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IRC: #tuxmachines @ Techrights IRC Network: Tuesday, November 26, 2024

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techtrights-sec6LLM slop then.  You're right there is a distinctionNov 26 00:00
schestowitz-pii say llm a lotNov 26 00:01
schestowitz-pibut will say it moreNov 26 00:01
schestowitz-pisometiems expanding the acronymNov 26 00:01
techtrights-sec6Excellent.  Nov 26 00:04
schestowitz-pijust spent 80 mins talking to rianne over coffeeNov 26 00:05
schestowitz-pimany things coveredNov 26 00:05
schestowitz-piIllegitimi non carborundum among theseNov 26 00:05
schestowitz-pishe ranked her happiness 9 out of 10Nov 26 00:05
schestowitz-pii could use more topics, i am about to exhuast my linksNov 26 00:05
techtrights-sec6 Nov 26 00:06
techtrights-sec6niceNov 26 00:06
techtrights-sec6That's greatNov 26 00:06
techtrights-sec6Many are miserable these days so you guys are ahead of the gameNov 26 00:06
techtrights-sec6If you've read Igor's book,, you could promote it maybeNov 26 00:06
techtrights-sec6^ topic ?Nov 26 00:07
schestowitz-pii thought about selectively quoting the notes about itNov 26 00:07
schestowitz-piyes, and notes sent in fullNov 26 00:07
techtrights-sec6The notes were for Igor not for quotingNov 26 00:07
techtrights-sec6He has published already on the 25th, the notes were from Sat the 23rdNov 26 00:07
techtrights-sec6including some spelling correctionsNov 26 00:07
schestowitz-pithegoal was review/promotionNov 26 00:09
schestowitz-pinot corrigendaNov 26 00:09
schestowitz-pimany of the notes constiture reviewNov 26 00:09
schestowitz-pithe rest are for author _alone_Nov 26 00:09
techtrights-sec6Oh. I missed that.  I guess that is /kind of/ a reviewNov 26 00:09
techtrights-sec6What are your thoughts on the book?Nov 26 00:09
schestowitz-pii likeNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pithe topicNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-piand the "Blog post" he did about itNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pirianne read that tooNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pii did not read the bookNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-piwhen he asked me my hands were super-fullNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pifamily, nuisances, tasks... now i'm getting on top of thingsNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pihence, will write about the book, maybe overnightNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pibiabNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pidoihn gem links atm Nov 26 00:11
techtrights-sec6You could pick a chapter or two and review those maybeNov 26 00:11
schestowitz-pihttp://techrights.org/n/2024/11/04/Going_Strong_Against_the_Wind.shtmlNov 26 00:13
schestowitz-piweeks agoNov 26 00:13
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 26/11/2024: Not Pagan, Emacs Wiki, and More ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Gemini_Links_26_11_2024_Not_Pagan_Emacs_Wiki_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Gemini_Links_26_11_2024_Not_Pagan_Emacs_Wiki_and_More.gmi ∎Nov 26 00:15
schestowitz-pihttp://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Gemini_Links_26_11_2024_Not_Pagan_Emacs_Wiki_and_More.shtmlNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-pimoments ago, secondsNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-piimage-wiseNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-piholiday motifNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-pifocusing on hope and positive stuffNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-piTR should be "positive"Nov 26 00:16
schestowitz-piwhen/wwhere possibleNov 26 00:16
schestowitz-piin irc we have some decent new regularsNov 26 00:17
schestowitz-pieven ex googleNov 26 00:17
schestowitz-pibut we won't be "validated" till i get 15k pound energy bill ;-)Nov 26 00:17
techtrights-sec6checkingNov 26 00:17
techtrights-sec6:)Nov 26 00:17
schestowitz-pipj always told meNov 26 00:19
schestowitz-pibe caeful with taxesNov 26 00:19
schestowitz-pithey also "ding" journalists with 'tax' somethingNov 26 00:19
schestowitz-pii sitll don't know why she quitNov 26 00:19
schestowitz-piprobably threarsNov 26 00:19
schestowitz-pishe had receivedNov 26 00:20
schestowitz-piour lawyer is the man who shut down NewsOfTheWorldNov 26 00:20
schestowitz-piafter like 100 yearsNov 26 00:20
techtrights-sec6Her initial retirement had something to do with some threats she got fromNov 26 00:26
techtrights-sec6the US gov regarding people writing to the forum.  Nov 26 00:26
techtrights-sec6It was also related to that e-mail service that shutdown, not because sheNov 26 00:26
techtrights-sec6had anything to do with the service but because the threats were being Nov 26 00:26
techtrights-sec6made against her and her site (AFAIK)Nov 26 00:26
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 00:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 00:33
techtrights-sec6I think Lavabit was the name of the service.  I have no idea if PJ was  Nov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6in correspondence with the owner but she was writing about the case inNov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6such a way to make clear that she was following it closely and that itNov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6was affecting her future plans for Groklaw.Nov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6She was also tired out and on top of that 2010 was an all-around shit year    Nov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6which carried on into 2013 and beyond.   People being dicks to each otherNov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6on the net turned it up to 11 so to speak and the toxicity seen nowadaysNov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6is a much milder version of the coordinated malice seen back then.  So INov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6can also suspect that she was even on the receiving end of some of that,Nov 26 00:46
techtrights-sec6as were many people involved in FOSS at the time.  Nov 26 00:46
schestowitz-pimuch changed for the worseNov 26 00:47
schestowitz-piand still changingNov 26 00:48
schestowitz-pipeople in traumaNov 26 00:48
schestowitz-pimorthahes, war, climate...Nov 26 00:48
