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Re: Interesting dpkg issue, plus thoughts...

On 11 Jul 1997, Klee Dienes wrote:

>You are absolutely right.  There are scores of limitations in dpkg
>that urgently need to be fixed, and the possibilities for desirable
>enhancements are almost countless.  Publically berating the dpkg
>maintainers, however, does little to improve the situation.

Sorry for the tone that came out. I have heard these arguments from Dale
for awhile now. You have certainly done quite a bit for dpkg but it does
not seem to be enough to clean out all the problems we have. 

>Dpkg is a large, complex, and convoluted piece of software.  I (and
>others) are working hard to clean it up and improve it, but there is
>much to be done.  As always, I welcome the assistance of anyone who
>would like to help me in my efforts.  Contact me privately, and I can
>suggest one of at least a dozen places to contribute.

Look through the bug archive. There is one or the other patch from
me there. I dont have much time for that anymore but I used to half a year

And in the last months I have grown rather skeptical regarding dpkgs
future. I tend to think more and more that we have build an excellent file
system structure and tools but it might be wise to keep the structure and
dump the package manager. Chris Fearnley's support of the new rpm
derived manager indicates that others are thinking around the same

>I recently added a mechanism to dpkg-source to allow it to build a
>package in a chrooted environment, using a specified set of binary
>packages as a compilation base.  The only problem was that the build,
>though chrooted, was still running as root, and I was having trouble
>coming up with a clean way to build existing packages as non-root
>without having to replace all of the 'chmod/chown/install' packages
>and their siblings.


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