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Re: Draft: Security Alert Announce#1 Debian/GNU Linux#

In article <> Guy Maor <> writes:

> It's fine to recommend going to lprng, but what is our situation with
> regards to lpr?  I remember some discussion a while on debian-devel;
> is it our official policy to not support lpr?

Dan mentioned that he wants a smoother migration.

I agree that the current way of introducing LPRng is a bit
abrupt. However it is easier for me to release a new package that is
inherently more secure than to fix a package that at least I wanted to
obsolete anyway. When someone else takes over lpr: thats ok with me.

(This wasn't the first lpr security problem ...)

Currently I have one incompatibility that I couldn't solve: LPRng
seems to behave slightly differently when driving output filters, this
causes problems with netatalk.

Sven Rudolph <> ; WWW :

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