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Re: Rethinking UPMs package format

Dale Scheetz <> writes:

> Someone mentioned just such a dependency sorting tool recently on the
> lists but I can't remember who it was, or find anything in my mail archive
> about it. Whoever it was, please let me know. I also have an application
> fo this list sorter.

I think this was someone who was getting started, but didn't have
anything yet.

> Getting dselect to install in "proper" order is probably more appropriate
> than trying to push that back into dpkg. Specialy since there is already
> much dependency checking in dselect already.

However, this doesn't help people who want to work on alternate
install tools at all, which is all I'm concerned with at the moment.
Sometime this weekend I hope to finish an initial pass at the sorting

I thought that dselect already did the right thing, so I wasn't even
considering that.  If it turns out the tool I'm working on sorts
better than dselect's algorithm (which I highly doubt), then dselect
can just be modified to call it.


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