techtrights-sec6M$ products have contributed to the populace being tipped into crisis managementNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6mode and ending up in a state where they are running around withoutNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6self-determination and are merely reacting to the latest, loudest stimulus untilNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6interrupted by the next distraction.  Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6Basically the 'powers that be' benefit from people being in a panic and notNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6being free to plan, schedule, or coordinate.  Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6M$ contributes to that both at home but much more so at work. Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6  Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6At school recall that people would generally get through a basic, four-yearNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6degree without handling m$ products except maybe m$ word.  If you wereNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6in a high tech field, you used Sun or Vax.  If you weren't, you used MacintoshNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6m$ used to give cash to schools, but was livid when the schools wouldNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6turn around and use that cash to buy Macintoshes.  Thus the practice of Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6donating 'licenses' began.  Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6Nowadays it is rare for anyone to be exposed to a working computer at anyNov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6point during a college degree.  By working I mean specifically non-M$.Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6That goes double for anyone trying to get a tech-related degree now too.Nov 26 00:56
techtrights-sec6They end up with no usable applied knoweldge or skills regarding ICT.  Nov 26 00:57
schestowitz-piam catching up w/ national broadcasters atm Nov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pifrom when i was afkNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-piand it looks like the eu economy is in the gutterNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pibased on official media so to speakNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pithey say "labour shortage"Nov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pithey mean,Nov 26 00:57
schestowitz-picompanies truggleNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-piand look for cheaper scabsNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-piand tempsNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pinow instead of pharma degreeNov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pithey do "on-job" "Training"Nov 26 00:57
schestowitz-pii am toldNov 26 00:57
techtrights-sec6Can you find more about the planned demmise of NPR?  Specifically it would be        Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6very useful to know the date the board of censorship will be implemented.Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6Labour shortage is just a euphemism for knocking the floor out of the wagesNov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6Most countries have a high unemployment rate yet the private sector whinesNov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6about not having 'enough' employees to hire.  What they mean is that they  Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6can't entice people to work at unlivable, slave wages.Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6Speaking of slaves, the food couriers were discussed on the radio the other dayNov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6and none of the reporters made the connection that the 'apps' were not  Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6only underpaying people but effectively stealing their pensions andNov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6social benefits.  Nov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6Pharma used to be 4 years of pre-mmed (science) followed by two years ofNov 26 00:59
techtrights-sec6a specialization (masters) degree.  I hope it has not been devalued too muchNov 26 00:59
schestowitz-piyou can do dispensing after just months on the jobNov 26 01:00
schestowitz-piwith a CS degreeNov 26 01:00
schestowitz-piand leap to technicians with "training"Nov 26 01:00
schestowitz-piit's... weirdNov 26 01:00
schestowitz-pimy sister was very baffled by thisNov 26 01:00
schestowitz-pialso, as you wear the whitecoat, many will assume you're a GP and call you "doctor"Nov 26 01:02
schestowitz-piand believe anything you tell themNov 26 01:02
schestowitz-pibecause you are behind the counterNov 26 01:02
schestowitz-piagain.. weird... dauntingNov 26 01:02
techtrights-sec6:(Nov 26 01:03
techtrights-sec6... and dangerousNov 26 01:03
schestowitz-piif you lack a degress in the areaNov 26 01:05
schestowitz-pisalary expectations changeNov 26 01:05
schestowitz-pithat's my theory anywayNov 26 01:05
schestowitz-pior if you're some turk on germany on non-eu visaNov 26 01:05
schestowitz-pior african on a cheap bicycle moving around someone's hot calories in heavy reain and sub-zero tempsNov 26 01:05
*oarion7 (~ryan@e6jyc88uwxv5c.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 01:11
techtrights-sec6Libraries do the same.  They hire people without the requisite professionalNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6degrees to 'save' money.   And then, ironically, put those with the degreesNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6to shelving books.   Around here they've also stopped doing collectionNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6management.  Without either the staff or the collection management, theNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6facilities no longer meed the UN's definition of 'library'.  On top of thatNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6they have a gov mandate to deaccession 20% of the books per year while        Nov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6outsouring purchasinng (and thus the collection) to private companies.  Nov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6Books that are deaccessioned sit on a cart for a few days or even weeksNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6until they are sent off to the local heatig plant where they are burnedNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6as fuel.  It is like a slow burn cultural revolution, but instead of beingNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6run by the CCP it is being run by the companies owned by oligarchs.  AllNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6the "old" books are prioritized for burning regardless of their significanceNov 26 01:13
schestowitz-piin sirius they hired for tech roles people with zero tech qual.Nov 26 01:13
schestowitz-piat low wagesNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6or relevance or quality.  The untrained, underpaid librarian substitutes Nov 26 01:13
schestowitz-pibecause they 'sucked off' simonNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6are convinced old == burn it.Nov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6And neither know nor care about collections and collectionn development.  Nov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6There are no managers any moore, the people using that part of the budgetNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6say flat out that they are not managing the libraries but instead representingNov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6the city council's interests inside the library (or what's left of  it).Nov 26 01:13
