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IRC: #techrights @ FreeNode: Monday, September 28, 2020

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Narrator 28 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SimpsonsOps: That's a big oof right there @memenetes 28 00:02
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SimpsonsOps: That's a big oof right there @memenetes 28 00:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 27/9/2020: Puppy Linux 9.5, Nitrux 1.3.3 []Sep 28 00:03
Narrator 28 00:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SimpsonsOps: You don't need to understand the code to use the code 😎 28 00:04
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@SimpsonsOps: You don't need to understand the code to use the code 😎 28 00:04
Narrator 28 00:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@AdamPrzybyla: 28 00:06
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights--> | (PDF) Postmodern Software DevelopmentSep 28 00:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Today in Techrights []Sep 28 00:09
schestowitz>> No amount of smiles from its new Pres can save them.Sep 28 00:18
schestowitz> Sep 28 00:18
schestowitz> Who said anything about OSI? This is about Github. Yes, I know, you wereSep 28 00:18
schestowitz> talking about OSI. I was talking about Github. Technically, we wereSep 28 00:18
schestowitz> talking about both, but OSI was the smaller part of that.Sep 28 00:18
schestowitzBoth are involved.Sep 28 00:18
schestowitzcontext: 28 00:19
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | OSI President: Most or Half of the OSI’s Money (Even Individual Donors’ Money) Goes to a Microsoft-Led Initiative | TechrightsSep 28 00:19
schestowitz 28 00:24
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-People · ClearlyDefined · GitHubSep 28 00:24
Narratorwell, the software has been created time to harvest Sep 28 00:24
schestowitzabout half the people are Microsoft staffSep 28 00:25
schestowitzThey've taken over OSISep 28 00:25
MinceR 28 00:25
Narratoryou know it was commons , commons need to be privatlizedSep 28 00:26
schestowitzif that's a "goal"Sep 28 00:27
Narratorsorry , have to be privatized Sep 28 00:28
Narratorwell, the gool is to make more moneySep 28 00:30
Narrator 28 00:31
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Quote by Douglas Adams: “This planet has - or rather had - a problem, wh...”Sep 28 00:31
Narratorthere is a problem - we need to make more moneySep 28 00:32
NarratorI wonder when they privatize wikipediaSep 28 00:33
MinceRwhen it becomes the cheapest way of pushing their propaganda through itSep 28 00:34
Narratorwell, today we have no propaganda ;-)Sep 28 00:34
MinceRi.e. not as long as their troll hordes doing revert wars still achieve the purpose and it's cheaper than buying wikimediaSep 28 00:34
MinceRmaybe they don't do it yet, i don't knowSep 28 00:35
Narratorwe have ... ;-)Sep 28 00:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Cambridge Analytica - WikipediaSep 28 00:35
MinceRothers certainly doSep 28 00:35
Narratorwe don;t need to alter informationSep 28 00:35
MinceRpresumably the redmond mafia thinks there's enough distance between them and cambridge analytica :>Sep 28 00:36
Narratorthat was old method ... 1984 is obsolete;-)Sep 28 00:36
MinceRi wish it wasSep 28 00:37
Narratorbtw, long time ago i had altered some books Sep 28 00:37
MinceRafaict, for the most part, 1984 is only getting startedSep 28 00:37
Narratorit was during my military service Sep 28 00:37
MinceRrecently the government of nazi hungary saw fit to take over the biggest news portal in hungarySep 28 00:38
Narratorit was during polish "revolution";-)Sep 28 00:38
MinceRthey're also taking down the last remaining credible radio stationSep 28 00:39
Narratorwell, hungary is independent Sep 28 00:39
MinceRi wish it wasSep 28 00:39
MinceRit's a russian colony againSep 28 00:39
MinceRas it was before 1990Sep 28 00:39
Narratorrelly?Sep 28 00:39
MinceRyeahSep 28 00:39
MinceRthe fascists are also shutting down democracy in uhmericaSep 28 00:39
Narratordo you live in hungary ?Sep 28 00:40
MinceRtheir takeover of the supreme court is underwaySep 28 00:40
MinceRi doSep 28 00:40
Narratorwhen ?Sep 28 00:40
MinceRwhen what?Sep 28 00:40
Narratorwhen do you live in hungary ?Sep 28 00:41
MinceRi've lived in this shithole for most of my life, including right nowSep 28 00:41
Narratorok:)Sep 28 00:41
Narratordo you think that other have better situation?;-)Sep 28 00:43
MinceRindeedSep 28 00:43
MinceRbut perhaps not for longSep 28 00:43
Narratorremember, it could be the same situation as in ukraina Sep 28 00:46
MinceRukrainians are more willing to fight for their freedom than hungariansSep 28 00:46
XRevan86MinceR: Well, Yanukovich fscked upSep 28 00:48
Narratorwell, freedoem to burn some peoples alive Sep 28 00:48
XRevan86not sure how everything would've turned out if he hadn'tSep 28 00:48
Narratorthey have civil war ...Sep 28 00:49
Narratorwell, probably you don't know what you talk about ...Sep 28 00:49
XRevan86MinceR: And Zelensky is not looking very hot right now. What's happening around that? Not much.Sep 28 00:49
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.9 RC7 []Sep 28 00:50
Narratorzelensky is a pupet of one of the oligarch Sep 28 00:50
XRevan86I find it amazing that everyone votes into Parliament the party that the president went with.Sep 28 00:50
MinceR:>Sep 28 00:50
MinceRmaybe they trust the presidentSep 28 00:50
