhone’s Average Life Will Be 8 Years ☞ 25 17:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tech Trends for 2024: Generative AI Models Will Get Smaller & Much MoreJan 25 17:31
techrights-newsJanuary 2024 Projects ☞ 25 17:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | January 2024 ProjectsJan 25 17:31
techrights-newsCrokinole and Ready Five Dexterity Game Review gemini:// 25 17:33
techrights-news"I know there are plenty of static site generators for Gemini already, but I decided to write one of my own, specifically for me to use for this capsule." gemini:// 25 17:34
techrights-newsIt’s time to rethink GovCon pricing to align with post-pandemic reality ☞ 25 17:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | It’s time to rethink GovCon pricing to align with post-pandemic realityJan 25 17:35
techrights-news"as much as 15% of pandemic-era unemployment spending went to fraudsters"☞ 25 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This line of federal improper spending is among the most gallingJan 25 17:36
techrights-newsHow “the Élite” Became the Most Convenient Straw Man in Politics ☞ 25 17:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How “the Élite” Became the Most Convenient Straw Man in Politics | The New YorkerJan 25 17:36
techrights-newsFLOSS Weekly Episode 767 ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 25 17:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FLOSS Weekly Episode 767: Owntracks, Are We There Yet? | HackadayJan 25 17:37
techrights-newsCopyright ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 17:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Copyright In Legal Documents Back On The Docket | TechdirtJan 25 17:39
techrights-newsCISAC President Björn Ulvaeus Seeks Greater Hey Hi (AI) Protections with Belgian Prime Minister ☞ 25 17:39
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jan 25 17:39
techrights-newsThe YouTube Boogie ☞ 25 17:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Piano Livestream That Became A Culture WarJan 25 17:40
techrights-newsFreeTube – privacy-based YouTube app ☞ 25 17:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-FreeTube - privacy-based YouTube app - LinuxLinksJan 25 17:41
techrights-newsMastering Date Calculations in R: A Guide to Calculating Months with Base R and lubridate ☞ 25 17:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mastering Date Calculations in R: A Guide to Calculating Months with Base R and lubridate | R-bloggersJan 25 17:42
techrights-newsInstalling Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04 ☞ 25 17:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Installing Anaconda on Ubuntu 24.04 - Linux Tutorials - Learn Linux ConfigurationJan 25 17:43
techrights-newsParrot 6.0 Launches with Updated Tools and Debian 12 Base ☞ 25 17:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Parrot 6.0 Launches with Updated Tools and Debian 12 BaseJan 25 17:43
techrights-newsGEEKOM Mini IT12 Review – Part 3: Ubuntu 22.04 GNU/Linux on an defective chip maker Intel Core i7-12650H mini computer ☞ 25 17:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GEEKOM Mini IT12 Review - Part 3: Ubuntu 22.04 Linux on an Intel Core i7-12650H mini computer - CNX SoftwareJan 25 17:43
techrights-newsHackers Use SYSTEMBC Tool To Maintain Access To Compromised Network ☞ 25 17:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Hackers Use SYSTEMBC Tool To Maintain Access To Compromised Network | LinuxSe...Jan 25 17:44
techrights-news"GNU/Linux PRIME on-demand profile and GPU pinning for the native build and WINE installation, some other tips and tricks, and more. Have fun."☞ 25 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | SketchUp, Maxwell Render, GPU tricks (Nvidia, hybrid setup)Jan 25 17:45
techrights-newsThe 6 best PowerPoint alternatives for GNU/Linux users ☞ 25 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The 6 Best PowerPoint Alternatives for Linux UsersJan 25 17:45
techrights-news10 practical examples to master appending in Bash arrays ☞ 25 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | 10 Practical Examples to Learn Appending in Bash ArraysJan 25 17:45
techrights-newsHarnessing the Power of Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Ubuntu ☞ 25 17:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Ubuntu | Linux JournalJan 25 17:45
techrights-news4 Best Free and Open Source Bitcoin Clients ☞ 25 17:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-4 Best Free and Open Source Bitcoin Clients - LinuxLinksJan 25 17:47
