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Re: how to fix xterm

isn't that pretty much the pty-wrapper idea that Ted T'so proposed a
while back?  [Don't know if I'd bother with the environment variables,
you can just specify a fixed set of fd's up front and use dup2 to make
it work.]  It's certainly a good idea; the xterm sources are
sufficiently complex/arcane/twisted that it might be *very* hard to
actually make it work.  (I'd think about doing a "subprocess" version
as well, though, for something like screen to use... it would probably
require that your OS has sendmsg(fd), but doesn't even linux have that
by now?)

I've also seen mention of a "ptyserver" idea, though again that
probably used sendmsg to shuffle the fd's.  If you can hide it all
behind a decent "getpty" interface, it's probably worth it.

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