Narrator:)Sep 28 00:50
MinceRor they just cheat at electionsSep 28 00:50
XRevan86MinceR: No, unlikely.Sep 28 00:50
XRevan86the latterSep 28 00:50
MinceRwhich one?Sep 28 00:50
MinceRahSep 28 00:51
XRevan86And in the Zelensky's case that party was made up on the spot, it's just ludicrious.Sep 28 00:51
XRevan86The name is the best part.Sep 28 00:51
NarratorMinceR: sometimes the strong governments is a good thing;-)Sep 28 00:51
XRevan86The party is called The Servant of the People. Why? People the TV show that starred Zelensky was called that.Sep 28 00:51
XRevan86* Because the TV showSep 28 00:51
Narratorthis guy is a good actor ;-)Sep 28 00:52
XRevan86It's a Designated Survivor kind of TV series.Sep 28 00:52
XRevan86has very good ratings, I think it's still goingSep 28 00:52
XRevan86It just kills me.Sep 28 00:53
Narratorit's populism Sep 28 00:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LibreOffice 10th Anniversary []Sep 28 00:56
*willyg_cos ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 00:56
MinceR28 015147 < Narrator> MinceR: sometimes the strong governments is a good thing;-)Sep 28 00:56
MinceRyes, when they consist of people you only find in fictionSep 28 00:56
Narratori think that currently we have oligarchy in ukraine , probably they will be evaluate to something better i mean ... feudalism ... Sep 28 00:57
XRevan86So yea, that's how Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom: they keep fscking up, then they assemble on the main square and try to eject the corrupt government.Sep 28 00:57
MinceRor putler will decide he's not popular enough in russia and annex the rest of ukraineSep 28 00:57
XRevan86at least they do the last step, Russians still don't get the memoSep 28 00:58
MinceRXRevan86: better than what the hungarians are doingSep 28 00:58
MinceR(not that the CDU/CSU helping them so they can manufacture shitty german cars with cheap labor in hungary isn't making things worse...)Sep 28 00:59
Narratorwell, some part of ukraine dan;t want to be in that shit;-) they want to be in russia;-)Sep 28 00:59
MinceRyeah, for example the unlabelled russian soldiersSep 28 01:00
Narratorbtw, most of ukrainian speak russian Sep 28 01:00
XRevan86Narrator: Crimea got FUD'ed and now is in the middle of cognitive dissonanceSep 28 01:00
NarratorMinceR: are you sure?Sep 28 01:00
MinceRyeahSep 28 01:00
Narratordid you read information form both sides?Sep 28 01:00
MinceRyesSep 28 01:00
MinceRit's pretty much inevitable to read putler's propaganda, after allSep 28 01:01
XRevan86Narrator: He's referring to the "зелёные человечки"Sep 28 01:01
NarratoryesSep 28 01:01
MinceRespecially in a country he practically already ownsSep 28 01:01
Narratori know russianSep 28 01:01
Narratori can read different sources Sep 28 01:01
Narratornot only english one Sep 28 01:02
MinceRwhat difference does it make?Sep 28 01:02
MinceRRT is available in englishSep 28 01:02
MinceRputler's puppets publish in a variety of languages, including hungarySep 28 01:02
XRevan86"btw, most of ukrainian speak russian" – I honestly don't know the percentages, but if you mean "is or can pass as a native speaker", then it's close to 100%Sep 28 01:02
XRevan86if you mean "prefer Russian or don't know Ukrainian", then I don't knowSep 28 01:02
MinceRXRevan86: it's almost as if ukraine used to be part of a state that had russian as its official languageSep 28 01:03
XRevan86The Eastern regions, Odessa, Kiev mostly speak RussianSep 28 01:03
schestowitz[00:34] <MinceR> i.e. not as long as their troll hordes doing revert wars still achieve the purpose and it's cheaper than buying wikimediaSep 28 01:03
schestowitzyes, this is the presentSep 28 01:03
schestowitzesp. for some topicsSep 28 01:03
XRevan86MinceR: Right.Sep 28 01:03
XRevan86MinceR: And the languages are close, so assimilation is easy, in both directions.Sep 28 01:04
MinceRs/ary/arian/Sep 28 01:05
XRevan86Which pretty much drives the country into having a bilingual population.Sep 28 01:05
Narratorexactly the east is russian , the west ukrainian Sep 28 01:05
Narratormostly Sep 28 01:05
XRevan86Narrator: Better to clarify that you're pointing to languages in these cases :)Sep 28 01:06
XRevan86Putin: oh, thank you very much, nom-nom-nomSep 28 01:06
MinceR"What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable."Sep 28 01:07
Narrator 28 01:08
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Telesat Joins Microsoft, Nokia on Rural Broadband Consortium - Via Satellite -Sep 28 01:09
XRevan86I do wonder how things will end up with Crimea. Odds that it'll return to Ukraine are not good, unless something changes in a very unexpected way.Sep 28 01:09
*willyg_cos has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 28 01:09
MinceRnokia still haven't learned their lesson?Sep 28 01:09
*willyg_cos ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 01:10
NarratorXRevan86: well, it was 75% to 25% - tested on one of the news service in ukraine Sep 28 01:10
Narrator75 russianSep 28 01:10
XRevan86Narrator: What's the sauce?Sep 28 01:10
XRevan86Don't say 1+1Sep 28 01:10
Narratorukrainian to russian language on the popular ukrainian webpageSep 28 01:12
Narratori need to find it Sep 28 01:12
*rianne_ has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)Sep 28 01:15
XRevan86I mean, it wouldn't surprise me a whole lot.Sep 28 01:20
*willyg_cos has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 28 01:20
schestowitzanyone here fancies wiki curation for techrights?Sep 28 01:31
