A Passing Fad
Microsoft is vapour(ware)soft. 'Open' "Hey Hi" (AI) traffic down about 10% this past month. It does not look like a revolution but an illusion thereof.
THE main IRC channel has been saying it for over a year already. Yes, that long indeed. LLMs have been falsely marketed, primarily by Microsoft. And Microsoft probably spent billions not just in electricity-related expenses but also "marketing" (i.e. spamming news sites with mindless hype, calling plausible sentence generators "intelligence" and accompanying/buffering this paid-for spam with gross exaggerations of the potential or hypothetical capabilities of these).
People have a go at it. Because they saw it in the media every day. They decide to give it a try. What can go wrong? The paid-for spam drowned out the criticism, or in other words actual journalism, so they maintain high expectations (the same modus operandi as the Gates Foundation).
They're shocked to discover it sucks at medical advice (getting it wrong like 90% of the time, as per one recent study), it fails legal advice and so much more. They've been lied to by the media; why not just search a reputable legal or medical site in pursuit of real advice from a real professional? A real professional won't fabricate cases that don't exist and excuse/dismiss that as merely an "hallucination" (euphemism for lie/falsehood/disinformation/malfunction).
The data and chart above got updated over the weekend. They speak for themselves. If Microsoft has bet on calling every single "product" (including Windows, which is merely being licensed) something like "Hey Hi" - boasting worthless gimmicks like Cortana (bloat that died due to abject lack of prospects), then expect Microsoft to continue losing share across every sector, i.e. same as last year.
Why are shareholders still putting money in this scam? Or are the main investors just playing with people's pension money... or money that does not even exist (debt)? Microsoft itself is rapidly sinking into debt because there's no proven way to make money from worthless LLMs that depend on billions in electricity bills and "marketing" (puff pieces and chaff). We're burning what's left of this planet just to pretend that Wall Street's GAFAM (those 5 are a huge component of S&P 500) still has a trick up its sleeve, just like "metaverse". Those companies are over-valued by a factor of 10, including Apple with its fantasy products.
We're no longer in the infancy of the "Great Bubble"; we're now in the middle of it. █