techtrights-sec6That now goes two layers deep down from the top and *none* of them Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6have any degrees relevant to libraries, let alone even care about the  Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6libraries having an education mission. Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6That's ok because the parents spend their waking hours nose down in social Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6control media being fed a steady stream of disinformation and propaganda,Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6The kids are given social control media as pacifiers and become ADD asNov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6a result of the mmisstimulation.  Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6Recommended reading, after Igor's book, would be:Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6"The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Nov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6 Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness" by Jonathan HaidtNov 26 01:14
techtrights-sec6Basically ass-kissing is the career path for the overwhelming majorityNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6and that overwhelmming majority know their positions are severely Nov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6threatened should they be exposed for being frauds or unqualified.  Nov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6Having capable, educated, and competent people even in the area thenNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6becomes a danger to the frauds' continued advancement or even theirNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6continued employment.   So, having no real work to do, have plenty of timeNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6to gang up on and drive out the competent people.  That's alse the Nov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6method people watching 'reality' shows are trained with.  Those showsNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6have the common thread of identifying and then ganging up on the competentNov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6people.  It's the main tactic that both used and encouraged, perhaps for drama. Nov 26 01:23
techtrights-sec6Another book for the list: "Bullshit Jobs" by the late David Graeber.Nov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6It's a good but frustrating read as he documents the situation and howNov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6we got there quite thoroughly.   Disappointingly there are no real solutionsNov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6aside from possibly UBI which he tries to make a case for in the last chapter.Nov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6He sees UBI as a solution because people are already paid to do nothing Nov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6(at best) and are paid to detract from society more likely than not.  So   Nov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6in the case of the latter, society (and business) would be far better offNov 26 01:24
techtrights-sec6paying those people to just 'buggeroff'Nov 26 01:24
schestowitz-pisirius had 'office manager' who did nothinghNov 26 01:25
schestowitz-pishe was a literal babysitterNov 26 01:25
schestowitz-piand loyalist of the criminal who ran the companyNov 26 01:25
schestowitz-pirianne confronted her about doing nothingNov 26 01:26
schestowitz-pi(we published this)Nov 26 01:26
schestowitz-piand later ex-colleagues said she did the same to themNov 26 01:26
schestowitz-pia do-nothing loyalist box tickerNov 26 01:26
techtrights-sec6Now a whole, formerly magnificent nation is in the final stages of collapse Nov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6because those kinds of behaviors have been not just tolerated but cultivatedNov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6and elevated to the very top by Iran and Russia.   Iran in particularNov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6has been using social control media to foment violence and is likely  Nov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6to succeed soon as islamic style revenge will be exacted upon largeNov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6swathes of the population for false, perceived slights and overwhelmingNov 26 01:30
techtrights-sec6amounnts of anti-American propaganda. Nov 26 01:30
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 01:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 01:33
techtrights-sec6amounts of anti-American propaganda. Nov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6Newsmax, Fox News, etc are pure streams of disinformation and anti-AmericanNov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6propaganda and they have gained control of many of the churches and mosquesNov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6Politics from the pulpit technically remove tax-free protection butNov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6that has yet to be enforced and because Iran and Russia gain, and they Nov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6now control all three branches of the government, it will not change.Nov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6On top of that, the judiciary was supposed to be impartial and non-partisan Nov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6but the Reagan administration set about destroying that.  Nov 26 01:35
techtrights-sec6 Nov 26 01:35
schestowitz-pilinks DONE :)Nov 26 01:37
schestowitz-pinow to cover topicsNov 26 01:37
schestowitz-pithen igor's bookNov 26 01:37
schestowitz-pithen rest break, 5amishNov 26 01:37
schestowitz-piam-ish Nov 26 01:37
techtrights-sec6I'm not sure how long (or short) I will be up for.  Nov 26 01:37
schestowitz-pihealth and happinessNov 26 01:38
schestowitz-piand sleeping when tiredNov 26 01:38
schestowitz-piat sirius i had to resist tirednessNov 26 01:38
schestowitz-pifor the NOCNov 26 01:38
schestowitz-piwhich has impact on thingsNov 26 01:38
schestowitz-pibiab, making boiling waterNov 26 01:38
techtrights-sec6It's almost time to get the routine going for the dayNov 26 01:41
schestowitz-pithe body of human (animal) knows what's bestNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-pinot itineraryNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-pisleep, salt, sour, sleep, slumber, sneeze, Nov 26 01:43
schestowitz-piall the SsNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-pito maker a pointNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-piworkplaces are not like thatNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-pithey carer not about feelings, physical conditions etvNov 26 01:43
schestowitz-piand it breaks peopleNov 26 01:43
techtrights-sec6Breaking is of then the goal.  See the TSA for example.  Nov 26 01:45
