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Re: WebApplications registering for a menu?

> On Wed, 22 Jan 1997, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> liw >[ Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list. ]
> liw >
> liw >Christoph Lameter:
> liw >> I really like Joost's menu package which is generating menus for X and
> liw >> textmode right now. Could we do the same for WebApplications too?
> liw >
> liw >Do you mean that web applications should be able to register themselves
> liw >into a web page?
> Yes. Exactly. From what I can glean of his menu package: It seems to be
> easy to just add another form of menu that would generate a file
> index.html with the necessary references.

I don't read the mailinglists daily, but for those who haven't
heard it yet: menu-0.11 (on your local mirror) has a file
/usr/doc/menu/examples/dwww, that can generate the menu.html
file (ok, I didn't know how to call the file, change one line
and the file is called "index.html"). (to make it work, copy
the file to /etc/menu-methods/dwww).

The file will need a "template" (called menu.html-menu, also in the
example dir, that needs to be copied to /var/www/menu.html-menu
for dwww to work. The generated "index.html" will look like: (see below).

> Perhaps we need also to standardize a web document root directory for this
> purpose (Ughh. This is surely contentious). WN, NCSA, BOA all use
> /var/www. Perhaps the generated index.html could be written to
> /var/www/index.html. If anyone wants a different location for the document
> root then just make a symlink to that location.

Or simly change the "rootprefix" in /etc/menu-methods/dwww.
This script is really very configurable (a few more changes, and
you're generating the fvwm2 system.rc file).

Personally, I don't think the config files (/etc/menu-methods/dwww)
stuff should be in the menu package, but rather in the dwww package.
That's why I didn't put the files in the right locations for the
menu package.

The current look of "index.html" (called /var/www/menu.html):

<TITLE>Debian Package Documentation</TITLE>

<h1><a name="/Debian">Debian Package Documentation</a></h1><ul>
<li><a href="#/Debian/Apps"> Apps</a> 
<li><a href="#/Debian/System"> System</a> 

<h1><a name="/Debian/Apps">Apps</a></h1><ul>
<li><a href="#/Debian/Apps/Programming"> Programming</a> 
<li><a href="#/Debian/Apps/Viewers"> Viewers</a> 

<h1><a name="/Debian/Apps/Programming">Programming</a></h1><ul>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/gclinfo/gclinfo/gcl_toc.html">Common Lisp</a>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/debiandoc-sgml/markup.html/index.html">Debian Formatting</a>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/dpkg/policy.html/index.html">Debian Prog. Policy</a>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/dpkg/programmer.html/index.html">Debian Programmer</a>

<h1><a name="/Debian/Apps/Viewers">Viewers</a></h1><ul>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/gv/gv.html">GhostView</a>

<h1><a name="/Debian/System">System</a></h1><ul>
<li><a href="file:/usr/doc/HOWTO/INDEX.html">Linux FAQ / HOWTO</a>


$ ls -al /var/www/menu.*
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root         1007 Jan 24 21:28 /var/www/menu.html
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root           79 Jan 23 22:21 /var/www/menu.html-menu

joost witteveen

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