The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Not switching to RPM, don't worry!

Bruce Perens wrote:
> OK. I'm not suggesting we ever even consider switching unless there
> is a 1:1 parity in system functionality and you can continue to use
> the tools you're used to.
> I suspect that given enough time the differences in functionality
> between the various package systems may become very small.

Can't we quicken this process setting up a "shared" (and closed) 
mailing list Debian-RedHat to discuss and debate about our 
differencies both for technical and policy?

I suspect that most differencies has "historical" reasons and could 
be solved with little effort.

I also think that a smarter "buildpackage" utility (a la new-debstd) 
plus the ability to install partially a package (which Ian has 
promised) could let the same package install differently on a Debian 
or Red Hat system (to solve the init/rc problem).

>         All free software - others sort of try to look like they are
>         all free software, but we're the only ones who really do it.
>         We can lose this one if we loosen our policies on what we
>         accept, so let's not do that.

I would like to propose a change in our policy here: let only 
packages in the system (stable) install under /usr, and install 
non-free and contrib under /opt . 
Such a decision shouldn't hurt RH's use of distributing everything, 
and our Free SW nature.
It also doesn't break FHS and would make happy some of us.

>         Non-profit organization - well, there's always FSF, but we
>         seem to be better at producing a product than they are.
>         I doubt any other non-profit would try to replace us unless
>         something really bad happened to Debian.

What packaging system uses (or will use) GNU for their hurd based 
system? Do they plan to build a new one or are willing to use dpkg?

>         Connections - people are publishing books on the commercial
>         systems rather than just Linux. So far we don't have that
>         kind of connections. This is something we should work on.

Maybe none of us will have time (and skills) to write a full book 
about Debian; maybe we can organize a book written by a hundred 
hands (and revisited by a professional writer).
Each of us could write a paragraph about what he knows better.
It shouldn't be impossible to convince Tim O'Reilly to publish it.


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