schestowitz-pio typed sleep twiceNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pii meant sweetNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pithe body knows not only when to eat Nov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pibut WHAT to eatNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piwhat is missingNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piworkplace meals are not like thisNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piat allNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pione size fits allNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pifizzy drinks, hyper-processed foodsNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pipreservativesNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piand plasticsNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pithis needs a resetNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piwfh 2020 was a startNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pioffice estate tycoons fought backNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pi*reset beyongNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piWFHNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pialso for the planet! Nov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pinow they talk about delivery by droneNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pi20kg flier for 1kg parcelNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-pior african on bicycle in the snowNov 26 01:48
schestowitz-piso that's kind of "the future"Nov 26 01:48
techtrights-sec6:(Nov 26 01:49
schestowitz-piwe both know .ua will 'fall' soonNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-pieven jingoistic media admits thisNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-pimoldova survivedNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-piinterventionNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-piromania might nowNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-piso romania might not fight backNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-piby jan 20 ua will negotaiate from position of WEAKNESSNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-pii.e. give putin whatever he demandsNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-pigoergia is in "the bag" alreadyNov 26 01:51
schestowitz-pi*romania might notNov 26 01:51
techtrights-sec6Yes and the media is part of the reason.   With .ua out of the way,Nov 26 01:53
techtrights-sec6Muscovia will then turn its guns towards Moldova, Poland, or Finland.Nov 26 01:53
techtrights-sec6Romania will fall too, the delay gives Muscovia more time to use Nov 26 01:53
techtrights-sec6Bytedance's Tiktok against the Romanians and /further/ affect the outcome Nov 26 01:53
techtrights-sec6of the election by tipping the final run-off in their favor.Nov 26 01:53
schestowitz-pihttp://techrights.org/n/2024/10/05/The_Danger_of_Outsourcing_Your_Platform_to_Social_Control_Media.shtmlNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piwikileaks doing RT's workNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piforgot if the url came from you or meNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pinear british territory they now watch brics ships very closelyNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pifor cable sabotage Nov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pithat costs a lotNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pithe cables are very longNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piamd very deepNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pisystems lack paper fallbacks nowNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piwe assume all the centralised shit is always "just there"Nov 26 01:57
schestowitz-picannot dispense meds or chck medical files due to windows issuesNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piset aside the netNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pii bought rianne premium notebooksNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pishe copies digital notes to themNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pione has carbon pagesNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piso she gets a backup while she writes things downNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pii got those at the marketNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pithey are with nice featuresNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piand metal spiralsNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pigroklaw does not existNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-piit's some "topic" in wikipedia nowNov 26 01:57
schestowitz-pilike it existed in ww2 or somethingNov 26 01:57
techtrights-sec6Cable sabotage in and near UK waters is being planned by MuscoviaNov 26 01:58
techtrights-sec6if the ships' movement patterns are any clue.  Nov 26 01:58
techtrights-sec6The centralization of information media was warned against even in 1995 orNov 26 01:58
techtrights-sec6perhaps earlier.  The Canadian archivist Charles Dollar brought that up Nov 26 01:58
techtrights-sec6quite visiby but he and all other academic efforts were brushed away in Nov 26 01:58
techtrights-sec6the dot-com hysteria, especially by the microsofters.  Nov 26 01:58
*oarion7 has quit (Quit: Running IRC on a charmed medieval abacus.)Nov 26 02:00
techtrights-sec6https://www.dpconline.org/docs/digital-preservation-handbook/299-digital-preservation-handbook/fileNov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6https://www.nedcc.org/free-resources/preservation-leaflets/6.-reformatting/6.4-the-relevance-of-preservation-in-a-digital-worldNov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6And Terry Eastwood,Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6 Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6"DOLLAR, Archival Theory and Information Technologies: The Impact of Information Technologies on Archival Principles and Methods | Archivaria"Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11904Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6Dollar, Charles. Archival theory and information technologies: The impact of information technologies on archival principles and methods. Macerata: University of Macerata,Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6 1992. Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6^ reference but no remaining identifiable online version.  I presume theNov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6paper copies are inaccessible or burned.Nov 26 02:05
techtrights-sec6https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228617290_Information_technology_challenges_for_long-term_preservation_of_electronic_informationNov 26 02:05
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today's 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/today_s_leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/today_s_leftovers.gmi ∎Nov 26 02:07
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 26/11/2024: International Microsoft Outages, Microsoft Mass Layoffs Bigger Than Reported Last Friday ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Links_26_11_2024_International_Microsoft_Outages_Microsoft_Mass.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Links_26_11_2024_International_Microsoft_Outages_Microsoft_Mass.gmi ∎Nov 26 02:08
schestowitz-pi"The social control media systems that many candidates are using today are simply a full-colour version of the telegraph. The surveillance and control mechanisms are still there. [...] Social control media appears to have subdued political elites very effectively in a lot of small countries like Ireland."  https://danielpocock.com/how-why-took-websites-domains-rival-candidates/Nov 26 02:13
