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dpkg issues

On Thu, 20 Feb 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> I feel much more comfortable having Ian controling this design effort than
> any other person in the group. It is Ian who has been intermental in the
> developement of the package system we now have, and I trust him to add
> capabilities in a careful manner that is less likely to result in broken
> product.
> Our responsibility in this effort is to point out to Ian the areas of
> difficulty we have discovered within our various packages, rather than
> whine about having to put certain things in certain places.

They have been pointed out over and over and over again. There are obvious
design flaws in dpkg that are not addressed. There are issues with dselect
that are never addressed. There is a huge bug list that is not worked on.
There are urgent security concerns that dpkg should address (checksums +
suidmanagement for example) left alone. Developers have been left alone
with a complex maintenance intensive scheme of doing things manually that
would have been better automatized.

In short I feel dpkg has been abandoned and that is a big problem for the
project as a whole.

Instead of working on the issues Ian attacks those trying to offer
solutions, wastes time obstructing the release process (think about the X
issues when Debian 1.2 was released!) and alienates those with whom he
should cooperate.

I am sorry but I definitely would like to see another maintainer for dpkg
(or lets have a team so that the egos are not that hurt anymore...)

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