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Re: load on master?

there's a long lived bug (it has been there for years, afaik) in
glimpseindex that I have a crude patch for; basically it ends up
spinning around rereading the same 64K block over and over... I run a
version of glimpseindex which printf's every time the bug is
triggered.  index/build_in.c, line 1111:

 	    for (offset = 0; offset < stbuf.st_size; offset += BLOCK_SIZE) {
+	        if (residue == BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		  fprintf(stderr, "Bogus residue - inode %d file size %d offset %d\n",
+			  stbuf.st_ino, stbuf.st_size, offset);
+		  residue = 0;
+		}
 		offset -= residue;

Sometimes it doesn't print at all -- sometimes it triggers a few dozen
times in a single run.  When it does trigger, it is avoiding an
infinite loop; I don't know that it's *right* (the glimpse code has,
well, "design weaknesses" to put it politely :-) but the alternative
is wrong, so...

I believe I sent this patch in as part of a bug report already.

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