techtrights-sec6https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228617290_Information_technology_challenges_for_long-term_preservation_of_electronic_informationNov 26 02:14
techtrights-sec6I have not implemented a preview/drafts capability yet Nov 26 02:14
techtrights-sec6apropos centralization and surveillance:Nov 26 02:14
techtrights-sec6"Is Outlook Down? Thousands of Microsoft 365 Users Report Outage Issues"Nov 26 02:14
techtrights-sec6https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/new-york/articles/2024-11-25/is-outlook-down-thousands-of-microsoft-365-users-report-outage-issuesNov 26 02:14
schestowitz-piamdy covered that a day ago in TRNov 26 02:16
schestowitz-picoffee, then doing articlesNov 26 02:22
schestowitz-pii enjoy this chat btwNov 26 02:22
schestowitz-pinow daniel covers itNov 26 02:22
schestowitz-pihttps://wemakefedora.org/Nov 26 02:22
schestowitz-pi33 matches for "social control media"Nov 26 02:22
schestowitz-piwe coined thatNov 26 02:22
techtrights-sec6npNov 26 02:22
techtrights-sec6Michael Moore seems to have gone around the bend.  He is smart but hasNov 26 02:22
techtrights-sec6allowed himself to be exposed far to much to social control mediaNov 26 02:22
techtrights-sec6Andy covered it, but it is a worthy topic to keep in the limelight  Nov 26 02:22
techtrights-sec6goodNov 26 02:22
schestowitz-piMM is "lunduke"Nov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pihe was relevant 1-2 decades agoNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pinow he shiftsNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pilooking for another audienceNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-piliks tulsi gabbard (D.)Nov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pihawaiiNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pior greenwalkdNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-piit's wise to ignore people who defect to find fameNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-pithey're scum imhoNov 26 02:24
schestowitz-piand they find disrepute, not fameNov 26 02:24
techtrights-sec6I haven't had time to check but did you do anything with the RPi Pico 2 W scoop?Nov 26 02:25
techtrights-sec6It was a scoop at the time I posted the link. Nov 26 02:25
techtrights-sec6I haven't had time to check but did you do anything with the RPi Pico 2 W scoop?Nov 26 02:26
techtrights-sec6It was a scoop at the time I posted the link. Nov 26 02:26
schestowitz-pihttps://betanews.com/2024/11/25/raspberry-pi-pico-2-w/Nov 26 02:26
schestowitz-pii linked to this a day agoNov 26 02:26
schestowitz-piin daily linksNov 26 02:26
schestowitz-pinot tr-related directlyNov 26 02:26
schestowitz-pimore product triviaNov 26 02:26
schestowitz-picoffeee readyNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pii'm just happy the home and site are fully intactNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pibut will add more pages shortly Nov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pithose 80 mins earlier spent also explaining ther value of our archivesNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pinew pages are not everythingNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-piitwite is press release trashNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pii'd not even check it anymoreNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-piit sends traffic to a PR slum/spamfarmNov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pisam is miaNov 26 02:29
techtrights-sec6http://itwire.com/guest-articles/company-news/yubico-to-submit-yubikey-5-fips-series-for-fips-140-3-validation.htmlNov 26 02:29
techtrights-sec6Yubico has fallen.  No company has ever survived partnership with M$Nov 26 02:29
techtrights-sec6Yes, it has become pressrelease city.  But even that has value on rare occasionNov 26 02:29
techtrights-sec6I presume ones like this are to be skipped: Nov 26 02:29
techtrights-sec6https://thecyberexpress.com/russias-ai-cyber-warfare-threat-to-the-uk/Nov 26 02:29
schestowitz-pii saw similar mondayNov 26 02:31
schestowitz-piskipped because HEY HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!Nov 26 02:31
schestowitz-pif off! stick to factsNov 26 02:31
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 02:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 02:33
schestowitz-pitr+tm traffic stready at 1.3m a day this past week (per day)Nov 26 02:36
schestowitz-pibut i want to get back to doing many new pagesNov 26 02:36
schestowitz-piam still recovering from work on homeNov 26 02:36
schestowitz-piand family timeNov 26 02:36
schestowitz-pi(which was good btw)Nov 26 02:36
schestowitz-pitthis thurs we might do minigolf againNov 26 02:36
schestowitz-piit's good for socialisingNov 26 02:36
schestowitz-pithe facility is newNov 26 02:36
techtrights-sec6Minigolf looks like fun, on the more creative courses.  In .se the coursesNov 26 02:37
techtrights-sec6all had more or less the same hole set up x18Nov 26 02:37
techtrights-sec6so the technique and approach would be identical for each holeNov 26 02:37
schestowitz-pihttps://printworks-manchester.com/venues/treetop-golf/Nov 26 02:39
schestowitz-pithey have 36 holesNov 26 02:39
schestowitz-piestimate: only about 25pct of tr traffic is for 'new' materialNov 26 02:42
schestowitz-piand t hat's a good thingNov 26 02:42
schestowitz-pibtw, sister took photos of what she called 'happy hour'Nov 26 02:42
schestowitz-piwe have like 400 packs of snacks in the homeNov 26 02:42
schestowitz-piand she snapped our offices Nov 26 02:42
schestowitz-pii showed them some TR programs ans scriptsNov 26 02:42
schestowitz-pihad to explain why site looked "simple"Nov 26 02:42
schestowitz-piand why it made more senseNov 26 02:42
schestowitz-pialso demo'd geminiNov 26 02:43
techtrights-sec6niceNov 26 02:43
schestowitz-pi<IsambardPrince> schestowitz[TR3], Everyone in my cousin's house now has COVID and pneumonia including the baby.Nov 26 02:44
schestowitz-pi<schestowitz[TR3]> fun timesNov 26 02:44
schestowitz-pi<schestowitz[TR3]> throw in a roof leakNov 26 02:44
schestowitz-piwe wore masks in crowded placesNov 26 02:45
schestowitz-pii.e. the usualNov 26 02:45
schestowitz-piit protects from more than coronavirusNov 26 02:45
schestowitz-pidowntime even for one day is a lotNov 26 02:45
techtrights-sec6https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/collapsed-ceilings-and-black-mould-government-urged-to-act-on-terrible-rentals/a3r4g2qyuNov 26 02:45
techrights-newsTechrights – IRC Proceedings: Monday, November 25, 2024 ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/IRC_Proceedings_Monday_November_25_2024.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/IRC_Proceedings_Monday_November_25_2024.gmi ∎Nov 26 02:50
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Today in Techrights ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Today_in_Techrights.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Today_in_Techrights.gmi ∎Nov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pirelayed to IRCNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pimay be relevant to daily linksNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pirianne reads those tooNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pidaily links will gain value over timeNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pias average quality of news sites fallsNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-piinc. billBCNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pii try to skip, where possible, t****, hey hi, clown, other nonsenseNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pihmm, this one went 'viral'Nov 26 02:51
