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Re: PRE-1.3: bad version of fvwm2 in frozen

On Mon, 12 May 1997, Dale Scheetz wrote:

> On Mon, 12 May 1997, Austin Donnelly wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > The version of fvwm2 in frozen (2.0.45-BETA-1) has numerous problems
> > with it: it mangles people's files, for one.  It may also have been
> > one of the versions which could only be used as an upgrade: I haven't
> > got my notes at work with me here to check.
> I've been testing all week with this version. I've only been doing fresh
> installs so far, but was going to move to upgrades next. Exactly what
> problems are we talking about so I can be on the look out?

The postinst used to call dpkg --compare-version with the wrong number
of arguments if a fresh install was being done.  This would fail, and
so the entire postinst would fail, but this change came in in -2, so
you shouldn't see it with -1.

The main problem is that 2.0.45-BETA-1 also blows away people's hooks
- a problem that's fixed in -4.

Also, user-generated menus work now, and so does the

Changes to the way the menu stuff is used so that it actually works:
there have been quite a few changes in this department.  Most of the
bugs outstanding against fvwm2 have been fixed in -4.


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