The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: WebStandard 3.0 Proposal

On Mon, 20 Jan 1997, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> The issues with WN are (from memory I am not the current maintainer!)
> 1. The inability to run cgi-bin binares from a directory named
>    /cgi-bin/directory/script-name.
> Solved by the 3.0 Proposal since scripts are in standard
> cgi-bin/script-name locations. No need anymore for your special c-program
> that you were intending to write.

wn support the two standard approaches: using cgi-bin directory;
or the .cgi suffix.

> 2. The need to put an index file into all directories from which webpages
>    are to be served and thus in /usr/doc/packagename.
> This means that WN needs to generate new "index" files in read-only space
> ONCE after a package is installed. There is no need for constant
> read-write access. 
> I think this can be solved for now by having a script included in the
> WN package to be run manually to update/generate those indexes. Since
> /usr/doc must be writable at package installation anyways that script
> could be run after packages have been installed to generate the needed
> files.
> Note that this is an issue only specific to one webserver. All other
> webservers (boa,ncsa,apache,cern) do not need anything like it.

This is the most direct and simplest approach.  An alternate that
I've implemented is to replicate the directory hierarch of /usr/doc.

> bruce >Is there anything that deals with .html.gz files yet? I am willing
> bruce >to live with it being uncompressed for now, but handling compressed
> bruce >pages _transparently_ is certainly a desirable feature. A CGI script
> bruce >could do it under some servers I know, perhaps not WN..
> It is better to keep .html uncompressed. It will probably difficult when
> porting a webserver to add that on-the-fly decompression and I really
> would like Debian to have all major webservers available.
> Also on-the-fly decompression is a severe strain on cpu-resources on a
> busy webserver because the uncompression has to be run for EACH and EVERY
> webpage access! My webserver champion right now is "boa" which is a
> specially speed/resource optimized webserver and on-the-fly decompression
> is incompatible with the goals of the design.

wn can easily handle compressed html pages transparently.  The
embedded links can be either to <name.html> or <name.html.gz> and
the correct page is served after being uncompressed.

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