schestowitz-pihttp://techrights.org/n/2024/11/19/What_IBMers_Say_About_IBM_Causing_IBMers_to_Resign_by_Making_Li.shtmlNov 26 02:51
schestowitz-piit means ibm staff follows trNov 26 02:51
techrights-newsTechrights – Over at Tux Machines... ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Over_at_Tux_Machines.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Over_at_Tux_Machines.gmi ∎Nov 26 02:52
techtrights-sec6ckingNov 26 02:53
techtrights-sec6$ grep -c n/2024/11/19/What_IBMers_Say_About_IBM_Causing_IBMers /var/log/apache2/techrights-access.logNov 26 02:53
techtrights-sec6632Nov 26 02:53
techtrights-sec6CheckingNov 26 02:53
schestowitz-pi grep -c n/2024/11/19/What_IBMers_Say_About_IBM_Causing_IBMers /var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.1Nov 26 02:53
schestowitz-pi4824Nov 26 02:53
schestowitz-pi“Journalism is printing something that someone does not want printed. Everything else is public relations.”Nov 26 02:56
schestowitz-pi― George Orwell Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6Wow!Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6$ zgrep -c n/2024/11/19/What_IBMers_Say_About_IBM_Causing_IBMers /var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log*z | sort -t . -k3,3rnNov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.14.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.13.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.12.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.11.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.10.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.9.gz:0Nov 26 02:56
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.8.gz:0Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.7.gz:377Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.6.gz:262Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.5.gz:165Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.4.gz:19Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.3.gz:14Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6/var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.2.gz:1324Nov 26 02:57
techtrights-sec6yepNov 26 02:57
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> NowThis made deep cuts to its staff for the second time this yearNov 26 02:58
schestowitz-piicymi,Nov 26 02:58
schestowitz-piit's just some socialcontrolmedia TRASHNov 26 02:58
schestowitz-pilike tiktokNov 26 02:58
schestowitz-pithey feel the burn/bernNov 26 02:58
schestowitz-pia la buzzfeedNov 26 02:58
techtrights-sec6$ ( cat /var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.1 ; zcat /var/log/apache2/techrights-access.log.2.gz )| ./yesterday-apache-log-stat.pl Nov 26 03:01
techtrights-sec6Total 115897Nov 26 03:01
techtrights-sec6^ non-bot traffic yesterdayNov 26 03:01
techtrights-sec6back in some hoursNov 26 03:01
schestowitz-piwe did not publish muchNov 26 03:02
schestowitz-pii was on my feet working a lot and running to shops, or just runningNov 26 03:02
schestowitz-piHN, Reddit etc = gatekeepersNov 26 03:02
schestowitz-picensorship sievesNov 26 03:02
schestowitz-pidaniel's talk in usaNov 26 03:12
schestowitz-piwhich we "lost" Nov 26 03:12
schestowitz-pi(forever)Nov 26 03:12
schestowitz-picovered how social control media muzzled his sites/wordsNov 26 03:12
techrights-newsTechrights – Why This Site Became "Simple" a Year Ago ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Why_This_Site_Became_Simple_a_Year_Ago.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Why_This_Site_Became_Simple_a_Year_Ago.gmi ∎Nov 26 03:28
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 03:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 03:33
techrights-newsTechrights – Illegitimi Non Carborundum ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Illegitimi_Non_Carborundum.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Illegitimi_Non_Carborundum.gmi ∎Nov 26 03:42
techrights-newsTechrights – [Meme] Trying to Terrorise Critics ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Meme_Trying_to_Terrorise_Critics.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Meme_Trying_to_Terrorise_Critics.gmi ∎Nov 26 03:55
techrights-newsTechrights – Same Month Judge Suggests Selling Chrome (Compelling Google to Give It Away) Chrome Surpasses Two-Thirds of "The Market", Based on Surveyor ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Same_Month_Judge_Suggests_Selling_Chrome_Compelling_Google_to_G.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Same_Month_Judge_Suggests_Selling_Chrome_Compelling_Google_to_G.gmi ∎Nov 26 04:22
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 04:33
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*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 05:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Review of "#HowTo Make Your Career Suck Less: A Guide to a Less Painful IT Experience" by Igor Ljubuncic ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Review_of_How_to_Make_Your_Career_Suck_Less_A_Guide_to_a_Less_P.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Review_of_How_to_Make_Your_Career_Suck_Less_A_Guide_to_a_Less_P.gmi ∎Nov 26 05:38
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 06:33
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*wallacer has quit (Ping timeout: 2m30s)Nov 26 06:41
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techtrights-sec6backNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6yes, that is a loss to not have that recordedNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6openwashing is a problem:Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://siliconangle.com/2024/11/25/anthropic-open-sources-protocol-connecting-llms-datasets-tools/Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_LLC_v._Oracle_America,_Inc.Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/20pdf/18-956_d18f.pdfNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/5/22367851/google-oracle-supreme-court-ruling-java-android-apiNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6THis is *very* problematic:Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6=Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6"Google is inserting search links into webpages in the Google App now"Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://www.theverge.com/2024/11/25/24305922/google-app-ios-inserting-search-links-websitesNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6Google is altering the contents of web pages before presenting them, thusNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6changing the meaning -- at best.Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6The effectiveness of the Kremlin's use of Bytedance's Tiktok and other socialNov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6control media weapons is starting to be seen more and more:Nov 26 08:51
techtrights-sec6https://yle.fi/a/74-20127204Nov 26 08:51