techrights-newsClickfraud SPAMNIL publishing SPAM for Zemlin and Microsoft: "Open Source Will Be Key To Building Trust And Transparency In 2024 | Hilary Carter – 'Linux' Foundation". What Transparency??? The so-called 'Linux' Foundation is secretive and corrupt.Jan 25 17:48
techrights-newsFirefox 122 Release Includes Official DEB for Ubuntu Distros ☞ 25 17:48
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Firefox 122 Release Includes Official DEB for U... » Linux MagazineJan 25 17:48
techrights-newsFwupd 1.9.12 released on proprietary Microsoft platform. Why trust Fwupd? It's ICBM/TPM 25 17:49
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNOME (IBM/Red Hat Staff) Promoting Microsoft's 'Security' Scam With the 'Secure' Boot ShamJan 25 17:49
techrights-newsMicrosoft Layoffs Hit 8% of Workforce 25 17:52
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft Layoffs Hit 8% of Workforce, Affecting 1,900 RolesJan 25 17:52
techrights-newsXbox dying? see 25 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is Xbox Retreating? Layoffs Raise Concerns About Microsoft's Console Future - TechStoryJan 25 17:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Microsoft Was Trying to Buy Activision and 'Look Big' in 2022 (XBox Was Failing, XBox as a Whole Might Die Soon)Jan 25 17:53
techrights-newsFOSS Weekly #24.04: Huawei's 'Better Than GNU/Linux Kernel', CP/M OS, Firefox as Deb and More ☞ 25 17:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | FOSS Weekly #24.04: Huawei's 'Better Than Linux Kernel', CP/M OS, Firefox as Deb and MoreJan 25 17:54
techrights-newsFSF Blogs: Thank you for a successful fundraiser! ☞ 25 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thank you for a successful fundraiser! — Free Software Foundation — Working together for free softwareJan 25 17:56
techrights-newsparallel @ Savannah: GNU Parallel 20240122 ('Frederik X') released ☞ 25 17:56
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | GNU Parallel - News [Savannah]Jan 25 17:56
techrights-newsHow to Setup PHP, MySQL, and Nginx Using Docker Compose ☞ 25 17:57
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How to Setup PHP, MySQL, and Nginx Using Docker ComposeJan 25 17:57
techrights-newsInstalling PET packages in XBPS-managed system ☞ 25 18:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Installing PET packages in XBPS-managed systemJan 25 18:00
techrights-newsFacebook AdsManager Targeted by a Python Infostealer, (Thu, Jan 25th) ☞ 25 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Facebook AdsManager Targeted by a Python Infostealer - SANS Internet Storm CenterJan 25 18:01
techrights-newsOrca Flags Dangerous Surveillance Giant Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfiguration ☞ 25 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Orca Flags Dangerous Google Kubernetes Engine Misconfiguration - SecurityWeekJan 25 18:01
techrights-newsDocker, Inc. Delivers Cloud Service for Creating Software Builds ☞ 25 18:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Docker, Inc. Delivers Cloud Service for Creating Software Builds - Cloud Native NowJan 25 18:01
techrights-newsFedora working for Windows (Microsoft) ☞ 25 18:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | nbdkit binaries for Windows | Richard WM JonesJan 25 18:02
*danse-nr3 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)Jan 25 18:02
techrights-newsLas Vegas NV Gelato Meetup, 17 February 2024 ☞ 25 18:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Las Vegas NV Gelato Meetup, 17 February 2024 – Michael W LucasJan 25 18:03
techrights-newsBoost Your API Development: 6 Open-source Node.js Frameworks for GraphQL ☞ "It was developed by Facebook (Farcebook) in 2012 and released as an open-source project in 2015" Not really...Jan 25 18:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Boost Your API Development: 6 Open-source Node.js Frameworks for GraphQLJan 25 18:04
techrights-newsSimplify Date and Time Selection: Explore the Top 12 Libraries for React, jQuery, React Native, and Angular ☞ 25 18:05
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Simplify Date and Time Selection: Explore the Top 12 Libraries for React, jQuery, React Native, and AngularJan 25 18:05
techrights-newsArduino Alvik is a 3-wheel robot designed for STEAM education ☞ 25 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Arduino Alvik is a 3-wheel robot designed for STEAM education - CNX SoftwareJan 25 18:06
techrights-newsMixing C++ and Rust for Fun and Profit: Part 2 ☞ 25 18:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Mixing C++ and Rust for Fun and Profit: Part 2 - KDAB %Jan 25 18:06
techrights-newsCelebrating our 2023 open-source contributions ☞ 25 18:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Celebrating our 2023 open-source contributions | Trail of Bits BlogJan 25 18:07
