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Re: how did this happen?

Brian White <> writes:

> > I noticed that there was new stuff in bo, even this morning.
> > 
> > Got bo/binary-all/doc/lg-issue17_1-1.deb 442332
> > Got bo/binary-all/doc/lg-issue16_1-3.deb 275546
> > Got bo/binary-all/devel/automake_1.0-4.deb 151504
> > Got bo/binary-all/devel/kernel-headers-2.0.30_2.0.30-7.deb 712256
> > Got bo/binary-all/devel/kernel-headers-2.0.29_2.0.29-7.deb 699938
> I'm not sure how these got installed, but I did _not_ approve them!  Guy?
> Looking at them, though, the only potential problem I can see is automake.
> The first two are documentation only and the last two are probably only
> minor packaging changes.

The only change to automake was /bin/perl -> /usr/bin/perl, which btw,
makes it unusable on a pure-bo system.  (ie - wasn't upgraded to bo).


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