schestowitzthere are some topics that are spread all over the place and need indexingSep 28 01:32
schestowitzfor a clearer picture (overall)Sep 28 01:32
schestowitzneed to tidy those upSep 28 01:32
DaemonFC[m] 28 01:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Trump’s Taxes Show Chronic Losses and Years of Income Tax Avoidance - The New York TimesSep 28 01:37
schestowitzgood, so he will be arrested tonightSep 28 02:00
schestowitzright?Sep 28 02:00
*rianne ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 02:02
schestowitzDaemonFC[m]: can you proofread with me?Sep 28 02:05
DaemonFC[m]Oh, sorry. On the phone with mom.Sep 28 02:19
schestowitzit's OKSep 28 02:29
schestowitzit's done alreadySep 28 02:29
schestowitz 28 02:29
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Don’t Let Microsoft Make ‘Open Source’ Synonymous With Proprietary Monopoly GitHub | TechrightsSep 28 02:29
schestowitz 28 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@BrideOfLinux: But...but...but...without Windows, who can we blame our shortcomings on? Asking for a friend: Microsoft Windows is… 28 02:34
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-@BrideOfLinux: But...but...but...without Windows, who can we blame our shortcomings on? Asking for a friend: Microsoft Windows is… 28 02:34
schestowitz"But...but...but...without Windows, who can we blame our shortcomings on? Asking for a friend: Microsoft Windows is Obsolete"Sep 28 02:34
Chaekyungschestowitz: I think you sometimes write articles about subjects you are into with the assumption others are too.Sep 28 02:36
Chaekyungschestowitz: You may want to think about that when you write to improve. Sep 28 02:36
Chaekyungschestowitz: I don't read your site regularly, never have. Clicked on today, so that's a fine example of what I mean. After the brief into, Sep 28 02:37
ChaekyungMicrosoft has long attempted to control its competition, either by takeovers or infiltration. This is what we now see at the OSI.Sep 28 02:37
ChaekyungthenSep 28 02:37
ChaekyungClearlyDefined is so bad that it’s hosted and governed by Microsoft. It is managed by proprietary software of Microsoft and it is largely controlled by Microsoft.Sep 28 02:37
Chaekyungso first question that came to mind isSep 28 02:37
ChaekyungWhat's a "ClearlyDefined" and why would anyone even care?Sep 28 02:37
schestowitzthere are links in there?Sep 28 02:37
ChaekyungThat's where a few paragraphs very briefly explaining wtf it is would be helpfulSep 28 02:37
schestowitzI cannot re-introduce everything in every post?Sep 28 02:37
schestowitzit would slow things down to the point of doing too long articles... and few of them that repeat the same thing over and over againSep 28 02:38
schestowitzthere are at least 2 links there which explain more about itSep 28 02:38
schestowitzit's a licence labelerSep 28 02:39
schestowitzmostly, initially for githubSep 28 02:39
schestowitzChaekyung: I understand your point, don't get me wrongSep 28 02:41
schestowitzpeople can look things up or link throughSep 28 02:41
schestowitza wall of text with primers and all would not be any more appealing as many people are lazy in this social control media eraSep 28 02:41
ChaekyungPerhaps. Sep 28 02:42
ChaekyungI try to dumb things down and explain things most people wouldn't know since it's so hard to forget most people don't know things.Sep 28 02:43
Chaekyungbut it's also hard to know where to cut offfSep 28 02:43
Chaekyung"open a terminal and type foo"Sep 28 02:43
Chaekyungcan't bloody well explain how to open a terminal on every desktop environment every time, ehSep 28 02:44
ChaekyungBut I can say for sure that my old mother would not know wtf I'm on about if I write "open a terminal"Sep 28 02:44
*oarion7 (~anonymous@unaffiliated/oarion7) has joined #techrightsSep 28 02:44
schestowitzI think it boils down to the readers' levelSep 28 02:45
schestowitzassumption of what most know or don't knowSep 28 02:45
schestowitzto some you need to say,Sep 28 02:46
schestowitz"click on the icon at the top"Sep 28 02:46
schestowitz"then system"Sep 28 02:46
schestowitz"then terminal"Sep 28 02:46
schestowitz"click on the windows, then type..."Sep 28 02:46
schestowitzspoon-feeding them every stepSep 28 02:46
schestowitzwhat is OSI?Sep 28 02:46
schestowitzsome people don't knowSep 28 02:46
schestowitzthey might look it up and there are many things called OSISep 28 02:47
schestowitzSo this site might not be for these peopleSep 28 02:47
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Review: Linuxfx 10.6 []Sep 28 02:51
schestowitz"In the United States, approximately 11.1 percent of people under the age of 65 do not have health insurance."Sep 28 02:54
schestowitz 28 02:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-How to Choose a Comprehensive Health Insurance That Is Affordable - KAKESep 28 02:54
schestowitzI thought it was a lot more, DaemonFC[m]Sep 28 02:54
schestowitz88% have insurance?Sep 28 02:54
schestowitzand if so, what level of coverage?Sep 28 02:54
schestowitzare these numbers fudged?Sep 28 02:54
schestowitzlike unemployment figures?Sep 28 02:55
schestowitzwhich would disqualify all those who gave up looking or have failed to find work for 6 months?Sep 28 02:55
oarion7A lot of services are still unafforadable, even with insurance Sep 28 02:58
thddxthat's why it's considered the #1 driver of povertySep 28 03:06
thddxand food insecuritySep 28 03:06
