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Re: let's dump Qt

[ Please don't Cc: me when replying to this message on a mailing list ]

Craig Sanders <> writes:

> IMO, Qt's weird license seems pointless. If they just released their
> library under the GPL then it would be fine to write freeware with it
> (due to the GPL's in-built "license virus" :-), and they could also sell
> support, manuals, and a commercial license which enabled distributing
> non-freeware applications based on their library.

Actually, Qt might want to use the LGPL, the GNU Library General
Public License.

We also don't require that only the GPL can be used.  There are indeed
other freeware licenses that Debian allows.  But, they are usually
less restrictive than the GPL (for example, the BSD license).  I doubt
Qt would use one of them.

Daniel Quinlan <>     finger for PGP (at work) 
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