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Re: new definition of non-free

On 24 Jul 1997, Guy Maor wrote:

> While I do agree that there's no point in keeping contrib and non-free
> separate on the archive if our official CD will not carry them, I am
> concerned with the strictness of your policy:
> Christian Schwarz <> writes:
> >     - Packages in "main" have to apply to the DFSG _and_ may not declare 
> >       `Depends' or `Recommends' on packages outside of "main"
> I think there are a fair number of packages which are free, but depend
> or recommend non-free or non-US packages (for example all the programs
> that work with pgp).

What about keeping contrib and non-free then, but change the policy for
contrib? For example:

   - Packages in "contrib" have to apply to the DFSG as well. This
     distribution is thought for packages that depend on 
     non-free/non-us/contrib packages or which are "wrapper packages" for
     other software products (either commercial or non-commercial).

Note, that this is a change in policy: All packages without source, for
example, would have to be moved from contrib to non-free then. However, it
will be clear then, that `non-free' means `not-dfsg-compliant'.

How many packages would be in such a "contrib" directory? I'm not sure if
it's worth the troubles if there are only few packages.

> Whether we do decide to merge contrib into non-free, I really think we
> need another directory in non-free - copyrights, which contains the
> copyright files out of each package.  I can very easily do this
> automatically.  Even better is someone (Vitamin D obviously) would
> periodically review all those copyrights and summarize the
> restrictions in one file.

Yes, that's a very good idea. I propose to change policy so that the
/usr/doc/*/copyright files actually contain the _license_. (Some packages
ship "LICENSE" files and have a short "copyright" file. This would break
such a script.)



--          _,,     Christian Schwarz
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