schestowitz#1 cause of US bankruptcies (medical bills)Sep 28 03:09
schestowitzask DaemonFC[m]Sep 28 03:09
schestowitzin china and in the uk, to avoid over-prescribing there are some flat feesSep 28 03:10
schestowitza friend told me that in china you pay maybe 10% of the billSep 28 03:10
schestowitzin uk pharmacies there is a flat fee of about 9 pounds for prescriptions, except where there are medical exemptionsSep 28 03:11
schestowitzbut the best thing is, no surprise billsSep 28 03:11
schestowitzand you can sleep better at nigthSep 28 03:11
schestowitz(though you don't want to have health problems right now, coronavirus pushes capacity to the limits, so it's risky)Sep 28 03:12
thddxthat said, i'm unwilling to pay into our inflated system for the supposed security. i'd rather take the risk and take it upon myself to stay healthySep 28 03:12
schestowitzwait till winter flu kills more people than usual because coronavirus pushes hospitals' capacity to the limitSep 28 03:13
thddxyeah, no kiddingSep 28 03:13
schestowitzthddx: problem with that is,Sep 28 03:13
schestowitzyour privatised systems (not you personally)Sep 28 03:13
schestowitzis overpricedSep 28 03:13
schestowitzand if it's nationalised prices can be kept under controlSep 28 03:13
schestowitzdisservices/fee ratiosSep 28 03:13
thddxoh, i know. that's why i refuse to give them my moneySep 28 03:14
thddxeven when employed, i opt for barebones, high deductible plansSep 28 03:15
schestowitzdoes anyone know how to hide windows decs in gnome3?Sep 28 03:22
schestowitzthey're bloated and uglySep 28 03:22
schestowitzTweak gives no such optionSep 28 03:22
schestowitzthddx: I saw some examples of medical billsSep 28 03:22
schestowitztotally disproportional wrt to salaries and underlying expensesSep 28 03:22
schestowitzit's madness in the USSep 28 03:22
schestowitzmaybe here also, but UK passes this money more and more into small private companiesSep 28 03:23
schestowitzit's a dirty ploySep 28 03:23
schestowitzusing nhs budget to enrich people who bribe 'our' gov.Sep 28 03:23
thddxit's all fuckedSep 28 03:26
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "are these numbers fudged?"> Usually people qualify for at least Medicaid if they're broke.Sep 28 03:29
DaemonFC[m]ACA Medicaid will be available in 40 states and DC as soon as the constitutional amendment the voters of Missouri passed goes into effect.Sep 28 03:29
DaemonFC[m]I'd recommend avoiding Medicaid and taking a subsidized ACA exchange plan if you're an immigrant.Sep 28 03:30
DaemonFC[m]The government still pays for a lot of it, but ACA credits are not public charge, and Medicaid is.Sep 28 03:30
DaemonFC[m]Medicaid can do estate clawback but most people who die on Medicaid don't have much for the state to take.Sep 28 03:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Sep 28 03:51
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Audiocasts/Shows/YouTube Videos: Linux Action News, GNU World Order and More []Sep 28 03:53
schestowitz> 28 03:54
schestowitz> Sep 28 03:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Open to Everything | TechrightsSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> This incidentally, is exactly what will become/is slowly becoming of theSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> Free Github Foundation.Sep 28 03:54
schestowitz> Sep 28 03:54
schestowitz> "To be honest, at the time my first thought was, 'What a noble idea, butSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> one person cannot do all this.' Then I saw how over time, many goodSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> people from literally every corner of the planet gave of themselves toSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> make free software a reality. It is you who are important, it is you whoSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> joined the effort..."Sep 28 03:54
schestowitz> 28 03:54
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Statement from FSF's new president, Geoffrey Knauth — Free Software Foundation — working together for free softwareSep 28 03:54
schestowitz> (He's a robot)Sep 28 03:56
schestowitz> Sep 28 03:56
schestowitz> "They hated being called 'Master.' It's one of the reasons I kept doing it."Sep 28 03:56
schestowitz> Sep 28 03:56
schestowitz> 28 03:56
schestowitz> His "Masters" incidentally, were called the Zel Gux-- their native wordsSep 28 03:56
schestowitz> for "Love" and "Compassion".Sep 28 03:56
DaemonFC[m]Ubuntu is missing some good packages, like DeadBeeF.Sep 28 03:59
DaemonFC[m]Found it in a PPA, but they haven't updated past 1.8.3.Sep 28 03:59
schestowitzRe: ms corporate sponsor of OSI?Sep 28 04:04
schestowitz> Excellent information! Sep 28 04:04
schestowitz> Sep 28 04:04
schestowitz> I especially enjoyed the pic/video of the monitor with what looks like MS in the background today. Wow.Sep 28 04:04
*schestowitz has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 28 04:38
*schestowitz ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 04:39
-NickServ-schestowitz! has just authenticated as you (schestowitz)Sep 28 04:39
*schestowitz has quit (Changing host)Sep 28 04:39
*schestowitz (~schestowi@unaffiliated/schestowitz) has joined #techrightsSep 28 04:39
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Sep 28 04:54
schestowitzRMS got back to me, ChaekyungSep 28 04:59
schestowitzonly 7 days lateSep 28 04:59
schestowitzRichard Stallman:Sep 28 04:59
schestowitz> Would you like to ask me in two weeks?Sep 28 04:59