techrights-newsSo port it to BSD and GNU/Linux (they have picked GPL and AGPL) 25 18:10
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Zed is now open sourceJan 25 18:10
techrights-newsSignet Bank to extend capital markets education project ☞ 25 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Signet Bank to extend capital markets education project / ArticleJan 25 18:11
techrights-newsSwedbank Latvia reports doubled profits in 2023 ☞ 25 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Swedbank Latvia reports doubled profits in 2023 / ArticleJan 25 18:11
techrights-newsHave you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5? ☞ 25 18:11
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Have you seen the schematics for the Fairphone 5? - FairphoneJan 25 18:11
techrights-newsSettlement season continues as Nokia and Oppo end global patent monopoly battle ☞ 25 18:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Settlement season continues as Nokia and Oppo end global patent battle - JUVE PatentJan 25 18:13
MinceR(audio) 25 18:14
techrights-newsUPC is illegal, but JUVE took bribes to promote it and try to 'legitimise' this attack on actual constitutions. This merely destabilises the EU by associating it with high-level corruption. ☞ 25 18:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Ireland has UPC in sights as country confirms referendum date - JUVE PatentJan 25 18:14
techrights-newsEuropean Patent Office Outsourced to Abusive Monopolist Microsoft (US), Dooming Confidentiality With Back-Doored Toys Such as SharePoint and OneDrive (updated) ☞ 25 18:14
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — European Patent Office Outsourced to Microsoft (US), Dooming Confidentiality With Back-Doored Toys Such as SharePoint and OneDriveJan 25 18:14
techrights-newsUK – Merck seeks SPC relying on the law as set out in Neurim ☞ 25 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UK - Merck seeks SPC relying on the law as set out in Neurim - Kluwer Patent BlogJan 25 18:16
techrights-newsLuis Villa: After Ex-Twitter ☞ 25 18:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | After Twitter – Luis Villa: Open Tech and PolicyJan 25 18:16
techrights-newsRobot: You Keep Using That Word But It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 25 18:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Robot: You Keep Using That Word But It Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Means | HackadayJan 25 18:17
techrights-newscalculator ☛ | Source: HackadayJan 25 18:17
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Upgrading At Least One Component Of A TI Calculator | HackadayJan 25 18:17
techrights-newsStatue toppled as Australians reckon with bloody past ☞ 25 18:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Statue toppled as Australians reckon with bloody past | The Straits TimesJan 25 18:19
techrights-newsTesla shares drop on missed earnings and revenue in fourth quarter ☞ 25 18:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Tesla shares drop on missed earnings and revenue in fourth quarter - SiliconANGLEJan 25 18:21
techrights-newsThis program trains journalists and independent media houses to become sustainable ☞ 25 18:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | This program trains journalists and independent media houses to become sustainable - TechzimJan 25 18:25
techrights-newsplagiarism debate ☞ 25 18:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Pokemon Co to defend intellectual property after viral game sparks plagiarism debate | The Straits TimesJan 25 18:26
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Qwant Starts Demanding JavaScript ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Qwant Starts Demanding JavaScriptJan 25 18:38
techrights-news"HEY HI" lipstick on LAYOFFS ☞ 25 18:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SAP announces major restructuring plan affecting 8,000 jobs - SiliconANGLEJan 25 18:40
techrights-newsNope, it LAYS OFF, not "restructures" ☞ 25 18:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-SAP shares soar as company restructures and doubles down on AI - SiliconANGLEJan 25 18:41
schestowitz[TR]"Jan 25 18:43
schestowitz[TR]Windows 11 didn't work on the games so they were firedJan 25 18:43
schestowitz[TR]"Jan 25 18:43
techrights-newsMarina Abramovic, mate of Microsoft ☞ 25 18:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | MoMA Sued by Artist Who Performed Nude in Marina Abramovic Work - The New York TimesJan 25 18:44
