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Re: Switching to RPM (was Unidentified Subject!)

On Tue, 25 Feb 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> It's clear that nobody wants to switch.
> Erik Troan and I were discussing Debian's use of Red Hat code today
> (he read my complaint about Caldera/LST on debian-devel and suggested
> I use their stuff instead) . He offered to put in any amount of
> dependency support we wanted if we'd switch. It sounds like he's
> sincere.

we've already got a lot of RPM support with alien. why not offer to put
in as much extra RPM support as he wants if HE will switch?


actually, i'm only half joking - .deb is better than .rpm. from a
technical POV redhat would gain a lot by switching. 

unfortunately, from a PR perspective they'd probably lose a lot - maybe
call it a merger and rename .deb to .drpm or .rdeb or .rpm2 if they want
(.deb by any other name would work as well)....we may end up gaining
something significant here: we develop the back-end, and they fix up the
front-end user-interface problems.

However, unless development standards changed a lot we'd STILL have the
problem that redhat's rc.d/init.d & config file system is incompatibly
different to debian's.

'extra RPM support' probably means a tool to automatically convert rpm
source packages to .deb source format


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