schestowitzOf course. Sep 28 04:59
schestowitzThanks for getting back to me.Sep 28 04:59
schestowitzHappy hacking.Sep 28 04:59
schestowitzI suppose he's very backloggedSep 28 04:59
schestowitzbut 2 weeks? wow.Sep 28 04:59
schestowitzhe used to respond within 1-2 daysSep 28 05:00
schestowitzChaekyung: your mistake was, you asked a question like 28 05:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-What will happen to FSF after Richard Stallman? - YouTubeSep 28 05:00
schestowitzand it rightly pissed him offSep 28 05:00
schestowitztalking to him about death, sort ofSep 28 05:00
schestowitzhe intends to do his activism until he diesSep 28 05:01
schestowitzso asking about retirement is like asking about deathSep 28 05:01
*mmu_man has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)Sep 28 05:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Tiny Rock Pi S and Raspberry Pi []Sep 28 05:11
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Announce: OpenSSH 8.4 released []Sep 28 06:04
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsSep 28 06:24
*chomwitt (~chomwitt@2a02:587:dc4f:fd00:c843:19c:a87e:7114) has joined #techrightsSep 28 06:37
zoobab+win 4Sep 28 07:38
*FutureBrain is now known as CrystalMathSep 28 07:43
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsSep 28 07:59
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 28 08:00
*rianne__ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 28 08:11
*rianne__ ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 08:11
schestowitzzoobab: wrong win(dow)Sep 28 08:16
zoobabyoSep 28 08:18
*CrystalMath has quit (Quit: Support Richard Stallman, Jacob Appelbaum, and other good people! | 28 08:19
schestowitzzoobab: no coverage re busdesratSep 28 08:22
schestowitznot even in the upc-centric blobsSep 28 08:22
schestowitz*blogsSep 28 08:22
zoobabnopeSep 28 08:26
zoobabI could not find anyone writing about itSep 28 08:26
zoobabthe only info I saw was from MarkusSep 28 08:26
*GNUmoon2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 28 08:28
schestowitzzoobab: I am still watching closelySep 28 08:48
schestowitzgoogle alertsSep 28 08:48
schestowitzrecently not a wordSep 28 08:48
schestowitz2-3 weeksSep 28 08:48
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux Jargon Buster: What is FOSS (Free and Open Source Software)? What is Open Source? []Sep 28 08:56
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 5 ways to conduct user research with an open source mindset []Sep 28 08:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 28 08:58
*GNUmoon2 (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsSep 28 09:04
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Sep 28 09:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux 5.10: Freedreno/MSM Driver and Broadcom Ethernet []Sep 28 09:29
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Touchégg 2.0.0 Released: A Linux Multi-Touch Gesture Recognizer App []Sep 28 09:41
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers []Sep 28 09:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Red Hat/Fedora Leftovers []Sep 28 09:44
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Default window manager switched to CTWM in NetBSD-current []Sep 28 09:46
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming Leftovers []Sep 28 09:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Software: grep 3.5, GnuCash 4.2, Ventoy 1.0.22 []Sep 28 10:02
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s leftovers []Sep 28 10:06
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Links 28/9/2020: Linux 5.9 RC7, Review of Linuxfx 10.6, OpenSSH 8.4 []Sep 28 10:10
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 28 10:32
*oiaohm (~oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #techrightsSep 28 10:32
*inky (~inky@ has joined #techrightsSep 28 11:25
*mmu_man ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 11:36
scientes 28 12:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | NO TITLESep 28 12:12
MinceR!Sep 28 12:12
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | AAAAAAAAA! - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopediaSep 28 12:12
scientesthey must be shipping it to RussiaSep 28 12:13
scientesbecause you can buy coca leaves in Bolivia and Peru for hardly anythingSep 28 12:13
scientesthe Peru border control also has its own TV showSep 28 12:15
scientesand they had this russian guy caught smuggling cocain INTO PeruSep 28 12:15
scienteswhich makes absolutely no senseSep 28 12:15
MinceRlolSep 28 12:16
MinceRhow costly and productive is it to extract cocaine from coca leaves?Sep 28 12:16
scientesI watched a video about it in ColombiaSep 28 12:16
scientesnot interested howeverSep 28 12:17
scientesI was told to buy some before I climbed a mountainSep 28 12:17
MinceR 28 12:22
MinceR(cat) 28 12:33
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | IRCZ makes your life worth living Post object (4276997)Sep 28 12:33
*scientes has quit (Changing host)Sep 28 12:46
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MinceR 28 12:54
*inky has quit (Quit: Leaving.)Sep 28 12:57
*obarun has quit (Remote host closed the connection)Sep 28 13:11
MinceR 28 13:36
*psymin has quit (Quit: Leaving)Sep 28 14:40
MinceR 28 14:52
*psymin (~psymin@fsf/member/psymin) has joined #techrightsSep 28 14:58
*GNUmoon (~GNUmoon@gateway/tor-sasl/gnumoon) has joined #techrightsSep 28 15:18