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Why Does Microsoft Even Want to Associate With Satanic Ritual Cults and Marina Abramović?Jan 25 18:44
techrights-news"unconstitutional" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 18:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-After Inexplicably Allowing Unconstitutional Book Ban To Stay Alive For Six Months, The Fifth Circuit Finally Shuts It Down | TechdirtJan 25 18:45
techrights-news"On February, 19, 2021, the government — taking the form of Nevada State Troopers (and an assist via phone by the DEA) — stole former Marine Stephen Lara’s life savings." ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 18:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Court Says Marine Vet’s Lawsuit Against Nevada’s Forfeiture Laws Can Move Forward | TechdirtJan 25 18:45
techrights-newsCan an American Hold the United Arab Emirates Responsible for a Smear Campaign? ☞ 25 18:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Can an American Hold the United Arab Emirates Responsible for a Smear Campaign? | The New YorkerJan 25 18:45
techrights-newsMan Jailed, Raped, and Beaten After False Facial Recognition Match, $10M Lawsuit Alleges ☞ 25 18:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Man Jailed, Raped, and Beaten After False Facial Recognition Match, $10M Lawsuit AllegesJan 25 18:46
techrights-newsTop universities agree to settle financial aid suit for $104.5 million ☞ 25 18:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Top universities agree to settle financial aid suit for $104.5 million – KentWiredJan 25 18:47
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Software: Bitcoin Clients, FreeTube, and More ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Software: Bitcoin Clients, FreeTube, and MoreJan 25 18:50
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 HowTos  ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:50
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's howtosJan 25 18:50
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:51
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Security LeftoversJan 25 18:51
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Linux Graphics Stack: Mesa 24.0.0-rc3 and Etnaviv NPU Update 15 ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:53
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Linux Graphics Stack: Mesa 24.0.0-rc3 and Etnaviv NPU Update 15Jan 25 18:53
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Proprietary Agenda and Microsoft Interference ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:55
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Proprietary Agenda and Microsoft InterferenceJan 25 18:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 18:58
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — today's leftoversJan 25 18:58
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Free, Libre Software News ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 19:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Free, Libre Software NewsJan 25 19:00
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Open Hardware: FairBerry, Fairphone, Arduino ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 19:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Open Hardware: FairBerry, Fairphone, ArduinoJan 25 19:00
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Programming Leffovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 19:01
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Programming LeffoversJan 25 19:01
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 25/01/2024: Concerns About Future of Xbox ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 19:03
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Techrights — Links 25/01/2024: Concerns About Future of XboxJan 25 19:03
techrights-newsActivision layoffs sour mood ahead of Microsoft’s 2Q report 25 19:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Activision layoffs sour mood ahead of Microsoft’s 2Q report | NASDAQ:MSFTJan 25 19:06
techrights-newsBlizzard has canceled its unnamed survival game as part of Microsoft's gaming layoffs 25 19:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Blizzard has canceled its unnamed survival game as part of Microsoft's gaming layoffs - NeowinJan 25 19:06
techrights-newsMicrosoft cancels Blizzard's survival game amid layoffs, shifts developers to "one of several promising new projects" [UPDATED] 25 19:07
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft cancels Blizzard's survival game amid layoffs | Windows CentralJan 25 19:07