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Games: Proton Experimental, Star Fox 64, and More ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Games_Proton_Experimental_Star_Fox_64_and_More.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Games_Proton_Experimental_Star_Fox_64_and_More.gmi ∎Nov 26 09:20
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 09:33
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schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> What the heck has happened to Mozilla? What is its mission? ☛ https://blog.mozilla.org/en/products/shopping-for-everyone-weve-got-you-covered-with-the-fakespot-holiday-gift-guide-2024/ | Source: MozillaNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Shopping for everyone? We’ve got you covered with the Fakespot Holiday Gift Guide 2024Nov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> And what on Earth does this have to do with the Web? ☛ https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/chicago-diaspora/ | Source: MozillaNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Diaspora: Where Southern, West African and Caribbean traditions come alive in ChicagoNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Does Mozilla strive to become a cuisine company? ☛ https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/chicago-la-humita/ | Source: MozillaNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | La Humita: 20 years of authentic Ecuadorian flavors in ChicagoNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Does Mozilla endorse WhatsApp now that it picked up managers from Facebook? ☛ https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/chicago-huwa/ | Source: MozillaNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pi-TechrightsBot-tr/#techrights- blog.mozilla.org | Huwa: From a WhatsApp group to sharing Palestinian olive oil with the worldNov 26 09:33
schestowitz-pianecdote: insurance company hid the opion of snail mail, but said yes, only when  I requested itNov 26 10:10
schestowitz-pithey don't like paper trailsNov 26 10:10
schestowitz-piexcept for themselvesNov 26 10:11
schestowitz-pia disadvantageNov 26 10:11
schestowitz-piSame for pension providers. This is grotesque, more so than offloading things to so-called "hey hi" to escape liability/accountability.Nov 26 10:11
techtrights-sec6nope. paper is evidenceNov 26 10:11
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Another one is, British banks keep telling you some services are online-only, but if one insists, then Nov 26 10:15
schestowitz-pisuddenly that's no longer the case. They do that in branch, too, with unhappy face. Online is not about speed. Any mistakes make? Blame the customer. Zero risk for the Nov 26 10:15
schestowitz-pirelevant to Tworkers, can always blame the customer after doing something he or she isn't even trained to do.Nov 26 10:15
schestowitz-pi<techrights-news> Some theorise that throwing people onto apps and online GUIs also mean they cannot negotiate or haggle, e.g. play one bank off against another or seek a Nov 26 10:15
schestowitz-pibetter deal. It's a blackbox of bad choices and dark patterns. Banks without branches or without in-branch services must be avoided and let to fail (as a business).Nov 26 10:15
schestowitz-pirelevant to TR??Nov 26 10:15
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 10:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  5 ways to get the best Linux support, no matter your skill level ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/5_ways_to_get_the_best_Linux_support_no_matter_your_skill_level.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/5_ways_to_get_the_best_Linux_support_no_matter_your_skill_level.gmi ∎Nov 26 11:34
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 11:39
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*psydroid2 (~psydroid@8p6k6zizq5nqc.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 11:51
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  KDE Plasma 6.2.4 Re-Enables HDR Mode for Users on NVIDIA 565 and Linux 6.11 ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/KDE_Plasma_6_2_4_Re_Enables_HDR_Mode_for_Users_on_NVIDIA_565_an.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/KDE_Plasma_6_2_4_Re_Enables_HDR_Mode_for_Users_on_NVIDIA_565_an.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:02
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  This Week in KDE Apps: Bugfixing Week ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/This_Week_in_KDE_Apps_Bugfixing_Week.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/This_Week_in_KDE_Apps_Bugfixing_Week.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:28
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Vendefoul Wolf – distro based on Devuan ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Vendefoul_Wolf_distro_based_on_Devuan.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Vendefoul_Wolf_distro_based_on_Devuan.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:31
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 12:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Best Free and Open Source Software, howtos and Installations ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software_howtos_and_Installations.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Best_Free_and_Open_Source_Software_howtos_and_Installations.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:38
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Call for volunteers: Help us with the GNU Press shop ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Call_for_volunteers_Help_us_with_the_GNU_Press_shop.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Call_for_volunteers_Help_us_with_the_GNU_Press_shop.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:39
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  7 Tricks to Make Learning the Linux Command Line Easier ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/7_Tricks_to_Make_Learning_the_Linux_Command_Line_Easier.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/7_Tricks_to_Make_Learning_the_Linux_Command_Line_Easier.gmi ∎Nov 26 12:56
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  PipeWire 1.2.7 Enhances ALSA Driver Handling and Adds Lazy Scheduling ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/PipeWire_1_2_7_Enhances_ALSA_Driver_Handling_and_Adds_Lazy_Sche.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/PipeWire_1_2_7_Enhances_ALSA_Driver_Handling_and_Adds_Lazy_Sche.gmi ∎Nov 26 13:08
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  After 16 Years, Pidgin 3 Takes Its First Steps ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/After_16_Years_Pidgin_3_Takes_Its_First_Steps.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/After_16_Years_Pidgin_3_Takes_Its_First_Steps.gmi ∎Nov 26 13:09
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴: Google Android Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Android_Leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Android_Leftovers.gmi ∎Nov 26 13:23
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 13:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 13:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Windows TCO Leftovers ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Windows_TCO_Leftovers.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Windows_TCO_Leftovers.gmi ∎Nov 26 13:49