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schestowitzMinceR: do you find them in an irc channel?Sep 28 15:39
MinceRnoSep 28 15:39
MinceRwell, i probably found out about most of the sites on ircSep 28 15:39
MinceRbut i browse the websiteSep 28 15:39
schestowitzoh, i cSep 28 15:41
schestowitzcheersSep 28 15:41
MinceRs/.$/s/Sep 28 15:41
schestowitznew grep is out this morningSep 28 15:42
*asusbox has quit (Read error: No route to host)Sep 28 15:42
schestowitzmaybe sed soonSep 28 15:42
MinceR:)Sep 28 15:42
schestowitzgrep 3.5Sep 28 15:42
schestowitz[10:02] [Notice] -viera to #techrights- Tux Machines: Software: grep 3.5, GnuCash 4.2, Ventoy 1.0.22 []Sep 28 15:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Software: grep 3.5, GnuCash 4.2, Ventoy 1.0.22 | Tux MachinesSep 28 15:42
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-pleroma.siteSep 28 15:42
*asusbox ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 15:42
*CrystalMath (~coderain@reactos/developer/theflash) has joined #techrightsSep 28 15:55
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #OpenSSH 8.4 Brings Better Support For FIDO/2FA Keys #ssh #bsd []Sep 28 16:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: NetBSD Changes Its Default X11 Window Manager []Sep 28 16:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: today’s howtos []Sep 28 16:22
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Games: OpenRCT2, Vecter, Dwerve, ScummVM, Warzone 2100, OGRE and Cassette Beasts []Sep 28 16:25
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: IBM (and Few Red Hat) Leftovers []Sep 28 16:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Linux winning battle against Windows []Sep 28 16:31
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Lenovo rolls out more Linux laptops []Sep 28 16:32
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Richard Hughes: 20 Million Downloads from the LVFS []Sep 28 16:40
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Python Programming []Sep 28 16:50
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: 9 Best Free and Open Source RAW Processing Tools []Sep 28 16:52
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Vulkan 1.2.155 Released and AMDVLK 2020.Q3.6 Vulkan Driver Brings Several Fixes []Sep 28 16:55
MinceR(cat) 28 16:57
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Dell refreshes its XPS 13 and XPS 13 2-in-1 with Intel Tiger Lake, Thunderbolt 4, and more []Sep 28 17:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Programming: Git and Qt []Sep 28 17:20
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Amnesia is now open source! []Sep 28 17:26
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition Gets 11th-Gen #Intel Refresh, #Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #gnu #linux []Sep 28 17:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition Gets 11th-Gen #Intel Refresh, #Ubuntu 20.04 LTS #gnu #linux []Sep 28 17:27
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: LWN on OpenSSH 8.4 []Sep 28 17:29
*chomwitt has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)Sep 28 17:29
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: My credit score is recovering faster than I thought it would.Sep 28 17:49
DaemonFC[m]I challenged the Kia and they didn't respond, so it got deleted. No mention in the bankruptcy accounts now, and the authorized user on Mandy's card got reported. That was enough to bring me up from 564 to 662.Sep 28 17:50
schestowitzbanksters love lendingSep 28 17:50
DaemonFC[m]So when that secured card shows up on there in a month or so, I should be 680-690 again 2 months after a bankruptcy.Sep 28 17:50
DaemonFC[m]This is whack.Sep 28 17:50
DaemonFC[m]700 is considered "excellent".Sep 28 17:51
DaemonFC[m]<schestowitz "banksters love lending"> Obviously. I threw so much stuff in there I thought for sure they'd have me on a shorter leash than this.Sep 28 17:51
DaemonFC[m]I read that it was generally unheard of to have anything close to a 700 for at least 2 years. Sep 28 17:52
DaemonFC[m]They have it set up so that if you file bankruptcy, you generally have to take on credit cards again when you get out to fix some of the damage to your credit score.Sep 28 17:53
DaemonFC[m]Since everything pulls your credit, including landlords, they can offer some pretty terrible deals on secured credit cards in some cases, but Discover is better than the bottom feeder banks and approved me right away.Sep 28 17:53
DaemonFC[m]Many want a deposit and a $100 annual fee.Sep 28 17:53
DaemonFC[m]The idea is that it's that or a "credit builder" loan, and I was looking into those. They want 16% interest on your own money just to say nice things about you to the credit bureaus. Sep 28 17:54
DaemonFC[m]You can do both secured cards, authorized user cards, and a credit builder loan if you want.Sep 28 17:55
DaemonFC[m]But the impact of having the credit builder loan is minimal compared to two credit cards showing paid as agreed.Sep 28 17:55
schestowitzanyway, enough about your financesSep 28 17:55
schestowitzlet's focus on topics that are relevant to allSep 28 17:55
DaemonFC[m]I'm trying to figure out the weights it attaches to the score.Sep 28 17:56
DaemonFC[m]The FICO software, you know.Sep 28 17:56
schestowitzwe need to focus on techSep 28 17:56
schestowitzof tech financeSep 28 17:56
schestowitzand in general termsSep 28 17:56
schestowitznot a life diarySep 28 17:56