techrights-newsKyrgyz Security Committee Refuses Request From Media Outlet To Reopen Offices After Search ☞ 25 19:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Kyrgyz Security Committee Refuses Request From Media Outlet To Reopen Offices After SearchJan 25 19:12
techrights-newsTwo Iranian Protesters Who Were Partially Blinded By Security Forces Detained ☞ 25 19:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Two Iranian Protesters Who Were Partially Blinded By Security Forces DetainedJan 25 19:13
techrights-newsUN experts call for all charges against Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai to be dropped ☞ 25 19:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Drop charges against Hong Kong's Jimmy Lai - UN expertsJan 25 19:13
*admfubar has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Jan 25 19:13
techrights-newsHong Kong’s no.2 official defends city’s human rights record at UN review, as NGOs urge repeal of security law ☞ 25 19:13
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NGOs urge repeal of HK security law at UN human rights reviewJan 25 19:13
techrights-newsOSS Security Sessions & FOSDEM Survival Guide ☞ 25 19:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSS Security Sessions & FOSDEM Survival Guide - Open Source Security FoundationJan 25 19:15
*admfubar (~admfubar@ngqaam7baxnug.irc) has joined #techrightsJan 25 19:15
techrights-newsMenlo Security reports significant increase in browser-based phishing attacks in 2023 ☞ 25 19:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Menlo Security reports significant increase in browser-based phishing attacks in 2023 - SiliconANGLEJan 25 19:16
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☞ 25 19:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Major US, UK Water Companies Hit by Ransomware - SecurityWeekJan 25 19:19
Sompi 25 19:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Critical bug that exists in every Linux boot loader signed in the past decade | Hacker NewsJan 25 19:19
schestowitz[TR]MicrosoftJan 25 19:19
schestowitz[TR]and Matthew garrettJan 25 19:19
schestowitz[TR]"trust"Jan 25 19:19
schestowitz[TR]"signed"Jan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR]no, thanksJan 25 19:20
SompiYes, Microsoft and UEFI prevents fixing that bug because Microsoft won't sign GPLv3 softwareJan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR]I trust myselfJan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR]signed by Ballmer and Billy GoatsJan 25 19:20
SompiAgain an example why the so-called "secure boot" does not work with free softwareJan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR] 25 19:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UEFIJan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR] 25 19:20
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft and the NSAJan 25 19:20
schestowitz[TR]the goal is MOT securityJan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]*NOTJan 25 19:21
SompiThe main problem is not that there is a vulnerability or bug, the main problem is that Microsoft and UEFI secure boot prevent fixing itJan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]it is about saddling "Jan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]Linux"Jan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]with remote controlsJan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]so they can do remotee changesJan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]at a lower levelJan 25 19:21
schestowitz[TR]before you even start your OS of choiceJan 25 19:21
techrights-news340,000 Jason’s Deli Customers Potentially Impacted by Credential Stuffing Attack ☞ 25 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-340,000 Jason's Deli Customers Potentially Impacted by Credential Stuffing Attack - SecurityWeekJan 25 19:22
MinceR25 202045 <+Sompi> Again an example why the so-called "secure boot" does not work with free softwareJan 25 19:22
MinceRor with anything elseJan 25 19:22
techrights-newsWindows TCO ☞ 25 19:22
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-PoC Code Published for Just-Disclosed Fortra GoAnywhere Vulnerability - SecurityWeekJan 25 19:22
techrights-newsPwn2Own Automotive: Hackers Earn Over $700k for Tesla, EV Charger, Infotainment Exploits ☞ 25 19:23
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Pwn2Own Automotive: Hackers Earn Over $700k for Tesla, EV Charger, Infotainment Exploits - SecurityWeekJan 25 19:23
techrights-newsYou should _NEVER_ have to connect a car to the Internet. Phone inside the car? OK, it least the phone does not control the car.Jan 25 19:23
