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Re: Draft: Security Alert Announce#1 Debian/GNU Linux#

In article <> Juergen Menden <> writes:

> On Thu, 31 Oct 1996, Sven Rudolph wrote:
> > 
> > However it is easier for me to release a new package that is
> > inherently more secure than to fix a package 
> well, i might be kassandra, but how can you do this? i mean
> "inherently more secure" isn't something which i would try
> to say about any software with more then 100 lines and which
> isn't verified useing mathematical methods, which i doubt
> have been used.

LPRng does not run as root, whereas lpr does. So even if you find a
bug in LPRng that causes it to run another program you won't get any
root priviliges.

Regarding CERT: Our job is to have it fixed before CERT Alerts
appear. After all, CERT isn't that fast ...

> > (This wasn't the first lpr security problem ...)
> which means that now it has a lot possible security
> holes closed and secured.

It still runs as root. Which is unnecessary.

> > Currently I have one incompatibility that I couldn't solve: LPRng
> > seems to behave slightly differently when driving output filters, this
> > causes problems with netatalk.
> and might break apsfilter or magicfilter? 

It works fine here with magicfilter and cti-ifhp.

Sven Rudolph <> ; WWW :

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