DaemonFC[m]I can find a general guide to how the score model works, but it's for people without a bankruptcy.Sep 28 17:56
DaemonFC[m]So I'm sort of just feeling my way around and seeing how they respond to each thing.Sep 28 17:57
schestowitzvery inaccurate a methodSep 28 17:57
schestowitzyou don't have enough dataSep 28 17:57
schestowitzand it can be down to a flukeSep 28 17:57
DaemonFC[m]They don't want people to know exactly how FICO works. They talk about how it works at a high level.Sep 28 17:58
DaemonFC[m]There's another score that's getting popular, called Vantagescore, and those are widely used now too. By landlords and stuff, some credit cards.Sep 28 17:58
DaemonFC[m]FICO had a monopoly for about, oh, 20 years on numerical score for credit risk proxy.Sep 28 17:59
DaemonFC[m]Then the bureaus got together and said why don't we just come up with our own model and license it to each other and cut these FICO people out?Sep 28 17:59
DaemonFC[m]So the result is a total mess. There's 10 versions of the FICO software and I think 4 Vantagescore models, and lenders can use whichever ones they want.Sep 28 18:00
DaemonFC[m]So behavior that one score rewards you for, you can get punished by another score for the same move.Sep 28 18:01
DaemonFC[m]schestowitz: So, for example, you let a bill go to a collection agency. You ignore it for 3 years.Sep 28 18:02
DaemonFC[m]On FICO model 8, that's a collection account with no activity on it in 3 years, so it's doing like 15% as much damage as if it was new.Sep 28 18:03
DaemonFC[m]You pay it off. FICO 8 says "Paid in Full, but last activity was a month ago." and your score drops.Sep 28 18:03
DaemonFC[m]FICO 9 says "Well, that's a collections account that's paid in full, and since it's paid in full I'm going to ignore that." and it doesn't affect FICO 9 or 10 at all.Sep 28 18:03
DaemonFC[m]The problem is that it's hurting your score to pay it on FICO models 1-8 and helping it on 9 and 10, but lenders mostly use 2, 5, and 8, and very few use 9 and 10.Sep 28 18:04
DaemonFC[m]So in general, the best thing to do at this point is still leave it alone even though FICO says "Our new models reward you for paying for it.".Sep 28 18:04
DaemonFC[m]Then we delve a little bit deeper and find out that the FICO scores on each model that you can pay to look at may not even be what a lender sees.Sep 28 18:05
DaemonFC[m]There's sub-models that score risk for mortgages, credit cards, renting an apartment.Sep 28 18:05
DaemonFC[m]It's all designed so that you have absolutely no idea whats going on in there. Sep 28 18:06
DaemonFC[m]Even if you pay them to tell you what the score is. Sep 28 18:06
DaemonFC[m]So between everything, there are over 50 different scores your lenders may be looking at and they all look at "risk" differently. It's insane.Sep 28 18:07
DaemonFC[m]There ought to be a law that cleans this mess up and says "Okay, you have one credit score and that's it.".Sep 28 18:07
MinceReven if there was one, you can be sure they'd fuck it upSep 28 18:08
MinceR 28 18:09
DaemonFC[m]Pretty much. Nobody cared until they could be next. Sep 28 18:10
DaemonFC[m]That shows you that they were still smarter than we are now.Sep 28 18:10
DaemonFC[m]MinceR: I think that they probably would have won had they waited a while loner and built more U-Boats.Sep 28 18:11
DaemonFC[m]If they had more U-Boats they could have completely fucked up the shipping lanes and they would have had a much easier time later on.Sep 28 18:12
DaemonFC[m]U-505 (the one that got captured and is in Chicago now) was a testimony to how stunningly effective a single U-Boat could be.Sep 28 18:12
MinceRmeanwhile, some people are taking notes furiouslySep 28 18:13
DaemonFC[m]Wolf pack tactics wouldn't work very well in a modern war.Sep 28 18:14
_I3^RELATIVISM 28 18:15
_I3^RELATIVISMRISC-V raspberrypi alternative by RIOSlab(RISC-V International Open Source Lab) in the worksSep 28 18:15
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-PicoRio dev board PC with a RISC-V chip will be a low-cost, open source Raspberry Pi alternative - LiliputingSep 28 18:15
DaemonFC[m]I think that the over-reliance on aircraft carriers is a mistake. Sep 28 18:15
DaemonFC[m]Even Iran has some diesel subs that are a threat to those.Sep 28 18:16
DaemonFC[m]Imagine the PR coup of blowing up an entire aircraft carrier using an old Russian sub that you bought on Putin's used car lot.Sep 28 18:16
DaemonFC[m]The US relies on relatively few of them for air superiority, so destroying even 1 or 2 Would have a tremendous effect. Sep 28 18:17
DaemonFC[m]They cost a lot of money to build. There's thousands of people on one and dozens of expensive aircraft. Sep 28 18:17
DaemonFC[m]All it takes to sink it are maybe a couple well placed torpedo hits. Sep 28 18:18
MinceR 28 18:28
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Wanna See the Code?Sep 28 18:28
*oiaohm has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)Sep 28 18:49
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MinceR 28 19:40
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Email SettingsSep 28 19:40
Chaekyungscandal 28 20:00
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Linux 5.9-rc7 Is A Total Disaster On Machines With Intel Graphics - LinuxReviewsSep 28 20:00
Chaekyungvery unfortunateSep 28 20:00
MinceRso much for intel's track recordSep 28 20:02
MinceRit was surprising enough that they could get this one thing rightSep 28 20:03
MinceR(cat) 28 20:09
*rianne_ ( has joined #techrightsSep 28 20:58
