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Re: Is it time to abandon Dpkg?

(Oops, sent this only to Bruce last time...)

Bruce Perens wrote:
> > Everybody seems to be complaining about the dselect interface, but
> > nobody has actually _done_ anything about it.
> Well, it definitely needs doing. I'd suggest a better character-oriented
> user interface rather than an X one, as not all of our users run X, and there
> are other window systems on the horizion - X will eventually be replaced by
> something that runs Java directly to the display without all of the excess
> baggage and overhead of X.

Why not have both?  A good curses-oriented interface can ship with
dpkg.deb, and we can have dpkg-deliverance.deb as an optional package
in the x11 section.  (Okay, deliverance is a silly name, but it's
better than xdselect, right?)  As long as the X version is done by
Somebody Else, and is compatible with dselect, there shouldn't
be any problem.

> Since people seem to think dselect and dpkg are worth keeping, I think someone
> has to start working on a better dselect interface now. We're definitely
> snoozing on this issue, and if we don't do something about it we're gonna lose

If the new curses interface is going to be radically different,
perhaps we should call it something other than dselect.  I'll
start making sketches--anybody got any suggestions?  This is the
perfect time to start making them.


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