techrights-newsCongressional repeal of Social Security’s ‘evil twins’ nears finish line ☞ 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Congressional repeal of Social Security’s ‘evil twins’ nears finish lineJan 25 19:25
schestowitz[TR]<MinceR> or with anything elseJan 25 19:25
schestowitz[TR]it works FOR some orgsJan 25 19:25
schestowitz[TR]but not the users' interestsJan 25 19:25
schestowitz[TR] 25 19:25
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | UEFI Apologists Versus Germany's Government Judgment on UEFI InsecurityJan 25 19:25
MinceRpretty sure it doesn't make those orgs secure eitherJan 25 19:26
MinceRnot that they careJan 25 19:26
schestowitz[TR] 25 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Governments-Connected 'Hacking Team' Targets UEFI, Reveal LeaksJan 25 19:26
SompiOf course not, but it prevents the users from booting unauthorized softwareJan 25 19:26
schestowitz[TR] 25 19:26
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | ~$10,000 Per Windows Desktop Per Year in the British Government, and Microsoft Wants to Deny Us ChoiceJan 25 19:26
techrights-newsDirk Eddelbuettel: qlcal 0.0.10 on CRAN: Calendar Updates ☞ 25 19:27
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Thinking inside the boxJan 25 19:27
schestowitz-pi schestowitz-TR2 schestowitz[TR] someloaf Sompi svenn Jan 25 19:27
schestowitz[TR]nsaware is authorisedJan 25 19:27
schestowitz-pi schestowitz-TR2 schestowitz[TR] someloaf Sompi svenn Jan 25 19:27
schestowitz[TR]Sompi: like WindowsJan 25 19:27
schestowitz[TR]not controlled by nsa?Jan 25 19:27
schestowitz[TR]watch out!Jan 25 19:27
techrights-newsChromium 121 for Slackware… don’t hold your breath ☞ 25 19:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Chromium 121 for Slackware… don’t hold your breath – Alien PasturesJan 25 19:28
techrights-newsChrome 121 Patches 17 Vulnerabilities ☞ 25 19:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Chrome 121 Patches 17 Vulnerabilities - SecurityWeekJan 25 19:28
techrights-newsMicrosoft confirms backdoored Windows 10 Sysprep.exe error 0x80073cf2 after installing KB5032278 ☞ 25 19:30
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Microsoft confirms Windows 10 Sysprep.exe error 0x80073cf2 after installing KB5032278 - NeowinJan 25 19:30
*GNUmoon has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Jan 25 19:30
techrights-newsEU unfit for purpose when it comes to corporate crimes; it's just there to serve foreign monopolies, or so it sometimes seems (EPO is one example of this) ☞ 25 19:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Report claims Microsoft Bing and Edge will avoid regulation from the EU Digital Markets Act - NeowinJan 25 19:31
techrights-newsBing’s search market share fails to budge despite big Hey Hi (AI) push ☞ 25 19:32
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Bing's search market share fails to budge despite big AI push | ZDNETJan 25 19:32
techrights-newsMore Sources Confirm Digital Music News’ Report on Fashion Company Apple Music’s Elevated Spatial Audio Royalty Payouts — With More Details on Rates ☞ 25 19:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jan 25 19:34
techrights-news"Spotify is returning its focus to the European market following roadblocks in the U.S. surrounding its efforts to end the ‘Apple Tax.’ Spotify was one a European exclusive service—now some features will only be available there again." ☞ 25 19:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- ( status 520 @ )Jan 25 19:35
techrights-newsRenesas releases the DA14592, a new dual-core Cortex-M33/M0+ BLE chip with integrated flash ☞ 25 19:36
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Renesas releases the DA14592, a new dual-core Cortex-M33/M0+ BLE chip with integrated flash - CNX SoftwareJan 25 19:36
techrights-newsGraphical Monitoring of Statistics Shared by Processes ☞ 25 19:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Graphical Monitoring of Statistics Shared by Processes - YottaDBJan 25 19:37
techrights-newsPoisoning Hey Hi (AI) Models ☞ 25 19:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Poisoning AI Models - Schneier on SecurityJan 25 19:38
techrights-newsVietnam prison disciplines inmate for ‘insulting officers’ dignity’ ☞ 25 19:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Vietnam prison disciplines inmate for ‘insulting officers’ dignity’ — Radio Free AsiaJan 25 19:41
techrights-newsHong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai wanted English edition of Fashion Company Apple Daily to be ‘more’ anti-China, ex-publisher says ☞ 25 19:41
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Jimmy Lai wanted English edition of Apple Daily to be 'more' anti-ChinaJan 25 19:41
