The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: 1. RFD: Reorganization of the Debian Project

Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> And I guess someone might remember one or two times when
> I've argued for having releases. See my recent post, "About
> organization (long)" for the latest one. I won't repeat it
> again.
> I'll just assert that not making releases will kill
> most people's interest in Debian.

There's a strong point here that needs to be developed:

saying that _we_ (debian's developers) should not release the
distribution is not like saying that will be _no_ distribution and
release, but that there will be _many_ Debian Distributions.
One or more of these could have an 'official' status being available on, other are available elsewere on ftp sites and/or CDs.
There could even be a group of volunteers (distinct from the group of
developers) that prepares those official distributions.

The scenery is:
 * developers put their packages into unstable where testers will
   download them for daily use. 
 * when a predefined number of testers report full positive checklists,
   the package (with the other which it is strictly related) is moved
   to stable where it _doesn't_ overwrite the older(s) version(s).
 * This move is made atomically (for example putting the tree offline)
   at fixed times (at least once a week).
 * Oldest packages are removed only after a certain amount of time
   (months) of existence of newer packages in stable, and/or when no
   one official distribution suggests them.
 * when a bug is raised against a package in stable, the package will
   be  "removed"/"moved back in unstable"/"overwritten by a new upload"
   depending on the gravity of the bug and on the speed in which it is
   (or could be) fixed.

In this scenery the stable tree holds more than one stable version of
each package.

A distribution is a list of packages (from stable) that can be used to
install a box | populate a mirror site | master a CD.

There could be specialized distributions and full site distributions:
for example
- I can see Bruce's firm (Software in the Public Interest) distributing
  one or more version of "Debian for Hams" both from the ftp site and
  in his CDs;
- A more general CD factory could use only the packages needed to build
  the official distributions and/or their own, and release 4 or 6 times
  per year;
- A factory interested in releasing a full Debian distribution can put
  the whole stable tree in its scheduled releases adding one CD
  (mastered more frequently) with only the upgrades;
- An highly specialized firm can master personalized CDs on request.
- ...(put here your commercial idea and become rich... :-)

An ftp mirror site could be handled in a similar way.

Does this scenery scare CD people?

More comments, please.

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