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 14:14
*oarion7 (~ryan@e6jyc88uwxv5c.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 14:18
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Ubuntu, Mozilla, and C ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Ubuntu_Mozilla_and_C.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Ubuntu_Mozilla_and_C.gmi ∎Nov 26 14:21
techtrights-sec6not so much gratification, in the case of Russia, but an attempt to escapeNov 26 14:26
techrights-newsTechrights – Links 26/11/2024: Microsoft 360 Users Report Outages, Attacks on Journalists Plentiful Worldwide ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Links_26_11_2024_Microsoft_360_Users_Report_Outages_Attacks_on_.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Links_26_11_2024_Microsoft_360_Users_Report_Outages_Attacks_on_.gmi ∎Nov 26 14:28
schestowitz-piI had no idea being a social drinker would damage my liver by 31Nov 26 14:29
schestowitz-pihttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c30pre660mzoNov 26 14:29
schestowitz-pialcohol sales soared in russiaNov 26 14:29
schestowitz-pirotting one's brain for tewmporary gratification (alongwith other organs)Nov 26 14:29
schestowitz-pilatest daily links doneNov 26 14:29
schestowitz-pistadium jog nowNov 26 14:29
techtrights-sec6not so much gratification, in the case of Russia, but an attempt to escapeNov 26 14:29
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 14:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 14:33
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Firefox 134 Enters Beta, Promises Support for Touchpad Hold Gestures on Linux ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Firefox_134_Enters_Beta_Promises_Support_for_Touchpad_Hold_Gest.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Firefox_134_Enters_Beta_Promises_Support_for_Touchpad_Hold_Gest.gmi ∎Nov 26 14:36
techtrights-sec6https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2024/07/psychological-tension-driving-alcoholic-drink-demand-in-russia/Nov 26 15:18
techtrights-sec6https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-024-20674-8Nov 26 15:18
techtrights-sec6https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-region-proposes-curbs-alcohol-sales-citing-horrific-mortality-figures-2024-10-30/Nov 26 15:18
techtrights-sec6https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8607467/Nov 26 15:18
techtrights-sec6https://meduza.io/en/feature/2024/09/10/russia-had-one-of-the-world-s-highest-life-expectancy-gender-gaps-then-putin-sent-hundreds-of-thousands-of-men-to-warNov 26 15:18
schestowitz-pialcohol is quite cheapNov 26 15:27
schestowitz-piand quite damagingNov 26 15:27
schestowitz-pithe cheaper the worseNov 26 15:27
techtrights-sec6methanol is 'cheapest' Nov 26 15:27
schestowitz-piyou just take it onceNov 26 15:32
schestowitz-pihistory nooks say finns in ww2 drank "spirits" made for equipmentNov 26 15:32
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 15:33
techtrights-sec6possiblyNov 26 15:33
techtrights-sec6https://www.iflscience.com/the-finnish-soldier-who-took-his-entire-troops-methamphetamine-supply-while-skiing-away-from-the-russians-59459Nov 26 15:33
techtrights-sec6https://www.cracked.com/article_30516_meet-the-soldier-who-accidentally-had-an-epic-drug-trip-in-the-middle-of-wwii.htmlNov 26 15:33
techtrights-sec6back in some hoursNov 26 15:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 15:33
schestowitz-pihttps://babel.ua/en/texts/81071-alcohol-helped-in-the-war-if-it-was-consumed-in-moderation-we-talk-about-beer-wine-rum-vodka-and-of-course-about-cocktails-on-the-frontlineNov 26 15:38
schestowitz-pis-and-in-the-rear-of-the-second-world-war-history-in-archivalNov 26 15:38
schestowitz-pieven google is all SEONov 26 15:38
schestowitz-piand many results about loasNov 26 15:38
schestowitz-piI cannot find the info I recallNov 26 15:38
schestowitz-pihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapland_WarNov 26 15:42
schestowitz-pii no longer have confidence that the stories i resd were trueNov 26 15:42
schestowitz-pibut that could just be gafam's own amnesiaNov 26 15:42
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 16:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 16:33
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 17:33
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techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  elementary OS 8 “Circe” Officially Released, Based on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/elementary_OS_8_Circe_Officially_Released_Based_on_Ubuntu_24_04.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/elementary_OS_8_Circe_Officially_Released_Based_on_Ubuntu_24_04.gmi ∎Nov 26 18:05
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 18:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 18:33
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 19:33
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*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 21:33
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techtrights-sec6back brieflyNov 26 22:00
techtrights-sec6Hard to tell, wikipedia is becoming more and more propaganda, spreadingNov 26 22:00
techtrights-sec6first from the ICT policy articles (e.g. ODF v DOCX)  Russia is most activeNov 26 22:00
techtrights-sec6in propagana and has been rewriting WWII history the last 10 yearsNov 26 22:00
techtrights-sec6so it is not unlikely that they have gotten into the Lapland war articlesNov 26 22:00
techtrights-sec6afkNov 26 22:00
*psydroid2 has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 22:20
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*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 23:33
*ghostrider (~irc@jszxsbwaig39n.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 23:33
schestowitz-piWho is the far-right populist and Fentanylware (TikTok) star now leading Romania's presidential race? ☞ https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20241125-who-is-the-far-right-populist-and-tiktok-star-now-leading-romania-s-presidential-race Russia and China election meddling via social control mediaNov 26 23:37
*ghostrider has quit (connection closed)Nov 26 23:46
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*wallacer (~quassel@2x2w4qfz3wksg.irc) has joined #tuxmachinesNov 26 23:52
techrights-newsTechrights – Gemini Links 26/11/2024: Disease, Vibrations, and Grief ⇨ https://techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Gemini_Links_26_11_2024_Disease_Vibrations_and_Grief.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/n/2024/11/26/Gemini_Links_26_11_2024_Disease_Vibrations_and_Grief.gmi ∎Nov 26 23:55
techrights-news➲ 𝕿𝖚𝖝 𝕸𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘 ⨦ (NEW):  Celebrate Thanksgiving by switching from Windows 11 to Linux with elementary OS 8 ⇨ https://tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Celebrate_Thanksgiving_by_switching_from_Windows_11_to_Linux_wi.shtml | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.tuxmachines.org/n/2024/11/26/Celebrate_Thanksgiving_by_switching_from_Windows_11_to_Linux_wi.gmi ∎Nov 26 23:59

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