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psydroidthat's the Intel Evo experienceSep 28 20:59
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MinceR 28 21:35
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-xkcd: Dangerous FieldsSep 28 21:35
*chomwitt has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)Sep 28 22:03
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Dell announce new XPS 13 laptop models, will support moving from Windows to Ubuntu []Sep 28 22:15
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Compute module and dev kit aim Snapdragon 865 at AR/VR []Sep 28 22:17
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 28 22:18
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: #Android Leftovers []Sep 28 22:19
-viera/#techrights-Tux Machines: Calibre 5.0 Ebook Manager Released with Text Highlighting Support, Dark Mode []Sep 28 22:21
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schestowitzXRevan86: I got an explanation of what RMS saidSep 28 22:37
schestowitzit was a pop culture referenceSep 28 22:37
schestowitzRe: What do you mean "we", white man?Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> As per IRC, in the RT interview with RMS:Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Richard Stallman: You can get arrested without a reason — RT SophieCo. VisionariesSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> RMS forgot to name to name specific Free Software examples forSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> telecommuting.Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> More interestingly he gave the interviewer a little shock with hisSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> paraphrase Mad Magazine from the 1960s, back when it was funny  ThatSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> joke is a generational thing and specific to the US so those either bornSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> recently or outside the US might miss.Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Here is some background:Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> "It has become very popular in recent years as aSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> rhetorical device for essay writers who wish to writeSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> about situations where someone takes for granted thatSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> someone is his/her ally. "Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> 28 22:37
-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights-Comic Book Legends Revealed #329 | CBRSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:37
schestowitz> Further context is that the joke was about "The Lone Ranger", a showSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> which has not been on radio or even television for decades.  It was aSep 28 22:37
schestowitz> major cultural force for several generations.Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> 28 22:38
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | The Lone Ranger - Single Episodes : Old Time Radio Researchers Group : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet ArchiveSep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> The phrase has continued on long past the radio or television series'Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> end and even the end of the magazine.Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Probably the interviewer would not have time for either link but itSep 28 22:38
schestowitz> would clear up the confusion.Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> PS.  Yes, explaining jokes makes them unfunny.  :/Sep 28 22:38
schestowitz> Sep 28 22:38
XRevan86schestowitz: Ah, now I get it.Sep 28 22:39
schestowitzGates Deposition Audio and VideoSep 28 22:43
schestowitz 28 22:43
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Groklaw - Gates Deposition Audio and VideoSep 28 22:43
XRevan86I think RMS can get away with it, because without context is simply doesn't add up, so it's hard to accuse him as it's not clear what he meant then.Sep 28 22:43
XRevan86* it is simplySep 28 22:43
XRevan86* it simplySep 28 22:43
XRevan86gramer hardSep 28 22:43
*GNUmoon has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)Sep 28 22:53
schestowitzI really didn't know the referenceSep 28 22:58
schestowitzseems nobody here knewSep 28 22:58
*Ariadne has quit (Quit: I'm not shilling this stupid irc client)Sep 28 23:00
schestowitz[18:09] <MinceR> 28 23:03
schestowitzThose camps were in PolandSep 28 23:03
MinceRall of them?Sep 28 23:07
MinceRand were they in poland before ww2?Sep 28 23:07
*asusbox has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)Sep 28 23:14
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schestowitzMinceR: I am not sure, but I think most of them were there, the big ones anywaySep 28 23:19
schestowitzor the more notorious onesSep 28 23:19
schestowitzGitmo is also not in the USSep 28 23:19
schestowitzthey avert the law this waySep 28 23:20
schestowitz 28 23:21
-TechrightsBot-tr/ | Concentration Camps, 1942–45 - Animated Map/Map | The Holocaust EncyclopediaSep 28 23:21
schestowitzThe extermination camps whereSep 28 23:21
schestowitzso I guess people were relocated there for killSep 28 23:21
schestowitz*where->wereSep 28 23:21
schestowitzsee the legend belowSep 28 23:21

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