techrights-newsThrough the Cheval Glass: Reproduction in the Photographs of Clementina Hawarden ☞ 25 19:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Through the Cheval Glass: Reproduction in the Photographs of Clementina Hawarden – The Public Domain ReviewJan 25 19:42
techrights-newsHow Bad User Interfaces Make Security Tools Harmful, (Wed, Jan 24th) ☞ 25 19:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | How Bad User Interfaces Make Security Tools Harmful - SANS Internet Storm CenterJan 25 19:42
techrights-newsIs it harder to sell games on steam in 2023? ☞ 25 19:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Is it harder to sell games on steam in 2023? – Cliffski's BlogJan 25 19:43
techrights-newsGames in Steam are rented, not soldJan 25 19:44
techrights-newsWaveshare ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28 development board with 1.28-inch IPS round LCD is available for $15 ☞ 25 19:45
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Waveshare ESP32-S3-LCD-1.28 development board with 1.28-inch IPS round LCD is available for $15 - CNX SoftwareJan 25 19:45
techrights-newsPalworld got a working Pokemon conversion mod, and Nintendo's lawyers struck immediately ☞ 25 19:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Palworld got a working Pokemon conversion mod, and Nintendo's lawyers struck immediately | Tom's HardwareJan 25 19:46
techrights-news"Censorial, Racist Shitheads" ☛ | Source: TechdirtJan 25 19:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Investigative Report Proves What Most People Already Suspected: The ‘War On Woke & DEI’ Mostly Pushed By A Bunch Of Censorial, Racist Shitheads | TechdirtJan 25 19:46
techrights-newsSri Lanka passes controversial Online Safety Bill ☞ 25 19:46
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Sri Lanka passes controversial Online Safety Bill - JURIST - NewsJan 25 19:46
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Security Leftovers ⇨ | ♾ Gemini address: gemini:// ∎Jan 25 19:47
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Tux Machines — Security LeftoversJan 25 19:47
MinceR 25 20:08
Sompi 25 21:16
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Using alternative browser engines in the European Union - Support - Apple DeveloperJan 25 21:16
Sompi"only authorized developers"Jan 25 21:16
MinceRbetter idea: buy a less shitty phoneJan 25 21:18
Sompihow is that even legalJan 25 21:19
MinceR¯\_(ツ)_/¯Jan 25 21:19
SompiI mean, if I buy a compooting device, surely I should be allowed to write programs for it...Jan 25 21:19
MinceRthere's no point in using the state to force crApple to build a halfway decent product when decent products are already availableJan 25 21:19
MinceRyou shouldJan 25 21:19
MinceRbut the people who run this failed society believe otherwiseJan 25 21:19
Sompiand apple talking about "security" is ridiculous when their devices have actual easily exploitable zero-click vulnerabilities in themJan 25 21:28
MinceRindeedJan 25 21:28
Sompitheir devices would be safer without that boot-locking stuffJan 25 21:28
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Jan 25 22:02
DaemonFC[1/25/24 3:19 pm] <Sompi> I mean, if I buy a compooting device, surely I should be allowed to write programs for it...Jan 25 23:41
DaemonFCThey are serious that you can't. And don't call me Shirley.Jan 25 23:41
DaemonFCThat would be Brandon Lobsta's second choice.Jan 25 23:41
*Adran has quit (Quit: Este é o fim.)Jan 25 23:42
*Adran has quit (Quit: Este é o fim.)Jan 25 23:42
DaemonFCschestowitz[TR]: Didn't you read the latest BillPR?Jan 25 23:43
DaemonFCEconomy fantastic. GDP YUGE.Jan 25 23:43
DaemonFCNothing to see here.Jan 25 23:43
DaemonFCWhat layoffs? Move along.Jan 25 23:43
DaemonFCSparkFun Electronics ☛ Dumpster Dive is BackJan 25 23:43
DaemonFCFor Lobsta.Jan 25 23:43
DaemonFCI could see him having a promising career in selling people's plumbing to pay for his back child support.Jan 25 23:44
DaemonFCI don't know what else.Jan 25 23:44
DaemonFCMinceR: Did you see those two that brought down a country music station's radio tower in Oklahoma and did $500,000 in damage trying to steal $300 of copper wiring?Jan 25 23:45
MinceRnoJan 25 23:46
DaemonFCMost radio stations are now owned by three companies.Jan 25 23:46
DaemonFCThere's a lot of debt because they hired conservative talk radio personalities at huge salaries and then the advertisers bailed.Jan 25 23:47
*Adran (~adran@freenode-vmv.uk2.49h416.IP) has joined #techrightsJan 25 23:49
*Adran (~adran@freenode-vmv.uk2.49h416.IP) has joined #techrightsJan 25 23:49
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsJan 25 23:50

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